What is medlar and how is it eaten? Medlar is a tree with fragrant berries. How to cook thin pancakes

Medlar is an incredibly tasty fruit. However, this is not its only advantage. The beneficial properties of medlar have been known to mankind since ancient times. This genus of plants includes about thirty varieties. However, only two main species are cultivated.


So, more details. The beneficial properties of the German medlar were known in the territories of Mesopotamia and Ancient Babylon. It was traded freely and exported to the west on ships. From here it came to European lands. Today, medlar is grown in northern Iran, Greece, Azerbaijan, Algeria, Transcaucasia, Asia Minor, the Balkans and the Crimean Mountains. This tree grows on slightly acidic soil in sunny, dry places.

The German medlar is different round shape, slightly flattened along the axis, and sepals deployed at the end. The fruits are small in size - about two to three centimeters in diameter. They ripen only after the first autumn frosts. Or in the case when they lie indoors for a month.

Japanese variety of fruit

And now about the second variety. What does Japanese medlar taste like? The sweet and sour juicy pulp of the fruit is a little more interesting than that of its German “relative”. It is close to hawthorn, pear and quince. In Europe, this medlar appeared in the 19th century. Today it is cultivated in the Himalayas, South and Southeast Asia, Ukraine, USA, India and Georgia. The fruits ripen in late spring. They are distinguished by their pear-shaped shape with a diameter of up to ten centimeters. Each fruit contains from one to five seeds.

Various names

Many housewives know what medlar is and how it is eaten. But about its various names - not all of them. Medlar is often called Chinese, Japanese or Maltese plum. Among the names in various localities: nespolagiapponese (Italy), bibassier (France), wollmispel (Germany), nispero (Spain), ameixaamarelle (Portugal), maltaeriği (Turkey).

Storage and use

It is necessary to store medlar in a cool, dark place so that the fruits do not come into contact with each other. It is most often eaten fresh. However, in the regions where it grows, liqueur, wine, compote, juice, marshmallow, marmalade, preserves and jam are also prepared from the fruit. The leaves are used as a decongestant and analgesic. The seeds are also used in traditional medicine.

The calorie content of medlar is 52.5 kilocalories per hundred grams of product. Not much at all. The same hundred grams contain 2.1 grams of protein, 0.8 grams of fat, 14 grams of carbohydrates, 0.6 grams of ash, and 80.5 grams of water.

The main beneficial properties of medlar

About the most important thing. The beneficial properties of medlar are not at all difficult to explain. Its fruits contain many vitamins (B9, B6, A, C), minerals (zinc, selenium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, etc.), sugar and organic acids. Tannins and phytoncides give medlar astringent properties, which have a positive effect on the course of gastrointestinal diseases. Unripe fruits make it possible to relieve intestinal inflammation and stop bleeding. They also help with severe coughs.

Knowing what vitamins medlar contains, you can prepare necessary remedy for the treatment of many diseases. In a word, fruits have a positive effect on human health. The flowers of the plant are also used to treat alcoholism and depression.

For weight loss

The low calorie content of medlar, according to scientific research, can suppress appetite and reduce cravings for sweets. Those who want to lose weight should drink a cup of tea daily, prepared from the leaves of this plant. The pulp of the fruit contains a lot of dietary fiber, which allows you to feel full longer and not be tempted by regular snacks. Thanks to vitamins A and C, phenols and flavonoids, all free radicals are removed from the body. And this gets rid of the oxidizing agent from the body cells.

Antiviral properties

And that's not all. The beneficial properties of medlar are excellent in treating coughs. In Japan and China, tea made from its leaves is used as an expectorant. This tea also relieves all symptoms of sore throat. In order to prepare it, you will need not only medlar leaves, but also basil, honey, licorice and ginger roots. The entire collection is poured with boiling water and infused. Tea can be stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time.

The phytoncides contained in medlar promote the production of antigens by the body. This helps it fight infections. The presence of pomolyic acid, ursolic acid and carafolline in the leaves is believed to be responsible for the HIV suppressive effect. However, this beneficial property has not yet been fully studied. Leaf extract is also used in the treatment of candidiasis. In general, a complete benefit.

Treatment of diabetes and heart disease

What else is medlar useful for? Tea made from these fruits is also considered very effective for managing the symptoms of diabetes. It is able to regulate blood sugar levels, reduce fat mass body and cholesterol levels in the body. Judging by the latest research, medlar fruits are especially beneficial for type 2 diabetes. A large amount of dietary fiber normalizes cholesterol levels, as it prevents harmful fats from being absorbed into the intestines. Sufficient potassium content and low sodium content keep the electrolytic properties of the blood under complete control. They also regulate blood pressure and heart rate. In addition, loquat can protect the heart from oxidative stress. Each of these factors makes these fruits an excellent medicine in the field of treating cardiovascular diseases.

Other problems

Laboratory studies have confirmed some other facts about the benefits of medlar. For example, is Chinese plum effective in relieving the symptoms of osteoporosis? The leaves of the plant relieve joint inflammation associated with this disease.

Tea made from loquat for cancer removes toxins from the body that cause cancer. The fruits are also used to prevent cancer of the colon, lungs and oral cavity. The anti-inflammatory effect exerted in the treatment of cancer by corosolic acid contained in loquat leaves also has potential in the treatment of leukemia.

Just like carrots, medlar is good for vision. The high vitamin A content keeps the eyes healthy and also prevents tissue degeneration after oxidative stress. By regularly consuming loquat, you can reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. And in general, you improve your vision. You will also prevent the risk of lens clouding.


What medlar is and how it is eaten is also known to those people who need to remove uric acid salts from their bodies. That is, reduce the risk of gout and the formation of kidney stones. Pectin, the high occurrence of which helps block the absorption of toxins in the intestines, prevents the occurrence of cancer. The liver is strengthened by tea made from loquat leaves. The seed extract prevents liver fibrosis from developing.

Cosmetic properties

The cosmetic properties of this fruit cannot be overestimated. All their power and strength is actively used in all kinds of tonics, masks and skin creams. In home cosmetics recipes, medlar is also not ignored. A large amount of vitamin A helps prevent excessive dryness of the mucous membranes and skin. Medlar tones the skin and has a strengthening effect on it. Plus, it is loaded with various anti-aging antioxidants. They reduce oxidative processes in skin cells.

Try washing about six to eight ripe fruits, scalding them, removing the skin, discarding the seeds and pureeing the pulp. For dry skin, you should also add olive or coconut oil and a little lemon juice for a whitening effect. Sometimes they also add a couple of drops of some aromatic oil. The mixture is distributed evenly over the face. Enjoy the aroma for half an hour and relax. Wash off the mask from the face using running cold water.

Another recipe. Wash six to eight fruits. Cut, remove the seeds and make a paste. Add one tablespoon of kefir and oatmeal to this mixture. Stir until smooth. This mask is applied to the skin of the neck and face for fifteen minutes. After this it is washed off cold water. The mask cleanses skin cells and rejuvenates them.

Another option. Grind the pits to a coarse powder. Prepare fruit paste from the pulp. After this, a spoonful of honey is added and the whole thing is mixed. This scrub can perfectly exfoliate dead skin cells and cleanse it.

The leaves have been known medicinally for many years. They treat various skin diseases and inflammations. In Japan, this tea is used to treat any skin rash, psoriasis, eczema, and chronic allergic dermatitis.

Hazardous properties

Just remember that medlar is contraindicated for pregnant women. The same as for small children. People with stomach ulcers should not consume these fruits. If allergic reactions occur, they are also contraindicated.

In cooking

Of course, the easiest way is to peel the fruits and enjoy their sweet, spicy taste in their raw form. However, gourmets prefer various interesting recipes. These include loquat jam, custard, fruit salad, etc. The leaves are also used in cooking.

Medlar compote is incredibly popular in Japanese cuisine. Just like tea brewed with it. Filled with water, boiled, with the addition of basil, ginger, turmeric - excellent and healthy drink with an incredibly soft and pleasant taste.

You can also make jam from medlar. To do this, you need to take a couple of cups of fruits without seeds. You need to make fruit puree out of them. Heat two glasses of water. As soon as it boils, add a glass of sugar and fruit pulp. Stir the mixture until smooth, leave to boil. As soon as the jam gels, it is ready. You can add a little cardamom or cinnamon there. The finished jam is rolled into sterilized jars and stored throughout the winter.

You can also make a sauce from medlar. To do this, cut the medlar and apricot into small slices, add garlic, ginger and cumin seeds to the mixture. Salt and pepper to taste. For piquancy, you can add a little lemon juice and sugar.

The deciduous plant medlar (Mespilus), also called ezgil, or chishkova (cup) tree, is a representative of the Rosaceae family. According to information taken from The Plant List, this genus includes only 3 species. The word “loquat” was borrowed from the Turkish language, but it came from Greek. Gardeners cultivate the common medlar or the German medlar, but the birthplace of such a plant is not Germany, but South-Eastern Europe and South-West Asia. This culture was brought to Germany by the Romans. Today in nature this plant can be found in South Ossetia, Armenia, on the southern coast of Crimea, in Azerbaijan, Georgia, the North Caucasus and in the central regions of Ukraine. Medlar has been cultivated for more than 3 thousand years. The ancient Greeks were the first to grow it, and in the ancient Roman era and the Middle Ages this crop was already considered very important fruit plant. But after a while, medlar lost its former popularity, due to the fact that it was replaced by other crops, including those brought to Europe from the New World. Today, such a plant is quite rare in gardens.

Loquat is a fruit evergreen tree, its bark is dark gray in color. IN good conditions the height of such a plant can reach 8 m, but as a rule, it does not exceed 6 m. The dark green leaf plates have an elliptical shape, their length is 8–15 centimeters, and their width is 3–4 centimeters. In autumn, the foliage changes its color to red. At the end of spring or the beginning summer period The medlar begins to bloom. The five-petaled flowers have a white color and scent that attracts pollinating insects to the garden plot. The diameter of the fruit reaches from 20 to 30 mm, it has a spherical or pear-shaped shape. Its sepals are constantly unfolded, and it appears hollow. The color of the fruit is brown-red. The size of the fruit in garden forms can reach the size of an average apple. Even fully ripened fruits are distinguished by their hardness and sour taste; such fruits become edible only after prolonged storage or after frost, as a result of which they wrinkle, decrease in size, and become sweet and soft.

Growing medlar from seed at home

You can grow medlar from a seed in room conditions. After the seed is removed from the fruit, it can lie for no more than 3 days, and then it must be planted in the substrate. As a rule, seeds bought in a store grow into trees that cannot bear fruit. If you plant a seed that you personally removed from a medlar fruit, then the chances that the plant that grows from it will bear fruit are very high.

If you wish, you can buy a soil mixture for planting ready-made in a special store, or you can also make it yourself; to do this, you need to combine humus, peat, leaf soil and sand, which should be taken in equal parts. Take a pot that has holes in the bottom for drainage. At its bottom, you first need to make a good drainage layer from expanded clay, after which the remaining space must be filled with prepared soil mixture. The seeds are sown in a moistened substrate, and they need to be buried only 20 mm. You can sow up to 6 seeds in one container. The top of the container must be covered with glass or film. Crops are harvested in a well-lit and warm place, for example, on a windowsill. The first seedlings should appear after at least 4 weeks. The plant will need to be protected from direct rays of the sun, ventilated every day, and also remove condensation from the shelter in a timely manner, otherwise the seedlings may develop a fungal disease due to dampness. After the height of the plants reaches 20 mm, the cover must be removed from the container, and the container itself must be moved to a place where the air temperature is never less than 18 degrees. IN summer time containers with seedlings can be moved to fresh air (terrace or balcony), and the plants will need reliable protection from drafts, wind and scorching sun rays. The soil mixture in the container should be slightly moist (not wet) all the time; for this, the seedlings must be watered 2 or 3 times every 7 days.

The emerging seedlings are characterized by relatively rapid growth. So, after 4 weeks, the height of the plants can reach 15 centimeters. Grown plants must be planted in individual deep pots, which are filled with a substrate consisting of peat, coarse river sand and humus. It should be noted that transplanted weak plants most often die. But the transplanted powerful and large bushes will become even stronger over time. Flowering of a bush grown indoors will occur only in the 3rd year after transplanting into an individual pot, and this will happen in the last autumn or first winter weeks. Closer to the New Year, the first fruits may form.

You can start forming the crown only after the bush has faded, but you don’t have to do this. Some flower growers prefer that the medlar bush look natural; to do this, they need to cut out only weakened, injured branches that thicken the crown and are affected by disease.

Landing Features

Seedlings grown from seeds indoors after they are 3 years old can, if desired, be transplanted into open soil. The crop is undemanding in terms of soil composition, but it must be well-drained, slightly acidic or neutral. The site is suitable for groundwater lie at a depth of no higher than 1.5 m from the ground surface. When planting several plants, a distance of at least 4.5 meters should be maintained between them.

Seedlings are planted in open soil only when they have a dormant period, namely, in spring or autumn. The area chosen for planting must be cleared of weeds and dug up with the addition of bone meal. Prepare an earth mixture, which should include turf and deciduous soil, coarse river sand and humus, taken in equal parts. Prepare a planting pit, the size of which should be 1/3 larger than the plant’s root system, taken together with the lump of earth. A stake must be driven into the middle of the pit; its height should be such that it touches the lower branches of the plant. Then plant the seedling from the container into the hole and fill it with soil mixture. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that after planting, the root collar of the plant should be flush with the surface of the site. The planted plant needs abundant watering, when the water is completely absorbed into the soil and the earth settles, the bush must be tied to a support. The surface of the soil should be covered with a layer of mulch (rotted manure or compost), its thickness should be from 7 to 8 centimeters. Make sure that the mulch does not come into contact with the loquat trunk.

You need to grow medlar in the garden in the same way as other fruit trees. The watering regime should be such that the soil in the tree trunk circle is always damp, but there is no stagnation of liquid in the root system. When the tree is watered or it rains, it is recommended to loosen the surface around the trunk and also pull out all the weeds.

During the season, the plant will need 2 or 3 feedings, for this they use organic matter and mineral fertilizers. However, it should be taken into account that young trees need more fertilizing; fertilizers are regularly applied to the soil once every 20 days. Medlar responds well to fertilizing with mullein solution. In the spring, before sap flow begins, it is necessary to carry out sanitary pruning; to do this, you need to cut out all injured branches, damaged by frost or disease, as well as branches that thicken the crown. During the first three or four years, it will be necessary to regularly shorten the skeletal branches by 1/3 of the growth per outer bud. Those branches that intertwine inside the crown need to be trimmed to two or three buds. After 4 years have passed after transplanting the seedling into open ground, it is necessary to begin forming the crown. Once the crown is formed, it should be maintained by pruning.

How to propagate medlar by seeds is described in detail above. This crop can also be propagated by cuttings. To prepare cuttings, you should choose last year's growths. The length of the cuttings should be from 15 to 20 centimeters, and each of them should have 2 nodes. The lower leaf plates must be completely removed, and the upper ones must be shortened by 1/3. This will reduce the amount of evaporated moisture. The cut areas need to be processed wood ash. The cuttings should be planted, placing them strictly vertically. To do this, use pots filled with sand-peat soil and expanded clay. The cutting must be buried 40–50 mm into the soil mixture. Planted cuttings need abundant watering. When caring for cuttings, they need to be provided with systematic watering, and they also need to be regularly moistened from a sprayer with pre-boiled water. The cuttings will take root within 4 weeks. After the roots grow, the plant is planted in a garden plot. After planting, the trees will grow relatively slowly, but there is nothing to worry about. If you do everything correctly and take good care of the medlar, then over time its growth and development will become normal.

Diseases and pests

Medlar has a fairly high resistance to diseases and pests. However, sometimes leaf-eating caterpillars can settle on a tree. To get rid of them, in spring you need to remove all spider nests from the plant and then destroy them. During bud opening, the tree and the soil surface around it should be sprayed with a solution of Chlorophos, Nitrafen (3%) or Karbofos (7%). For prevention purposes, the tree is treated a couple of times per season (at the beginning of spring and after all the leaves have fallen in autumn) with a solution of Insegar (5 grams per 1 bucket of water), Fitoverm (20 grams per 1 bucket of water) or Lepidocide (1 bucket of water 25 grams).

Types and varieties of medlar

There are only 3 types of medlar, while gardeners grow only one, called Caucasian medlar, or German medlar, or Crimean medlar. This species has been described in detail above.

There is also Japanese medlar, or loquat, or eriobothria, or shesek - this is not a very large evergreen ornamental plant, which is also a fruit plant, it is cultivated both indoors and outdoors. This plant is related to the genus Eriobothrya of the Rosaceae family, it is considered a relative of the German medlar, but it is not actually a loquat.

Loquat japonica

Japanese medlar (Eriobotrya japonica)- the height of such a tree is about 8 m. The inflorescences and stems of the plant are colored grayish-red, as they are covered with dense felt pubescence. The shape of the leathery leaf blades is oval, their upper surface is shiny. The leaves are short-petioled or sessile, they reach 25 centimeters in length and 8 centimeters in width. They also have dense pubescence on the lower surface. The paniculate terminal inflorescences consist of five-petal flowers, reaching 10–20 mm in diameter; they are yellow or white in color. The tree is highly resistant to frost, which only increases over the years. Popular varieties:

  1. Champagne. Yellow fleecy fruits have delicate pulp.
  2. Morozko. This plant is intended for cultivation indoors or in a greenhouse. Its fruits lack astringency.
  3. Silas. The weight of fruits, similar in appearance to apricots, can reach 80 grams.
  4. Tanaka. The pear-shaped fruits are yellow-orange in color. The taste of the light pink pulp is sweet and sour.

German medlar has a lush, spreading crown, and it attracts designers with its brown-red leaves. Gardeners often plant two or three plants to the north of other crops, since mature trees provide an excellent barrier from the cold wind in winter. The medlar itself will not suffer from the cold, since the adult plant is very resistant to frost. Also, this crop is grown as a central point on garden plot, which is relatively small. The fact is that the crown of such a tree looks very impressive even without foliage, and in spring it is decorated with fragrant, flat, saucer-like flowers, painted white or light pink. Repeated flowering of this plant is observed in August or September. In autumn, the foliage changes its color to yellow-red or brown-red. Unusual fruits make medlar even more spectacular. This plant retains its decorative value throughout the season, so it is recommended to plant it in a row along the path in the garden; the result will be a park alley created from trees with closed crowns and straight trunks.

Properties of medlar: harm and benefit

Useful properties of medlar

The composition of medlar fruits includes iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, zinc, selenium, sodium, fructose, sucrose, citric and malic organic acids, vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, pectins, tannins and phytoncides that help get rid of gastrointestinal diseases, normalize intestinal function, and relieve pain from stones in the kidneys and urinary tract.

A decoction prepared from unripe fruits eliminates inflammation, and is also used to stop intestinal bleeding. A decoction is also prepared from the foliage collected during flowering, which has a strengthening, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effect. The fruits are used to prepare a tincture used in Japan during the treatment of asthma or bronchitis.

Such fruits are often included in the diet dietary nutrition, because they contain a lot of dietary fiber, antioxidants, citric acid and fructose, and they are also low in calories. Loquat promotes healing diabetes mellitus, eliminating symptoms of kidney dysfunction, cleansing the body of toxins and waste, eliminating intestinal disorders (for example, constipation) and intestinal colic, strengthening the immune system, increasing the filtering capacity of the kidneys, improving the functioning of the digestive organs and vision, normalizing blood pressure, preventing runny nose.

Since the fruits contain a large number of micro- and macroelements, as well as vitamins, which experts advise to regularly consume during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but only for those women who do not have individual intolerance of this product. The medlar pulp is suitable for making masks that give skin healthy color, help smooth out fine wrinkles and eliminate age spots.

These fruits are suitable for cooking different dishes, for example, jam, jam or compote. The juice obtained from them ferments quite quickly, and therefore it is used to make wine, liqueur or liqueur. The seeds of this plant are used to prepare a drink that is very similar to coffee.


It is necessary to give medlar to children with great caution, as there is a high probability of manifestation allergic reaction. Fruits, especially unripe ones, should not be eaten by those who have gastritis with high acidity, inflammation of the pancreas, or peptic ulcer duodenum and stomach. Even with such diseases, you should refrain from drinking medlar juice and wine. It should be taken into account that jam and preserves from medlar have a beneficial effect even on a sick and weakened body.

Question: “What is medlar?” interests many people, because Not everyone knows what this Caucasian fruit is and “what it is eaten with.” But medlar has many unique properties and advantages that make it a truly valuable find for every person. Due to its rich composition of vitamins and microelements, the culture is used as an excellent traditional medicine. In addition, it can be called a good treat that can decorate the table when receiving guests.

Let's look at the main features of such an amazing representative of the flora, talk about the use of medlar for practical purposes, as well as the features of growing it at home.

Medlar - what is it?

The plant appeared in the countries of the Middle East, and Iran is considered to be its homeland. In the territory Russian Federation the fruit appeared only in the 19th century, where the domestic variety was developed - Caucasian medlar. According to their own biological features loquat is a close relative of quince, hawthorn and pear. Mature tree grows up to 7-8 meters in height, has characteristic thorns on the branches and trunk, and also quite large leaves. Flowering begins in April, when the plant is covered with tiny white inflorescences.

Medlar fruits are the so-called “drupes” that appear near the leaves after flowering. They have a spherical shape and grow up to two to three centimeters. The taste properties are represented by special sourness and sweetness. Sometimes there are tart notes, due to which the fruit is often compared to apricot, apple, strawberry and passion fruit. Asking the question, “What does loquat look like?” - many people hear in response - to an apricot. Such fruits are not suitable for export, because... The shelf life is very short.

Currently cultivated around 30 plant varieties, among which:

  • Japanese;
  • Caucasian;

Representatives of the latter variety are widespread in the southern regions of Ukraine and Russia. It is not customary to grow the crop in other regions of the country, which is explained by unfavorable climatic conditions, due to which the plant simply does not have time to fully ripen, and the growing season lasts a very long time.

The bulk of cultivated plants are found on the Black Sea coast, so do not be surprised if you hear the opinion that medlar is a Crimean or Caucasian culture.

The main advantages of medlar

Medlar fruits are very popular due to their very rich composition, which contains:

  • phytoncides;
  • B vitamins, vitamin A and C;
  • tannins;
  • mineral elements including calcium, potassium, zinc, copper and iodine;

Availability rare potassium and vitamin A helps improve performance nervous system, and also has a beneficial effect on muscle contraction. In addition, the abundance of vitamin A is a real boon for people suffering from problems with vision or perception. Regular consumption of medlar leads to stabilization of the growth and development of the body, strengthens cell membranes and gets rid of dangerous toxins.

The medlar fruit is considered dietary product, which can be consumed by diabetics. There are about 47 calories per 100 grams of fruit, which is very little.

Other valuable properties of fruits

The plant is characterized by numerous beneficial properties and substances. Let's highlight the most famous:

Science has proven that medlar has 1500 times more valuable properties for the eyes than carrots.

In addition, the fruit has found its application in cosmetology. For example, before going to the beach, many girls eat a plate of grated fruit, after which the tan will be especially beautiful and even. Due to such a rich composition and unique properties, medlar is used for a variety of purposes and directions, considering it an incredibly valuable gift of nature for humanity.

Cosmetological purpose of the fruit

The orange product is considered an excellent remedy for traditional medicine and the cosmetology industry. Many creams and organic cosmetics contain some medlar substances, which help improve the condition of the skin, restore elasticity and natural color.

Leaf extracts are also added to the creams, which are excellent in combating teenage rashes or other skin diseases. There is one highly effective folk recipe to solve acne, acne and other troubles. It is as follows:

Take 30 milliliters of nectar, mix it with a teaspoon olive oil, a tablespoon of cream and a small amount of flour. Ready mix Apply to pre-moistened skin with light massaging movements. Then cover the mask with a paper napkin and leave for a quarter of an hour, after which it is washed off with lukewarm or cool water;

Cook very useful face tonic you can do it yourself. It is enough to get a glass of medlar juice and mix it with a small amount of vodka. It is enough to wipe your face with the resulting composition before applying any cosmetic product. However, this solution may be contraindicated for people with highly sensitive skin due to the presence of alcohol. The composition should be stored in the refrigerator.

Medlar - for fitness

The yellow fruit is also used as an excellent weight loss products. This Caucasian plant promotes faster and more productive cleansing of the body from all kinds of toxins, salt and other unnecessary substances.

In addition to cleaning work, medlar will be an excellent immunostimulant, which will replenish the supply of missing minerals and have a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines or stomach. The fruit will be useful on fasting days, because... It contains fiber and has very low calorie levels.

True, one cannot get carried away with such a practice. The optimal interval of fasting days is once a week, with a maximum allowable volume of 1 kilogram per day.

Whatever one may say, even such a healthy fruit has its contraindications for use as a food product. Before you start eating fruit, you need to make sure that your body will react normally to it.

Contraindications to the use of medlar.

Caucasian fruit will be contraindicated for those people who suffer from:

  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • stomach and intestinal ulcers;
  • pancreatic diseases;
  • for all kinds of cholecystitis;

In most cases, such contraindications are typical only for unripe fruits with high acidity. An adult, ripe fruit is unlikely to cause any harm, because... quantity beneficial properties hundreds of times higher than harmful ones. If you are fond of the sweet yellow product, but cannot eat it due to individual intolerance to some substances or contraindications, try using it as jam, compote and dried fruits.

The main thing is to be careful and observe moderation in everything. As already mentioned, there is an acceptable limit for consuming medlar, which is 1 kilogram of fruit per day. Don't exceed it, otherwise negative consequences can't be avoided.

Use in folk medicine

Tinctures based on medlar excellently fight bronchial asthma and chronic forms of gastritis. There are a number of highly effective recipes that allow you to create a truly valuable medical product. For example, many people prepare the following tincture:

  • The pitted fruits are placed in a blender and crushed until smooth. Then they are thoroughly mixed with honey and previously removed seeds. Next, rice vodka is added to the composition and it is again thoroughly mixed with a blender. Next stage consists of moving the tincture to glass jar in a dark, cool room for storage for one week. All that remains is to strain the resulting mixture through a fine colander.

The resulting product is excellent fights cough and removes phlegm from the body. To taste, it resembles almonds combined with apple and apricot. It is not recommended to use the drug for children, due to the high alcohol content.

In addition, in folk medicine Both leaves and seeds of medlar are used. Based on them, excellent decoctions are created that will become an indispensable assistant when fighting a sore throat or sharp pain in the throat.

A few leaves should be poured with a small amount of boiling water and the broth should be allowed to cool. You need to gargle at the first sign of a sore throat.

Bones can only be consumed in revised form, because they contain slightly toxic substances. The dried product helps improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Alcohol tinctures fight bronchial asthma, heart disease and other pain. If you notice significant problems with the stomach or intestines, the seeds should be boiled for 20 minutes, left to cool and used before meals in a volume of half a glass.

When to start collecting yellow fruit and how to store it

The collection of very valuable leaves is carried out throughout the summer. Fruit harvesting begins late autumn, when the characteristic acidity in the taste is replaced by increased sweetness and softness. If you don't pick the fruit before winter, you can leave it on the tree until spring. By the way, in warm regions they easily endure winter and remain fresh until March.

When harvesting fruits, you should give preference to medium-sized specimens without dark spots. The fruit is characterized by a short shelf life and rapid ripening. Storage in the refrigerator should be carried out in such a way that so that the fruits do not touch each other, otherwise they will start to deteriorate. By the way, the product can be stored in the room, however, the maximum shelf life will be no more than three days.

How to eat medlar

All nutrients and valuable microelements enter the human body only with proper use of medlar. For example, the fruit retains its benefits when used fresh, after first removing the seeds. The best tasting properties are found in those fruits that have hung on the tree for a long time, have a bright color and a clean surface, without stains or other defects. As for small fruits, they are, in most cases, very sour and overripe.

Peeling of the medlar peel can be done as desired. Some people like to eat fruit in its natural form, like an apple. It all depends on personal preference. In any case, the fruit is really very useful and necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Some people call the medlar one of the ugliest fruits on the planet (when it comes to the Germanic species). However, in the Middle Ages this tree was very popular, and Charlemagne loved it so much that he decided to plant medlar in every city he conquered.

What is medlar

Medlar is a tree from the Rosaceae family. Today, two types of medlar are cultivated in the world: German (or Caucasian) and Japanese. IN wildlife There are almost 30 varieties of this plant.

German medlar. It was known to the ancient Babylonians and residents of Transcaucasia. Today it is found in countries with warm climates, including Western Europe, and grows on the Crimean Peninsula and in western Ukraine. It is a deciduous plant with thorns on its branches. The fruits ripen after frost.

Japanese medlar. They are grown mainly by the Chinese and Japanese. It is distinguished by large orange-brown fruits with juicy pulp and thick skin (somewhat reminiscent). It blooms in autumn and bears fruit in spring.

The ugly appearance of the medlar has given rise to various ugly names for this plant. But despite the ugliness of the fruits, they taste very good. The medlar fruit resembles a giant fruit, only brown. More precisely, the color of ripe fruit varies from rust to dirty brown. Full ripening of the fruit occurs after harvest or on the tree after frost (when the fruit loses its astringency). After this, the fruit becomes soft, sweet, with a citrus flavor, and the aroma is reminiscent of a spicy baked apple. After peeling the ripe fruit from the skin and seeds, you can immediately consume it or make jams and jellies from it.

The fruits ripen on small trees that rarely exceed 2.5 meters in height. Unlike many fruit trees, loquats first develop green leaves in the spring and only then appear white flowers. The average life of these trees is about 50 years, the peak of fruiting is 2-3 years after planting.

There is not much information about the origin of this plant, but most likely the loquat originated in southwest Asia or southeast Europe in very ancient times. This fruit tree was grown by the ancient Greeks and Romans and was very popular in Western Europe during the Victorian era. Shakespeare mentioned medlar in his works, and it is still popular in Iran and Turkey. However, today it is almost never grown for industrial purposes. The thing is that the medlar becomes the most delicious at the stage shortly before the start of rotting. So the “window” of edibility for this fruit is very small. Besides, ripe fruit, when it is actually very tasty, appearance far from presentable.

Back in the Middle Ages, medlar fruits were also used as a remedy for intestinal disorders. However, over time, this fruit was undeservedly forgotten, but its high nutritional value and healing properties necessary for modern man.

Benefit for health

Medlar, like many other fruits, is rich in useful components, moreover, in optimal human body concentration. These amazing fruits are full of vitamins A, C, B1, B2. When it comes to medlar, one cannot help but think about the low-carbohydrate proteins that the fruit also contains. The mineral complex consists of iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, so we can say with confidence that daily consumption of these fruits will provide the body with the necessary dose of substances important for strengthening the immune system.

If we think about the medicinal properties of medlar, the best word to describe it is “universal.” Even in the Roman Empire, these fruits were known as fruits for the treatment of almost all stomach diseases. And today in alternative medicine this plant is used against digestive disorders, as a natural diuretic and laxative, and as a means to improve intestinal motility.

People with liver and kidney problems are advised to eat this fruit regularly as it provides effective detoxification of the body. Medlar also stabilizes the level of bad.

Chemical composition of fruits (per 100 g)
Calorie content 46 kcal
0.4 g
0.15 g
10.4 g
267 mg
17 mg
13 mg
11 mg
25 mg
0.25 mg
0.3 mg
0.1 mg
41 mcg
0.5 mcg
77 mcg
1 mg
0.03 mg
0.03 mg
0.1 mg
0.2 mg
15 mcg

Health Benefits

Medlar, as some say, is an ideal winter fruit that improves immunity, strengthens the body to fight viruses, and protects organs respiratory system. In addition, there is an assumption that these berries have aphrodisiac properties.

Natural antioxidant

Loquat is rich in vitamins A and C, phenols and vitamins, known for their properties. These substances remove free radicals from the body. The antioxidant properties of medlar reduce the risk of developing cancer, cataracts, and diabetes. These fruits also protect brain cells, prevent neurological diseases and memory loss.

Antiviral agent

Syrup from the fruit is used as a cough medicine, tea as an expectorant. In addition, medlar reduces the symptoms of angina pectoris. If you pour boiling water and infuse medlar leaves, basil, honey and licorice root, you will get effective drug for colds and asthma.

Ursolic acid in the leaves of the tree has an HIV-suppressing effect, although these properties of the plant have not yet been fully studied. And also Scientific research show benefits for the treatment of candidiasis.

Benefits for diabetes and heart disease

Tea made from this fruit is effective means for the regulation of triglycerides in the blood and cholesterol. This ability of medlar is determined by its presence in the fruit. It prevents the absorption of harmful fats in the colon. A low sodium concentration and fairly high potassium doses improve heart rhythm and stabilize blood pressure. This exotic fruit can also protect the heart from the effects of stress.

Prevention of osteoporosis

Clinical studies have shown that loquat relieves the symptoms of osteoporosis. The ursol compound contained in the leaves has been found to prevent mineral loss and also reduce the symptoms of joint inflammation associated with osteoporosis.

Anti-cancer agent

Medlar in the form of tea activates the removal of toxins from the body that provoke the occurrence of cancer.

Regular consumption of this fruit reduces the risk of disease, in particular prevents malignant degeneration of cells in the lungs, colon and oral tissues. Clinical experiments have also determined that the leaf extract can inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells.

Benefits for the eyes

Like medlar, it is good for eye health. And it's all about the high content of vitamin A, which helps maintain visual acuity and prevents tissue degeneration as a result of the oxidative process. Regular consumption of the fruit will help reduce the risk of developing cataracts and macular degeneration, and also improve vision. In addition, loquat is useful for maintaining eye pigmentation.

Detoxification of the body

It has diuretic properties, therefore it helps to quickly remove uric acid salts from the body, reduces the risk of kidney stones and the development of gout. And thanks to the high content of pectin, it blocks the absorption of toxins in the intestines, thereby preventing cancer. Tea made from the leaves is beneficial for strengthening the liver and overall detoxification of the body.

Rich source of vitamin C

Digestive regulation

Unripe fruits are used as an astringent; they have a beneficial effect on the health of the mucous membranes of the digestive organs. Medlar is also useful for people suffering from constipation, because thanks to fiber it regulates the digestion process. Meanwhile, excessive consumption of fruits is likely to cause severe diarrhea.

Benefits for the reproductive system

For the female body, the fruits are useful as natural remedy, regulating the menstrual cycle, as well as eliminating PMS symptoms. Medlar will protect men from prostate cancer and potency problems.

Harmful properties

Researchers found mandelic acid in medlar seeds and leaves. As a result of metabolic processes, it turns into cyanide. In addition, the seeds contain a substance that, if overdosed, causes shortness of breath and vomiting. And excessive indulgence in medlar tea can cause food poisoning. You should also be careful with the young leaves of this tree - they contain a substance that causes headaches. Unripe fruits are dangerous for people with stomach ulcers or inflammation of the pancreas. In addition, this fruit can cause allergic reactions. Introduce into children's diets also with caution, starting with 1 fruit per day.

The leaves of this tree have many medicinal properties. An extract or decoction of them is used for:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • diabetes treatment (increases insulin production);
  • promoting pancreatic health;
  • liver cleansing;
  • treatment of skin inflammation (added to creams);
  • combating viral diseases;
  • getting rid of depression;
  • improving the condition of people with HIV.

Medicinal medlar tea

Tea made from loquat is used as an alternative remedy for dizziness, infections of the mouth and throat, and as a drug that enhances potency in men. This remedy will also help with bleeding gums and relieve bad breath. And since loquat does not contain many calories, it is also safe for people on a diet or with diabetes.

How to cook

To prepare this drink you will need 2 medlars. Finely chop the berries and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Cover and leave for an hour. Strain and take three times a day.

What to cook from medlar

This fruit is used to make juices, tea, jams, and liqueurs. It can be consumed in any form, and you can be sure that the body will still feel the benefits from it. Here are some ideas for how to prepare your loquats.


Once upon a time, medlar jam was not an exotic dessert, but a traditional preparation for the winter. To prepare this delicious jam old recipe, you will need:

  • medlar (1 kg);
  • honey (1 kg);
  • (0.7 l).

Mix water with honey and boil. Add well-washed berries to the boiling mixture. Cook for 50 minutes, stirring constantly. Pour the jam (still hot) into sterilized jars, roll up and store in a cool place.


To prepare this drink you will need to prepare:

  • medlar (250 g);
  • water (2 l);
  • (130 g);
  • brandy or (500 ml).

Wash the fruits thoroughly, remove stems and pour into glass containers with a wide neck. Boil water with sugar and cool slightly, then pour into a bottle, and then add cognac. Seal the container tightly and shake to combine the ingredients. Leave for approximately 14 days at room temperature. It is important to shake the vessel daily. After 14 days of fermentation, strain through cheesecloth and can be consumed.

Medlar is known for many beneficial properties that amaze with its healing power. But this can easily be explained by its rich mineral and vitamin composition. However, in some cases, this wonderful fruit can be dangerous.

Medlar: all about an unusual fruit with a pleasant taste and many beneficial properties.

In the article we will talk about such an interesting fruit as medlar. Medlar, according to the definition from Wikipedia, is an evergreen tree that produces fairly large fruits with fleshy pulp (photo). Each fruit contains large seeds. The taste of medlar most resembles apricots and a little strawberries, and in appearance it is very similar to cherry plum.

Medlar is undoubtedly a useful plant, because all its parts are used - various desserts and delicacies are prepared from the fruits, drinks are made from the seeds, the leaves are most often used in the process of tanning and dressing leather, and wonderful crafts are made from the wood of the tree. We’ll talk in detail about exactly how medlar is useful for humans in the following sections of the article.

Medlar fruits have a lot of beneficial properties and this is not surprising - they contain a variety of vitamins and elements in abundance: vitamins B, C, beta-carotene, potassium, magnesium, copper and selenium. The calorie content of medlar is low - one hundred grams of fruit contains only forty-seven kilocalories, so medlar can be safely included in the diet menu.

We will tell you more about the benefits and harms of medlar in the next section of the article.

Medlar is valued for its benefits for many diseases and pathologies. Doctors recommend consuming the fruits of the tree for people suffering from asthma, hypertension, and diabetes. Medlar fruits will help strengthen the immune system, improve digestion and even remove kidney stones.

Consuming medlar compotes is useful for cleansing the body of toxins and other harmful substances, to prevent the development of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. Expectant mothers can also eat medlar - the vitamins and minerals in its composition will have the most beneficial effect on the development of the fetus.

However, it is worth remembering that improper and excessive consumption of medlar can be harmful to health. The fruit must be eaten only when ripe, otherwise an upset stomach cannot be avoided. It is worth considering the possibility of an allergic reaction to medlar, and therefore, if you are eating this fruit for the first time, do not eat much.

There are no diets with medlar, but there are fasting days with these sweet and sour fruits. Eating medlar berries during the day will help cleanse the body of accumulations of harmful and toxic substances, remove salts and excess water. Medlar is quite nutritious and therefore you won’t go hungry on a fasting day with this fruit.

It is important to remember that there can only be one fasting day with medlar per week and also that you cannot consume more than a kilogram of fruit per day.

How to grow medlar at home

Medlar fruits are rarely seen in stores, and therefore many fans of this healthy fruit want to grow a tree at home. The easiest way to do this is from a seed.

Japanese medlar is best suited for home cultivation, but cultivating German medlar can cause a lot of trouble.

To germinate medlar, you should take a fresh seed, which is important to clear of the pulp immediately before planting. To make sprouts appear faster, before planting in the ground, rub the seed with sandpaper and soak it in warm water for a day. If during the soaking process the seed floats to the surface, it must be thrown away, as it will not sprout.

You can plant the seed in the most ordinary seedling soil, but the container for planting must be equipped with drainage holes. The seed is buried in damp soil, and then the container is covered with polyethylene. Sprouts should appear in about three weeks.

Details of caring for medlar sprouts can be seen in the video that complements the article. The tree will bloom approximately in the third year of growth, and after another two years it bears fruit for the first time. If you are not afraid of such time frames for growing an evergreen tree, then you can safely begin cultivating the fruit, and medlar will delight you with beautiful flowers and tasty and healthy fruits.