Viennese curtains for the kitchen. Austrian curtains. In the color of the walls

Decorating the interior of the room in a strict classic style, it’s worth taking a closer look at Austrian curtains. Their appearance and the manufacturing principle is somewhat similar to the French models. However, they look more modest and practical, so they will fit perfectly into almost any design solution.

Austrian curtains- This is a smooth canvas with a slightly gathered edge. Some models may have lush drapery.

Combining Roman and French model, Austrian curtains have separate sections of fabric that are gathered in ruffles or thick gathers at the bottom. They will perfectly decorate a room decorated in Baroque or classicism style. Complemented with bright piping, tassels, cords, ruffles or fringe.

How curtains work is based on a special mechanism with which the curtains are raised and lowered. To regulate the curtains, there are cords pulled through the rings and secured to the curtain rod. The cords are responsible for both functional and decorative load, as they help shape the edge of the canvas and the density of the assembly.

In order to achieve pomp over the entire height, you need to drape the top edge of the curtain. In this case, a special tightening braid is used or folds are made manually.

Similarities between Roman and Austrian curtains consist of a lifting mechanism, however, unlike the first type, Viennese models do not have horizontal bars. This feature makes it easy to assemble the fabric into folds. The curtains do not move apart along the cornice, but only rise.

Viennese models are actively used as an independent element for window opening or hung together with lambrequins, curtains.

Austrian curtain in the interior

Not so long ago, Austrian curtains could only be seen on windows in classical-style rooms. However, their use has expanded somewhat and today these models increasingly decorate dining rooms, kitchens and bedrooms of different design ideas. Because it's not only beautiful, but also a comfortable canvas in which you can easily adjust the height.

Australian curtains will decorate the window opening and elevate it.

They look most impressive in large living rooms, as they remind us of ballrooms, celebrations, thereby creating a festive atmosphere.

Often, the Austrian curtain in the living room interior is complemented by other types of curtains to create a luxurious and unique interior.

When decorating a children's room, you need to remember that the child's home should be as bright and comfortable as possible. Therefore, it is not recommended to hang plastic blinds or heavy curtains on children's windows.

Austrian must:

Thanks to the lifting mechanism, the canvas can be lowered to the window sill or a little higher, then the baby will not be able to reach it and tear it off. In addition, these curtains are dust-resistant and less likely to get dirty.

Austrian curtains- leaders in kitchen window decoration. Their popularity is explained by the fact that Viennese curtains for the kitchen:

  • can be easily adjusted and fixed at the desired height;
  • small, take up little space, leaving extra bed to use window space;
  • give a festive mood;
  • sewn from simple synthetic materials, which are resistant to moisture, odors and are easy to clean.

When decorating the kitchen window space, choose traditional classic model. If the room is made in country style, then select Austrian curtains from stripes, checks or delicate floral patterns.

Fabric selection

To sew an Austrian curtain, you need to choose a material that drapes well. Dense and heavy fabrics do not hold folds well and can form creases. It is best to pay attention to light, delicate and translucent materials that do not wrinkle.

Preference is given to the following fabrics:

  • atlas;
  • microveil;
  • polyester;
  • organza;
  • chintz;
  • taffeta;
  • silk.

You should not choose bulk materials, as they are difficult to process. The color of Austrian curtains should harmoniously fit and complement color scheme general interior rooms.

Quite popular today There has become a tendency to sew curtains and other textile decorative elements from the same fabric.

However, when choosing fabric, you need to take into account the lighting of the room. For example, in a room whose windows face north, it is not recommended to hang curtains in very dark shades.

Viennese style for interior child's window Suitable for both toddlers and teenagers. The main thing is to choose the right fabric. Light translucent fabric or fabric with bright spring patterns is suitable for a preschooler's room. For children school age The choice of curtains is divided depending on gender: a girl can hang curtains with a floral print, and a boy can choose more saturated shades of the fabric.

Having settled on Austrian curtains, you should give preference to plain fabrics or fabrics with small, discreet patterns. Drapery on curtains partially covers large ornaments, so they may lose their attractiveness. In order to create an interesting effect, you can choose fabric with vertical stripes.

When decorating a window in a kitchen, it is very important to combine aesthetics and functionality, because in most apartments and houses the dining and kitchen areas are usually located in the same room. Difficult task? It will be easier to solve it if you pay attention to Austrian or Viennese curtains. According to the control method, they belong to the lifting type, according to the length - to the family of short curtains, and their design can be both modest and sophisticated.

Have you also decided to choose beautiful Austrian curtains for your kitchen? This selection of photographs contains fashionable and practical interior solutions in which kitchen windows are decorated with Viennese curtains.

What are the benefits of Austrian curtains in the kitchen?

Choosing the type of curtains for kitchen window, it makes sense to take a closer look at Viennese curtains. They represent a good compromise between elegant curtains and functional roller curtains. Austrian curtains are characterized by a number of advantages that make this type of curtain ideal solution for kitchen:

  • They are short in length, and for kitchen premises preferable short curtains: the area of ​​pollution is smaller and does not take up space. If it's next to the window kitchen sofa, table or other furniture - it is better to choose short Austrian curtains.

  • Viennese curtains are one of the few types of curtains that are suitable for windows located above the sink. This space configuration is relatively new for domestic kitchens, although it is common in the West. But now in our private cottages this option is increasingly being used: many people like to do household chores while looking at the landscape outside the window. It is clear that long curtains You can’t place them above the sink, but the Austrian ones are easy.

  • From a fire safety point of view, lifting Viennese curtains in the kitchen are also preferable to long curtains and even short flowing curtains. By raising the Austrian curtains, you can safely prepare even flambé dishes.

  • Short curtains are easier to remove and wash. This is also a big plus, because in the kitchen curtains get dirty much faster than in rooms.

  • However, Austrian curtains will be less dirty than sliding curtains. After all, they rise with the help of a cord. Can be installed in the kitchen and automatic control lifting curtains: pressed the button and fixed them in the required position. It probably won’t surprise anyone to use a remote control for these purposes. remote control. IN " smart homes» Even voice control is possible!

  • In most kitchens, people not only cook, but also have breakfast, lunch, dinner, and sometimes even receive guests. Therefore, not all owners are satisfied with the same practical, but more modest options short curtains: rolled and even Roman ones do not always create a sufficiently cozy mood. But the Austrian ones, in many ways reminiscent of the French ones, will give the dining area not only comfort, but also an element of sophistication.

Which fabric do you prefer?

When choosing Austrian curtains for the kitchen, you should pay attention not only to aesthetics, but also to practical considerations. Nowadays there is a wide choice of fabrics with special dirt-repellent impregnations. You can also buy ready-made Viennese curtains made from this material.

As for color, the usual rules apply here. design rules: how less space kitchens, the more preferable are light shades and discreet prints. Take into account the decor of the walls: if the tiles or other decoration have expressive patterns, then curtains should be chosen either with similar patterns or plain ones. In small kitchens, it is better to avoid an abundance of ornaments, as the diversity will be tiring.

Don’t forget about the location of the windows: a kitchen on the south side of the house requires more protection from the sun, which means thicker shades of fabric.

Before ordering Austrian curtains, you need to think about how they will fit into the interior. Festoon curtains fit into almost any interior, but do not forget that they were originally intended as decoration for the chambers of representatives of the Austrian court. Most likely, they will not be entirely appropriate in rooms designed in new styles - high-tech, constructivism, and so on. Scalloped curtains look best in a classic setting.

Austrian curtains made from almost any material will elegantly complement Victorian, Baroque and Rococo styles. In rooms with the spirit of Provence and vintage, these curtains will look elegant and delicate. And, immediately jumping ahead and talking about materials, Austrian curtains made from natural materials- for example, homespun cotton, - having a “rural” print, are well suited in country interiors.

Festoon curtains can hang in any corner of the house - from the bathroom to the bedroom. Although they are lush, they are compact and suitable for windows with limited space around. Such curtains look good in the kitchen - in a place where there is a high risk of getting them dirty, it is convenient to be able to easily adjust the height of the curtains.

Lush festoons will look quite elegant, and there will be no problems with frequent washing. In offices and living rooms, these curtains will also not be superfluous - they will emphasize the solemnity of the rooms and add exclusivity and chic to the interior. Austrian curtains in the bedroom give it a warm note with their smooth lines and soft edges. You can hang such decorations on windows and in the nursery, decorating the edges with bows and ribbons. Festoon curtains are also an interesting and new solution for arranging a large bathroom.

It is worth taking a very responsible approach to choosing fabric for sewing Austrian curtains. Their appearance directly depends on the rigidity of the fabric chosen for sewing.

Curtains made of light and moderately transparent warm textures pastel shades create graceful, airy folds, and with it a romantic atmosphere.

If your goal is to make curtains look spectacular, use fabrics whose surface shines - artificial silk, voile, organza, polyester, cambric and others. Such curtains look unexpected and mysterious, folded into unusual folds, thereby playing up the texture of the fabrics.

For deeper and more distinct folds, fabrics made of satin, moiré or thick silk are used. Sweeping wide folds are created in curtains made of hard chintz.

Scalloped curtains made from natural fabrics should only be used in rooms designed in a certain style. For example, scandinavian interior will only benefit from having curtains made of linen, chintz, wool and cotton, while in a luxurious, old-fashioned interior they can only impoverish the impression of the room.

In our salon “Rosie Blues” you can order the design and sewing of Austrian curtains from various materials, which are suitable for any interior - from a country house to a luxurious mansion. You can order Austrian curtains directly on the website. Our designers will be happy to advise you on the choice of fabrics and style of Austrian curtains.

Scalloped curtains will be a charming addition to your interior and will highlight the excellent taste of the owner!

Properly selected design and decorative elements create a feeling of comfort in the home. Curtains are an integral part of a successful interior that will delight all household members and guests. In this article Special attention I would like to focus on Austrian curtains, which are very highly valued when decorating the most different rooms, these can be ordinary apartment rooms, luxurious halls of mansions, and, of course, country apartments. Austrian curtains can easily be called universal due to the fact that they are suitable for a wide variety of stylistic trends.

What are they?

Austrian curtains are a very successful combination of Roman and French curtains in a single form that has been around for a very long time, despite the contrast of their designs. From the famous French curtains, their Austrian counterparts have luxurious folds and pomp, and from Roman curtains they have a special mechanism and rise.

When the curtains completely cover the window, that is, they are straightened, their appearance resembles a uniform canvas, and when they are lifted, folds and gathers immediately begin to appear. When raising Austrian curtains, decorative and heavy cords are often used, which not only make them fluffy and allow folds to appear, but also serve as unique decorative elements and perfectly complement the curtains.

If it is important for you that the Austrian curtain in all its folded glory covers most of the window, make sure that when unfolded it is longer than the window sill.

A little bit of history

Elegant and pompous Austrian curtains, as their name implies, originated in Austria and mainly decorated prestigious houses in Europe, palaces of various nobility and apartments of the local elite. They were invented in the 18th century, their distinctive feature At that time, it was the use of heavy and dense fabrics, which always attracted attention from guests. In addition, dense fabrics perfectly protected the windows from sunlight and prying eyes, and the luxurious assemblies caused great delight.

Since then, this type of curtains has become widespread beyond Europe, thanks to which today we can decorate the windows of any room with them and give it some zest, chic and sophistication.


At first glance, it may seem that Austrian curtains are not very troublesome to use; you just have to purchase them and use them, however, they also have their own nuances that cannot be ignored:

  • Austrian curtains require a special cornice with a special lifting mechanism, which is needed so that the intended folds appear on them.
  • Equally important is the presence of tight and rigid cords, which are attached from the inside out to ensure uniformity of the fabric and folds.
  • For this type of curtain, it is best to choose materials that are not very rigid so that they can drape easily. We recommend that you pay attention to tulle fabric, silk, satin, organza or cambric options.
  • Austrian curtains go well with fringe, decorative tassels, lace and ruffles along their edges. There are a huge number of options for decoration.
  • It is important to know that this type of curtains does not slide apart along the edges of the window, since the “canvas” with ruffles is solid, it can only be raised up or down.
  • This type curtains can be used as an independent decorative element for windows or complemented with lambrequins or drapes. It always looks very expensive and elegant.

Selecting fabric

To successfully select the fabric to create these amazing curtains, you first need to decide on their purpose. If Austrian curtains will serve as translucent tulle, for example, for the kitchen, then it’s worth giving preference for light and airy fabrics; moreover, as mentioned above, such materials are very easy to drape.

If you want the curtains to fully cover the window, for example, in the bedroom, then you can choose a slightly thicker fabric. It is recommended to choose very rigid materials for cabinets, living rooms and offices; they are difficult to drape, sometimes they look rough and broken, but a few decorative accessories can quite make their appearance more graceful, and Austrian curtains will always set the tone for the interior, giving it notes of elegance, aristocracy and grace. .


We take proper care

So that the curtains are less covered with dust, although this is inevitable process, do not forget to regularly ventilate the room and do wet cleaning. However, these methods only save your window decor elements for a while, and then you still have to wash them. Austrian curtains made of lightweight fabrics can be machine cleaned at home, using delicate powders and gentle temperature conditions, but it is preferable to take them to dry cleaning.

Of course, thick curtain fabrics will be more difficult to clean at home, so you definitely can’t do without specialists.

You should very carefully iron the curtains after washing; for this, it is best to use a steam generator, which will carefully smooth the curtains not only in their usual state, but also when they are already tied up.

Proper care will not only renew the curtains, but will also allow them to serve for an even longer period and delight you with their appearance.

Where to place it?

It is believed that Austrian curtains should be placed on large windows V spacious rooms, for example, in halls, dining rooms or living rooms, as well as in bedrooms. Despite these criteria, which were relevant in the old days, today many designers choose this type of curtains for apartments and small private houses. The main thing is to do everything skillfully so that the curtains fit perfectly with the interior and decor of a particular room.

If the room you have chosen to place Austrian curtains is not very large, then it is best to choose curtains not for the entire length of the window, but only for part of it. This is done so that more light enters the room, but at the same time the curtains themselves do not “eat up” the overall space of the room, but, on the contrary, visually make it larger. Also, for small rooms, it is recommended to choose light shades of fabrics for future curtains, and decorative tassels or fringe can be used as a contrast to them.

Also, do not forget about the presence of a special cornice. It is best if it is made of wood, because such material always goes harmoniously with this type of curtains. Next, we’ll talk about some rooms where Austrian curtains will come in handy:

  • Curtains for the kitchen. Most often, kitchens are not very big square, however, I also want to place something unusual there to achieve even greater comfort. Austrian curtains will be very interesting solution for decorating windows. It is very important for a given room to choose curtains that will not make it smaller or visually “heavier” it. Many girls choose this type of curtains as light tulle because they do not take up much space and can be placed so that the window sill is open. Many design experts pay attention to the fact that both are equally suitable for the kitchen. plain curtains, and translucent options with various patterns, designs, flowers, stripes, etc.

  • For the bedroom. Austrian curtains for the bedroom are the most popular when decorating windows. This design looks especially advantageous if the windows are large and wide. Delicate and soft flounces and folds of Austrian curtains will easily take care of creating cozy atmosphere in the rest room during the day and, of course, will prevent the penetration of light at night for the most comfortable sleep. This type of curtain is perfect for the bedroom young man– it’s best to use it for this thick fabric from the dark color range, but lightweight options with large flounces will be very useful for young girls.

For the bedroom married couple unobtrusive shades of curtains with small folds are suitable, perhaps in nude or pastel colors to match the rest of the interior.

  • In the living room. This room is most often meant to be very spacious, so you can choose a variety of Austrian curtains for the windows in the living room and decorate them as your heart desires, and in general, you can safely give free rein to your imagination. This is especially true if your living room is in a classic, Baroque or English style, which always require luxury details on the windows.

  • In the children's room It is best to use non-rough and non-rigid fabrics when choosing Austrian curtains. This type of curtains is especially popular with girls whose rooms are decorated in a fairytale style, with huge flounces light fabric always attract the attention of children, and also make the room more spacious.

When choosing curtains, it is very important to consider the existing or planned style, as well as geometric features space. This way you will be able to create harmonious interior in the same style.

Garlands combined with transparent tulle will help create a festive mood in your home. Use only high-quality electrical appliances, and do not leave them turned on unattended.

Often the dimensions of kitchens in apartments are small, so curtains should not only match the interior style, but also be compact enough in size to create visual balance in the interior. Many people choose short textile models for window decoration, creating laconic or, on the contrary, multi-layer compositions - it all depends on your personal preferences.

In this case, the layering effect is set by light green decorative element, which looks like an additional curtain. Combination different textures in one model - a great option to diversify the classic design.

The bright solution does not look pretentious, since the basis is textiles that transmit light well, and the walls in the room are painted in light shades. Even when the fabrics are placed on top of each other, the sun's rays enter the room unhindered, turning into multi-colored shadows.

Be aware of exposure to steam and grease indoors. In this regard, please consider following features when choosing:

  • Functionality - the material should mask everyday life in the room, protecting it from prying eyes, soften the sun's rays entering the room, without interfering with the circulation of air and natural light in the kitchen;
  • Practicality - it is desirable that the material be treated with a substance that prevents the absorption of odors during cooking and fading in the sun. Also, high-quality impregnation should repel dirt, dust and moisture. Thanks to this impregnation, textiles can look like new for a long time, but they will require some care.

Aesthetics are no less important than practicality and functionality when choosing. A correctly selected model will adjust and decorate the space, and also become a visual accent in the room.

Blinds are one of the most practical options window decoration. In addition, wood-look slats do not look strictly office-like at all; on the contrary, they create the most cozy atmosphere.

Main principles for choosing textiles

1. Match the color of the furniture

Universal solution for neutral tones in a modern interior.

The pattern on the Roman shades matches the metallic curves of the vintage Singer cars, which became the basis for the dining table.

Muted grassy shade of curtains and decorative pillows matches, but the facades of the set differ in tone. But thanks to one range, this difference does not disturb the color balance in the room.

Lightweight perforated material is an excellent option for small kitchen. Such textiles will visually expand the space without blocking the path of natural light through the window.

A net curtain pairs with leather chairs and orange candles in the decor.

2. Match the color of the walls

A surefire way to create a harmonious space is to choose curtains in the same tone as the wall decoration.

White pleated pairs with ceramic apron and glossy facades. This design is easily adjustable to the height of the window opening, if necessary.

Vegetable classic ornament adds interesting details to a monochrome interior.

3. Accent option in the interior

If you like contrasting elements, feel free to experiment! But remember that even accent details are best emphasized with color companions in the decor. This could be a vase, dishes to match bright fabric, a watch or, for example, a tablecloth.

Textiles set the character of the calm palette of the room. Turquoise contrast color can be easily replaced with another bright tone when you want seasonal changes in your apartment.

When choosing textiles for the kitchen, do not forget that you will have to wash them often. Accordingly, you should purchase wear-resistant material that dries quickly.

Asymmetry in design

Thanks to asymmetrical combinations, you will be able to decorate the room in an interesting way, even using plain fabric.

Asymmetrical design is also great for decoration window openings with balcony door.

In this case, the asymmetry effect was achieved using fabrics of different densities and shades. A vertical accent also allows you to visually increase the height of a small window, if necessary.

To protect your home from views from the street, not only thick curtains will help - organza is quite suitable for this. It can be combined with lighter fabrics and muslin.

Short models for a small kitchen

The short cut is ideal for miniature rooms and for kitchens in which the furniture is partially located along the window. This solution adds coziness to the interior without blocking the flow of light.

When deciding on the material, it is better to choose natural or mixed materials. Such fabrics are as comfortable as possible in everyday life - they allow Fresh air, light and easy to care for. Experts recommend certain fabrics for creating kitchen curtains: polyester, tulle, chintz, linen and silk.

Short curtains for the kitchen made of tulle in two halves. Transparent fabric in window decoration - perfect option For small area. Such curtains will not interfere with the penetration of light.

The curtain halves are hung overlapping. This option looks unusual, but the symmetry of the window opening is preserved.

The Austrian model fits seamlessly into both classic and modern styles.

If there is a window near gas stove, in this case, you must always remember about safety precautions - it is better to choose a natural fabric that will not immediately catch fire if accidentally exposed to fire.

Short curtains in a spacious kitchen

In this room, curtains decorate not only the window, but also the doorway. Such details are most appropriate for country style.

Roman blinds are very convenient for daily use, due to the ability to easily adjust their length.

Roller curtains in the extended position are similar to Roman blinds, but the principle of sliding for these models is different. Rolled ones are wound around a base - a roller, and when folded, they actually resemble a roll in shape.

A bright accent on the window area. In this interior, a translucent fabric was chosen for the rolls, which transmits light well. Textiles create a warm tone in the room, even in cloudy weather.
