How to properly arrange furniture in a narrow room. Design of a narrow living room (65 photos). What colors increase space?

Undoubtedly, the dream of each of us is to own spacious apartments with an open layout: there is room for an artist’s imagination to run wild, and all interior ideas can be realized. Reality, however, often presents us with cherished square meters as standard apartments with a narrow elongated bedroom, kitchen or corridor without the possibility of demolishing walls and remodeling. Therefore, the design of a narrow room often becomes the first difficulty on the path to comfortable, harmonious living.

There are a number of very effective and simple techniques when working on the interior of such non-standard premises, observing which, you can solve all the difficulties caused by their imperfect form.

Experiment with wall texture and color

The correct choice of color for the walls will help to visually bring the shape of the room closer to square. Color long sides V bright hues, and narrow ones into darker ones.

by Michelle Hinckley

Design niches along long and short sides. Different wall depths make the entire interior more dynamic and eliminate the tunnel effect.

We used this technique when working on the design of a narrow, elongated kitchen in a small one-room apartment:

Use your imagination to visually expand the space

It doesn’t matter how wide your bedroom or kitchen is: even the narrowest room can be made functional and cozy. I hope my tips will help you with this and designing a narrow room will not be a problem for you.

Unfortunately, long narrow rooms are very common, and many owners are faced with the need to “fix” this awkward shape and give the apartment functionality and convenience. But on the other hand, such an awkward room is an excellent platform for creativity and can become a cozy and attractive place in an apartment or house. Here are the rules to make it beautiful and practical.

  1. Paint the wide sides in bright colors of light tones, and the narrow sides in rich and more saturated colors. You should not opt ​​exclusively for white when designing, great solution will turn beige, pink or orange. By attracting attention with such accents, you will visually reduce the “extra centimeters” of elongated walls.
  2. Carpet or flooring should be placed perpendicular to wide walls. Good choice in this case, it can be parquet, laminate or tiles with a large rectangular pattern.
  3. On one side you can arrange a dressing room or install a tall wardrobe. This is very practical and at the same time you will correct the proportions of the room, making it visually square.
  4. This can also be achieved by “saturating” the interior with smooth lines and curves that hide the corners and conceal the feeling of the length of the room. Round or oval furniture is great for this, decorative elements or paintings.
  5. Avoid massive chandeliers and use spotlights or sconces. It is better to place them on narrow walls, painted in rich colors, otherwise the corridor effect cannot be avoided.
  6. Very original and practical solution can become podiums on the floor and shelves different sizes and type.
  7. The ceiling should be painted in warm and light colors. Application of multi-level suspended ceiling will also allow you to hide correct form rooms.
  8. Large mirrors and photo wallpapers are especially relevant, allowing you to expand the space and blur the outlines of the room.
  9. Natural sunlight will also work well with this. Opt for light and light-colored materials that let the sun's rays through.

To ensure that a narrow room does not resemble a carriage, even a designer needs to try hard.

Create two functional centers in the room.

Before deciding how the best way To make do with a “pencil case”, you need precise measurements.

You can turn the shortcomings of your long, narrow room into undeniable advantages by dividing it into two regularly shaped zones. This could be a sleeping area and an office for the bedroom, or a cooking and dining area for the kitchen. Correct placement Furniture in this case is an excellent way of zoning, but there are also some nuances here.

As long as Soviet buildings exist, the issue of narrow rooms will be relevant.

How to turn a long room into a living room, dining room, bedroom, office, children's room or even a dressing room with additional function guest bedroom?

Try not to place massive sofas or solid partitions in such places. This will lead to even greater visual compression of the space and make it difficult to pass. Instead, try podiums, rugs, or incorporate multiple colors into your interior design. Such methods will not only allow you to divide your living room or kitchen into independent zones, but will also significantly improve their functionality. Mobile partitions, which can be either bright element design.

The only problem is that standard methods visual expansion The dimensions of a narrow room do not work in this case - neither light colors of the walls nor the standard arrangement of furniture will bring much effect.

Your choice is long sofas; It is even desirable that they be longer than usual.

Do not place all the furniture near elongated walls and give preference for light structures that transmit light. A good decision can become a small couch standing in bottleneck, or several armchairs and poufs different shapes and colors.

The play of colors and textures helps to expand the narrow part of the room, correct zoning compressed space and lighting necessary elements interior - these are the techniques together that can adjust the room.

A room with a window near the door can also be adapted into a compact area with living room functions.

If both shelves and surfaces are the same width, this will visually balance the room.

The arrangement of furniture in a narrow kitchen has its own characteristics.

  • Sets of dark colors should be avoided.
  • Use mirror and glossy facades.
  • Place work surface preferably along a short wall, and dinner table near the window.
  • Leave the space near the long walls free or take it open shelves and small shelves.
  • The kitchen apron can be made of a dark material with a pronounced texture to focus attention on a short wall.
  • A bar counter or sofa is well suited for zoning, standing with his back to the cooking area and is at the same time the main element of the dining area.

Usually, to expand the space, most owners of narrow rooms prefer to glue plain wallpaper or paint the walls one light color.

If the bedroom turns out to be very small, try to expand the end wall with the headboard using decorative techniques: for example, decorate it with mirrors or wallpaper with an optical effect.

In addition to the main methods of visual correction of interior space, use LED backlight, which is in Lately is gaining more and more popularity.

Living room

The design of the living room should be approached especially carefully, because this room is always full of people and the lack of space here is especially sensitive. To hide its length, do not place the sofa along a wide wall; experiment with its location, or perhaps abandon it altogether. Armchairs, coffee table and a couple of chairs will be very interesting option. In such a living room there is no room for a bulky wall of furniture, which will finally turn the room into a railway carriage. Use open shelving and shelves that let in light. Do not hide the window with heavy drapes and curtains. This will fill the space with natural light.

Your task is to highlight the short walls and reduce the size of the long ones.

Colored curtains or drapery – best decoration: they give the room airiness and hide extra centimeters of length.

The technique of symmetrical arrangement of objects often saves narrow rooms. Especially children's bedrooms for one or two children.


Divide the interior of the bedroom by painting the walls in several colors. The wall of the room behind the head of the bed can be highlighted with a rich abstract pattern or photo wallpaper. Long walls should be done in warm neutral tones. The amount of furniture in the bedroom should be minimal; replace large chests of drawers and wardrobes with small bedside tables standing in the corners, or a tall wardrobe located against one of the walls. Also a good option could be a podium under the bed, which will perfectly hide the difference in the lengths of the walls, become a bright detail of the interior and an excellent place to store bed linen. Try a bed that can be completely retracted into a wall unit. But if this method is not for you, then place the place to sleep along a short wall or with the headboard facing it.

A plain or mountain range receding into the distance will visually expand the room horizontally, which means they will neutralize the disproportion of a long narrow room.

Proper zoning of a narrow room: podium, carpet, sofa and other assistants.

Oddly enough, a narrow room with one window can also be a dining room if the kitchen and cooking area are nearby.

There are a number of general rules in the decoration of doors and windows in such rooms.

  1. Natural lighting hides the disproportion of an elongated room and makes it visually larger.
  2. Hang sheer curtains to the edge of the window or light blinds instead of heavy drapes. Roman blinds will also look great.
  3. Thick horizontal bars will visually make the window, and with it the walls, wider, so try to choose frames with wide horizontal bars and narrow vertical bars.
  4. The entrance opening in a narrow wall can be made in the form of an eye-catching arch.
  5. If the door is located in wide wall, try to widen it as much as possible so that the wall appears narrower.
  6. Install sliding interior doors, they will save space and decorate the interior much better than traditional hinged designs.

Just don’t try to divide the room into parts with a bulky closet or a blank partition from floor to ceiling - in this case, one of the areas will be completely deprived of natural light.

Better consider effective options.

Built-ins offer a variety of options.

Applying these simple rules and imagination, you can turn an uncomfortable narrow elongated room in an original and very functional room, which will give you a lot of comfort and coziness, and will surprise your guests much more than the sight of a banal perfect square.

A narrow, elongated room is not at all uncommon in our homes.

In addition, such rooms often have one window, so the lighting of such a space suffers.

A built-in design that leaves no passages between the sleeping area and the wall at all may be successful.

VIDEO: Design of a long narrow room photo

In old houses, Soviet-era buildings, there are often long, awkward rooms in which it is difficult to arrange the usual set of furniture. Many owners of such a layout find it difficult to choose a style, color, and proper distribution of space. Experts are confident that even such a non-standard room can be transformed and created a stylish interior.

The first thing that owners of narrow rooms in an apartment think about is what is the best way to decorate the walls? After all, standard finishing techniques are not applicable in this case. In order to visually increase the space without resorting to redevelopment, it is necessary to use two main techniques:

  • Reduce the length of the walls.
  • Emphasize short walls.

For this purpose, large parts are not painted bright colors, and smaller ones are covered with wallpaper juicy flowers or photo wallpaper. To a long room.

seemed a little smaller, it can be covered with wallpaper with a vertical pattern. For example, if a narrow room is a bedroom, then the wall at the head sleeping place, it is recommended to cover it with wallpaper with oblong stripes, and paint the remaining surfaces in one of the shades of the pastel palette. We see the idea of ​​what the design could be for the length of a narrow room in the photo.

Doors and floors in non-standard rooms

If the doorway is located on a long wall, then it can be expanded and a doorway one meter wide can be installed. If the doors are located on a narrow part, then the opening should be designed in the form of a beautiful arched structure.

  • Parquet board.
  • Linoleum covering.
  • Tiles with a pattern in the form of rectangles.

But it’s not enough to buy suitable covering, the installation process itself is important. To visually expand the room, the pattern is laid perpendicular to a wide wall. The same rule applies when placing a carpet: it should be laid with its wide part against a narrow wall. The floor design is shown in the photo.

How to furnish a long room

To transform a room from rectangular to square, place a cabinet near the narrow part, preferably the same color as the wall. An excellent and at the same time practical solution is to arrange a dressing room in a long narrow room. Thanks to this technique, you will create the correct shape of the room, and at the same time get a place to store things.

You should not place furniture in a long narrow room near big wall. This is a common mistake of many owners of non-standard premises. The best option is to place furniture closer to the corners of a narrow wall. At the same time, the long part can be left free or ottomans can be placed near it. To add space on the long part of the walls, it is recommended to hang a mirror.

  • To create a cozy living room in a non-standard room, you need to choose the warmest and brightest corner. Here there are two armchairs or compact sofas at right angles and a coffee table at the top of the resulting angle.
  • Opposite the entrance in the corners of the living room we place two identical armchairs. This way we will create a comfortable place for two people to talk.
  • A sofa should be placed along the far wall, which will transform the room, making it more square.
  • If the width of the room allows, then we place half-turn chairs on the sides of the sofa.
  • Don't forget about indoor plants– spreading plants with small leaves will visually expand the room.

Breakdown into zones

If there is very narrow space, it can be divided into two clear squares using shelving structures and partitions. This solution is quite applicable both for the living room and for children’s rooms. Moreover, in the latter version, two comfortable zones are created for playing and sleeping. The option will do and for the bedroom, in which it is necessary to arrange a place for work. In this case, the bed is placed in the far corner, and work area placed near the window.

Armed with these techniques, you can easily create a spacious and voluminous interior in your room.

1. The very first thing is color. When selecting materials, choose light ones pastel shades without bright and dark elements.

2. If you need to lengthen the room, then the opposite wall must be decorated colder and more light shade. If you have some kind of print on your wallpaper, then you need to remember that large drawing brings it closer, and the small one lengthens it.

3. If the room is long and narrow, then it can be expanded using wallpaper with horizontal stripe, as well as visually bringing the opposite wall closer using wallpaper or paint of a dark, warm shade.

4. Wallpaper with a small floral print will visually enlarge the room, and if you combine and paste the same wallpaper only with large flower, then it will also be possible to expand the room.

5. Low ceilings can be leveled using light, or preferably white, glossy ceiling or more extreme - “mirrors”. If the height allows, then you can “play” with different levels plasterboard ceiling. The ceiling and floor should be light, like the rest of the walls in the room. A light floor with longitudinal lines will also help to increase the space. Light glossy tiles will also help with this.

6. It is necessary to work very carefully with borders in a small room, there is a risk of reducing it even more.

7. Good tool, with the help of which it is always possible to enlarge or expand the space - mirrors. But the main thing here is not to overdo it.

8. Light and light textiles on the windows will also visually enlarge the space and make the room more airy and bright.

9. Choose simple furniture, preferably with straight lines and functional. In terms of color, it is desirable that it does not differ from the general color scheme of the room. Avoid large furniture. It's better to put medium sofa and one small chair than a full-fledged soft corner.

10. By placing some bright decorative item in the farthest corner of the room, you will create the effect of great perspective, and the person entering will perceive the room as spacious.

11. Make the room brighter with additional lighting. In addition to sunlight and central lighting, use interior lighting and additional sources Sveta. Sometimes, only through the right lighting, you can create stunning visual effects. If you are not confident in your abilities, contact professional designers.

12. In a small room, many small decorative items (trinkets, candlesticks, figurines, etc.) will look awkward and visually clutter the space even more. Therefore, try to remove everything unnecessary.

13. Do not take up space in the center of the room; place furniture along the walls and in the corners.

14. Choose “transparent” furniture with glass surfaces.

15. Use mirrors. With their help you will create depth in the room. Mirrors also make a room appear lighter and brighter by reflecting natural and artificial light.

16. If you need to divide a room by highlighting a certain zone, use “shelves” and glass partitions.

17. Instead regular doors You can also put a glass partition in the room.

18. When selecting household appliances give preference narrow options. Fortunately, today is very wide choose flat wall-mounted TVs and narrow monitors.

19. By making a niche with circular lighting in the wall, you will visually move the wall further, which will increase the volume of the room.

20. And finally, if you have the opportunity to combine rooms by removing partitions, use this method, but here you will have to work hard and run through all sorts of authorities to coordinate the redevelopment of the apartment.

The problem of narrow and small premises familiar to many. And everyone tries to solve it differently. It is especially difficult to select finishing materials, because you never know how harmoniously they will combine in the interior small room. If you want to make your home cozy, despite the small area, then the best way will choose wallpaper for a small room that will visually enlarge the space.

What will make a room bigger?

Small-sized premises are characteristic of many Khrushchev-era apartments. And the conditions do not allow for a satisfactory redevelopment - the amount of space remains the same and it will not be possible to create an “extension”. How to visually enlarge a room? There are several simple ways visually add “air” to the space. First of all, this is the use of curtains and mirrors.

Most the right choice There will be light, light and warm translucent curtains. They should be longer than the window and take up space on the floor, thereby creating the illusion of high ceilings.

Mirrors are the most popular and simplest technique, which you need to proceed with carefully. An excessive number of mirrors may not enlarge a small room, but, on the contrary, turn it into a matchbox.

For indoors rectangular shape It is customary to place a mirror on one of the long sides. Thus, the space of the room is “trimmed” and it takes on the shape of a square. Typically, a similar problem of narrow space occurs in hallways and corridors.

In apartments, square meters are saved on bathrooms. Mirrors, glass and glossy surfaces will correct this defect. In the bathroom you should abandon frames and use mirror panels- this is how the effect of freedom is created. Tiles with a glossy finish are used for the walls; the shower is separated glass door, and the ceiling is made mirrored.

A contrasting wall is allowed. To do this, one side of the room is highlighted using a drawing. It's better if they are geometric shapes. What's special? The color scheme of this surface should be calm and not differ much from the general style. In this way, it will be possible to deceive the eye - any person will think that the space is larger than it actually is.

There are several rules for decorating walls with wallpaper:

  • Opposite sides can be drawn up in one color scheme, but contrasting them with cold and light shades.
  • How to make long walls shorter? To do this, use wallpaper with a small print; it is better to leave a large pattern for short walls.
  • Diagonal placement of images on wallpaper canvases will also visually stretch the space.
  • The method is also common different saturation colors. To achieve the desired effect, the bottom of the walls is covered with darker tones, and light ones are placed on top. This method is ideal for small rooms with low ceilings.
  • It is also possible to alternate wallpaper with and without a pattern. However, to expand the volume of the room, plain canvases should be bigger size than wallpaper with ornaments.
  • It is recommended to use glossy finishes. They create an increase in the area of ​​​​rooms because they have the properties of reflecting objects opposite them.

Expanding a narrow room

One of the most difficult is the decor narrow room. And if there is not enough space in it, then you need to select any design very carefully. And before starting any action, you should familiarize yourself with the advice of professionals on how to visually expand a narrow room.

The main problem of such a room is the range of one of the sides. To get closer, you can use the following techniques:

  • Place a mirror on a long wall. This will visually trim the room and turn the rectangular structure into a square.

Furniture to expand the space

Furnishing small rooms also needs to be taken seriously. The correct choice depends on many factors: color, shape, size and style of the individual element.

Avoid oversized headsets. Huge wardrobes and sofas have long been out of fashion. They can be left only because of warm memories. But they can ruin any interior. It is better to turn to things that are stylish and do not take up much space. They can be easily moved, transported or even hidden if the design changes. Also very practical are built-in structures or transformable furniture.