Wallpaper colors for the living room. Interesting options for choosing wallpaper colors to match the interior of the room. Combining wallpaper in the living room

Wallpaper is a quick and relatively inexpensive way to update your living room interior. Thanks to a wide variety of shades, patterns and textures, they can be used to transform a room, visually expand it, and also make it cozy and stylish. In order not to get confused among the huge assortment presented in construction stores, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the types of wallpaper, find out the pros and cons of each material, read recommendations and look at photos of the best examples of living room design using them.

Types of wallpaper for the hall, their advantages and disadvantages

Paper wallpaper

This is the most affordable type of wallpaper. Due to their low cost, they can be used for finishing rented apartments, hostels, or simply change them every two to three years for new ones. Depending on the type of paper used, matte and glossy products are distinguished.

Thin single-layer wallpaper is also called simplex, and two-layer wallpaper, consisting of a dense backing and a decorative front side, is called duplex. The latter are more resistant to getting wet, so they don’t tear as much during gluing and hide uneven walls better.

The advantages of paper wallpaper are low price, environmental friendliness (they allow air and microparticles of water vapor to pass through well), big choice designs and colors. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting their fragility, susceptibility to mechanical damage, fading in the sun, and also the fact that, collecting dust, they are not amenable to wet cleaning.

Before gluing paper wallpaper, the walls must be perfectly smooth.

Vinyl wallpapers

Such wallpaper is made by applying it to a paper or fabric base. artificial material- polyvinyl chloride. It can be smooth, hard, foamed or embossed (silk-screen printing). Resistance PVC to moisture makes this material an optimal base for painting, and its low weight and mechanical strength makes it easy to mount it to walls. The high price is justified by the long service life - from 10 to 20 years, and in addition - the ability to repaint (up to 5 times).

Vinyl wallpaper is resistant to moisture, quite elastic and durable, and can hide small irregularities in the walls. Three-dimensional drawings and beautiful texture make them very aesthetically pleasing finishing. The disadvantages of vinyl wallpaper include bad smell plastic (which should disappear over time) and the fact that they do not allow air and steam to pass through the walls does not allow them to “breathe”.

Textile wallpaper

Using fabrics to decorate the walls in the hall is not a cheap pleasure, but their delightful appearance is worth it. Linen, satin, silk, velvet, with amazing patterned weaving of threads - they make the interior truly luxurious.

Fabric wallpaper requires very careful care - they should be protected from ultraviolet radiation and moisture, and carefully cleaned. The environmental friendliness of such finishing depends on the material chosen, but in general the textiles are highly breathable.

Glass wallpaper

They are produced by weaving from the finest glass threads. The result is a very durable translucent canvas with a relief pattern. Such wallpaper is firmly attached with starch paste on top of the plaster and can be re-painted.

The advantages of glass wallpaper include environmental friendliness (they contain only natural materials, such as quartz sand, limestone, soda, clay), fire safety (melting point of glass fiber +600°C), durability (up to 30 years of operation).

The disadvantages are the relatively large weight and poor selection of textures.

Liquid wallpaper

They can also be classified as decorative plasters, because liquid wallpaper is essentially an acrylic solution with the addition of natural fibers (cellulose, sawdust, cotton, silk) and pigment.

This type of finishing allows you to hide the original unevenness, create an interesting texture, and paint the walls with a colored gradient. Liquid wallpaper is easy to apply and remove, has a beautiful texture, and evens out the surface of the walls. You can add sparkles and small stones to the mixture.

The disadvantages of finishing with liquid wallpaper include low moisture resistance.

It's all about style!

A huge number of wallpaper varieties allows you to find the ideal solution for any interior style. Read on for tips on some of them.

Art Nouveau assumes a restrained design in monochrome colors. For a living room in this style, plain wallpaper or wallpaper with a soft graphic pattern (diamonds, circles, lines, abstractions), imitation of polished marble, or metal are suitable. Photo wallpaper can be an interesting addition that creates a visual perspective.

In the classic interior of the hall, light wallpaper with golden or silver floral patterns, repeating the texture of expensive fabrics (satin, brocade, velvet), natural sandstone, mahogany, soft leather, will look harmonious.

For the design of a living room in Provence style, it is better to choose matte pastel wallpaper with small floral print. You don’t have to glue them with a solid canvas, but frame them with plain inserts that repeat the color of the patterns.

Main motive Scandinavian style- snow-capped cliffs and transparent blue fjords - should be reflected in the decoration of the walls. Wallpaper can be white, light blue, gray, or with abstract designs.

Photo wallpapers depicting a winter mountain landscape or waterfall will also help to visually expand the living room.

This style is characterized primarily by natural materials. Imitation stonework, wooden planks or logs, hay, straw - the basic options for country.

Wallpaper with floral patterns, checkered patterns, images of pets, birds, butterflies, and pastoral scenes will help create a relaxed, rustic atmosphere. Photo inserts should also remind you of life outside the city: a lot of sun, sky, green trees, endless fields and horses.

Color solutions

White wallpaper

White wallpaper in the living room is an elegant, unobtrusive backdrop for brighter decor and furniture. They are always appropriate, visually expand the space and give it a soft glow.

Gray wallpaper

A neutral palette from silver to graphite is perfect for both creating a monochrome design and softening bright accents. A gray living room will always look modern and sophisticated.

Wallpaper in pastel colors

Dull, bleached colors, as if bleached by the sun, create a very calming atmosphere. Light blue, lilac, sand, beige, pink, greenish - they all fit perfectly together.

A living room with such wallpaper will visually seem more spacious.

Brown wallpaper

Shades of brown are ideal for a cozy home environment. The color of coffee and chocolate harmonizes perfectly with the soft glow of yellow, the festive purity of white, the spring cheerfulness of green, and the heavenly sublimity of turquoise.

Yellow wallpaper

It makes sense to decorate the walls of the hall in yellow tones, the windows of which face the north-west side. Banana, lemon, orange wallpaper will fill the living room with warmth and light, and will give the inhabitants a good mood.

Combining wallpaper in the living room

To prevent the living room from becoming boring with monotony, it is worth using for wall decoration different elements. A successful combination of plain and patterned wallpaper will help to beautifully zone the space, increase the height of the ceilings, expand or narrow certain areas, and highlight dark corners.

Using this technique, you should be guided by the table of shade combinations. A uniform base and repeating color patterns on a lighter background look most harmonious. Shiny prints reflect light and attract attention; lines visually stretch the room; large elements fill the emptiness of overly large halls.

Wallpaper in the hall can also be combined with painting, decorative plaster, ceramic tiles, brick or stone masonry, wood veneer, cork and plastic panels. Highlight the most interesting areas Carved wooden frames, stucco molding (or its imitation from polyurethane), and plasterboard niches will help.

Photo wallpapers have been familiar to us since the times of perestroika. They made it possible to decorate a room without spending a lot of money, distract from uneven walls, and significantly saved time on thinking through the design.

This became a real salvation for Soviet apartments, with almost monotonous furnishings and nondescript walls.

Most often, photo wallpapers were placed in the living room or hallway to surprise guests with an original solution.

general information

In the Soviet Union, mostly images of nature were applied to wallpaper, and their quality left much to be desired.

But this did not stop anyone and photo wallpapers took pride of place in the living room interior.

Therefore, this finishing option has become familiar to everyone and neither then nor today is it something alien and obscure.

In the 90s, a certain dissonance occurred: manufacturers regular wallpaper began to make up for lost profits and work to improve the quality of their products, while photo wallpaper manufacturers were in no hurry to change anything.

Because of this, the latter lost their former popularity. However, not for long. For many years now they have been bought on a par with simple wallpaper.

There are several reasons for this revival. Firstly, print quality has improved significantly.

The drawings have become realistic, and there are even 3D photo wallpapers for the living room. Secondly, the plots are very diverse. And thirdly, their wear resistance has increased due to improvements in the decorative layer.

It is important to note that in addition to purchasing ready-made options, many companies offer their services for transferring your photos onto photo wallpaper in the living room or any other room.

They just need to be of good quality.

Use Cases

The living room, or as it is often called the hall, is the place where guests are taken, where they gather with the family. Its environment should provide ease and comfort. Here are some tips for designing a living room with photo wallpaper:

It is best to decorate the wall near which there is a sofa or other seating areas. Active drawing will not constantly distract you.

As an alternative to the first option, stick photo wallpaper on the wall opposite the sofa. This will create an even more complete picture.

Be careful not to let the background color be too aggressive, as this will irritate you and your guests.

Photo wallpapers fit well into the minimalist style; they do not like a clutter of styles and accents.

Choosing a plot

If you decide to use photo wallpaper when decorating any room, it is important to remember that they are the main accent, and the rest of the walls are their background. Let's look at a few win-win options using unusual wallpaper.

Imitation of wall painting will fit into Italian and Mediterranean interiors. The view from the window of any ancient European city looks especially beautiful.

For a modern style (high-tech, loft, etc.), choose modern cities in an urban style.

Wallpaper depicting a rural landscape looks good in the appropriate country style. This direction is gaining great momentum today. Take a closer look at it.

IN ethnic style You will be transported by wallpapers depicting the national colors of different countries. Photographs can convey the spirit of a certain country, or an entire region, or they can only give hints of them.

For example, sakura takes us to Japan, and birches to Russia. Such paintings carry more than just an image. They contain the mood.

Many people associate pop art with cinematic culture, glamorous, social life. Wallpaper in this style is used in modern interiors.

They add color and discreet luxury to the room without any pretentiousness or pomp.

Images of nature are a classic for wall murals in the living room. Their modern performance, of course, is no longer the same as in Soviet times.

The plots have become bright, varied and even exotic. In addition to their decorative function, images of nature are psychologically calming. They also visually expand the space of small rooms.

The “subsection” of natural motives is floral theme. Photo wallpaper in the living room with roses, tulips, and entire gardens will add freshness and elegance to the room.

So, now it is obvious that the role of photo wallpaper is not limited to just wall decoration. They also carry practicality and functionality.

Modern technologies make it possible to make photo wallpapers resistant to various stains, exposure to sunlight and water.

They visually smooth out the unevenness of the walls, expand the space and give it a unique charm and originality.

Photo wallpaper design in the living room

The living room is the calling card of the home. Thinking through its interior means choosing wallpaper for the room. It is in this room that the family spends most of their time. Guests who come to the apartment also gather in this room. For many of us, the living room is a library and a study, and sometimes a bedroom. Therefore, the “clothing” for the walls must be chosen very carefully.


The choice of wallpaper for the living room and other areas of the apartment today is huge. They differ in their texture and color. First you need to decide on their type. Let's get acquainted with the main ones and their characteristics.

Paper wallpaper

They are the most affordable and simplest option for the majority of the population. Their cost is low, and covering walls is quite simple. They can only be used in rooms with a low probability of mechanical impact. It is not recommended to use them on walls in rooms with high humidity: the wallpaper may peel off or become deformed.


A modern analogue of wallpaper for the living room. They have higher wear resistance and breathability. The price is quite affordable for buyers. The service life is much higher than paper wallpaper.

Vinyl wallpapers

They have a paper base. It is covered with vinyl. If the composition includes silk threads, then the wallpaper is called silk-screen printing. Products with a smooth surface - compact vinyl. There are porous specimens made of foamed vinyl. All vinyl wallpapers have high strength and moisture resistance. They are able to resist mechanical damage well and do not fade in sunlight. Gluing them is much more difficult than paper ones. But professionals do this work quickly and efficiently. The price of the products is higher, but this is completely justified.

Non-woven wallpaper

Very durable due to their strength and durability. They are great as wallpaper for the living room. Their width is 100 cm. This allows you to make half as many joints, since the rest of the wallpaper has a width of 50-53 cm. Among the non-woven examples there are white ones. They are intended for subsequent painting. You can change the color of the room at any time by repainting the wallpaper on the walls. You can do this up to 10 times. Acrylic or emulsion paints are used for painting.

Washable wallpaper

They have a high degree of strength. They can be washed using detergents. They need to be glued only completely flat surface.


The products have a fabric layer on the outside. Inside there is paper or non-woven fabric. They are highly attractive, but are quite expensive.


They are capable of protecting against radiation from television and radio devices, power lines and cell phones. The bottom layer consists of paper, the top layer is made of the thinnest aluminum foil.


They are also called wallpaper of the future. This is a powder made from cotton, textile, and cellulose fibers. It is diluted with water or water-based paint and applied to the walls with a roller or spray gun.


Fiberglass wallpaper exhibits high resistance to fire and moisture and creates a favorable microclimate in the room. They can be repainted up to 15 times. Their cost is high, but it justifies itself with a long service life.

What wallpaper to choose for the hall is a matter of taste and money. What else should you pay attention to when purchasing? The following must be taken into account:

  • request a quality certificate from the seller;
  • the best products for the hall - paper, non-woven and textile;
  • pay close attention to the choice of colors;
  • It’s worth unrolling part of the roll and attaching it to the wall;
  • different colors Wallpaper is fashionable and beautiful.

Combination methods

Wallpaper popularity various types and the colors are growing every day. Manufacturers even began to present entire collections. All that remains is to select and stick them on the walls. If you purchased combined wallpaper, you need to zone the room and calculate the consumption of materials. Otherwise, it may turn out that there is not enough wallpaper and you will have to buy more. This often leads to the fact that wallpaper from another batch differs in shades of color from those already purchased for the room. The following areas are usually distinguished: dining area, TV area and sleeping area.

Zoning is done:

  • vertical;
  • horizontal;
  • intercalary;
  • patchwork;
  • niches.

For vertical zoning, use wallpaper with stripes. In rooms with low ceilings, vertical stripes on the walls can raise the ceiling (visually). It is better to use products of two different shades for this.

By using horizontal zoning, you can visually expand the room. This type of zoning looks good in rooms with high ceilings. When purchasing striped products, you need to combine them with plain surfaces. It is not recommended to use strips on the wall and on the floor or ceiling at the same time. Goes well with stripes plant patterns.

Inserts are made with pieces of wallpaper pasted onto other layers. The edges of the inserts can be decorated with baguette and special decorative panels.

Patchwork is a rarely used combination technique. If you have no experience in performing it, then it’s not worth the risk.

Niches are nice option combinations. A niche for a TV or for flowers and crafts is covered from the inside with a different color of wallpaper. Often only the back wall of the niche is subject to such cladding.

Other wallpaper colors for the living room

How to choose wallpaper? Some residents choose wallpaper for the living room in an apartment in a classic style. When choosing them, you should give preference to warm tones. These can be white and beige shades, golden, brown and green colors. Floral motifs are also welcome. These include ornaments of flowers in pale shades, and large flowers of bright colors. Flowers are found quite often in the style of minimalism and classicism, Provence and Japanese style. Such motifs give the room some romance and free it from excessive severity.

Photo wallpapers for the hall were in great demand 20 years ago. They usually depicted a forest or the seashore. The scarcity of plots led to the fact that their popularity quickly faded. The photo catalog today contains a wide variety of these products. Modern products are very realistic. An urban theme is popular: panoramas of night and day cities, landmarks. There are photo wallpapers with images of huge flowers and famous paintings.

Choosing wallpaper for a living room is not a very easy task given our variety of products. How to beautifully hang wallpaper in the living room? You can cover the walls with photo wallpaper in the living room or purchase other fashionable wallpaper. The main thing is to stick them correctly. To apply wallpaper in the hall you need to prepare everything necessary tools:

  • plumb line;
  • building level;
  • sharp knife;
  • meter for taking measurements;
  • scissors;
  • brushes and brushes;
  • spatulas.

The walls need to be prepared. Old finish removed from the walls by pre-wetting. Next, the surfaces need to be primed, puttied and primed again. Before work, all windows and doors are closed to eliminate drafts. Then the glue is diluted and all the gluing work takes place. Wallpapered walls significantly improve the interior of an apartment. The main thing is to make the right selection.

How to choose wallpaper? This question worries many apartment residents who decide to make renovations. The design of the wallpaper and the interior of the rooms should be in harmony with each other.

The options for choosing materials are very diverse.

Great importance in this case, they have the height of the ceiling, the presence or absence of niches and protrusions, and the dimensions of the room. For a small room, it is better to choose options for light-colored products, without patterns or with very small patterns. They will not disturb the interior at all. Large drawings visually narrow the walls.

You can give the room an original look by combining wallpaper different types. This technique will make the interior even more beautiful and hide some of the imperfections of the walls. Go well together Brown color with beige, olive with orange, green with yellow, burgundy with pink. White with blue, gray with purple, golden with milky color look great.

For repairs, people choose economical paper products, stylish vinyl, dyeable non-woven, unusual textile and luxurious natural wallpaper. Choose any of them and stick them on yourself or with the help of specialists.

Photo gallery

We invite you to see photos of various wallpapers in the living room

A living room or hall is a place of rest not only for guests and acquaintances, but also for household members. Therefore, it is very important that the design and interior of this room be worked out. One solution in this case is combined wallpapering of the walls in the hall.


It's no secret that wallpapers differ in design, color scheme, production technology and composition. The right combination of various representatives of this segment allows you to solve a number of problems.

First of all, through combination, zoning of certain zones is achieved. So, for example, in the kitchen you can separate dining area from the working room, and in the bedroom, highlight the wall behind the headboard. Combining visually you can expand the room not only in length, but also in height. This is achieved by using wallpaper with horizontal or vertical stripes.

In addition, by focusing the attention of prying eyes on a particular wall, you can hide minor flaws in the room and uneven walls. By combining, you can highlight niches, protrusions, or, conversely, decorate them.

Often in construction stores you can find leftover wallpaper that is sold at bargain prices, including new items for 2016. If you approach this issue wisely, you can save a lot on repairs. At the same time, we can say with absolute certainty that no one else will have such a room.

Main feature Combinations can also be called the fact that the wallpapers do not compete with each other, but, on the contrary, complement. In the following sections, we will consider combined wallpapers for the living room of 2 types, including the 2017 design.

By the way, it is worth noting the fact that this year oriental patterns, bright colors, stripes and monograms were popular.

Combination Features

Before you start considering the features of combining different wallpapers, it is important to know what wallpapers exist in principle. Today, manufacturers around the world produce the following wallpaper coverings:

  • Paper. It would not be a great exaggeration to say that this is the most affordable building material, since it is easy to find in any hardware store and has an affordable price. Due to the fact that they are made from cellulose, an environmentally friendly material, these wallpapers can “breathe”. But like any paper, they easily become unusable due to high humidity, which means they cannot be used to cover walls in bathrooms and kitchens. They are fragile and short-lived.

  • Non-woven. They are made on the basis of non-woven fabric, which, in addition to paper, also includes special fibers, thanks to which they can be painted. By the way, they can hide uneven walls, and this is very important if you don’t want to level and prime the surface during repairs. Unlike paper wallpaper, non-woven wallpaper does not leave bubbles behind. Remember that the glue must be applied to the wall - this is another feature compared to its predecessor.

  • Vinyl. Depending on the technology, they can be produced on the basis of paper or non-woven fabric. The top layer is vinyl, which allows you not only to wash wallpaper rolls, but also to paint them. But remember that there are types of vinyl wallpaper for which painting is strictly prohibited. This is evidenced by the markings on the packaging. This wallpaper is UV resistant, has good durability, and is not contraindicated for allergy sufferers.

  • Acrylic. This variety has not gained much popularity among buyers, which is why manufacturers are not developing this segment. In terms of cost, they can easily compete with paper ones, since both paper and acrylic ones do not tolerate high humidity.

  • Textile. Experts recommend covering bedrooms with them. Due to the fact that the top layer can be velor, silk or linen, they create luxurious interior. But, unfortunately, due to the high price tag, not everyone can afford them.

  • Liquid. Many buyers are surprised why liquid wallpaper is sold in the form of dry mixtures. The thing is that they must first be prepared. Pasting liquid wallpaper reminiscent of montage decorative plaster. There is no need to level the surface of the wall - liquid wallpaper itself does an excellent job of this task.

  • Glass wallpaper. The production of wallpaper from glass fibers is reminiscent of weaving. They are durable, not subject to combustion, easy to care for, including with the help of aggressive household chemicals. Another plus is that mold does not form under them and they are not inhabited by pests or microorganisms. The disadvantages include a limited number of drawings, but thanks to for a long time Glass wallpaper services are often installed in office premises.

  • Photo print. It is advisable to stick wallpaper with photo printing on the wall that is not covered with anything. Since paper is the base for photo wallpaper, experts recommend protecting the top layer with special compounds from moisture and ultraviolet radiation.

  • Natural. They are made from natural materials, so they have an increased price. Look great in bedrooms and living rooms. But it is worth noting that they must be properly cared for, otherwise there is a high probability of damage to the product.

  • Metal. They contain paper and aluminum foil, making them wear-resistant and moisture-resistant. Natural light and artificial lighting, reflected from the surface of metal wallpaper, visually expand the space.

  • Cork. It's environmentally friendly natural material. They are made from oak bark, the release of binding resins is achieved by pressing, and for durability the product is coated with special natural impregnations.

Quartz, velor, beaded, bamboo - the list goes on for a very long time. It’s impossible to list all the varieties. But it is worth remembering that combination is possible with any of the types. The main thing is to take into account their combination on different walls.

You can choose a combination of two colors based on a small rule. The main thing is that the colors are “relatives”, for example, you can stick two walls light wallpaper, and the remaining ones are bright.

The combination can be horizontal. Light shades look beautiful with dark ones. This type of wall covering can visually expand the length of the space. When the combination is vertical, the room visually expands in height. Remember that transitions should be properly decorated with moldings, borders or corners.

Another variety can be called a combination of wallpaper of the same color scheme with and without a pattern. This emphasis allows you to highlight one wall or a small corner in which you can hang a TV or collectibles.

Photo wallpapers themselves attract attention, so they are very it is important to combine wallpaper with a similar color scheme. Otherwise, you can create an interior in which photo printing will be out of place. The combination of two dissimilar patterns or colors allows you to highlight specific area walls.

Remember that the width in a patchwork combination should ideally match, but you can experiment with the length. The main thing is not to mix expensive collections with inexpressive stale items.

In Western countries, wallpapers in “frames” are popular - this is a kind of panel. To begin with, wallpaper rolls are pasted on all the walls, and only then, depending on the interior, “frames” are mounted either near the bed or below. Skirting boards or baguettes can serve as frames.

For non-standard rooms that have niches or projections, a combination can complement the interior. This is especially important in older homes that have a chimney or garbage disposal.

All these methods will be discussed later detailed review in the following sections.

Combination methods

Let's take a closer look at combining wallpaper within frames. Designers recommend covering the main wall with certain wallpaper, and the remaining three walls with wallpaper of a similar color scheme. After that, small rectangular pieces with a baguette are glued on the opposite side.

This highlighting with a decorative border allows you to focus attention not only on the main wall of the living room, but also on the opposite one, where there can be a relaxation area with a corner sofa.

Combination in a design environment has its own names:

  • Range. This is the use of wallpaper strips of different shades, but of the same color scheme. In this case, it is not necessary to accent one wall; you can cover all four walls. different wallpapers. Experts thus play with the transitions from light to dark tones.
  • Balancing. The key in this option is the central wall, which can have a complex pattern, and the remaining walls are covered with uniform wallpaper with related shades.
  • Opposite color scheme. Such an aggressive combination is suitable for youth rooms, but you should approach this process with all responsibility, since choosing the wrong colors can damage your psyche.
  • Material texture. When combining wallpaper with different textures, it is important that they be in one color scheme, but differed in patterns.


By combining you can achieve certain effects. For example, you can redirect attention away from defects on the wall with a combination of two colors. If there are various wires in the room - security alarm, cable TV or Internet, then you can stick a bright strip opposite them.

In order not to erect partitions from metal frame and sheets of drywall, zoning can be done. This method is used in studio apartments, where it is necessary to visually separate the living room from the kitchen.

Combining pastel and dark colors, can be achieved visual expansion small premises. But remember that you need to experiment with knowledge, otherwise the result may be shocking, and no one will return the money.

By highlighting a wall you can draw attention to a certain interior detail. In the hall or living room, you can highlight a relaxation area in this way.

Game of textures

A selection of combining colors and patterns is not really simple task and there are things you need to pay attention to.

First of all, wallpaper should be the same thickness, only with such a combination can one achieve good results. The joining will be perfect and the seams will not be visible.

You should approach patterns with caution; there should not be more than two of them, and the color scheme should be of related shades. In this case, you can combine pastel shades with exotic brights. The surface must be prepared in advance for pasting.

Remember that before purchasing wallpaper rolls It is advisable to attach different copies and see how well they fit together. This way you can save money if suddenly the wallpaper doesn’t match. You can ask sales consultants to combine wallpaper; the “companions” will be immediately noticeable upon a quick inspection.

It is worth considering that the texture should be combined with paper wallpaper, textured with textured. If non-woven or vinyl wallpaper has already been chosen as the main wall, then, accordingly, related materials should be their companions.

Color spectrum

Color design You can fix room lighting problems. So, for example, if the windows of the room face north, then using bright hues, the situation can be corrected. The same effect is achieved by combining dark and light shades, and do not forget about additional lighting.

Two-color solutions can brighten up minor imperfections. If there are inconspicuous niches or ledges in the living room, then designers recommend framing them with dark wallpaper, and the rest of the room with light wallpaper.

A few rules for choosing colors:

  • Red. Accents of grey, green or blue will suit it as “partners”. Do not overdo it with golden, purple and brick shades. Brown and chestnut tones look good in combination with red.
  • Pink. When selecting furniture, you should look out for burgundy and gray flowers. Can be used in moderation brown tone. But blue and red are strictly prohibited. The same goes for turquoise.
  • Orange. To match this color you can choose decor and furniture in green and white tone. Interior items can also be in purple tones.
  • Brown. This is a classic color and goes well with blue and gold. Gray and beige can be used with caution.
  • Yellow. It needs to be combined with brown or green furniture.

But remember that the selection beige shades goes well with light wallpaper, and black colors should be avoided in rooms where there is no additional lighting.

A selection of photo wallpapers is an entirely individual process. After all, the accent wall can be of any color, and this alone should make you “dance.” If you take into account all the recommendations described above, then everything will work out.

Before you decorate a living room of standard sizes (18 sq. m), you need to develop a design project. Should be considered color solutions, furniture and lighting. Before going to a hardware store, you need to understand whether you should focus on niches and protrusions or, conversely, whether they should be decorated. In emergency situations, some people resort to dismantling them.

Often the furniture is already available, so you need to combine colors in the apartment based on its shades and other interior details. The color of the wallpaper rolls should either be similar to the color of the furniture, or be a little lighter.

But remember that there is an overabundance bright colors can create a depressive environment in which prolonged stay in the room is fraught with negative consequences.

If you completely put the purchase of wallpaper on your shoulders, then it is important to know that you need to save batch numbers and shade colors. It is advisable that the wallpaper have one manufacturer, this guarantees a combination of at least the thickness of the product, so that seams and joints will not be visible.

Combining plain wallpaper with and without a pattern in the living room allows you to beat even small hall. Patterns, ornaments and monograms help transform one of the walls and make it stand out from the rest.

In a narrow rectangular room, designers recommend combining wallpaper in horizontal plane, this combination allows you to visually expand the room. Remember that in rooms with low ceilings, when covering the walls and ceiling with wallpaper, you can “stretch it out.”

By following these simple tricks, you can significantly transform a familiar interior.

For a small room you should try to choose pastel colors. The pattern can be abstract or from the field of geometry. Wallpaper with a large pattern will visually make the room smaller. Wallpaper imitating a cut of wood goes well with flowers, narrow stripes - with abstract patterns, this also applies to the cell.

Unfortunately, in hardware store The lighting is always different from that in the apartment, which means that the wallpaper you like can look completely different in the room. This should be understood at the selection stage.

It is advisable to add the main color of the wallpaper to the decor by purchasing pillows or paintings with the desired color.

Remember that when combining paper and washable wallpaper you will need various care. If paper wallpaper gets wet, it will become unusable and will eventually fall off, which means there will be at least redecorating. It is also important to consider the interaction building material with sun rays. If the wallpaper strips turn yellow or fade under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, they will also need to be replaced. That's why experts recommend combine paper with paper, and vinyl with vinyl.

If small children use the living room as a play area, then you should find a small corner for this purpose and stick chalk wallpaper there - you can draw on it. They are easy to care for - just wipe with a cloth.

Mass housing created in Soviet years and popularly referred to as “Khrushchev”, is still in service. Its demolition has only recently begun in the capital Russian Federation, and how many more such houses were built on the territory of the former Soviet Union- a rhetorical question. Of course, you can wait until the housing is demolished and a new one is built, but for many families this is not a way out of the situation. The living room in the “Khrushchev” can be arranged in a classic, retro or Provence style.

To do this, you can implement all the previously voiced tips. By the way, wallpaper has good sound insulation and good thermal conductivity, and it follows that, in addition to design use, they will also furnish the room from a practical point of view.

To learn how to choose the right wallpaper, watch the following video.

Options in the interior

Combining different wallpaper strips allows you to hide imperfections not only on the surface of the walls, but also in the room itself. If you use plain wallpaper, they against the backdrop of crooked walls, on the contrary, will only emphasize this drawback

By combining you can separate work area from the recreation area. If you plan to create in the living room sleeping place, then such a solution will highlight the sleeping area.

As a rule, such areas are highlighted with dark shades or special patterns.

If you combine wallpaper correctly, you can visually expand the room either in length or height. To do this, it is enough to use wallpaper with stripes or glue multi-colored canvases.

Combination allows you to beat the room in a minimalist style. All attention is paid to the wall that is covered in this way. Emphasis helps to designate the fireplace area or the wall on which the TV hangs.

In this way, you can select niches in the living room where you can place photographs that are close to your heart and expensive collections of antiques.

The patchwork combination system allows you to save a lot, since wallpaper remnants are sold at bargain prices. But this combination must be approached consciously, otherwise you will have to re-glue the wallpaper.

An accent wall looks great in living rooms designed in hi-tech or minimalist style. It is only important to choose it correctly; you should not focus on the balcony block or interior door, since most of the space is occupied not by the wall, but by the openings.

Remember that with its help only two surfaces are isolated, otherwise there is a high probability of oversaturation.

In a narrow room, preference should be given to bright colors when emphasizing small areas, and to highlight long areas with calm shades. This technique allows you to expand the living room space. Designers know very well that by combining cold and warm shades, you can achieve the desired result.

In the living room, it is best to accent the wall behind the TV or sofa. To do this, you should resort to the previously mentioned techniques, namely, a combination of dark shades on the main wall and similar colors on the remaining walls.

But in order not to delve into the basics of design, experts recommend turning your attention to modern photo wallpapers and building on them. In a horizontal combination, dark and light wallpaper companions are used. The joint is usually placed in the same plane as the door or chair; the transition is decorated with molding or a specially selected border.

Modern designers are trying to move away from the classic horizontal combination and place wallpaper strips in a way that is understandable to them.

By the way, in the upper part you can decorate the joint between the wall and the ceiling with stucco molding in the appropriate color.

Remember that the molding also performs a protective function; it is placed at the level of the back of the chairs for a reason. If the chair is moved close to the wall, then there is a high probability of damage to the wallpaper, but in this case nothing will happen to the molding.

Horizontal combination is an opportunity to combine incongruous things. Thanks to the transition, you can use wallpaper of different thicknesses. And you shouldn’t pay attention to the texture with this combination. Paper or non-woven - it doesn’t matter; you can combine vinyl wallpapers with textile ones.

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In city apartments it is a multifunctional room. Here they not only arrange meetings with guests, but also spend most of their free time with the whole family. Therefore, wallpaper for the living room should not only match decorative design, but also be practical: durable, not easily soiled, etc. In this article we will tell you how to choose the right wallpaper for the living room in an apartment; photo catalogs will clearly present design solutions for and non-trivial ideas for their combinations.

Despite the abundance of modern finishing materials, wallpaper remains the most common option used when decorating a room
PHOTO: eremontbp.com

When choosing modern wallpaper for a living room, buyers first of all pay attention to the design, pattern or texture. However, this factor is far from the most important. First of all, you should determine the type of product. Unlike or, there are no special performance requirements for the finishing materials used in the living room. In the hall does not happen in combination with high temperature and aggressive environment, harsh strong odors, condensation formation. Therefore, wallpaper for the living room wall can be made from almost any material.


Despite their affordable price, their market share is rapidly declining. First of all, this is due to significant limitations in operation, as well as the need to ideally prepare the base surface. Even two-layer paper wallpaper easily reveals any defects on the working surface. Suitable for use only in rooms with normal humidity - up to 70%. The maximum service life does not exceed 4-5 years, and if the apartment has or, then 1.5-2 years.

An example of using paper wallpaper in a living room interior:

Related article:

Wallpaper for walls: photo catalog interesting solutions for the living room, bedroom, children's room, kitchen and corridor. Read our review for the basic rules for selecting canvases and designers’ recommendations.

Polymer based wallpaper

Experts classify vinyl and non-woven wallpaper as one class of finishing materials. They are characterized by high strength and durability, as well as a wide color palette, availability of invoice solutions. Non-woven wallpaper can be repainted several times, periodically updating the interior without significant financial costs. Wet cleaning with the use of cleaning products is allowed, which preserves the aesthetic qualities of the finish for a long time.

Vinyl wallpaper in the living room interior:

PHOTO: eremontbp.com PHOTO: eremontbp.com
PHOTO: eremontbp.com PHOTO: eremontbp.com

Advice! Vinyl and non-woven wallpaper with deep embossing can hide significant defects in the base.

Related article:


This is wallpaper based on natural fibers:

  • cotton;
  • silk.

They are made by attaching natural fabric to a non-woven or cellulose base. On the finishing materials market you can purchase textile wallpaper with jute, velor or felt texture. This finish is ideal for decorating a room in a classic style. It adds sophistication and sophistication to the interior of the room.

Exquisite textile wallpaper for a living room in a private house, interior photos:

PHOTO: eremontbp.com PHOTO: eremontbp.com
PHOTO: eremontbp.com PHOTO: eremontbp.com


Metallized or foil wallpaper also consists of two layers: a paper base and an outer decorative layer of thin metal foil. As a rule, gold, silver, pearl, mother-of-pearl or bronze color and texture combinations prevail in the decor. This finishing is used to focus attention on individual interior elements.

Metallized wallpaper is usually used to decorate individual building structures and interior elements:

PHOTO: eremontbp.com PHOTO: eremontbp.com
PHOTO: eremontbp.com PHOTO: eremontbp.com

Photo wallpaper

Photo wallpaper on the wall in the living room has gained wide popularity due to the wide possibilities for visual correction of the dimensions of the room. Thanks to the wide range of commercially available themes, you can either visually expand the room by giving it greater height, or visually reduce it by bringing a distant wall closer, highlighting individual functional areas, etc. Photo wallpaper can be either paper or non-woven or vinyl based. Recently, many technologies for applying images have appeared, and their detail and quality have also increased significantly. Particularly notable are 3D prints, which have radically changed the approach to the design of a room with photo wallpaper. To preserve the image in its original form, a special film or varnish is applied to the surface of the photo wallpaper.

Photo wallpaper in the hall photo interiors:

PHOTO: eremontbp.com PHOTO: eremontbp.com
PHOTO: eremontbp.com
PHOTO: eremontbp.com PHOTO: eremontbp.com PHOTO: eremontbp.com

Related article:

Glass wallpaper

The principle of manufacturing such finishing is in many ways similar to textile wallpaper materials. Glass threads produced using a special technology are used as fibers. They are attached to a paper or non-woven base. This finishing material has an attractive appearance and original texture. In addition, glass wallpaper does not burn, and its melting point is +500ºС. The high cost is compensated by a significant service life - up to 25 years.

Designers are developing very original prints for glass wallpaper:

PHOTO: noviydom.com.ua PHOTO: noviydom.com.ua

PHOTO: tvoidvor.com PHOTO: tvoidvor.com

Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of wallpaper for the living room

Material of manufactureAdvantagesFlaws

Easy to stick;

Wide selection of colors and patterns

Not durable;

They are afraid of mechanical influences;

Cannot tolerate high humidity;

Not cleaned;

Over time they burn out;

Shows base defects

VinylHigh strength;

Relief texture;

Resistance to humidity;

Washing using household chemicals is allowed;

High decorative performance;

Hides significant base defects

High price;

Vapor tightness;

They have a characteristic smell that lasts quite a long time after gluing;

The material is heavy and requires special glue;

Quite difficult to stick on your own

NonwovenReasonable cost;

Good vapor permeability;

Easy to clean from dirt;

Withstands wet cleaning;

They are painted, depending on the relief, from 3 to 5 times;

Hides minor base defects

Limited range of textures;

Requires special glue;

Requires mandatory painting

AcrylicVapor permeable;

Non-marking (dust-repellent effect);

Biologically neutral;

Withstands light wet cleaning using household detergents

Limited range of colors and textures;

Pasting is not allowed in rooms with high humidity

TextileEnvironmental neutral;

The raw materials used are natural materials;

They have a sound and heat insulation effect;

There is no obvious joining of the canvases;

High decorative performance

Very high cost;

Gluing can only be done by a professional;

Absorbs odors;

They become electrified and attract dust;

Dry clean only

MetallizedHigh parameters of sound and heat insulation;

Have a protective effect against electromagnetic radiation;

Wet cleaning using household chemicals is allowed


Sensitive to mechanical stress;

Creates minor interference with Wi-Fi and mobile communications

LiquidThere are no seams or joints;

Do not fade from sunlight;

Simple application technology (you can do it yourself);

High noise insulation effect;

Very easy to repair

Relatively high cost;

Wet cleaning is not permitted;

Limited choice of decorative solutions

Photo wallpaperWide range of images;

You can find the most original theme that harmonizes with any type of interior;

Affordable price

A very careful gluing job is required, which is best left to professionals;

Show wall defects;

Cleaning should be done very carefully

Glass wallpaperEnvironmental friendliness;

Long service life;

Original design;

Fire resistance;

Easy to care for

Extremely high cost;

Limited color palette

Related article:

: price, features, advantages, disadvantages, varieties, secrets of choice, average prices, how exactly the stereo effect is created - read in our review.

Video: how to choose and combine wallpaper correctly

What wallpaper to choose for the hall, photos of interiors in various styles

Selecting one or another type of wallpaper, as well as its colors, patterns, textures and others decorative elements depends on the following factors:

  • area and shape of the living room;
  • the number of windows, their sizes (the glazing area of ​​the room), as well as the location of window and door openings;
  • positioning the room relative to the cardinal directions;
  • general stylistic solutions for the design of the apartment, especially adjacent rooms;
  • the need to combine zones for various purposes in the living room: dining room, kitchen, study, play area, etc. This factor has a key influence on the choice of material or combination of wallpaper in the room;
  • personal tastes and preferences of residents. The desire to create a cozy and peaceful atmosphere in the room or to highlight individual bright accents in the room.

How to choose wallpaper for a hall in a classic style

Few apartments can boast a living room with enough space to accommodate a fireplace, furniture and other interior items in a classic style. In this case, the emphasis in the decor is on the wallpaper. As a rule, classic finishing materials are characterized by a fairly rich color scheme and “traditional” patterns:

  • royal lilies and monograms;
  • plant-themed ornaments;
  • wavy lines and damask-type ornaments.

Wallpaper for a hall made in a classic style should have an expensive and presentable look:

PHOTO: noviydom.com.ua
PHOTO: noviydom.com.ua
PHOTO: noviydom.com.ua
PHOTO: noviydom.com.ua

How to choose wallpaper for a living room in Provence and country style

This style originally originated in the south of France. Now it has gained considerable popularity due to its apparent simplicity and graceful modesty. American style country music has a lot in common with it. For wallpaper in both stylistic decisions light colored warm shades, chintz texture, floral patterns or geometric patterns: stripes, check. A living room decorated in this style is characterized by a large amount of sunlight, various flower arrangements and decor made from natural materials.

The living room, made in, creates an atmosphere of comfort and homely warmth:

PHOTO: comfortoria.ru PHOTO: ratatum.com

PHOTO: ratatum.com PHOTO: comfortoria.ru

How to choose wallpaper for a loft-style room

The loft style is characterized by a combination modern furniture and the atmosphere of an old house: exposed brickwork, rough plastered walls, unfinished ceiling beams. The same textures can be seen in the wallpaper; they imitate natural materials, plaster, stone or brick. However, in some design solutions, wallpaper can be used as a bright accent.

It is best to use vinyl or non-woven wallpaper, which can more accurately convey the structure of the material:

PHOTO: remontbp.com PHOTO: dizainmetrov.ru
PHOTO: dizainmetrov.ru PHOTO: dizainmetrov.ru

Modern living room design, high-tech photo wallpaper

High-tech style in the interior is becoming increasingly popular for city apartments. With its help, you can realize various effects of changing space and zoning a room. Wallpaper in , which is used in living rooms, is characterized by both geometric patterns and photo wallpapers with various urban themes.

PHOTO: walldeco.ua
PHOTO: walldeco.ua
PHOTO: walldeco.ua PHOTO: walldeco.ua

Wallpaper for the living room in an apartment: catalogs of photos of modern and ancient styles

Although Lately Many new and unusual ways of interior design have appeared; wallpaper continues to be used to decorate living rooms, both in ancient and modern styles. The reasons for this are as follows:

  • incredibly wide possibilities for decoration both in color and texture;
  • a large selection of materials with different technical characteristics;
  • wide range of prices. Everyone can choose wallpaper according to their financial capabilities. At the same time, the quality of the work performed and well-chosen design solutions will give a prestigious look to the interior even from budget materials.

Modern style in living room design

Using modern style in living room design involves many factors. This is the use of the latest technologies, the addition of natural and artificial light sources. The basic colors of finishing materials are light, ranging from warm pastel tones to cold ones: blue and purple color palette. Special attention is given to wallpaper with a metallic effect.

Wallpaper in a modern living room allows you to harmoniously combine elements various styles: from strict minimalism to hi-tech:

PHOTO: remontbp.com PHOTO: remontbp.com PHOTO: remontbp.com
PHOTO: remontbp.com PHOTO: remontbp.com PHOTO: remontbp.com
PHOTO: remontbp.com PHOTO: remontbp.com PHOTO: remontbp.com

Beautiful wallpaper for the living room, classic and vintage design

Choosing wallpaper for a living room decorated in old style, depends on the specific design. The specificity and diversity of areas should be taken into account. For example, Baroque and Rococo are characterized by ornaments with many patterns. The color scheme is soft and unobtrusive: pink, lavender and gray shades. For the Empire style, availability is welcome floral ornament on vertical surfaces, as well as bas-relief structures and false columns that create accents when decorating a room.

Wallpaper for the living room is made in an antique style, emphasizing the luxury and richness of the decoration:

PHOTO: remontbp.com PHOTO: remontbp.com PHOTO: remontbp.com
PHOTO: noviydom.com.ua
PHOTO: noviydom.com.ua PHOTO: bouw.ru
PHOTO: bouw.ru PHOTO: bouw.ru
PHOTO: bouw.ru

Ideas for combining wallpaper in the living room: design and photos

The use of several types of wallpaper to decorate walls in a living room is quite common. design technique. Its difficulty lies in the need to choose harmonious not only color but also texture combinations.

Combination of wallpaper of two colors photo in the living room

The simplest design option combined wallpaper for the hall is a combination of two tones of the same color. This sure-fire technique will be useful for those who do not have deep knowledge of interior design. The result is a rather static, but calm and very elegant living room design. Second, no less effective technique, is a combination different colors one saturation. As a rule, it is used to create contrast in small living rooms.
