Phlox annual constellation. Annual phloxes: planting and necessary care - step-by-step instructions for beginning gardeners. Annual phlox planting and care

The homeland of the plants is the southern USA (Texas). Thanks to the English traveler and naturalist G. Drummond (hence the name of the culture), flower seeds came from America to England in 1835. I really liked the new plant, and after a few years it could be seen in almost all local gardens.

1. Plant characteristics
2. Selecting a site for planting phlox
3. Methods for propagating phlox and preparing seeds for planting
4. Soil for sowing
5. Growing seedlings and transplanting phlox into open ground
6. Planting phlox seeds in open ground
7. Basic rules for caring for Drummond phlox
8. Combination of Drummond phlox with other plants
9. Main diseases of Drummond phlox
10. Pests annual phlox
11. Measures to prevent diseases and pests of phlox

Phlox Drummond photo

Interesting fact: In the United States, phlox was not cultivated as a garden flower. They were introduced into culture following the example of England. Currently, Drummond phloxes are very popular among both landscape designers and amateur flower growers.

Annual Phlox Drummond description

Annual plants with brightly colored inflorescences and varied petal shapes, blooming until late autumn. Height garden culture usually does not exceed 45-50 cm. Breeders have also bred medium-sized (22-25 cm) and low-growing varieties (10-15 cm). Drummond phloxes are valued for their long flowering period and wide color scheme. They are quite resistant to low temperatures, withstanding short frosts down to -3 degrees, which can harm the inflorescences, but not the leaves and stems. Therefore, after the adverse effects of frost, plants quickly recover.

Choosing a site for planting phlox

The soil where phlox is planned to be planted must be nutritious and loose. Heavy loams and sandy soils. Stagnant water and damp air negatively affect plants. They should not be planted close to trees or tall shrubs to avoid shade, as phlox prefers sunlight. Amazingly beautiful garden flowers do not like the wind, especially the north, and this should be taken into account when choosing a flower garden, providing for the protection of plants from cold air currents.

Methods for propagating phlox and preparing seeds for planting

Drummond phloxes are grown in two ways:

- seedlings in this case, flowering will begin in May - June,

- sowing seeds directly in open ground, the first flowers will appear no earlier than July.

Sowing phlox seeds for seedlings

In addition to varietal phlox, breeders have bred quite a large number of hybrids. The former can be propagated independently by collecting the seeds in the fall and drying them well. With hybrids, everything is much more complicated, since in “home” conditions they will not produce offspring similar to their parents. Before sowing planting material moisturizing is not necessary. But to increase germination, you can soak it in water at room temperature, placing the container with the seeds in a warm place for 2-3 days.

Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out in March or early April in previously prepared containers, for example, boxes or peat pots.

Soil for sowing seeds

Ready-made soil for phlox from the store, or one made independently from turf and leaf soil, peat and sand in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 0.5, is perfect. All ingredients are mixed together and placed in a freezer for disinfection, or calcined in the oven at a temperature of 200-250 degrees.

Caring for seedlings and transplanting into open ground

Most often, seeds are planted in a common container and then picked. To do this, small depressions are made in the ground, seeds are placed in them, which are lightly sprinkled with earth, and better sand! and are well moistened from the sprayer! Shoots usually appear after two weeks, sometimes earlier. In the future, the plants must be watered moderately and kept at a low, preferably uniform, temperature. About three weeks after germination, the seedlings are planted in separate pots. General rule picking - when 2 - 3 true leaves appear.

Feed young plants first nitrogen fertilizers(For good growth green mass), and 10-12 days after that - complex. You should not get carried away with excessive watering, as excess moisture can cause rot.

Planting phlox seedlings in a flower bed

When the threat of frost has passed, the seedlings are planted in open ground. IN different regions countries, the timing of this agricultural event may differ. For example, in middle lane Russia to engage in transplanting phloxes to permanent place possible in May (taking into account weather conditions), in Siberia - in the first ten days of June. The distance between seedlings (taking into account the characteristics of the variety) should not be less than 12-15 cm. In short-growing phloxes, budding occurs earlier than in taller “brothers”. After planting in the flower garden, young plants must be fed with complex fertilizer.

Planting phlox seeds in open ground

When fairly stable warm weather sets in in the spring (usually in May), Drummond phlox seeds can be sown in open ground. With this planting method, plants begin to bloom in July. In the selected area where it is planned to plant a flower garden, shallow grooves are made in the ground, watered well, then seeds are placed in the grooves and sprinkled with soil. To better retain moisture, the future flower garden can be covered with special fiber. After the emergence of seedlings, they are cared for like seedlings: fertilized, watered, and thinned out if necessary.

Basic rules for caring for Drummond phlox

Beautiful and long flowering is ensured by proper agricultural practices. In addition to complex and nitrogen fertilizers experienced flower growers It is recommended to add yeast fertilizer to the soil (about once every two weeks), which can be prepared from ordinary bread by soaking it in warm water for 24 hours (100 grams per 1 liter). If you use regular dry yeast, you will need very little of it - on the tip of a knife (per 1 liter of water). It is better to refrain from organic fertilizers, as in this case the plants begin to build up green mass to the detriment of flowering.

Mulching - covering the soil with peat, small wood chips, leaves, humus, reduces the frequency of irrigation and protects the roots of phlox from the heat. Since the root system of plants is located close to the surface of the earth, soil loosening is carried out shallowly. Reasonable watering is the key beautiful flower garden. It should be taken into account that low-growing varieties and hybrids are more sensitive to lack of water in the soil than tall plants (40-50 cm). If there is an excess of moisture, their roots rot, as a result of which phloxes often die, and if there is a lack of water, they practically stop flowering. To make the plants lush, pinch out their tops when the flowers have 6 or 8 true leaves.

Combination of Drummond phlox with other plants

Drummond phloxes look great in ordinary flower beds, flower beds - flower beds in the form of a long strip (1.5-3 m wide), borders (narrow strips 0.4-0.5 m), rockeries - compositions using stones different sizes. Since the roots of plants are located close to the surface of the earth, this property can be used by placing phlox in pots. These flowers are very interesting in combination with other plants, together forming a luxurious carpet of different shades. For example, Drummond phloxes look great next to verbena, ornamental tobacco, mealy sage, irises, tulips, snapdragons, bells, etc., as well as ornamental grasses.

The main diseases of Drummond phlox

Annual phloxes are less likely to be affected by diseases than perennial varieties. But they are still susceptible to this unpleasant phenomenon.

Viral diseases

Diseases caused by fungi

With powdery mildew, most dangerous disease caused by fungi, manifested by a white coating on the leaves and stems, can be combated with the help of fungicides (Fundazol, Topsin, Skor, Topaz, Fitosporin, etc.). Fungi attack plants mainly in wet weather with a lot of precipitation, as well as when there is an excess of phosphorus or nitrogen in the soil. For prevention powdery mildew in mid-June, it is recommended to treat the plants with a weakly concentrated solution of a fungicide.

Drummond phloxes can develop verticillium wilt. Most often it develops in areas with acidic soil. To reduce the risk of wilt, the soil is treated with ash diluted in water, or lime is added to it. If the phloxes do become infected, you need to treat them as soon as possible with appropriate preparations, for example Fitosporin or Topaz.

Spots appear on the leaf blades of plants affected by septoria, increasing in size over time, which leads to leaf falling. The disease is treated by spraying (2-3 times every 7-10 days) with Bordeaux mixture (1%), copper oxychloride (0.5%), and foundationazole suspension (0.2%).

Pests of annual phlox

Bright and fragrant phloxes are very attractive to many pests. It is no secret that it is much easier to provide prevention than treatment, but treatment is often necessary. The main pests of phlox:


Caterpillars of various butterflies (for example, cabbage whites or cutworms) are insatiable, destroying leaves and flower petals. These pests are combated in different ways: collecting caterpillars by hand, timely destruction of weeds, spraying with insecticides (for example, Inta-Vir or Karbofos). Treat phlox during flowering chemicals Not recommended.

Black flea beetles

These bugs pose the greatest danger in the spring. They eat young leaves and shoots of phlox, moving onto them from weeds. Therefore, one of the ways to protect against black flea beetles is weed control. You can catch bugs using fabric flags (strips) that are impregnated with a special sticky substance. Amateur gardeners often dust phloxes (preferably in the morning) with wood ash, slaked lime (fluff), ground black pepper, a mixture consisting of tobacco dust and wood ash, or spray the flowers with a solution of 70% vinegar (2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water ). Treatments are usually carried out 3 times, maintaining an interval of 4-5 days between them. If there is a large concentration of beetles, you can apply insecticides in accordance with the instructions. In autumn, the soil on the site should be carefully dug up. To combat insects, some gardeners use a solution of flea shampoo (2 capfuls per bucket of water) intended for dogs.


Drummond phlox is sometimes affected by leaf and stem nematodes - small thread worms that feed on plant sap. At the same time, the stems become crooked, the flowers become small, and the upper leaves become threadlike. Often plants cannot cope with the attack of pests and die. If the infection of an area with nematodes is too strong, the phloxes cannot be saved. Therefore, diseased plants need to be dug up and burned, and the soil treated with formaldehyde or bleach. The fight against threadworms can be carried out using nematicides - drugs from the group of pesticides, but they are very toxic. Therefore, apply them to garden plot highly undesirable.


A great danger to phlox are slugs that eat shoots, leaf blades and inflorescences. They are often fought mechanically: caught manually or using traps. Use materials at hand as bait: boards, slate, thick fabric, cardboard, linoleum, which are laid out on the site and moisten the ground under them (preferably with the addition of beer). Slugs that have accumulated under the traps are collected and destroyed. Along the perimeter of the flower bed, you can pour ash, lime, small fragments of brick, etc., materials that prevent pests from entering the area with phlox. Obstacles can be washed away by rain, so after precipitation falls, sprinkling the area adjacent to the flower garden should be repeated. To repel slugs next to phlox, it is useful to arrange green protection by planting plants with a fairly strong or spicy smell: garlic, parsley, sage, rosemary, coriander, marigolds, etc.

Slobbery Penny

In May-June, phloxes can be harmed by slobbering pennies. Its larvae settle on the underside of leaves and suck out the juice from them, as a result of which the plant weakens, develops poorly, and does not bloom. If there are few pests, they can be controlled by picking off parts of the infected plant and destroying them. In case of mass destruction, phlox treatment is used along with the mechanical method special drugs, for example Inta-Virom. Wherein Special attention should be addressed inner side sheet plates.

Measures to prevent diseases and pests of phlox

Preventive measures help preserve phlox from diseases and pests: spring and autumn digging of soil (about one shovel's worth), timely destruction of weeds, removal of fallen leaves, changing planting sites, and applying complex fertilizers to the soil. In spring, it is useful to treat the soil with preparations containing copper.

Flowers with pest-repellent scents also work well, such as marigolds, marigolds, pelargonium, tansy and many others. Onions, garlic, sage, basil, and celery also repel pests and look great in the flowerbed.

Phloxes are flowering herbaceous plants belonging to the Sinyukhidae family. Distribution area: northern regions of America, Russia.

Phloxes from the same species may vary as they are influenced by climatic conditions. For example, alpine ones grow from 5 to 25 cm, bryophytes. Their trunks are branching and covered with evergreen foliage. In a favorable climate, the stem of phlox becomes straight, the height is from 30 cm to 1.8 m. The leaves are located opposite, the shape is elongated-ovate or lanceolate-oval. The diameter of the buds is 25-40 mm, tubular-funnel-shaped.

Most species are perennials, but Drummond phlox and its cultivars are annuals.

Phlox subulate, paniculate, splayed and annual: description

There are several dozen varieties of phlox, but they are all divided into 4 separate groups:

View Description Peculiarities Usage
Subulate Perennial, stem reaches 20 cm. Foliage is narrow, needle-shaped, length up to 20 mm. Color – green (almost until the first frost). Buds - blue, purple, crimson.
The flowering period is from late spring to July.
Low-growing and groundcover species They decorate alpine slides and create compositions in rock gardens.
Spread The trunk is from 20 to 40 cm high. The flowers are small, the edges are wide, narrowed towards the center. Colors range from white to purple. The foliage is elongated (up to 50 mm in length), tough.
Flowering period is May-June.
The most unpretentious among all varieties of phlox. It has a rich, pleasant aroma. In the landscape field.
Paniculate It grows from 40 cm to 1.5 m. The foliage is lanceolate, elongated, reaching 6-15 cm in length. The trunk is erect. Inflorescences are spherical.
Flowering - from mid-summer to September.
The most popular. It has a wide variety of varieties with different colors. For decoration of home gardens.
Annuals (Drummonda) The stem is up to 30 cm. The petals have slightly pointed tips.
Flowering duration is from June until the first frost.
Grown exclusively from seeds. There is a delicate scent. In rockeries and alpine slides, flower beds are decorated.

Annual phlox: varieties with photos and names

Drummond phloxes became the founders of several unique varieties:

Variety Description Flowers Bloom
star Rain Resistant to cold and dry periods. Outwardly it resembles a bush, about 50 cm high. The stems are straight and lateral. It has a rich fragrant aroma. Grow only in well-lit areas. The shape of the inflorescences is stars. Pink. From June to the end of summer.
Twinkling star A miniature variety with a bush height of up to 25 cm. Often grown in apartments, placed on loggias and balconies. The petals have sharp ends. From June to September.
Terry One of the youngest species. Height – up to 30 cm. Large, terry. They form dense inflorescences. Color ranges from cream to deep red. From late spring to August.
short A young variety reaching 20 cm. The shrubs are branched. The foliage is drooping. Often grown on balconies. Small, beige. May June.
Constellation Branches, forming lush shrubs. Has a fragrant aroma. Color – from white to burgundy. Diameter – about 30 mm. End of spring - August.
Promise Pink A low-growing variety, the trunk reaches 20 cm. Used for decorating flower beds and alpine slides. Terry, pink. May – July.

Phlox subulate: varieties with photos and names

Subulate phlox is also divided into several interesting varieties:

Variety Description Flowers Bloom
Purple Beauty A perennial plant, planted only in well-lit areas. Height – up to 17 cm. Color ranges from bright lilac to violet. May June. When the tops are pruned, re-blooming is observed closer to September.
Petticoat The trunk reaches 20 cm. Place in drained soil filled with sand and small pebbles. Frost-resistant, feels comfortable at temperatures down to -20 ° C. Forked, white. Outwardly they resemble stars. The heartwood is blue, violet or purple. From late spring to June.
Red Wings The shrub grows up to 20 cm. The variety is resistant to high and low temperatures. Has a pleasant aroma. Hot pink. May June. At quality care– second flowering in September.

Phlox splayed: varieties with photos and names

Spread phlox is divided into the following varieties:

Phlox paniculata: varieties with photos and names

Paniculate phlox is the founder of the following varieties:

Variety Description Flowers Bloom
Pure Feelings Trunk height is from 70 to 80 cm. Terry, white with a green stripe in the center. The lower part of the bud has a purple tint. The petals are elongated, slightly curled. July-September.
Natural Feelings The stem reaches 50 cm. Small, greenish-white-pink. The shape resembles a lilac.
Orange The variety does not require care and is easy to propagate. Red-orange.
King Grows up to 1 m. Large, about 4 cm in diameter. Color - from white to crimson.


These flowers are propagated by green or autumn cuttings, as well as seeds.

The first type of shoots is harvested at the end of spring, when phloxes grow to 12-15 cm. The procedure is carried out according to this plan:

  • The shoots are cut off and 2-3 developed buds are left on the mature bush.
  • The cuttings are placed in water for 60 minutes. This improves rooting and reduces the likelihood of the plant wilting.
  • The shoot is cleared of the foliage located below, shortened by 50% and a cut is created under the bud. The final length of planting material is 6-10 cm.
  • Place in open ground in a shaded area or in a greenhouse. They are buried 10-15 mm into the soil and compacted a little. For better rooting, cover with a layer of damp paper.

Autumn cuttings are harvested in late summer or early September. To do this, parts of young shoots are cut off and prepared similarly to the previous method. Placed in heated greenhouses or greenhouses. When transporting to a permanent place, they are deepened well so that the main part of the buds is underground.

Phlox seeds have a high germination rate, so they are placed in open ground in September. This planting material is also planted in cold weather; for this purpose, special containers are used, which are subsequently transported to the cold for stratification. Then they are brought into a warm place to melt and the friendly shoots of seedlings are observed.

Differences in planting annual and perennial phlox

Planting phloxes that are part of annuals and perennials is practically the same, there are only a few nuances. For example, the distance between the second ones should be greater, since they grow over the years. The interval between low-growing varieties is up to 40 cm, medium-sized - up to 0.5 m, tall - at least 0.7 m.

Perennials must be covered with a layer of mulch for the winter; annuals do not need this.

When planting and caring for these representatives of the flora, it is recommended to adhere to a number of rules:

  • The ideal area for germinating phlox should be shaded, level and have drainage for excess water. When planted next to trees or shrubs, the flower is protected from direct sunlight and hot winds.
  • The soil is selected that is loosened, nutritious, and well-moistened. Lack of water leads to increased salt levels in the soil, which causes leaves to brown and wilt. It is forbidden to place phlox in clay soil.
  • The place is prepared in advance; if the planting is in spring, then this is done in September, and vice versa.

Caring for annual phlox

Caring for annual phlox is quite simple. The soil around the flowers is carefully loosened and hilled 6 to 8 times per season.

They add organic matter and minerals to the soil. Primary feeding is carried out with liquid manure at the end of spring. The second - in June, a composition of superphosphate and humus is used. The third - in the middle of summer, use the same product as in May. The fourth - in August, a mixture of potassium salt and phosphorus.

Caring for perennial phlox

During flowering, the plant is watered once every 2-3 days. In very hot and dry summers, the frequency of moisture application is increased. After each such procedure, the earth is thoroughly loosened.

When the flowers are still young, they are constantly cleared of weeds. This is done after adding water, since working with wet soil is much easier.

Perennials require constant feeding, so in May, nitrogenous components are used to speed up the process of acquiring healthy green mass. Then a composition of potassium and phosphorus is used to ensure abundant flowering.

When caring for phlox in the middle zone, they are provided with shelter for the winter. Before the arrival of frost, the bushes are cut off almost to the rhizome, and then mulched with organic components and straw.

Transplantation is carried out every 6-7 years.

Diseases and pests

Perennial phlox suffer from almost all diseases typical of other flowering representatives of the flora. The most common pathologies include the following:

  • Phoma - the foliage turns yellow and curls, the stems turn brown and crack. To eliminate it, spray it with Bordeaux mixture. Number of repetitions – 4 times, interval – 10 days.
  • Powdery mildew - a white coating is observed on the leaves. The same treatment is used as in the case of phomosis. For prevention, in the spring, phlox shoots are treated with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Spotting - yellow and brown blotches. Treatment is carried out similarly to other diseases presented.

The plant is resistant to pest attacks, and can occasionally be attacked by slugs. If pathologies are identified in a timely manner and eliminated, phlox will delight you for a long time with its healthy appearance and bright flowering.

Fragrant annual phloxes fill the garden with a delicate aroma. These ornamental plants They have versatility and unpretentiousness, which makes them suitable for growing on the plots of gardeners and summer residents.

This article contains information about cultural characteristics and external characteristics. After reading to the end, you can find out when to plant and grow annual phlox from seeds, what other planting methods exist, as well as the conditions necessary for this.

Phlox annuals

Agricultural technology of culture

Annuals do not require any special conditions cultivation, in contrast to perennial phlox. Previously, planting seeds in open ground was considered a thankless task, since the seeds did not want to sprout.

This is because the seeds are quite large and have a dense outer shell. Therefore, there was an opinion that they should be buried to a depth of 0.3 m. In fact, they need to be planted on the surface of the soil, sprinkled with a little earth, since the plant loves sunlight and moisture.

Do not plant in cold soil. It should warm up to 11 degrees Celsius at a depth of 0.7 m. The air temperature at the time of disembarkation is at least 20 degrees Celsius. Regular and abundant watering is required.

Interesting! Perennial or annual phloxes are often chosen due to their hardiness, adaptability to changing conditions, winter hardiness and frost resistance, high degree of growth and reproduction.

Culture propagation

There are 2 ways to plant annual phlox:

  • Growing seedlings.
  • Planting seeds in open ground.

Propagation by seedlings

Used if you need to guarantee flowering this season. To do this, in mid-May, seeds are sown in boxes on the surface and lightly sprinkled with soil. After sowing, the container is covered with film and placed in a warm and dark place. Every day it is necessary to remove the film for 2-3 hours, water when the soil dries out.


In a week the first shoots will appear. The shoots are moved to a warm place where the sun's rays reach and fertilized once with liquid nitrogen. With the onset of warm weather (around mid-April), the box is placed outside every day for 2-3 hours.

Important! In May, when the soil has warmed up and it is warm outside, the seedlings are planted in the ground at a distance of 15-20 cm.

Planting seeds in open ground

This method is more popular because it allows you to get healthy, abundant blooming flowers at low cost. There is even an opinion that annual phlox can only be grown by seed.

Landing conditions:

  • The main requirement is the possibility of abundant watering. It should be a flat area with a slight slope. Places under the canopy of trees are not suitable.
  • You can plant seedlings either in an open area or in partial shade. The best place would be under the protection of bushes and small trees with shade during hot hours.
  • In Siberia and the northern regions of Russia with a cold climate, phloxes are placed in areas protected from cold winds (next to hedges, medium-sized plants).
  • A flower garden is arranged on the eastern and western sides of the house. Plants feel worst against the northern wall, in the shade of coniferous trees.

Soil composition and fertilization

On a note! For planting seeds, loose soil is used, which can retain moisture well. The acidity of the soil should be neutral, but phlox tolerate weakly acidic soils.

The soil for spring planting is prepared in the fall. They dig up the ground, add 1 liter of organic matter per m², add bone meal, 150 g of ash, and 60 g of superphosphate. Additional lime is added to the acidic soil.

In the spring, before planting, the soil is dug up and filled leaf humus and a substrate, which is made up of peat, humus, sand, and turf soil in equal quantities. 2 days before planting, water the soil abundantly.

Instructions for planting seeds in open ground

Sowing of seeds is carried out approximately at the beginning of May, when the soil is well warmed up and it is warm outside.

During the day, gardeners make small holes (2-3 cm deep) at a distance of 15 cm from each other. Place 3-5 seeds in each and sprinkle with soil. After planting, the soil is slightly moistened with a spray gun. Every 2-3 days the soil is moistened.

Important! After 2 weeks, the first shoots appear. They begin to apply nitrogen fertilizers. Feed and loosen the soil once a week.

Cultivation care

Annual phloxes require compliance with all care conditions to obtain large inflorescences. If you violate the technology, you can destroy the plant.


An adult plant is watered 3-4 times a week.

Attention! The culture does not tolerate long periods of stagnation of water or drought. Soil moisture should be carefully checked daily.

How to care for the soil

At least once a week, loosen the soil at a shallow depth so as not to damage the roots of the plant. Before flowering, it is recommended to apply leaf humus, which is collected from the site in late autumn.

Plant nutrition

Beautiful and lush annual phloxes cannot be grown without feeding. As soon as the plant sprouts, it is fertilized with nitrogen fertilizers; after a week, 30 g of ammonium nitrate, 40 g of wood ash and about 20 g of sulfate are added.

In the second half of May, an infusion of mullein and chicken manure is made in proportions of 1:2.

During the budding period, organic fertilizer with 20 g of ash is applied.

When flowering begins, feed in the form of mineral fertilizer– 20 g in dry form.

Note! Fertilizer is applied at the base of the bush. If liquid fertilizing is used, the soil should be watered before and after application. Dry fertilizers should not be sprinkled on leaves or flowers.


Almost all varieties of annual phlox bloom almost the entire season, some even before the onset of frost. Experienced gardeners choose several types of sequentially flowering varieties for the site.

The flowering period begins in mid-May. During this period, it is necessary to provide the plant with constant moisture, loosening 2 times a week, and fertilizing.

Why doesn't the plant bloom?

It often happens that the flowering period of phlox should have begun a long time ago, but the formation of buds never occurs. Possible reasons:

  • Lighting – plants do not receive sufficient quantity light, so they develop more slowly.
  • The soil composition does not have enough fertilizer.
  • Phloxes do not receive a plentiful amount of moisture or, on the contrary, they are over-moistened.
  • There is not enough space for the plant to grow. It often happens when phlox is planted in a small flowerpot or small flower bed.

On a note! If the gardener detects a lack of flowering, then it is necessary to inspect the crop, check the soil, and apply fertilizer if they have not been applied before.

Diseases and pests

Phlox can rarely get sick:

  • Curly - the leaves change, the stems become deformed and become smaller.
  • Variegated petaling - the appearance of white stripes on flowers.
  • Rust – brown spots appear on the plant. The affected parts die off over time.

Diseases and pests


  • All infected areas are removed.
  • Treated with pharmaceutical preparations: fungicides, colloidal sulfur solution, trichodermin.

If the crop curls up and dries out, then this is a sign of the location of the slobbering frog. It looks like saliva.

On a note! To cure the plant in the early stages, use a soap solution. If it doesn’t help, then you need to spray it with special. drugs. Aktara, Fitoferm, Iskra, Karbofos are suitable.

Plant neighbors

When choosing a neighbor for annual phlox, take into account the flowering season, as well as the characteristics of the flowers:

  • Combinations of plants with delphinium, lily, oriental poppy or lupins look advantageous.
  • Spring phloxes are used to decorate borders, so dwarf irises can become their neighbors.
  • For combination, take plants that bloom in a different period. Dwarf wormwood, chistets, and warrens are often used.
  • IN autumn period phloxes look good with spirea and barberries.
  • In summer, low-growing bells, geraniums, knotweed, and grass carnation will be an excellent addition.
  • Gardeners often choose the option of placing flowers with snowdrops and crocuses among decorative stones.

Autumn care

Interesting! At the beginning of autumn, 1 tbsp is applied under the bush. superphosphate, 1 tsp. ash. The soil around is sprayed with fungicides.

At the end of autumn, after flowering has completed, it is recommended to prune the plant. There are 2 schemes for this:

  • The ground part is cut off at a height of 2-3 cm from the ground. After removing the stem, the risk of infection by diseases, insects and pests disappears.
  • The stems are cut off, leaving 10 cm of hemp. Young shoots develop from the remaining buds in the spring. In practice, they grow much worse than from the root.

If you plan to plant phlox next spring, then the seeds are collected.

After pruning, organic waste is raked and then burned.

Preparing for winter

To protect the buds from possible frosts, the plant must be covered.

Annual phloxes treated in spring are covered with a 10 cm layer of peat, compost or humus. To insulate one plant, about 1 bucket of mulching material is scattered around its perimeter. The mulch is covered with spruce branches.

Important! Covering the plant with airtight and moisture-proof materials (linoleum, film, roofing felt) is prohibited. A prolonged absence of moisture and oxygen will cause the phlox to rot.

The shelter is removed in the spring during warm times, when the risk of cold snap disappears.

Proper planting technology and competent care are the key successful cultivation annual phlox on the site. Elegant, lush flowers will favorably receive care, becoming the main attraction of the garden of summer residents and gardeners, pleasing the eyes of visitors and household members.

Here we will talk about the annual phlox, Drummond's phlox (Phlox drummondii), which differs from its perennial counterparts, which bloom in the fall. Joyful and elegant annual phloxes have recently been somewhat supplanted by other flowers for cottages and garden plots. However, in my opinion, being so joyful and elegant, they deserve much more popularity.

Everyone who has ever tried to grow it on their plot or balcony falls in love with this bright relative of the perennial phlox. In addition to the lush and long flowering period, the unpretentious annual phlox is very decorative and has an amazing aroma, a rich selection of flowers and colors. Most often it is used to create borders around flower beds, along paths, and for group plantings in prefabricated flower beds.

Phlox is an annual plant that branches strongly from the very base of the stem. The height of the plant is from 20 to 40 cm. The flowers are medium-sized, each small phlox flower is about 1 cm in diameter, collected in a corymbose inflorescence. The shape of the flower itself is different for different varieties of phlox: they can be simple, double, spike-shaped, star-shaped or dissected. The color of the flower is violet, lilac, blue, red, pink, white, maybe with an eye in the middle.

Annual phloxes come in peach, chocolate, beige, whipped cream and coffee shades, while perennials come in pink or crimson colors. Annual phloxes attract attention with the unusual structure of the flower - similar to a snowflake.

Annual phloxes come in peach, chocolate, beige, whipped cream and coffee shades, while perennials come in pink or crimson colors.
The name of the plant comes from the Latin - Phlox drummondii.

Growing method: seedlings/in the ground.

Family: cyanaceae.

Homeland: North America, Texas.

Height: 35-40 cm.

Flowering: long and abundant from late June until frost.

Flower color: varied (white, pink, red, cream, lilac, purple with or without an eye in the center of the flower).

Required location, soil: sunny place, requires fertilized soil, grows especially well with regular watering. Caring for phlox

Phlox are light-loving, cold-resistant and relatively drought-resistant plants. They don't like the soil to overheat.

Phlox blooms from June until frost. It is planted in different types of flower beds. Tall varieties phloxes are cut for bouquets.

Phlox is propagated by seeds. Seeds for seedlings are sown in March. After 5-7 days, shoots appear. Flowers are planted in the ground in May; depending on the height of the variety, 12-15 cm are left between plants. When the weather is hot and dry, young phlox need to be watered. In order for them to bloom well, they need to be fed. Phlox seedlings are fed 2-3 times after picking with nitrogen fertilizers at intervals of 7-10 days.

Then, when the plants are planted in the ground, they are fed at intervals of one and a half to two weeks with complete mineral fertilizers. Plant feeding is carried out until August. U low-growing varieties Phlox needs to be trimmed off the faded inflorescences. On sale, phlox seeds are most often offered in mixed colors.

Phloxes develop more successfully not only on fertile soils with good aeration, but also necessarily require sufficiently moist areas. Therefore, for abundant flowering, phlox needs both regular feeding and abundant watering in the first half of the growing season.

Phlox wakes up very early in the spring, as soon as the ground thaws. The root system of these plants consists of a mass of rather thin, highly branching roots located in top layer soil (depth 3 - 15 cm) and not penetrating deeper than 25 cm inside. Therefore, it is useful not to loosen the soil around phlox bushes, but to mulch (peat, humus, wood chips, leaf litter etc.).

This mulch helps retain moisture, which phlox needs no less than fertilizer. Mineral fertilizers are scattered under the mulch at the rate of 1 sq.m: 15-20 g of potassium chloride, 20-25 g of ammonium nitrate and 15-20 g of superphosphate, or the spring version of a complete mineral fertilizer for flowering plants.
Phosphorus and potassium are necessary for phlox in the spring, as they contribute to the development of the root system and an increase in the number of new roots growing at the base of each young phlox stem.

In the second ten days of May, liquid feeding of phlox is carried out by diluting 1 liter of mullein infusion per ten liters of water or 0.5 liters of chicken manure or 20-25 g of ammonium nitrate, and also adding 15-20 g of potassium and phosphate fertilizers. The approximate consumption of the solution is half a bucket of fertilizers per square meter landing The same fertilizing of phlox should be done in late May - early June, the proportion of potassium-phosphorus fertilizers is increased (up to 30 g of each is added).

From mid-June, nitrogen is limited in fertilizing for phlox, and when applying large quantity Organic fertilizers are not given at all when preparing the site or regular mulching. More phosphorus is added, dissolving 70-80 g of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers per ten liters of water. When the weather is dry, the area should be well watered before fertilizing and also after it.

There is a belief that if annual phlox Drummond yellow color plant it in a flowerbed in front of the entrance to the house or in a box on the balcony, then it will come to the family material well-being. The only way to confirm or refute the magical qualities of phlox is to grow these flowers. In any case, they will be a wonderful decoration for your yard or apartment.

Annual phlox flower - description

The vast majority of phloxes are perennial herbaceous plants, the tops of which are decorated small flowers, collected in shield-shaped bunches. To the cold weather perennial phlox Aboveground stems die off, and the roots overwinter in open ground, sprinkled with leaves and snow. In spring, new shoots sprout from the roots of perennials.

phloxes in the flowerbed

Annual phloxes need to be regrown every year. This is done through seedlings or by sowing seeds directly into the ground. Phlox seedlings turn into branched, lush, low-growing shrubs with colorful, dense inflorescences.

The size of phloxes and the intensity of their color depend on the growing conditions - mini phlox varieties with abundant watering and fertilizing, sufficient lighting can grow up to 1.0 m and be very bright; under normal conditions, these phloxes will not grow higher than 30 cm.

Drummond phlox in the flower garden

Reproduction of annuals

Annual phloxes reproduce by seeds. It was once believed that planting and caring for annual phlox was a very difficult task that did not always end successfully. Not everyone was able to see phlox sprout.

But then we noticed that sometimes in the spring self-sowing seedlings appear, the seeds of which fell to the surface of the soil in the fall and no one covered them with soil. And if rain and melted snow did not wash these seeds into the holes, they sprouted successfully.

Important! Phlox seeds require sunlight to germinate.

Phloxes are propagated in two ways. In southern regions and areas of mild temperate climates, seeds are sown directly on the soil surface. In territories with harsh winters, in the mountainous regions of the Urals and Siberia, seedlings are first grown. Annual phloxes, seedlings of which were grown from freshly harvested seeds, will be resistant to diseases and pests.

Necessary conditions for growing seeds

In order to successfully grow annual phlox, you need to follow several rules:

  • For sowing, only large seeds from fully ripened seed pods are selected;
  • to obtain large seeds on mother plants, several stems with inflorescences and stepsons are removed, half of the buds are left in the inflorescences;
  • Healthy, well-developed bushes are used as a mother plant; they are intensively fed and watered.

Additional Information: if the seeds do not have time to fully ripen in the seed pods before the onset of cold weather, the branches with the pods are cut off, tied into bunches, placed in a gauze bag and left for completely dry in a ventilated area at room temperature.

To form a spherical bush and form numerous side shoots, phloxes begin to be pinched at the seedling stage. After the 5th leaf appears, the top of the central stem is either cut off or pinched by hand.

Preparing seeds for sowing

Dried boxes with Drummond phlox seeds are stored in a cold place - the basement, the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. Seeds are not removed from the boxes until they are sown. This is due to the fact that the seeds quickly dry out in the air and lose their viability.

A few days before sowing, the seeds are poured out of the testes and soaked in a pink solution of potassium permanganate for 10-15 minutes. The floating seeds are discarded, the rest are washed in running water. Then they are dried, spread on a paper towel, and planted in a nursery.

How to sow seeds for seedlings

Phlox seeds take a long time to germinate - up to 3-4 weeks. Therefore, seeds for seedlings are sown in early to mid-March. Placement boxes must have sides at least 5 cm high and drainage holes. Moistened soil substrate is poured to 3/4 of the height of the box. The soil surface is compacted reverse side tablespoon or scoop.

Using a damp toothpick, seeds are distributed over the surface of the soil in rows at intervals of 3-5 cm and lightly sprinkled thin layer sand. Sowing can also be indiscriminate - for this, the seeds are mixed with sand and scattered around the box as desired.

Mini-greenhouse conditions are created in the boxes: they are covered with glass or transparent plastic. Periodically check for signs of mold and pests, ventilate and moisten.

Note! Seeds can be sown immediately in individual volumetric containers, in which case there is no need to pick seedlings.

What does phlox seedlings look like?

After the seeds hatch, it will take at least 2-3 weeks for 2 pairs of true leaves to grow.

At this time, the plants are planted - transplanted into larger boxes; a distance of 8-10 cm is maintained between the bushes.

In three months, the plants will already have 5-6 pairs of leaves and the first buds.

Young seedlings

Rules for caring for seedlings

The containers in which the seeds are sown are kept at room temperature no higher than +25°C. After the seedlings appear, the boxes with them should be exposed to light for at least 12 hours a day.

If the seedlings begin to stretch, then reduce the ambient temperature to +15+18°C and lengthen the daylight hours to 14-15 hours. Lamps are used to artificially illuminate seedlings.

The soil in the seedling boxes is kept constantly moist. Avoid excessive watering, otherwise the roots may rot. Before planting in the flower garden, plants are fed with nitroammophoska or other complex preparations.

Attention! Phlox after transplanting into open ground will hurt for the first two weeks.

Unlike plants that grow from seeds immediately in the flower garden, the tips of the root shoots of seedlings suffer even with the most careful handling. Therefore, it is during this period that transplanted plants require timely watering.

Adult seedlings

Annual phloxes: care features

  • Choosing a site for planting, soil

Perennials and annuals require the same growing conditions - nutritious loose soil with neutral acidity, moderate occurrence of soil water, a plot of land well protected from the wind, and plenty of light.

  • Flower care during and after flowering

A well-established flower grows a stem and increases the number of leaves, producing many inflorescences that form a dense bunch. Plants need good nutrition, which comes through the roots along with moisture.

Watering is carried out as the soil dries. Do not allow the formation of a surface soil crust - carry out regular, careful loosening.

Make sure that there are no weeds in the root zone and near the plants; they constantly pick off wilted, dried flowers along with their stems.

  • Preparing for winter

Attention! In autumn, the seed boxes are cut off from the mother plants, the stems and rhizomes are removed, the soil is dug up and work is carried out to increase the fertility of the flower garden.

How to feed phlox for abundant flowering

During the entire flowering period, it is necessary to carry out 3 nitrogen mineral fertilizing, alternating with organic fertilizers- aqueous extracts of ash, chicken droppings containing potassium and calcium, herbal infusion.

The first nitrogen fertilizing is carried out before planting seedlings in the flower garden. Then the condition of the plants is observed. Signs of a lack of nutrition will be yellowing of the leaves, inhibited growth of stems, and a decrease in the size of flowers.

Why don't perennial phlox bloom?

Perennial or annual phloxes will not be able to bloom if they grow in dense shade.

Their stems will become thinner and elongated. The plant will devote all its strength to getting to the sun, because without it the processes of photosynthesis will not take place, and there will be no strength left for flowering.

In addition, planting and caring for annual and perennial phlox should ensure that the plants do not suffer from a lack or excess of moisture and nutrients, did not get sick and were not attacked by pests.

What to plant next to phlox

The various varieties of Drummond complement each other well.

Phlox star rain

For example, the colorful colors of the Star Rain variety allow you to create compositions only from plants of this species.

But still, if you plant chrysanthemums, delphiniums, aquilegias and double Drummond phloxes nearby, the flower garden will become a decoration for any personal plot or flower beds in a park area.

Pests and diseases - how to deal with them

Modern experienced gardeners know that various herbal decoctions and folk remedies will be able to repel pests and slow down the development of diseases. But only professional methods based on chemical and biological preparations.

Yellow phlox

  • Snails and slugs. Loosen the soil in a timely manner, sprinkle the paths near the phlox with ash, collect by hand and destroy.
  • Nematodes. No high-quality protective measures have been invented - it is better to pull out and destroy the affected plants, preventing the spread of the pest.
  • Scoops. Collect caterpillars by hand. In case of severe damage, use insecticides.
  • Penny is slobbering. Remove damaged leaves and treat with garlic infusion.
  • Green wood bug. Spray phlox with onion infusion.
  • Cruciferous flea beetles. Dust phloxes with wood ash in the morning.

Control measures depend on the specific disease or pest.

Growing annual flowers requires additional time associated with sowing seeds and planting seedlings. But even if the gardener has to break away from household chores, in order for the entire summer season plant and care for plants, he will do it without hesitation. After all, beauty is worth it.