Lyudmila: what does this name mean, and how does it affect the character and destiny of a person. What does the name Lyudmila mean?

Today is another article for those who are interested in the origin of their name and its influence on their character. And its topic is this: what does the name Lyudmila mean.

Its origin is simple and has no secrets. The name Lyudmila is originally Russian, its roots are Slavic. It comes from the very popular Bulgarian male name Lyudmil. By breaking it into parts, you can understand the meaning of the name Lyudmila. Lyud means “people”, mil means “dear”, that is, “dear to people”.

There is also a story that is associated with the origin and appearance of the name Lyudmila among Christians. According to it, in 927, a certain Lyudmila, who spread Christianity, was killed by her own pagan daughter-in-law. She subsequently became the patron saint of the Czech Republic.

Lyudmila is full name women, but there are also abbreviated ones: Luda, Lyusya, Mila, and also many affectionate ones. The birthday of a girl named Lucy is celebrated on August 28 and September 29.

Many people wonder: Are Luda and Lyusya the same name? As we wrote above, Lucy is a shortened form of the name, which is suitable for addressing girls and young women. Lyudmila, on the other hand, is a full name, as well as a more official one, it is suitable for addressing adults and strangers, especially in combination with a patronymic. So we can conclude that this is the same name. Church name Lyudmil’s is the same; at baptism it remains unchanged.

How to characterize Luda

If we turn again to the name itself, we will notice that the first part of it sounds hard, and the second – softer. Such duality certainly leaves an imprint on the girl’s character. It's like a scale being balanced.

One such arrangement of letters forms an analytical mind in Lyudmila, which does not allow the volcano of emotions raging in her to spill out. She will skillfully hide them, choosing the behavior that suits the situation, and not the one she would like to follow.

As a child, Luda strives to be the only mistress of her parents' hearts. He doesn’t find a common language with his sister, but his relationship with his brother is calmer. Possesses musical ear, has a talent for music. At school he studies at an average level, does not show much interest in subjects, but ends up as a “good student” thanks to his perseverance and diligence.

From early childhood, girls named Lucy clearly understand what is possible and what is not, what to do and what not to do. She tries to plan everything in advance, without giving free rein to emotions and momentary impulses. She often plans marriage from childhood, so Lyudmil often has early marriages.

But this is where the problems begin, because it is after getting married that Lyuda understands that fate is such a thing that cannot be calculated down to the smallest detail; feelings and relationships between people play a very important role in it. But often the meaning of the name takes over the girl; Lyudmila begins to adjust her husband’s character to her own. Of course, not every man will like this, and conflicts begin on this basis. But, despite this, she knows how and wants to love, and gives more than she receives.

Great importance Lyudmila gives to her family, she makes good wife and a wonderful mother. Warmth, comfort and peace reign in her house. The main thing that Luda should strive for is to maintain love and trust with her husband as a priority. Only then will their fate be happy and the marriage will last a long time.

As for work, Luda will feel great in business. She has excellent intuition, so she often foresees the outcome of a planned transaction. The main thing Lyudmila needs to avoid is monotony. It will suit her perfectly creative profession– designer, artist, actress – or combining two professions at the same time.

The following main qualities that define Lucy’s character can be identified:

  • Reasonable.
  • Impulsive.
  • Friendly.
  • Sociable.

Many people believe that it is undesirable to give the name Lyudmila to girls, since its origin is associated with a man’s name. Over the years, this leaves an imprint on her character, and the girl becomes more masculine, tenderness and femininity disappear. This is especially noticeable in adulthood and old age, when she becomes nervous and irritable.

The health of the woman named Lyudmila is strong, despite the frantic pace of life and busy daily routine. The only one possible problem– poor blood circulation and, as a result, varicose veins.

Interaction with male names

What is Luda’s compatibility with men?

Lyudmila and . This couple can be happy with each other, but at the same time find shortcomings in their partner. Dmitry always admires the beauty, grace and excellent taste of his beloved. Lucy appreciates his ability to surprise and make surprises.

But at the same time, the girl’s character makes her demand from her partner great achievements in a career and decent income. Of course, this leads to frequent scandals, due to which a break is possible and compatibility in the Dmitry - Lyudmila pair is reduced to almost zero.

Lyudmila and . Here the compatibility is almost perfect. This couple is harmonious both in relationships and in bed. Sasha is quite freedom-loving, and Lucy gives him this freedom. She is grateful to him for not putting pressure on her. They are in no hurry to tie the knot, but if they decide to do so, their fate has every chance of working out happily. After all, they both know how to give in and find compromises.

and Luda. Compatibility in this couple is based on the mutual ability to enjoy the little things. Lyudmila, like Zhenya, attaches great importance to comfort and pleasure. Eating deliciously, dressing beautifully, having a good rest and pleasing your partner in bed - their tastes are the same everywhere. But it’s very important to have so much in common with your partner.

And Luda. The relationship and compatibility of this couple is ideal. They find mutual language in everything, support each other in any situation, try not to notice shortcomings and appreciate each other’s strengths.

Lyudmila and . There is no question of compatibility in this pair. Kolya is too emotional and jealous, which infuriates Lyudmila. Lyusin’s character is such that she will not tolerate pressure from him. On this basis, scandals often arise, leading to separation.

Lyudmila also has poor compatibility with Eduard and Stepan. Author: Natalia Chernikova

According to Mendelev

Reliable, good, feminine name. It is perceived exactly as it follows from the lexical meaning - dear to people. The already mentioned, as well as other signs - “gentle”, “beautiful”, “rounded” - manifest themselves in diminutive forms and hardly change over time.

Lyudmila is always in the thick of life, she gets the full measure of joy, and, especially, worries and sorrows. It would seem that having all the data for happy life, she must easily overcome obstacles and achieve her goals. But she is constantly haunted by an evil fate: when it seems that the goal is close, something unexpected happens, and everything goes to waste.

Character of the name Lyudmila

A strong will, rich intuition, and feminine charm help Lyudmila only up to a certain point. Then troubles begin - in love, family or at work - and again she has to strain her strength to get out of the next hole. She eagerly sets out to arrange the destinies of those people who are dear to her, but these efforts often do not lead to the results that she would like to receive. Or, having achieved with great difficulty some stable position in society, Lyudmila commits some small, insignificant act, after which, like a chain, its consequences line up, and she loses everything that she got with such great difficulty. The same in intimate relationships, the wedding can be upset at the very last moment, the person she is counting on acts contrary to expectations... Such accidents are not the exception, but the rule for Lyudmila.

Lyudmila's activity and sociability are usually higher than those of her friends, and her reactions are quick and impulsive. Any calculation is alien to her, and even if after much thought she decides to behave exactly as planned, then it is very likely that in reality she will do something exactly the opposite. Movable and unstable type her psyche pushes her to completely inexplicable actions that only bring her harm.

She is easily suggestible, often changes her views, and today she can ardently defend what she rejected yesterday. Her reactions to events are very quick and violent, she wastes all of herself, and from time to time she may experience periods of apathy and indifference to everything.

Mila is slower than Luda and Lucy, but kinder than them.

Lyudmila's colors are bluish and lilac.

By D. and N. Zima

Meaning and origin of the name: “Dear to people”, (Russian)

Energy and character of the name Lyudmila

This name is similar to the splash of water from a fallen stone and the circles spreading across the surface of the lake. So in the name Lyudmila two disparate principles are connected into a single whole. You can easily see that the first part of the word is quite hard, while the ending is very, very soft. It is interesting that some Lyudmila deliberately take advantage of the duality of the name, depending on the circumstances, introducing themselves either as Lyuda or Milaya. The name also looks like a scale, trying to balance both softness and firmness of character at the same time.

Such a search for balance usually leads to the fact that from childhood Lyudmila begins to have an analytical mindset, which largely masks her sensuality, while at the same time preventing this sensuality from developing into passion. No matter what emotions overwhelm Luda, she still tries to choose the best, in her opinion, from all options of behavior. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't, but still nervous breakdowns Lyudmilas are rarely too strong. She may make some noise and be offended, but most likely she will pull herself together quickly enough. At the same time, Luda is not without some coquetry, which is also a consequence of her logic and developed pride.

Often, from an early age, Lyuda knows what she needs to do, what she shouldn’t, as well as what she can and cannot do. At the same time, her sensuality, balanced by reason, will most likely lead to early thoughts about marriage. Sometimes, already from childhood, she begins to seriously prepare herself for family life, and it would not be surprising if this leads to an early marriage, as soon as Lyuda receives independence from her parents. Here, however, it may very quickly become clear that not everything in life can be planned, especially if we're talking about about human relationships. Often Lyudmila begins to use her mental abilities in order to adjust her husband’s character to her ideas about what her man should be like. It is not surprising if this raises objections on the part of the husband, even to the point of open conflict, and here it is useful to remember that happiness cannot be planned, since happiness is just the fullness of feelings and trust in Fate and in loved ones. If this is not the case, then no matter how the husband behaves, she will still remain dissatisfied.

Lyudmila often tries to realize herself in her career, and in this she can be well helped by such qualities as the ability to be persistent and diplomatic. Although, of course, sometimes it is much more appropriate to trust your feelings more than your reason.

Secrets of communication: When communicating with Lyuda, it is useful to take into account that behind her reasonable mask there is usually hidden significant sensuality. However, in the event of disputes or conflicts with her, it will still be much more appropriate to appeal to logic than to emotions.

Famous people with the name Lyudmila

Lyudmila Zykina

Indeed, it is not easy to believe that one of the most popular performers of Russian folk songs, Hero Socialist Labor, Lenin Prize laureate and People's Artist of the USSR Lyudmila Zykina (born 1929) could have worked as a seamstress all her life and would hardly have received all of the above awards if not for chance. It all started with the fact that she, an eighteen-year-old girl from a garment factory, suddenly noticed on Mayakovsky Square an advertisement for competitive recruitment to the Pyatnitsky choir, and unexpectedly made up her mind. Soon Zykina was already at the audition, and a few hours later she saw her name among those who passed the competition.

This is where the singer’s stellar career began. Since then, her beautiful, deep, strong voice has been heard at concert venues in many countries around the world - she has toured a lot, and since 1977 she has become the artistic director of the Rossiya ensemble. “Now that many years have passed,” the singer sums up in her book “At the Crossroads of Meetings,” “I can say that you need to start singing by participating in the choir. The choir is a school for learning the song and the secrets of its performance.” If this is really the case, it means that Lyudmila Zykina was lucky that everything in her life turned out exactly this way and not otherwise. However, it still seems that even if it weren’t for the choir, her talent and hard work would have led to the same results. But for those who do not have the necessary qualities, even the Pyatnitsky choir is unlikely to help them learn the “secrets of performance.”

1.Person: those who measure and weigh

2.Color: purple

3. Main features. Receptivity - sociability - activity - sexuality

4. Totem plant: mistletoe

5. Totem animal: rooster

6. Sign: scales

7. Type. They are difficult to approach, as is their totem, the fighting cock. These are choleric people who do not listen to words, but they have a good heart.

8. Psyche. These women are characterized by such a quality as love for their neighbor, which, however, sometimes takes strange forms.

9. Will. Not as strong as it seems. If you overcome their aggressiveness, it turns out that they can be convinced.

10. Excitability. Suppresses other qualities. They give the impression of a ball of nerves.

11. Reaction speed. Is it possible to judge character? atomic bomb? With it you will either survive, or you will fly into the air...

12. Field of activity. Work for them is a battlefield where they can go beyond what is permitted. They like everything beautiful and catchy. They cannot stand painstaking, regulated work. They can be doctors, artists, sculptors. They strive for success with great strength!

13. Intuition. Unusually developed, especially if a medical diagnosis is made or given psychological assessment personality.

14. Intelligence. Excessive excitability often deprives them common sense. They have an analytical mind, but often get lost in details and become unfair and biased. Curious, with a well-developed memory.

15. Receptivity. Every second they strive for love, they want to be the first in everything. They dream of mastering not only your body and soul, but also your condition.

16. Morality. Their somewhat unstable moral principles only add to their charm.

17. Health. Fortunately, it is iron, since they lead an abnormal lifestyle: they confuse day with night, sleep when they can. Their blood circulation is impaired, and this threatens varicose veins.

18. Sexuality. What can be said about these noble women who want to love and be loved, accept and reject, own and give?

19. Activity. They are professional players capable of taking the riskiest bluffs...

20. Sociability. Excessive communication often leads to a disordered life.

21. Conclusion. If you strive for a crazy but passion-filled life, then marry a woman bearing this name and get what you want!

According to Higir

Slavic name - dear to people. Female form of the name Lyudmil.

Since childhood, Lyudmila has shown the traits of a keeper of the family hearth. She loves to create coziness; all her dolls are dressed “according to the weather,” and from the age of five or six she has been making clothes for them with her own hands. But he is not good friends with his sister - Lyudochka is an owner by nature and should be the only mistress in her toy kingdom. He treats his brother more tolerantly. The differences in Lyudmila's relationships with her sister and brother, which develop from childhood, are also clearly visible in adult Lyudmila.

Character of the name Lyudmila

He loves the company of little friends very much, does not strive to be a leader in children's games, but also does not follow the lead of more active children.

Lyudmila is a housewife, home economics lessons are their favorite subject. Endowed with good musical abilities, Lyudmil’s parents should pay attention to this. They perform school and home duties diligently, patiently and assiduously. Having matured, Lyudmilas become proud and jealous of themselves. He spares no money or time to always be on top, better than others. At the same time, she is kind and will not regret it good advice, will not skimp on a gift.

Personal life and marriage named Lyudmila

Lyudmilas achieve good results in the field of art, music, singing, and also where the ability to find contact with people and convince them is required.

Lyudmila’s husband will not have to eat soups from concentrates. Lyudmila is a wonderful housewife, everything she undertakes passes through her creative mind, becoming enriched and acquiring the imprint of something original and unique. Her husband won’t go broke on her outfits; moreover, Lyudmila herself can make good money with her handicraft skills. Lyudmila's children are always well-groomed, and Lyudmila's relationship with her husband's parents is the best. But Luda is often unlucky with her husband; he does not like Luda’s excessive independence and her independent character. Conflicts are also possible on the basis of intimate relationships. All this can lead to divorce, which for such women usually happens loudly and noisily. Divorced Lyudmila does not lose heart and continues to persistently look for a life partner.

Lyudmil has patronymics Nikolaevna, Vladimirovna, Aleksandrovna, Dmitrievna negative traits character are more pronounced.

Alexander, Andrey, Evgeny, Kirill, Ilya, Dmitry - they will probably become good husbands Lyudmila. She should be careful about marrying Nikolai, Egor, Eduard, Yakov, Stepan.

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The name Lyudmila is Slavic, so it simply means - "Dear People".

This name was almost forgotten, and the poet Vasily Zhukovsky “resurrected” it from oblivion, writing the ballad “Lyudmila” in 1808. And of course, Pushkin could not do without - Alexander Sergeevich used this name in his poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” in 1818. But the name Lyudmila became truly popular only in the 30-50s of the 20th century, when the name was ahead of Nina, Tamara, Tatyana and was in third place in popularity, second only to Valentina and Galina.

Lyusya, Luda and Lyudmila are the same name. Short form of the name: Lyudmilka, Lyudochka, Lyudochek, Lyudushka, Lyudasha, Mila, Milasha.

Lyudmila is a reliable, good, feminine name, always well perceived by others, although there is an obvious contradiction in this name - the first part of the word is quite hard, while the ending is very soft.

IN different languages The name Lyudmila sounds different. In English - Lusie (Lucy), French - Lucie (Lucy), Italian - Lucia (Lucia).

Lyudmila's main traits are receptivity, sociability, activity, sexuality.

Patrons named after Lyudmila

  • Zodiac – Libra
  • Planet – Venus
  • Color – Beige
  • Tree - Hazel
  • Happy time of year- Autumn
  • Treasured plant– Chrysanthemum
  • Patron – Cat
  • Talisman stone – Sapphire

Lyudmila's childhood

Little Lyudmila is just a gift for her parents, a calm, neat, kind girl. The traits of a future loving mother appear already in early age. She masks her sensitivity and vulnerability with early years, trying not to show weakness, and this must be taken into account, after all, a child is a child. Of course, Lyudmila can throw a tantrum, but still, whims and conflicts happen to her much less often than to other children. She has excellent relationships with her friends, she is sociable, she doesn’t strive to be a leader, but she doesn’t allow herself to be offended either. She has acting skills - and she uses them perfectly to achieve her goals. She studies patiently and diligently at school - and owes her success more to her diligence, although her abilities are at a high level.


Lyudmila always strives for success and recognition - so she makes a good actress, artist, designer. She likes everything beautiful and flashy, but she can’t stand painstaking, monotonous work - well, she doesn’t like being a subordinate without the right to vote. It's another matter if she can take independent decisions- here her abilities are fully revealed. So for her you can choose areas that require control, guidance, and those that require precision or a sense of beauty (music, art).

The second area of ​​Lyudmila’s activity is related to caring for people. By her nature, she constantly has to save someone, and it is when surrounded by people in need of help that Lyudmila feels in her place. Not in the world the best doctor and a psychologist. If you call her for help, she will do even the impossible - and will successfully help resolve any practical or emotional problem.

When working with Lyudmila, you should take into account that she can be completely different - energetic, decisive and active, or simply acting within the framework of necessity, without even trying to improve or change anything - it all depends on the circumstances and, most importantly, her motivation.

Character of the name Lyudmila

Lyudmila means a kind, active, inquisitive woman who takes the troubles and experiences of others to heart. She is a perfectionist by nature, and her attitude to order is quite sensitive: it should be in the house, at work, and in her head. She is so sociable that she simply needs people to talk to (and she is not a gossip), so she loves to visit and receive guests. Her home is always cozy, tidy, and something tasty and unusual is prepared.

The first impression of her is that she is a little rude, but this is only a consequence of her strong and impulsive nature. A quiet, calm life is not for her - energy and passions are boiling in her, she is very active, inquisitive and so excitable that she can completely lose control over herself. With all this, she is very kind, sociable, and takes other people’s problems to heart. She is a very sensitive woman who takes everything that happens around her to heart and never remains indifferent. Her presence can generally be used as a calming and reassuring factor.

Lyudmila needs attention, encouragement, admiration, approval, she is very jealous of herself. She can be aggressive depending on the mood, but she can easily be calmed down and convinced. Rarely, it happens that she gets so excited that she loses all control over herself, but her anger is short-lived, she is not vindictive and always strives to restore relationships.

Despite good logic, intuition and analytics, Lyudmila simply drowns in trifles, literally gets fixated on them and becomes unfair and biased. Often she is pushed to completely inexplicable actions that do not bring anything good. Taking into account the fact that Lyudmila does not feel sorry for herself and torments herself at the slightest provocation, she has completely understandable periods of melancholy and indifference.


Love, family and marriage

Lyudmila is very selective in relationships. She wants to love and be loved, she needs care and attention. She will definitely be an excellent housewife - skillful, economical, caring, creative. Children will always be with her reliable protection. She will be a good wife too, the main thing is to find someone who will understand and accept her complex character. She always has enough admirers, but because of her demanding nature, things are going slowly with marriage. She can only open her heart to a strong and reliable man who will not betray or deceive - but where can he be found in the real world? But Lyudmila will not live with a weak man, and will rather choose loneliness.

Her idealistic approach and desire to remake her husband to her liking greatly interfere with family life. Unfortunately, her nagging towards her husband, her independence and defiant independence lead to problems. But even in the event of a divorce, Lyudmila does not give up, but cheerfully continues to look for new acquaintances, looking for her ideal - a reliable, strong, decent and caring man.

In general, we can say that if Lyudmila can accept her husband as he is, without trying to change him, she will be completely happy.

The meaning of the name Lyudmila: This name for a girl means “one who is nice to people.” Feminine form of the male name Lyudmil (popular in Bulgaria).

Origin of the name Lyudmila: Slavic.

Diminutive form of name: Lyudmilka, Luda, Lucy, Lyudochek, Lyudushka, Lyulya, Mila, Milya, Milasha, Milusha, Mika.

What does the name Lyudmila mean: The name translates as “darling to people.” Delicate, reliable, beautiful, feminine.

The meaning of the name Lyudmila defines both severity and gentleness. She cannot ignore someone else's misfortune; she can choose the profession of a veterinarian, physician, psychologist or social worker.

Sincere and open, the bearer of the name has many friends and enjoys success with the stronger sex. After marriage, Lyudmila devotes more time to her family and raising children; her house always shines with cleanliness.

In a woman named Lyudmila, the qualities of the element “Air” are most clearly manifested.

Angel Day and patron saints named: Lyudmila celebrates her name day once a year: September 29 (16) - Holy Martyr Lyudmila - Princess of Bohemia was baptized St. Methodius, enlightener of the Slavs. She spread the faith of Christ in the Czech Republic, raising her grandson, St., in piety. Vyacheslav. She was killed by her daughter-in-law, a pagan, in 927.

Signs associated with the name: On Lyudmilin's day the geese take flight, dragging the winter bird on their tail.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac suitable for Lyudmila – Libra
  • Planet – Venus
  • Color - beige
  • Auspicious tree - hazel
  • The treasured plant of the name is chrysanthemum
  • Patron – Persian cat
  • Talisman stone suitable for Lyudmila – yellow sapphire

Characteristics of the name Lyudmila

Positive features: The girl is characterized by love for her neighbors, tolerance, dreaminess, and kindness. She strives to find a fulcrum within herself, to maintain balance. She has an analytical mind, good intelligence, good memory and Creative skills. Somewhat unstable moral principles only add to the charm.

Negative features: The meaning of the name form gives duality of nature and this the main problem owner of the name. It can combine courtesy and almost outright rudeness, strength and weakness, fun and despondency, enormous efficiency and hopeless laziness, sensuality and passion combined with emotional coldness. A woman named Lyudmila is touchy, flirtatious, and crafty.

Character of the name Lyudmila: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Lyudmila? A very temperamental woman who, out of a sense of innate balance (she strives for it all her life), tries to seem modest. The girl loves society, knows how to win people over - however, her charm always has a very conscious goal, because she is a very concrete and practical person. She has a strong analytical mind and sharp intuition, but she rarely gives in to the impulses of her feminine heart: “noble madness” is not her element. The rational nature of the owner of the name constantly craves live food: the girl reads a lot, needs constant communication, loves to visit and receive guests. She needs encouragement, admiration, approval, luck in everything. She hates obstacles and withers under criticism.

Lyudochka is a charming, neat girl who loves to play with dolls, and from a very early age she displays the traits of a loving mother. Lyudmila is a property owner by nature, considers herself the only mistress in her toy house, and is not good friends with her sister. He treats his brother more tolerantly. An adult Lyudochka will also trust her brother more than her sister. Luda plays with pleasure with her peers and friends; she does not strive to become a leader, but she will not allow herself to be offended.

Lyuda has good musical abilities; parents should develop these abilities. At school, a girl named Lyudmila studies diligently, patiently and assiduously. There are not enough stars in the sky, but he finishes school well.

Having matured, the person with the name becomes proud and jealous of her person. She needs encouragement, admiration, approval. Often aggressive, but if aggression is overcome, then she can be convinced and calmed down. A woman named Lyudmila is very active, inquisitive, with a good memory. She has an analytical mind, but often gets lost in details and becomes unfair and biased. She can be so excitable that she often loses common sense.

The first impression of Lyuda is that she is somewhat rude. But this rudeness is a consequence of her strong and sharp emotional impulses. A quiet, calm life is not for her; energy and passions are boiling in her. She is very kind, she has many friends, she takes their troubles and experiences to heart. She always has to save someone. Surrounded by those suffering disasters, she is in her place. There is no better nurse or paramedic than Lyudmila. She always strives for success, she can be a good actress, artist, cutter, fashion designer. Lyudochka likes everything beautiful and noticeable. A woman bearing this name cannot stand painstaking, regulated work. The meaning of the name Lyudmila helps its owner to be a very specific and practical person; she uses her charm consciously, bringing the necessary goal closer. She reads a lot, needs constant communication, loves to visit and receive guests.

The energy of the name does not correspond to its meaning. This was noticed by P.A. Florensky: “Everyone knows from life experience that people with overly obviously pious names are rarely pious. In the same way, or even more so, Lyudmila - and in relation to her name: “I’m not nice, although I’m nice, and you, although Lyudmila, are not nice to people, and you won’t become nice to them.”

Lyudmila's personal life

Compatibility with male names: successful marriage possible with the names - Alexander, Andrey, Bazan, Belyay, Bogolyub, Danila, Dmitry, Luka, Nikita, Peter. The name Lyudmila is also combined with Ruslan. Unsuccessful relationships are likely with owners of the names - Artem, Victor, Evdokim, Ilya, Kuzma, Naum, Ostap.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Lyudmila promise happiness in love? Early marriage is likely. Complications may arise in marriage due to Lyuda’s excessive independence and self-esteem.

She is the organizing force, the center of her family, a magnificent housewife, mother and wife - here is her kingdom, her element, here is the stage on which she always plays main role. She has excellent taste and sophisticated habits. She's always at home cozy atmosphere, she cooks wonderfully, showing ingenuity and originality.

Personal life is often not very happy. Her feminine charm helps her up to a certain point. The desire to please her sometimes harms her. Her moral principles are unstable, but this gives her additional charm. The woman with the name is married several times or remains alone, then a child is her only consolation.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: The owner of this name knows what she needs, what she can and cannot do. With great strength she strives for success, but does not love painstaking work. It refers to people who are martyrs and people who are seekers who are tired of monotony and monotonous work. Luda prefers creativity, constant change of job or a combination of several types of activities. Her intuition is unusually developed, especially when she makes a medical diagnosis or gives a psychological assessment of a person.

Business and career: A businesswoman named Lyudmila is ambitious and accepts the fruits of well-deserved fame with dignity. She is able to take risks for the sake of money. Due to her habit of thinking for a long time about what and how to do, she rarely makes mistakes. Sometimes she is stingy to the point of pettiness, and sometimes she is generous, even too much.

Health and energy

What kind of health does the name Lyudmila give? Lyudochka has weak bronchi and lungs. It should be taken care of, there are cases of tuberculosis, and due to frequent bronchitis, shortness of breath of an asthmatic nature appears. “Spring” Lyudmila may have kidney failure and gastric peritonitis. "December" She is prone to injury, very fragile bones. She has a weak nervous system, you should pay attention to her immune system.

"Summer" Luda is prone to furunculosis, a disorder of the thyroid gland. In this case, you should definitely contact an endocrinologist; self-medication can lead to serious consequences. “July” Lyuda is born a very weak girl, she often gets sick in childhood, so she shouldn’t be sent to kindergarten.

“February” Lyudmila should not be left unattended: she is very nimble and loves to play with matches, which can lead to trouble. You should also watch your diet, there is a tendency to allergies, and dermatitis occurs after stress. In addition, there may be a metabolic disorder, which can lead to obesity. As a child, Lyudochka can burr. Sometimes she has tonsillitis. At the age of fifteen, it is better for her to have her tonsils removed - then she will not get a sore throat.

A child with this name often suffers from infectious diseases; you need to be careful, because complications can occur in the ears. Hearing is partially lost. The little owner of the name often has stomatitis.

She is very willful in adulthood, her nervous system is unbalanced. As we get older, our legs become uneasy and various heart diseases develop. I would like to note that in history there was male name Lyudmil, that’s why it’s not advisable to give a girl this name. Over time, tenderness disappears in her and appears masculinity in character. The name brings many complications to girls.

The fate of Lyudmila in history

What does the name Lyudmila mean for a woman’s destiny?

  1. Lyudmila Kasatkina is the name of a popular actress of Soviet theater and cinema, People's Artist of the RSFSR.
  2. Lyudmila Tselikovskaya (1919-1992) is the name of a famous Russian actress.
  3. Lyudmila Zykina - (1929-2009) Soviet and Russian singer, her name became famous for her performance of Russian folk songs.
  4. Lyudmila Gurchenko - (1935-2011) the name of a Soviet and Russian actress and singer who starred in almost a hundred films.
  5. Lyudmila Savelyeva - (born 1942) the name of the Soviet actress who starred in the films “War and Peace”, “The Headless Horseman”, “Anna Karenina”, “It was the fourth year of the war” and others.

About Lyudmila in different languages ​​of the world

The translation of the name Lyudmila in different languages ​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. On English language the name translates as - Lusie (Lucy); French - Lucie (Lucy); Italian- Lucia (Lucia).

How the name is declined according to cases

  • Nominative case: Lyudmila
  • Genitive case: Lyudmila
  • Dative case: Lyudmila
  • Accusative case: Lyudmila
  • Instrumental case: Lyudmila
  • Prepositional case: Lyudmila

Short form of the name Lyudmila. Lyuda, Lyudochka, Lyudka, Lyusya, Lyudmilka, Lyudusya, Lyudasha, Lyudukha, Lyudusha, Lyulya, Mila, Mil, Milasha, Milusya, Milusha, Mika, Lidka, Lilina, Lola, Milko.
Origin of the name Lyudmila. The name Lyudmila is Russian, Slavic, Orthodox, Catholic.

The name Lyudmila is a Slavic name. Literal translation This name sounds like “sweet to people.” This name was forgotten, so it was not used for a very long time. The Russian poet of the Romantic era Vasily Zhukovsky remembered the name Lyudmila. This is what he called one of his ballads, which he wrote in 1808. Later, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin used this name in his poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila,” written ten years later. But the name Lyudmila became popular only in the 30-50s of the 20th century.

The affectionate address Lyusya (Lucy) has a foreign analogue. The name Lucia (pronounced Lucy) is of Latin origin and means "light." The short forms Mika, Lala, Lola (used in the Czech Republic) and Mila are also independent names.

Saint Ludmila is considered the patroness of the Czech Republic. In Prague, a festive mass is held on September 16, in Orthodox calendar this date corresponds to September 29.

The character and fate of Lyudmila. Lyudmila is an emotionally focused, extremely sensitive woman who takes many events happening around her to heart. She cannot remain indifferent to anything, but if she cannot help with deeds, she will at least express her attitude verbally, tell others about injustice or a joyful event. At the same time, Lyudmila is not a gossip; she will neither lie nor embellish. She is very attached to home and family.

Lyudmila is very active, dynamic, independent, always fulfills her duties and has self-esteem. She strives for peace and is ready to go to great lengths to harmonize relationships. Her presence nearby can be used as a calming and reassuring factor; she can both comfort and cheer. However, the owner of this name is a somewhat nervous girl - this is part of the payback that compensates for her incessant but well-organized activities, because Lyudmila has excellent organizational skills.

In general, the owner of this name is very diplomatic, but it happens that her impulsive and emotional nature can lead to consequences that she will greatly regret later. She is moderately hot-tempered, but her anger is short-lived, and she is not at all vindictive, she will strive to settle and restore the peace that is so dear to her.

Depending on the circumstances or the level of motivation, Lyudmila, indeed, can become incredibly courageous and energetic, infected with steely determination in order to achieve her goal. On the other hand, it is quite possible that when she gets what she wants, she is able to stop there and will not try to improve or change anything. If you call Lyudmila to help in some difficult emotional or practical problems, then she will be able to surpass even herself, she is attracted to strangers or difficult situations, although she herself will not look for them. This is a very conscientious woman, a perfectionist by nature, who, as a rule, imposes obligations and restrictions on herself. Her attitude towards order is quite reverent: it should be not only in the house, but also in the head.

Lyudmila can sometimes be very fussy, even overdoing it. Already as a little girl, Luda is ready to please her parents by making herself an indispensable assistant, she is gentle and always behaves responsibly. Inner harmony has important for her well-being, and a parental dispute could have disastrous consequences for her emotional balance. She can find an outlet in art, dancing or music.

In matters of the heart, this girl is very selective when choosing a partner. She often has an idealistic approach, nagging her partner, making her love and life together more challenging with its incredibly high expectations.

Lyudmila is quite ambitious, intends to succeed, does not like to be subordinate, but if her work involves independent decision-making, then she can become a role model for other employees. She may be torn apart by contradictions between the desire for personal success and the desire to start a family. Her career choice may be influenced by her family, thereby compromising her aspirations. Otherwise, Lyudmila will choose professions related to participation, care or support of others (medicine, psychology, administrative personnel, law). These may also include areas requiring management, leadership positions, and those that require precision or a sense of aesthetics (music, sports, art).

Lyudmila's name day

Famous people with the name Lyudmila

  • Lyudmila Zykina ((1929-2009) Soviet and Russian singer, became famous for performing Russian folk songs, as well as songs stylized as folk songs, although her repertoire was very diverse. Recipient of various state orders and awards.)
  • Lyudmila Kasatkina ((1925-2012) Soviet and Russian actress, starred in the films “Tiger Tamer”, “The Taming of the Shrew”, “Calling Fire on Ourselves”, “Operation Trust”, “Big Change”, “Circus Princess” and many others)
  • Lyudmila Gurchenko ((1935-2011) Soviet and Russian actress and singer, starred in almost a hundred films, such as “Carnival Night”, “Balzaminov’s Marriage”, “Girl with a Guitar”, “Mom”, “Straw Hat”, “Vivat” , midshipmen!”, “Old nags”, “Station for two”, “Old walls”, “Twenty days without war” and many, many others.)
  • Lyudmila Pakhomova ((1946–1986) Soviet figure skater, 1976 Olympic champion in ice dancing, multiple winner of European and world championships)
  • Lyudmila Savelyeva ((born 1942) Soviet actress, starred in the films “War and Peace”, “The Headless Horseman”, “Anna Karenina”, “It was the fourth year of the war” and others)
  • Lyudmila Rudenko ((1904-1986) Soviet chess player, became the very first world chess champion from the USSR)
  • Lyudmila Petrushevskaya ((born 1938) Soviet writer and playwright, winner of many literary awards, including the Triumph Award and the World Fantasy Award (WFA))
  • Lyudmila Lyadova ((born 1925) Soviet composer)
  • Lyudmila Pavlichenko ((1916-1974) Hero Soviet Union, one of the best snipers of the Second World War)
  • Lyudmila Semenyaka ((born 1952) Soviet ballerina, choreographer, choreographer and teacher. Her repertoire included all the major roles of classical ballets, such as “The Nutcracker”, “Swan Lake”, “Romeo and Juliet”, “Giselle”, “Ivan” Terrible", "Sleeping Beauty", "Macbeth", "Angara" and many others. She also performed outside the Bolshoi Theater troupe.)
  • Lyudmila Senchina ((born 1950) Soviet singer (soprano), Honored Artist of the RSFSR)
  • Lyudmila Tatyanicheva ((1915-1980) Soviet poetess, some of her poems became songs)
  • Lyudmila Turishcheva ((born 1952) Soviet gymnast, four-time Olympic champion)
  • Lyudmila Ulitskaya ((born 1943) Soviet and Russian writer, became the first female winner of the Russian Booker Prize, winner of various international literary awards)
  • Lyudmila Shaposhnikova ((born 1926) Russian writer, orientalist, science popularizer, public figure, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation)