Indoor plants that will improve the microclimate in the apartment. How to improve the microclimate in a team and why is it necessary? Noise in residential areas

Technologies do not stand still. Modern industry creates unique devices that can significantly improve living conditions. Some of the devices not only improve the quality of life, but also improve the indoor microclimate. Which, in turn, affects a person’s well-being, increases his attention, perseverance and concentration. What microclimate devices currently exist?

The most popular equipment is air conditioning

According to sanitary requirements, in a living room the air should be renewed once every hour. An air conditioner is not just a device, an improving device was made to heat the air in winter period and to cool it down on hot summer days. However, even the most advanced models of devices provide an insignificant supply of clean air. This figure is no more than 36 cubic meters at one o'clock. But the average room contains about twice as much air.

Air purifiers

Such a device that improves the microclimate can be easily purchased in almost any store. However, before making a purchase, you should carefully study the capabilities of the device. Typically, air purifiers work best when small rooms, the area of ​​which does not exceed 20 square meters. Such devices are ideal for apartments.

If we're talking about For large rooms, the device that improves the microclimate should be more effective. In such cases, photocatalytic systems are used, as well as eco-recreators. They are capable of purifying large volumes of air.

Oxygen generators

Such a device, which improves the microclimate, can quickly saturate the room air with oxygen. In other words, ventilate the room. In large cities, this is almost impossible to do. After all, the air here is poisoned. You can update the indoor microclimate. Typically, the device is turned on at night and installed in the bedroom. It is worth noting that there are no medical contraindications for using such a device.

All kinds of ionizers

Ionizers have become quite widespread. From this category, the most popular device that improves the microclimate is the Chizhevsky chandelier. Thanks to such devices, dust particles are charged and then stick to various surfaces. As a result, the air is purified. To obtain the best effect, surfaces must be cleaned of dust in a timely manner. Otherwise, after turning off the device, it will again enter the air.


Pay special attention to personnel selection. It is easier to prevent conflict than to try to resolve it later. Of course, professional qualities are important, but character traits must also be taken into account. If, even during the interview, the applicant gives the impression of an arrogant, arrogant, aggressive person, then he should be denied the job. Also, you should not hire someone who openly states that at his previous job he constantly came into conflict with the team.

Try to provide employees comfortable conditions labor. If a person is irritated due to constant troubles at work, inconvenient vacation times, low wages, etc., he is unlikely to be inclined to communicate friendly with the rest of the team. Special attention Pay attention to setting up your workplace. The table and chair should be comfortable so that employees do not suffer from back pain at the end of the working day. Allow staff to bring things close to their hearts from home and design their own workspaces. This way, the office will become a second place for employees, and the team will be perceived as a family.

Set up an office kitchen and break room where employees can socialize in an informal setting. Let the interior of these premises be cozy and even homely, so that employees can relax and talk not as colleagues, but as friends. Chatting over coffee during your lunch break strengthens relationships and helps people bond.

Be sure to hold common events: celebrate with your team New Year, employee birthdays and other holidays, go on hikes or picnics together from time to time. Such events should not be turned into boring meetings to which it is forbidden not to attend. Let the holidays be fun, and let employees attend them with pleasure and of their own free will, and not by order. Set up a stand and display on it the names of employees who will have a birthday in a few days. Colleagues will be able to see this information, prepare gifts and congratulations, which will also help improve the psychological climate in the team.

Tip 2: How to create a friendly atmosphere in a team

Every independent person sooner or later has a job. She may or may not be loved. And relationships with colleagues are different. But in any case, spending working time in a friendly team is much more pleasant than in an unfriendly one.


Host a corporate party. If you hold a position, then of course you need to save “face” and carry yourself seriously. But no one will stop you from hinting to one of the activists that it’s been a while since you celebrated the holidays. And if you are not a leader, then you yourself can act as an initiator. Finding a reason is usually not difficult - it could be one of the employees, the approaching New Year, International Women's Day or Defender of the Fatherland Day... In general, there are many “red days” on the calendar. Involve as many people as possible in the organization, the joint unites and even the most closed people become more open. By the date of the event itself, the team will already have a friendly atmosphere. But for this you will have to spend some time in trouble and spend a lot of effort.

Try to communicate more with colleagues. During your lunch break, you can have a snack or drink tea together and discuss some topics distracted from work. In a women's group, it's not a sin to gossip sometimes - it will defuse the situation. Give someone advice, just listen to someone. Of course, you should never impose your opinion. It is better to express it in casual conversation. Constant communication will bring you closer to your colleagues. This means it will create a friendly atmosphere.

Avoid conflicts. Probably, everyone at work has people who are capable of creating a scandal out of the blue. The company of such originals cannot be avoided, but trying to find a compromise is quite possible. In general, you need to avoid “sharp edges” in relations with colleagues, otherwise it will not be possible to create a “warm” atmosphere. If you manage to create a peaceful reputation for yourself, then you can become the very “center” around which the team will unite. And you will go to work with joy, knowing that friendliness and understanding await you there.

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For any manager, the interests of his organization come first, its ability to effectively occupy its “niche” in the market, maintaining and expanding its client base. In other words, his main responsibility is to make the company work “like a clock.” And to do this, he needs to ensure that all employees of the company feel that they belong to the same “ common house" to ensure that they perform their duties with the utmost diligence and integrity, exercising reasonable initiative when necessary. How to do it?


Achieve good attitude to work according to orders is pointless. It’s not for nothing that popular wisdom says: “You can’t be nice by force.” So that subordinates truly value their work, in addition to purely material incentives ( good salary, social package, bonuses), the moral and psychological climate in the team is very important. After all, if a person literally “forces himself” to go to work, if he knows that hassle, humiliation, scandals, and “support” await him there, then he is unlikely to devote himself to work with all his heart.

We are all used to complaining about poor ecology and polluted air, but no matter how dirty the air outside is, in our apartments it is 5 times more polluted and 9 times more toxic! In a word, we urgently need to improve the health of our habitat!

It is best to buy a special air purifier. It forces air through its filters and traps harmful allergens - dust, fur, pollen, etc.). This cleaner can and should be used 24 hours a day. Just don’t install it in the kitchen - it can be spoiled by greasy deposits.

If this option is expensive, you need to ventilate the room as often as possible and be sure to wet cleaning. Only ventilation can cope with a high concentration of many harmful substances. We must not forget about closets - the air in them can be thousands of times dirtier than usual. Cabinets need to be ventilated once a week.

Your assistants in the fight for fresh air plants can become. Experts say they make the air 40% cleaner. The best plant cleaner is chlorophytum. It is able to absorb formaldehyde, phenol, tobacco smoke and carbon monoxide. Spathiphyllum, tradescantia, dracaena and ficus can also serve as air purification factories. Asparagus absorbs heavy metal particles well. Plants with broad leaves attract dust that would otherwise hang loose in the air. To combat germs, you can grow onions, garlic, myrtle, rosemary, eucalyptus and citrus fruits.

One of the pressing problems of city apartments is low air humidity. Especially in winter, when the air is dried out by heaters and radiators. Dry air significantly increases the likelihood of colds, and the condition worsens in people with asthma.

It’s not surprising, because a person evaporates about a glass of water during the night. There is only one way out - moisturize, moisturize and moisturize again. It is best to again buy a special humidifier. If it is not there, you need to use available means - hang wet towels on the radiator and place containers with water (preferably wide ones) near them. You also need to humidify the air from a spray bottle. Again, plants will come in handy - palm plants and cyperus evaporate water well.

If indoors high humidity, and the air does not circulate enough, which is why fungus forms, you need to ventilate as often as possible, and install a hood in the kitchen.

Air conditioners, which wonderfully cool the air, unfortunately also dry it out with all their might, and in addition mercilessly devour oxygen. So it’s better not to save on this device, but to buy a fairly expensive model.

. Good managers know that happy employees are loyal and productive. How can you ensure that your employees work with pleasure? The mood of employees usually reflects the culture of the company. In sales and customer service, it is extremely important that your employees enjoy their jobs because they represent the company to the public. But this depends not only on material reward. Of course, a salary increase will cheer up employees, at least for a while, but there are other ways that guarantee a long-term effect and do not require costs or large-scale work. Book general director Tony Hsieh's Bringing Happiness suggests employers follow the science of happiness. The book emphasizes the importance of “happy” employees. Since the publication of this bestseller, Shieh has gained a massive following around the world. So let's look at seven areas of focus to improve office morale. While employees can adjust their habits to feel happier, employers can also make small changes in those same seven areas. With just a little effort, your employees will become happy, efficient and loyal!

Give employees more control

An employee's happiness depends on the degree of control he has over his life. Employers should strive to give employees more control over their schedules, environments, and work habits. For example, employers may offer alternative work arrangements, such as flexible hours or off-site work. After all, everyone usually has a lot of pressing things to do outside of the office, and employees will highly value leadership that ensures a balance between work and life. Since people's commitments outside of work vary, being able to choose the most suitable work schedule is an excellent way to please an employee. Employers should allow workers to customize their workspaces, which includes both decoration and equipment. Not only does this give employees a sense of control over their own workspace, but it can also help manage personal ailments such as back pain or eye strain. In addition, research shows that certain color solutions or decoration methods can enhance positive emotions. Employees will be able to create a place where they would like to work, instead of sitting in a stuffy and impersonal work cubicle. Another way to give employees a sense of control is to organize competitions, such as competitions to achieve the most high level sales Such activities will allow employees to monitor their own level of success. Each employee will be able to set their own personal goals and will experience a desire for victory and success rather than a sense of duty.

Reduce the stress of having to constantly travel between work and home

This is especially true in large cities, where people are forced to travel long distances every day to get from home to work, and then from work to home. “The tedious journey from home to work and back is one of the most important reasons for staff dissatisfaction. People feel tired, exhausted, stressed,” Rubin notes. Employers should take appropriate measures, such as adjusting working hours, to ensure employees are not exposed to rush hour traffic. It is necessary to analyze the periods of difficult traffic movement and determine whether, based on this, it is possible to adjust the interval of working hours or the number of people arriving at a certain time. If employees are severely reprimanded for being late, they will feel even more stressed when faced with transportation problems and will arrive at work extremely depressed. Another way is to offer to work remotely. This will eliminate the need to travel back and forth from home to work and allow employees to work where they are most comfortable. Working remotely also has a number of benefits for the employer, such as cost savings.

Stop wasting your time

Tight deadlines are also a significant source of stress for many employees. But you, as an employer, can help employees free up more time for their main work. For example, make meetings shorter and more effective. Think seriously about some tricks that may seem stupid at first glance, but really work. You can try holding meetings without chairs. People are more likely to get to the point if they have to stand throughout the discussion. Replace conference calls with meetings as often as possible. To avoid unnecessary chatter, make calls right before lunch or at the end of the workday. In order to go to lunch sooner or not stay late at work, people will talk to the point. Another way is to create organizational systems that promote increased efficiency. A huge amount of time is lost due to turmoil and disorder. Well-organized work and systematization can reduce tension, save time and increase productivity.

Encourage interaction within the team

Communication is a key component of happiness. Interaction with other people provides a surge of good mood. Amazingly, this applies even to introverts (people focused on their inner world). Employers must find ways to encourage interaction within their teams. Consider what you can do to encourage employees to communicate more. Organize work areas so that people can see each other and talk. Employers may also encourage employees to celebrate birthdays and other holidays in the office. Such events don't have to be expensive. You can simply ask everyone to bring some treats with them. Even if there is no reason to celebrate, encourage employees to eat together. Provide comfortable area for eating. Increasing mutual communication between employees is not limited to working hours. Encourage staff to take the initiative to communicate outside the office. This will give employees the opportunity to switch gears and form relationships outside of work, while projecting a positive image of the company. Public works are in a great way create a good reputation and also help employees feel happier. Those people who promote values ​​that are important to them are usually happier and healthier, less likely to experience illness and even live longer, and most importantly, they are happy to work for the benefit of this promotion. So give your employees this opportunity.

Promote good health

Poor health not only has a devastating effect on employees, but also has a detrimental effect on work. Corporations suffer huge losses due to stress-related illnesses such as hypertension, gastroenterological diseases, and alcohol and drug abuse. Chronic stress has many negative consequences such as overweight, loss protective properties immune system, increased morbidity, fatigue. Employers should strive to reduce employee stress levels and improve their overall health. The first step is to educate workers about health. Provide printed materials or conduct relevant workshops. It is unlikely that people will be able to change something for the better if they do not know what exactly needs to be changed. By informing workers about health issues such as stress, physical exercise, balanced nutrition, arrange a competition like “Who can lose the most extra pounds.” This motivates employees and provides them with a support system. If the entire office is involved, employees are more likely to achieve their goals. To help employees make positive changes in their lifestyle, you need a kitchen with a refrigerator and microwave for preparing healthy food. Surveys show that home-cooked food is healthier than restaurant food. Pauses during working hours should also be encouraged. Even a little physical activity during the day will have a beneficial effect on your health. “Exercise stimulates the production of serotonin and dopamine, feel-good hormones that are not produced by the body during times of stress. Climbing up and down stairs is a great exercise. One study found that walking up and down stairs seven minutes a day reduced the risk of heart disease by two-thirds,” says Dr. Oz. If possible, provide employees with a company discount on gym membership. This will help them work on themselves outside the office and exercise regularly.

Create an Atmosphere of Growth

Work is more than a source of income. Work is a place where employees develop and learn. In one employee motivation survey, employees were asked to rank the factors that motivated them. Surprisingly, high salary and career advancement were not among the top three factors. Instead, “full appreciation for the work done” came first. Employers can create an atmosphere of growth by organizing training, benchmarking (focusing on the best practices in a particular area), and celebrating achievements. Employers should also encourage employees to learn new things. They will become bored and unmotivated if they are never given the opportunity to develop their own skills and empowerment.

Break away from the mold

Surprises bring a spark to all areas of life, including work. Even a little joy can make a person happier. People are more stimulated by unexpected pleasures. Employers need to find little things that can surprise employees. For example, you could bring coffee or baked goods from time to time as a special reward. Small gestures will show employees that you value their time. Another way is to throw an unusual party at the office. Employers can even allow employees to come up with a holiday. And again, it doesn't have to be expensive. The goal is to escape monotony and routine working week, stimulating mutual communication, and expressing your appreciation. Consider office gifts, too. You can arrange a duel or competition to motivate your employees. The prize can be something ordinary (a gift certificate) or something extravagant (a travel package). If you think you should pay attention good mood employees is not necessary, read the comments of dissatisfied employees on various information platforms on the Internet. There are many of them now. Here, for example, is a statement from one of the former employees of a Moscow bank from an information forum about credit institutions: “The attitude towards their employees, to put it mildly, is not entirely correct and adequate. Therefore, you should not expect a normal attitude towards clients while the employees themselves are treated this way. The fish rots from the head". Prove that angry employee wrong. Try to be as good a leader as possible and look for ways to satisfy your employees. Your extra efforts in this direction will lead to better business overall.