How to open a massage parlor from scratch: a business plan with calculations. How to open a massage parlor

Nowadays, most people visit massage parlors not on the recommendation of a doctor, but for relaxation from hard everyday life. This business is very profitable and pays off in a short time. If you want to open a private massage salon, you need good business plan. Example of a typical business plan.

The business plan for your salon should include the following sections:

Summary (overview section)

The main goal of the project is the opening of a massage salon, which will provide services in classical, cosmetic, therapeutic, massage for relaxation and relaxation of the body. A license is required only if manual therapy will be used in your salon.

Analyzing the needs of future clients should be an integral part of the structure of your business plan; this will make it easier for you to choose the range of salon services and choose its location.

For example, if the salon is located inside a residential building, then this contributes to the spread of popularity among clients with a need for relaxing and corrective types of massage.

Description of the salon itself

To begin with, it is best to rent a salon space. For example, rent part of the space in a beauty salon or hairdresser. In the future, when things get better and you have regular customers, you will be able to afford to buy a room or a separate building and expand the range of services provided.

The most suitable opening hours for such a salon are from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Range of services

Your massage parlor will provide the following services:

  1. traditional massage;
  2. therapeutic and preventive massage;
  3. cosmetology massage;
  4. massage for relaxation.

Market analysis

To determine the profitability of a future activity, it is necessary to analyze the market for these services. There are a number of specific techniques to increase the competitiveness of your salon:

  1. attracting professional specialists;
  2. setting affordable prices;
  3. expanded range of services.

Production plan

When choosing a room for a salon, you should remember that according to sanitary standards, one client is required to have at least eight square meters. It is better if the room with massage tables is fenced off from the rest of the room. According to the same sanitary standards The floors in the room should be washable, for example, tiles.

Tools and equipment

You will need to purchase the following list:

  1. massage table – 2 pcs.;
  2. medical couches – 2 pcs.;
  3. wardrobe for cosmetics- 2 pcs.;
  4. essential and massage oils;
  5. towels


An important part of your massage parlor will be the staff. Because people, as a rule, go to proven specialists. For a salon with two massage tables, you need to hire three specialists, so that work can be carried out in two shifts or with advance registration. You will also need an accountant and a cleaner.

Financial part of the plan

To open your own massage parlor, a starting capital of three hundred thousand rubles is required. Detailed list financial costs (in thousands of rubles):

  • Rent 20
  • Utilities 5
  • Inventory and equipment 70
  • Cosmetic oils and products 30
  • Advertising costs15
  • Staff salary 110
  • Other expenses 50

A good massage parlor can actually return the cost in less than four months. The average income for one month is almost 300 thousand rubles.

  • Description of products and services
  • Production plan
  • Recruitment
  • Marketing plan
  • Financial plan
  • SPA business technologies
        • Similar business ideas:

Business plan for opening a massage parlor in a residential area of ​​the city, with a population of 1.3 million inhabitants.

The goal of our project is to organize a massage parlor (Thai massage) that provides unique and high-quality services to the residents of our city. Currently, there are many massage parlors open, but there are very few worthy organizations. We conducted research during which it became clear that people are willing to pay 2-3 thousand rubles per session, as long as the massage is of high quality, health-improving and beneficial for the body.

Step-by-step plan for opening a massage parlor

According to the plan, the opening of a business will be preceded by the following steps:

  1. Analysis of investment prospects, risk assessment;
  2. Search for sources of project financing;
  3. Preliminary search for highly qualified massage therapists;
  4. Finding a convenient and advantageous location for the salon;
  5. Registering a business, concluding a rental agreement for premises;
  6. Minor repairs and room design;
  7. Purchase of massage equipment;
  8. Personnel employment;
  9. Active advertising of services and opening of a salon.

How much money do you need to open a massage parlor?

By preliminary calculations, to open a massage parlor you will need to invest about 1,180,000 rubles:

  • Repair and design of the premises (to offset the rent) - RUB 300,000.
  • Purchase of equipment and furniture - 500,000 rubles.
  • Consumables - 30,000 rub.
  • Advertising budget - 100,000 rubles.
  • Business registration and other organizational expenses - 50,000 rubles.
  • Reserve fund - 200,000 rubles.

Description of products and services

A special feature of our salon will be the availability large quantity popular SPA programs. The list of services will include:

  • Thai traditional massage;
  • Balinese traditional massage;
  • Deep relaxation;
  • Figure correction;
  • Romantic programs - SPA for two;
  • Anti-aging and anti-stress programs;
  • Wrap and thalassotherapy;
  • Power massages;
  • Facial care;
  • Foot massage.

The cost of a massage will depend on the duration of the session (15, 30, 60 minutes or more) and the time of service. On weekends the price will be higher. Thai and Balinese massage will cost an average of 2,500 rubles per hour of session, foot massage - from 2,000 rubles. per hour (1300 rubles for 30 minutes). Body correction will cost the client 3,000 - 5,000 rubles per hour. The rejuvenating program will cost 2000 -7000 rubles for 1.5 hours. According to preliminary calculations of the business plan, the average bill for our salon will be 1,500 rubles per person. The average attendance per day will be 15 people. Potential revenue, thus, will be 22,500 rubles. per day and 675,000 rubles. per month. In fact, this is an average annual figure, since during the season (spring and autumn) revenue can be much higher, while during the off-season (summer, winter) income will be lower.

Download massage parlor business plan

Production plan

To accommodate the massage salon, it is planned to rent a premises with an area of ​​82 square meters. m on the first floor of an apartment building. The premises are located in a residential area of ​​the city, in an area of ​​elite new buildings. The rent will be 49,200 rubles. per month. According to SES standards, each visitor to a massage parlor must have at least 8 sq. m, the room must be installed supply and exhaust ventilation, and the lighting level should not be lower than 120-150 lux. These requirements will be fully complied with. The premises will be divided into several rooms:

  • Living room - waiting and relaxation area for visitors;
  • Bathroom and toilet;
  • Three massage rooms (12 sq. m. each);
  • Staff room;
  • Visitor reception room (administration desk).

What equipment to choose for a massage parlor

As for the equipment, we will purchase massage couches lined with foam rubber, round bolsters, tables and special chairs for massage, cabinets (for storing towels, sheets, bathrobes and massage accessories). Upholstered furniture will be purchased for the living room leather sofa, coffee table, plasma TV and massage chair with coin and bill acceptor. Some of the funds will be spent on purchasing special oils, towels, sheets and other Supplies. In total, at this stage, from 400 to 500 thousand rubles will be spent.


Some difficulties may arise with finding personnel. Good craftsmen There are very few Thai massages in our city. The best massage therapists are from Thailand and Bali. We will attract craftsmen through high wages. The master's salary will be 50% of the cost of the session. On average, our master will earn 1000 rubles per client. It will be important for us that the master has a high qualification. After all, the price tag for services in our salon is far from cheap, so the level of the specialist must be appropriate. At least twice a year (or even more often) our masters will be sent to advanced training courses. In addition to massage therapists, we will need to employ two administrators to work on a 2/2 shift schedule. The wage fund will be 34 thousand rubles per month. The services of a cleaner and an accountant are planned to be provided under an outsourcing agreement (12 thousand rubles per month).

What OKVED code should I indicate when registering a massage parlor?

As organizational form An ordinary individual entrepreneurship will be registered. The OKVED codes will be: code 93.02 - “provision of services by hairdressing salons and beauty salons”, code 93.04 - “physical education and recreational activities”.

Which tax system to choose for a massage parlor

The optimal taxation system for a Thai massage salon is the simplified tax system, 6% of revenue.

Marketing plan

Special attention will be paid to ways to promote massage services. Thai massage is a fairly popular trend, familiar to many people (at least they have heard about it). You just need to convey information about our salon to maximum quantity potential customer audience. And you can already get your first visitors. We will launch all possible popular advertising channels: distributing leaflets at the entrances of houses, advertising in newspapers and specialized magazines about beauty and health, radio advertising, banner advertising. Active cooperation with local beauty salons is planned. In the first months after opening, there will be promotions and massages will be offered at reduced prices. We also plan to hold drawings for certificates for a free visit to our salon (on special coupon sites). A good tool To attract visitors in large cities is the Internet. Thus, according to statistics from the Yandex search engine, the phrase “massage salon Ekaterinburg” is searched more than 2,800 times a month (and this is not yet the high season).

By creating your own website and placing contextual advertising, you can attract up to 10-15 clients a day through a search engine alone. The cost of opening your own business card website will be about 50 thousand rubles. Monthly expenses for contextual advertising (Yandex Direct) will be 10 - 15 thousand rubles.

Financial plan

Let's move on to calculating the main indicators of the project's economic efficiency. Fixed monthly expenses:

  • Rent of premises - 49,200 rubles.
  • Salary and insurance contributions for administrators - 44,200 rubles.
  • Advertising (including outdoor advertising, contextual advertising on the Internet) - RUB 25,000.
  • Utilities - 10,000 rub.
  • Outsourcing (accounting and cleaning) - 12,000 rubles.
  • Other expenses - 15,000 rubles.

Total - 155,400 rubles.

Variable expenses: wages for massage therapists. It will amount to 50% of the salon’s revenue or 337,500 rubles per month.

How much can you earn by opening a massage parlor?

The organization's net profit will be 154,785 rubles. per month. The profitability of the massage parlor is 31%. The return on the initial investment with such calculations will occur within 8 months. The actual payback may be 5-6 months longer, since the organization still needs to develop an audience of regular customers and reach revenue targets.

We recommend download massage parlor business plan, from our partners, with a quality guarantee. This is a full-fledged finished project, which you will not find in the public domain. Contents of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

What documents are needed to open a massage parlor?

The package of documents required to open a salon will include:

  • conclusions from Rospotrebnadzor and Gospozhnadzor;
  • contracts for disinfection, deratization, disinfestation,
  • contracts for maintenance and cleaning of swimming pools and sewers;
  • contracts for washing workwear;
  • accounting documentation:
  • documents on personnel qualifications.

Do I need a permit to open a massage parlor?

A license to operate a massage parlor must be obtained only if the services include manual therapy or medical massage. When the services include only Thai, relaxation or similar species massage, no license required. But you need to pay attention to one more detail. If you invite citizens of foreign countries to work, they must register, otherwise you may have problems.

SPA business technologies

When creating a spa business, you need to take into account current technologies that are adapted to the modern customer and meet official requirements. Therefore, in our massage salon we will try to use new technologies that are most popular among clients. This may include:

  • preparatory procedures;
  • different kinds massages;
  • hydrotherapy and thalassotherapy;
  • thermal procedures;
  • wrap;
  • aroma, stone and chromotherapy.

Since many spa procedures can create a certain load on the body, it will be necessary to competently create a spa package that we can offer to the client.

  • Summary
  • Description of the object
  • Types of services provided
  • Approximate income from work
  • Marketing plan
  • Advertising

Previously, massage was considered only a medical procedure; the service was provided in hospitals and clinics, as prescribed by a doctor. Currently, massage has ceased to have only medicinal properties and anyone can use it. When demand arises, supply also arises. And in order to implement and provide this service to the population, massage parlors or offices are opened. To start your own business in this area, you will need to write a business plan for a massage parlor with plans for 2019. Discussed below finished sample, which can be adapted to specific tasks.


The first point of a business plan is a summary. It includes the preparation and collection of documents for registering an organization.

Advantages of opening massage room:

  • minimum investment;
  • payback of the project in one year, maximum two;
  • lack of mandatory licenses for the services provided (exception: therapeutic massage and manual practices).

Starting capital: 568,520 rubles.

Description of the object

At opening a massage parlor room required. Total area not less than 40 square meters. It is necessary to provide for the supply and drainage of cold and hot water in the room.

Priority places:

  • residential area of ​​the city;
  • first floor.

Rent 50 m2 – from 30,560 rubles per month. For the year - 366,720.

In a room of 50 m2 you can conditionally place:

  • massage room – 4 rooms (4 pieces, 8 m2 each);
  • reception room – 1 place (1 piece - 3 m2);
  • manager's office - 1 place (1 piece - 5 m2);
  • shower room – 1 place (1 piece - 5 m2);
  • laundry + drying – 1 room (1 piece - 5 m2).

Equipment for massage salon:

  1. Reception desk – 18,000.
  2. Sofa at the reception – 16,000.
  3. Reception chair – 9,500.
  4. Massage table – 21,000 (4 pieces = 84,000).
  5. Prefabricated couch for on-site massage – 5,250 (2 pieces = 10,400).
  6. Shower stall – 16,750.
  7. Washing machine – 30,000.
  8. Drying clothes – 9,000.
  9. Manager's office - 30,000.
  10. Furniture for storing documents and cards – 9,000.
  11. Essential oils and ointments – 19,210.
  12. Towels – 21,500.
  13. Utility bills – 5,500 rubles per month.

Massage is popular due to its healing and relaxing effects, as well as its ability to relieve tension. It is indicated for people who experience pain in the back, neck, joints, or have work disorders nervous system, have headaches or have been injured. In addition, the now popular trend for healthy image life stimulates the demand for massage.

A massage salon is a popular type of business that does not require significant financial investments. The massage services market is inextricably linked with medical services. According to BusinesStat research, the number of medical appointments, including massage appointments, was expected to increase in 2018. In addition, the share paid services in the medical sector is constantly growing, which means the population is ready to spend cash to maintain your health.

In cities with a population of up to 4 million people, up to 40 massage establishments are open. At proper organization business you can get a stable income.

The initial investment amount is 685 000 rubles

Break-even point is reached On the second month of work.

Payback period 11 months.

Average net profit 90 298 rubles

2. Description of the business, product or service

Let's determine the main options for opening a massage parlor:

  • Massage room in an existing salon. This opening option is possible with limited initial investment. Most often, massage rooms are rented by existing specialists and provide services by appointment;
  • A full-fledged massage studio with a wide range of services and hired therapists.

This business plan considers the option of opening a wide-spectrum massage studio, which will employ highly qualified specialists in various fields.

Studio services:

  • Classic general massage;
  • Back massage;
  • Massage of the face and neck-collar area;
  • Relaxing massage.

Over time, you can introduce an additional list of services, such as: anti-cellulite massage, Thai massage, various types of wraps, sports massage, Japanese massage etc.

Opening hours: 10:00-21:00 daily, reception is by appointment.

The greatest demand for massage services is observed in winter and spring time, in the summer, as a rule, sales fall, as people go on vacation and postpone taking care of their bodies until the colder season.

3. Description of the sales market

4. Sales and marketing

5. Production plan

6. Organizational structure

The full calculation of the payroll with the bonus part and insurance premiums for 24 months is presented in the financial model.

7. Financial plan

All data is calculated based on the fact that the salon will begin operating in March, providing 4 types of services. Average prices for each type of massage are indicated; the range can be expanded later. According to the neutral forecast, the payback of the project will occur in the 11th month of work, and the positive cash flow will begin to arrive in the second month after launch. Business profitability is 33%, which is quite competitive in the conditions modern realities. The average monthly profit of the project is 90,298 rubles, which means that, taking into account the relatively small initial investment, the project is profitable.

A detailed sales plan, calculation of investment efficiency and forecast of key financial indicators are presented in the financial model.

8. Risk factors

What risks await you during and after the launch of the project?

  • Difficulties in finding highly qualified personnel. To reduce this risk, it is necessary to search for personnel using various resources and offer favorable conditions to personnel;
  • The risk of dishonest work by a massage therapist (booking clients at home, for example). It is necessary to create as much as possible comfortable conditions for the client after the procedure, so that he does not have the desire to go to a specialist at home;
  • High competition. To reduce risks, you should pay attention to the quality of massage, high level service, convenient location, favorable prices;
  • Decrease in the solvency of the population. Here you will be helped by constant monitoring of market conditions, the introduction of new promotions and offers.

One of best methods Massage is a form of relaxation, which is why it is popular in many countries at all times. Spectacular Thai massage, calm Indian and many others - they have all become part of our lives and are offered at professional level in leading massage parlors. There are people who like to go to massage treatments, but there are also those who like to do it. If you consider yourself to be the latter, then there is nothing better than opening a massage parlor from scratch without a license. How to do it? Let's look at it in the article.

Where to start a massage business

Many enterprising men and women, possessing some kind of talent or art, do not have experience in running a business, so in the process of starting a business they are faced with questions: where to start, whether a business plan is needed, how much money is required, and so on. In fact, everything is quite simple if you sort out a huge pile of tasks “on the shelves”.


If you specialize in providing amateur massage for general body therapy and disease prevention, you can avoid the need to obtain a license.
You should find out about licensing of this type of activity at your place of residence, since in different regions requirements may vary.


The main thing you will definitely need to provide services is premises. According to the legislation and based on the personal convenience of the massage therapist, it will be necessary to allocate an area of ​​at least 20 m2 - for one massage table, or 50-60 m2 – for two or three. In addition, you will need to rent a room of 20-30 square meters. m. under the hall for waiting. The cost of renting such premises depends on several factors:

  • city ​​or region;
  • crowded location;
  • current condition and need for repairs;
  • footage

On average, based on the distance from the center of a large city, the price of such premises will be from 200,000 rubles per month. There are no special requirements for the premises - the main thing is the availability of access to communications - water, electricity, sewerage, as well as careful repairs.

Another option is to purchase premises for a massage parlor in your own possession. It is relevant for those entrepreneurs who have good start-up capital and also have sufficient experience in doing business.