Calculation of insulation thickness for walls online calculator. Determine the required thickness of insulation. Online calculation of floor insulation by joists

September 7, 2016
Specialization: master of internal and exterior decoration(plaster, putty, tiles, drywall, lining, laminate and so on). In addition, plumbing, heating, electrical, conventional cladding and balcony extensions. That is, renovations in an apartment or house were done on a turnkey basis with all necessary types works

Of course, the calculation of insulation for walls in own home, this is a very serious job, especially if this was not done initially and the house is cold. And here you will have to face a number of questions.

For example, what kind of insulation should be, which one is better and what thickness of material is needed? Let's try to understand these issues, and also watch the video in this article, which clearly demonstrates the topic.

Wall insulation

Inside or outside

If you decide to use a calculator to calculate the thickness of insulation for walls, then you will not receive accurate data. Manually you can get more accurate and reliable information. In addition, the location of the insulation, which can be laid both inside and outside the building, is important, which must be taken into account when making calculations!

Features of internal and external insulation:

  • Imagine that you are using a calculator to calculate insulation for walls, but at the same time you are laying insulation indoors, will the calculation results be correct? Notice the diagram above;
  • no matter how thick the insulation in the room is, the wall will still remain cold and this will lead to certain consequences;
  • that is, it means that the dew point or the area where warm air When it encounters cold, it turns into condensation and is transported closer to the room. And the more powerful the internal insulation, the closer this point will be;

  • in some cases, this zone extends to the surface of the wall, where moisture promotes the development of fungal mold. But even if it remains inside the wall, then the service life does not increase in any way;
  • therefore, the instructions and common sense indicate that internal insulation should be installed only as a last resort or when sound insulation is needed ;
  • with external insulation, the dew point will fall on the insulation zone, which means that you can increase the shelf life of your wall and avoid the occurrence of dampness.

Calculation is a serious matter!

No. Wall material Coefficient of thermal conductivity Required thickness (mm)
1 Expanded polystyrene PSB-S-25 0,042 124
2 Mineral wool 0,046 124
3 Glued wooden beam or solid solid spruce and pine across the grain 0,18 530
4 Laying ceramic blocks with thermal insulation glue 0,17 575*
5 Laying gas and foam blocks 400kg/m3 0,18 610*
6 Laying polystyrene blocks with glue 500kg/m3 0,18 643*
7 Laying gas and foam blocks 600kg/m3 0,29 981*
8 Adhesive laying of expanded clay concrete 800kg/m3 0,31 1049*
9 Masonry of ceramic hollow bricks on CPR 1000 kg/m3 0,52 1530
10 Ordinary brick masonry at CPR 0,76 2243
11 Masonry from sand-lime brick at the CPR 0,87 2560
12 Concrete products 2500kg/m3 2,04 6002

Thermal calculation of various materials

Note to the table. The presence of the * sign indicates the need to add a coefficient of 1.15 if the building has lintels and monolithic belts from heavy concrete. There is a diagram at the top for clarity - the numbers coincide with the table.

So, calculating the thickness of the insulation is the determination of its thermal resistance, which we denote by the letter R— a constant value that is calculated separately for each region.

Let's take the average figure for clarity R=2.8(m2*K/W). According to State Building Regulations this value is the minimum acceptable for residential and public buildings.

In cases where thermal insulation consists of several layers, for example, masonry, polystyrene foam and eurolining, then the sum of all indicators adds up - R=R1+R2+R3. And the total or individual thickness of the thermal insulation layer is calculated using the formula R=p/k.

Here p will indicate the layer thickness in meters, and the letter k, this is the thermal conductivity coefficient of a given material (W/m*k), the value of which you can take from the table of thermal engineering calculations given above.

In fact, using these same formulas, you can calculate the energy efficiency of insulating window sills or find out the thickness of floor insulation. Use the R value according to your region.

In order not to be unfounded, I will give an example, let’s take a brickwork of two bricks ( regular wall), and for insulation we will use polystyrene foam boards PSB-25 (twenty-fifth polystyrene foam), the price of which is quite reasonable even for budget construction.

So, the thermal resistance we need to achieve should be 2.8 (m2*L/W). First, we find out the thermal resistance of a given brickwork. The brick is 250 mm from end to end and the mortar between them is 10 mm thick.

Hence, p=0.25*2+0.01=0.51m. The silicate coefficient is 0.7 (W/m*k), then Rbrick=p/k=0.51/0.7=0.73 (m2*K/W)- we got thermal conductivity brick wall, calculating it with your own hands.

Let's go further, now we need to achieve a general indicator for a layered wall of 2.8 (m2 * K / W), that is, R = 2.8 (m2 * K / W and for this we need to find out the required thickness of the foam. So, R foam = Rtotal-Rbrick=2.8-0.73=2.07 (m2*K/W).

In the photo - local protection with foam plastic

Now, to calculate the thickness of polystyrene foam, we take as a basis general formula and here Pfoam=Rfoam*kfoam= 2?07*0?035=0?072m. Of course, we can’t find 2 cm in PSB-25, but if we take into account interior decoration And air gap between the bricks, then 70 cm will be enough for us, and this is two layers

The calculator allows you to determine the type of thermal insulation materials for the foundation and calculate the volume necessary materials and get the final cost, including fasteners for the slabs.

Calculator for calculating and choosing insulation for siding.

Using this service, you can determine the types of thermal insulation and waterproofing that are suitable for insulating walls under siding. Moreover, the calculator will allow you to determine the cost and calculate the volume of required materials.

Calculator for calculating thermal insulation for a ventilated facade

In order to choose the right materials for insulating a ventilated facade, select waterproofing and fasteners, use this service. By entering the area of ​​the walls and the thickness of the slabs, you will calculate the required volume of materials and find out their cost.

Online calculator for calculating the cost of a plaster facade.

The service allows you to determine the types of materials, cost and volume. Based on the area of ​​the facade and the thickness of the insulation, you can calculate approximate cost plaster facade.

Calculation of materials for insulating frame walls

If you are faced with a task, isolation frame walls, then this calculator is for you. Knowing the area of ​​the walls and the thickness of the insulation, you can easily calculate the necessary materials.

Calculation of materials for indoor insulation

Online calculation of insulation for floors under screed

For a floor that is planned to be made using cement or any other, special, durable insulating materials are required.

Online calculation of floor insulation by joists

To choose the right insulating materials for the floor, which is laid on wooden joists, use this calculator. He will determine the required density of materials, their quantity and approximate cost.

Calculation of thermal insulation for interior partitions

Choose insulation for interior partitions. You will be able to calculate the quantity and type of insulation, its cost, and also immediately make an application.

Ceiling insulation calculator

Just enter the ceiling area and thermal insulation thickness, get the quantity of materials and their cost.

Determine the cost of materials for insulating interfloor ceilings

To solve such problems, use the online calculation of prices and quantities of required materials.

Calculation of materials for roof insulation

Online attic insulation calculation

To insulate the attic, you should select materials using this service.

Calculation of insulation for a pitched roof (attic)

Insulation pitched roof, requires, in addition to insulation, a vapor barrier and wind and moisture protection membrane; using this online calculator, you can easily determine the materials you need and their estimated cost.

Calculation of insulation for a flat roof

To calculate materials for flat roof, we suggest using this calculator. Also included in the calculation waterproofing membrane and telescopic fasteners.

Gutter calculation calculator

The calculator will allow you to make a preliminary calculation of the necessary materials for installation drainage system. Preliminarily determine the cost/

Thermal dew point calculator online

Using the thermal insulation calculator, you will calculate the required insulation thickness in accordance with the climate, material and wall thickness. An online dew point calculator will help you calculate the thickness of thermal insulation materials and see the location of condensation on a graph. It's quite convenient online calculator thermal conductivity of the wall to calculate the thickness of insulation.

Wall insulation thickness calculator

Using the Penoplex thermal insulation calculator, you can quickly calculate the thickness of the insulation for walls and other structures in accordance with SNiP standards, the thickness and material of the walls, the vapor barrier used and others important parameters when insulating. Selecting different Construction Materials, you can choose warm and affordable option during the construction of a country house.

KNAUF calculator for calculating insulation thickness

Calculate thickness thermal insulation material in different building structures on the KNAUF calculator, developed by specialists from KNAUF Insulation. All calculations are made in accordance with all requirements of SNiP 02/23/2003 “ Thermal protection buildings." The KNAUF thermal insulation meter has a clear interface and will allow you to select the optimal insulation thickness.

Rockwool calculator for calculating thermal insulation

Rockwool insulation calculator for calculating the thermal insulation of a wall and assessing the economic efficiency of the material. You can make thermal calculations in real time. Quickly select the most optimal brand Rockwool thermal insulation for your home and calculate required amount packages of slabs and rolls of insulation for the surface being treated.

Thermal conductivity calculator for calculating wall thickness

Disputes over the need to insulate walls and facades of houses will never subside. Some advise insulating the facade, others claim that this is economically unjustified. It is difficult for a private developer who does not have serious knowledge of thermal physics to understand all this. On the one side warm walls reduce heating costs. But what is the “price of the issue” - warm walls will cost more.

Correct calculation of thermal insulation will increase the comfort of your home and reduce heating costs. During construction you cannot do without insulation, whose thickness determined by the climatic conditions of the region and the materials used. For insulation, foam plastic, penoplex, mineral wool or ecowool, as well as plaster and other finishing materials.

To calculate what thickness the insulation should have, you need to know the minimum thermal resistance value. It depends on the climate. When calculating it, the duration is taken into account heating season and the difference between internal and external (average for the same time) temperatures. So, for Moscow, the heat transfer resistance for the external walls of a residential building must be no less than 3.28, in Sochi 1.79 is sufficient, and in Yakutsk 5.28 is required.

The thermal resistance of a wall is defined as the sum of the resistance of all layers of the structure, load-bearing and insulating. That's why The thickness of the thermal insulation depends on the material from which the wall is made. For brick and concrete walls More insulation is required, less for wooden and foam blocks. Pay attention to how thick the material chosen for load-bearing structures is and what its thermal conductivity is. The thinner the supporting structures, the greater the thickness of the insulation should be.

If insulation is required large thickness, it is better to insulate the house from the outside. This will provide savings internal space. In addition, external insulation avoids the accumulation of moisture indoors.

Thermal conductivity

The ability of a material to transmit heat is determined by its thermal conductivity. Wood, brick, concrete, foam blocks conduct heat differently. High humidity air increases thermal conductivity. The inverse of thermal conductivity is called thermal resistance. To calculate it, the value of thermal conductivity in a dry state is used, which is indicated in the passport of the material used. You can also find it in tables.

However, it must be taken into account that in corners, joints of load-bearing structures and other special elements of the structure, thermal conductivity is higher than in flat surface walls “Cold bridges” may arise through which heat will escape from the house. The walls in these places will sweat. To prevent this, the thermal resistance value in such places is increased by about a quarter compared to the minimum allowable.

Example calculation

It is not difficult to calculate the thickness of thermal insulation using a simple calculator. To do this, first calculate the heat transfer resistance for load-bearing structure. The thickness of the structure is divided by the thermal conductivity of the material used. For example, foam concrete with a density of 300 has a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.29. With a block thickness of 0.3 meters, the thermal resistance value is:

The calculated value is subtracted from the minimum allowable value. For Moscow conditions, insulating layers must have a resistance of no less than:

Then, multiplying the thermal conductivity coefficient of the insulation by the required thermal resistance, we obtain the required layer thickness. For example, for mineral wool with a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.045, the thickness should be no less than:

0.045*2.25=0.1 m

In addition to thermal resistance, the location of the dew point is taken into account. The dew point is the point in the wall where the temperature can drop enough to cause condensation - dew. If this place turns out to be inner surface walls, it fogs up and a putrefactive process may begin. The colder it is outside, the closer to the room the dew point moves. The warmer and more humid the room, the higher the dew point temperature.

Insulation thickness in a frame house

As insulation for frame house Most often they choose mineral wool or ecowool.

The required thickness is determined using the same formulas as in traditional construction. Additional layers of a multilayer wall provide approximately 10% of its value. The thickness of the wall of a frame house is less than with traditional technology, and the dew point may be closer to the inner surface. That's why There is no point in saving unnecessarily on the thickness of the insulation.

How to calculate the thickness of roof and attic insulation

The formulas for calculating resistance for roofs use the same, but the minimum thermal resistance in this case is slightly higher. Unheated attics are covered with bulk insulation. There are no restrictions on thickness here, so it is recommended to increase it by 1.5 times relative to the calculated one. IN attic rooms For roof insulation, materials with low thermal conductivity are used.

How to calculate the thickness of floor insulation

Although the greatest heat loss occurs through the walls and roof, it is equally important to correctly calculate the insulation of the floor. If the base and foundation are not insulated, it is assumed that the temperature in the underground is equal to the outside temperature, and the thickness of the insulation is calculated in the same way as for external walls. If some insulation of the base is done, its resistance is subtracted from the minimum required thermal resistance for the region of construction.

Calculation of foam thickness

The popularity of polystyrene foam is determined by its low cost, low thermal conductivity, light weight and moisture resistance. Polystyrene foam almost does not allow steam to pass through, so it cannot be used for internal insulation . It is located outside or in the middle of the wall.

The thermal conductivity of polystyrene foam, like other materials, depends on density. For example, at a density of 20 kg/m3 the thermal conductivity coefficient is about 0.035. Therefore, a foam thickness of 0.05 m will provide a thermal resistance of 1.5.

A warm house is the dream of every owner; to achieve this goal, thick walls are built, heating is provided, and high-quality thermal insulation is installed. In order for insulation to be rational, it is necessary to choose the right material and correctly calculate its thickness.

The size of the insulation layer depends on the thermal resistance of the material. This indicator is the reciprocal of thermal conductivity. Each material - wood, metal, brick, foam plastic or mineral wool - has a certain ability to transmit thermal energy. The thermal conductivity coefficient is calculated during laboratory tests, and is indicated on the packaging for consumers.

If the material is purchased without labeling, you can find a summary table of indicators on the Internet.

The thermal resistance of a material ® is a constant value; it is defined as the ratio of the temperature difference at the edges of the insulation to the force of the heat flow passing through the material. Formula for calculating the coefficient: R=d/k, where d is the thickness of the material, k is the thermal conductivity. The higher the value obtained, the more effective the thermal insulation.

Why is it important to correctly calculate insulation indicators?

Thermal insulation is installed to reduce energy loss through the walls, floor and roof of a home. Insufficient insulation thickness will cause the dew point to move inside the building. This means the appearance of condensation, dampness and fungus on the walls of the house. An excess layer of thermal insulation does not make a significant difference temperature indicators, but requires significant financial costs, therefore it is irrational. This disrupts air circulation and natural ventilation between the rooms of the house and the atmosphere. To save money while ensuring optimal conditions residence requires an accurate calculation of the thickness of the insulation.

Calculation of the thermal insulation layer: formulas and examples

To be able to accurately calculate the amount of insulation, it is necessary to find the heat transfer resistance coefficient of all materials in a wall or other area of ​​the house. It depends on the climatic indicators of the area, therefore it is calculated individually using the formula:


tв - indoor temperature indicator, usually 18-22ºC;

tot - average temperature value;

zot - duration heating season, day.

Values ​​for calculation can be found in SNiP 01/23/99.

When calculating the thermal resistance of a structure, it is necessary to add up the indicators of each layer: R=R1+R2+R3, etc. Based on the average indicators for private and multi-storey buildings Approximate coefficient values ​​have been determined:

  • walls - at least 3.5;
  • ceiling - from 6.

The thickness of the insulation depends on the building material and its size; the lower the thermal resistance of the wall or roof, the larger the insulation layer should be.

Example: a wall made of sand-lime brick 0.5 m thick, which is insulated with foam plastic.

Rst.=0.5/0.7=0.71 - thermal resistance of the wall

R- Rst.=3.5-0.71=2.79 - value for foam plastic

For foam plastic, thermal conductivity k=0.038

d=2.79×0.038=0.10 m - foam boards 10 cm thick will be required

Using this algorithm, it is easy to calculate the optimal amount of thermal insulation for all areas of the house except the floor. When making calculations regarding base insulation, you must refer to the soil temperature table in your region of residence. It is from this that the data is taken to calculate the GSOP, and then the resistance of each layer and the required value of insulation are calculated.

Popular ways to insulate a home

Thermal insulation of a building can be carried out during the construction stage or after its completion. Among the popular methods:

  • Monolithic wall of significant thickness (at least 40 cm) made of ceramic bricks or wood.
  • The construction of enclosing structures by well masonry is the creation of a cavity for insulation between two parts of the wall.
  • Installation external thermal insulation in the form of a multilayer structure made of insulation, lathing, moisture-proof film and decorative finishing.

By ready-made formulas make a calculation optimal thickness insulation can be done without the help of a specialist. When calculating, the number should be rounded up; a small margin of the thermal insulation layer will be useful for temporary temperature drops below the average.