Garden vegetable garden tomatoes cucumbers. Vegetable garden on the windowsill: we grow cucumbers, tomatoes and various varieties of peppers. Preparing greenhouses for sowing tomatoes and cucumbers

July is a time of intensive care for cucumbers and tomatoes. Before this, vegetables took root after sowing, planting and transplanting, and in July they began to grow actively. Therefore, in order to have a rich harvest of cucumbers and tomatoes, you must follow the rules of agricultural technology in July.

Caring for cucumbers in July

In July, cucumbers need to be watered and fed. Applying fertilizers to the root zone will help cucumbers grow better. Foliar feeding is aimed not only at enhancing the growth of cucumber plants, but also to protect against diseases, increase ovaries and strengthen the immune system. Special attention It is worth extending treatments against dangerous cucumber diseases and pests - downy mildew and spider mite.

Watering cucumbers

Cucumbers should be watered warm water initially, after 5-7 days to a depth of 20-25 cm. Before mass flowering, watering is limited, drying promotes the formation of female flowers.

Loosening and pricking the cucumber ridges with a pitchfork is carried out once every 1-2 weeks. Loosening - 6-10 cm - is carried out after watering. To quickly increase the vegetative mass, it is necessary to close the greenhouse after watering (“poultice”).

Feeding cucumbers

Root feeding carried out if the plants grow poorly, 3 times: with the appearance of the third or fourth leaf, then at the beginning of flowering and with mass fruiting: mullein (1:10 or 10-15 g of ammonium nitrate, 15-20 g of potassium nitrate, 30-40 g superphosphate). Consumption: 10 l for 4 plants. With strong growth and delayed fruiting, the dose of nitrogen is reduced, and phosphorus and potassium are increased. Adding humus or compost is also very beneficial for cucumber plants. Before and after fertilizing, water the plants with clean water.

Foliar feeding carried out when there are signs of lack of batteries:
- pale leaves – lack of nitrogen;
- leaves are purple on top and red-brown below - lack of phosphorus;
- curly with brown spots and marginal burn – potassium deficiency;
- chlorosis between the veins – lack of microelements.

Foliar feeding against peronosporosis and bacteriosis, as well as to increase the endurance of plants, is done with an extract of nitrophoska (1 kg is soaked for two days in 1 liter of water, stirring; for treatment it is diluted 50 times - 1 glass per 10 liters).

Foliar feeding to increase the ovary: superphosphate (6-8 g), ammonium nitrate (6 g), potassium chloride (3 g/10 l and microelements) - 2 times (at the beginning of flowering and fruiting).

How to treat cucumbers against diseases and pests

  • against peronosporosis - iodine solution (10 ml of iodine (5%) per 10 liters of water + 20-30 g of soap or 1 liter of milk)
  • from spider mites - BTB (up to 1%).
  • against stress - Epin (Zircon) in the phase of 2-3 leaves and budding.

Tomato care in July

In July, although caring for tomatoes includes watering and fertilizing, you should not pay too much attention to them. Tomatoes, with their deep, powerful root system, do not require frequent watering, and fertilizers should be applied only on poor soils when obvious signs lack of mineral nutrition of plants. It is much more important to focus on pinching and shaping tomatoes so that ripe, juicy fruits ripen.

Watering tomatoes

Tomatoes are not watered often in July. High humidity prevents flowers from pollinating well and they fall off. Therefore, watering is carried out every 10 days, up to 2 buckets per plant. Water for watering tomatoes should be warm (+24…+26°C).

Every time after rain or watering, the soil in tomato beds should be loosened.

Feeding tomatoes

Fertilizing is carried out only if the main fertilizer has not been applied. Two feedings of tomatoes per season will be enough:

  1. The first fertilizing is carried out 3 weeks after planting (complex fertilizers are applied).
  2. the second feeding will be relevant during the period of mass fruit set.

Extra-root fertilizing is needed for better fruit set. To do this, spray tomatoes during the period of mass flowering with a solution of superphosphate (0.5%) or a solution boric acid (0,1%).

Growing tomatoes

Removing lateral axillary shoots accelerates ripening by 5-7 days. Stepchildren are removed at a length of 4-5 cm. Standard and low-growing varieties do not need to be removed.

Formation of tomatoes

Determinate varieties, 60-80 cm high, form 2-3 stems. To do this, leave 1-2 subfloral shoots. Tall, indeterminate varieties form 1 stem (less often 2). Tall varieties tied to a trellis or stakes.

At the end of July, the growing points of all shoots and flowers that do not have time to develop in the ovary are removed. Remove the lower yellowing and dirty leaves.

Cucumber tunnel
In the first days of life, cucumbers need high humidity and warmth. They are afraid of drafts and cannot tolerate watering cold water. That's why it's better to plant them not in open ground, and in tunnel greenhouses under film. Greenhouses should not be high - a maximum of 25-30 cm. Only then will it be possible to create cucumbers optimal conditions. On hot days, there is no need to remove the entire film; it is better to open it a third of the height on the leeward side. When cucumbers begin to bear fruit, they are no longer afraid of the wind and love abundant daily watering.

As soon as the cucumbers throw out the third leaf, I carry out the first fertilizing (for 10 liters of water, 1 liter of mullein solution, 1 tablespoon of ammonium nitrate and 2 tablespoons of superphosphate). I pour this dose over an area of ​​about 2 square meters. m into the furrow under the roots.

Then I water the cucumbers, add fertilizer with a hoe and loosen the soil.

Before flowering, it’s time for the second feeding (1 liter of mullein, 3 tablespoons of superphosphate and 2 tablespoons of potassium chloride per bucket of water). Two weeks after the second feeding, I carry out the third, similar in composition.
I determine the need of cucumbers for the main types of fertilizers by the color of the leaves. If they lack nitrogen, they are light green with yellow tint, phosphorus
– blue-green, young leaves grow poorly, potassium
- dark green with a light green border around the edges, the leaves are small.
If I see signs of a lack of fertilizer, I feed it immediately.

Sorting and feeding

When I plant tomato seedlings in open ground, I sort them by variety. I place early low-growing ones at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other, and tall ones - 50 cm. If the seedlings have outgrown and stretched out, I plant them obliquely in a ditch, water them abundantly with water, and then cover them with soil until the first leaf is reached.
I feed the tomatoes with this solution: dilute them in 10 liters of water
half a glass of nitrogen fertilizers, a glass of superphosphate and half a glass of potassium chloride.
This mixture is usually enough for 10 sq.m.
For potatoes, the recipe is different. I dissolve a glass of ammonium nitrate in 10 liters of water and add half a glass of superphosphate and potassium chloride. Norm for 10 sq. m. I fertilize at the beginning of potato growth.

What's in the garden?
To enhance growth fruit trees and berry plants that bloomed profusely and have many ovaries, I use fertilizing nitrogen fertilizers(per 10 sq. m. 3-4 glasses of ammonium nitrate and 2-3 glasses of urea dissolved in 10 liters of water).
In June, abundant root shoots form on the raspberries near the bushes. I leave the thickest shoots and those that have formed near the bush, and cut off the rest. During the ripening period of raspberries, I always make sure that the soil is well moistened and drained. Raspberry bushes should be well protected from the wind. I remove old shoots and burn them immediately after harvesting.
Against powdery mildew I use an infusion of rotted hay. I take 1 kg of rotted hay, leave it in three liters of water for three days, filter the solution, dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:3. I spray in the evening hours, before a powdery coating appears. I use the decoction on the same day. I repeat spraying after 7-8 days.
Weeds are very tenacious and sprout earlier than most root crops. Therefore, when weeding, try to remove weeds along with the roots.

A great idea is to cover juicy tomatoes with crispy cucumbers. After all, when you open another jar in winter, you will definitely please all your loved ones! Cucumbers in tomato, tender assorted salad, cucumbers with tomatoes in a spicy marinade - that's what we'll be preparing today.

Recipes for assorted tomatoes and cucumbers

We have prepared for you different recipes, so that you can please and surprise your family and friends with new, delicious notes of familiar pickles!

Tomatoes with cucumbers



  • Tomatoes 1 kg;
  • cucumbers 1 kg;
  • half a kilo of cauliflower or bell pepper inflorescences;
  • half a head of garlic;
  • essence of vinegar;
  • salt, sugar, pepper, dill umbrellas.


Choose small, ripe, but not too soft tomatoes. Wash the cucumbers and dry them, peel the peppers and cut them into circles; if you decide to use cabbage, then simply separate the inflorescences.

  • Place the garlic cloves and spices on the bottom of a two-liter jar, then fold the cucumbers tightly, then lay out a layer of peppers or cabbage inflorescences, and then tomatoes. An umbrella of dill will complete all this beauty!

Fill the jar with boiling water and leave for 25 minutes. Now drain the water and add 4 tablespoons of salt and 6 tablespoons of sugar, add 1 teaspoon of vinegar essence and boil the marinade. Then pour the vegetables and roll them into jars!



  • 4 kg of cucumbers;
  • 2 kg of tomatoes;
  • 7-8 cloves of garlic;
  • 4 bell peppers;
  • 1 chili pepper;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1.5 tablespoons salt;
  • 1 glass of apple cider vinegar;