Safe gas heater for a summer residence. Choosing a gas heater for a summer residence: an overview of the main characteristics and varieties. Video: how to choose a gas heater

Gas heaters are most often used as additional method heating. In case of insufficient central heating on particularly cold days, a gas heater will help ensure a comfortable microclimate in the room, as well as during the off-season, when it has already ended heating season or has not yet started when the air temperature is not stable. In this case, a gas heater will help you live through cold days in a warm house.

Gas heater for home or garden

A gas heater can be used as the main type of heating for a summer house or a small private house. It can also be used to heat a construction site where high temperatures are not required for operation.

An outdoor gas heater will be useful for a pleasant time in the evening on the veranda or just on fresh air.

Principle of operation

A gas heater runs on natural or liquefied gas. You can connect the equipment to the main gas pipeline, but if it is not available in the area or connecting to the pipe is impractical, there is the option of connecting a liquefied gas cylinder.

The gas heater consists of the following elements:

  • frame;
  • fuel source;
  • thermostat;
  • ignition system;
  • heating shutdown system.

A gas heater is relatively inexpensive and does not require huge costs to operate. It is mobile, easy to use and has a high efficiency.


A gas convector cannot be installed in an apartment in a multi-storey building; it is often installed in a country house, in a private house or an outbuilding.

The principle of operation is the convection heating method. Cold air is taken in and passed through the heat exchanger of the heater. There it heats up, at the exit it tends upward, where it displaces cold air.

There are convectors with natural and forced operating principles. Forced convectors are equipped with a special fan, which significantly increases the volume of air intake.

For more efficient work It is advisable to install the heater as close to the floor as possible.

The heat exchanger occupies a fairly large space of the heater. It has a burner installed. As the gas supply increases, the heating power increases. A convection-type gas heater requires a chimney, since combustion products must be removed.

Gas convector for heating a house

The combustion chamber can be open or closed type. In an open chamber, oxygen is taken from the room, and after combustion, combustion waste is discharged through regular pipe installed outside.

In devices with a closed combustion chamber it is used coaxial chimney. It is a “pipe in pipe” system. Through outer pipe Air is taken in, and the combustion product is discharged through the internal one. In this case, the heater does not burn oxygen in the room.

Advantages of a gas convector:

  • compact dimensions;
  • Beautiful appearance and varied design;
  • you can adjust the temperature in each room separately;
  • does not freeze;
  • high efficiency.


  • the convector heats only a separate room;
  • limited choice of power;
  • inability to heat water for domestic needs.

What to look for when purchasing:

  • What type of fuel does the convector run on?
  • What method of air convection does the heater provide?
  • The thermal output of the gas heater must meet the requirement.
  • What type of combustion chamber?
  • What material is the convector made of?

Catalytic gas heater

Types of catalytic heaters:

  • gas;
  • petrol;
  • infrared.

Catalytic heater is used for heating country house, dachas or utility room. It ensures the most efficient gas combustion process. Liquefied propane-butane is used as fuel.

The catalytic gas heater has a high degree of safety.

Operating principle: when fuel is oxidized with air on the surface of the catalyst, the combustion process occurs without noise and flame. This combustion method is much more efficient than flame combustion. In addition, the catalytic heater does not pollute the air.

Compact catalytic heaters for space heating

Heater advantages:

  • compact dimensions;
  • ease of transportation;
  • reliability;
  • high efficiency;
  • efficiency.


  • a gas-powered device with an open flame a priori poses some threat, although accidents are quite rare;
  • combustion product is released;
  • burns oxygen;
  • releases carbon dioxide.

What to pay attention to:

  1. The power of the gas heater must correspond to the area of ​​the heated room.
  2. It is necessary to pay attention to the presence of a thermostat.
  3. It is desirable to have piezo ignition included.
  4. The heater must be equipped with a security system.

A gasoline heater runs on gasoline vapor. The catalyst is made in the form of a mesh, which in some models is made of platinum.

Infrared catalytic heater

A ceramic infrared heater with a thermal panel performs heating in such a way that it is not the air that is heated, but the surfaces in the room. The air heats up from the surfaces.

Infrared gas heater

Advantages of catalytic infrared heaters:

  • does not affect human health;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • efficiency;
  • long service life;
  • doesn't highlight harmful substances;
  • adjustable operating mode;
  • quick installation;
  • silent operation.


  • high cost of the heater;
  • On the market a large number of uncertified heaters that are unsafe to use.

The quality of the heater is confirmed by reviews left by consumers on the appropriate forum. Before purchasing, it is better to pay attention to the online forum , in which this or that equipment model is discussed.

Outdoor gas heater

Outdoor equipment provides the opportunity to comfortably spend time outdoors in cool weather. Such heaters most often have the form street lamp or pyramids.

It is impossible to warm up the air outside, so the only option to warm up is to use an infrared gas radiant heater. It does not depend on any communications; it can be installed in the country at any point in the yard or where it is necessary. The heater warms the surface, not the air, so it is the only way to stay warm in an open area.

Outdoor heaters are used in the dacha, in the yard, on the veranda, in the gazebo, and are also used for outdoor cafes.

Outdoor infrared gas heater

Advantages of a gas outdoor heater:

  • the equipment can be used anywhere, even in the forest on a picnic or on the seashore;
  • the heater can be installed on the floor or ground, and also mounted on a wall or beam;
  • ease of installation;
  • an infrared gas heater can be powered by electricity if necessary;
  • besides heating, such gas equipment It also illuminates the area.


  • high price;
  • expensive repairs;
  • the need to periodically clean the gas heater;
  • need for refueling.

Stove with heater

A small piece of equipment that has two main functions. With its help you can cook food and, in addition, the stove heats the air. It is very convenient to use such a heater for a summer house or temporary building during construction or repair work. You can use such equipment in a warehouse, kiosk or garage.

The fuel used is diesel fuel or kerosene, which is converted into gas under the influence of high temperature. On the spiral, the resulting gas mixture is burned without leaving a residue. Thanks to this, no combustion product or excess odor remains.

Stove-heater for a summer residence, running on kerosene or diesel fuel

Advantages of stoves with heaters:

  • possibility of cooking;
  • compact dimensions;
  • low cost;
  • efficiency;
  • ease of transportation;
  • ease of installation;
  • independence from main energy sources;
  • Possibility to use on a picnic.


  • cannot heat a spacious room well;
  • When cooking food, only one process can be performed;
  • the need for frequent recharging;
  • It is important to periodically clean the equipment;
  • combustion product is released;
  • an unpleasant odor is formed.

Features to pay attention to:

  1. When purchasing, you must take into account that such heaters, given their negative sides, it is advisable not to use in residential premises. If you do this, then only if absolutely necessary.
  2. It is important that all components are made from quality materials.
  3. All connections must be reliable, gas leakage is unacceptable.
  4. It is desirable that the products have good feedback from consumers who are already using it. Almost every online store has its own forum where they leave reviews about the product.

Gas heat gun

The “heat gun” heater is so called due to its external resemblance to an artillery gun. It consists of a metal grille body through which air is drawn in, and a heating element. The heated air is exhausted outside using a fan located inside the system. In addition to gas, the gun can operate on liquid fuel or electricity.

A heat gun is used on construction site, in large pavilions, warehouses. You can also use it for a summer residence, since the room heats up quickly enough.

Stationary equipment is connected to the main gas pipeline, and portable equipment can be connected to a gas cylinder.

To operate a heat gun, it is necessary to connect not only fuel, but also electricity to ensure the operation of the fan.

The greater the power of the heater, the more air is heated in a certain time. This heats the room faster.

Thermal gas gun for heating spacious rooms

Advantages of a heat gun:

  • a gas heat gun can heat a large room;
  • fuel consumption is quite economical;
  • compact dimensions of the equipment;
  • ease of connection;
  • does not generate harmful waste.


  • there may be a foreign odor;
  • burns oxygen in the room;
  • it is necessary to monitor the equipment, since open fire is used;
  • high cost of operation;
  • a fuel supply is required, but you still need to connect it to electricity to ensure the fan operates;
  • presence of noise during operation.

When purchasing, it is important to consider:

  1. The power should be sufficient to heat a room of the required area, but not consume excessive electricity.
  2. The body must be made of of stainless steel and painted with special heat-resistant paint.
  3. It is imperative to have a fuse that will turn off the equipment in the event of a gas leak.
  4. If the heat gun will be used for a summer house or home, and will heat a living space, then it is important to purchase a heater with low level noise.

The forum will help you determine which heater is best. Reviews left by consumers on such a forum give preference to the manufacturers “Kroll”, “Master”, “Ballu” and “Sensei”, depending on the needs and technical characteristics of the equipment.

Safety precautions

  1. It is prohibited to remove the protective elements.
  2. Do not cover the device with cloth or clothing.
  3. The device must be installed in the position specified in the technical documentation.
  4. Cannot be directed infrared heater onto the surface of the gas cylinder or fuel supply hose.
  5. The room should be well ventilated.
  6. You cannot refill the cylinder yourself or disassemble the equipment.
  7. The heater must only be connected to the gas pipeline by a specialist from an organization that has the appropriate license.

Review of the KOVEA Fire Ball heater. Video

An overview of the advantages and disadvantages of the KOVEA Fire Ball KH-0710 gas heater is presented in the video below.

Today there are a huge number of options for heating a home or cottage. One of the main types of fuel is gas. An important advantage of this type of fuel is that if there is no main gas pipeline in the area, its presence can be compensated by liquefied gas in cylinders. Gas heaters have a high degree of efficiency and relatively low operating costs. An online forum where consumers leave their reviews about a particular type of product will help determine which heater will be the most effective for a particular case.

In contact with

Gas heaters for a summer house or country house - perfect solution with a minimum of hassle, and this is not a verbal statement, but the result of processing numerous reviews from the owners of these miracle devices.

  • How do they differ from each other?
  • How it works and what its operating principle is based on.
  • How to choose a model according to the available space?
  • Which one is better for a summer cottage, as well as for a house with people living in it all year round?
  • What is the most important thing to pay attention to when choosing a device?

What is a gas heater?

Gas household heaters are portable or stationary devices designed to increase the air temperature to values ​​at which a person feels comfortable. Depending on the model and, accordingly, design, such devices can operate either from main gas or from a propane-butane mixture from cylinders.

Gas heaters for cottages and houses - differences, design, characteristics

By location and mobility:

According to the heating method and operating principle:

Gas - devices operate on the principle of flameless combustion of fuel (gas) during internal space isolated chamber. With this method, the gas enters the energy resource, where it combines and mixes with injected air, after which the resulting mixture passes into the chamber where the final mixing of the components occurs. Under pressure, gas-air mixture enters the radiating panel area, after which oxidation of the mixture begins and, as a result, combustion begins.

Depending on the design of the device, the chamber can be closed or open.

The closed type of chamber of a gas heater for the home, according to reviews, is much more practical to use than its open type counterparts because in this case, fuel and combustion products (flue gases) cannot in any way enter the air of the room where the device is installed.

To minimize the risk of gas entering the open space of the room, units with an open insulating chamber are equipped with air analyzers and safety fittings (valve); in a critical situation, these devices turn off the device automatically.

Manufacturers guarantee high-quality heating gas units premises with a total area of ​​up to 40 m².

Important! Devices with open type cameras are not recommended for use in indoors without forced ventilation.

Gas catalytic heater - the name is due to the presence of a catalytic panel; it is used as a heating element through which heat is ultimately transferred. The most common material used to make the panel is fiberglass to which a platinum impurity is added as a catalyst.

Catalytic combustion is characterized by the absolute absence of flame. When defining this process, experts often use the term “surface combustion,” this happens because devices with catalytic heating use flameless gas-burners. The process occurs due to the flameless oxidation of certain inorganic substances.

Devices in this group operate on a propane-butane mixture, some models are equipped with a fan heater to enhance the convection of heated air, but what is noteworthy is that for normal operation of the gas catalytic heater turning on the fan is not at all necessary; this makes the device autonomous and independent of the power supply.

The average efficiency of such devices is 80%. One device of this type is capable of heating an area of ​​up to 80 m².

Infrared gas heaters have a significant difference from previous types of gas heaters heating devices– they are capable of heating not only a room, object, area of ​​floor or person, but also raising the air temperature to a comfortable one in an open space (gazebo, balcony, terrace, lawn, etc.). Both natural and liquefied gas are used as fuel. As the name implies, this type of device is equipped with an infrared reflector, which contributes to faster and more uniform heating of any area.

IR heaters, in turn, differ in:

  • “Light”, ceramic - radiation with a temperature of 800°C, during operation they illuminate the surrounding space. Operating principle of gas ceramic heater for a summer residence it is very simple: after connecting the power source (cylinder, line) to the heater fitting and opening the gas valve, the gas enters the device, where it is mixed with the drawn air. Then, through the divider, the gas is evenly distributed over inner surface ceramic plate, where the subsequent combustion of fuel and heating of the heating element occurs.
  • “Dark”, catalytic - radiation with a temperature not higher than 600°C; they practically do not emit light during operation. The operating principle is similar to household infrared gas heaters equipped with ceramic hob, here the gas also enters the device, mixing with air, but then the mixture passes through a heat-resistant tube, where it oxidizes, heats itself and heats the walls of the radiating element. After which the heat is reflected into space by a sectional or solid reflector located behind the tube.

Which is better for a house with people living in it all year round? Tips for choosing

The question is quite difficult, due to the fact that the buildings that need to be heated are different for everyone, some have big house several floors and lives there all year round, while for some people a small, cozy dacha for relaxation is quite enough. Accordingly, there are many differences - the area of ​​the building, the number of floors, the insulation of the building, the availability of gas (mains, cylinder), etc.


The heating area directly depends on this indicator. The required power, on average, is calculated on the basis of about 2 kW for every 1 m².


Important! When using natural gas, it is necessary to have a chimney or pipe to remove waste gases into the atmosphere.

Availability of protection and control devices

It is difficult to advise anything regarding this point, since the more functions and additional capabilities a gas heater for a summer residence has, according to reviews, the more expensive the device is, and yet manufacturers offer a lot of devices that not only facilitate setup and operation, but also provide maximum protection.

  • Protection against vertical loss - turns off the unit when it tips over.
  • Protection against gas leaks and flame extinguishing.
  • Power control (smooth or fixed) – makes it possible to significantly save fuel while maintaining optimal temperature conditions.
  • Carbon dioxide and air analyzers.
  • A device that regulates the amount of fuel supplied.
  • Piezo ignition.

One thing is for sure - no matter which device is chosen, a powerful infrared gas heater for the home or a compact device, for example, a catalytic type ideal for a small cottage, everyone who will bask near such a fireplace will be provided with warmth and comfort.

Video: how to choose a gas heater for a summer house

The use of gas as fuel for heating dacha buildings is now considered the cheapest option. Therefore, such heaters are becoming more and more popular among summer residents. Since there are quite a lot of their varieties, let’s look at how to choose the right gas heater for your dacha, taking into account the operating features of these products. Typically, such devices can be of two types - stationary and portable.

The most popular and sought after option is considered gas convectors. These stationary devices are designed so that the device itself is located inside the heated room, and the gas combustion chamber is located outside. Therefore, heating devices of this type are harmless (they do not burn oxygen indoors, but remove all combustion products outside the house).

Operating principle of stationary gas appliances consists of heating the combustion chamber, which is usually made of steel or cast iron, and not from heating the coolant (as is involved in boilers with a water heating system).

With gas-powered convectors, there is no need to constantly maintain heating to prevent the pipes from freezing or bursting.

One of the important advantages of this type of heating installations is ease of installation, which you can do yourself. The only thing that is required is coordination with the relevant services and the connection of the gas itself, which must be carried out by specialists. In the case of devices operating from liquefied gas supplied in cylinders, everything is even simpler. But with a cylinder or connected to a gas pipeline, such a heating device operates with high efficiency, heating up to 30 m2 premises (this is already a couple of rooms or a small house).

The only drawback with non-gasified summer cottage– there may be additional hassle and costs for transportation gas cylinders. But your favorite country house will be heated with its own autonomous heating.

Portable heaters

In addition to stationary gas-powered devices, their mobile version is also popular. In addition to being easy to move from place to place, they consume much less gas than stationary appliances. In addition, they can be used not only indoors, but also on the street.

The disadvantages of portable devices include:

  1. Their power is small (but they are capable of heating rooms up to 20 m2).
  2. Limitation of fuel supply (these are either ordinary separately installed gas cylinders or built-in small cylinders).

Heating devices with a catalytic panel as a heating element

This type of heater is the most suitable device for warming up country houses. Operating principle of the devices:

  1. The burning liquefied gas comes into contact with a plate on which a catalyst (fiberglass) is applied.
  2. At high temperature The process of flameless combustion begins, and the release of harmful substances and soot does not occur.

Do these devices work? silently, as a result of the contact of gas with the catalyst, the energy of the burned natural gas is converted into thermal energy, capable of heating a room of up to 20 m2. To recharge such catalytic installations, standard cylinders with a capacity of 5-7 liters are sufficient. liquefied gas, and the temperature of thermal radiation reaches 600 C.

Heaters with IR radiation

IR heaters are also capable of converting the energy of burning gas into infrared thermal radiation. Their operating principle is based on the use open flame, which is created using a ceramic burner, from this in heaters of this type radiation is generated with temperatures up to 800 C. Gas infrared heating devices are much more powerful than catalytic ones; they can heat fairly large rooms - up to 60 m2, especially if there is a built-in fan.

The high power of these devices entails high consumption fuel (liquefied gas cylinders with a capacity of 7-12 liters are already used here).

Gas guns

They are quite mobile, have great power, which makes it possible to effectively and quickly warm up even very spacious premises. Their operation is comparable to that of a small jet engine. These devices are relevant in the absence of electricity. Working on gas, they completely convert it into heat, and their efficiency reaches 100%.

Gas heat guns can operate by direct or indirect heating. In residential premises, the second option is preferable, since in this case combustion products do not enter the air, but are discharged through a special exhaust pipe.

Outdoor gas heaters

This type of heating device is a good option for those who want to extend the season of country weekends and picnics. They can be installed in a gazebo or just next to a barbecue, for example. In appearance, they resemble an ordinary lamppost, with a gas container built into its base. It is quite simple to use, the main thing is to refuel on time. It is still best to entrust the installation of an outdoor heater to specialists.

Advantages and disadvantages of gas household heaters

  1. Almost all of them are easy to install and reliable.
  2. They are easy to transport; compact small models can fit in a travel bag.
  3. They are economical and profitable (using gas is much cheaper than consuming electricity).
  4. The devices are quite safe.

The use of gas appliances also has some disadvantages:

  1. Since these devices use an open flame, some precautions are necessary.
  2. When using such devices, it is advisable to monitor the quality of ventilation and consider additional ventilation.

What is important to pay attention to when purchasing

When buying gas heaters for your dacha, you should pay attention to such points as:

  1. Safety indicator (presence of an emergency gas supply shutdown sensor).
  2. How much area can it heat?
  3. Frequency of heating (continuous or one-time heating for a short time).
  4. Device power.


Which one is better to buy? gas heater for a dacha? What household appliance will do this task well? It is important to understand why exactly the heater is being purchased:

  1. If it is needed stationary device For constant heating of a small cottage or one room, it is better to purchase a gas convector.
  2. If you need to heat several rooms with an area of ​​up to 20 m2, then silent and economical catalytic units would be a good option.
  3. To heat everything big house Ceramic IR heaters work well.
  4. If necessary, warming gazebos, terraces, pavilions is very effective heat guns and so-called street heaters.

Moreover, if something is unclear in technical specifications selected device, managers of any store will always suggest the most the best option heating for your dacha.

You can pay attention to an autonomous heat source. This is a portable device that can be installed in any desired place, it does not require electricity, it takes up little space and performs well its main function: heating the living space.

Advantages and disadvantages

If there is no electricity or gas pipeline at your dacha, don’t let this upset you. Mobile gas heaters for summer cottages work autonomously, from a small cylinder with compressed fuel. In addition to autonomy, they have other undeniable advantages:

  1. Simplicity of design. There are few elements that can break.
  2. Light weight, compact, able to be transported from place to place or moved in one house to different rooms.
  3. Cheapness. You don’t have to spend a lot on heating a room this way.
  4. Relative safety.
  5. Great efficiency. When burned, it releases a lot of thermal energy.
  6. Environmental friendliness. Saved optimal humidity air.

Mobile gas heaters for summer cottages operate autonomously.

The heater can be placed as conveniently as possible, not only on the floor, but also on the walls and ceiling.

Important! Complex Appliances requires thoughtful and careful handling for your own safety.

Prices for mobile gas heaters

mobile gas heaters


  1. Price. Costs more than electric.
  2. The need for control for ventilation of the room to remove excess CO2.
  3. Possibility of gas leak.

Remember that such units for a summer cottage with a cylinder use an open flame, so a heated room must be ventilate periodically.

The power of gas heaters for a summer residence is selected at the rate of 1 kW per 10 m2. In case of insufficient thermal insulation of the building, the power should be increased by approximately one and a half times.

In such units for a summer cottage with a cylinder, an open flame is used, so the heated room must be periodically ventilated.

Principle of operation

Units differ according to the method of heat transfer, mobility and location.

Most models have piezo ignition, and run on liquefied natural gas, sometimes on gasoline.

The most widespread are infrared ceramic gas heaters for summer cottages. The device consists of a burner that heats a special ceramic element. At a temperature of 600-800 degrees, the ceramic plate emits heat. Infrared rays are invisible to the human eye, but tangible. Radiation is heat. When it hits surrounding objects, it heats them up. The energy from fuel combustion is converted into heat and heats the room.

The space is heated by infrared radiation, formed when heating ceramic plates.

A small design with a power of 1 kW will warm up a room of 15 m2 in 30 minutes if the temperature outside is above zero. At temperatures down to minus 5 degrees, it will take one and a half to two hours to warm up a room of 20 m2 to 20 degrees.

You can maintain the set temperature using electronic regulator. As soon as the temperature drops, it switches on automatically.

The operating principle of a gas heater for a summer residence with a cylinder.


Important! Pay attention to the availability of warranty service, whether it is available, and which centers you can contact.

To prevent spontaneous combustion, the device is equipped with an automatic valve system.


Before you go shopping, you usually find out which type is preferable and why. Pay attention to the parameters of the home and the frequency of being at the dacha in winter, as well as the rating of gas heaters. It is not advisable to blindly follow the advice of a friend who bought a device for his own reasons and with characteristics suitable specifically for his home. This one may not suit you.

TOP 5 autonomous heating devices:

  1. Bartolini Pullover K. Catalytic, power 3 kW, fuel – compressed propane-butane, does not emit CO2. There is a flame level control sensor, automatic shutdown if it falls, and a controller for the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air. Equipped with piezo ignition, heating power regulator, silent in operation. Of the minuses - big sizes, price.
  2. Ceramic infrared gas heater Timberk. Power 4.2 kW, easy to move thanks to wheels, powered by propane-butane, 12 l cylinder included. CO2 concentration monitoring sensors, tip-over protection. Power is adjustable, ignition is automated. Inexpensive.
  3. Infrared gas heater NEOCLIMA UK-20. Power 4.2 kW, weight about 9 kg. Maximum safe during operation, it is equipped with fire sensors, oxygen content in the room and position in space. Suitable for rooms with a volume of no more than 80 m3. The price is average.
  4. BALLU BIGH-55. Infrared type, can operate from 27-liter propane-butane cylinders and pressure up to 3.7 kPa. Equipped with automatic equipment responsible for operational safety, piezo ignition, and 3 operating modes, designed for heating rooms up to 60 m2.
  5. Infrared ceramic TIMBERK TGH 4200 M1. The price is above average. Economical, runs on a 15 liter propane-butane cylinder. Equipped with sensors safety: flame control, tilting the device, CO2 content, shutting off the fuel supply if necessary.

That's all today larger number consumers refuse expensive methods of heating a country house if it is used mainly in the summer, or there is no infrastructure at the location. In such cases, an autonomous, properly selected gas heating source will be a good way out of a difficult situation and will provide comfort in any weather.