Do-it-yourself summer cottage: planning and landscaping. Photo. Landscape design of a personal plot: photos of the best ideas, types of work and prices Design of an individual house with a personal plot

Vegetable gardens and flower beds have long disappeared from home gardens and dachas. People want to live beautifully, so the question of how to improve a summer cottage with your own hands continues to be relevant. Realizing your most cherished desires for landscaping is not so difficult if you get acquainted with the recommendations professional designers, carry out preliminary design and study the improvement of the territory, viewing already completed work.

Many experienced landscape designers, taking on new project gardening of dachas, carefully question the owners and write down all their wishes. Those who want to improve their plot with their own hands need to start with this. Some will prefer to leave the main area of ​​land for a vegetable garden, while others will part with the beds without regret in favor of a play area for children.

Definition starting point can become the basis for a future dacha improvement project. And then the main recommendations from professionals come into force. Let us outline the most basic of them.

  • When landscaping a summer cottage, it is useful to first think through and correctly connect the existing communications, think through the lighting and draw up a plan for the location of large objects (gazebos, playgrounds, garden beds, barbecue areas).
  • The next stage is to connect the objects on the site together with a network of paths. It is best to outline their route on paper, having previously schematically marked the location of large objects on it.
  • When choosing plants for landscaping, it is necessary to take into account the features of the topography of the summer cottage, take into account the compatibility of new plants and those already growing on the garden land.
  • It is better to use individual decorative elements made from the same material laconically, all in one place. For example, stones can become the basis for the construction of an alpine slide, or a wooden cut for assembling a light gazebo.

Stage of designing landscaping of summer cottages

In order for the summer cottage to look holistic and concise, it is important to draw up a landscaping plan before landscaping and translate it on paper, as shown in the photo, for example.

Such a plan helps to visually see how different zones will be divided and decorated. dacha area: entrance area, front platform, utility corner, space for gardening, area for recreation and sports. For greater clarity, it is better to draw each dacha landscaping object in detail using pencils different colors. This will allow you to immediately see where the accumulation of parts has formed and how best to distribute functional areas and improve them with landscaping.

Note! Even at the design stage, you need to take into account the interests of all family members, look at how the wind rose is distributed, how the site is oriented relative to the cardinal directions.

At this stage you need to decide what you want to do artificial pond on own dacha, fold the waterfall or break Japanese garden. When all the desires acquire clear contours, you can start laying paths.

Drawing up a plan for landscaping and arranging a dacha yourself is not as difficult as it seems at first. The following instructions help to simplify the task as much as possible:

  • We take a blank sheet of paper and mentally imagine where everything is.
  • We designate the cardinal directions and use an arc to determine how the sun moves across the area during the day.
  • We schematically draw on the drawing not only buildings, but also tall trees, a fence, and everything that provides shade. Don't forget to indicate the height of each object.
  • Indicating the movement of the sun and the height of objects will help to indicate shadows in open areas of the dacha (the width of the shadow is half the height of the object casting it).
  • In areas of complete shade, you can safely plan the installation of gazebos, benches for relaxation, and garden sculptures.

Note! Where the shadow lasts for more than half a day, productive plants cannot be planted.

In the toga you should get a plan for landscaping the dacha, on which it will be clearly visible what will be located, where what plant will need to be planted. It is important to plan the arrangement of a site in the same way as planning the renovation of a city apartment. If you select a wall on which the TV is to be mounted, there must be an outlet there to turn it on.

The process of implementing the plan begins with preparing the dacha area: it is necessary to get rid of any debris, dead wood and diseased trees. Then you need to level the area, if planned, create artificial relief.

The next stage is creating the frame of the dacha site: installing paths, platforms, ponds, installing an irrigation system and lighting. Only after this can you begin landscaping your summer cottage.

Examples of landscaping a summer cottage

You can decorate and landscape your summer cottage in different ways. In hand experienced designers There are a lot of tools that need to be taken into account by all those who are trying to solve the indicated problem with their own hands.

So, to fence your own territory it is best to use concrete structures or capital buildings made of brick. Since deaf ones almost always look rather dull, they can be decorated with vertical gardening. Then any ordinary fence of the site, as the following photo shows, can easily turn into a green art object.

The most popular technique for decorating a summer cottage is its landscaping. Having arranged it, you can turn around and try to implement non-standard solutions. All kinds of flower beds, edgings, mixborders always become a real decoration of the homestead.

For organization original flower beds designers often use antique items, broken furniture. In some cases, it is enough to put in a little effort to breathe a second life into an armchair, cabinet or chairs. As practice shows, they make excellent flower pots for the garden.

The area allocated for a vegetable garden at the dacha is also easy to decorate. You can improve your garden beds in different ways. Someone will prefer to take note of miniature decorative weaving and wooden fences, others will like the idea of ​​planting plants on the roof of a bulk cellar.

It itself can become a decoration for any summer cottage. It will be easy to store crops grown right there on the roof. Living gazebos always look beautiful, the walls of which are tall bushes or tree trunks, so-called dry streams lined with pebbles, river sand, covered with low-growing bushes.

Organization of lighting for a summer cottage

Organization of lighting for a summer cottage - complex issue. And all because it is not always possible to connect to central power lines. Helps solve the problem diesel power station, working offline. After its installation, the distribution of lighting fixtures throughout the entire territory of the summer cottage is thought out.

It should take place in such a way that homestead owners can move around the entire territory of the garden or vegetable garden at night. Usually lighting installed along pedestrian paths, around the house and other large objects. It is best to invite specialists to install the wiring. He will be able to lay communications along the ground, which can then be safely operated.

If it is not possible to dig trenches and lay cables on a plot of already green land, you can choose alternative options lighting - lamps equipped with solar panels.

As you can see, to arrange a country house land plot doing it yourself is not so difficult; it is important to take into account the recommendations offered and try to apply them when landscaping your own backyard.

The first step was to build an inexpensive wooden fence based wooden beam and naughty girls.

Because If the area of ​​the site is large enough, then any capital fence would require significant costs, and this fence actually only encloses the boundaries of the site, making the landscape design of the site more holistic and complete.

Elegant adds a special charm to this primitive fence.

A wooden gate was made based on a simple rectangular frame.

And, although the design of the gate is quite simple, the result was neat and interesting.

Arrangement of the site. Construction of a veranda at the dacha.

The country house on this site is small, and therefore on holidays all the guests gathered in the garden at a large table. To prevent bad weather from interfering with such feasts, it was decided to cover the terrace near the house with a simple canopy made of transparent slate.

Now, if necessary, you can put on the terrace big table, which can comfortably accommodate 14-16 people.

Arrangement of the site. Country house.

There are many things that the hostess decorated with her own hands. Curtains, pillows, tablecloths - with elements of homemade lace, they all create a special coziness in the house.

The owner also contributed - he made it for the kitchen wooden bench with storage box.

Simple canvas curtains with stripes of bright chintz add a sweet, rustic charm to the kitchen.

And the most important thing is the smell in the house. And it smells like pies and flowers here.

Saving mode and skillful hands will help you arrange country house at low cost. You can tear strips from old unwanted clothes and knit them beautiful rug for every room.

Bedroom for grandchildren in the attic and bathroom.

Chief of comfort in the house))

Arrangement of the site. Do-it-yourself greenhouse and raised beds.

Old windows were useful for building a greenhouse.

Land development often requires a simple, practical approach rather than intricate solutions: a ready-made greenhouse.

Next to the greenhouse, boards left over from the construction of the fence were broken raised beds.

They laid newspapers between the rows and covered them with gravel - this will prevent the appearance of weeds.

The first harvest is green and purple peppers.

This beautiful vegetable garden looks no worse than any club.

Arrangement of a summer cottage. Garden gazebo.

The next stage in arranging the site was the construction of a gazebo in the garden.

In order to create a gazebo around cozy corner garden, a semicircular flower bed was previously laid out next to it.

They made a small one on the brick pillars wood flooring and concreted the supports for the gazebo.

We installed a gazebo. Back wall The gazebo on the side of the fence provides a supporting wall for roses.

A wall of weaving roses not only covers the gazebo from prying eyes, but also surrounds it with an absolutely divine aroma of roses.

Arrangement of a summer cottage. DIY landscape design.

It was done so that the clubs created separate cozy areas in the garden - near the house, near the gazebo, in the barbecue area and near the fence.

Before planting the club, a layer of turf was removed from the lawn, then an agro-film was laid and after that the soil removed from the roots, compost and fertilizers for the flowers were poured into the flowerbed. All this should make weed control easier.

A border for a flower bed was made from scraps of fence boards.

It turned out beautifully, but unreliably, and two years later the curbs were replaced with brick ones.

They made a small one next to the flowerbed decorative pond. An old satellite dish came in handy for the pond bowl. The distance from the clubs to the pond was also covered with agro-film and later covered with gravel, preventing overgrown grass around and that small pond, due to which it would simply not be visible.

Blue poppies are the rightful owners of a flower garden next to a small pond.

Fragrant English roses are planted in a flowerbed next to the house so that their scent can be heard from the veranda.

The flower beds near the fence were not protected by agrofilm and were heavily overgrown.

They urgently needed help.

The flowerbed was dug up and plastic barriers were placed inside between it and the lawn.

Luxurious clematis and roses were planted above the fence.

Magazines illustrating picturesque landscape design always evoke a desire to arrange suburban area. However, how to realize your creative ideas and ideas if financial opportunities won't let you hire a designer? Landscaping a summer cottage is not like that difficult task. Any owner can easily handle it, even without the help of a specialist. You just need to plan the site correctly and use some simple tips.

Initially, make a list that includes all the wishes of your household. After all, for some, landscaping a summer cottage is beautiful flower beds, front gardens. Others plan to grow record harvests. And someone wants to equip a swimming pool. In addition, it is necessary to equip a playground with a sandbox for children. And, of course, organize a recreation area, preferably with a gazebo.

When planning the improvement of your summer cottage (the photo in the article allows you to see excellent solutions), be sure to listen to the following universal recommendations:

  1. When arranging the territory, properly connect the lighting and all communications, paths and compositions. Be sure to keep them in the same style.
  2. Take into account the general landscape of the area and the green spaces that already exist on the site. The plants you plant should fit harmoniously into the design.
  3. Successful combinations of landscape elements look great. For example, plants and stones will create a harmonious ensemble on an alpine hill, in a rock garden.
  4. Decorative elements from same material It is recommended to place them in one zone. This will give the composition a complete look.

Site style

Landscaping a summer cottage should not begin with radical actions. Even if you purchased a territory on which a house has already been built and the landscape has been landscaped. Be sure to look around. Of course, you will want to redo and change everything. But be sure to take into account the characteristics of the territory.

An important aspect is the choice of landscape style. It must fully correspond to the built house. Agree, a high-tech style plot is completely unsuitable for a village hut. But such a house can be perfectly refined by placing a beautiful front garden in front of it. Such an element has always been an attribute of a rural estate.

It is very important to consider the size of the territory. If you are faced with landscaping a 6-acre dacha plot, then you need to approach the issue more scrupulously. In this case, a small front garden is recommended, in which small landscape compositions can be harmoniously placed.

Design stage

It is very important when planning to implement all the ideas on paper. This is especially true if you are the owner of a small territory.

Distributing on site functional areas, be sure to consider:

  • area lighting;
  • ground water level;
  • orientation to the cardinal points;
  • Direction of the wind.

Draw all future fragments on your diagram: a small waterfall, a pond, alpine slide and others landscape elements. Be sure to mark the paths.

Even if your budget is very limited, but you are planning to install an original fountain, be sure to include it in your plan. The opinion that landscaping a summer cottage is expensive pleasure, just a stereotype. Using improvised means and unnecessary things, you can create an amazing and unique landscape design.


Now you can bring your plans to life. Landscaping and landscaping your summer cottage will bring you great pleasure. But to make your landscape proud in the future, use these little tips from designers:

Arrangement of the yard

There are many excellent techniques that allow you to special costs create a unique landscape. Be sure to check them out. Perhaps you will implement some of them in your yard. So, consider carefully, if you are planning to improve your summer cottage, photos of beautiful landscape designs.

A few ideas will help implement some of them:


Landscaping is a creative, extremely exciting process that will bring a lot of pleasure. Don't be afraid to experiment and imagine. After all, sometimes the most incredible ideas allow you to create an individual and inimitable landscape design.

Owners country houses They are faced not only with the need to arrange it in accordance with their individual needs and the needs of the family. It is also necessary to pay attention to creating a unique environment in the courtyard of the house and in the garden.

Implementation good idea in landscape design they make a country house original and unique, but each person has his own vision of how to achieve this.

This article presents several approaches to arranging space near your home that will help you create a small, unique world in its own way.

Planning the space of the local area

Many people believe that landscape design requires special knowledge and skills that they do not possess.

This is partly true, but such difficulties are often exaggerated. Every person with imagination and a little free time is able to show creativity and transform their local area.

It is necessary to understand that upon entering the territory of the site, you should feel comfort and safety. And it is important for guests and visitors to feel the originality of the new environment.

To implement design decisions, when planning local area You should pay attention to a number of features.

The center of home ownership is always the structure of a private house, so any design change on the site must correspond to the general concept of arrangement.

Necessity preparatory work determined by your plans to transform the territory. In particular, it is advisable to carry out drainage or strengthening, which in the future will significantly facilitate all other work.

Each family member may have their own wishes, their own vision of arranging the territory of the house. Therefore, you must first plan what exactly you would like to see on your site. Take a plan of the house and garden area, add new objects and decorative elements, evaluate how they fit together.

If area country house not too large, it is often difficult to realize all wishes and plans. In such conditions, you should consider the possibility of combining different zones that can be quickly transformed.

How to effectively arrange recreation areas?

By combining several architectural elements, close in functional purpose, you can effectively manage the space of a country house. Combined elements provide the ability to transform into a zone that is relevant at the current moment in time. The following combination options are often used:

  • terrace with gazebo;
  • dining room with kitchen;
  • bathhouse with gazebo, etc.

When arranging recreation areas, it is advisable to use light garden or country furniture. It is quite compact and lightweight and does not take up too much space. If necessary, you can move it to another part of the house or complement it with other interior items.

For example, light rattan armchairs and chairs will look good in a gazebo, and installing sun loungers in the garden allows you to create cozy area afternoon rest.

  • Children's and playgrounds should be located within good visibility;
  • the backyard is ideal for arranging a parking lot or recreation area;
  • Not only the thematic zones themselves on the site should be comfortable, but also the paths for moving between them.
  • If you like to garden, then it is better to remove the beds from open visibility and place them inside the yard.

Dividing the site into zones

After you depict the placement of the planned decorative elements on the site, you need to clearly visualize your idea of ​​the new architectural ensemble. In this case, you need to plan how the individual zones will be demarcated from each other.

  • demarcation by arches;
  • use of fencing;
  • installation of screens;
  • natural delimitation by green spaces.

The choice of method depends on the decorative elements being installed. The garden recreation area can be limited by an arch intertwined with plants. But it is advisable to separate the sports ground decorative fence, screen or low picket fence.

Recreation areas can be separated by trellises, complemented by garden trellises. And so that these elements do not stand out too much, it is advisable to decorate them under a green wall. Rattan screens will help not only create a cozy, secluded corner in the yard, but also protect vacationers from the sun or cool wind.

Helps separate thematic areas from each other garden paths. For their arrangement, a variety of materials can be used - special slabs, stones, bricks, gravel, cobblestones or pebbles.

IN decorative purposes areas between slabs or stones can be left untreated or covered with sand. Planted low-growing plants will also look good.

It is advisable to give individual areas of the house maximum naturalness, leaving wild plants. Such an area can be paved with tree cuts, the joints of which can be covered with fine gravel or pebbles can be laid.

If your site is characterized by multi-level terrain, then these disadvantages can be turned into advantages. To do this, it is enough to build original steps and transitions.

Arrangement of the yard

Originality country house attached to small pools and ponds. For pools that serve not only a decorative role, it is advisable to use composite materials, rigid PVC materials or build a concrete pit.

A pond in the yard can be built by digging a pit and covering it with PVC film. Along the banks of the pond you can lay out pebbles and plant moisture-loving plants. You can also create waterfalls or fountains.

An original seating area could be around a barbecue, a massive stove or a stone fireplace. Here you can receive guests. But at the same time, the hearth itself will become a reference point for the further arrangement of the yard space.

The backyard is often used as a recreation area. For this purpose, a convenient wooden platform, surrounded by flower beds. Using light garden furniture will allow you to use this area as a dining room. You should choose the right furniture from suitable material– plastic, light metal, rattan or bamboo.

A decorated fence will help to separate the recreation area, and the area can be paved with stone or laid out with pebbles. If you want to set up a barbecue area, then you can consider installing a stationary fireplace with a smoke collector.

When landscaping a site, you need to remember that:

  • to avoid problems with fallen needles, you should not plant coniferous plants near terraces and platforms;
  • It is not advisable to place bodies of water near deciduous trees with abundant shedding of foliage;
  • tall bushes should be placed at the borders of the site, which will create a hedge.

Country house lighting

The area of ​​a country house should be illuminated so as not to lose the feeling of coziness and comfort in the evening and at night. The most popular solution is to use architectural lighting using energy-saving lighting fixtures.

Spot LED lights can be placed along the paths. It is also advisable to highlight individual decorative elements - sculptures or fountains, or place lamps floating on the pond.

If the central path leading to the house should be illuminated bright lamps on lighting poles, then secondary paths should be illuminated with flashlights with a soft, dim light.

Arranging a country house requires imagination and creativity in implementation design solutions. It is important not only to properly plan the space of the house, but also to place unobtrusive decorative elements on its territory and create an original lighting system.

Photos of ideas for arranging the yard of a private house

In this article we will talk about how landscaping of a summer cottage is carried out. Some may think that the topic is irrelevant, since most people associate a summer cottage with a modest shed and garden beds. But actually it is not.

After all, even country houses from block containers will harmoniously combine with a flower bed and other decorative elements.

Features of landscaping

The photo shows an excessive number of design elements concentrated in a limited area

After reading the relevant articles on our portal, you can find out how to plan the territory of a summer cottage for maximum efficiency its application. We will not return to the basics of planning, but will simply tell you how, using a number of simple recommendations, you can improve your summer cottage area.

Important: Do you think that decorative design territory adjacent to a country house will cost a considerable amount of money?
In fact, this is not the case, since most of the work can be done using available tools and available materials.

Before we improve the dacha plot, we will decide on the purpose of the territory and, as a result, on the list of upcoming works.

  • Is your dacha intended not only for growing gardening plants, but is also used from time to time for recreation? In this case, it is necessary to ensure that this area is conducive to relaxation and a pleasant pastime.
  • On average, the development of the territory adjacent to a country house consists of work in the field of landscape design. In addition, it may be necessary to build or update existing outbuildings, fences, etc.

Important: Speaking about the full improvement of the site, we note that it may be necessary to purchase or rent a diesel generator for the dacha.

On the picture - hedge from cypress trees

  • Having decided to improve the dacha plot with our own hands, we avoid excesses in every possible way, both in landscape design and in the design of outbuildings. Regardless of the area of ​​the territory adjacent to the country house, remember that there is an overabundance of small architectural forms, plantings, pieces of furniture and other elements will create an atmosphere of discomfort and disorder.
  • If the dacha is used only on weekends or during vacations, it makes no sense to plant plants that require constant care. By abandoning a flowering front garden in favor of shrubs or decorative low-growing trees, you will significantly simplify the care of the site without compromising its appearance.
  • Often in landscape design, one significant detail is enough to create a bright and memorable image.. In relation to the design of a dacha, it can be a small artificial pond or an alpine slide.
  • The vegetable garden should be separated from the recreation area by a flower wall, preferably a colorful one. In this case, having completed the day’s work, in the evening you can fully relax near the garden.
    In order to complement the recreation area equipped in this way, you can use wicker furniture that will fit into the overall picture.
  • If the dacha is used for long-term living, you can worry about landing lawn grass or bush. This is very good decorative solution, but you need to understand that the grass will have to be cut in a timely manner and the bushes trimmed.
    Therefore, when purchasing grass seeds and shrub seedlings, take care of purchasing a trimmer and pruning shears.
  • A stone-lined path in place of the usual paths will give the site a finished and landscaped look.. As an alternative natural stone You can use brick or concrete paving stones.
    A completely budget-friendly solution in terms of arranging paths can be the use of backfill made of fine-grained crushed stone or pebbles.
  • When selecting decorative elements for the garden, we must take into account their functionality..
    For example, it would not be entirely correct to buy a beautiful forged bench, which, despite its excellent appearance, is uncomfortable. The same can be said about, which, in addition to an attractive appearance, should illuminate the area.
  • If a forest adjoins the garden plot, it is advisable to carry out the landscape design in a forest theme. The absence of sharp contrast and the smooth flow of the forest into the garden will not be visually straining and will not cause rejection.
  • Everywhere there is a tendency for summer residents to blindly copy design ideas from glossy magazines. This is the wrong instruction, since the copied idea may not take root in your area. As a last resort, when copying someone else’s ideas, do not forget to listen to your feelings.

Arrangement of a recreation area

In the photo - construction of a gazebo

The recreation area can be comfortable even on a plot of 6 acres. It's all about how you arrange this area.

For example, in a small area you can allocate space for a covered wooden gazebo. Wooden gazebo- This universal solution, which is equally suitable for both comfortable spending time in hot weather and for use as a summer dining room.

Using a gazebo as a dining room is optimal solution in the event that instead of a house a cramped cabin with limited space is used internal space. If it is possible to do brick gazebo with a roof made of corrugated sheets, then you can also install a barbecue or wood-burning stove there for use as a summer kitchen.

This solution will relieve the load on the main dacha building, which can be used as a bedroom and as a room for storing equipment. However, nice gazebo It won’t hurt even if there is a full-fledged country house on the site.

Hedge selection

In the photo - a fence made of corrugated sheets

When answering the question of how to landscape a summer cottage with your own hands, one cannot help but attach importance to making a fence.

A properly made fence can perform two functions at once, namely, protect the territory from unauthorized entry and decorate the summer cottage. If it is built only as a protective fence, you can use corrugated board.

Corrugated sheets of thin galvanized or painted steel are distinguished by affordable price and durability. However, such a fence, despite its functionality, cannot be called an example of grace.

If you are interested in an aesthetically pleasing but... inexpensive fence, you can use a chain-link fence. The advantage of this solution is the absolute transparency of the structure, and therefore plants can be planted directly under the fence without fear of a lack of sunlight.

Important: A fence built using wire mesh is an excellent basis for growing climbing plants and the formation of hedges.

Wooden fence made of tongue and groove edged boards- This perfect solution. The only problem is the insufficient strength of wood that has not undergone special treatment. Therefore, when deciding to build a beautiful wooden fence around the site, the boards should be treated with antiseptic solutions and then completely dry paint.


In this article we have listed several effective recommendations, using which it will be easier to carry out landscaping of a summer cottage with your own hands.

Of course, in addition to these tips, there are many other points of view regarding the improvement of areas adjacent to a country house. Even more useful and educational information you can find it by watching the video in this article.