How to properly glue wide meter-long or standard non-woven wallpaper on a wall: what glue to use, technique for performing the work. How to glue non-woven wallpaper: nuances that make your work easier How to glue non-woven wallpaper

There are two types of non-woven wallpaper on sale: with a pattern and plain (suitable for painting). If you choose a single-color option, you can repaint the walls 8-12 times in the future, which opens up incredible opportunities for regular renovation updates.

There is a peculiarity of gluing non-woven wallpaper that has helped out many inexperienced gluers: such wallpaper hides perfectly minor defects on the walls, if suddenly some unevenness or cracks remain after all the leveling and sanding. It is thanks to this feature that gluing non-woven wallpaper is very easy and you can do it yourself without any problems, even without experience.

To purchase sufficient quantity material, first make accurate calculations: measure the height and length separately for each wall. When calculating the number of rolls, do not forget that you need to add 10-30 centimeters of reserve to the resulting height of the room (the larger the pattern, the greater the increase). Before making a purchase, check that all the rolls are from the same batch (the number is indicated on the package), so as not to find wallpaper at home of a different shade or even with different patterns.

Preparing the room for gluing non-woven wallpaper.

Before gluing non-woven wallpaper with your own hands, start by leveling the walls (be especially careful in preparation if you purchased wide wallpaper - the accuracy of the joints depends on your diligence during the preparatory work).

Turn off the power to all sockets and switches and unscrew them, insulate the wires so that moisture does not penetrate them during operation.

If possible, remove the baseboard.

Scroll necessary tools.

Don’t skimp when purchasing tools for gluing non-woven wallpaper: a regular knife or scissors can dent or tear your new wallpaper; an old scratched spatula will not allow you to achieve it perfectly. flat surface walls when leveling and so on.

So, gluing non-woven wallpaper with your own hands requires the following items:

  • measuring tape, pencil;
  • level and plumb;
  • glue for non-woven base, glue container and roller;
  • polyethylene;
  • soft brush, plastic spatula;
  • roller for rolling edges.

The first step is to start marking the walls. Start from the corner (here the wallpaper will be glued overlapping). Measure one meter from the corner in both directions and draw vertical lines at this distance. From these lines, measure the width of your wallpaper and draw the following lines (they will indicate the joint). Continue marking all walls.

Cover the floor with polyethylene and lay out wallpaper front side down. Measure the required length of the piece and fold the roll to make an even fold, cut the wallpaper with a knife.

You can cut one piece at a time and glue it, or immediately prepare wallpaper for the entire room and roll it into not too tight rolls with the pattern (or color) inward.

Prepare special glue and start applying it to the wall under the first cut. The rule for gluing non-woven wallpaper is very simple: start gluing from the ceiling and level it down, from the middle to the edge, using a brush (roller).

Once the second piece is glued, use a seam roller.

Cut off the remaining stock of wallpaper from the bottom when the glue has dried (do not forget that the wallpaper should be left with the expectation that it will be slightly pressed against the wall by the baseboard).

In preparation for wallpapering, take the time to Special attention corners of the room. If you use plastic corners, which are attached to wet putty, the result will be as neat as possible.

Coat the corner with glue especially carefully, place the panels overlapping (preferably no more than three centimeters).

How to hang non-woven wallpaper on the ceiling.

First of all, prepare the surface: the ceiling should be clean and dry. It's good if you prime it before pasting.

Gluing non-woven wallpaper to the ceiling will not bring any unpleasant surprises: it will mask defects, will not stretch, will lie flat and without bubbles.

Technique correct gluing on the ceiling is extremely simple. There is no need to adjust the fabric to the joint: they should be placed overlapping, and the excess edge should be cut off along the edge of the previous piece. This way you can achieve a ceiling without seams.

Additional Information.

Before hanging non-woven wallpaper, watch the video. A good example will help you do everything correctly yourself without bubbles and without seams - just follow the instructions of the master from the video of gluing walls with non-woven wallpaper.

Wallpaper is perhaps the most comfortable material For self-finishing walls, and non-woven wallpaper became the most popular. Non-woven fabric has many advantages over traditional paper base– it is more flexible, allows you to paste wallpaper on uneven walls no bubbles or creases. In addition, non-woven wallpaper does not need to be coated with glue, which greatly simplifies the gluing process. To properly hang wallpaper on a non-woven basis, it is enough to know the basic techniques of this work, and the skill will appear after gluing the first canvases.

Purchasing wallpaper and necessary materials

Before gluing wallpaper, you need to measure the room and draw its plan, taking into account the length, width and height of the room, as well as windows and doors. The calculation must be carried out after specifying the length of the roll - it can be 10, 15, or 20 meters. The length of the roll is divided by the height of the wall, the resulting integer will mean the number of whole strips in the roll. The perimeter of the room, minus windows and doors, is divided by the width of the roll, giving total stripes It is divided by the number of whole strips in the roll, and you get required amount rolls If the roll is divided into strips with practically no residue, it is better to buy one more roll for pasting the space above the door and windows. For wallpaper with large drawing, requiring selection, it is necessary to take into account the allowance for selecting the pattern.

In addition to wallpaper you will need:

  • Materials for leveling walls;
  • Wallpaper adhesive selected taking into account the recommendations of the wallpaper manufacturer. For moisture-intensive walls - concrete or plastered - a primer is also required, preferably from the same manufacturer;
  • A soft roller and brush for processing corners and other critical areas;
  • A container for glue, such as a plastic bucket. The width of the container should be sufficient to wet the roller with glue;
  • Hard roller for rolling wallpaper;
  • Scissors or a utility knife for cutting wallpaper;
  • Plumb.

Preparing the walls

In order for the wallpaper to stick well and not come off afterwards, the walls must be carefully prepared. This work must be completed before finishing work begins.

Gluing non-woven wallpaper

As already mentioned, when pasting walls, it is not necessary to apply glue to the wallpaper; the exception is when work is carried out in the hot season, when the glue on a concrete or plasterboard surface is instantly absorbed and dries. Before starting work, it is necessary to close all windows and doors to prevent drafts.

Non-woven wallpaper - excellent finishing material, a wide selection of colors and textures will allow you to create uniform design, and the wallpaper will harmonize perfectly with any floor or ceiling covering.

Where to begin?

Before you start when pasting walls, it is worth studying non-woven wallpaper, its pros and cons and also features of working with such finishing. IN professionals are well versed in this, and If you want to entrust the work knowledgeable people, you can contact company — they renovate apartments without prepayment.

Non-woven trellises are a rolled finishing material made from cellulose fibers impregnated with polymer. On the market you can find both products made from pure non-woven fabric and wallpaper on a non-woven basis with vinyl covering front layer.

Based on the structure of the front layer, smooth and textured trellises are distinguished. By color - colored and intended for painting (white). The instructions on the roll contain information about the material (width, texture, need to join the pattern), so you should study it carefully before purchasing.

Non-woven wallpaper has both pros and cons. Key benefits:

  1. Density and strength.
  2. Permeability to air and water vapor: walls can “breathe”.
  3. Good moisture resistance, easy to care for.
  4. Easy dismantling: vinyl peels off from non-woven base
  5. One-time finishing treatment. The adhesive is applied only to the wall, and the roll itself does not need to be processed.


  1. High price.
  2. The need for regular cleaning of dust with a vacuum cleaner or damp sponge.
  3. Vulnerability of the textured vinyl layer to mechanical damage.

If the listed shortcomings did not scare you, and you chose this material, it’s worth understanding in detail how to properly glue non-woven wallpaper.

Which glue to choose?

The result of the work directly depends on correct selection glue. Non-woven wallpaper is demanding on the quality of adhesives, so it’s not worth saving on purchases.

To work with this material, it is better to purchase special adhesive mixtures based on dry modified starches. The glue is prepared immediately before finishing. The soaked composition must be mixed thoroughly. The more uniform the glue is, the better.

Basic requirements for glue for non-woven wallpaper:

  1. Good adhesion to both the base and the wallpaper itself.
  2. Thick texture, making it easy to apply in an even, thin layer.
  3. Lack of intrinsic color (does not turn yellow when dry).
  4. No reaction with pigments (for those intended for painting).

You can find many specialized brands on the market today. But if you want to guarantee results, then you should purchase one of the proven options:

  • Metylan "Ultra Premium Interlining" - in addition to starch, contains polymer components. Adheses well to any surface, incl. drywall without putty and cork. Requires a more liquid dilution than indicated in the instructions, otherwise it will dry out quickly.
  • Quelyd “Special non-woven fabric” is notable for its antifungal and antibacterial additives that protect walls from the appearance of mold under the wallpaper. In a liquid state it glides well, and this helps to join the canvases when fitting. Suitable for gluing dense trellises for painting.
  • KLEO Extra Non-woven - also contains antifungal additives. Can be used for both standard trellises and nonwovens for painting. It is not advisable to use it for white wallpaper: sometimes the glue reacts with the surface and contrasting yellow spots appear on the finish.
  • PUFAS is a line of adhesives that includes compositions for working with non-woven materials. “EURO 3000 Non-woven special” is the easiest to work with and the leader in adhesion quality. If you are gluing wallpaper for the first time, then in order not to miss sections of the wall when applying it, you can take material with a color indication.

There are other worthy brands. But to guarantee results, it is better to use proven glue.

Preparing the walls

The next factor on which the quality of the finish depends is the preparation of the walls. Non-woven fabric adheres well to concrete, plaster, putty, drywall, wood boards(plywood, OSB) and other materials.

Optimal wall preparation algorithm:

  1. Surfaces are cleaned of old decoration: wallpaper, decorative plaster, paints, etc. If old paint It holds tightly, it needs to be sanded with a medium-grained abrasive and removed from dust.
  2. The plane of the surface is controlled by the rule. If there are differences of more than 10 mm per 2 m, bulges and depressions of more than 5 mm, leveling will have to be carried out. The walls are leveled with putty and sanded with sandpaper.
  3. After leveling, primer is applied. Penetrating acrylic primer will not only strengthen the base, but also reduce its moisture capacity: water from the glue will leave more slowly, and non-woven wallpaper will hold more firmly. You need to prime in two steps, taking a break between approaches of 3-4 hours. Instead of a penetrating primer, you can use thinly diluted wallpaper glue.
  4. Immediately before gluing, markings are applied to the walls. A starting vertical line is drawn at a distance of 1 meter from the corner (controlled by a level). Segments equal to the width of the roll are laid off from the starting line (standard - 1.06 m), and vertical lines are drawn to join the wallpaper.

Gluing non-woven wallpaper

The gluing process itself begins with cutting:

1.Cleanly washed or made up plastic film The floor roll is laid face down. Measured with a tape measure required length(room height + minimum 10-15 mm margin). The roll is bent along its length and cut along the fold.

When cutting, the curvature of the room is also taken into account.

2. If it is necessary to join the pattern, then the next roll is cut with a margin. It is better to do the joining before cutting.

3. The adhesive mixture is prepared in advance (this will give the composition time to swell). If you are just mastering the technology of working with non-woven wallpaper, prepare the glue in batches. This way it will not have time to polymerize and reduce adhesion.

4. Ready glue mixture applied to the wall with a roller or brush. The width of the applied strip should be greater than the width of the roll - this will make it easier to fix the edge.

5. A strip of wallpaper, cut to size, is laid on the wall covered with glue and straightened from top to bottom, and its edge is aligned with the markings.

6. The surface of the wallpaper is smoothed to remove bubbles and wrinkles. Excess material from above and below is cut off with a sharp knife (a spatula is used as a guide).

7. The next canvas is glued according to a similar pattern. When gluing, the edges of the canvases and the drawings on them are joined. The joint must be made as tight as possible: after the glue dries, the non-woven fabric does not deform and cracks do not form.

8. The canvases in the corners are glued overlapping. After gluing, excess material is cut off with a sharp knife. To avoid the appearance of a gap, the two layers are pressed tightly with a spatula and cut through. After this, the edges are glued and pressed again.

Caring for non-woven wallpaper after gluing is completed is simple: just wipe the joints of the panels with a damp sponge to seal them and remove any excess glue that has emerged. The glue also needs to be removed from the ceiling - the sooner this is done, the less the risk that stains will remain.

Bye adhesive composition not dry, it is advisable to protect the room from drafts and temperature changes. These effects can lead to peeling of the wallpaper and the formation of bubbles. Painting walls covered with non-woven material can only be done after completely dry glue.

We hope that the above instructions helped you understand the technology of gluing non-woven wallpaper. Now is the time to start practicing: follow the recommendations, don’t rush - and the result will be beyond praise!

Date: 06/06/2017

When starting renovations, many people wonder how to glue non-woven wallpaper? First, it’s worth explaining what the term “non-woven fabric” means.

Non-woven fabric is a material with a non-woven structure, created like regular paper from cellulose fibers. It is not surprising that such wallpaper looks like paper. Hence the second name - “improved paper”, which non-woven fabric received due to its high strength and fire resistance properties.

Types of non-woven wallpaper

It's no secret that non-woven wallpaper is a wallpaper that contains non-woven material.

Non-woven wallpaper

Exists a large number of varieties of wallpaper, but among non-woven wallpaper there are two main types:

  1. Wallpaper consisting entirely of non-woven fabric.
  2. Non-woven wallpaper with vinyl coating.

Both wallpapers are popular in the wallpaper market, and many consumers give preference to these categories of wallpaper. However, when it comes to the pasting process, the issue becomes pressing.

To begin with, let’s answer at least one important question: Why choose non-woven wallpaper?

There are a number of reasons for this:

  1. Non-woven wallpaper has an increased degree of strength.
  2. They do not fade in the sun.
  3. Meets fire safety requirements.
  4. Keep warm.
  5. They don't let sound through.
  6. Wide product range on the market.
  7. Available in different price ranges (from economy class to premium class).
  8. Easy to clean, not afraid of water.

How to glue non-woven wallpaper

The basics of how to hang non-woven wallpaper

Each of us has hung wallpaper at least once in our lives, and we have a rough idea of ​​this process. For such people, their valuable experience will be a significant plus. After all, the process of pasting wallpaper that contains non-woven fabric is practically no different from pasting ordinary wallpaper.

If you have never engaged in this type of repair, then a lot of new and unexpected discoveries in this area await you.

The gluing process includes three main stages:

  1. Preparatory.
  2. Sticking.
  3. Final.

During the first stage, it prepares the ground for further work. Namely: there is a choice of wallpaper, purchase of glue and the necessary tools, cleaning the walls of old wallpaper, leveling the walls, puttying, priming, removing dirt and debris, diluting the glue.

Tools for gluing non-woven wallpaper

Not all of the listed points must be observed. For example, if the walls of the room in which the renovation is planned are smooth, then the stage of leveling, puttying and priming the walls can be omitted.

Moving on to the second stage - gluing, it is worth saying that this key moment, which will give the desired result. That is why this stage must be approached with great responsibility.

The third stage - the final stage - includes all the work to bring the newly wallpapered room clean and tidy.

And now more about each of the stages.

Leveling walls for non-woven wallpaper

How to glue non-woven wallpaper: preparatory stage

Wallpaper selection

When you decide to renovate your home, first of all, you decide for yourself what look you want to give to your home. If previously the walls of the house were dominated by dark shades, now you may want to bring more light colors into the rooms. Or dilute the design home interior bright rich colors. The choice is yours.

The pattern depicted on the wallpaper is perhaps the most important problematic component when choosing new wallpaper. However, there are others. These include such parameters as: size (length and width), strength, moisture resistance and others.

Buying glue and tools.

How to glue non-woven wallpaper when you have already purchased it but don’t have it necessary tools? The gluing process depends not so much on the necessary tools, but on the availability of wallpaper, glue and prepared walls.

Selection of non-woven wallpaper

Non-woven wallpaper requires special professional non-woven glue. It can be bought at any hardware store, or order from the online store (depending on your desire).

Speaking about the required tools, it is better (although far from necessary) to purchase a professional paint roller, a regular wallpaper roller, a wallpaper roller for corners, a sponge, a tape measure, scissors, a knife, a pencil, a rag, a bucket, a basin - the list goes on. The most necessary items on the list are a roller, a knife, a basin and a supply of clean rags (cloth will be needed to remove excess traces and keep the floor of the room crystal clean).

Wall cleaning

The more seriously you take internal training room in which the pasting will take place, the more fruitful the process will be and, accordingly, the more harmonious the result.

Peeling off wallpaper

Before moving on to the answer to the question of how to properly glue non-woven wallpaper, free up space in the room and start separating old wallpaper from the walls. If you plan to glue from scratch, on bare walls, then this is the second question.

So, what does room preparation include? Remove paintings, mirrors and other interior items from the wall that interfere with the gluing process. To ensure that the wallpaper does not tear or deteriorate when gluing, knock out the nails from the walls. To do this, you can use a nail puller or a drill (if there are screws screwed into the walls).

If there is a lot of furniture in the room, the objects must be moved to an adjacent room while the wallpaper is being applied. This approach will free up the necessary space for laying out fresh wallpaper.

When peeling off old wallpaper, use a broom to go through the dirty corners of the room, collect the remaining debris from the floor so that dirt and dust do not stick to the wallpaper

Peeling off wallpaper with a spatula

Alignment of walls

How to glue non-woven wallpaper on uneven walls, will the image be distorted and will they be deformed subsequently? – These and other questions are asked by people when planning renovations.

Uneven wall surface a big problem for household members. But you don’t have to accept the problem, it just needs to be fixed. The action is not difficult to do, the main thing is to know the basics of putty and primer. All you need to do is dilute cement-sand mortar and carefully apply it to clean walls using a special tool. Mastering the skill of working as a plasterer is an easy and interesting task; do not be afraid to boldly learn the professional art.

How to glue non-woven wallpaper: gluing stage

Having passed preparatory stage work, let's proceed to the main part - gluing. The first thing to do is measure the height of the room and prepare the wallpaper.

Measuring the height of the room

After freeing the first roll of wallpaper from the packaging, stretch the roll to the entire height of the room, make a mark so that you know where to cut the sheet of wallpaper.

Tip: if the height of the room is the same, you can prepare several sheets of wallpaper, this will save you from the need to measure sheets one by one.

Having prepared the sheets for gluing, begin diluting the glue. Let us remind you that the glue must be non-woven, otherwise the wallpaper may not stick.

Instructions for diluting the glue are indicated on the packaging. In order to prepare the glue of the desired consistency, you will need several liters clean water, as well as a deep container (preferably a basin).

Advice: do not dilute all the powder at once, there may be too much glue and it will spoil.

Considering that the glue quickly turns sour, it is better to do it in small parts. This way you will save powder and save yourself from unnecessary purchases during your next repair.

Applying glue to walls for non-woven wallpaper

So, by cutting the strips and diluting the glue, the question of how to glue non-woven wallpaper can finally be resolved.

Apply the prepared glue using a sponge or clean rag to the wall. It is necessary to maintain a glue application distance equal to the width of the wallpaper. This technique will avoid premature drying of the paint and save it.

Once the adhesive has been applied to the wall, take the first sheet of wallpaper (preferably with a second person helping you) and carefully place it against the damp wall. Start smoothing the sheet from the center to all sides until the sheet fits snugly against the wall. If there are bubbles under the wallpaper, carefully pierce them with a needle: the air will come out and the unsightly irregularities will disappear.

Smoothing non-woven wallpaper on the wall

During gluing, a layer of glue applied too thickly may extend beyond the wallpaper. In order not to stain them, wipe it with a rag.

Thus, one by one, glue the wallpaper strips end-to-end to each other.

How to glue non-woven wallpaper: the final stage

The gluing process is complete and you can be congratulated, however, do not rush to bring things and furniture back into the room. First of all, look carefully at the bottom and top of the walls: do the edges of the wallpaper look harmonious? Perhaps it would not hurt to cut them, to do this, take a sharp stationery knife and carefully align the curved edges.

Feel free to throw away tiny remnants of wallpaper, save large scraps: they may come in handy. If the diluted glue remains, but you do not plan to glue it in the near future, it is better to get rid of it. Carefully seal the untouched powder and put it away with the rest of the wallpaper.

Tip: do not open the windows during and after wallpapering. They may not be able to withstand the floods fresh air and will begin to peel off.

By removing the edges of the wallpaper and removing construction material, wipe the floor in the room in several waters: glue solution difficult to wash off. To ensure that the floor does not remain sticky, it is enough to wipe the floors three times warm water with detergent.

At this point the pasting process can be considered complete. After about a day, the wallpaper will finally dry, and the interior of the house will take on a new shape. Now you have invaluable experience in gluing non-woven wallpaper, and in the future it will not be difficult for you to repeat new skills.

How to glue non-woven wallpaper