The semantic meaning of words. Meaning and meaning

Content indicated by a particular linguistic expression with a word, sentence, sign, etc. The question of the Z. of linguistic expressions is investigated by linguistics, semiotics, and logical semantics. Distinguish between objective, semantic and expressive Z. linguistic ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

meaning- VALUE MEANING FRANZ. signification, signifiant, SIGNIFIE. The basic concepts of modern linguistics for describing a sign were substantiated by the classic of this science F. de Saussure. By the definition of the scientist, the signifier / signified are ... ... Postmodernism. Glossary of terms.

VALUE, VALUE, I; Wed 1. The main semantic content of what l. H. concepts. Z. look, gesture. Z. speeches, speeches. Determine h. the words. Lexical h. words (the concept denoted by it). Complete, direct, literal, figurative z. the words. 2. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Meaning: The meaning is the semantic content of a word, phrase or sign. The value of the function is the result of evaluating the function. The absolute value is the modulus of the number. The value of a quantity is the ratio of a measured physical quantity to a unit ... ... Wikipedia

Content associated with a particular expression (word, sentence, sign, etc.) of a certain language. Z. of linguistic expressions is studied in linguistics, logic, and semiotics. In the science of language, under Z. (see Lexical meaning) is understood as semantic ...

The semantic content of a word, reflecting and fixing in the mind the idea of ​​an object, property, process, phenomenon, etc. encyclopedic Dictionary

Meaning- (Common Slavic, from the word "sign") 1. quantity or value, expressed by a number; 2. information about something objectively existing, about its role in what is happening (the term meaning rather conveys the personal value of an object or such information for an individual). * ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

meaning- meaning / nye 1) The main semantic content of what l. The meaning of the concept. The meaning of the look, gesture. Meaning of speech, performance. Determine the meaning of the word. The lexical meaning of the word (the concept denoted by it) ... Dictionary of many expressions

Philosophical Encyclopedia

A material object (phenomenon, event) that acts as a representative of some other object, property or relationship and is used to acquire, store, process and transmit messages (information, knowledge). Distinguish ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia


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Or why sometimes people don't say what they want to say?

Surely everyone faced such problems at one time. One of the reasons for these difficulties is that our brain works on two levels: on one level, we select the words with which we communicate, and on the other, their meanings are analyzed. The analysis of words has a superficial structure, with the help of which the selection of words and intonation is distinguished, and a deep structure, with the help of which the hidden semantic meanings of words are analyzed.

We tend to focus on the semantic meaning of words (deep structure) that are told to us, while paying little or no attention to superficial analysis. For example, you don't wear a watch, but you know what time it is, because you just looked at a street clock. And if at this moment I stop you on the street and ask: “You don’t have a clock?”, Then you will probably answer: “Now it’s about four.”

This concludes our conversation, and we will both be satisfied, despite the fact that you did not answer my question. Your statement indicates that you understand the deeper meaning of the question. Indeed, I was not interested in the fact of whether you have a watch, but how much at a given time. Rather, I wanted to know what time it was, but the very wording of my question related to whether you have a watch. If, on the contrary, you concentrated your attention on the superficial meaning of my question, then you would answer: "I have no watch." Your answer would probably embarrass me. And if not, then I would think that something is wrong with you.

Let me give you another example: I once had lunch with a friend of mine who conducts research in one of the clinics and is also the author of several books. We talked about books and I asked her, "Can you tell me who your editor is?" To which my friend replied: "Her name is Jane Doe." If she answered “Yes, I can,” then I would have to ask another question to find out the name of the editor. Answering my question, my friend got into its essence, although if she didn’t want to give the name of her editor, then, of course, she would say in response: “No, I cannot tell you that”. Thus, it turns out that a person reacts either to the superficial meaning of your question, or to its deep meaning; and what he will react to depends on his opinion about your question.

In fact, from a person's speech, you can find out about him such things that he himself does not suspect. From this we can conclude that increased attention to the superficial meaning and deeper meaning of what you are told will help you better understand people and learn more useful information about them.

Experts believe that the form (surface structure) of words can be as important for determining a person's character and qualities as their deep semantic structure. The best people who are said to be mind-reading simply pay more attention to the words and phrases the person uses in conversation.

By paying more attention to what they tell you, you can become more aware, the hidden meaning of words can tell you a lot about the people who say these words.

One of the simplest and most effective ways to increase sensitivity to words is simply to constantly reflect on their superficial meaning and deeper meaning whenever you hear the words. At first, the need for additional analysis can tire you excessively, so for a start it is better to remember past conversations and the words that were pronounced in them. You should consider both what your interlocutor said and what you answered. You can keep a special journal where you will write down the hidden meanings of words that you discover. You will probably be surprised at how quickly you will gain the ability to determine the true meaning of what people are saying.

Cunning language

In everyday life, we all come across expressions that at first glance are ordinary amiable phrases, but upon further examination it turns out that in their essence they are fraught with the most severe insults. Indeed, it very often happens that many "courtesies" turn out to be sophisticated ridicule.

For example, while working, you might hear the following: “I see how worried you are about the company's affairs.”

The superficial meaning of this phrase is that the person contacting you really sees that you are interested in the company's affairs, its financial stability, etc. But the same phrase can have another, deeper and more offensive meaning:

You don't give a damn about the company, but I just think how to keep it afloat,

You should have paid more attention to company affairs.

Another phrase may be even more insidious and offensive: "Everyone understands perfectly how hard it is for you to cope with a new job."

At first glance, it may seem that this phrase is truly expressing genuine sympathy and that the person who said it wants to cheer you up. However, the same phrase contains another deeper meaning. This phrase can mean that it has long been clear to everyone that you are a person with mediocre abilities (in other words, a mediocrity), who, due to his insolvency, cannot cope with his official duties.

The phrase in question can also mean that everyone knows that you have encountered serious difficulties in doing this work, so there is no point in trying to hide or deny it.

If you don't feel the ambiguity of these phrases, then it will be really difficult for you to cope with your new job responsibilities. It should also be noted that in no case should you enter into an argument, that is, you should not respond to this "I am really worried about the company's affairs ..." or "Everyone really knows how hard it is for me."

If you can learn to sense the implications of phrases, you can easily avoid these pitfalls. The following may be advised to respond to the applications under consideration: "It's amazing to me how people in your position can think that I am not worried about the affairs of the company ..." or "Thank you, I am very grateful to you for your concern for my humble person." ...

You should never forget that every person has sins that he diligently hides, so your hint at the position of the person who is addressing you will certainly work, forcing the witty to think about what exactly you are hinting at and what you generally know about him We can say with complete confidence that he will for a long time no longer have any desire to joke with you. Such a response also perfectly parries the attack, depriving him of any acrimony. If you react in this way to the caustic remarks of ill-wishers, they will understand that jokes are bad with you.

To learn to feel the ambiguity of phrases, try recording and analyzing sharp conversations in which you have witnessed or participated. The superficial meaning and deep meaning of all replicas should be analyzed. When you study a sufficient number of such conversations, then by all means pay attention to the fact that your sensitivity to language turns has increased several times. You may also notice that it made it easier for you to work with people, because they saw you as a serious opponent in a verbal fight and decided that it was better to live in peace with you. You will feel that you have become more respected, and all this is only due to the fact that you have become better at understanding the semantic meanings of various language turns.

A word taken separately has no more than one meaning, but potentially there are many meanings in it, which are realized and refined in the living speech of a person. The actual use of a word is therefore always a process of choosing the desired meaning from a whole system of pop-up alternatives, highlighting some and inhibiting other connections (Luria, 1969, 1975). LS Vygotsky writes that “the real meaning of a word is not constant. In one operation a word appears with one meaning, in another it acquires a different meaning ”(Vygotsky, 1956, p. 369). The meaning of the word is the second component of the semantics of the word. The meaning, in contrast to the meaning of a word, is understood as its individual meaning, which the word acquires for a person in each specific situation.

A. N. Leont'ev noted that “meaning is a reflection of reality regardless of the individual's personal attitude towards it” (Leontiev, 1972, p. 290). The meaning of a word exists in reality and is realized by a person in a certain activity, and in it the word acquires meaning, that is, a meaning subjective for a person. Sense is initially social and acts as a fixator of social experience. For example, professional experience is a stable social experience, so it is clear that people of different professions use the same word in different meanings. A. N. Leont'ev wrote that “meaning cannot be taught, meaning is brought up,” and it is generated not by the meaning of a word, but by life itself (Leontyev, 1972, p. 292).

It is important to note one more property of meaning, which Vygotsky wrote about. This is the connection of the meaning with the whole word as a whole, but not with each of its sounds, just as the meaning of a phrase is associated with the entire phrase as a whole, and not with its individual words.

The meaning of the word depends on the entire body of a person's knowledge, his life and emotional experience, his personal qualities. Therefore, the meaning of a word is more mobile than meaning, dynamic and, in fact, inexhaustible. However, a prerequisite for mutual understanding between people is the meaning of a word, since it is a generalized reflection of the objective objective content of phenomena, it is fixed in the language system and due to this it acquires stability.

The meaning of a word cannot be torn away from the sound side of the word, as was typical of classical linguistics. Sounds are material carriers of the intangible meaning of a word. AA Potebnya wrote in this regard that “every word as a sound sign of meaning is based on a combination of sound and meaning” (Potebnya, 1905, p. 203).

The bearer of meaning is always a sensory image, the material bearer of the word - motor, sound, graphic. For an adult native speaker, the material carrier seems to be obscured (but does not disappear) and is almost not realized, and in the foreground is always the content of the word, its meaning. And only in some cases - in poetry, when teaching a language (when a word becomes an object of action) and in some forms of aphasia, the word seems to be meaningless, loses its meaning, and vice versa, its material carrier begins to be realized. It is known that with different forms of aphasia, different material carriers of the meaning of the word are violated. The position on the material carriers of the word in modern psychology of speech allows us to understand the mechanism of violation of the meaning of words in aphasia.

Knowledge and correct understanding of the semantics of a word, its components such as meaning and meaning, is an important tool and powerful tool in the hands of an aphasiologist in the study and overcoming of aphasia. In aphasia, it is not enough to state a violation of understanding of words, the presence of verbal paraphasia and paragnosia, as is often accepted in practice, it is necessary to establish exactly what is being violated - understanding the meaning or understanding the meaning of words - and what remains intact. It is important to take into account such characteristics of meaning as its individuality and connection with personality, the mobility and diversity of the meaning of a word, on the one hand, and the stability of the meaning of the word, its relevance to the whole society that speaks a given language, on the other hand; this knowledge will allow us to deepen our understanding of the mechanisms of speech impairment in aphasia, will allow us to find the necessary methods to overcome the speech defect. Thanks to the meaning (word meaning) that words carry, speech acquires another important, fourth - cognitive, cognitive - function. Further, the meaning of a word, its meaning could appear only due to and as a result of the object relatedness of the word, which is the most important characteristic of the word and the third component of its semantics.

The word replaces things - objects, objects, phenomena, it represents them, denoting the object itself or its properties, signs, qualities. The object relatedness of the word is the basis of the fifth - nominative - function of speech. S. L. Rubinshtein wrote that a word, being a reflection of an object, is connected with it by an internal connection by the generality of content. This connection is mediated through the generalized content of the word - through a concept or image. It is impossible to dismember the meaning of the word and its object relatedness - they are interconnected. These are two successive links in the process of using the word (Rubinstein, 1946). This function of speech, more than its other aspects, is associated with the sensory basis of the word. Vygotsky believed that the nominative function of speech is not semasiological, meaningful. “The word here fulfills a nominative, indicating function. It points to a thing. In other words, the word is here not a sign of a certain meaning with which it is associated in thinking, but a sign of a sensually given thing ... ”(Vygotsky, 1956, p. 194).

Beautiful words about life with meaning

No person can leave us, because initially we do not belong to anyone but ourselves.

Death is not terrible, but sad and tragic. To be afraid of the dead, cemeteries, morgues is the height of idiocy. One should not be afraid of the dead, but pity them and their loved ones. Those whose life was interrupted, not allowing to accomplish something important, and those who remained forever mourning the departed.

But there are no chance encounters ... This is either a test ... or a punishment ... or a gift of fate ...

You shouldn't go back to the past, it will never be the same as you remember it.

If you really need something, life will give it to you for sure ... There is only one way of comprehension - to act.

Appreciate those with whom you can be yourself. Without masks, omissions and ambitions. And take care of them, they are sent to you by fate. Indeed, in your life there are only a few of them.

Human life splits into two halves: during the first half, they strive forward to the second, and during the second, back to the first.

Sometimes one call separates us from happiness ... One conversation ... One confession ...

Beautiful words with a meaning about love

Winners in life always think in the spirit: I can, I want, I am. Losers, on the other hand, focus their scattered thoughts on what they could have, could do, or cannot do. In other words, the winners always take responsibility upon themselves, and the losers blame circumstances or other people for their failures.

Friends are like food - you need them every day. There are friends, like medicine, you look for them when you feel bad. There are friends, like a disease, they themselves are looking for you. But there are friends like the air - they are not visible, but they are always with you.

Time is a great teacher, but, unfortunately, it kills its students.

When a lot of people surround you well and cheerfully, but as soon as you feel sad or something happens in your life and you really need help ... the number of people sharply decreases and really there are those people who appreciate and value you.

Letting go of a person who is very dear to you, you always wish him only the best, but when you see him happy without you, your heart begins to slowly sink ...

And it can be difficult. But this is life. And steadfastly endure ... And not break ... And smile. Just smile.

Life has changed so much, and the world has deteriorated so much that when in front of you there is a pure, sincere person who wants to be there, you are looking for a catch.

If life loses its meaning, take risks.

Even after 100 unsuccessful attempts, do not despair, because 101 can change your life.

Beautiful words with short meaning

Errors are punctuation marks of life, without which, as in the text, there will be no meaning.

If you value your life, remember that others value theirs just as much.

A friend who has attained power is a lost friend.

A person who throughout his life always and in everything considers not himself to be guilty, but others, is also unhappy in his own way.

As a rule, a person can be judged by what he laughs at.

All troubles are sent to us so that, looking for a way out of them, we begin our spiritual development and change something in ourselves for the better.

All joys are sent to us in order to show how wonderful life is when we are on the right path.

Both fable and life are valued not for length, but for content.

Sometimes it is useful to lose everything in order to understand what you really lack ...

The meaning and meaning of the word- The meaning of a word from the psychological point of view is nothing more than a generalization, or a concept. The meaning of the word is not constant, it changes in the course of the child's development. The meaning of a word is the totality of all psychological facts that arise in our minds due to the word. The meaning of a word is always a dynamic, fluid, complex formation, which has several zones of different stability. Meaning is only one of the zones of that complex meaning that a word acquires in the context of any speech, and, moreover, the zone that is the most stable, unified and accurate.

A word in a different context easily changes its meaning. Meaning, on the contrary, is that fixed and unchanging point that remains stable despite all changes in the meaning of the word. The enrichment of the word with the meaning that it takes into itself from the entire context is the basic law of the dynamics of meanings.

Meaning is a stable system of generalizations behind a word, the same for all people, and this system can have different depth, generalization, breadth of coverage of the objects it denotes, but it necessarily retains an unchanged core - a certain set of connections.

An adult has both aspects of a word: its meaning and its meaning. He knows the established meaning of the word and at the same time can each time choose the necessary system of connections from this meaning in accordance with the situation.

In the process of ontogenesis, the object relatedness of a word is a product of long-term development. In the early stages, a word is woven into a situation, gesture, facial expressions, intonation, and only under these conditions does it acquire its objective reference. Then the object relatedness of the word is gradually freed from these conditions, and only at the subsequent stages of the child's development does the word acquire a clear, stable object relatedness. But the meaning of the word develops even after the object-relatedness has reached its stability. This means that our consciousness changes the semantic and systemic structure. At the early stage of a child's development, it is affective in nature, reflecting the world emotionally first of all. At the next stage, consciousness begins to bear a visual-effective character, and only at the final stage does consciousness acquire an abstract verbal-logical character.

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