Which wood is better when building a log house for a bathhouse: cladding and processing. Which log house is better for a bathhouse, advice on choosing a material and its installation What kind of Russian log baths are there?


How to choose the right log house? Log thickness, wood type and cutting methods

It is quite difficult not to get confused by the abundance of offers on the wooden construction market, and therefore today we will talk about how to choose a log house and what you need to look at first. Our company is professionally engaged in the design and cutting of prefabricated log cabins. Our team includes real masters of their craft, who have been doing their work for decades, which guarantees highest quality our products.

We work in the central district of the Russian Federation and in the North-West. It is also possible to build a log house to order, according to an individual project.

PRICES for log bathhouses (2020)

Size Paw. Bowl.
3x3 39,000 rub. 69,000 rub.
3x4 53,000 rub. 88,000 rub.
4x4 74,000 rub. 110,000 rub.
4x5 90,000 rub. 130,000 rub.
5x5 110,000 rub. 150,000 rub.
6x5 130,000 rub. 162,000 rub.
6x6 150,000 rub. 172,000 rub.
  • The height of the log house is 2.5 m.
  • Installation 40% of the cost of the log house.

Planed log

PRICES for log houses (2020)

Size Paw. Bowl.
6x6 195,000 rub. 223,000 rub.
6x7 210,000 rub. 237,000 rub.
6x8 233,000 rub. 261,000 rub.
6x9 247,000 rub. 275,000 rub.
6x10 RUR 261,000 289,000 rub.
7x7 RUB 233,000 261,000 rub.
7x8 RUB 247,000 275,000 rub.
7x9 RUR 261,000 289,000 rub.
7x10 RUB 275,000 303,000 rub.
8x8 RUR 261,000 289,000 rub.
8x9 RUB 275,000 303,000 rub.
8x10 RUB 289,000 316,000 rub.
9x9 RUB 289,000 316,000 rub.
9x10 RUB 313,000 340,000 rub.
10x10 RUR 326,000 354,000 rub.
10x11 RUR 340,000 368,000 rub.
10x12 RUB 354,000 382,000 rub.
11x11 RUB 354,000 382,000 rub.

The kit includes floor and ceiling beams (round timber)

  • The height of the log house is 3m.
  • Installation from 40% of the cost of the log house. Depending on the number of cuts (walls) and complexity, the cost will increase.

Planed log– a log that has been processed by an electric planer.

After processing, the logs have a uniform woody light beige color.

The price of log houses made from planed logs is 10% more expensive than those made from debarked logs.

Cutting methods

A log house is, first of all, a prefabricated structure made of logs. Logs are harvested from the forest and classified according to the method of cutting. There are basically two such methods.

The first involves the arrangement of connecting elements from the ends of the log (this is called with a remainder). The end result is a log house that is economical in terms of material consumption. Usable area With this method, more cutting remains. Of the minuses, it can be noted that more attention will have to be paid to the thermal insulation of the corners, and the structure itself must be rigidly fixed to the foundation, since it has less stability.

In the second method, which is called “in the cup”, the connection is located at a distance from the ends of the logs, which makes it possible to achieve greater strength and stability of the log house. This method requires more material consumption, but it is most often used for cutting log houses. The advantages of chopping “into a cup” outweigh the disadvantages and they are as follows:

  • Preventing the natural shift of logs in the walls;
  • It is easier to seal the joints at the time of shrinkage of the log house;
  • The production process is becoming more technologically advanced;
  • It is possible to get rid of the gaps where the crowns adjoin each other.

Log thickness

Answer the question “Does the thickness of the log affect the properties of the structure?” The answer can be unequivocal - yes, it does. The thing is that the thermal insulation and stability of a future building directly depend on the thickness of the logs, be it two-storey house, bathhouse or just household. a building like a cowshed or barn. Therefore, first of all, rely on your own funds. In practice, if in winter time year, the temperature outside the window drops below -40 Celsius, it is advisable to take logs with a diameter of more than 18 centimeters (if it is spruce or pine) and more than 22 centimeters (if it is oak). Again, here we are looking at an example of a residential building. This is in case you want to save money.

  • (up to -40C you need a log of 28 centimeters (taking into account drying - at least 32 cm));
  • (up to -30C you need a log of at least 24 centimeters, and taking into account drying out from 28 cm);
  • (up to -20C, use a log from 20 centimeters, taking into account drying (32 cm).

Logs for building log houses have one more parameter - the width of the groove. It should be 2/3 of the diameter, while the height of the log will be 3/4 of the diameter.

Wood type

In modern wood construction most commonly used material coniferous species. Such wood is highly durable and is not very susceptible to rotting, partly due to the fact that it contains a lot of resin. Nowadays, the following types of wood are mainly used:

  • Larch
  • Pine

Larch buildings have been practiced in our country since ancient times. Larch logs are characterized by the fact that they are almost impervious to rotting. At the same time, the features of this material make it possible to build truly centuries-old buildings from it, and over time, the structure will not collapse from moisture, for example (as happens with wooden buildings from wood of other species) but will only become stronger. A house made of larch can last at least 100 years, the only problem is that it is a very expensive pleasure that is not available to everyone.

Spruce, on the other hand, has a looser structure of the material, unlike pine, for example. A house in the construction of which spruce logs will be used must undergo careful processing (which will protect against fungus and slow down rotting). Spruce forest has lower thermal conductivity, which makes it possible to make a house warmer (unlike pine). This is a fairly inexpensive material, and houses made of spruce are most often found where there is no other wood.

Pine is the most used wood species in Russia. It grows in almost every corner of the country, and quite a lot of it grows, and therefore it is used everywhere. A log house made of pine is inexpensive, and it is not difficult to transport. Over time, pine buildings change color slightly and become darker.

Cedar, as a material for building an all-log house, stands apart. This is a truly noble and elite tree species. Its high cost is justified by its durability and strength. This excellent material is not only durable and comfortable, but also environmentally friendly: cedar highlights useful material, which generally improve the microclimate in the house, have a positive effect on the immune system and improve the well-being of the residents.

Ultimately, the most popular solution for choosing the type of wood for a home is a combination of several types of wood. For example, it is best to make the lower crowns of a future home from larch, but the walls and other elements are made from spruce, pine or any other wood.

How to choose a log house for your home? Results

First of all, accept for yourself that it is worth choosing a log house for winter felling. The most preferable option is logs felled after frost for baptism. At this moment, the least amount of methyl alcohol remains in the structure of the tree, which causes the log to oxidize. Therefore, it is best to take a finished log house in winter.

Carefully inspect the frame for large areas of rot and cracks. Under no circumstances should cracks penetrate through the log. You can do this yourself by arriving at the production site. Most often, it is worth paying attention to the method of adjusting the trunks to a certain size, the duration of shrinkage and drying (information about which the seller is obliged to provide) and cutting the tree.


A preliminary decision on the use of a log house for the construction of your country house, quite justified. Log houses are available, they are quickly assembled, with correct assembly they retain heat well and can be lived in all year round. However, not all log houses are the same, and in order to choose a truly high-quality log house, you need to understand the basic concepts of manufacturing, felling and production of log houses, as well as understand what types of log houses exist.

Choose the right log house for yourself, that is, choose a log house that will not only please the eye, but also serve for many years.

How to choose a log house for yourself according to the felling location

When choosing a log house, it is important to know where the log house is cut. For example, if a company offers log houses in Moscow and the Moscow region, this most likely does not mean that the log house is cut in this area. Please note that log houses cut above the 55th parallel in the so-called “northern” forests are considered correct.

Types of log houses

By definition, a log house is a prefabricated wooden structure, made and assembled from long wooden products. The elements from which the log house is assembled can be logs with a diameter of 160-280-400 mm or wooden beam sections 150×150 mm and more. Depending on the elements used to assemble the log house, we distinguish three types of log house:

  • Log house manual cutting;
  • Log house made of timber;
  • Log house made from industrially rounded logs.

Log house

Hand-cut logs are made from whole trunks of coniferous (spruce, pine, cedar) or deciduous (alder) species. Logs of this type of log house are distinguished by a slight difference in the diameter of the log along its length (the run of the log), which is why they distinguish between the butt (wide bottom) and the top of a hand-cut log. The frame is cut and assembled with alternating butts and tops. This type of log house requires manual straightening, and sometimes additional cutting of locks and grooves of the supplied logs.

You can live in a log house 1-2 years after assembly, and this is in the best case. Over the course of a year, the log house settles and only after a year can the first caulking (sealing of cracks) of the log house and its finishing be carried out.

Log house made of timber

Timber for a log house is a laminated, glued or solid wooden product with a textured cross-section close to a rectangle. The cross-section of the timber is such that when assembling a log house from timber, the adjacent crowns of the log house are secured not only with locks, but also with a profile along the length of the log. Such log houses are delivered as a designer, completely ready for assembly, with the exception of holes for dowels: wedges fastening the beams in the adjacent crowns of the log house.

You can live in a log house made of laminated veneer lumber immediately after assembly. Live in a log cabin from solid timber natural humidity, it is possible for the next season, after it has dried naturally.

Log house made of rounded logs

A rounded log is made from wood, either coniferous or hardwood, with processing along the entire length of the log on an industrial machine. Thanks to processing, the log along its entire length becomes the same diameter. Log houses made from rounded logs are distinguished by their elegant appearance and somewhat simplified assembly. Such log houses are supplied to finished form, completely ready for assembly, with the exception of holes for dowels: wedges fastening logs in adjacent crowns.

Finishing in a log house made of rounded logs can be carried out a year later, after it shrinks to 1/25 of its height. You can live after finishing.

What are winter log cabins?

In advertisements, the concept of winter logging is often used. This is a professional concept relating to the season of harvesting wood for felling. For example, you need a chopped sauna in Moscow and the Moscow region. You need to order a log bathhouse at the end of summer so that it can be cut in winter period, and were collected in the spring. You need to understand that no one cuts log houses in the Moscow region. Wood is harvested closer to the north of the country. It is believed that best wood for a log house should be harvested in winter, from late autumn (first frost) to early spring (first thaw). It is in winter that the fermentation of juices in the wood subsides and the life of bacteria freezes. Wood from the winter forest, dry, with a minimum amount of moisture. It is worth noting that peeling (barking) of logs (bark removal) should be done immediately on the plot, before they are delivered to the felling site.

These simple tips will help you choose a log house for yourself and it will serve you for many years.

No one Vacation home You can’t do without a bathhouse with a good steam room and intense heat. And if you don’t have it yet, then you’re probably wondering how to do it all yourself and with minimal loss of time and finances.

In addition, if you have finally decided to build a bathhouse on your site, you will definitely think about how to choose a log house for a bathhouse so that it will last for decades.

Without a good Russian bathhouse, a country residence ceases to be so attractive.
And in the steam room you can relax with friends, get free relaxation and enjoy the smell of fresh wood.

When choosing a finished log house for your future structure, the first thing you should pay attention to is the type of wood. This is one of the most significant moments during construction bath complex any area.

Choosing wood

If you don't know which better log house suitable for a bathhouse, you should pay attention to some aspects of lumber:

  1. Type and characteristics of wood for the steam room and the entire structure of the bathhouse - service life, resistance to insects and weather conditions, ease of assembly, thermal insulation properties;
  2. The dimensions of the log house for the bathhouse depend on the scale of the future structure and external factors environment, as well as climate;
  3. Useful properties of wood depending on its species (described below).

Nowadays it is easy to purchase log cabins for baths in complete set based on desires and possibilities. All that remains is to collect it into a single whole and carry out Finishing work. Each element of the future building is numbered and everything can be inspected at the place of purchase.

Advice: if you find small cracks on logs, then do not be alarmed and refuse such material.
This is the result of wood shrinkage, which is inevitable.
It is dried logs that should be used in construction, since other materials will be subject to rotting and shrinkage, which will entail many negative aspects.

Main types of wood

The main types of wood used in construction include:

  • pine tree
  • cedar,
  • larch,
  • aspen,
  • linden,

Each breed has its own properties that you should pay attention to:

  1. Density;
  2. Rigidity;
  3. Viscosity.

The price for a particular type of wood can be different. For example, pine is the most affordable for any average person, and cedar is naturally more expensive.

Larch belongs to the coniferous species and is 2 times more expensive than pine, as it has a number of advantages - strength, medicinal properties, non-shrink material, etc.

Aspen requires virtually no interior decoration premises, as it does not emit resin, unlike conifers. Easy to process and light weight.

Advice: if you are looking for cheap types of wood for your log house, then pine and aspen are optimal.
These rocks are easy to collect and process, and also undergo little deformation when dried.

How to install a log house for a bathhouse

For those who have decided to build their own bathhouse and have already decided on the site, and also found the dimensions of the log houses for the bathhouse, which suit all the parameters, then it’s time to move on to work.

DIY Guide

Let's talk in more detail about how to assemble a log house for a bathhouse without involving specialists with your own hands. In fact, this is quite a troublesome job that requires care.

To begin with, you will need to prepare a thorough plan and strictly adhere to it in the future. If the log house is purchased ready-made or made to order, then all the logs are already numbered in advance and this will simplify the process.

If you decide to make the log house yourself, you will have to number it, starting with lower crown and all the way to the roof.

Here small instructions for beginners and not only:

  1. Before laying, all wood must be treated with an antiseptic. It is recommended to treat the ends with tar or lime. This will protect the tree from insects and rot.
  2. A layer of waterproofing must be laid on the finished foundation and reinforced there wooden slats. It is on this that the first crown will be installed.

Tip: when laying the first crown, the logs should have a slightly larger diameter than for the rest.

  1. When laying the timber, caulk should be applied between the crowns of the bathhouse. For this they use red moss, tow, flax fiber and other organic insulation materials.

After all the procedures have been completed, you can safely proceed to the installation of the roof and subsequent work on finishing your bathhouse.

Advice: do not forget that the insulation of a log bathhouse is carried out not in one, but in several stages - during assembly and after shrinkage of the entire structure.
Most often this is done after about a year.
Also remember that the height of the log house for the bath should initially be 10 - 12% greater than the final version.
This is due to shrinkage of the entire structure and shrinkage of the wood.

If you decide to build a log house for a bathhouse yourself, then your family team must have at least one professional carpenter. This will help you in eliminating some of the shortcomings in the log locks and will speed up the whole process.

Here are some tips that will definitely help you during your work:

  1. Before starting work, you should familiarize yourself with all technical issues and choose best option assemblies. To do this, you can get advice from your more experienced friends or, better yet, from specialists.
  2. Logging should take place best in winter. In order to distinguish a winter forest from a summer one when purchasing, it is enough to drop iodine on the tree. If the color has not changed, then the forest is summer, but the winter forest should change color a little.
  3. Before assembly, you must carefully check the fit of the logs and the quality of cutting in the corners. Gaps of up to 15 mm are considered acceptable for assembly “into a bowl” or “into a paw”, and for corners no more than 5 mm.
  4. You should also pay attention to the marking of logs. This will simplify the whole process and each element will not be lost during work, but will be in its place.
  5. Before laying the first crown it is necessary to apply building level, in order to achieve an even horizontal line.

  1. The best option for logs for a log house are logs with a diameter of 20–25 cm and an edge width of 15 cm.
  2. Used as connecting elements wooden dowels 60 cm long, which gives greater stability and strength to the entire structure.


Don't be afraid of something new, because there will always be something new necessary information on any question. Here on the site you can get acquainted with many materials on the construction of log bathhouses and, having gained experience, you can easily build any structure on your summer cottage(see also the article Projects wooden baths: types of buildings).

This will please you and your guests, and the experience gained will be useful in the future. In the video in this article you can see many points that are useful for beginners. Build your own sauna and be satisfied with your own work!

What is the best material to build a wooden bathhouse from?

(22.08.14) Stanislav

Hello. I just can’t choose the best log house for a bathhouse. Please advise me where to stop?

Steam room made of logs

Since ancient times, bathhouses have been made from tree trunks. When choosing the material, we paid attention, first of all, to the ease of wood processing and its durability. There are still ongoing debates about what kind of wood is best to use to build a bathhouse. There are different breeds that can be used with varying degrees of success, let’s try to look at their characteristics.

Pine log houses are quite popular due to their remarkable properties. Pine is quite soft and lightweight material, convenient to process. Building a bathhouse from it is a pleasure that does not require serious skills. Pine wood is little susceptible to deformation; logs in a log house are not “built” and practically do not crack. In addition, this material is one of the cheapest.

Spruce is also easy to process. Unlike pine, which darkens over time, it retains an eye-pleasing white-golden color for a long period. Spruce logs are quite cheap, but, similar to pine, spruce has an unpleasant feature - resin in the wood structure. In addition, the resin from a spruce log is released more intensely, which requires mandatory internal lining.

Coniferous wood

Larch is another conifer that has strong and durable wood. When dry, its logs harden, approaching the strength of oak wood. A bathhouse made of larch can last much longer than structures made of spruce and pine, since it is less susceptible to fungus and moisture. This is due to the presence of a natural antiseptic in the resin of this wood. This bath has a general strengthening and healing effect, and also helps in preventing diseases of the cardiovascular system.

A cedar steam room is a luxury that not everyone can afford. Today, the harvesting of Siberian pine is seriously limited; this wood is mainly exported. Cedar has unique properties: logs, thanks to their fibrous structure, do not shrink, practically do not bend or crack. In addition, cedar is a source essential oils, the evaporations of which make the cedar bathhouse a real healing place.


Oak log houses for baths are practically not used today due to their high cost. Oak wood is the hardest and most durable of all types of trees growing in our country.

Linden is a material for true connoisseurs and connoisseurs of a real Russian bath. She creates in bath room unique microclimate. Its light aromatic wood can give the steam room an excellent healing effect. Thanks to the linden bath, immunity is increased, colds and liver diseases are treated.

Advice from the master!

According to its characteristics, aspen can be compared to linden. It is light in weight and easily processed, and grows in large quantities throughout the country, which makes it low in price. Dried aspen logs do not warp, warp or crack. In addition, an aspen log house can withstand moisture better than linden, requiring much less repair.

With the development of progress, the market building materials has increased and the assortment has become so rich that it can be difficult to make a choice on your own. When choosing the type of log house for a bathhouse, many questions always arise: Which log house is better for a bathhouse? What to build a bathhouse from? How to save on this or that type of material? Which is more environmentally friendly and better suited for the construction of a log house. Users of numerous forums argue about which log house is better for a bathhouse. We tried to analyze this information and combine it in one article.

Log house made from chamber-dried rounded logs according to an individual project

Types of log houses for a bathhouse

Turnkey timber log house on a columnar foundation

A log house for a Russian bathhouse is usually made from chopped wood, laminated veneer lumber or profiled round logs. There are options to install a bathhouse made of bricks or blocks, but this one needs to be additionally insulated. The log house of the bathhouse is placed on a ready-made foundation. It is better if the foundation was allowed to settle for up to 1 year.

You need to choose what to build a log bathhouse from, starting from quality characteristics, the pros and cons of the material and your own wallet. More details about the disadvantages and advantages of various baths can be seen in the table:

Qualitative characteristics Type of material for a log bathhouse
Beam (profiled, edged, glued) Chopped log Brick Blocks
Environmental friendliness Eco-friendly material, except glued Eco-friendly Eco-friendly, except decorative with various additives Eco-friendly
Speed ​​of installation Quick assembly Heavy logs cannot be installed alone; additional equipment is required. Labor-intensive cutting of corner joints and selection of logs by size, which complicates assembly Quick assembly
Additional insulation Profiled and glued are not necessary, edged timber need additional insulation and caulk Caulking and insulation. Complete wall insulation. Additional insulation is required
Finishing Glued and planed profiled ones are not needed, edged and unplaned ones are needed inside and out. .To give aesthetically pleasing finishing is needed, but you can do without it. There is no need to finish the façade, but you will have to do it inside Interior and exterior finishing required
Type of foundation Lightweight Lightweight foundation (column, strip) A strip foundation requires a lot of time and money. Same as brick

If we compare all the pros and cons, then a bathhouse made of rounded or profiled timber is the most profitable. They do not need additional finishing and insulation is easy to perform. Glued laminated timber is not entirely environmentally friendly, and can crack from high temperatures. Bricks and blocks are easy to install, but they need to be additionally insulated and finished.

When choosing a log house for a bathhouse, you should pay attention to the degree of drying of the material. Log houses made of laminated veneer lumber and chamber-dried timber will shrink less, and the structure can be used immediately after its assembly. In any case, it is better to give preference to natural wood of larch, linden or aspen. Having chosen round timber or timber, there will be problems with joining the material in the corners and T-shaped ones.

Cutting joints

You can lay logs in corner joints in a bowl or in a paw. The bowl can be connected with or without a cut.

Connecting logs into a bowl

Connection diagram for a glaze (bowl) complex with a cut and a simple variant

The connection into a bowl can be seen in the construction of old baths. A semicircle is cut out of the log and placed on the bottom one. The joints are insulated with jute or moss. The connection into the bowl is also called “in the oblo”. The design holds up well low temperatures And strong wind. But such cutting reduces the area, so ¼ is subtracted from a log 2 m long. Excessive consumption of material when connecting into a bowl 0.5 m from each link. This is one of the most common methods of joining sauna logs. The structure assembled in this way is durable.

Connection into a bowl with a socket

This is also a connection into a bowl, but complicated by cutting lock connection. A thorn is cut out in the upper part of the oblo, and a groove in the lower part. The bowl fits even tighter. The only negative is that it is difficult to make such a bowl with your own hands. The work progress is as follows: a straight line is drawn to the depth of the bowl in the middle of the end, the width is measured from it and a semi-oval is cut out. You can simplify the work by making a stencil and working on it. Professionals perform this work with a special device - a cup cutter.

In any of the methods, it can be placed in the bowl from above or below. The bowl downwards is less susceptible to moisture ingress and cracking.

An example of cutting into a bowl with your own hands can be seen in the video:

Chopping in the paw

Connection diagram in a paw, using the example of a dovetail

This is the most complex method of joining logs. In this case, part of the end is cut down, so the corners become less resistant to freezing. But they can be additionally insulated, but the working length of the logs is not lost. The cutting into the paw is divided into a simple connection into a tenon and a complex connection into a root tenon.

Such a connection is cut out according to a pre-prepared template, since any defects will lead to a loose connection and the corners will be strongly blown out. It will be difficult to install insulation in these places, and sealed ecowool and urethane foam are not cheap. You can see the connection in more detail in the photo.

The prepared stencil is applied to the end of the beam or log and future cutting is marked with notches.

It’s easier to order cutting of bowls from specialists, the price for work starts from 350 rubles. for the connection.

Methods for assembling logs into a log house

An example of cutting into a thicket with your own hands during the assembly of a log bathhouse

The logs need to be connected using one method, either in a paw or in a lock. You should not take logs that are shorter than the wall of the bathhouse. Each joint is an additional loss of heat, and this is unacceptable in a bathhouse.

The logs are assembled using metal brackets, wooden dowels or using rectangular wedges. Rectangular wedges are the most labor-intensive method, but one of the best in terms of strength. To do this, wooden blocks measuring 10–15 cm in length, 5–7 cm in width, and 3–5 cm in thickness are made. Grooves are cut into the log on both sides to suit the size. The block is driven into the lower log with a hammer, and the upper one is put on it.

We have already talked about how to connect logs using dowels (). Iron elements for connection wooden parts not recommended. When drying, the logs may crack and the glands will be visible, and this is unsightly.

When assembling a log house, window and door openings are cut out in half. Worth leaving a couple connecting links, they will maintain the geometry of the log house for the bathhouse during shrinkage.

How to insulate a log house?

Caulking a log house with a jute rope

The log house of the bathhouse was traditionally insulated with moss. This method is still used today. But there are materials that hold back heat better: jute, tow. They are not deformed and are sold in a convenient form - in the form of a tape. It is easier to lay them down during assembly. Tape insulation is laid between timber or logs and secured with a stapler.

If you do this at the stage of assembling the bathhouse, then you don’t have to caulk it in the future. When shrinking, tow and moss may not fill all the cracks and need extra work on caulking. Caulking is carried out along the entire perimeter of the log house, both outside and inside. For this they use a hammer and a special tool - caulk, jute or tow, pre-twisted into a rope or ready-made. It is unacceptable to caulk the walls one at a time, as this could warp the bathhouse.

Choosing the right log house is only half of the solution; it is important to assemble and install the bathhouse in accordance with all standards and recommendations. It’s not difficult to build a wooden frame with your own hands, the main thing is to do it correctly and with love. If you don’t have enough patience, and you don’t have the experience and ability to use the tool, then it’s better to save your nerves and entrust the work to professionals.

Choosing a foundation for a log bath

Build bathhouses at the dacha, as well as suburban areas can be made from any materials, but traditionally preference is given to wood: rounded logs, timber, etc. Saunas made from logs are most common due to, first of all, their environmental friendliness, excellent thermal conductivity qualities, and the unique aroma coming from the heated walls, which not only allow you to relax, but also improve your health.

Alternatively, if the plot is small, the log house can be attached to the house, but most often a separate building is erected. Before starting construction, it is necessary to make a project and decide how the bathhouse frame will be installed on the foundation, decide on the location for construction, examine the soil, etc.

How to properly build a foundation for a log bathhouse

There are no special requirements or restrictions for placing a bathhouse on the site, but a natural slope to the south, or, in extreme cases, to the west or east, would be preferable. A site near a river would be ideal: in this case, there is a slope, a natural reservoir is within easy reach, and there is no need to build a swimming pool.

But if there is no natural reservoir, the question of building a pool may arise - in this case, a study of the level of groundwater will definitely be required, since if they turn out to be surface water, this idea will have to be abandoned.

What factors does the choice of foundation depend on?

How to build a foundation for a log bathhouse depends on many reasons.

In addition to the economic component, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • type of soil and degree of its homogeneity;
  • freezing depth;
  • groundwater level;
  • the nature of soil swelling and its strength.

All this research can be done independently or you can turn to professionals. It is especially important to contact specialists to determine the level of groundwater, since this indicator can subsequently have a significant impact on the strength and reliability of not only the foundation, especially the strip type, but also the entire structure as a whole.

With level groundwater The freezing index is also related to the type of soil; data on this is contained in special reference books, but the following factors must be taken into account:

  • denser soil freezes deeper;
  • soil moisture also affects the speed and depth of freezing;
  • average depth of snow cover - the higher it is, the less soil freezing.

Although there is a rule according to which a strip-type foundation is installed on average 10-20 cm below the freezing level, in some cases, especially when the groundwater level is high, it is possible to make a shallow foundation that will fully withstand the log house of a bathhouse.

This will avoid negative influence from the natural process of swelling of soils, the strength of which is also directly related to their type, humidity and groundwater level.

How to choose the right type of foundation

Once the site for construction has been determined, you can start making a design for a bathhouse from rounded logs and choose the most optimal and correct method for constructing its foundation.

As a rule, the frame of a bathhouse on the foundation of a bathhouse should be placed, first of all, taking into account the type of soil - for any of them there is the most optimal option, which allows you to achieve the strength of the base itself and the reliability of the entire structure as a whole, which, naturally, affects the service life of the structure .

  • strip foundation, prefabricated or monolithic, suitable for swampy, clay and loamy soils;
  • for construction on heaving soils and in cases where the structure is located on steep slope, on rocks, the best option is a pile-screw design. It should also be given preference when building on sand or peat bogs;
  • columnar foundation methods should be used on soils consisting of fine gravel, sand, and clay;
  • A slab foundation, which is of the floating type, can be installed on sandy soils, peat bogs, or used for wetlands; it can provide reliability to a structure that is being built on so-called soft soils.

Comparative characteristics of foundations of different types

Despite the fact that the most common method of constructing a foundation is a strip foundation, during construction wooden structures(ban) it most often concedes its championship to the columnar method.

IN Lately builders also turned their attention to the pile-screw option, which allows construction to be carried out year-round; it is also indispensable on very difficult and problematic soils.

Popularity columnar base very often determined by the fact that its price is one of the lowest and allows significant savings on construction costs. It should be noted that both the columnar and pile-screw methods are less labor-intensive, for example, in comparison with the strip method, and also benefit from the time criterion.

Features of a columnar foundation

A columnar foundation consists of pillars slightly buried in the soil below the fertile layer, which are located:

  • at the corners of the building;
  • at the intersection of internal walls and partitions;
  • on long straight sections, a spacing between posts of 1 to 2.5 meters is used.

To construct this type of bathhouse base, the following types of materials can be used:

  • concrete;
  • stone or brick;
  • wooden poles treated with antiseptics against rotting;
  • asbestos pipes that are filled with concrete, etc.

Not applicable when constructing buildings:

  • on the slopes;
  • on soils with low bearing capacity and “floating”, or with a high probability of possible movements..

Advice. Columnar foundations Justified on heaving soils or in regions with a large depth of soil freezing, it is used mainly for light buildings, including those made of logs or timber.

Features of the strip foundation device

The strip base is arranged:

  • for buildings with a large total mass for uniform distribution of pressure on the ground;
  • its installation is also possible for wooden houses.

Although this type one of the most expensive, you cannot do without it in the following cases:

  • on unstable soils;
  • if there is a need for a basement.

If you use a strip foundation for a log bathhouse, then its construction is possible in several ways:

  • monolithic;
  • prefabricated;
  • shallow;
  • buried slightly below the soil freezing level, although this method for a bath is used most rarely due to the very large, but not always justified, financial costs.

Features of the slab foundation

This type of base is monolithic slab under the entire structure, it has a high load-bearing capacity and versatility for use on most types of soil, including problematic ones.

The slab plays the role of a kind of stabilizer of the building, providing it with the necessary rigidity and protection from subsidence. It is indispensable at high groundwater levels.

Slab foundation is mainly used in cases where other types of construction are not acceptable in specific situation mainly due to the fact that:

  • large material costs are required for its construction;
  • the complexity of the process itself;
  • large amount of work;
  • time factor - device instructions monolithic structures requires compliance with deadlines in the technology for performing all stages.

Features of the construction of a pile or pile-screw foundation

In private housing construction, this type is very rarely preferred, but for a bathhouse, a foundation on screw piles is a worthy option, especially if you plan to do the work yourself.

In some situations, this type of base is the only possible option, for example, on:

  • heaving;
  • unstable;
  • “floating” or weak soils.

The following types of piles are used:

  • concrete;
  • wooden;
  • steel, for example screw, which, unlike other types, are not driven in, but screwed into the ground. If applicable screw piles, then the construction of a bathhouse can be done even without the use of special construction equipment.

Sometimes piles act as an element, for example, of a strip base, giving it greater strength and stability. The ceiling on which the first crown of a log bath is laid is a grillage or slabs.

The advantages include the following points:

  • the cost of such a bathhouse foundation is most often low;
  • installation is carried out in the shortest possible time;
  • does not require the involvement of a large number of qualified specialists.

Waterproofing the foundation and installing the first crown

In order for a log bathhouse to be warm and serve for many years, it is imperative to waterproof the base, although this procedure is mandatory in almost all other cases. It is also necessary to take care of additional thermal insulation, especially considering the fact that a significant part of the heat is lost through the bath floor.

Naturally, the choice of the method and method of how the work will be carried out depends directly on the type of foundation itself, but, for example, for a strip foundation it is quite possible to use roofing felt, which is laid on a base surface lubricated with heated bitumen.

You should definitely take care of the device correct blind area, the absence of which may lead to distortion of the structure or even destruction of the foundation. You need to take the installation of the first crown very seriously. For this purpose, as a rule, logs with a slightly larger diameter are selected.

The correctness of their installation is checked by a level - they must be laid strictly horizontally. And only after completing this stage, they should be tied together and connected to the base.

In addition, the connection between the base and the first crown must be properly processed and insulated.

Advice. Not only the foundation, but also the entire structure of the bathhouse needs insulation. One of the available and common ways to do this is to use polyurethane foam, which blows out all the resulting cracks.


It should be noted that the choice of foundation, its depth and other parameters are also determined by the total mass of the structure, which, naturally, depends on what materials it is being built from.

And although such a structure belongs to light structures, we must pay attention that a log bathhouse made of logs can have a rather impressive total mass of the structure. If something is still unclear, watch the video in this article.

What you need to know when ordering a log house for your home or bathhouse; how, without being a specialist, to control the quality of a log house; what nuances, secrets and features exist when choosing, manufacturing and assembling log houses - you will find answers to these and other questions in the article.

A wooden house is among all the alternatives, one of the best home options for permanent residence. The most reliable wooden houses, the warmest and most time-tested are log houses. On the market today construction organizations There are a huge number of proposals for their manufacture and assembly. Therefore, every person, without having any construction skills, can come to such an organization, point his finger at the project he likes and, after a certain period of time, receive ready house. However, a large number of proposals determines a large number of unscrupulous performers. What do you need to know when choosing a log house for a house, so as not to fall for the bait of such “would-be builders”? There are a number of nuances that determine both the quality of the log house and its final cost.

Type of logs for the log house

Currently, house logs are made from two types of logs: non-rounded and rounded.

Unrounded logs. Essentially it is just a tree trunk, freed from knots and bark (barked). Partial trimming of the log is possible. Home distinctive feature of such logs is to preserve the natural camber, that is, the difference between the diameters of the opposite ends of the log.

  • Since the outer dense layer is preserved, non-rounded logs are more resistant to aggressive environmental influences, that is, more durable. In addition, they are less likely to crack;
  • have lower thermal conductivity, that is, houses made from such logs are warmer;
  • natural color and texture;
  • cheaper because they are not subject to complex technological processing.
  • longer in preparation for laying a log house, since the crowns from such logs are made by hand and require individual adjustment to each other, in addition, the inability to achieve an ideal fit leads to the need for increased insulation of the seams between the crowns;
  • require more time to shrink.

Rounded. The logs pass through a special machine in which they are given the same diameter along their entire length. Next, all the necessary grooves are made by machines in the factory. Thus, the individual crowns are perfectly matched to each other.

  • individual crowns are faster to manufacture;
  • It is easier to assemble a finished log house from rounded logs;
  • due to the factory fit of individual crowns, the log house requires less insulation of the seams;
  • Due to the uniform diameter of the logs, the finished log house looks neater.

From which logs to make a log house, everyone needs to decide for themselves. The debate about which is better began with the advent of rounded logs and continues to this day. Factory conditions for the manufacture of log crowns actually minimize possible flaws during production. However, here there are several nuances that you need to know and take into account if you decide to buy a log house made from rounded logs. The same nuances are also true for houses made of non-rounded logs.

Choosing or creating a house project

The construction of any house begins with the selection or creation of a project. What criteria are primarily taken into account in the project? This, of course, is the size of the future house and the number of floors. The lengths of the walls determine the area of ​​one floor, which, when multiplied by the number of floors, will give the total area of ​​the house, and the height of the walls will determine the dimensions of the ceilings. Knowing some of the nuances of building houses made of wood, you can optimally select these criteria and, at the same time, not overpay.

When choosing a project, you should consider that standard length lumber - 6 m. This also applies to logs. At this length, the curvature is the lowest, which means that when producing rounded logs there is a minimum of waste, and the construction of a log house from such non-rounded logs is the most technologically advanced. Thus, when planning a house with dimensions that are multiples of 3 m, that is, 3, 6, 9, 12 m, etc., you can save a lot on lumber, since other sizes will lead to excess consumption of material.

Further. Design feature the log house is that the floor joists cut between the first and second crowns. Ceiling beams similarly - between the penultimate and last crowns. Therefore, the actual height of the ceilings will be equal to the height of the frame of one floor minus two diameters of the crowns and minus 5-10% for shrinkage. This must be known when calculating the required amount of material to ensure the required ceiling height.

The next nuance will be the internal walls. If you are planning a house with several floors, then you should not forget that interfloor ceilings yours will be wooden. To prevent the floor from moving underfoot, it is necessary to construct retaining walls or retaining beams with pillars. The greatest length of the floor joist, which rests at both ends on bearing structures and at the same time does not play underfoot - 3.5 m. Thus, when constructing a load-bearing interior wall the width of the room cannot be more than 3.5 m. You can save on material for such a wall and, if desired, partially bypass the 3.5 m limit by constructing a retaining beam under the logs, resting its ends on external walls, and along its length into supporting pillars. It makes sense to make the step between the pillars no more than 3.5-4 m.

If necessary, construction interior partitions this design will be the basis for them. A lightweight structure, rather than a wall made of logs, also saves on material.

Another nuance that should be taken into account when designing is the gables. Which one to choose, log or plank? Perhaps, if the pediment covers an unheated attic, then it can be covered with boards. If you plan to do residential attic, then there is no point in building a wall from boards, insulating and finishing - the operations are not cheap, and the final appearance of the house will be spoiled. A log house would be preferable in this case.

Selection of material for the log house

So, we decided on the type of logs and chose the project. What's next? Next we order a log house. And here, if you want the log house to last for decades, you need to choose the right material. Again, knowing some specific nuances of selecting material for a log house, you can protect yourself from unscrupulous or illiterate manufacturers.

Choosing a wood type

For the manufacture of log houses, mainly coniferous wood is used. These are pine, spruce, larch, cedar, fir, etc. In addition, in some cases aspen is used. It is used to make log houses for baths, and some elements of log houses for residential buildings.

Due to its uniform density, sufficient evenness along the entire length and low price, the main material for log houses is pine. Spruce is used less often, as it is more susceptible to decay. In places of increased exposure to moisture - this is the first and sub-rafter crowns and window sill beams - it is advisable to use wood that is not afraid of water - larch or aspen. There will be nothing wrong with making a log house entirely from larch, except for its very high cost. Aspen is not suitable for a residential building, since it is not warm enough.

To control the selection of wood for a future log house, you need to know what a particular type of wood looks like. Pine is a yellowish wood with a pronounced textured pattern. Spruce is similar to pine, only much whiter and less dense. Larch is an orange wood with a bright pattern. Aspen is white-gray, with virtually no pronounced structure. Knowing this, it is easy to ensure that the manufacturer uses the most suitable wood for this in the right places.

Defective material

The timber used to make a log house must be free of visible and invisible defects. Visible ones are easily recognized by simple inspection. The invisible ones can be partially identified by the sound made by the log when tapped with the butt of an ax or a small sledgehammer. The sound should be ringing, high, clear and almost the same along its entire length.

Control of log size and technological grooves

It should be understood that not only the strength of the house, but also its ability to retain heat depends on the thickness of the walls. Required thickness walls is determined by the climate of the area in which the house will be operated. In log houses, when calculating the thickness, it is necessary to take into account two parameters: the diameter of the log (in the thinnest part, if it is not rounded) and the width of the bowl selected in the log for joining the crowns. So, the bowl should be approximately 2/3 of the diameter of the log. In climates with winter temperatures down to -20 °C, the bowl must be made at least 10 cm. At temperatures up to -30 °C - 20 cm, -40 °C - 30 cm. Moreover, no matter what, the diameter of the log should not be less than 20 cm.

If you plan to make a log house from non-rounded logs, you need to pay attention to the process of manufacturing individual crowns. Today, many craftsmen select grooves using a chainsaw, rather than an ax, as before. What is the result? The correct groove should be part of a circle repeating the cross-sectional circle of the previous crown.

In this case, the sealing material completely fills the entire space between the rims. The seam is dense and warm.

If you use a chainsaw, then two cuts will never give such a result. The result will be this picture:

The logs will only touch each other at the edges of the grooves. The rest of the space is emptiness. Each seam of such a log house is a bridge of cold. There is only one way out - fill the empty space with insulation - either heavily caulked, or by drilling holes, with polyurethane foam.

You can control how your log house is made only when the log house is not assembled. To hide this unpleasant moment for you, unscrupulous builders do everything right from the visible ends, but in the middle... Thus, if you heard the sound of a chainsaw on a construction site, this is a reason to think about the advisability of cooperation with such a manufacturer. Although, in fairness, it should be said that a chainsaw is not always inappropriate. It can be of great help in a number of operations. Therefore, only constant monitoring technological process and periodic measurements can significantly protect you from purchasing a low-quality log house.

Type of cut

There are two types of cutting crowns in the corners - into the paw and into the bowl.

Cutting into the paw (no residue)

Suitable for summer buildings and baths, since the corners in houses with such logs are much colder than those of houses with bowl-shaped logs. In addition, the strength of such a log house is also significantly lower. When the logs warp during natural shrinkage, the crowns at the corners, not being securely fastened, may diverge, which will create additional cracks. The only advantage of such a log house is low price, since the log is completely used.

Cutting into bowl (with remainder)

The corners of such a log house are much warmer and stronger. If you plan to live in the house permanently, then it is advisable to make a log house in this way.

Installation of a log house

Log houses from rounded logs are always first manufactured in a factory, and only after that the finished log house is assembled on site. The interval between manufacturing and assembly should be as short as possible, otherwise, the more time passes, the greater the likelihood of warping of crowns that are not fastened to each other in any way and, as a result, crooked and cracked walls.

By the way, an unconditional sign high level manufacturer of log houses from rounded logs is vacuum packaging for the period from production to assembly. It will retain the original moisture content of the material, which will ensure the crowns fit perfectly to each other.

As for log houses made of non-rounded logs, there are two options:

  • manufacturing and assembly immediately on site;
  • manufacturing, transportation and subsequent assembly on site.

What's better? If you manage to find a master who agrees to the first option, then it will be much better.

You buy the required amount of timber and bring it to the construction site. If the foundation of the house is ready, then the log house is assembled directly on it as the crowns are made. The rows are immediately laid with sealing material. If there is no foundation, then you can assemble the frame on temporary supporting pillars, followed by the construction of a foundation under it.

What will you get in this case? Firstly, cost savings due to transportation of the finished log house. Secondly, by assembling the log house immediately and permanently in place without additional disassembly/assembly, you will get a better final result.

Currently, sealing seams with non-traditional materials is gaining popularity - sealants, polyurethane cords, etc. Whether to use them or not is up to you. But is it worth building an environmentally friendly wooden house and spoil it, at the same time, with various chemicals?

So, knowing just a few nuances in the selection of materials and manufacturing and assembly technologies, you can easily ensure that your log house turns out to be of high quality, warm and reliable.

I now have an old wooden house on a plot of 8 acres, which requires annual investment. It would be a pity to demolish this house - there will be nowhere to come to rest, and there is no money for a new one yet. Therefore, I decided to build a bathhouse next to it with attic room. This option will be transitional from the old house to the new one.

So, I was faced with the question of choosing a log house for a bathhouse. I looked at several dozen sites selling log cabins.

How and by what parameters to choose?

  1. Deciding on the project

    As I wrote above, I would like a bathhouse with an attic. This is the first requirement. Initially, I planned to build a bathhouse with a 6x6 attic. But due to the requirement to build structures on the site no closer than 3 meters to the fence, such a bathhouse size would leave little space on the site (I also have a house, a garage, garden beds and a playground). However, in contrast to this I would like to have in the bath:

    • spacious lounge
    • spacious attic
    • separate shower room
    • steam room
    • separate hallway

    Therefore, I still settled on the average choice of the 6x5 project.

    As you can see, everything is there. That's why first advice for choosing a log bathhouse project:

    Consider the size and your own wishes for arrangement.

  2. Choosing a foundation

    It all depends on the soil and the weight of the structure. For most soils and buildings, the choice of a shallow strip foundation made of monolithic reinforced concrete will be universal. It is also possible to choose the most reliable slab reinforced concrete foundation or the more economical screw piles.
    I settled on a universal tape.

    Second tip:

    Interview your neighbors, hire a surveyor for advice on choosing a foundation for a bathhouse specifically for your soil type.

  3. Selecting wall material

    There are the following types of bath walls:

    • from rounded logs
    • from laminated veneer lumber
    • from profiled timber
    • using frame-panel technology

    Personally, I didn’t doubt it for a second - the bathhouse should be made of rounded logs. Glued laminated timber is expensive, frame-panel technology is not for baths. The bathhouse must “breathe”. Profiled timber is a matter of taste. I wanted a log house (or rather, a log house). Third tip

    The main cost of the bath will consist of its base. Therefore, first of all, decide on the price. Next, take into account summer or winter option– wall thickness, insulation, etc.

    Rounded log

  4. Roof selection

    In fact, it's a matter of taste. I chose metal tiles because of the price-beauty ratio. More a budget option- roofing material. More expensive, but aesthetically pleasing - soft roof. Fourth tip:

    The choice of roofing is justified only by price and appearance.

    Metal tiles

  5. Budget

    This is probably the most decisive factor. Everyone should decide how to save on building a bathhouse. In my version ready sauna turnkey with electrics, plumbing and heating connections were available in the area 900,000 – 1,000,000 rubles! Not bad. What can you save on?

    • Foundation – strip – pour it yourself/hire people. Piling – screw in piles with a friend. Savings from 100,000 rubles.
    • It will be difficult to install the walls of the log house yourself, so you can only save on the type of material. Frame and rounded logs are the most economical options. Savings from 150,000 rubles.
    • Roofing - if you are interested in the roofing budget, then roofing felt will cost about 50,000 rubles, ondulin - 120,000 rubles, metal tiles - 130,000, soft roofing - 150,000 - 200,000 rubles. The choice is yours. For me, metal tiles are a universal option.

    Total, according to my calculations, you can save from 200,000 to 400,000 rubles.

    Fifth tip:

    Look for ways to save money.

So, decide for yourself how to choose a bathhouse. I gave you the main factors using my example. Good luck!