Proverbs about the homeland in different languages ​​of the world. Collection of "proverbs about the homeland of different peoples of the world." The native land is a paradise for the heart

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Pedagogical goal: identification of features landscape lyrics in the poem by A.A. Akhmatova "Before spring there are days like this..."


1. Formation of an idea about the features of AA lyrics. Akhmatova.

2. Improve the ability to analyze poetic text.

3. Promote the development of voluntary attention, visual and effective thinking, speech and argumentation.

4. Foster a culture of behavior when working frontally and working in groups.

Result: students find the features of landscape lyrics in the poem.

Equipment: textbook "Literature" by V.P. Polukhina, V.Ya. Korovin, multimedia equipment, handouts.

Basic concepts: landscape lyrics, artistic media expressiveness, features of landscape lyrics by A.A. Akhmatova.

Interdisciplinary connections: art, music, the world around us.

Technology used: activity method technology.

Form of organization academic work: frontal, work in pairs.

Lesson type: discovery of new knowledge.

During the classes

Slide 1. Motivation for learning activities.

Today we will conduct a literature lesson together.

I suggest you listen to the sound fragment, and you try to determine what the lesson will be about. (The surrounding nature. The beauty of nature. The time of year is spring. The birth of a new one.)

(Listening to a sound fragment.)

What time of year are the sounds we heard typical of? (Spring.)

What feelings did you experience? (Joy, delight.)

Creating an image.

As I listened to the sounds, an image appeared in my head - a small sprout, from which we will try to grow a plant by the end of the lesson.

(The teacher draws a sprout with chalk on the board.)

While listening to sounds, have we become one with nature? (Yes.)

How did our unity manifest itself? (Our experiences and feelings were associated with the state of nature, the sounds of which we heard.)

Updating knowledge and fixing difficulties in activities.

What could it be link between the state of nature and inner world person? (Different answers are possible.)

Now we have received completely different answers: we have not reached a consensus. Let's try to answer this question at the end of the lesson.

How can a person show the state of nature? (Answers from the guys.)

(The teacher summarizes the answers.)

They understand the language of nature very well and are able to vividly convey its beauty:

(slide 3) in music - these are musical works, for example: the cycle “The Seasons” by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky;

(slide 4) in painting - these are paintings by artists;

(slide 5) in literature, these are the works of poets and writers.

Since we have a literature lesson, we turn to works of fiction. In which genre of literature are the state of nature and internal state person? (In poems.)

All works about nature are a story about a person, about his feelings and thoughts.

So, let's start meeting with real poetry.

III. Setting a learning task.

Slide 6. Many poets peer into the world around them, contemplate its beauty - this is how poems are born. None of the poets passed by the genre of landscape lyrics. Each poet has his own special style. Today in class we will try to find out how Anna Andreevna Akhmatova sang in her lyrical works native nature?

Anna Andreevna saw her happiness in creativity. He was an extraordinarily talented, beautiful, majestic, integral and modest person. It’s not without reason that they say that at the turn of the century geniuses are born and create. One of these is Anna Andreevna.

In her autobiography “Briefly about myself,” A. Akhmatova writes:

“They named me Anna in honor of my grandmother; my mother was the Tatar princess Akhmatova, whose last name I “not realizing” that I was going to be a Russian poet, made it my literary pseudonym.” Anna Andreevna's real name is Gorenko.

Slide 7.

Today in class we will get acquainted with the poem “Before spring there are days like this...” by A.A. Akhmatova. Talk about the feelings you will experience after hearing the poem.

(The teacher reads or recites a poem).

Before spring there are days like this:
The meadow rests under the dense snow,
The dry and cheerful trees are rustling,
And the warm wind is gentle and elastic.

And the body marvels at its lightness,
And you won’t recognize your home,
And the song that I was tired of before,
Like new, you eat with excitement.

What feelings did you experience when you heard this poem? (Different answers are possible.)

You perceive the poem differently, and this is understandable, since each person has his own perception of reality, the world around him, and that is why we are interesting to each other.

IV. Construction of a project for getting out of a difficulty (discovery of new knowledge).

Imagine that you are journalists. Your task: write an article for a newspaper about the features of Anna Andreevna’s lyrics. What do we need to do for this? (Analyze the poem and find its features)

I suggest you work in pairs. Your task: complete the task in pairs. There are sheets of paper on your desks:

Since we work in pairs, we need to remember the rules of cooperation: listen to each other, be able to give in and negotiate, distribute roles in a pair when working and responding.

Let's get to work.

VI. Construction of a project for getting out of a difficulty (discovery of new knowledge).

(Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky “March. April. May” sounds for 6 minutes.)

The task completion time has ended. Now, dear journalists, please present the results of your work. While discussing the results of your work, you can make changes and additions to your notes.

(During the analysis of the poem, the teacher draws leaves for the sprout on the board and writes down on them the identified features of A.A. Akhmatova’s lyrics.)

Questions Possible options answers
1. Determine the type of lyrics. Landscape (description of meadows, trees, wind, internal state lyrical hero)
2. What mood is the poem permeated with? In high spirits,

faith in renewal.

3. Determine the theme of the poem. Approaching, premonition of spring
4. What pictures does the poet paint? “The meadow is resting under the snow” (we see), “the trees are rustling” (we hear), “the breeze is blowing” (we touch, i.e. we feel).

Conclusion: the first feature of the lyrics - the poetic world of Akhmatova (the world of her images) gives us the opportunity to hear, see, touch

5. a) Which line “tells” us the state of the lyrical hero?

b) Is it easy to express the state of the lyrical hero in words?

a) “And you sing the song that you were tired of before, like a new one, with excitement.” (This detail accurately conveys mental turmoil lyrical hero)

Conclusion: second feature lyrics is that A. Akhmatova does not speak directly about feelings, preferring hints. And the reader has his own thoughts, feelings, sensations, that is, associations arise.

6. What moods are born in the poet’s soul in the last pages O kah? Line 6 “And you won’t recognize your own home” – meaning “everything ordinary (familiar) is perceived as new.”
7. Is there a trusting relationship between the poet and the reader in this poem? Support your answer with lines. Yes. In the last three lines.

Conclusion: the third feature of the lyrics is that there is a feeling of confidential conversation.

7. Name the artistic means used by the poet. Personification: the meadow is “resting,” “the trees are rustling,” “the body is marveling.”

Epithets: “under dense snow”, “jolly-dry trees”, “warm wind”.

Anaphora: 3 lines begin with the conjunction “and” (the same beginning of the lines plays an intensifying role; the feeling of spring awakening, renewal of nature and man is conveyed.)

Alliteration: " Sh the trees are dying With ate - With at X ee". Conclusion: the use of means of artistic expression is another feature of Akhmatova’s lyrics.

Conclusion: the fourth feature of the lyrics is use of means of artistic expression.

8. Why this poem not divided by the author into quatrains, as is customary in literature? For the author, the entire poem is one whole: nature and human sensations are inseparable from each other.
9. Highlight the semantic parts of the poem. Determine the theme of each part. 1st - description of nature (mood of expectation, therefore, when reading these lines, narrative intonation prevails.);

Part 2 - description of the internal state of the lyrical hero

10. What feelings did you experience while reading the last 2 lines of the poem? We feel excitement that is caused by feelings not defined in the poem. Everyone sees something of their own behind these lines, they evoke associations - they remind of a person’s past experiences.
11. With what intonation should this poem be read? With a restrained and joyful intonation of landscape lyrics. (This intonation determines the sound of many of Anna A.’s poems. This is the originality of her perception and the originality of the world.)

Dear journalists, you are given the opportunity to read a poem, expressing the originality of the perception of the world and the originality of the poetic world of A.A. Akhmatova. Who wants to read expressively?

VII. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.

Dear journalists, what is Anna Andreevna’s nature like? (Nature is a life-giving force that protects a person, gives his soul moments of rest from life’s worries and hardships. Unity with nature, connection with it heals and educates the human soul, helps to understand one’s feelings, and think about one’s purpose)

VIII. Reflection of activity.

Slide 8.

Let's turn to the question that was asked at the beginning of the lesson. What can be the connecting link between the state of nature and the inner world of man? ( impulses of the soul, which find their way out in works) musical, artistic, paintings of artists.)

Please note that during the work the sprout grew large plant, just as from a small idea, an impulse of the soul, a work grows that people admire.

Has your attitude towards poems about nature changed after today's lesson? How? (Poems help us take a new look at the world around us.)

The image of an adult plant that has grown thanks to our efforts will remain a reminder to us that “the surrounding nature is you and me,” and A.A. Akhmatova, like many creative people, is a link between nature and people.

Dear journalists, before writing an article for the newspaper, list once again the features of A.A. Akhmatova’s lyrics.

1. Does not speak directly about feelings, preferring hints;

2. The emergence of a feeling of confidential conversation;

3. Restrained and joyful intonation of landscape lyrics;

4. Filling pictures of nature with philosophical meaning: thoughts about life and death, about the past and the future.

I liked your work. Today you worked in pairs. Those who liked to work in pairs, take each other's hands and raise them up.

If you think you received useful information during the lesson, smile at each other.

Well done, you did the job.

IX. Homework.

Your homework is to write a poem based on the first line “Before spring there are days like this...” or a miniature essay about the features of A. A. Akhmatova’s lyrics.

Slide 11.

The lesson is over. Thanks for the work. All the best.

“Before spring there are days like this...” analysis - the main idea, means of expression, meter, rhyme

“Before spring there are days like this...” Akhmatova analysis

Year of writing — 1915

Subject. A poem about spring, about the awakening of nature and the human soul in spring

Poem idea: in the spring everything changes, is updated, looks different. This applies to both changes in nature and changes in the human soul

“Before spring there are days like this...” means of expression:

  • Metaphors - “the trees are cheerfully dry”, “the warm wind is gentle and elastic”.
  • Personifications"comes to life" - "the meadow is resting", "the trees are rustling" etc.
  • Anaphora- four of the eight lines of the poem begin with the conjunction “and”.

Size- iambic Rhyme- steam room

At the beginning of the poem, the end of February and the beginning of March are depicted. The author uses the following techniques: “the meadow is resting” - personifications, “they are making noise” - also personifications, “fun-dry” - a metaphor. With the help of these techniques, the author enhances the image of nature. If we divide the first quatrain and the second, then we will see 2 themes: in the 1st quatrain - the mood of a certain expectation, revival is expressed. In the second, peace sets in, remembering one’s home, a song, all this conveys a picture of peace of mind. The poem is characterized by a restrained and joyful intonation.

Anna Akhmatova's poem "Before spring there are such days" is distinguished by its brevity and genius, like many of the works of the great poetess. The work describes the time when winter ends and spring is about to come. Snowdrifts are still visible everywhere, but the air is already filled with a special taste. Nature does not sleep, it is ready to awaken. "Merry - dry" trees are ready to put out buds, but right time It hasn't arrived yet. The anticipation of warmth is just in the air. This is exactly that unspoken moment when everyone understands - winter is over!

Anna Akhmatova expressed the feelings of a simple person who does not know how to speak poetically. A new thirst for life, new aspirations, and undertakings are especially strong at such a time. Confidence in own strength allows you to hope only for the good.

The poetic techniques used by the author allow the full depth of feelings to be expressed in eight short lines. Akhmatova metaphorically described the trees in such a way that you can imagine them by closing your eyes. The poem uses the anaphora technique, four lines begin with “and”, which enhances the overall mood. The first four lines express anticipation with their flowing narration, while the following lines are a clear expression of how exactly the body and soul perceive spring.

The awakening of nature here symbolizes the awakening human soul, an impulse for active action, a desire to get rid of negativity and perceive the old boring environment in a new way. Restrained joy is expressed in poetic lines. Long and Cold winter always inspires fear, it seems that it will continue forever, but at some point a special note begins to disturb the strict winter melody.

First one, barely audible, then two, and then the melody of spring flows in like a ringing drop, and winter reminds itself less and less. Nature is resurrected. This early spring is a special time, you want to live, love, do reckless things. On such days, confidence in the positive outcome of any endeavor is especially strong.

The poetess was very fond of Russian nature, which was akin to her sensitive nature. Only a Russian woman could describe the lyrical landscape like that native land, subtly feel the mood of the surrounding beauty and convey it to the readers of the poem. And now, after many years, among the trees beginning to wake up, a piece of the soul of the great poetess and simply Russian woman is hidden in a flickering shadow.

Literary analysis

The work is one of the shortest, but at the same time brilliant poems of the poetess, describing the awakening of the surrounding nature at the beginning of spring after a heavy winter sleep.

The poem is a landscape lyric, having iambic pentameter combined with paired rhyme as a poetic meter.

The compositional structure of the poem consists of a small volume of eight lines, presented in the form of two conventional parts, the first of which contains a state that conveys the mood of expectation, and the second quatrain expresses the feelings of the lyrical heroine that came with the onset of spring.

As a means of artistic expression, the poem uses numerous metaphors (cheerfully dry), epithets (dense, warm), personification (the meadow is resting), as well as anaphora, which consists in the use of a repeated letter “i” at the beginning of several lines. These literary techniques allow us to convey the emotional feelings of the lyrical heroine more deeply and emotionally. The main focus of the poem is the change of seasons in the surrounding nature, presented in the form of a borderline natural state, expressed in a restrained joyful intonation, and emphasized by the image of the lyrical heroine.

The musical coloring of poetic expressions fills the work with a feeling of a special taste of spring air, in which there is a natural expectation of the imminent arrival of warmth and sun. At the same time, the anticipation of the onset of the spring season is associated in the poem with the author’s state, full of reflections on the transience of human life, the meaning of life, the relationship between man and nature and incessant dreams of a happy future personal destiny.

A distinctive feature of the work is the combination of a simple narrative with highly poetic expressions, allowing one to feel the emotionality and at the same time restraint of the peaceful content.

In the image early spring the poetess represents the resurrection of the frozen hibernation nature, which symbolizes the renewal of the human soul, eager for future aspirations. The winter melody of sleep gradually begins to include a special spring motif in the form of a ringing, but barely audible drop. Through the repetition of sounds, as well as the alternation of short and long lines, the lightness and novelty of the feelings experienced by the lyrical heroine are demonstrated, in which echoes of a premonition of some kind of madness and inspiration are heard.

With the help of the author's hints, the poem is presented as a form of confidential conversation with the reader, in which the poetess shares her personal feelings of spring awakening, which the author associates with inevitable changes in human life. The description of natural pictures reflects the inner state of the soul of a person who is in anticipation of new sensations that bring joy, calmness, tenderness and warmth.

Option 3

The difference between a poet and an ordinary person largely lies in the ability to put sensations and feelings into words. Of course, you need to feel sensitively and subtly, but in reality it is difficult to imagine that even the simplest person cannot feel the various phenomena of this world. Even the most uneducated and primitive person is probably able to feel the approach of spring and the joy of nature, and animals probably also change at the hormonal level and acquire some very specific feelings.

However, if to the common man given only to feel and somehow internally record what is happening, then the poet is subject to the art of true alchemy: he knows how to do this when feelings flow into words and then form a lasting form. Each time reading a poem, this form again rises and is renewed in the consciousness of the reader, and often such a reader says to himself: yes, these are exactly the feelings that I have.

Before spring there are days like this.. - this is how the poem begins, which initially sounds like a simple and everyday description of an internal feeling. Akhmatova seems to be telling her friend something about the weather and her own feelings. The poetess is trying to capture the eternal beauty of nature, a certain element of this natural cycle.

In fact, the poem is, to some extent, a friend’s story, since it was written under the influence of Chulkova, with whom the poetess was friends. Chulkova suggested that Akhmatova try herself in landscape poetry. While at Gumilyov's dacha, Akhmatova wrote this verse.

In her work, the poetess tried to talk about the pre-spring feeling that is felt quite clearly in the soul every year. In fact, behind the description of the landscape, dry trees, snowy meadow, wind, lies a description of internal experiences. This fact is emphasized by the shift in emphasis to the lyrical hero, whose body is astonished at its lightness.

Why is the house not recognizable, the body seems light, and the boring song becomes interesting again? The reason lies in the inspiration that comes from anticipating the joy that spring brings. Some kind of joyful excitement really appears in the soul, which the poetess captures in the formula about a boring song, which “you sing like new with excitement.”

In such an amazing way, Akhmatova writes both in the meadow and in the snow, but describes the soul. Such is the skill of a poet.

Analysis of the poem Before spring there are days according to plan

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However, she always made an exception for one woman, considering her an interesting conversationalist and creative person. Nadezha Chulkova, the wife of the most famous Russian publisher of the 19th century, Mikhail Dmitrievich Chulkova, became a close friend of the poetess.

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According to Chulkova, real writing talent is multifaceted. To develop it, you need to resort to various topics, honing and improving your gift. For Akhmatova, these words sounded like a challenge to her creativity. She promised to create a poem on the theme of landscape lyricism, demonstrating her viability in other areas of the literary genre.

In the summer of 1915, while on the estate that belonged to the poetess's husband, Nikolai Gumilyov, Akhmatova wrote the poem “Before spring there are such days...” This work clearly showed her critics that the poetess’s talent is not limited to love lyrics, but is capable of creating on a variety of topics.

The main idea and emotional leitmotif of the work

Talking about the onset of spring, the poetess did not consider it necessary to describe the changes taking place in nature. Much more important for Akhmatova are the feelings that she experiences when looking at the awakening of nature. On days like these, as she notes at the beginning of the poem, her worldview changes, she feels renewed and happy, forgetting that all life circumstances have remained the same.

Akhmatova conveys the joyful anticipation of change by talking about nature that awaits spring. The streams have not yet flowed, and there is snow on the fields, as before. But the air itself has changed, the wind has become warm and elastic. For the poetess, waiting is much more joyful than the arrival of spring itself. The tense anticipation of change is in tune with the state of the lyrical hero of the work, who feels excitement and joy on such days.

But Akhmatova does not seek to describe in detail the nature around her. To describe the days that make her happy, only 2-3 lines are enough for her. She is not a landscape artist, it is important for her to capture the very essence, create a sketch, show how this time changes the character of her hero.

Most of the work talks specifically about the feelings of the observer. He looks at the objects around him with different eyes. The house to which he is accustomed seems new and unusual to him. The hero does not recognize himself, is surprised and rejoices at new sensations.

These days, the poetess comes to the realization that life does not stand still, making new turns according to the laws of nature. The past is gone forever, even the old song, “the one that was boring before”, takes on a new meaning and sounds differently. All the experiences that bother the hero go away, giving way to other, bright feelings.

Compositional features of the poem

Despite the brevity of the work (8 lines), Akhmatova fully manages to convey the mental state of her hero. The poem evokes bright, positive emotions. A number of literary techniques help the poetess achieve this effect. In her poem she uses:

  • Metaphors that convey the beauty of nature. For example - “the trees are cheerfully dry”, “the warm wind is gentle and elastic”.
  • Personifications, thanks to which the poem seems "comes to life" - "the meadow is resting", "the trees are rustling" etc.
  • Anaphora, which gives the work even greater expressiveness - four of the eight lines of the poem begin with the conjunction “and”.

The verse is written using paired rhyme. The meter of the work is iambic. Akhmatova often resorts to it when creating her works.

In many cultures, the symbol of spring is associated with renewal, the beginning of a new life. But Akhmatova brings another, deeper sound to the old image. For her, spring is not only a time of creation, but also a stage of rethinking the past, trying to perceive it in the future. new way, giving space to new ideas and aspirations.

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The poem “Before spring there are days like this...” was written by Anna Akhmatova at the end of February, beginning of March 1915 in the village of Slepnevo, where the family estate of her husband Nikolai Gumilyov was located. It was created under the influence of one of the few female friends of the poetess Nadezhda Chulkova, the wife of a famous writer, who took an active part in Akhmatova’s work and helped publish her first poetry collections.

This poem, dedicated to Chulkova, was a kind of response from the poetess to her long-standing disagreements with her friend, who suggested that Akhmatova show her bright creative personality with the help of landscape lyrics. And all because she had long been embarrassed by Akhmatova’s poetry, in which she, already married, described her love feelings to strangers who exist solely in her fantasies.

Main theme

Arriving in early spring to the Gumilev family estate in the village of Slepnevo, and following Chulkova’s recommendations, Akhmatova writes this work. Nature itself and the process of its awakening from winter sleep are not at all interesting to her, and therefore in the poem it is described literally in the first three lines. The poetess is more interested and worried about her feelings that appear when she looks at the picture of the spring resurrection of nature surrounding her.

It is on days like these, as the poetess herself admits, that her feeling surrounding reality changes radically, it’s as if she’s starting to live again and perceives the objects and phenomena around her differently: “And your body marvels at its lightness, and you don’t recognize your home.” Akhmatova believes that only these new spiritual sensations, and not the warm and gentle breeze or the noise of waking trees, become real harbingers of the onset of spring and future changes. This changing mood and the acute novelty of spiritual feelings seem to renew the poetess from the inside, filling her with a feeling of joy, happiness, a premonition of miracles and bright events.

It is in the first days of spring, described in the poem, that Akhmatova feels the changes taking place in her soul, realizes that her life path makes another turn, and past life passes irrevocably, giving way to something new and unknown in her fate. Thanks to this spiritual renewal, even an old song, “which was boring before,” begins to sound updated and fresh, evoking completely different feelings and emotions.

Features of compositional construction

Brief (only 8 lines), but as always brilliant, Akhmatova’s poem carries a deep philosophical meaning, and very subtly conveys the state of mind of the lyrical heroine. The depth of the poetess’s feelings and experiences is conveyed with the help of such poetic devices as a metaphor (the trees are cheerfully dry, the warm wind is gentle and resilient), personification (the meadow is resting, the trees are making noise). To enhance the general mood, the technique of anaphora is used (four lines in the middle of the poem begin with the conjunction “and”). The poem has a bright emotional coloring, its first part is a little restrained due to the use of simple narrative sentences, the second is joyful and peaceful ( harmonious combination highly poetic expressions with neutral ones: “and the body marvels at its lightness”).

The poetess first of all associates the arrival of spring with her personal feelings and sensations; they are full of thoughts about how fleeting human life is, dedicated to understanding their own actions, and filled with hopes and dreams about the future. All this gives Akhmatova vitality and self-confidence in order to continue your path in life, without grieving about the past and without being sad because of the mistakes you once made.