Cost of installation of metal structures. Drawing up estimates for the installation of metal structures Estimate for the manufacture of metal structures sample

Together with the production process, the installation of metal structures is a decisive stage for the formation of high reliability, strength and durability of the structure.

Installation price metal structures determined depending on the following factors:

  • Building area. When installing metal structures, the price per square meter will be reduced with an increase in the total area of ​​the room.
  • Types of construction and level of complexity (in any case, installing a garage will be cheaper compared to a shopping or industrial complex).
  • Company pricing policy.
  • Weight of metal structures. The cost of a building largely depends on total weight mounted frame.
  • Object location. When installing metal structures, we always take into account the administrative location of the construction, the amount of costs for the delivery of equipment and the transportation of workers.
  • Availability of the necessary infrastructure. Provides services for the installation of metal structures big influence availability of necessary communications for work: opportunities to connect to the network, roads for the passage of equipment, regardless of weather conditions.
  • Urgency of order fulfillment. If the work needs to be done faster, then there is a need to use additional teams, increase the amount of special equipment used during installation, and introduce a written schedule.

Naturally, all of the above affects the final cost of the project and increases it.

How much does it cost to install a ton of metal structures?

When working with metal structures, you need to indicate the cost of the work with its volume, which is measured by the weight of the mounted frame components. When planning the installation of metal structures, the cost of work per 1 ton is always calculated individually, taking into account the following work:

  • for transportation, loading/unloading of metal products;
  • lifting them to a height using special equipment;
  • performing welding and bolted connections.

As a result, the price can be slightly adjusted by the company manager depending on the characteristics of a particular object. For this reason, in each individual case, when calculating the cost of installing metal structures per ton, it usually becomes approximate.

The final price may be affected by the terrain of the site, which causes some difficulties during execution welding work. Moreover, they always take into account individual requirements client: installation of one ton of metal structures, which were manufactured according to original sketches, taking into account the features of the further operation of the facility.

At the same time, coefficients can be applied to the established prices, which allow taking into account such points as:

  • the complexity of the project itself;
  • urgency of order fulfillment;
  • remoteness of the construction site;
  • weather conditions during construction.

The cost of installing metal structures in the table

The cost of installation of metal structures indicated in the table allows you to navigate the pricing policy, the range of work performed, and the technical capabilities that allow you to implement the project. Although the amount for welding work is exact, it is always determined on the basis project documentation, based on all the features of the building (area, number of floors, a set of additional factors).

Cost of installation of metal structures depending on the name of the product

Table 2. Price list for installation of metal structures depending on the name of the product

Cost in rubles per ton

Today, from specialized companies you can easily order the installation of metal structures of any complexity. As you can see, specialists offer low prices and quality guarantees. The exact amount will be calculated only on the basis of design data, which usually takes no more than one working day.

During the construction of objects various types and size, the basis for the implementation of the project is the estimated cost. Metal structures are widely used in construction. Their installation is a separate, extensive stage that requires careful calculations of the expected costs of manufacturing and installation.

Metal structures are used in construction industrial buildings(offices, hangars, warehouses, etc.) and residential facilities. However, the cost of their installation and manufacturing can vary significantly. The main purpose of carrying out cost estimates is the need to identify and further use opportunities to reduce costs and increase the economic efficiency of the entire project.

Components of estimate documentation

Cost calculations for the manufacture and installation of metal structures are included in the design documentation of the facility. This is an important part that necessarily reflects:

  • list of expected costs;
  • general calculation of costs for installation of metal structures;
  • costs for other planned types of work and materials;
  • unforeseen expenses and possible risks.

The estimate documentation is very extensive and includes a certain number of constituent elements. These include the following.

  1. Local estimates.
  2. Sheet of calculation of installation work.
  3. Overhead calculations.
  4. Explanatory note.

The local estimate is the primary document. It is compiled on specific types work and reflects unit prices. These include, for example, the cost of installing 1,000 kg of metal structures. It also presents a general calculation of the final price.

The installation work count list is compiled on the basis of completed structural elements. Overhead costing involves calculating exactly the costs required to create suitable conditions for installation.

Explanatory note to estimate documentation is a reflection of all the characteristics of the object, which are intended to give an idea about it and all the standards that apply to the object.

The procedure for carrying out estimate calculations

The cost of erecting metal structures can vary greatly, depending on various variables (size of the object, its type, construction features). The procedure for calculating the final installation price is strictly defined. It implies that relatively small costs are indicated initially, and then more serious ones in increasing order.

Less significant costs include types of work, for example, installation of 1 ton. In more serious cases, it is worth including the costs of manufacturing metal structures for the entire facility being built.

The list of expected expenses must include columns that reflect the necessary budget to cover any unexpected costs. This allows you to have some reserve to deal with emergency situations, changes in the cost of materials or other factors that affect the amount of final costs.

In this way, a document is drawn up that reflects all the necessary information about the installation of metal structures:

The total cost depends on the type of facility being built, its dimensions and technical parameters. This value can be adjusted during the procurement of required materials.

What determines the installation cost?

Together with the production of metal structures, their construction is important stage, which has a direct impact on the durability, stability, strength and reliability of the entire future object.

The final cost of installation depends on numerous factors. These include the following:

  1. Type of object being built. Different kinds structures have their own specificity and complexity of construction. The cost of construction also depends on this. metal frame. Thus, the construction of a garage box will be significantly cheaper than a warehouse.
  2. Total area of ​​the structure. The cost of one square meter will decrease in proportion to the increase in the total area of ​​the future facility.
  3. Contractor pricing policy.
  4. Weight of structural elements. This factor largely influences the final price of construction of a prefabricated structure.
  5. Location of the construction site. The farther it is from the administrative center, the more expensive the final price of construction will be, since it will include the costs of supplying materials, transporting equipment and working personnel to a remote construction area.
  6. Availability of capabilities for mechanized assembly through the use of special equipment. This may be influenced by nearby buildings and structures, as well as the landscape and topography of the construction site.
  7. Infrastructure. If there are all the necessary communications near the construction site (electricity, roads allowing the passage of special equipment, etc.), then the process of installation and preparation for it will be greatly simplified, and therefore its cost will be an order of magnitude lower.
  8. Urgency. If it is necessary to perform work in a shortened time, there is a need to increase the workforce involved, special equipment, using a shift work schedule. All this has a significant impact on the estimated cost towards its increase.

The final price is calculated by specialists, indicating the types of work, their volume and the weight of the constructed structural elements. Also, the frame construction prices take into account:

  • delivery of materials and equipment;
  • loading and unloading operations;
  • the need to lift individual elements to a certain height using special equipment;
  • making bolted and welded connections.

In the future, the cost of constructing the frame may be changed depending on various individual conditions. Therefore, the price of erecting 1 ton, which becomes the basis for calculations, is, as a rule, a guideline and can be adjusted either upward or downward. In this matter, such factors as production according to individual sketches and the operating features of the future building often play a significant role.

Along with this, additional coefficients can be applied to fixed prices, which allow taking into account the degree of complexity of the project, its urgency, seasonality and climatic conditions, as well as distance from the construction site.

Estimate for the manufacture of metal structures

In the general list of costs for the construction of structural elements, a significant part of the budget goes to work on the production of the required materials. Therefore, this article is usually presented in the form of a separate estimate.

Calculations of this nature reflect the cost of manufacturing metal structures, as well as the costs associated with this process. The cost plan for the production of structural elements is drawn up according to the same calculation rules for all.

They imply that the cost can only include those costs that are directly or indirectly related to its production. That is, the costs associated with servicing the household needs of the enterprise, major renovation and others cannot in any way be reflected in the estimate for the manufacture of metal structures. Costs associated with deviations from technological process or the presence of a manufacturing defect.

An example of drawing up an estimate for the installation of metal structures

Download an example of drawing up an estimate for the installation of metal structures -

Along with the production process, the installation of metal structures becomes a determining stage for the formation of high strength, reliability and durability of the entire structure.

The price for installation of metal structures may vary greatly depending on many factors:

  • The type of structure and the degree of its complexity (installation of a garage will in any case cost less than an industrial or retail complex).
  • Building area. When installing metal structures, the cost of work per square meter will decrease with an increase in the total area of ​​the building.
  • Pricing policy construction company.
  • Weights of metal structures. The cost of a prefabricated building largely depends on total mass mounted frame.
  • Object location. When installing metal structures in Moscow, the administrative location of the construction site and the volume of transportation costs for delivery are always taken into account necessary equipment, transportation of workers.
  • Opportunities for mechanization of the assembly process and the use of special equipment. An obstacle could be, for example, an existing building located in close proximity or terrain features.
  • Availability of the necessary infrastructure. How much it costs to install metal structures is greatly influenced by the availability of communications necessary for the work: roads for the passage of equipment, regardless of weather conditions, the ability to connect to the electrical network.
  • Urgency of order fulfillment. Tight deadlines require the involvement of additional teams of workers, an increase in the volume of special equipment used during installation, and the introduction of a shift schedule.

All this is reflected in the final cost of the project in the direction of its increase.

Installation of metal structures: price for 1t

When working with metal structures, it is customary to link the cost of the work to its volume, measured by the weight of the mounted frame elements. When planning the installation of metal structures, the price of work per ton is calculated by specialists taking into account the work:

  • for transportation, loading/unloading of products;
  • raising them to the required height using special equipment;
  • performing bolted and welded connections.

Subsequently, it can be slightly adjusted by the managers of the construction company, depending on the characteristics of a particular project. Therefore, in each individual case, when determining the cost of installing metal structures, the price per 1 ton in Moscow, as a rule, becomes approximate.

On final cost may be affected, for example, by the terrain at the construction site, which will cause additional difficulties during assembly work. In addition, the individual requirements of the customer are always taken into account: installation of 1 ton of metal structures made according to unique sketches, taking into account the specifics of the subsequent operation of the building.

Also, coefficients can be applied to the established prices, allowing to take into account such parameters as:

  1. complexity of the project;
  2. urgency of order fulfillment;
  3. remoteness of the construction site;
  4. weather conditions during construction.

Table 1. Cost of installation of metal structures

Prices for installation of metal structures in Moscow

The cost of installation of metal structures indicated in the price list allows you to navigate the pricing policy of the construction company, the range of work performed by its specialists, and the technical capabilities for implementing the project. Although the exact amount required to complete assembly work is always determined on the basis of design documentation, taking into account all the features of the building (number of floors, area, a set of additional factors).

Table 2. Price list for installation of metal structures depending on the name of the product

Table 3. Price list for installation of metal structures depending on the building parameters

Call us and order installation of metal structures of any complexity from our company. We can offer optimal prices, and also provide quality guarantees. The exact amount of the project will be calculated by the manager based on the project data on the day of application.

Estimate for the manufacture of metal structures - This Full description and calculation of the cost of all structures. Each customer makes a payment based on the estimate. If you contact PROEKTSTROY-P LLC, an estimate and a service agreement will be drawn up based on your order.

What is included in the estimate for the production of metal structures

  • The estimate has four columns. The first indicates the name of the ordered metal structures, the second - the quantity expressed in meters, pieces, the third column contains all the information on the cost of a square or linear meter of metal structures, the fourth - the total cost of the goods.
  • At the end of the estimate there is a column “Total”. It indicates all the calculations made, on the basis of which payment will be made.
  • When placing an order for the production of metal structures, you will immediately receive an estimate. Each client is immediately aware of how much they will have to pay for full cycle work carried out.
  • You can see an example estimate for the manufacture of metal structures on our official website.
  • If, in addition to the manufacture of metal structures, you order installation, the estimate will indicate the full cost installation work and delivery carried out on one or more flights.
  • Remember, the estimate is an important document. It can only be compiled by a specialist in the field of calculations.
  • After filling out the estimate, everything should be carefully checked and recalculated.

We manufacture metal structures at our own factory

If you are planning to order the production and installation of metal structures, please note that it is very important to find a company that offers production of products in own production. You will not have to overpay for the services of intermediaries. As a result, the cost of the finished product and installation will be acceptable.

The company PROEKTSTROY-P LLC has its own plant with new imported equipment. We are ready to produce metal structures of any volume and high degree of complexity.

Installation is carried out by highly professional specialists with extensive experience. During installation, all technical standards and regulations are observed. Therefore, our metal structures are considered to be of the highest quality. The service life is several decades. Agree, this is a kind of guarantee of quality, which, by the way, we confirm in writing to each client.

Dear friends!

Today we will talk about the features of compilation. Let's consider the prices that are necessary to calculate the installation price.

Estimate on metal structures, as a rule, includes two sections:

● Manufacturing of metal structures;

● Installation of metal structures

Often, in estimate for metal structures there are structures manufactured in “factory conditions”. In a factory environment, the manufacturing process is much more intense, since qualified personnel repeat similar operations every day, labor is mechanized and automated.

However, the contractor often performs work on the production of metal structures in construction conditions (in the conditions of production bases). Those. manufactures metal structures independently.

Manufacturing of metal structures

Calculation estimates for the production of metal structures is produced if the metal structures are manufactured under construction conditions (in the conditions of production bases).

For the manufacture of metal structures, as part of the estimate and regulatory framework, there is a collection of standards and prices GESNm-2001-38 “Manufacture of technological metal structures in production bases.”

The standards of the collection GESNm-2001-38 “Manufacture of technological metal structures in production bases” are intended exclusively for calculating the cost of work on the production of technological metal structures, but not for their installation. With the agreement of the customer and the contractor according to the standards (prices) of the GESNm-2001-38 Collection, it is possible to formulate an estimate for the manufacture of conventional metal structures, which are carried out by ourselves contractor. At the same time, overhead costs and estimated profit when using the prices of this collection are applied as follows: overhead costs - either at an individual rate, or in the amount of 66% of the wage fund, estimated profit - 65% of wages construction workers and machinists or according to an individual standard agreed with the customer.

If the cost of metal structures is taken into account according to the collection of estimated prices for materials, products and structures, then the prices of the Collection GESNm-2001-38 should not be applied.

Installation of metal structures

The cost of installing metal structures is determined regardless of the manufacturing conditions.

When calculating estimates for installation (or dismantling) of metal structures the collection GESN-2001-09 (FER-2001-09) “Building metal structures” is used.

This collection contains federal unit prices (hereinafter referred to as prices) intended to determine the estimated cost of performing work on the installation of building steel and aluminum structures industrial, civil buildings and structures for various purposes.

At dismantling of metal structures a reduction factor is used, according to Table 2 of the collection GESN-2001-09 (FER-2001-09) “Building metal structures”.

In the appendix to the article you can sample estimate for the manufacture and installation of metal structures.

Previously reported estimate file when calculating the cost of metal structures. You will be able to compose professionally estimates for the manufacture and installation of metal structures. You can study both online (with remote contact with a teacher) and in person.