Black poppy spell where it is used. Poppy spell: effective rituals using this plant. The magical properties inherent in the plant and others

Every year on August 14th you can see people standing under the temple with poppies in their hands. The logic of these parishioners is as follows: in church they always consecrate something, and since today is “poppy”, then, therefore, the poppy must be consecrated. What is this - church tradition or pseudo-pious folk custom? What does it actually do? Orthodox Church August 14th?

On this day, two main events are indicated in the liturgical calendar - the Origin (destruction) of the Honest Trees Life-giving Cross of the Lord and the memory of the holy martyrs of the Maccabees. The first of them has Greek roots. In Byzantium, the peak incidence of infectious diseases occurred in August, therefore, “since ancient times, the custom of wearing Honest Tree The cross on roads and streets to sanctify places and ward off diseases."

On the evening of August 13 (July 31, old style), the Cross on which Christ was crucified, found by the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Queen Helena, was taken out of the royal treasury and placed on the altar of the church in honor of St. Sophia, the Wisdom of God. There he remained until the Feast of the Assumption Holy Mother of God. In the Russian liturgical tradition, this custom was transformed into the removal of the cross to the middle of the temple for the worship of believers. On the morning of August 14/1, before or after the liturgy, a small consecration of water is performed.

The seven holy Maccabean martyrs: Abim, Antoninus, Gurias, Eleazar, Eusevo, Adim and Markellus, their mother Solomonia and their teacher Eleazar suffered in 166 BC. At that time, Judea was ruled by Antiochus IV Epiphanes, the Greco-Syrian king of the Seleucid Empire, who pursued a harsh policy of Hellenization of the Jewish population of Judea. Key element Such a policy was a desire to force Jews to abandon the peculiarities of their faith and introduce into Judea Greek culture and religion. In 167 BC, Antiochus turned the Temple of Jerusalem into a sanctuary of Olympian Zeus. The apogee of persecution was the pagan sacrifices at the main Jewish shrine. Jews who refused to participate were persecuted.

The ninety-year-old elder and teacher of the law Eleazar was tried for his adherence to the Mosaic Law. He resolutely went to his torment and died in Jerusalem. The same courage was shown by the disciples of Saint Eleazar - the seven Maccabean brothers and their mother Solomonia. They were judged in Antioch by King Antiochus Epiphanes himself. The martyrs fearlessly recognized themselves as followers of the True God and refused to sacrifice to the pagan gods. The eldest of the young men, who was the first to give an answer to the king on behalf of all seven, was given over to terrible torture in front of the other brothers and their mother. Five more brothers, one after another, suffered the same torment.

There is a seventh brother left, the youngest. Antiochus suggested that Solomonia persuade the boy to renounce so that she could have at least her last son, but the courageous mother refused this. The boy resolutely rejected the king's entreaties and endured the torment just as firmly as his older brothers. After the death of all the children, Solomonia, standing over their bodies, raised her hands with a grateful prayer to God and died.

In the same year, an armed uprising broke out in Jerusalem. It began with the murder by the priest Mattathias of a Jew who made a sacrifice on an altar built by the Greeks. After this, Mattathias and his family fled to the mountains and soon united the rebel groups that had previously operated in Judea and Southern Samaria. The head of this army was his third son Judas, a talented military leader.

At the very beginning of the uprising, Judas received the nickname Maccabeus. Several versions have been put forward to explain its meaning. According to the most common assumption, this name goes back to the Aramaic "maccaba", which meant "hammer" - in recognition of Judah's courage in battle. It is also possible that the name Maccabee is an acronym for one of the Torah verses and is translated as “Who is like You, O Most High!”

The Jews gained independence from the Seleucids. The temple, defiled by pagan idolatry, was cleansed and consecrated. In the rebel war, Judas Maccabee died, but his work was continued by his brothers, who also began to be called the Maccabees. Later, this nickname spread to all defenders and confessors of the faith during the persecution of Antiochus Epiphanes - including the martyrs Abim, Antoninus, Gurias, Eleazar, Eusevo, Adim and Marcellus, whose memory is celebrated on August 14. All these events are narrated in the 2nd Book of Maccabees, which is part of the Bible.

In the liturgical texts of August 14, one can find calls to be as firm in confessing one’s faith as the Maccabean martyrs, to have the same strong hope in God. There is no call to consecrate the poppy. This folk custom, which arose due to the consonance of the words “poppy” and “Maccabee,” still had some meaning when poppies grew in everyone’s yard. Bringing the first fruits of a new harvest of anything to the temple, consecrating them, treating someone with them - there is such a practice in Christianity. But the practice of buying a certain product on a certain day, taking it to church and attaching some mystical meaning to this action is difficult to call Christian.

We will talk about one of them today. We will also consider what traditions exist associated with it. In addition, the topic of the meal will be touched upon, as well as what should be prepared on this day. So, what kind of holiday is this - Makovei? Most people know it under a completely different name. They know it as During this period they pump in the apiaries healthy honey, the poppy is also starting to ripen. There is an opinion that the Makovei holiday is the real one. Perhaps this is so. And if you start deciphering the word itself, you get “poppy holiday”. Because the word consists of two parts: “poppy” and “wey”.

Flowers and bouquets - and families

What is so special about this unique holiday of Makovei? On this day, all people collected bouquets of flowers of asters, carnations, marigolds, cornflowers, mint, wormwood and yarrow. Residents of different regions added their own plants and herbs. This is how bouquets with carrots, corn, peas, and dill appeared. They wove wreaths and added a candle to them. In each such folk “masterpiece” the owner invested hope for a productive year and prosperity in the house. But a mandatory attribute of such a bouquet was the poppy and its ripe heads.

This bouquet was called in a special and very affectionate way - “makoveychik”. With these flowers, all the parishioners went to the church for the service. There they consecrated collected herbs. Arriving home, the bouquet is put away behind the icon. This poppy was used to protect their homes and livestock living in the yard. It was believed that these seeds could protect a newly born child from the “evil eye.”

Therefore, they scattered poppy seeds in front of the thresholds of their houses. Many believed that if you scatter the seeds in a circle and stand in this “drawn” amulet, you can get rid of all evil, and forever. All consecrated herbs healed any illness, purified well water and returned family happiness to the house. Exactly one year later religious holiday Makovei, when the new bouquet was ready, the old one had to be burned.

Also, honey and a ritual dish - “shuliki” - were brought to the church for consecration. This interesting pastry consisted of cakes, broken into pieces, filled with water, honey and mashed poppy seeds.

Each housewife prepared her own special food on this day. Who baked pies, donuts and pies. But poppy seeds and honey were added to any prepared dish or dough. Like this interesting tradition There is.

Holy water

On the Makovei holiday, people were especially careful with water. Mid-August is always characterized by hot weather. Due to the dry summer, mass diseases could begin. The water was blessed, believing that this ritual purified it. Therefore, there is another name for this holiday - Water or Wet Spas. They tried to dig a new well for this very day; holy water was prepared for the sick, pregnant women and children. In addition, they sprinkled it on stacks of hay and straw so that mice would avoid making their nests in the stacks. On this day in Byzantium, during a period of drought, the cross on which Jesus was crucified was used to purify water.

Healthy honey

It’s understandable why the poppy is considered a sacred plant on the Feast of Macovei. But it is not clear why honey was treated equally in Rus'. Probably because it's very useful product bees' labor And before, honey was added to almost all dishes, it replaced sugar, and was even used in cooking. various dishes from meat.

What is served on the table on holiday?

But the holiday of Macovei is known and celebrated not only in Rus'. In Georgia, Ukraine and Romania they also observe Orthodox traditions and celebrate in their own way. In every home, porridge is always served at the table. corn flour with the addition of honey and poppy seeds. This dish was cut with a knife, as it was very thick. The drinks also contained honey and herbal infusions.

So, if housewives want to please their loved ones original kitchen, you should remember that this will be very opportune on August 14, the Makovei holiday is a special day. Therefore, you need to prepare delicious and healthy dishes. I just want to give one piece of advice: before adding poppy seeds to the dough, you should first chop it up and soak it in water. Juiciness and aroma are guaranteed.

Another explanation for the name

Orthodox Christians have their own explanation for the event to which the holiday is dedicated. Worth contacting Old Testament. The holy martyrs, the seven Maccabee brothers, who refused to accept the pagan faith because they believed only in the True God, are honored and remembered. The brothers, along with their mother Solomonia and teacher Eleazar, were put to death on this day. From this day, people begin to observe a two-week strict Therefore, the day of August 14 is rightfully considered and celebrated as the church holiday of Makovei.

In our time, this is one of the biggest events for Orthodox believers. In all churches and temples, the Life-Giving Cross is always brought out, worshiped and asked to be delivered from all diseases and forgiven sins. On this day, horses and other livestock were bathed for the last time, and they themselves washed themselves in rivers and lakes to gain strength and health.

Shuliki - delicious pastries for children and adults

August 14 is the holiday of Makovei. He pleases delicious pastries, especially children. The unusual jokes that were mentioned earlier can be prepared and served. The dough is prepared lean and unleavened. It is suitable for baking in the oven and frying in a pan. Getting ready yeast dough in the following way. You will need one glass of water, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt, three tablespoons vegetable oil, three glasses of flour and 1 teaspoon of yeast.

You need to knead a stiff dough. Roll out, cut into small pieces and place in the oven for baking. This is only one part, the so-called blank. Now you need to prepare the poppy seed sauce. Take 200 grams of poppy seeds. One glass of water and sugar. Pre-grind the poppy seeds in a coffee grinder. Place everything in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Then add poppy seeds and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Pour the baked dough pieces into the cooked sauce. That's all, the dish is ready. Now you can safely serve it on the table.

A little conclusion

Now you know when the holiday of Macovei comes. On August 14th it happens. Even during the time of Rus', this holiday was one of the “sweetest”. The hospitable hosts treated guests, acquaintances and relatives not only to freshly harvested honey. What kind of delicacies did women come up with! After all, you need to have time to eat, then fasting will begin. Children and adults enjoyed poppy seed pies, buns and gingerbread cookies. Pancakes were served to the table for the holiday of Makovei. On August 14, poppy seeds were sprinkled into all pie fillings. And in clay pots Sweet honey of various varieties was always served.

The poppy flower can be compared to a one-day butterfly, just as beautiful, vibrant, bright and also short-lived. In spring, when all living things awaken, the poppy flower blooms. Even before the sun breaks over the horizon, heavy buds burst, swaying heavily on a stem that feels like velvet to the touch. Delicate scarlet petals, washed by the predawn dew, appear towards the rising sun. The poppy flower resembles a fire bowl with a coal in the middle. The spectacle is unforgettable. Looking at the carpet of blooming poppies, one imagines moths fluttering in the wind, and one gets the impression that in the next moment they will break loose and begin to rise into the endless blue of spring. However, by the evening of the next day, the scarlet petals fall off, and the flowering time is over.

Poppy. Legends of origin

There are several legends telling about the appearance of poppy. God created the earth, seas and rivers, forests and mountains, animals and plants. Everyone was happy. But the night cover hid all this beauty. Night, with the help of a scattering of stars, tried to reveal the beauty of the world for its time, but its efforts were in vain. Then God decided to make the Night happy. He created sleep and dreams. They turned out to be welcome guests with the arrival of Night. As the years passed, both passion and cruelty awakened in people. And one day Son was unable to approach the man who was planning a murder. Then Son, with feeling, stuck his magic sleeping rod into the ground. And it came to life, took root, grew, turned green and turned into a poppy, retaining its power to induce dreams and sleep.

A similar legend says that the poppy was given by the goddess of the Night, Flora. Night asked Flora for such a plant so that people, seeing it, would begin to love the night, so lonely and sad. That's when poppies appeared. Morpheus was appointed as their guard. Around his home there were dense thickets of poppy flowers. They kept within themselves light dreams, which, with the onset of Night, Morpheus sent to people.

When the poppy faded, a box containing thousands of small seeds. The boxes burst, and the seeds scattered, fell to the ground, giving life to new plants. Therefore, the poppy acquired the meaning of fertility and marriage. He became a constant companion of Hera, the goddess of earth and fertility, and her temple and statue, located on the island of Samos, were decorated with poppy heads. The harvest goddess Ceres was also depicted with a poppy in her hands, and her statues were decorated with wreaths woven from ears of grain and decorated with poppy flowers.

According to the ancient Greeks, the poppy flower was created by the god of sleep Hypnos for the goddess Demeter. For a very long time, Demeter had been looking for her daughter Persephone, who had been taken to his kingdom by Hades. Without sleep and rest, Demeter could no longer help the grain grow; famine began. Then Hypnos gave Demeter a poppy infusion so that she could sleep, relax and help revive the harvest.

The ancient Romans believed that the poppy grew from the tears of the goddess Venus for the death of her beautiful beloved Adonis. And according to Buddhist legend, these flowers grew where the eyelashes of the sleeping Buddha touched the ground.

Poppy: meaning and deities

In some translations, the poppy is called "blind blow" and "weak head." The poppy acquired the first meaning due to its such a bright, dazzling color, the second – because of the strong aroma of flowers that can cause headache. It was dedicated to everyone and the night deities.

Persephone, goddess underworld, was depicted entwined with woven poppy flowers, investing the meaning of peace in this plant.

Hypnos, the god of dreams, was depicted as a lying or sitting young man holding poppy heads in his hands, or with a wreath of them on his head. They talked about his power of sleep with aspiration. Neither mortals, nor gods, even Zeus himself could resist her. Hypnos gently put everyone he touched into sleep with his wand or poured a drink from the horn of sleeping pills.

The god Thanatos did not ignore the poppy flower either. He was depicted as a young man with black wings, wearing robes and a wreath of poppies on his head.

The sleeping pill or opium variety of poppy is grown on an industrial scale in some countries. Opium is obtained from unripe poppy pods, which is a raw material for the production of medicines and, unfortunately, drugs, which is why the cultivation of poppies is prohibited in many countries.

Poppy found distribution in the East. And if before the ninth century he was known only as food supplement, then later this plant began to be grown precisely for the purpose of obtaining opium. The harmful and destructive hobby has reached such proportions that the government, in particular China, banned the cultivation of poppies and the import of opium.

But poppy seeds have also found a completely harmless use - in cooking and confectionery. Technical oil is produced from the seeds of this plant.

Poppy. Magical meaning

All wildflowers, which include the poppy, are inhabited by special essences -. They can be both good and evil. They can help in new endeavors, but they can also mislead. Don't forget about this as you go on a pleasant walk through the meadows of wildflowers.

In fortune telling and magic, poppy should be used with caution. The results will not always be expected and predictable. However, poppy seeds are widely used in love magic, in protection from the restless, in counteracting evil spirits, protecting livestock from all sorts of misfortunes. Poppy was actively used in wedding ceremonies, at the birth of children, and even in predicting the future.

Poppy served as a talisman against various evil spirits. Our ancestors used it against the “walking dead.” This flower was lowered into the coffin of those suspected of being a witch doctor, and sprinkled around the graves of suicides, hanged men and sorcerers. Numerous poppy seeds and the spell “Then you will enter the house when you have collected this poppy” were supposed to save you from the rising “zombie”. During the funeral procession, poppies were scattered along the road to the cemetery and thrown after the coffin.

For almost the same purpose, the entire house was sprinkled with poppy seeds while walking in the sun - this was supposed to protect the house from visits by a vampire. According to legend, until devilry does not collect a lot of scattered poppy seeds, it will not be able to pass further, and, accordingly, will not cause harm. However, in order for the poppy to acquire such magical properties, it must be consecrated on St. Valentine's Day. Makovia, that is, August 1.

Mac was designed to protect against evil eye and evil witchcraft. Czechs and Slovaks had a tradition of showering the corner where a woman in labor and her newborn lie. The poppy also had a protective meaning in wedding ceremonies.

Mak was the protector of people and their livestock from snakes. On the eve of the holidays, the villagers laid poppies in the house, fumigated the hut with it, and sprinkled it on the livestock so that they would not crawl and bite.

Orally folk art There are many mysteries that tell about its properties:

  • He fell into the ground dead, rose from the ground alive, dropped his red cap and put people to sleep.
  • I throw gunpowder and it will become a city, Moscow, Lithuania.
  • Seven hundred Cossacks under one cap.
  • The arrow is a homemade one, it is built by itself, it is made by itself, on the arrow there is a town - seven hundred governors, a thousand Bukharans, one and a half hundred Tatars.

People used these plants to look into the future. For this, a simple ritual was performed. They took a dry poppy box, made a small hole in it and removed the seeds. Then a question was written on a small piece of colored paper. The piece of paper with the question was folded and placed in a box that was placed near the bed. At dawn, the sleeper received an answer from a prophetic dream.

In Germany, they made wishes for the events of the coming year in the following way: they stood at midnight at Christmas at the crossroads of two roads, held a mortar in their hands, into which they poured poppy seeds, hit it three times with a pestle - and by some miracle they heard the coming events in these sounds.

Many conspiracies have been invented for the poppy, including against the boss and against. After all, it happens that a boss unfairly finds fault with an employee, point-blank not wanting to see the merits. Or the employee really did something seriously wrong. In order for the boss to change his anger to mercy, you need to do the following: prepare a poppy seed and a bag made of natural fabric, whisper the words of the conspiracy to the poppy nine times, and then throw a pinch of poppy from the bag to the boss workplace. If you also need to make a wish for a promotion, then they put poppy seeds both in your shoes and in your pocket. Poppy. Meaning and superstitions


The poppy flower can be compared to a one-day butterfly, just as beautiful, vibrant, bright and also short-lived. In spring, when all living things awaken, the poppy flower blooms. Even before the sun breaks over the horizon, heavy green buds burst, swaying heavily on a stem that feels like velvet to the touch. Delicate scarlet petals, washed by the predawn dew, appear towards the rising sun...

This flower captivates with its beauty. In many cultures around the world, the poppy is a symbol successful life, well-being and prosperity. But few people know that the bright and fragile flower is successfully used in both white and black magic. For example, damage to poppy seeds is one of the most common and effective ways fight against your enemies. The fact that poppy has been used in magic for a long time is a proven fact. Even the ancient Egyptians and Assyrians widely used it in various types magical rites. The use of poppy seeds is practiced by magicians for various purposes. As a rule, it is charmed to attract love and luck, improve financial situation, as protection against negativity, and also to cure various diseases.

The influence of poppy spoilage

In magic, the secrets of a successful poppy spell lie precisely in negative impact on the sacrifice. Before using such a conspiracy, keep in mind that damage has a destructive effect on a person’s energy field and his immune system. It leads to gradual degradation of personality.

Such an evil eye can greatly harm your family life, health, and destroy your career. Damage caused by poppy is a negative program, which in some cases even leads to the death of a person.

Poppy lining

No less popular in magic are the so-called poppy linings, when the seeds of a plant are sprinkled in a house or apartment, at work or in the yard in order to send various problems to one’s ill-wisher.

If you find such a lining at home, it means that you have really annoyed someone. Be careful! Such things are not to be joked about, as they can lead to serious consequences such as serious illness, divorce and breakup family relations, business failures.

Finding poppy seed at home is a warning sign. What to do when you find this unpleasant “gift”? It is necessary to accurately reproduce simple actions.

  1. Immediately get rid of what was poured into you. Remember that it is prohibited to pick up poppy seeds with your hands. Use gloves, but be sure to throw them in the trash afterward.
  2. What is found must be burned or buried. At the same time, read the prayer and ask higher power protect you from damage.
  3. The house should be cleaned, while Special attention Focus on corners and dark nooks and crannies. You can also sprinkle the room with holy water.
  4. Be sure to visit the temple and light candles, order magpie for health for yourself and your loved ones.

Poppy seed

This The best way in order to fatally quarrel between friends, lovers, spouses. After using such a ritual, people who love and respect each other become sworn enemies. It also helps very well to overcome the effects of a love spell.

What is the correct way to cast a spell on poppy seeds? Mix it with salt and say these words three times:

“Mak-makovey, you are my assistant! I add this mixture and separate friends (lovers, husband and wife) forever! Just as the poppy crumbles, so does a quarrel happen! My word is strong! Amen!".

After which the poppy should be sprinkled on the threshold of the house where the people you want to quarrel live with. If you want to separate your husband from his mistress and return him to the family, it is best to bake buns with a charmed mixture and feed them to your loved one. When baking, say:

“I’ll sprinkle some salt and crush it with poppy seeds!” I will get everything I want! My beloved hubby is returning to me, and our happiness begins anew with him!”

In just a few days he will leave the homewrecker and return home.

Poppy ritual at a wedding

Some offended women, in order to take revenge on their loved one who preferred another, use poppy seeds sprinkled during the wedding as spoilage. Having walked through the enchanted seeds, the newlyweds will no longer be able to build a happy family life. Their home is filled with quarrels, scandals, misunderstandings and disappointment. They will also begin to be haunted by material troubles, difficulties at work and health problems.

Before performing the ritual, keep in mind that it must be carried out on days when the Moon is just beginning to gain its strength. It is also necessary to make certain preparations.

  1. Buy a poppy at the market or supermarket (it’s better if it’s a poppy box), and wrap it in a bag specially made for this purpose.
  2. Take it with you when you go to church.
  3. Read the Lord's Prayer 7 times. When you get baptized, don’t forget to touch the bag of poppy seeds.
  4. Before you sprinkle poppy seeds on the road around the registry office or in the house where your loved one lives, concentrate and imagine in detail what you want to achieve. It is necessary for the poppy to be saturated with your negative energy. Then carry out your plans.

Ritual with salt

Why use this ritual? Firstly, in order to ruin your competitors. And secondly, to improve your affairs. To successfully perform such a ritual, you should take an equal amount of salt and poppy seeds and sprinkle and sow this mixture wherever your victim happens to be. This will lead to the fact that the person will not be able to concentrate on work, and he will feel sleepy all the time. He will gradually lose interest in everything and as a result the business will decline.

  • You can also sprinkle seeds in the corners of the house so that evil forces cannot enter it.
  • Very good way To protect your baby is to put a little poppy in your school bag, then he will always be protected.
  • If you are going to visit and you know that there will be people there who are not very pleasant for you, from whom you can expect any dirty tricks, sprinkle some poppy seeds under your right heel and then you are guaranteed protection from the evil eye.
  • Poppy can also help you look into the future. A very simple and effective ritual will help you with this. Take a piece of paper and write on it what is bothering you. Wrap a handful of seeds in it and place it under your pillow overnight. In the morning correct solution problems will come to you naturally. The main thing is to be positive!
  • And 1 more important advice. The poppy, which was consecrated on Macov's day, has the most powerful magical properties. If for some reason you did not make it to the service, you can bless the poppy with holy water at home.
  • When using this or that conspiracy, remember that much depends on your intentions. If you use magic to cause harm, be prepared for the evil to turn against you. Therefore, think seriously before resorting to this or that magical ritual.