The name Dina and Diana: the origin of the names, are they different names or not? What is the difference between the name Dina and Diana? Dina and Diana: what is the correct name, how to write their full name in the passport? Name meaning: Dina

Faith, strength, destiny - these are the meanings of this name. It is endowed with a high philosophical meaning.

A character named Dinah is also found in the Old Testament. According to the biblical story, it carries the meaning of “triumphant justice, vengeance.”

All about the name Dina, character

Dinochka grows up as a vulnerable and emotional child. Her mood is changeable, she urgently needs the love and care of her dad and mom. Dina is a sympathetic, caring girl. She loves helping her parents with housework, babysitting her younger brother or sister, and adores pets.

The older Dina gets, the more firmness and integrity appear in her. She becomes straightforward, sometimes telling people to their faces everything that she thinks about them. He does this with the best intentions, for the sake of truth and honesty, not realizing that this can offend a person.

With age, Dina becomes balanced, has good control over her emotions, and will not always share her experiences with others. In the decision important issues trusts only his intuition and experience. I am not inclined to listen to other people's advice.

All girls named Dina are smart and practical. They have a good memory and quick learning. They are hardworking and diligent. They are very diligent in their work, thanks to which they slowly but surely achieve career growth. They love music and have impeccable taste.

Dinka has a complex character, but she is interesting and a kind person who needs the warmth and sincerity of others.

Name Dina, origin

There are 3 main hypotheses. First, the name Dina is derived from the ancient Arabic word “din”, which means “faith”. The second one is from Greek word"dynamis", the meaning of which is "strength". The third version - the name is based on the verb “to judge”, meaning “fate” in Hebrew.

Name day

In Orthodox church calendar Dean's name is not listed. However, unofficially, June 30 is considered her Angel Day.


Often Dina suffers because of her own straightforwardness and struggle for the truth. Due to her complex character, her relationships with others and her personal life do not always go well. According to statistics, not every man is able to withstand her integrity and firmness. However, by working on herself, allowing herself to be softer and more compliant, Dina may well become happy and loved. After all, behind her complex character hides a gentle and kind soul.


Dina is in good health, but she needs to take proper care of it. Predisposed to colds, and with age - to joint diseases. Dina must take care of her nerves and avoid overwork, get enough sleep, as she nervous system very sensitive.


Long term relationship and successful marriages Dina will develop with Anton, Lev, Gleb, Sergei, Pavel and Yakov. The name Dina has low compatibility with such names as Kirill, Anatoly, Nikolai, Peter. Relationships can be difficult and marriages can be difficult.

Talismans and stones, color, zodiac sign for Dina

  • Name stone - amethyst,
  • Colors - emerald, lilac, indigo,
  • The sign that best matches the name is Libra,
  • Plant - oak,
  • Totem - elephant, partridge.

Dina, female name. The Hebrew name is “avenged.”

Often a sharp girl, hot-tempered over trifles, Dina causes a lot of trouble for her parents. As a child, Dina loves to take care of someone; it’s nice if she has a dog with a good-natured, kindly character. She is either cheerful and serene, or gloomy and withdrawn. The reason for such drastic changes is a vulnerable mental makeup, and parents should not forget about this. Selfless, she will come to the aid of anyone who needs it, even if she is not asked for it. But she can also stand up for herself, and the one who offends her will not want to do this again.

She cooks well and is extremely inventive. Guests love her cooking, and when they say goodbye, they always ask for the recipe. She is selfless in her care for family members, faithful in marriage, and a good worker. Behind Dina's directness most often there are not mercantile considerations, but a sincere confidence that she is fighting for the truth.

Dina's fighting character, her directness and toughness scare off men, especially those who dream of a calm marriage with tea parties on Sundays and a wife knitting woolen socks. But in essence, she is not a bad person at all and has many purely feminine virtues.

Unlucky in the first, and sometimes in subsequent marriages. She becomes stubborn, categorical and harsh in her statements, does not spare authority, and can easily offend. Often Dinahs are single mothers. Not the least reason for this is her character, which becomes more and more prickly over time. Dina is hardworking and practical. Like a compressed spring, any trifle makes her angry. Those around her often find her cunning and, it must be admitted, they are not mistaken in their assessment. She knows exactly what is beneficial for her, and will not fail to do just that. Dina knows how to adapt. And yet in life, especially in her personal life, she is often unlucky.

“Summer” Deans fall in love early and take the vicissitudes and disappointments of first love to heart. They adore smart, erudite people, and they themselves love to read. Maximalists. Dina has a good memory and quick reaction; she easily learns driving skills. They devour books with enthusiasm - from detective stories to culinary recipes. Sociable.

The main task is not to arouse spontaneous antipathy in anyone. Therefore you should pay Special attention unity of style, softness of lines and, just as important, general external neatness. An inappropriate detail in clothing makes the same unpleasant impression as a worn-out, stale part of the suit. Try to learn to understand styles. Otherwise, the desire for a certain average type can lead to you looking like a “gray mouse”.

Compatibility of the name Dina, manifestation in love

Love for you is an urgent, everyday necessity, sometimes unconscious. Therefore, your attitude towards your partner is dominated by tenderness, often quite burdensome, and caring, sometimes bordering on obsessive servility. However, you remain in unshakable confidence that you are doing everything right and demand an adequate, from your point of view, reaction to your actions - gratitude and admiration. Dina, you are easily vulnerable, suspicious and touchy, often getting into a state of irritation for no apparent reason. When your partner is not “within reach” for a long time, you experience a feeling of abandonment, uncertainty that you are happy. All you really need is to find a person who will appreciate both your touching affection and your selfless devotion. Then the union will be long-lasting and harmonious.


You are attracted to beauty and harmony in all its forms. Therefore, the fundamental basis of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to keep them around you. Therefore, any action that may result in a violation usual order things are contrary to your nature.

But you won’t “fight” with someone who is trying to create such an imbalance. A “bad peace” is always “better than a good quarrel” for you, which means you should turn an enemy into a friend, showing tact and diplomacy.

And there is nothing surprising in the fact that you have many friends, but practically no enemies. You are always able not only to find a compromise solution, but also to “awaken the best feelings” in a person who is negatively disposed towards you.

However, simply knowing what to do in a given situation is not a choice. Opinion must be supported by action. And this is where your indecision often lets you down. This is not timidity or fear of consequences. Just hesitation in the search process the best option. Life experience will help you get rid of them.

Full name:

Similar names: Diana, Dinara, Medina, Nadezhda, Dekabrina, Blandina

Church name: -

Meaning: court

The meaning of the name Dina - interpretation

The name Dina has several versions of its origin. According to the most famous of them, translated from ancient Aramaic it means “vengeance.” This is the name of Jacob's only daughter in the Bible. As usual, there are other interpretation options. IN Arabic it means “faithful,” and in Greek it means “strong.” It is curious that there is no mention of this name in either the Orthodox or Catholic calendars.

Name Dina in other languages

Astrology of the name Dina

Favorable day: Thursday

Years later

Dina is a charming, persistent, sociable and sympathetic girl. She has a strong sense of justice and will always help people in trouble. The girl is very vulnerable, which negatively affects her behavior.

Sometimes she becomes harsh and hot-tempered, so parents should monitor her mood swings. Somewhat indecisive. Dina needs mom and dad's attention. Becomes the teachers' favorite at school and easily finds mutual language with peers.

If Dina lacked attention from her parents as a child, she will try to get it from other people, trying to arouse pity in them. This is definitely bad trait, for the elimination of which the girl’s immediate ancestors are primarily responsible.

She is smart, rarely makes mistakes, learns from the mistakes of others. She easily analyzes the current situation and is able to choose the right path. In her youth she remains hot-tempered. Often changes his opinion to the opposite.

She has a developed sense of duty and diligently fulfills everything she promises. Respects parents if they pay enough attention. This young lady may seem naive, but in reality the situation is not like that - this feature helps her arouse the interest of guys.

Many consider girls endowed with this euphonious name to be relaxed and free. This is an erroneous opinion, all Diana strictly follow generally accepted rules behavior and morals. The owner of this name can be described as a decent, diplomatic person.

Even as an adult, Dina is still ready to help others. You don’t even need to ask her about it, such a woman will rush to help on her own. He won't let himself be offended. She is quite irritable, and this quality progresses with age. Assertiveness and intelligence help her make her way in life and gain authority among others.

She does not recognize authority, often makes harsh and categorical statements, but she is able to adapt and adjust, which is why some people consider her cunning. He has a good memory and excellent reaction, and easily learns everything he undertakes.

She is practical, hardworking, responsible and efficient, always trying to benefit herself. Dina is a woman with a strong will and a developed sense of duty. Knows how to choose the right strategy and rarely makes mistakes. Sometimes she seems bossy, but has no special ambitions.

Dina's character

Dina will never refuse to make a brilliant career, and in this she will certainly be helped by her natural wisdom and excellent ability to calculate in advance all the options for the development of events. A woman knows how to influence her environment in the best possible way.

Of course, she shows great persistence in achieving all the goals she has set for herself without exception, but at the same time she does not go over other people’s heads. She is charming and attractive. If someone feels bad, he will try to provide all possible help.

Dina, for all her advantages, is a very proud and vindictive lady. Therefore, under no circumstances should you cause her pain, because this woman is capable of harboring a serious grudge for a long time.

Needless to say, Dina will wait patiently and accumulate strength in order to suddenly deal a crushing blow to the offender. This will make the latter feel very bad, even to the point of wanting to commit suicide. The lady is unstable and can suddenly change her mind.

Dina's fate

Energetic Dina will achieve success by choosing a profession where perseverance will not be required from her. It will be difficult in love - her prickly character lets her down, her straightforwardness scares off men, but there will definitely be someone who will accept her for who she is. She is a good psychologist and has excellent intuition. IN difficult situations tries to maintain a positive attitude.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Dina is a sociable woman who is always noticeable in the team. She is authoritative, sometimes her colleagues listen to her more than to her boss. Dina cannot be called ambitious; such a woman does not strive for wealth and fame, but she does not suffer from lack of will. This is a hardworking lady who can find her way in life.

She loves to command and is capable of becoming an excellent teacher. She is attracted to medicine; such a woman will be happy to treat people. She loves children and is responsive, so she can become an excellent teacher in kindergarten. Developed intuition and ability to make instant judgment psychological state people make her an excellent psychologist. The entrepreneur from Dina is quite mediocre. If she finds a suitable job, she can achieve high level income.

Marriage and family

She does not feel any special need for motherhood; this is the main reason that such a woman has children late. Dina does not like to waste time on household chores; she prefers to blame them on her husband. She also doesn’t like sitting at home; this woman does not attach serious importance to cleaning and cooking. Sometimes he tries to take on the functions of the head of the family, but the marriage will be much more successful if the life partner is a man with the makings of a leader. Dina can become a good housewife, but for this she needs to awaken an interest in everyday affairs.

Loves children very much great importance gives them appearance, tries to do his best to make them feel good. The attachment is so strong that sometimes it annoys the offspring too much. Dina loves not only to visit people, but also to receive them, trying to decorate the table so that it is memorable for visitors.

Sex and love

Dina is attractive, but her relationships with the male sex are complicated. If duplicity was acquired in childhood, then this quality becomes a serious obstacle between this woman and her chosen one. The complex combination of love and falsehood creates confusion in her soul, which leads to Dina’s distance from her partner.

She is amorous, but first love is often associated with disappointments, which is extremely difficult for such a girl. Relationships often end in breakup, since Dina is too straightforward - this scares off many men. It may take a long time until she finds someone who suits her. Dina is highly sexual and values intimate life and at first brings it to the fore.


Dina is in good health, but tends to be overweight. She is advised to take care of her joints, because problems arise with them over time.

A woman is susceptible to stress, so she is strongly advised to avoid nervous tension. Fresh air and walking will help cope with this scourge.

Interests and hobbies

Dina reads a lot free time she can most often be found reading a book. Endowed with a penchant for sports, exercises and training are carried out constantly.

Favorite sports include swimming and horse riding. This woman is one of those who takes care of her health, she pays a lot of attention to her appearance, spends a long time preening herself, and usually looks impeccable.

1 option

Possibly comes from the Greek "dynamis" strength, power, or the Arabic "din" faith.

Often a sharp girl, hot-tempered over trifles, Dina causes a lot of trouble for her parents. She is either cheerful and serene, or gloomy and withdrawn. The reason for such drastic changes is Dina’s vulnerable mental makeup, and parents should not forget about this. As a child, Dina loves to take care of someone; it would be nice if you buy her a dog with a good-natured, good-natured character. Selfless, she will come to the aid of anyone who needs it, even if she is not asked for it. But she is also able to stand up for herself; the one who offends her will not want to do it again.

"Summer" Deans fall in love early and experience the vicissitudes of first love. Maximalists. They adore smart, well-read people; they themselves love to read. They read enthusiastically, from detective stories to culinary recipes. Dina has a good memory and quick reaction; she easily learns driving skills. Sociable.

Dina is unlucky in her first and sometimes in subsequent marriages. Dina is often a single mother. Not the least reason for this is her character, which becomes more and more prickly over time. She becomes stubborn, categorical and harsh in her statements, does not spare authority, and can easily offend. Like a compressed spring, any trifle drives her crazy. Dina is hardworking and practical. She knows exactly what is beneficial for her, and will not fail to do just that. Those around her often find her cunning and, it must be admitted, they are not mistaken in their opinion. Dina knows how to adapt. And yet in life, especially personal, she is often unlucky. Dina's fighting character, her directness and toughness scare off men, especially those who dream of a calm marriage with tea parties on Sundays and a wife knitting woolen socks. But in essence, Dina is not a bad person at all and has many purely feminine virtues. She cooks well and is extremely inventive. Guests love her dishes, and when they say goodbye, they always ask for the recipe. Behind Dina’s directness most often there are not mercantile considerations, but a sincere confidence that she is fighting for the truth. Dina, in addition, is selfless in her care for family members, faithful in marriage, and a good worker.

Pavel, Semyon, Lev, Sergey are most suitable for marriage with Dina. But before marrying Yakov, Ignat, Bogdan, Peter, Anatoly, Dina should carefully weigh everything.

Source - B. Khigir. The secret of the name.

Option 2


Court, Law, Judge (Aramic)


The name is quite firm, perhaps even there is some severity in it, but at the same time it is quite cautious and is not devoid of noticeable femininity and charm. Usually this entire set of qualities manifests itself in the balance of Dina’s character. She often shows activity, can be persistent, even stubborn, sometimes she can be lively, but more often than not she still knows the line beyond which she should not go. conflict situations and therefore usually knows how to stop in time. Here a lot depends on her environment and the position she occupies, as well as, of course, on her upbringing.

In childhood, most bearers of this name are distinguished by sufficient perseverance and diligence, so that, as a rule, they do not have problems with their studies. And in the future, having chosen a profession for herself, Dina usually advances in her career without significant leaps and failures. She knows how to get along with her superiors, although she can be quite strict and demanding with her subordinates. Often, her penchant for caution makes her a good diplomat, but the fruits of her upbringing can get in her way. It is very good if Dina’s parents were able to maintain her inherent balance, but it also happens that the nervous situation in the family where Dina was raised has a bad effect on her character.

At the same time, the more scandals there were in Dina’s life, the further the boundary of her caution moves, often turning her into an overly nervous and excitable creature. In this case, there can be no talk of any diplomacy, except perhaps only in relation to high authorities, and even then for the time being. This can be especially unfavorable in family life and, if such a misfortune has happened, Dina should not expect understanding from those around her; it is much more logical to pull herself together, then sooner or later both understanding and respect will return.

However, in most cases, Dina remains a fairly calm person who knows how to get along with people. Perhaps in the family she will try to take on the role of leader, but if her husband is sufficiently different nervous force, then, most likely, Dina will give him the championship. In general, her diligence and ability to be collected can make her a good housewife and caring mother.


If you happen to communicate with the overly excitable and nervous Dina, try to show her a little human warmth and sympathy and she will answer you in kind. But if you were unfairly offended by Dina the boss, then it’s better not to argue here, but to calmly explain to her your understanding of justice.

Each name is a specific set of sounds, carrying vibrations that have a huge impact on the life, character and destiny of a person. No exception to this rule is female name Dina, whose meaning makes its own adjustments to the character. In general, the owners of this name are very sensitive and talented in many ways, but these beautiful people know how to show strength of spirit. More information about the meaning, nature of the name Dina and the fate of such a girl can be found in the article below.


The direct meaning of the name Dina according to Old Testament- “retribution”, “avenged”, “justice”. According to historical observations, various sources indicate that given name found in many national cultures, which interpreted its meaning differently. Thus, for example, according to the Arabic origin, the meaning of the name Dina means “faithful”, and in Greek it means “strong”.

On the territory of modern Russia, this name appeared in the 1940s and gained enormous popularity among residents Soviet Union. To date, experts have not been able to establish from which culture the name Dina came.

The most popular theories for the appearance of this beautiful name in the territories former USSR the following are considered:

  1. The name may have come from Hebrew culture.
  2. The name is borrowed from Arab countries.
  3. Dina - this name comes from the Western onomasticon.

The Soviet scientist, linguist and literary critic Vladimir Andreevich Nikonov argued that the meaning and origin of the name Dean appealed to representatives of the Soviet intelligentsia, and it was in such circles that it became popular in the first place.

The character of a girl in childhood and adolescence

The meaning of the name Dina for a girl appears already from the very early years. Such a girl can be very hot-tempered or very impudent even in her young years. It is sometimes very difficult for parents to deal with it, since such behavior of the child can cause trouble both within the family and in kindergarten or society.

The reason for such a girl’s gloominess, harshness or hot temper is her special vulnerable mental makeup. Dina’s parents should always remember this feature and not once again traumatize the girl’s fragile psyche with a series of moral teachings or punishments. It is worth noting that with proper upbringing and understanding on the part of the parents, her negative expression of emotions quickly gives way to serenity and a cheerful mood.

Since childhood, this girl needs to show concern for someone. She tries to please her father, help her mother or other relatives in various little things. Therefore, parents can buy a pet for Dina, which will be an opportunity for her to express all her tenderness and love. A small and good-natured dog is best suited for this purpose.

Having matured a little, Dina takes the position of a reliable defender of all the weak and needy. She is ready to help when someone desperately needs her, and even when no one asks her. Already in her youth, Dina sees this life as it is and takes the position of a fighter. She is ready to stand up for herself, her family and friends.

Character of an adult girl named Dina

The meaning of the name and fate for this woman presents her with many surprises in life in the form of minor difficulties that force her to cultivate a strong will and strength. With age, Dina becomes more irritable. Her statements are often very categorical and harsh; if there is a fact of injustice, she will not remain silent, even if she has an authoritative leader in front of her. Many attribute to such a woman cunning and the ability to adapt, which they are right about, since this is the main feature of an already formed woman named Dina.

Such a girl does not stop learning throughout her life, she reads a lot and often even indiscriminately, since she is interested in many things. Thanks to this hobby, her memory and intellectual abilities are well developed. In addition, adult Dina is a very hardworking person, but at the same time she will never miss her benefits, so the fruits of her labor, as a rule, bring her good financial income. At work, such a woman is highly valued for her diligence; she is often praised first of all, as she is able to increase the productivity of the entire team in which she works, thanks to her intelligence and ingenuity.

Pronounced positive character traits

The meaning of the name Dina determines for a girl such positive features, like innate ambition and wisdom. She by nature knows how to predetermine the outcome of any matter and in time influence the events taking place around her and social phenomena. In addition, Dina has a clearly expressed quality of perseverance. A woman named in this way is able to achieve the desired result under any circumstances.

Pronounced negative character traits

As mentioned earlier in the article, Dina can often be unrestrained and very harsh, which sometimes makes her vindictive and embittered throughout. White light. She holds grudges for a long time, and forgiving people who have offended her is very difficult for her. Dina is a real iron lady who can both smack and deliver a crushing blow.

Love and marriage

Despite her toughness, Dina is very good wife and a real keeper of the family hearth. In the circle of loved ones and family, she can relax and become tender, affectionate and devoted. However, in a relationship with her lover, this girl should remember her shortcomings and try to forget about calculation and the fear of being weak. Having found her man, Dina should not be afraid to open up to him and become a devoted and beloved girl for him. The name Dina is compatible with such male names, like Ruslan, David, Timur, Eldar and Arkady, but alliances with Leonid, Artem and Nazar will be emotionally difficult for both partners.

The meaning of the name Dina predicts that a girl will become a good mother. One thing is worth remembering that in her youth a girl may not think seriously about this, and the desire to live for herself and make a good career forces her to postpone the issue of having a child until later, which, being at an advanced age, a woman with this name may greatly regret.

Choice of profession

Winter Dina is capable of achieving success in the field of medicine and cosmetology, as well as great desire in the field of electronics or programming. A summer girl with this name will be a good manager, an autumn girl - an accountant or economist. But the meaning of the name for a spring woman, Dina, allows her to become an excellent cook or achieve success in the engineering field.

Thanks to her ability to feel someone else's mood, she easily finds such professions as a kindergarten teacher, psychologist and psychiatrist. And she can easily become an excellent teacher.

If desired, such a girl will achieve great success in personal business. To do this, she naturally has the quality that every businessman needs - the ability to feel money. She is not stingy, but at the same time she is not wasteful. The best area for organizing a business for Dina would be electronics, from its production to sales.

Dina's best talismans

This name has next row talismans and amulets that can enhance the influence of a name on a girl and give her inner strength to overcome various life difficulties, namely:

  • patron planet - Saturn;
  • amulet tree - oak;
  • auspicious plant- basil;
  • patron bird - partridge;
  • patron animal - elephant;
  • mascot stones - amethyst and chrysoprase;
  • cherished colors - green and purple.

Dina can wear items of treasured colors or decorate her clothes with a brooch in the shape of an elephant, and also carry a dried oak or basil leaf in a secluded place, for example, in a bag pocket or breast pocket. All this will help improve your overall well-being and have a positive effect on your energy balance.

It wouldn't hurt if Dina wore jewelry with her treasured talisman stones. However, she should remember that any amulet tends to weaken, giving up its strength to its owner, so it is recommended to cleanse them or give them a rest.


As we learned from this article, Dina is a person with a lot of internal contradictions, which often do not bring joy to her life. In conclusion, it is worth noting that in order to live happy life, a woman with this name should always remember her shortcomings and treat them as a given and be able to use them in Everyday life even negative traits character.