Creative cards. A business card in the form of a universal bicycle key. The best business cards in the world that will be remembered for a long time

A business card is an indispensable attribute for everyone business man. Its main purpose is to provide information about a specialist or company and sell services. But is an ordinary white cardboard with dry text written on it really interesting? Hardly. Such business cards are usually automatically hidden in a pocket and then thrown away, or lie on the desktop for months. Creative people create truly unusual business cards for themselves, which in themselves are an interesting souvenir.

Some will say that such business cards distract attention from the main information on them. We think differently: only original and memorable business cards can arouse real interest in a specialist and a desire to use his services. After all, if a person has made even such a banality as a business card phenomenal, then he certainly does his job “excellently.”

The most unusual business cards: photos

1. Business card of the creative studio Skill Lab. Made using press extrusion technology.

2. Business card of Grafanna, a company specializing in packaging design. If you look at a business card from a certain angle, an optical illusion is created. We see a solid image, which is actually located on different faces of the paper structure.

3. These delicious business cards belong to one grocery store in Vancouver. Agree that their appearance evokes quite an appetite!

4. Business card of the Built-to-spec online store in the shape of a pistol. With one movement of your hand, you can turn the gun into a rectangle and read all the information.

5. Business card of L Multimedia company. Carrying it in your wallet may be awkward, but the shape is very creative.

6. Personal business card of the artist Noel Pelavin. They look especially impressive in stacks :) Maybe he gives them out in whole packs?

7. Business card Limbo company. A little small, but how unusual!

8. But this business card is made of organic glass. To make just fifty copies you need to pay about $30.

9. Robot business card from Scizors. If you follow simplest instructions on the business card itself, you can quickly make an interactive robot from a flat image.

10. Fabio Bortolotti business card in the form of a space invader! According to the designer who developed it, this mood was inspired by the video game Space Invaders, popular in Japan in the 1970s.

11. Business card of Alan McCormack, owner of an online store. The business card is made of walnut wood.

13. Business card for Tian Lan Photography, designed by Cohezion studio. Well, what other business card can a photographer have? By the way, the lens “cap” is removable.

14. And this is just a very stylish and modern business card. Black and white will always be in trend.

15. Business card for Paper Donut in the shape of a pyramid. You can twirl such a business card in your hands for a long time and even keep it as a souvenir.

16. Business card of a specialist who helps people cope with baldness.

17. Make a business card in the form of a keychain – perfect solution! So some may not part with it at all. And if you need to have a custom-made shirt sewn, the sewing company’s contacts are always at hand.

18. Business cards that make you want to enjoy a banana or strawberry milkshake. And that’s all the manufacturer needs :)

19. Now this is a very impractical business card for Ryan Johnstone Electrical. But it is immediately clear that the enterprise’s activities are related to electricity.

20. Business card for a fitness trainer. He will stretch your muscles the way his business card knows how to do.

21. Editor Dan Rose showed all his talent in making his business card. The result is this interactive thing in the shape of a car. And not just any car, but a Nissan Skyline.

22. Business cards for designers should be especially original. So Roland Murillo created business cards for himself that are remembered by absolutely all the people who get their hands on them. They can be used as counters, as coasters for coffee cups, or just to have as an unusual item.

23. Business card “find” the right words" Jose Contreras loves to see people's reactions when he hands them his business card face down. But on back side There is a solution to the word puzzle.

24. Business card of stylist and hairdresser Yuki Suzuki. Regular bobby pins were used as hair for the images depicted on the business card.

25. Business card of the Flow yoga center in the format of a training mat - it can also be rolled into a roller. It's a pity that its size is not suitable for use in yoga classes :)

The list of creative business cards, of course, does not end there. New selections of all the most interesting and unusual things are waiting for you soon!

Business Cards - popular topic for discussion, and, without a doubt, they are extremely important. The Internet is full of examples of a wide variety of layouts. Today it is not difficult to buy creative business cards, both ready-made and original ones. Therefore too regular design turns into a problem.

Today I would like to give you some tips on how to choose correct design for a business card that is both impressive and effective. Your business card should work for you. To avoid hurting the designers' feelings, I asked a designer from CrazyPixels to create some samples. Of course, he did his best to draw attention to the details that I am about to talk to you about. The result is an incredibly modern and interesting design business cards.

Pictures on a bright background

So here's the first design:

Bright and stylish business card. Attracts attention at first sight. If you? creative person, such as a photographer or designer, such a business card will be for you best choice. The picture on the back side can show your professional Creative skills, and such a business card can become part of your portfolio. You can create several versions of such business cards with different photos and give potential clients the opportunity to choose the one they like best. I'm sure they will remember you.

Here you can see examples of great business cards with great photos and bright colors:

Use of colors

Just look at the design of this business card:

The pattern on a business card doesn't matter. It can be stripes, squares, circles or triangles; the appropriate color scheme remains decisive. Like the previous model, this business card attracts attention with its design, but at the same time it is not one-color, but represents a whole range of colors. I also want you to notice the QR code on this business card. The dots on the QR code are made in the same color scheme as the entire card. It's a small thing, but it adds meaning to the design and makes it more interesting.

Review of business cards with interesting color scheme:

Minimalist design

Absolutely minimalist logo, designed in one color with creative approach to using the white space on the front side of a business card? a great way to make a stylish card. You can place your logo or any other image on front side, and all the necessary information? on the back. It could be a name key phrase, Contact Information. There are many options for creating similar designs:

Business cards with minimalist design:

Embossing (letterpress effect)

Embossing? this is a way of using a stamp to create a raised design different forms on a business card. This effect gives the business card texture, style and classic look. Does this allow you to only use one color? original color paper of your business card. This makes the business card look modern and elegant.

Embossed business cards:

Adding QR codes

QR code? This modern version encoding information that can be recognized using a smartphone. The code may redirect you to a website, online portfolio or resume. This is a great way to bridge the gap between your business card and your online work. Make sure your the target audience is able to use this information transfer tool before you make yourself business cards with a QR code.

Creative business cards with QR codes:

Font design

Font design is a popular trend that is worth paying attention to. It may be difficult to find a suitable font, but there is huge opportunity selection, so you are sure to choose the right font...

Business cards based on font design:

Transparent business cards: a new idea

Examples of transparent business cards design:

Black and white

Black and white business cards will become excellent choice for businessmen, economists, lawyers and all those who are considered “serious business”. If you want simple elegant classic design, black and white business cards may be what you are looking for.

Black and white business cards:

Unusual shapes

These business cards have unusual shapes and in most cases this custom development. Business cards with unusual shapes are more expensive than regular ones. They may make a bigger impression, but your customers may be quicker to throw them away due to the odd shape that doesn't fit their pockets. You should think about this option from the perspective of a potential client.

Here are some examples of unusually shaped business cards:

Logical conclusion

When it comes to creating business cards, try to do something unusual. There is only one chance to make a first impression potential clients. Try this and you will see what works best. Your business card should represent your brand and your name. I hope that this collection has inspired you to create unique and creative designs for your own business cards.

Note for businessmen

A good business card does not guarantee business success, but it can definitely help you! The first impression depends on it. Here's a look at 30 cleverly designed business cards that will help you figure out how to present yourself well and in an original way.

Many of us have probably been guilty of taking business cards purely out of politeness and then throwing them safely in the trash. However, these business cards will remain with you - whether physically or in memory, but still will not go into the trash.

The success of these cards is that they are designed in such a way that they are sure to be memorable or useful to you. These could be product samples, tools, or fun mini-toys, while others can only leave an impression by writing their address and phone number.

In the world of business, standing out from the crowd is essential and here are some creative marketing ideas on how to do just that!

1. Cosmetic Surgeon Business Card

2. Yoga trainer business card

3. Business card of a cheese boutique

4. Tear-up business card of a divorce lawyer

note that the card has contact information at both sides

5. Yoga mat business card

A simple, yet very creative business card for Vancouver Yoga Centre. Card rolls are the same as a yoga mat.

6. Tearable fitness trainer business card

Zohra Mouhetta will help you get rid of your belly fat! (Advertising agency: Leo Burnett, Dubai, United Arab Emirates)

7. Designer business card with seeds

Design: Jamie Wieck

8. Circumcision business card

Agency: Healthy People by Gray, Istanbul, Türkiye

9. Event photographer’s business card-viewfinder

10. Dentist business card

Design: Michael Häne & Remo Caminada

11. Personal trainer card for stretching

If you want to see the text written on the card, you will have to do a little stretching exercise.

12. Hairdresser business cards

Design: Igor Perkusic

13. Cigarette filter business card

14. Representative's business card investment company

15. Yoga Center Straw

16. Sommelier business card

Design: Caserne

17. Your personal Lego agent

18. Business card - frame

19. Stylish transparent business card

Design: Dario Monetini

20. Business card-stamp of a makeup artist

21. Business card of children's chairs

22. Miniature plumber business cards - plungers with contact information

23. Business card-bag with seeds

24. Multi-tool business card for a bicycle

Designer: Rethink Canada

25. Business card - classic rock theme

This groovy hairbrush plays a classic rock theme when you rub it with your nails. Advertising agency: design Fabio Milito, Rome, Italy

26. Transformable business card of a cargo carrier company

27. Salt Shaker restaurant business card

Design: flux

28. The business card of a survival training company in the form of dried meat

29. Tennis business card

30. Grillable Business Card


A business card is an advertising tool that can be used to attract a customer without special effort. A business card is part of a designer's portfolio. It can be both an effective weapon and a means of anti-advertising. Designers are creative people, so their business cards have original shapes and types. Also important is the convenience of business cards and the availability of information. Clearly readable and high-quality information attracts any client.

Some forms of business cards differ in orientation. A business card can be not only horizontal. Sometimes a vertical shape may suit your style.

The second thing you need to pay attention to is the shape of the business card. To add originality to your business card, use various shapes in the form of any figures, images, layouts.

The business card must contain sufficient quantity contact and additional information. It’s also not worth bending. A large number of phones and unnecessary information may alienate the client. He simply doesn't want to dig into it. Below is a good example of a useful business card.

Correct selection color solutions business cards are one of the main advantages of quality style. Colors should evoke affection and sympathy. A large contrast of colors is unlikely to cause positive emotions at the client's.

A business card should be compact in size. Convenient shape and size - this allows you to easily fit a business card in your pocket, purse, etc. The client will always have a business card at hand, and he will be more likely to contact you.

Let's look at some examples of creative business cards.

Rolland Murillo.

Creative business card of Rolland Murillo, famous designer and founder of the Murillo Design company. A correctly selected shape (the image of a chip) and pleasant colors are sympathetic and attractive. At least all owners of such business cards keep them.

Fritz Kletke.

A business card in the “window” style conveys the idea that any person should focus on the main thing, cutting off everything unnecessary. A large number of unnecessary sources, factors and external “garbage” prevent you from perceiving information correctly.

Stefan Haynam.

Stefan, with his business card, says that you simply must always carry his card with you and it will come in handy at the most necessary moment. This designer will help you at any time.

Stefan Sagmeister.

Stefan's business cards have been working for the past 3 years. Many of the designer’s clients were attracted by the non-standard image of the business card and became an impulse to use his services. Such clients include Aerosmith and The Rolling Stones.

David McLean.

On this business card you can see all the features of the brand. David infuses business cards with a lot of information that shows all sides of this designer. Some may notice the data overload on this card, but that's exactly David's point.

Joe Duffy.

Such well-known companies as Coca Cola and McDonald's. His business card is made in a minimalist style. Joe is of the opinion that creating a business card doesn't take a lot of time. Business cards create the first impression of a business. At least Joe Duffy needs no introduction and his business card style is just a formality.

Joe Shumbat.

Joe Shumbat is an employee of Actual Size Creative. His attractive business card fully conveys the mood of the company's clients. According to him, the card should be very simple and understandable, but at the same time contain a touch of humor.

Jose Antonio Contreras.

This guy will make you think a little. Jose claims that this business card allows you to establish contact with the client, start a conversation and build a partnership. His task is to surprise the client at the first meeting. With the exception of rare cases, cooperation goes well.

Tim Hartford.

This person, along with a business card, offers a 2-cent discount on services. In this way, he wins over the client, who instantly receives positive emotions.

Janie Mattson.

Janie's business card is a set of master keys. You can easily remove any of them. The business card is created specifically for cunning and thoughtful “characters”.

Itomi Creative.

Itomi Creative is a design bureau. Renowned Italian photographer David Gasperini was interested in maximizing the productivity of his business card. In addition to information about the photographer, the card is a stencil for signing his work. As the customer himself stated, this interesting and useful business card is very helpful in his work.

Ed McCulloch.

As a business card, Ed uses a small paper envelope with his information. As planned, a silk square with his initials is placed inside. This is necessary for a special perception of information, which gives a memorization effect.

As you have already noticed, there are no limits to imagination in creating business cards. Be careful in your choice, because first impressions are sometimes deceiving.