Types of furniture components, their purpose and installation methods. Furniture fittings and components Connecting fittings for furniture types

The quality of furniture assembly and the reliability of its operation are largely influenced by fasteners designed to connect individual elements to each other and used for installation of products. Of course, the type and design features of the fasteners depend on the category of furniture and the conditions of its use.

Modern industry offers sufficient quantity new fastening accessories that greatly facilitate the assembly of furniture and increase the durability of its use in the most unfavorable conditions. For example, kitchen samples made from cheap particle board are more likely to fail through panel delamination or peeling. decorative covering than they will fail due to poor quality or reliability of fasteners.

Today, with industrial and self-production For furniture products, quite a few types of fasteners are used, differing in functionality, method of fixation, size and protective coating.

Fastener categories

If half a century ago the main elements for assembly components furniture were wooden dowels, and installation of various pieces on site was carried out using nails or screws, today the range of accessories for connecting individual parts and elements of furniture has expanded significantly.

Modern fastening and connecting parts can be divided into several categories, including both highly specialized products and universal fittings:

The most common types of furniture fasteners

Let's consider the most common groups of connecting and fastening fittings for furniture, the features of their installation and operation.

Button or decorative head screws and bolts with a fixing mustache or carriage - the main specimens used to tie individual panels frame furniture. Thanks to the fixing mustache or square head, the bolt (screw) is fixed in the hole of the particle board, which prevents it from turning. Due to this design feature, the assembler has the ability to tighten the nut without additional fixation of the screw.

Universal screws with countersunk or semi-countersunk head have splines various shapes(cross, with internal hexagon, straight slot and others) and intended for fastening individual assembly parts inside furniture structures. They are used for:

On a note!

When using universal screws, either screwdrivers with replaceable bits or sets of screwdrivers with replaceable tips are used.

Confirmats (europrops) V modern production furniture are the most popular type of fastening and fixing devices. This type is used for fastening any parts made of chipboard or MDF panels.

Before screwing in the Euroscrews, holes are pre-drilled in the parts using a special confirmatory drill, the diameter of which depends on the diameter of the fixing element. To screw this type of fastener, use either special bits or screwdrivers with seed tips. The type of bit or attachment depends on the type of slot.

Eccentrics other accessories, bearing the somewhat exotic name of rasteks and minifixes, allows you to connect and attract panels located at right angles to each other. Despite the obvious advantages of this category of fasteners, their main disadvantages are:

  • the need for additional milling of furniture panels to install individual fasteners;
  • relatively high cost.
  • high accuracy markings and complexity of installation of individual fasteners;

On a note!

To install individual minifix parts, you will need three different types of woodworking tools - one end mill and two drills of different diameters.

Furniture corners have proven themselves to be a reliable, easy-to-install element. Today they can be made either of metal or of special, high-strength plastic. At industrial production The color of the plastic corner is matched to the color of the furniture.

Modern furniture dowels made of wood, plastic or metal. Their main advantages are the low cost and ease of connecting furniture parts together. To increase the reliability of the connection, there is a corrugation on the surface of the dowels.

Special types of fastening accessories

Today, furniture, individual parts of which are made of glass sheets or in the form of mirrors, is becoming increasingly popular. If ten years ago glass was mainly used as doors on furniture cabinets and display cases or doors on racks and shelves, today glass table top magazine or dining table you won't surprise anyone.

To connect glass parts and furniture elements made from other materials, special types of fittings are used, which are attached to glass surfaces with the help of special adhesive compositions, when wrinkling the clamps with rubber gaskets or by drilling holes in the glass. When choosing this category of fittings, you must pay attention to the weight that it can withstand, which is specifically stated in the instructions for its use.

This review will focus on new furniture fittings.

Modern sewing accessories: types and applications

There are no clothes without fasteners, as well as any decor or decorations. And in one word, all this is called sewing accessories, and only it makes our clothes complete.

Such fittings serve many purposes - first of all, to ensure that the components of clothing are held firmly in place, but at the same time, fittings attached in prominent places also serve as decoration. Therefore, sewing accessories can be divided into multifunctional and decorative, but now often one type flows into another - multifunctional accessories also have decorative functions, and decorative ones perform functional tasks.

For example, buttons have always been classified as functional accessories, but over time they have become bright, matte or shiny and at the same time began to serve as decorative accessories. And such items of decorative accessories as buttons and buckles cope not only with the purpose of decorating clothes, but also with the mission of fastening them. But there are also purely decorative accessories - for example, lace, acrylic rhinestones, beads or fringe. Such elements, which seem to have no practical significance, decorate clothing and give it a complete look - therefore, without them, those who want to have beautiful clothes there's no way around it.

There is such a piece of decorative fittings as braid. Made from cotton or linen threads, it is used by manufacturers of folklore or any natural clothing, has found its application in finishing linen and quite widely - for warm clothes and shoes.

Widely used zippers, hooks and snaps, as well as buttons and buckles are designed to create a unique piece with a personal touch. Now we are faced with accessories for sewing products that have only their own character. And if earlier its sound was quite aggressive, now all such fittings have acquired feminine lines, become soft and delicate. This delicacy especially affected the button fasteners, without which any modern clothing is generally impossible. There is such a variety of buttons as clamp buttons - they are very convenient to use for haberdashery items, as well as for shoes. But this type of fastener is very versatile, and is perfect for both summer clothes and outer, warm and winter clothes!

You cannot ignore such decorative elements as various beads made of plastic and metal, pendants or rings. But any sewing accessories in traditional or modern style must be of high quality first and foremost. It should not emit odor or emit harmful chemical substances. Moreover, the fittings must be resistant to discoloration and not subject to premature abrasion and stretching.

All about accessories

Tell friends:

Depending on the technical functions, the following are distinguished: main types of furniture fittings by groups.

1. First group- these are the mechanisms that are needed to connect and fix the position of parts relative to each other. This group includes furniture fittings for permanent connections, detachable connections and movable connections.

Furniture fittings for permanent connections combines screws, screws, nails (including wallpaper), bolts, rod holders, dowels, brackets, couplers, furniture hooks, upholstery “buttons” upholstered furniture etc. The general name for them is connecting fittings for furniture.

As for couplers, they are divided into eccentric and connecting. The eccentric coupler is made from a material common for all furniture fittings - galvanized steel, which is particularly strong. The “corner” screed has decent strength and is distinguished by convenient installation: it does not require drilling holes in the ends of the furniture.

And with the help of wedge and threaded ties, furniture has been installed for many years. Nut with screw - everyone famous examples threaded ties. Thus, thanks to the screw thread, nut and stud, a reliable connection is created. And with the help of wedge ties, you can connect elements especially quickly. They are based on plates, staples, and wedges. Traditional screws are used to connect wedge ties.

Furniture fittings for detachable connections are door handles and devices that replace them, latches, shelf holders, magnetic latches, locks, latches, locking hooks, etc. Here we note that door handles, as well as parts of hinges and locks visible on cabinet facades , is usually referred to as “facial fittings”.

The choice of such a seemingly small detail as a handle should be very deliberate. After all, it is important that it matches the furniture and furnishings not only in style, but also in harmony in color. Fortunately, there are now a great variety of materials and methods for finishing handles. This is not only the wood and metal we are familiar with, but also newfangled plastic, glass and the ever-current ceramics. The most favorite colors here are matte chrome and gold. In addition, the ergonomics of the handle is important, how comfortable it is to grasp it with your hand. Nowadays, handles are most often mounted with screws or self-tapping screws.

Fittings for moving connections include hinges, guides for sliding doors, drawers, microlifts, etc.

Devices such as elevators (lifting mechanisms) are used in various furniture, one of the most common places is in kitchen cabinets, the doors of which tilt upward. In addition, elevators are available in furniture fittings whose mechanisms extend the corner elements. Then part of the furniture moves smoothly in an arc or in several steps, while several lifting mechanisms take part in the process. Thanks to the lifting mechanisms, even very heavy drawers can be pulled out without difficulty. And for more comfortable movement, the following can be mounted: pneumatic mechanisms, as well as various guides, including ball bearing ones. So we smoothly move on to the next types of furniture fittings.

2. Second group- mechanisms that are needed to change the operational properties of furniture during use without correcting the structure of the fittings itself. These are rotary mechanisms (for example, “carousel”), mechanisms for sliding tables, guide devices, swing devices, etc.

A considerable part of the furniture can no longer be imagined without furniture fittings such as guides necessary for pull-out elements. Depending on the method of extension, there are guides for full and partial rollout. When they slide out completely, the drawer also slides out completely, giving excellent access to the contents. By what parameters are these furniture accessories evaluated? The “guide” fittings should be light and silent in operation. Tandem boxes stand out especially. They necessarily contain furniture fittings such as casters, which are equipped with recessed bearings. The material of the guides depends on their level: it can be steel, fluoroplastic or even non-ferrous metal, for example, duralumin (the roller is made of Teflon). In prestigious systems, the rollers are equipped with brushes that clean the space between the grooves.

3. Third group- means that transfer the product during its operation from one functional state into another using spatial transformation mechanisms. Such furniture fittings include mechanisms for changing the working height of furniture, as well as mechanisms for transformation (for example, sofa beds, wardrobe beds, etc.), etc.

4. In addition to those listed, the furniture fittings market also represents fourth group furniture fittings - overhead moldings necessary for the design of structural parts of furniture that have a relatively pronounced volume. They can be of three types:

  • strip (in particular, composite);
  • badge;
  • cord.

As for the furniture fittings market as a whole, the main suppliers to Russia are Germany, Italy, China, the Czech Republic, Poland and the USA. And for now it must be noted that foreign suppliers of furniture fittings today are valued more than domestic ones. The fact is that the experience of foreigners exceeds ours by several decades.

  • handles - used to open sashes, doors, drawers;
  • locks - designed for locking drawers or doors;
  • edging materials - they are used to decorate the edges of custom-made furniture elements (sashes, table tops, etc.), improve their appearance and provide additional mechanical protection;
  • decorative elements- flat or volumetric overlays, used for decoration, can mask joints or some structural elements.

The main requirements for this group of products are durability appearance, as well as ease of use. The coating of the front furniture fittings should not wear out, it should be resistant to mechanical damage, fading, etc. The fittings themselves can be made of plastic, metal, or wood. The choice of material depends on design features and design specific subject furniture.

Fastening accessories for furniture

These structures are used to connect parts. This group includes the following types of products.

  • Furniture hinges

Used when installing sashes and doors. They are made of metal and must have a large margin of strength, withstand constant loads, holding the door or flap and ensuring its opening and closing. Loops may have different designs. The angle of opening of the sash, the specific method of fastening, the possibility of independently returning the sash to the closed position, the possibility of fixing the door in the closed position depend on it. open position at a certain angle.

  • Lifting mechanisms and elevators

They are an alternative to hinges, most often used if it is necessary for the sash to open in vertical plane(leans back). Elevators and lifting mechanisms can have different designs, be mechanical and gas. A damping function can also be provided, in which the open sash can be fixed in any position.

  • Shelf holders

Used for fastening shelves inside custom-made cabinet furniture. They may involve a fixed fastening, as well as fixing with the possibility of folding the shelf.

  • Ties

This group includes fasteners whose sole purpose is to secure individual parts relative to each other. Bolts, screws, self-tapping screws, angles, etc. can be used as ties.

  • Accessories for drawers

These are systems of guides and rollers that ensure the movement of boxes in a horizontal plane. As a rule, such systems have travel limiters.

  • Sealing elements

Made from different materials, from PVC to silicone. They have two main functions: ensuring tight, reliable joining of parts and protecting their joints from mechanical destruction.

Particularly stringent requirements are imposed on the quality of fastening hardware. It must be reliable and durable, ensuring trouble-free operation of the furniture for many years. Another important nuance- this is compactness. Such products should not be too large; it is important that they are inconspicuous and do not take up too much space - this will save inner space furniture.

The Forest 31 company uses only high-quality, durable and reliable fittings for custom kitchens. It is selected taking into account a number of parameters - from the weight and size of individual parts to appearance and functionality. Right choice Such products are a guarantee that the furniture will last a long time and its use will be truly convenient.

It is impossible to imagine furniture production without the use of a variety of furniture fittings. It allows you to ensure the high-quality functioning of the furniture and the aesthetics of its appearance.

All fittings can be divided into two large groups or classes:

  • Facial fittings perform a more decorative function, although they can also carry some functional load. This class of products includes fittings located on front side furniture:

 edge – designed for processing the ends of furniture elements and their additional protection from mechanical impact;
 handles and locks – elements of furniture decor designed for convenient opening/closing and locking of drawers, doors and doors;
 various decorative overlays, used both for decoration and for masking joints.

  • Fastening fittings are designed to connect individual furniture elements into a single whole.

There is another group of fittings that stands apart. These are mechanisms that change performance characteristics furniture:

  • accessories for sliding tables;
  • various “guiding” elements;
  • mechanisms that help transform folding sofas and armchairs.

Types of fastening accessories

Fastening or connecting fittings are represented by many elements, which can be divided into several large groups:

  • Movable joint fittings are various types of hinges, differing both in the method of fastening and in the opening angle, installation devices sliding doors, lifting mechanisms (microlifts): both mechanical and gas.
  • Fittings for permanent connections are elements designed for reliable fixation of individual furniture parts relative to each other: intersectional and eccentric ties, confirmatories, rods and self-tapping screws.
  • Fittings for detachable connection are presented various types latches, bolts, locking hooks. This group also includes elements such as magnetic latches and shelf holders.

When choosing furniture fittings, one should not forget that its quality and reliability in operation directly affects the life of the furniture. The importance of choosing fittings is also emphasized by the numbers - its share in the cost of furniture can range from 10 to 25 percent of the total amount.

Furniture fittings. We look at the types, purpose and application in the video: