Signs for money and wealth from Vanga. So that the cash flow does not stop and grows. Prayers for good luck and money from Vanga

Vanga’s self-fulfilling prophecies did not leave a single skeptic indifferent. They confirmed that the advice of the great seer should not be neglected. Therefore, conspiracies from Vanga are still of interest to Internet users.

There are only a few left of the great seer effective conspiracies for luck and money.

Friday money plot

The ritual takes place from Friday to Saturday. You should lie down in bed, close your eyes, relax. Imagine a certain amount of money, think how good it would be to receive it soon. You need to not just think about this amount, but realize its necessity, understand what it can be spent on, and feel the joy of the upcoming purchase. Then you need to repeat the phrase nine times:

“This is my desire, this is how I want it, so this will happen.”

This is not the whole ritual. You should have an alarm set for 4 am. After waking up, you must immediately leave the house, wait for the first rays of the sun and say:

“That’s why I got up early in the morning, so that the sun would give me strength. Magic rays of the sun, you come from the east to fulfill your innermost desires. I need (name the amount here). I’m sure you can tell me where and how to get it.”

The plot is repeated three times. Very soon you will receive the specified amount, but you must spend it on what you wished for. The ritual can be repeated after three months.

Conspiracy with holy water for money

For this conspiracy, they go to church and bless the water. The ritual is carried out the next day, in the morning. They don’t drink or eat in front of him. You must sit down at the table, put a glass of water on the table, cut off half of the black bread, and put it on a plate. Next you need to say:

“Since the Lord fed all the hungry with bread, he can help my family. I want to not need anything, to always have food and well-being in my home. Show me the path to wealth, and I will use the money wisely.”

This plot is also read three times. After the third reading, you need to drink water and divide the bread among household members. But while eating bread, they should not know about the conspiracy.

Doorway spell (for good luck)

This conspiracy is considered the most effective, because bad energy enters the house through the door, causing failures and quarrels. A spell on a doorway will protect your home from negative impacts from outside. To pronounce it, you need to find out the waning phase of the moon, stand in this period doorway, say quietly three times (so no one hears):

“There will be as much luck in my life as there are people who walk through this door. Bad person will not be able to pass, but wealth and health will visit my house and remain there forever.”

Having said these words, wet your fingers in holy water and cross the door three times. Then spray water on the threshold. This will help you avoid misfortunes and disappointments in life, and attract only good energy into your home.

Prayers for good luck and money from Vanga

Vanga had not only spells for luck and money, but also prayers.

Prayer for failure to the holy angel

For the ritual, you need to fill a jar with water and leave it on the window at night. At dawn, get up, take a jar, go outside (you are allowed to go to the balcony). Holding the jar and looking at the sky, cross yourself, then cross the water from the jar. Quietly read the request to the guardian angel:

“My holy angel, guardian of soul and body! I cross myself with the cross and turn to you with pure prayer. I pray for your forgiveness: forgive my sins committed in error and ignorance. Bright angel, do not abandon me either in bad times or in good times, be with me on all my roads and paths. Help me find a righteous path pleasing to God, take away evil from me, attract good luck. Give me happiness, protect me from troubles, so that I can help my neighbors with a pure soul, and glorify the name of God in my deeds. Confirm the will of God, teach me a righteous life. Amen".

The prayer is read three times, on the water. Then you need to take a few sips, sprinkle the entire home with a sprig of parsley or dill, go outside, pour water under your feet and in front of you. This way you will bless your path.

Bread prayer for money

If you want to attract wealth into your home, after waking up, you need to take a piece of bread, looking at it, read three times:

“Lord Christ, you were able to feed the hungry with five loaves, so support my family. Make our life happy, well-fed, prosperous. Help me find the path to prosperity, send money to my home. I will spend this money wisely and use it for good. I will help the poor and glorify the Lord. Amen".

After reading the prayer, you need to eat bread and drink holy water.

Prayer for good luck to the owner of the water

For this ritual, you need to pour water into a glass bowl at dawn and leave it outside until noon in the sun. At noon on this water read:

“Great spirit of water! Save me from trouble! Show me mercy and protect me from illness. Give me strength, beauty, health, luck, so that I may be loved by people and God. Amen".

After reading, drink seven sips from the bowl, undress, and pour the rest onto the top of your head.

Vanga said that there should be objects at home that attract money. Such items include:

  1. Felt boots - serve as a container for gifts of fate, attract abundance to the house.
  2. Dry fish scales are shaped like coins, so they attract money well.
  3. Specially prepared money.

The last paragraph talks about ritual. You need to put the money under the moonlight for a few hours and leave, so as not to look, not to scare away the magic. After a few hours, wrap this money in cloth and hide it in your wallet. Don’t spend them for a month, leaving them to attract new money. In a month, spend it on church candles. Leave the change for donations. You can place the candles anywhere, and repeat the ritual in a month.

Most of us dream of having as much money in our pocket as we need, so that there is no need to count pennies from paycheck to paycheck.

It's no secret that There are many money rituals and signs that promise, if strictly observed, prosperity will notnot only in your pocket, but also in the house.
Here, for example, are exercises from Vanga that attract money into your life. Honestly, it’s hard to believe that these recommendations come from a blind seer, but the technique itself is good.

1. In the morning:
When you wake up, do not rush to open your eyes. Lie down, stretch well, smile at the new day. Still without opening your eyes, say it to yourself or whisper out loud.
- Greetings to you, new day of my life! I thank life for giving me this day! He is beautiful! Everything is great with me!

Stretch again, open your eyes. Slowly get up and go to the mirror. Look at your reflection, look into your eyes (remember, we are in no hurry! Enjoy the moments of communication with yourself). Smile at yourself again. If for some reason your mood is not conducive to smiling, get over yourself. Say again to yourself or whisper out loud:

- I love myself and accept myself as I am, because I am worthy of love for who I am - love without any conditions or reasons. I once and for all renounce self-criticism, evaluations and comparisons - I simply love. I am a wonderful, extremely worthy person. I deserve the best. I give myself love, I give myself the whole world. I accept all the blessings that the Universe gives. This day of mine is full of joy and happiness. The energy of health, success, abundance flows openly and freely to me! I accept inexhaustible flows of monetary energy, health, happiness, abundance!

Slowly raise your arms above your head, palms open. Imagine how a wide variety of gifts from fate fall into your palms. Having “accepted” the morning gifts, still slowly run your palms over your face, as if washing your face. Look in the mirror again, smile at yourself, say:

- As much money comes to me as I need. And I need enough to have enough to maintain High Quality of my life. Comfortable cozy home, quality food in sufficient quantities, decent wardrobe, everything necessary funds self-care, intellectual and spiritual development, those types of recreation that are attractive to me - I get all this rightfully and constantly, so that I have nothing to worry about or worry about. I always make sure that I have enough money to meet all my needs and get everything I want. I love myself and give myself all this! The feeling of my power, the joy of life, and constantly growing happiness does not leave me

After this, proceed with your usual morning routine.

2. During the day:
During the day, be sure to take some time just for yourself. Don't be lazy and don't make excuses for lack of time. In any, even the most stressful working day, it is possible to “snatch” a minute or two. Surely you go to lunch, drink tea, have a smoke break? Even if this is suddenly not the case, there is time on the way to and from work. You use transport, walk, and you can spend this time alone with yourself. Relax as much as possible. Breathe smoothly and measuredly, immerse yourself. If possible, close or at least cover your eyes.

Say out loud (if this is not possible, then to yourself):
- Everything is going very well for me, just great. I approve of everything I do. Everything that happens is for my benefit. The energies of the Universe enter my life and work for my benefit. My well-being is growing every moment. I am completely open to receiving money energies. I take every opportunity to bring abundance into my life. I am cheerful and full of strength. I enjoy life. I'm happy.

After this, if circumstances allow you, stretch well and move slightly. If this is not possible, simply tense the muscles several times and then completely relax them. Accompany relaxation with a long exhalation, imagining that with each exhalation you are getting rid of tension and fatigue. Happened? Wonderful! Return to your normal activities.

3. In the evening:
Before going to bed, go to the mirror, smile at yourself, say:

- I thank this day of my life. It was truly a wonderful, very important and happy day. I have countless such days ahead of me. I look forward to the happiness they bring to me. It is with great joy that I welcome the succession of future wonderful days. Each of them brings new happiness.
(From the book “Vanga: How to attract money to yourself”, Alexey and Zinaida Gromov, Angelina Makova)

That's all the subtleties of using exercises to attract money from Vanga. The most important thing is regular practice, patience and faith. No matter what happens, don't give up. Move forward towards abundance, and not only in the material sphere of life.

In this book you will find two ways to attract money into your life. These methods were told by the great Vanga herself! After successfully testing her recommendations on themselves and their friends, Angelina Makova, Zinaida and Alexey Gromov shared their experience, fulfilling the order of the great Bulgarian healer: to share knowledge with other people. Now these methods will be available to everyone who wants to attract the energy of well-being into their lives. Apply the precepts of the great Vanga, and your life will change dramatically in better side!

* * *

The given introductory fragment of the book Vanga. How to attract money to yourself (Zinaida Gromova) provided by our book partner - the company liters.

The Gospel of Dmitrov, better known to us under the name Vanga, today is one of the symbols of Bulgaria. And it’s not surprising - some time has passed since her death, but to this day the path of pilgrims and simply interested people to the places where she lived and ended her earthly journey is not overgrown. In many sources, Vanga is presented as Nostradamus, who has found his incarnation in our days. Many compare her with the blessed Matrona of Moscow and reverence her as a saint of the Bulgarian land. A great many legends have survived to this day about a variety of women - healers, ascetics, prophetesses, saviors, but, you see, few of them left us their names. Gospel, which people most often called “Baba Vanga,” is one of them. By the way, Vanga began her earthly life not in Bulgaria, but in Yugoslavia. In the small town of Strumica, on January 31, 1911, a daughter was born into the family of a small landowner. This event was long-awaited. But still unexpected, since the baby was born for two months ahead of schedule. The child was very weak, and also had a rather rare birth defect - fused fingers and toes. No one could say whether the girl would survive at all, nevertheless, loving and hoping for the best parents named her Evangelia, which means “bearer of the good news.”

Vanga lost her mother early - she was not yet three years old. The father, worried about his daughter growing up under the supervision of compassionate neighbors, very soon married again, and the life of the family flowed peacefully and calmly for some time. According to testimonies, the baby grew up cheerful, sociable, constantly inventing games for herself in which she treated, saved, and consoled someone. By the way, she had one game that greatly disturbed and irritated her father: the little girl would take some object, and then, tightly closing her eyes, begin to look for it “blindly” in the house or on the street.

He could live and be happy, but then the head of the family, Pande Suochev, Vanga’s father, was hit with troubles like a cornucopia: first, his land was confiscated, and he had to become a shepherd, the family was in need for many years, and then trouble happened to Vanga .

When Vanga was 12 years old, she walked with other children not far from the village in which she lived then. Suddenly the sky darkened, a strong, almost hurricane-force wind blew in, and a terrible dark cloud appeared in the sky. The children decided that a thunderstorm was starting. However, there was no trace of a thunderstorm. A stream of cold air, more like a tornado, suddenly lifted Vanga and swirled in the air. As she herself later said, at that moment she felt the touch of someone’s palms on her head, after which she lost consciousness. When Vanga woke up, the terrible hurricane had already ended, the circle was surprisingly quiet and dark. It was dark because her eyes were filled with sand. Headache. So they found her, covered with stones and branches torn from trees. Of course, the girl was given all the help possible at that time and in those conditions, but everything was useless - her head hurt more and more, by the evening her eyes became bloodshot, and by morning the iris also suddenly turned white. There was nothing left to do but see a doctor, who immediately prescribed surgery. The operation was done. Yes, not one, but two, but they did not bring any results - the girl became completely and irrevocably blind.

Of course, like almost any earthly person (especially an earthly girl), the future prophetess fell into despair. She fervently prayed to God, whom she had known since infancy, asking him for a miracle, but the miracle did not happen.

In 1925, Vanga ended up in the home of the blind in the city of Zemun, where she had to spend three long, difficult, but so important years for her. It was there that she learned to read and write using Braille, take care of herself, keep a tidy house, cook, knit, sew, and even play the piano. There, her first love came to her in the person of the same blind boarding school student, whose name was Dimitar. The young people decided to unite their lives, a wedding was scheduled, but Vanga’s father’s second wife suddenly died, and she was forced to return home. Waiting for her at home was her father, lost in his grief, three younger children and terrible poverty. The blind girl had to run the house, take care of the children and work at the same time. Vanga knitted well and with this skill she replenished family budget, and soon mastered weaving.

The Second has begun World War, and almost at the same time Vanga finally got married. It was not easy for the young wife in her husband’s family - the mother-in-law was categorically against her son’s choice and gave Vanga more and more tests. Nevertheless, Vanga managed to pull herself together, forgive the insults, and the relationship began to improve.

It is impossible to say with certainty when Vanga first showed her amazing abilities. Subsequently, many recalled that quite soon after the misfortune that happened to her, she often helped her father find the lost sheep that he was tending, quite accurately describing their location. In response to fair surprises, she replied that she saw these places in a dream. Vanga herself said that already at that time she often had dreams that foreshadowed unpleasant events that later happened in reality. However, she was able to fully demonstrate her abilities during the Second World War. It was Vanga who could accurately and definitely tell the women who came to her where in this moment are their loved ones located, are they alive. Having learned that a clairvoyant had appeared in Petrich, people flocked to Vanga’s house. Vanga herself said that at the moments of predictions, certain transparent, incorporeal beings appear to her, transmitting to her information about any person, no matter where he is at that time. According to her, she saw a “film” in which this or that life was thoroughly described, but, seeing any little thing, she was unable to change anything in human destiny.

I must say that new family Vanga, and especially her husband, were not enthusiastic about this kind of pilgrimage. Respecting the activities of the young wife and admiring her abilities, the husband still believed that her main purpose was to take care of the house and himself. Soon, however, Vanga’s husband was mobilized into the reserves. He returned from the war seriously ill and was treated " folk remedies", the main component of which was alcohol. This treatment, of course, did not pass without a trace, and very soon the young man became what we call alcoholics. In 1962 he died of cirrhosis of the liver. Subsequently, it turned out that Vanga, of course, knew about the time of her husband’s death, and not a month or two in advance, but many years in advance. That's why everyone last years, which they spent together, Vanga often cried and found no place for herself from anxiety, grief and powerlessness to change anything. After escorting my husband to last way, she never took off her widow's scarf again.

The day after the funeral, Vanga came out to the people waiting for her. To the bewilderment of her relatives, she replied that her sufferers needed her, so she would accept everyone. Shortly before the death of her husband, Vanga discovered her abilities as a healer. It should be noted that she never denied the achievements of medicine. But she herself preferred to treat and be treated with herbs, since excessive use of drugs, in her opinion, “closes the door through which nature enters with the help of herbs to restore the balance disturbed in the body.”

Now, people suffering from one or another disease have been added to those who want to know about their fate and the fate of their loved ones. Vanga provided real help to many of them. But she categorically did not take on some cases, explaining her non-intervention by the presence of life path, which she cannot change.

At a time when Vanga was still relatively young and healthy, she managed to receive up to 120 people a day, shortly before her death - only about 10 visitors. Everyone who came to her had to bring with them a piece of sugar, which had previously lain under the pillow for 2-3 days. From this piece, as from a book, Vanga read fate - past, present and future. It was necessary to pay for Vanga’s reception, but the money went to the city treasury. With the help of this money, Vanga’s activities were legalized and a famous temple in the town of Rupi.

Current page: 1 (book has 13 pages total) [available reading passage: 9 pages]

Angelina Makova, Zinaida Gromova, Alexey Gromov
VANGA: how to attract money to yourself

About Wang

The Gospel of Dmitrov, better known to us under the name Vanga, today is one of the symbols of Bulgaria. And it’s not surprising - some time has passed since her death, but to this day the path of pilgrims and simply interested people to the places where she lived and ended her earthly journey is not overgrown. In many sources, Vanga is presented as Nostradamus, who has found his incarnation in our days. Many compare her with the blessed Matrona of Moscow and reverence her as a saint of the Bulgarian land. A great many legends have survived to this day about a variety of women - healers, ascetics, prophetesses, saviors, but, you see, few of them left us their names. Gospel, which people most often called “Baba Vanga,” is one of them. By the way, Vanga began her earthly life not in Bulgaria, but in Yugoslavia. In the small town of Strumica, on January 31, 1911, a daughter was born into the family of a small landowner. This event was long-awaited. But still unexpected, since the baby was born two months ahead of schedule. The child was very weak, and also had a rather rare birth defect - fused fingers and toes. No one could say whether the girl would survive at all, nevertheless, loving and hoping for the best parents named her Evangelia, which means “bearer of the good news.”

Vanga lost her mother early - she was not yet three years old. The father, worried about his daughter growing up under the supervision of compassionate neighbors, very soon married again, and the life of the family flowed peacefully and calmly for some time. According to testimonies, the baby grew up cheerful, sociable, constantly inventing games for herself in which she treated, saved, and consoled someone. By the way, she had one game that greatly disturbed and irritated her father: the little girl would take some object, and then, tightly closing her eyes, begin to look for it “blindly” in the house or on the street.

He could live and be happy, but then the head of the family, Pande Suochev, Vanga’s father, was hit with troubles like a cornucopia: first, his land was confiscated, and he had to become a shepherd, the family was in need for many years, and then trouble happened to Vanga .

When Vanga was 12 years old, she walked with other children not far from the village in which she lived then. Suddenly the sky darkened, a strong, almost hurricane-force wind blew in, and a terrible dark cloud appeared in the sky. The children decided that a thunderstorm was starting. However, there was no trace of a thunderstorm. A stream of cold air, more like a tornado, suddenly lifted Vanga and swirled in the air. As she herself later said, at that moment she felt the touch of someone’s palms on her head, after which she lost consciousness. When Vanga woke up, the terrible hurricane had already ended, the circle was surprisingly quiet and dark. It was dark because her eyes were filled with sand. Headache. So they found her, covered with stones and branches torn from trees. Of course, the girl was given all the help possible at that time and in those conditions, but everything was useless - her head hurt more and more, by the evening her eyes became bloodshot, and by morning the iris also suddenly turned white. There was nothing left to do but see a doctor, who immediately prescribed surgery. The operation was done. Yes, not one, but two, but they did not bring any results - the girl became completely and irrevocably blind.

Of course, like almost any earthly person (especially an earthly girl), the future prophetess fell into despair. She fervently prayed to God, whom she had known since infancy, asking him for a miracle, but the miracle did not happen.

In 1925, Vanga ended up in the home of the blind in the city of Zemun, where she had to spend three long, difficult, but so important years for her. It was there that she learned to read and write using Braille, take care of herself, keep a tidy house, cook, knit, sew, and even play the piano. There, her first love came to her in the person of the same blind boarding school student, whose name was Dimitar. The young people decided to unite their lives, a wedding was scheduled, but Vanga’s father’s second wife suddenly died, and she was forced to return home. Waiting for her at home was her father, lost in his grief, three younger children and terrible poverty. The blind girl had to run the house, take care of the children and work at the same time. Vanga knitted well and with this skill supplemented the family budget, and soon mastered weaving.

World War II began, and almost at the same time Vanga finally got married. It was not easy for the young wife in her husband’s family - the mother-in-law was categorically against her son’s choice and gave Vanga more and more tests. Nevertheless, Vanga managed to pull herself together, forgive the insults, and the relationship began to improve.

It is impossible to say with certainty when Vanga first showed her amazing abilities. Subsequently, many recalled that quite soon after the misfortune that happened to her, she often helped her father find the lost sheep that he was tending, quite accurately describing their location. In response to fair surprises, she replied that she saw these places in a dream. Vanga herself said that already at that time she often had dreams that foreshadowed unpleasant events that later happened in reality. However, she was able to fully demonstrate her abilities during the Second World War. It was Vanga who could accurately and definitely tell the women who came to her where their loved ones were at the moment, whether they were alive. Having learned that a clairvoyant had appeared in Petrich, people flocked to Vanga’s house. Vanga herself said that at the moments of predictions, certain transparent, incorporeal beings appear to her, transmitting to her information about any person, no matter where he is at that time. According to her, she saw a “film” in which this or that life was thoroughly described, but, seeing any little thing, she was unable to change anything in human destiny.

It must be said that Vanga’s new family, and especially her husband, were not enthusiastic about this kind of pilgrimage. Respecting the activities of the young wife and admiring her abilities, the husband still believed that her main purpose was to take care of the house and himself. Soon, however, Vanga’s husband was mobilized into the reserves. He returned from the war seriously ill and was treated with “folk remedies”, the main component of which was alcohol. This treatment, of course, did not pass without a trace, and very soon the young man became what we call alcoholics. In 1962 he died of cirrhosis of the liver. Subsequently, it turned out that Vanga, of course, knew about the time of her husband’s death, and not a month or two in advance, but many years in advance. That is why, throughout the last years that they spent together, Vanga often cried and could not find a place for herself from anxiety, grief and powerlessness to change anything. Having seen off her husband on his last journey, she never took off her widow’s scarf again.

The day after the funeral, Vanga came out to the people waiting for her. To the bewilderment of her relatives, she replied that her sufferers needed her, so she would accept everyone. Shortly before the death of her husband, Vanga discovered her abilities as a healer. It should be noted that she never denied the achievements of medicine. But she herself preferred to treat and be treated with herbs, since excessive use of drugs, in her opinion, “closes the door through which nature enters with the help of herbs to restore the balance disturbed in the body.”

Now, people suffering from one or another disease have been added to those who want to know about their fate and the fate of their loved ones. Vanga provided real help to many of them. But she categorically did not take on some cases, explaining her non-intervention by the fact that the person had a life path that she was unable to change.

At a time when Vanga was still relatively young and healthy, she managed to receive up to 120 people a day, shortly before her death - only about 10 visitors. Everyone who came to her had to bring with them a piece of sugar, which had previously lain under the pillow for 2-3 days. From this piece, as from a book, Vanga read fate - past, present and future. It was necessary to pay for Vanga’s reception, but the money went to the city treasury. With the help of this money, Vanga’s activities were legalized and the famous temple was built in the town of Rupa.

What is this book about?

We all know about the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga. Everyone has heard or read about her phenomenal ability to predict the future and foresee future events. Vanga could, and probably this is the most important thing for you and me, help a person change his destiny. Change in that area of ​​life in which a person felt deprived and could not cope with his problem. For example, if a person was dissatisfied with his personal life, Vanga helped him find a way out of this situation: she told him what to do and what not to do, who to listen to, and whose advice not to take into account. In the same way, if a person was dissatisfied with his financial situation and would like to have more money, Vanga helped him learn how to get as much money as he needed for a normal life. Of course, this information was unknown to the general population. Various sources of information (intentionally or unintentionally) were silent about this side of her abilities, especially about her assistance in material matters. In fact, Vanga was interested in money issues just like many others. Why? Yes, because, according to Vanga herself, the most important thing in life is harmony, and harmony in human life comes when a person understands that he is happy with everything in his life, that he does not feel anxiety in any aspect of life: neither in the spiritual, nor in the material. That’s why Vanga helped people who came to her learn how to receive material benefits.

Numerous evidence convincingly tells us that even after her death, Vanga did not leave those living on earth. We, people of the 21st century, can also get Vanga’s help.

How? Vanga's methods are simple. In this book we have placed two stories from two different people– women and men – who came into contact with these methods and received invaluable help from Vanga. 1
These stories have already been published as separate books. They are published here with individual editorial changes.

This help came to them many years after the death of the great sorceress.

Vanga helps everyone who turns to her for help with a pure heart and good thoughts.

Vanga explained all her life that she does not act by herself, but by the Power given to her from above. It is this Power that everyone who wants to receive help from Vanga should turn to. The famous clairvoyant is no longer alive - but the Power that guided her is immortal. That's why Vanga still continues to help people. She will help you too.

In the first part of this book you will read Vanga’s advice to help you achieve wealth and prosperity. The story from the second part will show you how to approach Vanga with a request for financial assistance and correctly accept such help.

First part
Eight steps to wealth

Unusual New Year

They say that you can't argue with fate. Perhaps this is indeed so; but I like another saying better: fate drags the lazy, but leads the brave. This courage sometimes lies in simple choice. Or a series of choices that we make every day, sometimes without even noticing it. One such subtle choice changed my entire life.

New Year– a magical holiday that children and adults are looking forward to. It would seem that nothing special happens: just one number changes in the calendar, however New Year's Eve no one goes to bed, as if everyone is afraid of missing something important. On the night from 2006 to 2007, I didn’t sleep either, but not at all because of the holiday. New Year found me on the train: I was delayed business trip, but I didn’t want to celebrate the holiday in a foreign city. The capital saw me off with lights and fireworks, the carriage corridor was brightly lit and decorated with shining garlands; therefore, entering the dim compartment, I did not immediately notice that there was someone else in it. I must say that my mood was not at all festive. I was driving home - but I wasn’t at all sure that I would find my house safe and sound.

…Our family has lived all our lives in the historical center Northern capital. Having an apartment in the very heart of St. Petersburg was once considered prestigious, but now no one would envy us. Large construction company attracted a plot of land in the city center, and houses built two or more centuries ago began to be bought up for demolition. They also wanted to demolish our house; and in its place a shopping center was supposed to appear. The money that was offered to residents for their apartments was simply ridiculous: for such an amount people would only buy a temporary house somewhere a hundred kilometers from St. Petersburg. For several years we waged a war with the corporation, wrote letters to officials, and even complained to Moscow; but in such wars, those who have more money win. Developers had more money. On the eve of my departure, we received a notice that, according to the decree, the dismantling of the house should begin in January next year. That’s why the holiday was not a joy for me: that same January was coming.

I sat down heavily on the shelf, closed my eyes and began to think about what I should do. My salary is enough to live on, but even if I work in several places at once, I still won’t be able to save up for an apartment. I also can’t afford to rent a house... And why is everything in this world so unfair?

The roar of fireworks gradually died down: the train was carried away from Moscow further and further. Finally, all that could be heard was the rhythmic clatter of wheels and laughter in the conductor’s compartment (they were celebrating the New Year there). Suddenly a quiet voice was heard in the compartment:

– Isn’t this world so bad, girl?

Out of surprise, I jumped up and immediately hit my head on the top shelf. Opposite me sat a woman, judging by her voice, not young (her face was almost invisible due to the darkness, only her eyes sparkled from under her light bangs).

“Sorry for scaring you,” the woman continued. “You should have said hello right away, congratulated you on the New Year, after all... but I see that you have no time for that.” Problems?

I didn’t have time to answer: the compartment door moved back. The conductor's flushed face appeared in the opening.

– Would you like some champagne, girls? There is chocolate, oranges...

“Thank you,” my fellow traveler responded immediately. - We could use some stronger tea. With sugar.

“Just some tea,” the conductor agreed good-naturedly and disappeared into the sparkling corridor.

I liked the unfamiliar woman in the compartment for her calmness and friendliness, but I didn’t want to let anyone in on my joyless thoughts. So I decided to change the topic:

- Don't drink champagne? What about cognac? I have real Armenian cognac with me. Want to?

(I actually had a bottle: a holiday gift from my Moscow colleagues.)

“I don’t want to,” she said simply. – Not because I don’t drink at all. You just need to drink when your heart is happy. What joy do I have if you are grieving?

“I’m not grieving...” I said hesitantly.

“My name is Varvara Semyonovna,” the woman continued. – I am seventy-two years old. I was visiting my grandchildren in Moscow, I was thinking of staying for the New Year, but my son called - come, he says, urgently: my daughter has flown in from Vladivostok, she will only stay for a day, and then she has a plane, she is going to Europe for the holidays. So I took off. And you... - Varvara Semyonovna stopped short. - Can I use “you”? Otherwise she looks so much like my granddaughter, the eldest...

“Of course, of course,” I quickly answered. - Please. I'm Katya. I'm returning home from a business trip.

- Why is your heart so heavy?

- Never mind. Just tired.

– Everyone gets tired at the end of the year, but on New Year’s they have fun. And I see you are not having fun. Don't you want to tell me? I see you don't want to. But I’ll tell you this: if you need help, ask! Do not be shy! God will hear and help, and the world is not without good people.

“And not without evil,” I sighed. - A good people They won’t help me: the evil ones have more power. And money.

“Do you want,” Varvara Semyonovna leaned towards me and looked straight into my eyes, “do you want me to help you?”

“I want to,” I blurted out completely sincerely. “I would accept help from anyone.” But you just can’t cope with my problem.

- We'll see about that.

And then she did a completely unexpected thing: she took my hand and squeezed it tightly. I was dumbfounded; but after a few moments Varvara Semyonovna let go of my hand, leaned back and spoke:

“Everything will be fine with your house, no one will demolish it, don’t worry.” Only in January you still need to find a new place to live. Temporary housing. But you will find it, I know that for sure. And further. Soon you will have money, big money.

Thoughts were racing through my head. Who is this woman? How does she know about the house? Maybe she’s my neighbor, just lives in a different building? It’s like I’ve never seen her, the faces have become familiar for a long time...

The door rumbled: a cheerful conductor entered. She put the tea on the table and took out two single-serve packages of refined sugar with a train on the wrapper from her pocket.

- And here are the seagulls! – Varvara Semyonovna exclaimed joyfully. - Well, thank you!

And already turning to me:

- Here, Katenka, help has arrived for you! And you say that the evil ones have more power. Now we have tea... sugar... sugar, here, take it, clamped in your palm... - saying this, she unwrapped one package, took my palm and put both pieces into it. - Now say to yourself: God, High power, help me cope with my trouble! Just, Katya, remember: you need to wish it very, very strongly, otherwise it won’t help.

Crazy? But the fellow traveler’s gaze was calm; something in her voice made me squeeze the sugar in my palm and say to myself, “God, Higher Power, help...please!”

“That’s good,” said Varvara Semyonovna, as soon as I mentally said my request. - Now give me some sugar, otherwise it will melt right in your palms. Put it here.

She handed me some kind of dark card wrapped in plastic. I think it was a photograph. Mechanically, I put both pieces on it. Varvara Semyonovna quickly crossed the sugar with her free hand and said something in a low voice - either in Ukrainian or Belarusian. I couldn’t make out anything except the word “Gospel.”

- Here you go. Now drink some tea,” Varvara Semyonovna threw one piece into my glass. - And go to bed. And put this piece in your purse, in the most secluded corner.

- And what? – I asked carefully. (Now I was absolutely sure: the old woman clearly had something wrong with her head. The main thing was not to argue, otherwise she would go into a riot.)

- But you'll see.

I obediently threw the sugar into my bag, slowly (so as not to arouse suspicion) drank the tea, thinking that I had never celebrated the New Year in such a strange way. Then I wished my fellow traveler Good night and lay down. I decided to just pretend that I was falling asleep: I need to be vigilant, you never know what will come into the head of this, to put it mildly, wonderful woman! But as soon as my head touched the pillow, my eyelids filled with heaviness, and it was as if I duvet, covered me with a warm and peaceful sleep.

Coincidence or... miracle?

We said goodbye to my unusual companion while still in the carriage. Having stepped onto the platform, I immediately forgot about the night adventure. From the station to the house - ten minutes walk. But I ran there in five minutes: I wanted to quickly make sure that my childhood home was still there. The house, thank God, stood, and nothing said that it would soon be gone. Christmas tree garlands glowed in the dark windows, and the yard was strewn with wrappers from firecrackers and firecrackers. It was quiet and deserted: after the festive night, people slept peacefully, as if no one was going to kick them out of their habitable apartments.

I stopped in the middle of the yard, raised my head to the reddish sky and quietly asked:

- Lord, if you hear me, make sure that next New Year everything is exactly the same here!

For some reason I felt very calm. Wishing myself to remain in the same state all day and not think about bad things, I entered the entrance. At home, I quickly grabbed the goodies that my mother had left in the refrigerator for me, I sat down at the computer and went online. When all the congratulatory letters were read, I began to look through the archive of local news. Suddenly the name of our street and our house number flashed in one of the headlines! I opened the page with the news and began to read voraciously. And although the note was small, only four lines, its meaning did not reach me immediately. It informed us that our house was an architectural monument of federal significance, and demolishing it was prohibited by law!

Having barely waited until dawn, I rushed to the neighbors. I called all the apartments, but people were still sleeping. Phones construction company were silent: in holidays no one was working. But the boss of one large company called and asked for a meeting (for those who really earn money, there are no days off). I drove up to the “office”, and then another unexpected news awaited me: I was offered to head major project, with a salary many times higher than my current income! When I carefully asked why they chose me, the boss showed me a document with a list of international award winners in my professional field. And my name was on this list! And I forgot that I took part in the competition...

All this was so unexpected, but the main thing is that all these wonderful events happened on one day! I figured: my salary is new job plus an international prize... Even if the news about our house turned out to be a hoax and it will still be demolished, I will still have enough money to buy inexpensive apartment. Of course, not in the center, but within the boundaries of St. Petersburg. In addition, at my new job I will have new connections, and - who knows, maybe I will be able to get through to high-ranking officials and protect the house! Anyway, my the main problem was decided.

...Four days later I managed to get through to the construction company. At first they didn’t want to talk to me, but when I named the company where I was supposed to work, the secretary said that the management had gone to Courchevel for two weeks, but yes, indeed, the house would not be demolished.

– Is it possible to get a copy of the resolution from you? – I asked.

“Please,” they responded lazily on the phone.

Returning from the company office, the first thing I did was reach into my bag for a photocopy of the document. Without looking, she slammed the uncovered bag onto the nightstand, but was unsuccessful: the bag fell and all its contents ended up on the floor. Hastily collecting what was scattered, I found a piece of refined sugar under my handkerchief. At first I couldn’t understand how it ended up in my apartment (we usually don’t buy refined sugar), but then I remembered New year's night on the train and my strange fellow traveler. I picked up the phone and dialed my mother's number. Mom didn’t know any Varvara Semyonovna, didn’t tell anyone about me and didn’t show my photograph. How did this woman know everything? Well, let’s say she could read about our house in the news. But the fact that I will have a lot of money... so, stop! What else did she say? Yeah, here it is: that I will need to look for temporary housing. But she turned out to be right about this too: if the house is undergoing restoration, the residents will need to move somewhere during the renovation... It’s like she was looking into water! Or maybe this is just a coincidence? I don't really believe it.

I had to find out everything - but I could only find out from Varvara Semyonovna herself. can I find her? After all, she didn’t tell me her last name. Suddenly I remembered that on the train this morning she asked permission to use my mobile phone to call my son. And the number is probably preserved in memory! I found him right away, and a minute later I already knew where Varvara Semyonovna lived. By a strange coincidence, her house was located next to the office of the very company where I was offered to work. I was unable to reach her by phone, and I decided to go without calling. I couldn't wait to find out the whole truth.

Vanga is a famous soothsayer. She predicted not only the future, but also knew many conspiracies, prayers that helped people or financial well-being. They believe her, because almost all of her predictions came true, which means she is a strong clairvoyant.

The Bulgarian seer taught many people to read prayers and spells correctly. They should only be recited on a special day. There are Vanga conspiracies for money, luck, etc. That is, for all occasions. They will be discussed in the article.

Clairvoyant Vanga and her prophecies

The famous fortuneteller was born on January 31, 1911. For two long months, her parents were afraid to give her a name, since the girl was born very weak and no one expected her to survive. However, a miracle happened. Vanga survived. At the age of 3 she was left without a mother, and at the age of 12 she got into trouble and became blind.

The people around did not immediately notice Vanga’s abilities and her vision. Even as a child, she began to see what others could not. The clairvoyant herself did not understand how she managed to predict the future for people. Over time, many people began to come to Vanga for advice.

It is noted that the clairvoyant predicted correctly more than 7,000 times. When she saw Stalin's death in the near future and told him about it, she went to prison. Six months after her prediction, he died, and the soothsayer was released. Everyone believed in the power of her visions.

Vanga has been engaged in her activities for about 55 years. During this time, she received more than a million people. The clairvoyant did not take much money for her predictions. Those who could give as much as they could. With this money she built a temple.

Vanga taught people many prayers and spells for diseases, successful life, love, etc. People are still confident that if you read them from the heart, you will find happiness and peace of mind. Vanga's powerful spells helped those suffering in their desires. The day before her death, she asked to be bathed. She knew that she would die tomorrow. And so it happened. Vanga passed away on August 11, 1996.

Vanga's conspiracies and prayers for financial well-being

The soothsayer gave people a lot of advice so that they could always have money.

1. For this ritual you need a glass clean water. It can be consecrated in a church. In the evening, place a glass of water on the windowsill, and at dawn, begin the ritual. Open the window, cross yourself and read Vanga’s money plot:

  • “My angel, do not turn away from me, but always be with me. Forgive my sins, feed me deliciously. Don't leave me with my failures, help me in my endeavors. Give me strength, work and health. I want to be happy man, and for this I need your help."

After the spell, drink 3 sips of water from a glass, and leave the rest on the windowsill until lunch.

2. The next conspiracy is considered stronger than the previous one. This ritual should only be performed during the full moon. To do this, take the largest bill that your family has. On a full moon, place the money in the eastern corner and cover it with a scarf. Touch the bill with your hand and read the plot:

  • “Heavenly angels, I beg you, my property will remain with me.”

You need to say these words three times. Let the money remain in the corner until the end of the full moon.

Vanga argued that it is not necessary to know conspiracies by heart. You can ask the angel for help in your own words. The main thing is to pronounce conspiracies from the heart. There will definitely be money.

Don’t give up, keep working and ask God to give you strength and health to make your dreams come true. Vanga's money spells will help you increase your income or find a decent job.

How to attract good luck

You can protect yourself from failure with the help of a Guardian Angel. Contact him with prayers, ask him to protect you from evil and trouble. Strong from Vanga will help you find happy days.

Get up at dawn and wash your face with cold running water. At the same time, say these words:

  • “Water, water, wash my face and bring happy rays to my home.”

Then put water in a bowl and cast any spell for good luck over it. This could be your prayer, in which you ask your Guardian Angel to help you with problems and protect you from failures.

Vanga argued that we need to ask all the saints for help. To do this you need to go to church. Before leaving the house, read a prayer, for example, “Our Father.” Now go to church. When you leave the apartment, you must not go to the church; before entering, read the prayer again. Buy 7 candles and place them in front of the icons, pray for the health of all your family and friends. Read any prayers that you know.

When you leave church, pray again. Don’t memorize Vanga’s conspiracies for money and luck. The soothsayer believed that the most strong prayer- this is yours, which is read as the soul feels.

Love spells

Rituals for attracting your other half are powerful, so they must be used with caution. Vanga's plot to attract a man's love is effective. You must be sure that you need feelings right now. After all, then you won’t be able to get rid of them easily.

If you are really determined to love, then prepare two photographs (yours and your chosen one), two raw beets and a knife (preferably with a wooden handle).

Now you can carry out the ritual itself. To do this, use a knife to make a cross-shaped cut on the top of the beets and drop three drops of juice onto two photographs. Candles must be wrapped with red thread.

Place the photographs on the table, and place the beets above them to form a triangle. Place two candles between the pictures. They should be under the beets. Now say the spell:

  • “I, the servant of God, ask the holy spirits to bring my betrothed to me. Let him start thinking about me both in a dream and in reality. May my betrothed not let other girls near him. Help him open his eyes to me.”

After the conspiracy, continue to live as if nothing had happened, and soon your beloved guy will pay attention to you.

To prevent him from leaving you, ask him to sharpen the knife that was used in the ritual. Now he will love you even more. Vanga’s prayers and conspiracies for love are very strong, so before performing the ritual, think about whether the guy is worth your attention.

Every businessman wants to make as much profit as possible. However, this does not always work out. In order for profits to grow regularly, there is strong conspiracy Vanga for trade. Take a red ribbon about 50 cm long. Place it on the windowsill overnight. Get up at dawn, take a ribbon and tie its ends. When you have a circle, place it on the floor and stand in the center so that your face faces east.

Say the spell out loud:

  • “My business is profitable, stable and strong, stand behind, in front and on the sides, and I stand in the middle. My profit, always be with me and do not leave me.”

Now say “Amen” 3 times.

Wrap this tape around a table, chair or wallet. That is, any item that concerns your business. Now this ribbon will be your talisman, which should always be close to your business. The conspiracy is strong with money from Vanga. It will help increase your profits and grow your business.

Vanga also advises never putting a bag, wallet or banknotes on the table. There is an opinion that financial success will run away. It is best to put money under the tablecloth at night. Then you will have profit.

Vanga claims that the first buyer should be a man or a boy. If the first woman wants to buy an item from you, there will be no bidding all day.

When a man has bought a product from you, wave this money over the table or counter and say a prayer. There is an opinion that you will have customers all day long.

How to lose weight using Vanga's spells

This conspiracy does not work the first time. Be patient and perform the ritual every day before going to bed for 9 days. To do this, take right hand glass with clean water(spring, sacred or well) and sit in front of open window. The moon should not be covered by clouds.

Focus on your desire (losing weight) and look at the sky, moon, stars. In the meantime, pronounce the spell:

  • “I will soon lose weight, become slim, with beautiful figure. Guardian angels, help me pass the test, do not allow me to eat a lot of sweets and starchy foods. I (my name) want to lose weight and be beautiful for others. Amen".

Drink water and go to bed immediately. You cannot talk to anyone all night after the ritual. After 14 days you will notice results.

Vanga’s prayers and conspiracies work, you just need to have a lot of patience. After all, nothing will work out the first time. The main thing is to believe in the result.

Vanga claimed that it was for her health. The healer believed that for every disease there is its own herb that helps to cure. In order not to get sick, the clairvoyant gave some advice that helped people:

  • Fatty foods are the enemy of man. By consuming these foods, you spoil your stomach.
  • Do not smoke. Cigarettes destroy not only the stomach, but also other internal organs.
  • Eat only rye bread.
  • Drink plenty of water. Thanks to it, your pancreas will not hurt.
  • Drink alcohol in moderation. You can drink no more than 50 g of wine daily.
  • Move a lot. Then you will not be at risk of obesity and diabetes.
  • Follow the regime. A person should go to bed no later than 22.00 and get up at 6.00.
  • You can't be nervous. Calmness is the most important thing for health.

In addition to advice, Vanga taught people many conspiracies. They are the ones who help you cope with your health. For example, to protect yourself from a cold, fill the bath with water and add 3 tsp. sea ​​salt and read the plot:

  • “Guardian angels, protect, preserve and bless. Take away all adversities, illnesses and sorrows from me. Amen".

Now take a bath in this water.

If your loved one is sick, you must immediately go to church and light a candle for him for health. Stay at the service and pray. When you return home, walk around all the rooms in a circle with a candle, while reading prayers. The candle near the patient should burn out. Do not forget that prayers and conspiracies help only those people who believe in a positive result.

Vanga claims that chamomile tea strengthens the body. Try to drink it at least every other day. Your immunity will be strengthened, and you will get sick much less often.

If you have a severe cough, Vanga advises mixing honey and oil 1:1 and adding 2 g of vanillin. Take the medicine 3 times a day. The cough will go away quickly and unnoticed. Powerful conspiracies and prayers from Vanga will help you recover. Don't forget to read them from your heart.

Conspiracies to attract work

These rituals work quickly. With the help of conspiracies, you can find not only a job, but also build a career. All rituals should be performed only when you are confident of success.

In order to find a job in your specialty, pour holy water into a glass and read the prayer:

  • “Power that is in the water, help me. I want to prove that I didn’t study in vain. Heavenly powers, help the employer find me. I will show my skills and prove that I am capable of much. Amen".

If you want the director to consider you a professional and promote you, perform the following ritual on the full moon. Take a handkerchief and put it in it large bills and tie it. Place the bundle on the windowsill before midnight. At exactly 12 o’clock at night, go to the window and say: “I’m not giving money, but a ransom.” After these words, read the “Our Father” prayer. She helps from all troubles and adversities.

Before the interview, always conduct magical rituals, read the good luck plot from Vanga, and you will see the result in 14 days. If your boss calls you, first read the prayer, and then boldly go to him. This is the only way you can protect yourself and save yourself from negative thoughts and emotions.

However, do not forget that only confidence in own strength will help you find what you want. If you do not believe in the effectiveness of rituals and magic words, then don't expect any improvement. Luck turns its face to those who are confident of success.

Vanga's conspiracies from enemies

Many people have ill-wishers. That’s why Vanga taught conspiracies and If you are an energetically unprotected person, it’s easy for you to convey negativity. To protect your home from enemies, prepare pins and sacred water. You will also need candles purchased from the church.

Light 4 candles and hold pins over them. Then soak them in sacred water for 20 minutes. After the procedure, stick pins into each corner of your room, while saying:

  • “I put up an iron fence. It is heated over fire and consecrated in water. My fence is strong and sharp, it will protect from enemies and ill-wishers. Now my misfortunes are closed and my joys are open. Amen".

There is an opinion that after such a conspiracy, your ill-wisher will not be able to cross the threshold of the house.

There are Vanga’s prayers and conspiracies from those people who are plotting something bad against you. First, you need to observe strict fasting for three days. On the fourth day, don’t eat at all and go to church for service. You need to fully defend it. Buy a church candle and bring it home. In silence, read the Lord's Prayer. Go around all the corners. You need to start from the front door, read the prayer, cross yourself. You need to finish where you started. After the ritual, you can have lunch or dinner, but observe fasting.

There is a conspiracy against the evil eye. For the ritual, prepare a glass of blessed water. Leave it on the windowsill overnight. Before going to bed, in darkness and silence, go to the window where there is water and say the words:

  • “Holy water, on my behalf ask God Almighty to save me from evil people and their evil eye. I ask the Lord God to help me and protect me from all adversity and troubles.”

Now drink water and go to bed with peace of mind. You can be sure that from now on everything will be fine.


Now you know Vanga’s spells for money and good luck. Take advantage of her advice, prayers and spells. However, first decide what is most important to you: business, money, work, health or love. Only when you clearly understand what you want can you begin the ritual.

Do not forget that any conspiracy only works when a person believes in it. Remember, in order for the prayers to have an effect, you cannot swear or say bad, unacceptable words.

Vanga argued: in order for there to be success and wealth in the house, the threshold must always be clean. Dirt and money are incompatible things. When you are going to perform the ceremony, first thoroughly clean your home of debris.

The soothsayer Vanga said: “To remove negativity from your home, you need to wash the threshold not only inside, but also outside.” It is through front door you let in both the bad and the good. Therefore, there should always be order in this area.

In the morning, immediately after sleep, you need to read a prayer, and only then have breakfast. Vanga said how you start the day is how you will spend it. The soothsayer taught people that it is better to use conspiracies that relate to material wealth rather than spiritual ones. Vanga believed that wealth comes faster than love.

Do not throw away the candles with which you performed rituals. Place them in a secret place and keep them as a talisman. If you decide to throw them away, your luck will run out. Periodically light them in the rooms for 5 minutes. Put it out and hide it again.

It is not recommended to perform rituals every day. Once every two weeks is enough. Always delve into the meaning of prayers and conspiracies. Never rush or perform the ritual mechanically. Spells and prayers will help you, just believe in their effectiveness.