Which runes correspond to the zodiac signs. Runic horoscope and description of runic talismans! Runes for Libra men and women

Algiz - Rune of the Zodiac Pisces

Rune Algiz is part of the runic group of speech. It corresponds to the world of Nature. The main concept is Reed or Elk. Algiz symbolizes a person with his hands raised to heaven, prayer, a call from above. This Rune corresponds to the zodiac sign of Piscesand is ruled by the planet Neptune.

Attributes of Neptune - a trident, the outline of which is very similar to the outline of this Rune. This female planet is the personification of the water element, variability and unconscious aspirations. Tree - Willow, Rowan. Metal - platinum. Stone - alexandrite, aquamarine, coral, pearl. The animal is a dolphin. In the human body it corresponds to the legs below the knees. Day of the week is Thursday. Color - blue and its shades. Element of Water. The countries of Pisces are northern France and southern Italy. In traditional numerology it corresponds to the number "9".

People born under the sign of Pisces have an inner sense and intuitive abilities. Therefore, they are often classified as mystical signs signifying the evolution of consciousness. This is a gift from the Gods. Thanks to this quality, Pisces can see any partnership or situation as it is and at the same time feel protected. Here you can see a clear parallel with the Algiz Rune, semantic meaning which is protection. This is the gift from above for the prayers of the one asking. It also provides protection from rash actions, according to intuition. And the anticipation of danger is more important than the presence of strength.

Fish are sensitive and changeable, just like flexible reeds react very sensitively to the slightest gusts of wind, changing direction. Likewise, Pisces, showing flexibility, easily adapt to current life situations. And mobility, in turn, makes a person invulnerable. Literally and figuratively, they can go with the flow (through life situations) and navigate through life “like a fish in water” = like a Fish in its water element. Near Algiz, there are also turns in fate, like turns in the flow of a river, and you need to be prepared for such turns by choosing the right course.

The mode of the planet Neptune here acts as a symbol of unity: the left branch corresponds to the external world, the right branch corresponds to the internal world, the middle branch corresponds to the Ego. It stands on the edge of two other worlds, reuniting with them as one. However, there are also internal contradictions and experiences of the Ego - to serve the world or oneself. In this situation, a person needs to show flexibility, mobility and sensitivity to the circumstances of the external world and adapt to these circumstances in accordance with the inner world.

The classic interpretation of the Algiz Rune can be found in the section Meaning of Runes. Thus, the Algiz Rune can be successfully used by Pisces as a talisman. Especially if you want to use Algiz energy to strengthen these characteristics of your Pisces sign.

At the basis of all runic systems lies the main concept - the concept of the rune. A rune is not just a letter or sign of the alphabet, but something more. Runic alphabets are quite diverse.
The most formalized and established system is the classic ancient Germanic runes - the Elder Futhark. This alphabet consists of 24 characters plus a 25th empty rune, which is used in the rune divination method. It is the futhark that is the key to understanding not only astrology, but also symbolic philosophy, and the fact that runes are associated with astrology is beyond any doubt. Many authors and researchers come to this opinion.
The astrological year begins on the day of the vernal equinox, when the Sun enters the zero degree of Aries; this day can be considered the “reference point” - the beginning of a new annual cycle.
The 24 Elder Runes split the zodiac signs in two, and the Zodiac turns into 24 runic cycles of ten days each. And then ordinary solar astrology, which is based on the position of the Sun in the zodiac circle, is transformed into something new, because, in addition to the influence of a specific Zodiac Sign, the influence of a certain rune of the individual is added here.

Feu (23 March - 5 April)

Rune FEU (F) – execution, possession.
The beginning of the astrological year corresponds to the first futhark rune - FE (fehu - possession). In nature at this time it comes into its own. legal rights It's spring, the days are getting longer and the nights are getting shorter.
FEU is the rune of property, purely material property, therefore people born in the first half of Aries are all great owners.
FEU carries another meaning, from the ancient Gothic language Faihu - this is also “cattle”. In primitive society, wealth was expressed by the amount of movable property - livestock. IN modern society everything is measured by money. That is why individuals born in this runic decan always strive for material wealth and wealth, money is constantly used and increased through active activity.
For such people, only active activity can bring the desired result, so they cannot be passive and infantile, because luck will turn away from them.
An individual born under the solar rune FEU is endowed with strong creative potential and is easy-going, but he can misuse his abilities and waste his creative energy in the wrong direction. He needs to be attentive and vigilant, especially during periods of good fortune, because during times of success people often do rash things. Such individuals are very upset when a loss occurs (of property, a loved one, etc.). For some, grief leads to despair. Therefore, such people should remember that by losing something external (material), they gain internal (spiritual). These people should always be in the world and not alienate themselves, because... alienation can only complicate things, and they may find themselves in a more difficult situation without the support of their environment.
Born under the sign of the FEU rune: Herzen (03/25), Elton John (04/25), M. Gorky (03/26), Van Gogh (03/30), Gogol (04/1), H.H. Andersen (04/2), Helmut Kohl (3.04).

Uruz (April 6 - April 21)

Rune URUZ (U) – strength, power.
The rune URUZ (ur, uruz – bison) is a symbol of power and magical energy. This rune affects people born in the second half of the zodiac sign Aries. URUZ endows a person with special energy (according to Platov, this energy is called YAR) - driving force combative and erotic inspiration and ecstasy. It is not for nothing that this rune was associated with the Bison - a symbol of strength and power; in men this rune increases masculinity, in women femininity.
People who are under the “protection” of this sign gain success and fame through the loss of their old form and the acquisition of a new one, like snakes exchanging old skin for new ones.
An individual born from April 5 to April 21 receives from this rune not only the power and strength of the Bison, but also strong principles. However, it should be remembered that power without control can only bring harm, both to oneself and to the environment (society, friends, family, etc.), so a person must learn humility, because in order to rule, he must learn to serve. Otherwise, the individual's strength will be used against him.
URUZ can manifest itself in an individual in the form of unbridled power; he can sacrifice anything for the sake of his principles and ideals.
This rune helps to realize the individual’s ideas and translate them into everyday reality; renew vital energy and find the courage to give up everything unnecessary; influence circumstances so that situations develop in his favor. URUZ increases productivity, strengthens determination and intention to assert oneself.
In order not to become a victim of one’s own strength, an individual under the influence of this rune is advised not to be overly selfish and arrogant, but to be grateful to his surroundings. These people should be grateful to be in the company of supportive people in life. They should be grateful even for events that they cannot change, because... they learn from mistakes.

Turizas (April 22 - May 6)

Rune TURIZAS (TH) – giant, thorn.
The TURIZAS rune (thurs – literally “giant”) is a very heavy rune, it is the energy that “clears” the path among the random forces of chaos. This rune can be compared to a thunderclap, graphically the rune resembles a stylized image of Thor’s hammer (in the Slavic tradition Thor - Perun) - MJÖLLNIRA. That is why the Vikings and Goths considered this rune a symbol of military initiation.The Anglo-Saxons called this rune thorn - thorn, because it somewhat resembles an acacia thorn.
In this rune you can also see the image of a hoe - a tool for cultivating the soil (it is no wonder that at the time when the zodiac sign of Taurus begins, agricultural work on planting and weeding occurs).
People born under the influence of TURIZAS runes are potential fighters who try to overcome their fears. They zealously defend their positions and property, eliminate opponents and remove any obstacles from their path. In the negative, this leads them to vindictiveness and suspicion, because... because of their personal qualities they believe only in themselves.
Such people should be thoughtful and not jump to conclusions, otherwise they may create more problems than they solve. If they do not analyze and reflect, then because of their own actions they end up in difficult situations. People born under the influence of the TURIZAS rune should strive for wisdom and learn from their own mistakes. Thanks to wisdom, tragedy becomes a lesson, so in any difficult situations they must maintain composure and not lose their minds.
TURIZAS is the bearer of the potential of male creative energy, which is why men born in the first half of Taurus are not indifferent to the opposite sex, it is because of women that they commit rash acts.
This rune helps fight hostile influences; dispel lethargy and awaken enthusiasm; stimulate the subconscious self and bring it into action; remove obstacles.

Ansuz (May 7 - May 21)

Rune ANSUZ (A) – god, mouth.
Rune ANSUZ (oss (Old English) - mouth; ansus (Gothic) - god) is a sign of magic and poetry, inspiration, unexpected discoveries and revelations, as well as a sign of knowledge. This rune is associated with the Scandinavian god (ass) Odin and his reverse side- the insidious ace of Loki.
ANSUZ is the energy of self-expression and various messages - messages expressed in sound, speech, music and other forms of art.
People born under the influence of the ANSUZ rune, in the second half of the zodiac sign Taurus, need to be sensitive and wise. As a rule, such individuals are endowed with an artistic gift and are able to “come up with brilliant works on the fly” (be it music, literature or art). The life of these people is full of surprises that force them to engage in self-improvement. ANSUZ points to the need to integrate unconscious aspirations and conscious intentions. People born under the influence of this rune must always be aware of what is happening during meetings, visits, and unexpected meetings, especially with people who are wiser and more educated.
This rune endows the individual with communication skills, creative thoughts, artistic inspiration and the ability to perceive. But this rune also has a negative influence (since this rune has an inverted position), so an individual under the influence of the ANSUZ rune tends to analyze the situation incorrectly, actions may seem in vain and he may fall into despair due to personal concerns.
Such people need to be extremely honest with their family and friends so that their lies (misinformation) do not harm them. They should not be envious and vindictive, and should not reproach themselves for their past mistakes, because... difficulties and misfortunes will improve their nature. These people need to learn to forgive, because... without this, society will blame them and punish them for the mistakes they have made. For those who want to correct situations from the past - in connection with what has been done or remains unfinished - this rune advises to open the heart and act. Anxiety, born of ignorance and guilt, undermines these people's confidence, distorts their judgment, and clouds their perceptions.

Raido (May 22 - June 6)

Rune RAIDO ® – road, movement.
The rune RAIDO (reid (Scand.) - travel, rad (Anglo-Saxon) - road, raida (Gothic) - road, fertility) is a symbol of movement and travel, this rune is often associated with the Wheel of World Order.
That is why people born under the influence of this rune in the first half of the zodiac sign Gemini, like no one else, strive to travel and try to be in constant motion.
These people try to calculate everything in advance and keep their energy (both physical and mental) under control in order to achieve a specific result. They do not like to be “ridden”, but prefer to be “riders” themselves.
Since RAIDO is a protective rune, it monitors the safety of the individual, on any plane of existence (it was not for nothing that Northern European shamans often wore the RAIDO sign, carved from wood or bone, and took it with them on shamanic journeys).
The key qualities of people born under the influence of this rune are: control and direction, regularity and balance, cyclical development and balanced judgment. Such individuals have an inflated sense of self-esteem, which is why they often have quarrels and breaks with friends and family, so they need to be especially attentive to personal relationships and not lose their sense of humor, even in the most negative situations. You should also not be selfish and arrogant, but be devoted not only to yourself, but also to close people (family and friends). The true power of devotion always changes the life of an individual, because... devotion is the highest form of conscious contact with divine forces.
The RAIDO rune helps: expand individual awareness; open the door to new perspectives and gain access to knowledge; make informed judgments; Protect from threats while traveling.
This is the rune of control over actions, strength and emotions. But we should not forget that feelings are good servants, but bad masters, so your strength and emotions should be controlled so that they do not work against you.

Gebo (June 23 - July 7)

Rune GEBO (G) – gift, partnership.
Rune GEBO (geofu (Scand.), giba (Gothic), gebo (ancient German) - gift) - a sign of partnership and divine gift, the first of the irreversible futhark runes (i.e. this rune does not have the opposite - negative meaning ). This rune is a kind of unity of opposites and clashes of interests. Some runologists associate the GEBO rune with the law of unity and struggle of opposites.
People born under the influence of this rune, in the first half of the zodiac sign Cancer, have a contradictory nature, on the one hand they are excellent partners and helpers, accustomed to helping others out, helping their endeavors and assisting in solving difficult situations. But on the other hand, these people do not want to be obligated to anyone, they do not like being controlled, but are accustomed to acting freely and independently.
Such individuals often give gifts to their friends and acquaintances and sacrifice something for the common good. Since the statutory outline of the GEBO (X) rune reflects the process of equal exchange of energy through which everything comes into being, people under the influence of this rune love not only to give, but also to receive. They are used to feeling the return on investment of effort or money. If an enterprise or cooperation becomes doubtful for them, they break contracts and agreements for the sake of personal freedom.
GEBO helps you use time most effectively and return what you spend to your advantage, so people under the influence of this rune are not used to wasting their time and energy. Such people should not be overly distrustful of friends and partners; they should remember that in order to get something, they need to give something up, sacrifice something in order to maintain balance. Only by trusting others can you do something for yourself.
The GEBO rune helps: manage your time more effectively; give more and receive more in return; strengthen personal relationships.

Vunyo (July 8 - July 23)

Rune VUNYO (W) – joy, culmination.
Rune VUNJO (wyn (Old English), wynn (Anglo-Saxon), winja (Gothic), wunjo (German) - joy) is a sign of prosperity and joy. The Old Norse word "vinya" means "glory of perfection." This rune is the culmination, the achievement of positive results, an exclusively personal power that brings delight and encourages the struggle for perfection.
People born under the influence of this rune, in the second half of Cancer, strive to be happy and have their wishes come true, and their fantasies, even the most unrealistic, become reality. Having achieved the desired result, they become wildly delighted (get a mental and spiritual orgasm).
VUNYO is a light rune, so people under its influence are used to enjoying life and are used to living beautifully. They love gambling because... luck favors them. But we should not forget that VUNYO also has an inverted (reverse) position, so unexpected joy for these people can turn into misfortune and sadness. They, like no one else, should make sure that abundance does not please them too much, and that deprivation does not depress them to the core, and remember one ancient Egyptian slogan: “Fate does not always smile, and therefore do not flatter yourself; fate is not always angry, so learn to be patient.”
People under the influence of the VUNYO rune should remember that everything in life is a lesson in perfection, so they should go beyond the obvious and see the essence of things in their true light. In the most difficult times, these people must know that by focusing on the present, treating others with sincerity, and trusting themselves, they cannot fail. Attention and prudence, patience and sincerity will help them in any, even the most hopeless, situations. During times of joy and happiness, such people should not behave serenely, so as not to lose what they have acquired or gained.
The VUNYO rune helps: to find happiness and prosperity; improve your self-esteem; heal cracks in relationships; bring your plans to a satisfactory result, strive to achieve perfection.

Hagalaz (July 24 - August 8)

Rune HAGALAZ (H) – hail, natural destruction.
Rune HAGALAZ (hagalaz (German), haegl (Old English), hagl (Scand.) - hail, hag (Gothic) - hail, transformation) is a sign of destruction and elemental power. This rune is associated with destruction, rupture, these are forces akin to the forces of the elements (floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes). But natural destruction brings not only disasters, they radically change earthly processes, and therefore natural disasters and destruction are simply vital for further progress.
People born under the influence of this rune, in the first half of the zodiac sign Leo, are strong by nature and can often test their strength, thereby causing some destruction for others. Only by destroying the old are they able to bring new perspectives into their lives; after changes comes time for new growth and development.
Such individuals sometimes cannot control their forces, which break out in the form of anger; this happens when they are unable to control the situation. These people also do not like to be controlled or controlled, because... They are independent by nature; if they feel pressure on themselves from someone else, they break off the relationship. Fear and weakness are two enemies that can harm such people; they are advised not to be afraid of difficult “hopeless” situations, to transform unfavorable or hostile influences into favorable ones. If these people work in a team, they should learn to find common ground and come to a compromise, rather than putting their point of view first. U similar people Ambitions and selfish motives are, as a rule, at the limit; when something or someone does not satisfy them, they show their temper and anger. Anger is a force that charges with the energy necessary for change, it can be baseless and righteous. Unreasonable anger can lead to loneliness, but righteous anger is legitimate anger, only it can free you from the shackles of helplessness.
The HAGALAZ rune helps: get rid of unwanted influences; develop intuition and consciously control intuitive abilities; find ways to bring different points of view together.

Nautiz (August 9 - August 23)

Rune NAUTIZ (N) – need, necessity.
Rune NAUTIZ (nyd (Old English), naugiz (German), nied (Anglo-Saxon), naud (Scand.), nauths (Gothic) - need) - a sign of coercion, necessary losses, need, constraint and restrictions. This rune is associated with three NORNES, Nordic goddesses who weave the threads of destinies, these NORNES are nothing more than the past, present and future (Elder Norna - URD - “origin of being” - past; Middle Norna - VERDANDI - “that which becomes” – present; Younger Norna – SKALD – “what should be” – future). All Nordic peoples associated this rune with fate and fate.
People born under the influence of this rune, in the second half of the zodiac sign Leo, differ from the “early lions” in that their strength and capabilities are very limited by circumstances. But it is thanks to obstacles and limitations that they find their path in life, by focusing their thoughts on only one goal and giving up everything unnecessary, they are able to achieve success in their lives. NAUTIZ allows you to turn disadvantages into advantages and develop self-sufficiency.
People under the influence of this rune should understand that sometimes they should not resist changes that bring something new to replace the unnecessary and outdated; in this very way they increase personal qualities: resistance, endurance and self-sufficiency. Only by realizing their own needs will these people be able to properly meet the needs of others.
It often happens that the life of such people is full of failures, delays and disappointments, but after going through these difficulties they begin to live a full, self-sufficient life. If they complain about their lives and become despondent, then they can become distributors negative energy and poison life not only for yourself, but also for those around you. The main enemies of such individuals: sadness, despondency and shame. This is why a vicious and dishonest lifestyle can cause them great harm. It is the feeling of shame that destroys trust and does not allow self-acceptance. To get rid of shame, you must open all the locked rooms of exhaustion, loneliness and fear.
Any changes in the lives of these people are necessary in order to teach them restraint and prudence. These people should be especially careful in choosing their habitat (society), because... “in this pool there are blacks.”
The NAUTIZ rune helps: fight stress; overcome crises; achieve achievements that seem impossible; develop perseverance; value endurance.

Isa (August 24 - September 8)

Rune ISA (I) – ice.
The ISA rune (is (Old English), isa (German), eis (Gothic), iss (Scand.) - ice) is a sign of isolation, constraint and stagnation. ISA is literally translated as “ice”, and, despite the simple graphic representation of this rune, this sign is quite complex, because it is associated with the element of ice (in the Nordic tradition, ice is, along with fire, one of the creative elements, the unity and opposition of which gives birth to the whole world), with hidden development.
People who are under the main influence of this rune, born in the first half of the zodiac sign Virgo, are more responsible for their actions than anyone else, they are unhurried and if they are doing something, they do it leisurely and measuredly. The ISA rune is associated with immobility, so people under its influence seem motionless and slightly “frostbitten.” But, despite their passivity and immobility, these people lead a deep inner life. In other words, they do not show off their thoughts and feelings, keeping them to themselves. Such people are capable of seclusion and abstraction in any company (“quietly with myself, I’m having a conversation” - this is about such people).
ISA enhances the power of self-restraint in the individual, which helps to figure out which qualities should be preserved and which ones should be gotten rid of. Since this rune is associated with latent development and concentration, people under its influence are recommended to practice meditation; if they do not do exercises to reveal their hidden qualities, then they slow down their development and fixate on only one goal, while forgetting about the existence of other ways of self-realization. If these people feel emotionally empty or feel a loss of connection with reality (they go on a drinking binge or become addicted to drugs), then they stop in their development. In this case, they should cleanse themselves of the old and unnecessary so that a thaw can come into their lives.
The main enemy of such people is fear, it is what keeps them from making decisions in life. difficult situations. It must be remembered that when left unchecked, healthy doubts develop into irrational fears that block life and cause unnecessary hesitation, confusion and pain. If such people are oppressed by fear from the past, then they need to get rid of this burden and let go of all their phobias.
ISA enhances the supporting and preserving force in a person, makes the individual more stable, and concentrates individual intentions. An individual under the influence of this rune has the following qualities: immobility, inertia, compaction, preservation of what has been accomplished, self-restraint. When such a person is in stressful situations, then he tends to slow things down and focus on true values.
The ISA rune helps: calm the mind for meditation; focus attention; neutralize unprovoked attack or hostile intent; strengthen the will; overcome anxiety.

Hyères (9 September - 23 September)

Rune YER (Y) – year, sequence (cyclicity).
Rune YER (ear (Scand.), ger (Old English), jera (German), year (Anglo-Saxon), yer (Gothic) – year, harvest) is a sign of fertility, obtaining results and cyclical rotation. The name “GER” vaguely resembles the name of the ancient Greek goddess of the Earth - Hera, and the word “year” among all Northern European peoples meant a year - another turn, another cycle. Oddly enough, but YER - the harvest rune falls just at the end of September, when peasants collect the fruits of their labors.
People born under the influence of this rune, in the second half of Virgo, are always consistent in their actions, because... They understand perfectly well that in order to harvest the fruits of their activity, they must wait for some time. They are capable of doing great things, but for this they need to learn patience, because... there is simply no point in rushing things.
YER nourishes the seeds of potential within an individual and allows them to emerge effectively at the right time. Actions that are in harmony with nature will produce the desired results because they are consistent with the natural order of things.
The life of these people is consistent and unhurried; changes in life occur gradually, in the proper “interval” of the cycle, because YER is a cyclical movement. These people should not expect unexpected successes and wins from life; they should show patience not only with others, but also with themselves. Patience is part of courage, and sometimes courage requires us to wait. Without patience, it is impossible to achieve perseverance, trust and wisdom. If these people begin to sort things out, compare and judge, this only makes them loopy. Patience is their ally, but it also has its limits, and if something doesn’t go well for these people, then they should do something else, more favorable and fruitful.
People under the influence of the YER rune feel the Earth very well, so working in the garden or vegetable garden is the best meditation and the most important ritual, by doing this they pay tribute to Mother Earth - the Nurse and Waterer of humanity.
The YER rune helps: to realize that patience is always rewarded; implement plans and ideas; live in harmony with the cycles of nature; set your internal clock.

Dear participants, many were interested in questions about the astrological correspondence of runes with zodiac signs, this is what we managed to find, maybe it will be useful to someone.

Runes and Zodiac Signs.
I want to present to you a study of the correspondence of runes to the signs of the Zodiac. In runology, there are several options for distributing runes at different levels. There is a distribution of runes according to the attas, according to the Futhark of Sigrdriva, according to the Celtic Ogham, etc. Let’s take as a basis the distribution of runes across the Nine Worlds of Yggdrasil. According to the Tree of Life, runes are divided into the following levels: World of the Gods World of nature. Human world.
The runes belong to the world of the Gods: Ansuz - the rune of Odin. Teyvaz is Tyr’s wound. Ingus - Inga rune. Thurisaz is the rune of the giant jotuns.
The runes are associated with the natural world: Urus - bull, Hagalas - city Isa - ice Eyvaz - yew, Perth - rune bag, or belly Algis - reed Soulu - sun, Verkana - birch Lagus - water Dagaz - day.
Human world: Feu - cattle, Raido - road, Kano - torch, Gebo - gift Vunyo - fun, Nautiz - need, need, Evas - horse, Yera - harvest, Mannas - man, Odila - inheritance, land, property.
It is clearly seen that the World of the Gods includes runes corresponding to the four elements - Fire, Water, Earth and Air. Each rune of the World of the Gods will correspond on the astrological circle cardinal sign Zodiac.
Tyr is the Scandinavian god of war, and his rune corresponds to the Sign of ARIES - the element of Fire.
Inguz is the god of earth and fertility. His rune corresponds to CAPRICORN and the element of Earth. One might object: “What kind of fertility does Capricorn have?!” But do not forget that the soil of the North is the rocky land of Capricorn. And, in addition, the Inguz rune in the Northern Mysteries was associated with the end of the annual cycle, and the solstice occurs in the sign of Capricorn.
Ansuz is the rune of Odin. It corresponds to the element of Air and the sign of LIBRA.
Thurisaz is the rune of frost giants. They were the first creatures from which people later descended. This rune corresponds to the sign of CANCER - the element of Water.
So, we have identified the four elements and four angular signs of the Zodiac circle. TEYVAZ – ARIES. THURISAZ – CANCER. ANSUZ – LIBRA. INGUZ – CAPRICORN.
Since there are 24 runes in the Futhark, and 12 signs of the Zodiac, each sign corresponds to 2 runes.
In the runes that make up the World of Nature, it is easy to see the connection with the ten planets. URUS is a bull, a symbol of the initial impulse of creation. This rune corresponds to MARS.
HAGALAS and ISA - hail and ice, this is the element of frozen Water. Water transformed into ice. These runes correspond to the planet of transformation PLUTO and the fixed sign SCORPIO.
EIVAZ - yew, a tree growing on the ground and symbolizing both death and the transition from darkness to light. This rune corresponds to SATURN and the sign of CAPRICORN.
PERTH – womb, rune bag. The image of this rune looks like a rune storage pouch. Many runologists compare the outline of the Perth rune with a woman’s womb. This is a symbol of preserving anything - runes, secrets, information, a child that is about to be born. At the same time, it is a symbol of the Subconscious, which is hidden deep inside us. In astropsychology, the IV house, the house of CANCER, is the kingdom of the Subconscious, and this house is ruled by the MOON.
ALGIZ – reed. Its outline is very reminiscent of the planet NEPTUNE, the ruler of PISCES.
SOULU – SUN, LEO, V House. Both the rune and the zodiac sign are associated with the Sun and victory.
DAGAZ - day. This is the rune of awakening and light, a symbol of a new day. The word "dagaz" actually means "day". In fortune telling it says that the situation has changed for the better, and we move from darkness to light. This rune is also associated with the SUN.
BERKANA – birch. Rune feminine power and beauty. Birch is also connected with the earth, just like PROSERPINE - the planet of feminine power that rules VIRGO.
LAGUS - water, lake. This is the rune of the water element, a force that rises from the Subconscious. It cleanses all levels of our life. "Lagu" means "lake" in Norwegian. Runic shamans use the Lagus rune as a symbol of the transition from life to death and back. In this sense, Lagus can be compared with the sign of PISCES and their ruler NEPTUNE. Now, runes related to the Human World can just as easily be brought into line with the signs of the Zodiac.
FEU - livestock. Its outline resembles the horns of a cow. Its original meaning is cattle. At the time of the appearance of runes, cattle were a means of measuring wealth, and later, with the development of society, this rune began to mean not only cattle, but everything else material wealth, which multiplies, including money. Property is what I own, my personal resources. In astrology, the 2nd house is responsible for property and personal resources. In the symbolic Zodiac it is TAURUS, which coincides very well with the symbol of the rune. Venus, the ruler of Taurus, also means material wealth.
RAIDO - road. Raido contains the potential for movement and forward direction. This is movement in space and time, this is the sign of GEMINI and their ruler MERCURY, who in magic is called the Lord of the Crossed Roads.
KANO - torch. This is the rune of fire and inner light. In design it resembles an ancient lamp. Kano Light provides the energy necessary to achieve your goals, to expand internal space. Astrological correspondence – SAGITTARIUS, JUPITER.
NAUTIS – need, need. In its design, this rune is similar to devices for starting a fire. In the Futhark wheel, it also belongs to the element of Fire. But this is man-made fire, it, like Kano, is susceptible to change, and therefore belongs to the mutable sign of Fire - SAGITTARIUS.
GEBO is a gift. In addition to the gift, this rune symbolizes unification and partnership. And here there is a direct connection with the Sign LIBRA. VENUS, the ruler of Libra, also symbolizes gifts and partnerships.
VUNYO – joy, glory. Old Norse word meaning "glory of perfection". In astrology, the 11th house and its symbolic ruler URANUS. In addition, the desire for perfection is a purely human property. And Uranus in astrology is the highest insight.
EVAS - horse. In the Celtic epic, the rune Ewas is associated with Sleipnir, Odin's steed. Sleipnir transported Odin to other worlds. Simply put, the horse is a means of transportation and it corresponds to the 3rd house, GEMINI and MERCURY.
YERA - harvest. This is the rune of change, of harvesting, both grown by nature and the harvest of our deeds. The sign of VIRGO is a symbol of harvest and change (mutable sign) - this is a very good match for Yera.
MANNAZ is a person. Mannaz is an Old Norse word meaning "man". It is considered the rune of intelligence and human consciousness. The symbol of intelligence in astrology is the planet URANUS.
ODAL - inheritance. The Old Norse word "odal" means "ownership". This is the rune of what belongs to us by right, as well as our innate qualities. Astrological correspondence – TAURUS.
So, the Astrological correspondence of runes to the elements:
Astrological correspondence of runes to zodiac signs.

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Today we will find out what a runic horoscope is and read the meaning of runic talismans!

At the basis of all runic systems lies the main concept - the concept of the rune. A rune is not just a letter or sign of the alphabet, but something more. And the fact that runes are associated with astrology does not raise any doubts. Many researchers come to this opinion.

The runic horoscope, of course, is more accurate and voluminous than just the zodiac. Ordinary solar astrology, which is based on the position of the Sun in the zodiac circle, is transformed into something new, because, in addition to the influence of a specific Zodiac Sign, the influence of a certain rune of the individual is added here.

We bring to your attention a complete runic horoscope and a description of the runic talismans that are most suitable for you.

Runic horoscope

Find your rune by your date of birth and read the description of your runic horoscope.

The beginning of the astrological year corresponds to the first futhark rune - FE (fehu - possession). In nature, at this time spring comes into its own, the days become longer and the nights become shorter.

FEU - rune property, purely material property, therefore people born in the first half of Aries are all great owners.

FEU carries another meaning, from the ancient Gothic language Faihu - this is also “cattle”. In primitive society, wealth was expressed by the amount of movable property - livestock. In modern society, everything is measured by money. That is why individuals born in this runic decan always strive for material prosperity and wealth, money is constantly used and increased through active activity.

For such people, only active activity can bring the desired result, so they cannot be passive and infantile, because luck will turn away from them.

An individual born under the solar rune FEU is endowed with strong creative potential and is easy-going, but he can misuse his abilities and waste his creative energy in the wrong direction. He needs to be attentive and vigilant, especially during periods of good fortune, because during times of success people often do rash things. Such individuals are very upset when a loss occurs (of property, a loved one, etc.). For some, grief leads to despair. Therefore, such people should remember that by losing something external (material), they gain internal (spiritual). These people should always be in the world and not alienate themselves, because... alienation can only complicate things, and they may find themselves in a more difficult situation without the support of their environment.

The following were born under the sign of the FEU runes: Herzen (25.03), Elton John (25.04), M. Gorky (26.03), Van Gogh (30.03), Gogol (1.04), H. H. Andersen (2.04), Helmut Kohl (3.04).

(ur, uruz – bison) – a symbol of power and magical energy. This rune affects people born in the second half of the zodiac sign Aries. URUZ endows a person with special energy (according to Platov, this energy is called YAR) - the driving force of combat and erotic inspiration and ecstasy. It is not for nothing that this rune was associated with the Bison - a symbol of strength and power; in men this rune increases masculinity, in women femininity.

People who are under the “protection” of this sign gain success and fame through the loss of their old form and the acquisition of a new one, like snakes exchanging old skin for new ones.

An individual born from April 5 to April 21 receives from this rune not only the power and strength of the Bison, but also strong principles. However, it should be remembered that power without control can only bring harm, both to oneself and to the environment (society, friends, family, etc.), so a person must learn humility, because in order to rule, he must learn to serve. Otherwise, the individual's strength will be used against him.

URUZ can manifest itself in an individual in the form of unbridled power; he can sacrifice anything for the sake of his principles and ideals.

This rune helps to realize the individual’s ideas and translate them into everyday reality; renew vital energy and find the courage to give up everything unnecessary; influence circumstances so that situations develop in his favor. URUZ increases productivity, strengthens determination and intention to assert oneself.

In order not to become a victim of one’s own strength, an individual under the influence of this rune is advised not to be overly selfish and arrogant, but to be grateful to his surroundings. These people should be grateful to be in the company of supportive people in life. They should be grateful even for events that they cannot change, because... they learn from mistakes.

Under the sign of the runes URUZ were born: J. P. Belmondo (9.04), A. Pugacheva (15.04), Chaplin (16.04), Leonardo da Vinci (15.04), G. Kasparov (13.04), Adolf Hitler (20.04).

(thurs – literally “giant”) is a very heavy rune, this is the energy that “clears” the path among the random forces of chaos. This rune can be compared to a thunderclap; graphically, the rune resembles a stylized image of Thor’s hammer (in the Slavic tradition Thor - Perun) - MJÖLLNIR. That is why the Vikings and Goths considered this rune a symbol of military initiation. The Anglo-Saxons called this rune thorn - thorn, because. it somewhat resembles an acacia thorn.

In this rune you can also see the image of a hoe - a tool for cultivating the soil (it is no wonder that at the time when the zodiac sign of Taurus begins, agricultural work on planting and weeding occurs).

People born under the influence of TURIZAS runes are potential fighters who try to overcome their fears. They zealously defend their positions and property, eliminate opponents and remove any obstacles from their path. In the negative, this leads them to vindictiveness and suspicion, because... Because of their personal qualities, they believe only in themselves.

Such people should be thoughtful and not jump to conclusions, otherwise they may create more problems than they solve. If they do not analyze and reflect, then because of their own actions they end up in difficult situations. People born under the influence of the TURIZAS rune should strive for wisdom and learn from their own mistakes. Thanks to wisdom, tragedy becomes a lesson, so in any difficult situations they must maintain composure and not lose their minds.

TURIZAS is the bearer of the potential of male creative energy, which is why men born in the first half of Taurus are not indifferent to the opposite sex, it is because of women that they commit rash acts.

This rune helps fight hostile influences; dispel lethargy and awaken enthusiasm; stimulate the subconscious self and bring it into action; remove obstacles.

The following people were born under the sign of the TURIZAS rune: Kant (22.04), Lenin (22.04), Shakespeare (13.04), Rudolf Hess (28.04), Morse (27.04), Jack Nicholson (28.04), Sadam Hussein (28.04), Jaroslav Hasek (30.04), Kerensky (4.05).

(oss (Old English) - mouth; ansus (Gothic) - god) - a sign of magic and poetry, inspiration, unexpected discoveries and revelations, as well as a sign of knowledge. This rune is associated with the Scandinavian god (ass) Odin and his reverse side - the insidious ace Loki.

ANSUZ is the energy of self-expression and various messages - messages expressed in sound, speech, music and other forms of art.

People born under the influence of the ANSUZ rune, in the second half of the zodiac sign Taurus, need to be sensitive and wise. As a rule, such individuals are endowed with an artistic gift and are able to “come up with brilliant works on the fly” (be it music, literature or fine art). The life of these people is full of surprises that force them to engage in self-improvement. ANSUZ points to the need to integrate unconscious aspirations and conscious intentions. People born under the influence of this rune must always be aware of what is happening during meetings, visits, and unexpected meetings, especially with people who are wiser and more educated.

This rune endows the individual with communication skills, creative thoughts, artistic inspiration and the ability to perceive. But this rune also has a negative influence (since this rune has an inverted position), so an individual under the influence of the ANSUZ rune tends to analyze the situation incorrectly, actions may seem in vain and he may fall into despair due to personal concerns.

Such people need to be extremely honest with their family and friends so that their lies (misinformation) do not harm them. They should not be envious and vindictive, and should not reproach themselves for their past mistakes, because... difficulties and misfortunes will improve their nature. These people need to learn to forgive, because... without this, society will blame them and punish them for the mistakes they have made. For those who want to correct situations from the past - in connection with what has been done or remains unfinished - this rune advises to open the heart and act. Anxiety, born of ignorance and guilt, undermines these people's confidence, distorts their judgment, and clouds their perceptions.

Under the sign of ANSUZ the runes were born: P. I. Tchaikovsky (7.05), B. Okudzhava (9.05), Salvador Dali (11.05), M. Bulgakov (15.05), Robindranath Tagore (7.05), Honore de Balzac (20.05).

(reid (Scand.) - travel, rad (Anglo-Saxon) - road, raida (Gothic) - road, fertility) - a symbol of movement and travel, this rune is often associated with the Wheel of World Order.

That is why people born under the influence of this rune in the first half of the zodiac sign Gemini, like no one else, strive to travel and try to be in constant motion.

These people try to calculate everything in advance and keep their energy (both physical and mental) under control in order to achieve a specific result. They do not like to be “ridden”, but prefer to be “riders” themselves.

Since RAIDO is a protective rune, it monitors the safety of the individual, on any plane of existence (it was not for nothing that Northern European shamans often wore the RAIDO sign, carved from wood or bone, and took it with them on shamanic journeys).

The key qualities of people born under the influence of this rune are: control and direction, regularity and balance, cyclical development and balanced judgment. Such individuals have an inflated sense of self-esteem, which is why they often have quarrels and breaks with friends and family, so they need to be especially attentive to personal relationships and not lose their sense of humor, even in the most negative situations. You should also not be selfish and arrogant, but be devoted not only to yourself, but also to close people (family and friends). The true power of devotion always changes the life of an individual, because... devotion is the highest form of conscious contact with divine forces.

The RAIDO rune helps: expand individual awareness; open the door to new perspectives and gain access to knowledge; make informed judgments; Protect from threats while traveling.

This is the rune of control over actions, strength and emotions. But we should not forget that feelings are good servants, but bad masters, so your strength and emotions should be controlled so that they do not work against you.

Under the sign of the RAIDO runes were born: A. Karpov (23.05), M. Sholokhov (24.05), I. Brodsky (24.05), Tito (25.05), Marat (24.05), Marilyn Monroe (1.06).

(kaun (Scand.) - torch, cen (Anglo-Saxon) - torch, kanu (Gothic) - flame) - a sign of renewed clarity and disclosure, this is a flame that should dispel the darkness of ignorance.

People under its influence, born in the second half of Gemini, have extraordinary creative potential, among them there are many brilliant writers, scientists and musicians.

KENAZ is the energy of the flame that destroys the old and creates new forms, it is the power of analysis, calculated growth and development. KENAZ gives the individual the clarity of thought necessary to visualize important ideas and translate them into reality. Such individuals are very dependent on their inspiration (mood), thanks to which they create brilliant creations. But before creating something, they should make sure that their actions are aimed at achieving the right result, so as not to get burned or waste precious time.

If such people find a favorite activity, then they devote themselves entirely to it, which is why they become alienated from their environment (relatives, friends, colleagues, etc.). They categorically cannot follow the lead of their mood without listening to outside advice, because... then they will face failures, destruction of personal principles, loss of partners and friends. Melancholy and apathy are extremely destructive for these people, so they should not lock themselves “within four walls”, but spend more time in nature and at various public meetings.

Rune KENAZ helps: express yourself clearly and understandably; gain clarity of thought; see what changes need to be made in life; ignite the fire of enthusiasm.

The following were born under the sign of the KENAZ runes: Gauguin (7.06), Schumann (8.06), Pushkin (6.06), Carl Jung (13.06), Yves Cousteau (11.06), Strauss (11.06), Grieg (15.06), Anna Akhmatova (14.06), Paul McCartney (18.06), Pascal (19.06).

(geofu (Scand.), giba (Gothic), gebo (Old German) - gift) - a sign of partnership and divine gift, the first of the irreversible futhark runes (i.e. this rune does not have the opposite - negative meaning). This rune is a kind of unity of opposites and clashes of interests. Some runologists associate the GEBO rune with the law of unity and struggle of opposites.

People born under the influence of this rune, in the first half of the zodiac sign Cancer, have a contradictory nature, on the one hand they are excellent partners and helpers, accustomed to helping others out, helping their endeavors and assisting in solving difficult situations. But on the other hand, these people do not want to be obligated to anyone, they do not like being controlled, but are accustomed to acting freely and independently.

Such individuals often give gifts to their friends and acquaintances and sacrifice something for the common good. Since the statutory outline of the GEBO (X) rune reflects the process of equal exchange of energy through which everything comes into being, people under the influence of this rune love not only to give, but also to receive. They are used to feeling the return on investment of effort or money. If an enterprise or cooperation becomes doubtful for them, they break contracts and agreements for the sake of personal freedom.

GEBO helps you use time most effectively and return what you spend to your advantage, so people under the influence of this rune are not used to wasting their time and energy. Such people should not be overly distrustful of friends and partners; they should remember that in order to get something, they need to give something up, sacrifice something in order to maintain balance. Only by trusting others can you do something for yourself.

The GEBO rune helps: manage your time more effectively; give more and receive more in return; strengthen personal relationships.

Under the sign of the runes GEBO were born: Khachaturian (14.06), Rubens (28.06), J. .J. Rousseau (28.06), Exupery (1.07), George Sand (1.07), Gluck (2.07), P. Lumumba (2.07).

(wyn (Old English), wynn (Anglo-Saxon), winja (Gothic), wunjo (German) - joy) - a sign of well-being and joy. The Old Norse word "vinya" means "glory of perfection." This rune is the culmination, the achievement of positive results, an exclusively personal power that brings delight and encourages the struggle for perfection.

People born under the influence of this rune, in the second half of Cancer, strive to be happy and have their wishes come true, and their fantasies, even the most unrealistic, become reality. Having achieved the desired result, they become wildly delighted (get a mental and spiritual orgasm).

VUNYO is a light rune, so people under its influence are used to enjoying life and are used to living beautifully. They love gambling because... luck favors them. But we should not forget that VUNYO also has an inverted (reverse) position, so unexpected joy for these people can turn into misfortune and sadness. They, like no one else, should make sure that abundance does not please them too much, and that deprivation does not depress them to the core, and remember one ancient Egyptian slogan: “Fate does not always smile, and therefore do not flatter yourself; fate is not always angry, so learn to be patient.”

People under the influence of the VUNYO rune should remember that everything in life is a lesson in perfection, so they should go beyond the obvious and see the essence of things in their true light. In the most difficult times, these people must know that by focusing on the present, treating others with sincerity, and trusting themselves, they cannot fail. Attention and prudence, patience and sincerity will help them in any, even the most hopeless, situations. During times of joy and happiness, such people should not behave serenely, so as not to lose what they have acquired or gained.

The VUNYO rune helps: to find happiness and prosperity; improve your self-esteem; heal cracks in relationships; bring your plans to a satisfactory result, strive to achieve perfection.

The following were born under the sign of the VUNYO runes: Rembrandt (15.07), D. Davydov (16.07), Miklouho-Maclay (17.07), N. Mandela (18.07), V. Mayakovsky (19.07), Petrarch (20.07), Juna (22.07), M. Mathieu (22.07).

(hagalaz (German), haegl (Old English), hagl (Scand.) – hail, hag (Gothic) – hail, transformation) – a sign of destruction and elemental force. This rune is associated with destruction, rupture, these are forces akin to the forces of the elements (floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes). But natural destruction brings not only disasters, they radically change earthly processes, and therefore natural disasters and destruction are simply vital for further progress.

People born under the influence of this rune, in the first half of the zodiac sign Leo, are strong by nature and can often test their strength, thereby causing some destruction for others. Only by destroying the old are they able to bring new perspectives into their lives; after changes comes time for new growth and development.

Such individuals sometimes cannot control their forces, which break out in the form of anger; this happens when they are unable to control the situation. These people also do not like to be controlled or controlled, because... They are independent by nature; if they feel pressure on themselves from someone else, they break off the relationship. Fear and weakness are two enemies that can harm such people; they are advised not to be afraid of difficult “hopeless” situations, to transform unfavorable or hostile influences into favorable ones. If these people work in a team, they should learn to find common ground and come to a compromise, rather than putting their point of view first. For such people, ambitions and selfish motives are, as a rule, at the limit; when something or someone does not satisfy them, they show their temper and anger. Anger is a force that charges with the energy necessary for change, it can be baseless and righteous. Unreasonable anger can lead to loneliness, but righteous anger is legitimate anger, only it can free you from the shackles of helplessness.

The HAGALAZ rune helps: get rid of unwanted influences; develop intuition and consciously control intuitive abilities; find ways to bring different points of view together.

The following were born under the sign of the HAGALAZ rune: A. Dumas (father) (24.07), I. Ilyinsky (24.07), V. Shukshin (25.07), B. Shaw (26.07), Ford (30.07), Aivazovsky (29.07), A. Schwarzenegger (30.07), Maupassant ( 5.08), J. Hatfield (3.08).

(nyd (Old English), naugiz (German), nied (Anglo-Saxon), naud (Scand.), nauths (Gothic) - need) - a sign of coercion, necessary losses, need, constraint and restrictions. This rune is associated with three NORNES, Nordic goddesses who weave the threads of destinies, these NORNES are nothing more than the past, present and future (Elder Norna - URD - “origin of being” - past; Middle Norna - VERDANDI - “that which becomes” – present; Younger Norna – SKALD – “what should be” – future). All Nordic peoples associated this rune with fate and fate.

People born under the influence of this rune, in the second half of the zodiac sign Leo, differ from the “early lions” in that their strength and capabilities are very limited by circumstances. But it is thanks to obstacles and limitations that they find their path in life, by focusing their thoughts on only one goal and giving up everything unnecessary, they are able to achieve success in their lives. NAUTIZ allows you to turn disadvantages into advantages and develop self-sufficiency.

People under the influence of this rune should understand that sometimes they should not resist changes that bring something new to replace the unnecessary and outdated; in this very way they increase personal qualities: resistance, endurance and self-sufficiency. Only by realizing their own needs will these people be able to properly meet the needs of others.

It often happens that the life of such people is full of failures, delays and disappointments, but after going through these difficulties they begin to live a full, self-sufficient life. If they complain about their lives and become despondent, then they can become distributors of negative energy and poison the lives of not only themselves, but also those around them. The main enemies of such individuals: sadness, despondency and shame. This is why a vicious and dishonest lifestyle can cause them great harm. It is the feeling of shame that destroys trust and does not allow self-acceptance. To get rid of shame, you must open all the locked rooms of exhaustion, loneliness and fear.

Any changes in the lives of these people are necessary in order to teach them restraint and prudence. These people should be especially careful in choosing their habitat (society), because... “in this pool there are blacks.”

The NAUTIZ rune helps: fight stress; overcome crises; achieve achievements that seem impossible; develop perseverance; value endurance.

The following were born under the sign of the rune NAUTIZ: Hieronymus Bosch (9.08), M. Zoshchenko (10.08), B. Clinton (19.08), Yasser Arafat (13.08), F. Castro (13.08), Hitchcock (13.08), Ilya Repin (14.08), Madonna (16.08), P. Richard (16.08), Robert De Niro (17.08).

(is (Old English), isa (German), eis (Gothic), iss (Scand.) - ice) - a sign of isolation, constraint and stagnation. ISA is literally translated as “ice”, and, despite the simple graphic representation of this rune, this sign is quite complex, because it is associated with the element of ice (in the Nordic tradition, ice is, along with fire, one of the creative elements, the unity and opposition of which gives birth to the whole world), with hidden development.

People who are under the main influence of this rune, born in the first half of the zodiac sign Virgo, are more responsible for their actions than anyone else, they are unhurried and if they are doing something, they do it leisurely and measuredly. The ISA rune is associated with immobility, so people under its influence seem motionless and slightly “frostbitten.” But, despite their passivity and immobility, these people lead a deep inner life. In other words, they do not show off their thoughts and feelings, keeping them to themselves. Such people are capable of seclusion and abstraction in any company (“quietly with myself, I’m having a conversation” - this is about such people).

ISA enhances the power of self-restraint in the individual, which helps to figure out which qualities should be preserved and which ones should be gotten rid of. Since this rune is associated with latent development and concentration, people under its influence are recommended to practice meditation; if they do not do exercises to reveal their hidden qualities, then they slow down their development and fixate on only one goal, while forgetting about the existence of other ways of self-realization. If these people feel emotionally empty or feel a loss of connection with reality (they go on a drinking binge or become addicted to drugs), then they stop in their development. In this case, they should cleanse themselves of the old and unnecessary so that a thaw can come into their lives.

The main enemy of such people is fear; it is what keeps them from making decisions in difficult situations. It must be remembered that when left unchecked, healthy doubts develop into irrational fears that block life and cause unnecessary hesitation, confusion and pain. If such people are oppressed by fear from the past, then they need to get rid of this burden and let go of all their phobias.

ISA enhances the supporting and preserving force in a person, makes the individual more stable, and concentrates individual intentions. An individual under the influence of this rune has the following qualities: immobility, inertia, compaction, preservation of what has been accomplished, self-restraint. When such a person is in stressful situations, he tends to slow things down and focus on true values.

The ISA rune helps: calm the mind for meditation; focus attention; neutralize unprovoked attack or hostile intent; strengthen the will; overcome anxiety.

The following were born under the sign of the ISA runes: Schoen Conery (25.08), G. Danelia (25.08), T. Dreiser (27.08), Goette (28.08), Michael Jackson (29.08), Evgeny Leonov (3.09), J. S. Bach (5.09), F. Mercury ( 5.09).

(ear (Scand.), ger (Old English), jera (German), year (Anglo-Saxon), yer (Gothic) – year, harvest) – a sign of fertility, obtaining results and cyclical rotation. The name “GER” vaguely resembles the name of the ancient Greek goddess of the Earth - Hera, and the word “year” among all Northern European peoples meant a year - another turn, another cycle. Oddly enough, but YER - the harvest rune falls just at the end of September, when peasants collect the fruits of their labors.

People born under the influence of this rune, in the second half of Virgo, are always consistent in their actions, because... They understand perfectly well that in order to harvest the fruits of their activity, they must wait for some time. They are capable of doing great things, but for this they need to learn patience, because... there is simply no point in rushing things.

YER nourishes the seeds of potential within an individual and allows them to emerge effectively at the right time. Actions that are in harmony with nature will produce the desired results because they are consistent with the natural order of things.

The life of these people is consistent and unhurried; changes in life occur gradually, in the proper “interval” of the cycle, because YER is a cyclical movement. These people should not expect unexpected successes and wins from life; they should show patience not only with others, but also with themselves. Patience is part of courage, and sometimes courage requires us to wait. Without patience, it is impossible to achieve perseverance, trust and wisdom. If these people begin to sort things out, compare and judge, this only makes them loopy. Patience is their ally, but it also has its limits, and if something doesn’t go well for these people, then they should do something else, more favorable and fruitful.

People under the influence of the YER rune feel the Earth very well, so working in the garden or vegetable garden is the best meditation and the most important ritual, by doing this they pay tribute to Mother Earth - the Nurse and Waterer of humanity.

The YER rune helps: to realize that patience is always rewarded; implement plans and ideas; live in harmony with the cycles of nature; set your internal clock.

Under the sign of the runes YER were born: L. Tolstoy (9.09), A. Dovzhenko (11.09), O Henry (11.09), Cardinal Reshelier (14.09), J. F. Cooper (15.09), Kutuzov (16.09), Tsiolkovsky (17.09).

(eoh (Old English), eihwaz (German), eiws (Gothic) - protection, eow (Anglo-Saxon) - yew) - rune of protection and defense, the Nordic tradition associates this rune with death and the Lower World. EIVAZ is a sign of preservation and assistance in overcoming obstacles, it is the power of continuity, allowing life hidden in birth and death to be present in natural cycle Universe.

The graphic representation of this rune displays the struggle between light and darkness; I would even say better that this is a rune of connection between positive and negative qualities- balance of good and evil (at this time, namely at zero degree of Libra, the autumn equinox occurs, when night is equal to day).

It is no wonder that EIVAZ opens the first half of the zodiac sign Libra - the sign of balance and the union of opposites. People born during this period are very hardy and persistent. Experiencing difficulties or delays in life path, they develop their persistence. They try to keep their physical body normal, they do physical exercises, love sports games and adhere to diets. A dissolute lifestyle and gluttony deprive these people of their minds, they lose their physical form and make themselves diseases and enemies.

These people are not accustomed to hectic actions or actions under duress; they do everything progressively and are accustomed to leading and commanding themselves. They don't like to be confused or worried, so they are very cautious. Before doing anything, they weigh all their pros and cons, and act as they see fit, often regardless of the opinions of other people.

People under the influence of this rune should be extremely honest with the people around them, and, above all, with themselves. If they have shortcomings or excesses, and they do not correct themselves, but rather satisfy their desires and follow their habits, then this causes chaos and disorder in their natures.

It is useful for these people to look inside themselves more often and carry out a merciless audit of personality and personal behavior; this is the only way to get rid of everything unnecessary. Such individuals are not used to “flying in the clouds”, but set real goals for themselves, therefore their lifestyle is specific, they perfectly realize their potential in social, political or commercial activities, the choice of an extreme profession is not excluded (for example, firefighter or mountaineer) .

Rune EIVAZ helps: free yourself from the fear of death; strengthen endurance; avoid confusion; free up internal resources.

The following people were born under the sign of the EIVAZ rune: G. Cardano (24.09), Shostakovich (25.09), I. Pavlov (26.09), J. Hendricks (27.09), Fermi (29.09), Mahatma Gandhi (2.10), S. Yesenin (3.10), Thor Heyerdahl (6.10).

(peord (Old English), perd (German), painthra (Anglo-Saxon) - “that which is hidden”) - a sign of magical initiation and rebirth (the symbol of the rune is the Phoenix bird), the search for new perspectives and preservation. This rune is mythologically associated with the Scandinavian goddess Frig - the goddess of fate, knowledge and power, the wife of Odin.

People born under the influence of this rune in the second half of Libra are often secretive and do not show off their thoughts and feelings; they jealously keep their secrets and do not really like to be frank about their personal lives. They never lose their individuality and tend to remain themselves, with all their strengths and weaknesses. But changes (whether life trials or a change of place of residence) always push such people forward towards self-realization.

Since the PERT rune is a sign of unknowable existence (literally “PERT” - “that which is hidden”); then people under the influence of this rune often gravitate toward mysticism and the occult. PERT helps them understand the process of cause and effect and dispel misconceptions. Religion, philosophy and occultism are the faithful allies of such people; they help to break the cause-and-effect connections between the past and the future of the individual.

These people should not get hung up on the material side of life, because... without spiritual harmony they cannot achieve prosperity and material well-being. When finding themselves in difficult situations, they must learn to go beyond limitations and look for new ways for self-realization; they cannot live in the past (past achievements and victories), but live for today. Any failure, any humiliation tests their character; thanks to life's trials, these people strengthen their will.

These people often lack patience. To complete the job, then they begin to get angry, angry at others and at themselves. Only understanding and love can save them from negative vibrations, love inspires these people when they love and know that they are loved too. If they sincerely love what they do, then they become the best of the best.

The PERT rune helps: make dreams and hopes come true; experience pleasure in everyday activities; realize hidden potential.

Under the sign of the runes PERTH were born: Cervantes (9.10), Roerich (10.10), Verdi (10.10), M. Thatcher (13.10), Lermontov (15.10), Nietzsche (15.10), O. Wide (16.10), Vrubel (17.10).

(eolh (Old English), algis (German), algs (Gothic), eolhs (Anglo-Saxon) - reed) - a rune of support and protection of the gods, a sign of divine protection. This rune is associated with the Scandinavian god Heimdal - the Guardian of the Gods, who protects the World from the invasion of dark harmful forces.

People born under the influence of this rune in the first half of the zodiac sign Scorpio are under the constant protection of divine forces, their lives are full of unexpected twists of fate, so they discover new perspectives for themselves, but this happens only if they correct their individual shortcomings . These people strive to know themselves and discover their hidden capabilities, but directing their thoughts upward (to God, to the Universe, to their spiritual “I”), they should stand firmly on the ground so as not to lose their balance.

The instinct of self-expression is well developed in such people, so they are used to spinning around in order to increase their material well-being; when they feel danger, they instinctively defend themselves. It is extremely difficult to harm such people, because... they have enormous vitality potential. This life force, firstly, it protects the individual aura (the bioenergy field of the individual), and secondly, it strengthens determination in achieving the goal. When such an individual commits undesirable actions, indulges in his habits, abuses drugs or alcohol, then he loses self-control. Such a person must remember that only timely correct action and behavior appropriate to the circumstances are his only true protection. Therefore, you should protect yourself and your health from unhealthy whims.

These people should be attentive to their psyche and their health, so as not to cause trouble to themselves or others. They should be moderate and courteous, and learn flexibility and loyalty, only in this way will they be able to withstand dangers and harmful attacks from without.

When such people set proper boundaries for themselves (limit their requests), they become freer, and troubles bypass them, because... good boundaries are essential to developing healthy feelings about yourself. Individual boundaries require attention and care, because... Without well-maintained boundaries there is no safe passage to new life, boundaries create a safe haven for change, healing and growth.

The ALGIZ rune helps: generate creative ideas; find hidden strengths to face any challenge; reject negative influences; Find balance during times of stress.

The following were born under the sign of the ALGIZ rune: A. Raikin (10.14), P. Picasso (10.25), T. Roosevelt (10.27), A. Blok (10.28), Goebbels (10.29), Maradonna (10.30), Louis Hamon (11.1), S. Marshak (11.3) .

(sigel (Old English), sowelu (German), sfui (Gothic)l, sygil (Anglo-Saxon) - sun) - a sign of victory, integrity and power, it is also a sign of creative energy, the will to win and the victorious completion of any beginnings. “SOULO” literally means “sun,” but it’s not exactly the Sun - like a star around which the planets revolve, SOULO is, first of all, solar energy.

People born under the influence of this rune in the second half of Scorpio are incredibly tenacious, they endure severe overloads, come out of clinical death, and survive the most severe illnesses.

Often these people have an enlightening power that allows them to perceive things in their true form. The power of SOULO activates their spiritual energy and releases their inner potential for creative self-expression. This power promotes not only rejuvenation, but also regeneration. Already in old age, these people look cheerful, the power of this rune fills them with youthful enthusiasm.

Sometimes such individuals experiment on themselves and their strength, then they can completely lose control and simply go crazy. Such actions destroy the integrity of these individuals. They should realize their own essence and put it into form, direct it along the path of creation. To become real Warriors of the Spirit, these people should learn not only to attack, but also to retreat. If they are wasting their energy, then they should retreat and not waste precious power, it is better not to persist, but to give themselves a rest and recharge.

Such people should learn to act without acting, without exerting effort, and without resorting to manipulation. They should also learn compassion, by living a compassionate life they can come to experience the Presence of God in a simple and universal way. These people should show compassion not only to others, but also to themselves: to admit to themselves something that they have long denied. SOULO advises to open up and let light into that part of life that was previously hidden or unfree.

If these people are engaged in creativity, then it is very unusual and multifaceted, but if there is no creativity in their life, then the energy potential spills out into the negative (destructive) sphere.

The SOULO rune helps: achieve enlightenment; see things as they really are; gain inner vision that clarifies the path; increase energy levels; give strength to achieve a goal; make “impossible” dreams come true.

The following were born under the sign of the SOULO runes: B. Brecht (11.10), Martin Luther (11.10), Dostoevsky (11.11), Daniil Andreev (11.14), D. Carnegie (11.15), E. Ryazanov (11.18), M. Lomonosov (11.19).

(tyr (Scand.), tir (Old English), teiwaz (German), teiws (Gothic) - Tyr (god of war)) - a sign of strength, courage, will and victory, devotion, fidelity and fearlessness. TEYVAZ is the rune of the Warrior, this sign is dedicated to Tyr - the god of war, it is a symbol of male strength, honor and courage. The outline of the rune can be compared to a penis standing between outstretched legs. To conceive, you need to activate your vital force; the seed must merge with the egg to create new power (the seed must sacrifice itself so that the higher self can incarnate in the future). That is why TEYVAZ embodies the power of reproduction and sacrifice.

People under the main (solar) influence of this rune, who were born in the first half of the zodiac sign Sagittarius (note that the graphic representation of the TEYVAZ rune is very similar to the symbol of the zodiac sign Sagittarius), are “spiritual warriors” who are ready to fight for their ideals and defend your principles. They “fight” not only with people or circumstances, but even with themselves.

Such individuals strive for a higher goal, sacrificing everything that is necessary for this; they are able to sacrifice something dear for the benefit of others and achieve great achievements in life. own life. These people, as a rule, lead an active lifestyle, love adventure and strong emotions (they often sort things out with other people). In pursuing their personal goals, they show persistence and patience. They do not like to lose or retreat; for the sake of victories and winnings, they are capable of deception and betrayal. They are always aware of the price that will have to be paid to achieve their cherished dream.

These people should remember that in order to defeat hostile forces, they must defeat themselves (their complexes, illnesses, false ego). They should not make hasty decisions, but try to be more or less consistent, because hasty or thoughtless actions are fraught with danger (life force may leave them). When finding themselves in the most unpleasant or difficult situations, they must be courageous.

When situations get out of control, remember those who have faced great adversity with dignity and may these examples inspire you and strengthen your courage. Have the courage to take responsibility for the consequences of your choices.

Rune TEYVAZ helps: become more vigilant; work more methodically; fight adversity courageously; strengthen faith in own strength; behave with dignity.

The following were born under the sign of the TEYVAZ rune: F. Engels (11/28), J. Swift (11/30), M. Twain (11/30), Churchill (11/30), Chicherin (11/24), Lope de Vega (11/25), Marshal Zhukov (12/1), Skovoroda (12/3), B Grebenshchikov (27.11), Ozzy Osbourne (3.12).

(beorc (Old English), berkana (German), biarkan (Gothic)) literally translated as “birch” is a symbol of feminine (fruit-bearing) power, allowing all living things to be born. BERKANA is considered the “mother” rune - a sign of fertility, creation and care. Conventionally, this rune is associated with Mother Earth, who gives life, nourishes, nurtures and protects. This is the rune of growth (not only physical, but also spiritual), fertile movement leading to blossoming and maturation.

People born under the influence of this rune in the second half of Sagittarius are the complete opposite of the previous type of people (TIR). They embody feminine (yin) energy, so girls born at this time grow into good mothers who protect and cherish their offspring. For men, this rune is not always favorable, because... a man under the main (solar) influence of this rune may be physically or mentally abnormal. Such a man, being in a bad emotional or physical condition, tends to fall into depression, because of this various troubles associated with people close to him can occur. Therefore, such people should not lose touch with reality, but, on the contrary, analyze everything that is happening, and, above all, themselves.

Folk tradition attributes healing qualities to this rune; thanks to these qualities, an individual is able to change his perception of things and his entire life at any moment. BERKANA simultaneously preserves and renews energy. The main thing for people born at this time is not to become discouraged. Either work, or family (or a group of friends), or philosophy can save them from the blues and apathy. But the best doctor for their soul is religion. In order to find peace and gather their thoughts and strength, they should only pray and turn their thoughts to God. Prayer nourishes the good intentions of the heart with love, it calms the suffering spirit and brings the highest good to all who suffer.

BERKANA manifests itself in the individual in the forms of: care and compassion, conservation and protection, growth and fertility.

The BERKANA rune helps: strengthen personal relationships; preserve personal energy; get out of a crisis situation without losses; give up what interferes with individual development.

Under the sign of the BERKAN runes were born: N. Nekrasov (10.12), Koch (11.12), F. Sinatra (12.12), G. Heine (13.12), V. Bryusov (13.12), Tycho Brahe (14.12), L. Beethoven (17.12).

(eh (Strongl.), ehwaz (German), aihos (Gothic), eoh ​​(Anglo-Saxon) – horse) is associated with Slaping, the mythical horse of Odin, who transported its owner to other dimensions of existence. This is a sign of movement and progress (a shift from a dead point), it embodies magical power, which ensures development and adaptability. For magical purposes, the EVAZ rune was used to change stagnant factors.

People born under the influence of this rune in the first half of the zodiac sign Capricorn adapt well to external factors and are good teachers and helpers. They are easy to manage and manipulate; the main thing is not to convince them or infringe on their personal freedoms. They are multifaceted and unpredictable, they love to open new horizons.

Graphically, the EVAZ rune resembles two LAGU runes connected in mirror image, therefore it is also a rune of partnership - the intersection of personal interests. Therefore, people under the influence of the EVAZ rune are good companions, spouses and associates. But if they feel that their help is not needed, or they are simply not noticed, then they are capable of committing drastic actions, breaking off established relationships and destroying promising enterprises. All this happens because they subconsciously strive for something new, but external changes happen only when they change from within.

To achieve success, such individuals should maintain peace of mind in any situation and purposefully move towards their goal. These people never need to rush in their thoughts or actions. The individual growth of such people depends on numerous shifts and changes. They should not live with their past hopes, they should turn to face the future, regain confidence and open new horizons of knowledge. In order to gain confidence in the future and achieve the realization of their plans, such individuals must learn to forgive. Resentment and grief deprive them of energy, individual strength, peace of mind and peace of mind. In critical situations one should not behave recklessly, cruelly or meanly; these people must learn to forgive not only others but also themselves.

The EVAZ rune helps: communicate more effectively with people; strengthen partnerships; maintain balance in any situation; respect the opposite sex.

Under the sign of the runes EVAZ were born: Nimerovich-Danchenko (23.12), I. Newton (25.12), C. Castaneda (25.12), Lars Ulrich (26.12), I. Kepler (27.12), Daniil Kharms (29.12), Mao Zedong (26.12), Kipling (30.12) , Griboyedov (4.01), Jacob Grimm (4.01).

(man (Old English), mannaz (German), madr (Scand.), manna (Gothic) – man) – a sign of self-improvement (knowledge of hidden abilities), intelligence and intuition. Graphically, the MANNAZ rune resembles two VUNYO runes - this is a sign of joint effort as a means of achieving perfection. MANNAZ is the strength that strengthens creativity and allowing you to manage your life through self-knowledge. In magic, this rune was used in spells aimed at ensuring a favorable environment in the team.

People born under the influence of this rune in the second half of Capricorn strive for perfection, so they are generalists. They are usually modest and do not reveal all their talents to strangers at once; they are not used to attracting attention to themselves and behave modestly. But behind external modesty and humanity, their real essence is often hidden. Such individuals are dexterous and resourceful, they know how to retreat in time and attack in time. The main thing is that the “internal aggressor” does not kill their love of peace. Just like the “early” Capricorns, these people are good helpers, they are able to implement other people’s ideas, listen to advice and are well trained in any craft (profession).

Such people outwardly seem silent and slightly slow, but in fact they have a philosophical mindset and are constantly working on self-improvement. They often communicate with themselves, analyze and compare. The most important thing for these people is not to become arrogant, no matter how great their merits.

Such individuals should be flexible, loyal and moderate, in order to thus find the true direction in the path of life. At a critical time, you should not blame others for your misfortunes; on the contrary, you should turn inside yourself, because external enemies are only a reflection of the negativity that is inside. Only by knowing yourself, your strengths and weak sides, such individuals can realize their full potential. They must remember that much in life is transitory, so they should concentrate their attention on what remains unchanged. Closedness and inaccessibility only harm these people; they should be more open and talkative, this is the only way they can benefit not only themselves, but also those around them.

Rune MANNAZ helps: to know yourself; realize your integrity and unity with nature; awaken intuition; strengthen family relationships.

The following were born under the sign of the MANNAZ rune: A. Celentano (6.01), C. Perrault (12.01), Moliere (15.01), Muhammad Ali (18.01), Edgar Allan Poe (19.01), F. Fellini (20.01), Alexey Tolstoy (10.01).

(lagu (Old English), laguz (German) - water, lagu (Norwegian) - lake, lagus (Gothic) - water, growth, lagy (Anglo-Saxon) - water, sea) - a symbol of flow, water that moves (here I would like to note that LAGUZ “opens” the zodiac sign Aquarius - water that moves - two streams of living and dead water), which is why this rune has a feminine character; it is associated with unpredictable turns of fate, with intuition that directs the mind in the right direction. In Northern European magic, this rune was used to enhance the intuitive perception of the world, without which great discoveries are impossible.

People born under the influence of this rune in the first half of the zodiac sign Aquarius are unpredictable by nature, because... their actions depend on premonitions (intuition). You never know what to expect from them. They trust their subconscious more than their minds, rarely fall into thought and live by the principle “what will happen, will happen.”

These people are quite energetic and are used to taking the initiative into their own hands, because of this they are not used to waiting for a long time, forgetting that in order to reap the “harvest” they must wait until the fruits are ripe. Such individuals love to experience strong emotions, for some this manifests itself in sexual insatiability, others leave the real world through drugs or alcohol, for them it is extremely important to control their desires.

They should listen to their feelings and learn from the messages they receive or current events and give up everything unnecessary, the burden of grievances, insults and lies. The most important thing for these people is not to lose humor and not to become despondent. Being in the most unfavorable conditions and difficult situations, you should not despair, look at everything through the eyes of humor. Humor helps restore mental and emotional balance. Laughter enlightens the soul and brings joy to the heart, adds fragrance to gratitude, reduces the burden of past mistakes, turns enemies into friends, dissolves fears and awakens love.

LAGUZ is the rune of water, and water is the feminine principle, so this rune has a beneficial effect on women, because they tend to live by feelings rather than by reason. For men, LAGUZ is less favorable, because it makes them unstable.

The LAGUZ rune helps: better adapt to circumstances; tune in to the ebb and flow of energy currents; merge with the flow of events.

The following were born under the sign of the LAGUZ rune: Hoffman (24.01), V. Vysotsky (25.01), Lewis Caroll (27.01), Saltykov-Shchedrin (27.01), R. Rolland (29.01), Dunaevsky (30.01), Vanga (31.01), Schubert (31.01), B. Yeltsin (1.02).

Rune ING (ing (Old English), inguz (German), ingus (Gothic) – Ing or Ingvi (Frey) – Nordic god of fertility) – a sign of fertility and regeneration. This rune is dedicated to Yngvi - the god of fertility (Slavic Dazhdbog), it is associated with male fertile power, phallus and ejaculation, light and energy of renewal. The graphic image of this rune reflects the intersection of two KENAZ runes, this is a kind of Northern European “yin” and “yang”, a continuous process of interaction between “top” and “bottom”, male (sky) and female (earth) principles.

People born under the influence of this rune in the second half of Aquarius are very dependent on their mood, which is why many of them creative personalities and pioneers. When they are sincerely immersed in their favorite work, creative inspiration becomes their faithful companion and they create brilliant works of art and make incredible scientific discoveries that are often ahead of their time.

INGUZ gives these people access to another reality, but only when they mature to the level where sacred knowledge transform from conjectures and conjectures into beliefs. Such individuals should not slow down and stagnate in one place for a long time; they should reveal their hidden potential and open new horizons of self-realization. These people should not walk on already worn paths, they should look for new ways of development. You should also not indulge your whims and habits; addictions and connections hinder individual growth; there cannot be a new birth while bad habits interfere with spiritual growth.

For these people, the purpose of life is to complete their undertakings; they should not rush and wait for instant results and winnings; there is a time for everything and a place for every thing.

People under the influence of the INGUZ rune are happy when they feel that they are in demand and useful, so they strive to communicate with their own kind, with those who share their aspirations. The most important thing for them is not to lose faith; only faith in the success of their business brings happiness to a person. Unbelief plunges them into sorrow; they cannot “bear fruit” when they are not sure of the correctness of their actions.

The INGUZ rune helps: improve memory; strengthen faith in yourself and your strengths; expand conscious perception; open new areas of self-realization.

The following people were born under the sign of the INGUZ rune: J. Verne (8.02), Mendeleev (8.02), Zhukovsky (9.02), Chapaev (9.02), R. Reagan (6.02), F. Chaliapin (13.02), G. Galileo (15.02), Copernicus (19.02), Edison ( 11.02), C. Darwin (12.02), Cliff Barton (10.02).

(edel (Old English), odila (German) - division, ethel (Anglo-Saxon) - estate, othal (Gothic) - wealth) - a sign of property, continuity and heritage. This rune was used in magical spells to protect family and property. ODAL is not only a material inheritance, but also a spiritual one. Nordic tradition associates this rune with homeland and home. Graphically, this rune resembles a house, so this sign can be associated with the division of property.

People born under the influence of this rune in the first half of the zodiac sign Pisces, like no other, suffer from their genetic inheritance. Throughout their lives, they get the opportunity to realize their individual potential, they receive inheritances, new positions, due honors, but they find it extremely difficult to keep what belongs to them. Therefore, such people should be very careful, because... Flatterers and envious people often “graze” around them, always ready to betray or deceive.

Many of these people have innate talents that they put into practice. Others come to this mortal world to fulfill karmic obligations; they are just cogs in the wheel of history. They need to learn flexibility and not obey conventions and old authorities, but act according to their principles when they find themselves in critical situations. In life, these people are passive and only troubles take them out of their usual measured state.

It happens that circumstances force these people to make a choice, and they must give up their property; this separation can be quite painful, because... it can be not only material property, but also some kind of personal aspect (habit or addiction). But the loss should not upset these people to the core, because they can only regret what happened and move on to new conquests and acquisitions. When they lose something, something that is especially dear to them, they gain something new for themselves. These people should not withdraw into themselves and be sad for a long time, but ask for help from family and friends, and they will always support and help. Life's adversities teach such people adaptability and dexterity, because... they must learn to maneuver and anticipate wrong moves.

Rune ODAL helps: develop talents; realize your limitations; maintain a sense of order; acquire property; honor your home environment.

The following were born under the sign of the ODAL rune: J. Washington (22.02), Hertz (22.02), Schopenhauer (22.02), Handel (23.02), Flamarion (25.02), Handel (23.02), Flamarion (25.02), J. Harrison (25.02), Hugo (26.02), Shalom Aleichem (2.03), M. Gorbachev (2.03), Belyaev (4.03).

(dags (Scand.), daeg (Old English), dagaz (German), dags (Gothic), daeg (Anglo-Saxon) – day) is a sign of breakthrough and transformation (transformation), it brings prosperity, joy, health and strength. For magical purposes, this rune was used to get the process off the ground; dispel darkness, cure a patient from a protracted incurable illness.

DAGAZ is the rune of awakening and change, because... The graphic image resembles a butterfly - a symbol of spiritual transformation. The graphic image denotes two more equal periods, light and darkness with a “point of dawn” in the middle, this is a real sign of infinity. Since DAGAZ “completes” the runic circle, this is also a sign of transition to a new dimension, to a new turn.

People born under the influence of this rune in the second half of Pisces are in a state of constant change, so they are unpredictable in their behavior. Such people act with confidence in victory, regardless of external circumstances, often because of their confidence they create great troubles for themselves. But they cannot remain silent and inactive when they see some kind of injustice; they are always ready to fight for themselves and for their rights.

The life of these people is full of changes and rearrangements, both positive (wins, victories, acquisitions) and negative (losses of relatives and friends, collapse of property, imprisonment, etc.). In a state of joy and well-being, they must remember that tomorrow they can lose everything; and during life's adversities, they must remember that tomorrow everything can change for the better. They should not lose optimism in life and always hope only for the best. The DAGAZ rune always gives these people hope and promotes spiritual development; this sign saves them from hopelessness and disappointment.

People under the influence of DAGAZ should not withdraw into themselves, become a “pupa,” but need to spread their “wings,” because otherwise changes will come not in their personal lives, but in their psyche, and here they may need the help of a psychiatrist or healer.

The DAGAZ rune helps: awaken awareness of true reality; come into contact with your Spiritual essence; realize the connection of all things.

The following people were born under the sign of the DAGAZ rune: T. Shevchenko (9.03), Yu. Gagarin (9.03), Cyrano de Bergerac (6.03), Vernadsky (12.03), Makarenko (13.03), Strauss (14.03), Rimsky 0 Korsakov (18.03), Ivan Popov (19.03), Einstein (14.03).

Dear readers and guests of the blog, I invite you to take the practice “Healing with Runes”

Sincerely, Aloria Sobinova.

This is a quote from this post

I want to present to you the research of one astrologer-runologist according to the correspondence of the runes to the signs of the Zodiac.

In runology, there are several options for distributing runes at different levels.

There is a distribution of runes according to the attas, according to the Futhark of Sigrdriva, according to the Celtic Ogham, etc.

I took the distribution of runes across the Nine Worlds of Yggdrasil as the basis for my analysis.

According to the Tree of Life, runes are divided into the following levels:

World of the Gods

World of nature.

Human world.

Runes belong to the world of the Gods:

Ansuz is the rune of Odin.

Teyvaz is Tyr's wound.

Ingus - Inga rune.

Thurisaz is the rune of the giant jotuns.

The runes correlate with the natural world:

Urus is a bull,

Hagalas - hail

Eyvaz - yew,

Perth - rune bag, or womb

Algis - reed

Soulu is the sun,

Verkana - birch

Lagus - water

Dagaz - day.

Human world:

Feu - cattle,

Raido - road,

Kano - torch,

Gebo - gift

Vunyo - fun,

Nautiz - need, need,

Evas - horse

Yera - harvest,

Mannas is a man

Odila - inheritance, land, property.

It is clearly visible that The World of the Gods includes runes corresponding to the four elements - Fire, Water, Earth and Air.

Each rune of the World of Gods will correspond on the astrological circle cardinal sign of the zodiac.

Tyr- the Scandinavian god of war, and his rune corresponds to the Sign ARIES - the element of Fire.

Ing- god of earth and fertility. His rune corresponds to CAPRICORN and the element of Earth. One might object: “What kind of fertility does Capricorn have?!” But do not forget that the soil of the North is the rocky land of Capricorn. And, in addition, the Inguz rune in the Northern Mysteries was associated with the end of the annual cycle, and the solstice occurs in the sign of Capricorn.

Ansuz- Odin's rune. It corresponds to the element of Air and the sign of LIBRA.

Turisaz- rune of frost giants. They were the first creatures from which people later descended. This rune corresponds to the sign of CANCER - the element of Water.

So, we have marked four elements and four angular signs of the Zodiac circle.





Since there are 24 runes in the Futhark, and 12 signs of the Zodiac, each sign corresponds to 2 runes.

In the runes that make up the World of Nature, it is easy to see the connection with the ten planets.

URUS is a bull, a symbol of the initial impulse of creation. This rune corresponds to MARS.

HAGALAS and ISA - hail and ice, this is the element of frozen Water. Water transformed into ice. These runes correspond to the planet of transformation PLUTO and the fixed sign SCORPIO.

EIVAZ - yew, a tree growing on the ground and symbolizing both death and the transition from darkness to light. This rune corresponds to SATURN and the sign of CAPRICORN.

PERTH - womb, rune bag. The image of this rune looks like a rune storage pouch. Many runologists compare the outline of the Perth rune with a woman’s womb. This is a symbol of preserving anything - runes, secrets, information, a child that is about to be born. At the same time, it is a symbol of the Subconscious, which is hidden deep inside us. In astropsychology, the IV house, the house of CANCER, is the kingdom of the Subconscious, and this house is ruled by the MOON

ALGIZ - reed. Its outline is very reminiscent of the planet NEPTUNE, the ruler of PISCES.

SOULU - SUN, LEO, V House. Both the rune and the zodiac sign are associated with the Sun and victory.

DAGAZ - day. This is the rune of awakening and light, a symbol of a new day. The word "dagaz" actually means "day". In fortune telling it says that the situation has changed for the better, and we move from darkness to light. This rune is also associated with the SUN

BERKANA - birch. Rune of feminine strength and beauty. Birch is also connected with the earth, just like PROSERPINE - the planet of feminine power that rules VIRGO.

LAGUS - water, lake. This is the rune of the water element, a force that rises from the Subconscious. It cleanses all levels of our life. "Lagu" means "lake" in Norwegian. Runic shamans use the Lagus rune as a symbol of the transition from life to death and back. In this sense, Lagus can be compared with the sign PISCES and its ruler NEPTUNE.

Now you can just as easily bring to correspondence with the signs of the Zodiac runes related to the Human World.

FEU - livestock. Its outline resembles the horns of a cow. Its original meaning is cattle. At the time of the appearance of runes, cattle were a means of measuring wealth, and later, with the development of society, this rune began to denote not only cattle, but other material wealth that multiplies, including money. Property is what I own, my personal resources. In astrology, the 2nd house is responsible for property and personal resources. In the symbolic Zodiac it is TAURUS, which coincides very well with the symbol of the rune.

Venus, the ruler of Taurus, also means material wealth.

RAIDO - road. Raido contains the potential for movement and forward direction. This is movement in space and time, this is the sign of GEMINI and their ruler MERCURY, who in magic is called the Lord of the Crossed Roads.

KANO - torch. This is the rune of fire and inner light. In design it resembles an ancient lamp. Kano Light provides the energy necessary to achieve one’s goals and to expand one’s internal space.

Astrological correspondence - SAGITTARIUS, JUPITER.

NAUTIS - need, need. In its design, this rune is similar to devices for starting a fire. In the Futhark wheel, it also belongs to the element of Fire. But this is man-made fire, it, just like Kano, is susceptible to change, and therefore belongs to the mutable sign of Fire - SAGITTARIUS.

VUNIO - joy, glory. Old Norse word meaning "glory of perfection". In astrology, the 11th house and its symbolic ruler Uranus are responsible for the fulfillment of desires. In addition, the desire for perfection is a purely human property. And Uranus in astrology is the highest insight.

EVAS - horse. In the Celtic epic, the rune Ewas is associated with Sleipnir, Odin's steed. Sleipnir transported Odin to other worlds. Simply put, the horse is a means of transportation and it corresponds to the 3rd house, GEMINI and MERCURY.