How to enlarge a doorway in a load-bearing wall. Expansion of the doorway: expand the panel house, concrete wall and brick door, increase the load-bearing. How to reduce a doorway: options and their features

During the repair process, for one reason or another, it may be necessary to expand the doorway. It is quite possible to do this, but it is important to follow some rules. The process itself is very labor-intensive, so it should only be performed if there is really a need for it and alternative methods cannot be used.

If the doorway is significantly widened, reinforcement installation is required

Valid parameters

In a private house, solve the problem with reconstruction individual parts the buildings are much simpler. However, we must not forget about the established norms and restrictions. In an apartment, any such actions should be agreed upon in advance with the BTI. Violation of the standards when trying to expand the opening can lead to the wall not being able to withstand the load and the building becoming dangerous for people to stay in it.

To prevent this, it is important to know what restrictions exist for expanding the entrance or interior door. For most designs, the standard dimensions are 70-80 cm. Most often, changes in these values ​​are due to the purchase door block wrong size.

The maximum permissible openings are 200 cm wide and 210 cm high. However, it is advisable not to build them in load-bearing structures. An exception may be an opening front door, but in this case it should be further strengthened.

Scheme of strengthening an opening in a load-bearing wall with a lintel made of channels

Tools for work

To increase the doorway in modern construction Various tools and devices can be used. There are several ways to dismantle excess wall:

  • Rough method. In this case, tools such as a sledgehammer, hammer drill, jackhammer and the like are used. In this case, it is necessary to first outline the contours and use tools to knock off the excess. Of course, the process is very labor-intensive, and there is another threat here - the formation of microcracks due to high impact loads. This may require additional finishing work and generally impairs the strength of the wall structure.
  • Dry cutting. For this purpose, such a familiar tool as a grinder is used. With its help, you can easily cut out the desired shape of the contours. It also copes with reinforcement. The downside is that you have to cut on both sides, and it’s not always possible to match the cuts exactly. In addition, dry cutting leads to the formation of a large amount of dust and quickly wears out the diamond blade.
  • Wet cutting. For this purpose, you can use a spray bottle and irrigate work surface in the process of working with an angle grinder, but a more rational method would be to use a special construction cutter. It is equipped with a large diamond blade and a water container. With its help you can cut out in one go the right size opening and at the same time with minimal contamination. True, the cost of such equipment is considerable.

Basic methods of dismantling part of a wall in an opening

When carrying out such work, be sure to use personal protective equipment: goggles and a respirator, they will protect you from dust and small fragments.

Panel house

Most often there is a need to expand the doorway in a panel house. In high-rise buildings this issue is quite problematic, since in addition to the large number construction waste there is also a negative reaction from neighbors to such noisy renovation work. That is why it is necessary to reduce the time of dismantling the structure as much as possible. The best option, affordable, this is a grinder.

First you need to completely remove the old door frame from the opening. Supporting wooden beams are also dismantled. Next, you need to make the appropriate measurements and outline the contours of the desired passage dimensions.

If an opening is being expanded in a load-bearing wall, especially adjacent to the entrance door, important aspect is a temporary strengthening of the structure. It is best to initially cut out only the top part and move the jumper. Despite the increase in width, it should go deeper into the wall by at least 15-20 cm on each side.

When expanding an opening in a panel house, an important aspect is temporary strengthening of the structure

Cutting is carried out along the intended contour, first on one side of the room, and then on the other. The most problematic areas are the exit of the reinforcement. After the metal bars are cut, you can take a sledgehammer and remove excess concrete. If the opening area is large, you need to work in squares. To do this, the wall is divided into sections and additional lines are cut. Dismantling is done from top to bottom so that the upper tiers do not fall on you during the work process.

Brick house

The process of expanding the opening in brick wall. It is important to be careful here, since excessive impact loads can lead to the destruction of the entire masonry. It is best to perform this operation in the following sequence:

  1. Outline the contours of the future opening.
  2. If necessary, move the jumper. You can use a metal channel as reinforcement.
  3. You need to remove excess bricks one by one. To begin with, the mortar is cleaned from the seams as much as possible. Then use a hammer drill, chisel, or chisel to break the brick into small pieces.
  4. If the work area is large, you can clean the outline of the opening and knock out the inside of the masonry with a sledgehammer.
  5. The extreme contours are cut off with a grinder. For arched vaults, you initially need to clear the edges of the bricks around the perimeter.

When expanding an opening in a brick wall, a lintel must be used to strengthen it

If in brick house you need to make a wide entrance opening, in addition you will need to cut off the reinforcement.

After rough work, check the integrity of the masonry and, if necessary, plaster cracks and cracked seams.

Height increase

In addition to expanding the doorway in the load-bearing wall, it may also be necessary to increase its height. In this case, you cannot do without moving the horizontal jumper. Without it, the entire load will fall on the fragile door structure, which can lead to the collapse of the wall.

How to safely increase the height of a doorway? To do this, you must first install supports in the passage. Then, using a grinder, vertical cuts are made to knock off the excess concrete. The old jumper is removed. Its edges can be left in the wall or replaced with a brick backing. The new crossbar is installed higher and covered with mortar. Further work can be done only after it has dried.

To safely increase the height of the opening, you need to install a jumper

It is not recommended to carry out such manipulations in a load-bearing wall. If such a need is unavoidable, follow the rules for performing dismantling work and in no case deviate from the established norms; violation of them is fraught with a fine and, in addition, is life-threatening.

The desire to arrange an arched opening or install a new door leads to the expansion and increase in height of the opening. If in interior partition While it is possible to cut an opening of any complexity from lightweight material, openings in load-bearing walls definitely require special attention.

Existing risks

Modern factory door designs very often do not fit into the interior openings of Soviet-era apartments, and only widening the openings saves the situation.

Enlarged openings in load-bearing walls

In addition, the new blocks have completely standard sizes doors that are very different from the old products that have been in place for the past decades. This may be the height, but more often the door opening is not satisfied with the width. In this case, the problem of decorative and functional arrangement of an interior transition can only be solved by enlarging the hole in the wall or narrowing (reducing) it.

Let's talk specifically about increasing the passage between adjacent rooms. But it turns out that it is not always safe to widen the hole under the door in different types of buildings.

For example, if you restore a partition that is not the main functional basis of the building, made of gypsum plasterboard (plasterboard), sibit (cellular aerated concrete) or other lightweight building material, then nothing bad will happen. On the contrary, the work will be somewhat troublesome, if we consider the transfer of metal profiles under the gypsum board, but it will be successful.

In gypsum plasterboard partitions, the expansion of the opening is done by transferring the profile and cutting the sheet

It’s a completely different matter to increase passages in load-bearing walls. Reconstruction of a similar plan in partitions bearing value are already considered redevelopment of the premises. This means that the work must be carried out in full accordance with a separate project, which contains an accurate engineering calculation of the redistribution of loads on the floor after the full scope of changes made.

Officially developed project for strengthening the opening

To reproduce such work in multi-apartment buildings, it is necessary to collect a complete package of documents regarding regional requirements:

  • certificates from the local BTI;
  • documentation of home ownership, extract from the house register;
  • floor plan of the entire building;
  • a plan for future reconstruction from an architectural organization;
  • a plan for all stages of future work, and so on.

Minimal damage from incorrect redevelopment

If you think about it, the solution to increasing the passage in the apartment will bring a lot of red tape, but it’s worth it. After all, this list of documents, first of all, is needed not for show, but personally for the safety of you, your loved ones and the people living around your apartment. Unauthorized damage load-bearing partition in a multi-story building can lead, at a minimum, to the collapse of a wall, and at a maximum, to collapse part of the house. We don't need irreparable consequences; we just need to strengthen the openings.

Calculations of expansion parameters for doors

In the presence of door design, to which you need to adjust the size of the hole in the wall, you can calculate the exact parameters of the work. Cutting the opening by eye will not work; it is better to make precise markings. To make an opening with your own hands under exact dimensions design, it is worth making the following measurements:

  • height and width of the existing door;
  • thickness and width of the door frame that comes with the kit;
  • remove the width of the platbands that are planned to be installed;
  • pick up the threshold and remove its height, if, of course, it will be installed.

Calculation of the dimensions of the opening and the door located in it

So, the calculation of the available sizes is as follows:

  • The required width of the passage in the wall consists of the following parameters: the width of the door leaf, the thickness of the frame post, the technological gaps on each side (≈2 cm).
  • The height of the doorway is determined as follows: the height of the threshold is added to the thickness of the frame, plus the technological gap.
  • The thickness of the passage wall is generally 75 mm. For other indicators, extensions are added if the walls are much wider, or a door frame with a narrower beam is selected.

Do-it-yourself arch calculation

If you want to arrange an arched vault in the transition to adjacent rooms, expanding the transitions to adjacent rooms cannot be avoided.

Dimensions of arches depending on the width of the opening

Making an opening in the form of an arch is not difficult, the main thing is to properly prepare for the work, that is, calculate the arch. An arched opening can have any type of configuration. That is, you can make any shape of the arched vault, and the curved bend can be attributed to a creative view of the matter.

It is much more difficult to make a classically shaped arch with an oval regular bend of 45 cm, so we stock up on the following equipment for calculation work on a scale of 1:50:

  • compass;
  • paper;
  • Pythagorean theorem from the school curriculum: R²=L²+(R²-H²).

It has long been derived from the well-known Pythagorean formula, and construction masters use the formula to calculate the exact radius of the circle of the future arch in the opening R=L²+H²/2H.

Opening size: r is the radius of the circle, L is half the chord of the arc, h is the lifting height

You can make it a little easier when determining the radius of the classic arch shape, but not entirely accurate:

  • draw a doorway of future expanded natural dimensions on paper (previously, a piece of wallpaper for the walls was used for this);
  • a compass is placed on the axis of symmetry and, changing the radius, several arcs are drawn;
  • the optimal option is selected, and the remaining radii are erased.

Where does the span expansion process begin?

Carved arched opening in a concrete wall

Before making a doorway in a wall wider, you should take care not only of dismantling the old door structure, but also of strengthening the openings. In panel buildings, reinforcement can be done after the concrete cutting is completed, but brick openings require some attention. You can make a monumental opening in a load-bearing brick wall with your own hands, but this will require next list material and tools:

  • steel channel with a cross section in the shape of a “U”;
  • coupling bolts with a diameter of 20 mm;
  • studs d16 mm;
  • sheet steel plates;
  • metal corners;
  • cement mortar;
  • electric drill;
  • a gas cutter, an electric cutter or a manual grinder with a diamond wheel;

Unloading a load-bearing wall using a jack

Concrete cutting can be done using the most various instruments, but diamond cutting is the most acceptable option.

  • supports or jacks for the period of work;
  • hammer drill when working with brick wall.

The cross-section of the beam and the class of material used in the work to strengthen the opening are determined by preliminary calculations future load. The obtained data must be included in the redevelopment design document interior space. The length of the steel channel is selected so that its profile penetrates the thickness of the brick wall by at least 25 centimeters.

Reinforcing a brick wall opening with a channel

It is better to immediately make holes in the channel for the coupling bolts, of which you need at least 3 pieces per opening middle length. It is advisable to distribute the ties along the channel at a distance of 50 cm.

Dismantling work in brick and concrete walls

Diamond cutting of opening

The expansion of openings by cutting concrete begins according to pre-created markings on the plane. Diamond cutting will make the process somewhat easier, especially if you use circles that reach a cutting depth of 10 centimeters. During work, it is recommended to constantly wet the walls to reduce dust formation. So don’t forget about safety measures:

  • special glasses;
  • respirator;
  • gloves;
  • protective suit.

It is worth noting that openings in load-bearing walls require double-sided work. That is, cutting out the opening on both sides of the premises due to its massiveness.

Strengthening the openings, as noted earlier, is done before dismantling the wall. The best option for strengthening the reliability of a load-bearing partition would be to use welded frames on both sides, tightened with studs through the walls.

Reinforced opening design

Concrete walls are cut out into small areas, rectangles or squares. Whereas in brick partitions a through cut is made, and the blocks themselves are knocked down with a hammer drill, and then with a sledgehammer, if necessary. It is strictly not recommended to use a hammer drill for concrete. Strong vibration effects can be destructive to the panel and cause a number of microcracks, which will weaken the entire structure. Brick walls require a completely different approach, as demonstrated in the video below.

Projects old and modern multi-storey buildings do not always suit individual apartment residents. Narrow doors create discomfort and prevent the passage of large furniture. To solve the problem, widen the openings by demolishing part of the partition. Meet the project with reverse side The question is that the doors are too wide. The overall sash sags on its hinges under the weight and looks ugly. To solve this problem, apartment residents are beginning to narrow doorway during a major overhaul.

Is changing the dimensions and location of the passage considered redevelopment?

To expand or narrow doorway in a panel house you will have to change the length of the adjacent wall. IN technical passport The door to the apartment is shown schematically. Dimensions are usually not indicated, but the BTI has all the data. When expanding or narrowing the passage in the wall, the layout of the room, originally provided for in the project, is violated. Over time, if you want to sell the apartment, great difficulties will arise with the preparation of documentation.

By law, changing the size or location of the opening for a door block is considered redevelopment. It is advisable to legitimize the corresponding actions. To obtain permission to widen or narrow a door interior opening in a panel house, you need to contact the BTI.


To narrow or widen doorways in an apartment, you will need a simple construction tool:

  • hammer, sledgehammer, long chisel;
  • hand saw for wood;
  • plane;
  • hammer drill, drill, screwdriver, grinder;
  • pliers, figured and straight screwdriver.

The set of materials depends on the work performed. To narrow the interior doorway you will need a wooden beam, metallic profile, drywall, brick or foam block. The blocks are laid using cement mortar, and the gypsum board sheets are fixed to the metal frame with self-tapping screws. When expanding the doorway in height, you will need a metal corner to strengthen the upper lintel.

Ways to reduce a passage in a wall

Narrowing an old doorway during redevelopment involves reducing the size of the door in height or width, as well as in both parameters at the same time. The procedure can be performed in three ways: using timber, drywall or blocks.

The most reliable method to reduce an opening in a wall is to partially block it with blocks. The option is ideal for the front door. Suitable materials include brick, cinder block, blocks of cellular concrete. It is better to use foam block or aerated concrete for interior partitions. The material is light, easy to cut, but absorbs moisture. It is slightly less durable than brick.

The work consists of the following actions:

  • to reduce the height of the passage in the wall, prepare a jumper from a beam or a metal corner;
  • the workpiece is cut off larger than the width of the passage, and landing nests are made under it at the ends of the wall using a grinder;
  • After fixing the lintel, the space above it and the sides of the passage in the wall are filled with blocks.

When choosing this method, take into account the weight of the blocks. The heavier the material, the stronger the jumper will be needed. If the whole block does not fit into the gap above the jumper, it is sawed with a grinder or wood, polystyrene foam, or polyurethane foam are used for filling. The disadvantage of porous blocks is the absorption of moisture. To prevent fungus from appearing, the structure is treated with protective impregnation.

How to reduce a doorway with timber?

It is easier for an apartment dweller who does not have construction experience to reduce the width of the doorway with timber, and also to lower it. The work order consists of the following stages:

  1. The thickness of the timber used to narrow the doorway is adjusted with a planer so that the workpiece does not protrude beyond the plane of the wall. The surface is treated with a grinder. In this case, the finishing material will fit better.
  2. The dimensions taken from the opening are transferred to the timber. Workpieces are cut with a saw required length and fix them to the ends of the wall. The thickness of the beam should not protrude beyond the plane of the wall, and the upper lintel should be cut to such a width that it fits tightly into the ends of the side walls.
  3. When drilling mounting holes on the beam, recesses are provided to allow the heads of the fastening elements to be hidden flush.
  4. The posts and lintel are fixed to the wall with anchors, bolts or other parts.
  5. Large gaps between the frame and the end of the wall are filled with polyurethane foam. Small cracks are sealed with putty.
  6. The finished structure is impregnated with a primer. After drying, they are covered with gypsum board, chipboard or other sheet material.

When reducing the doorway, take into account frequent dynamic loads, affecting the sash. To prevent the structure from becoming loose, the timber is attached to the wall as often as possible.

After you have managed to lower the door opening with timber, the question arises of how to close the space from above. The easiest way is to cover it with plasterboard, plywood or chipboard. A small gap is hidden with wide platbands. Before finishing, the cracks are filled with foam.

The advantage of this method is the ease of installation of the timber. The downside is the installation limitation. In damp rooms the wooden frame is deformed and cracks due to temperature changes. The method is not suitable for the bathroom and kitchen.

Reducing the span with plasterboard

To increase the door interior opening plasterboard, from the installation side of the profile frame, the wall is cleaned of various materials and treated with a primer.

  1. After taking measurements entrance opening, cut the guide profile into the required pieces. The upper lintel is fixed with hangers, and the side elements are fixed directly to the ends of the wall.
  2. GKL sheets are screwed to the finished frame with self-tapping screws, maintaining a pitch of 150 mm;
  3. The cracks are sealed with putty. Plasterboard construction primed, and a metal perforated corner is glued to the corner joints.

Seal the opening above the door and along its width with plasterboard if the difference in size between the opening in the wall and the door frame does not exceed 100 mm. To fix the gypsum boards, a frame is made from a galvanized profile. The frame turns out to be quite weak and is easily deformed if there is a large gap when opening the sash. It is better to use a plasterboard structure for an arched passage. To strengthen the gap between the profile and the ends of the wall, fill it with pieces of timber or polyurethane foam.

How to reduce a doorway with foam blocks?

Working with aerated concrete and foam blocks is easy. The material is not heavy and can be easily cut even with a regular hacksaw. Blocks are usually used to narrow passages in thick walls and panel houses.

It is easier to reduce the width of the door opening. The blocks are laid out in a column from the floor to top crossbar. If it is additionally necessary to reduce the height of the passage, a lintel made of wooden beams is cut into the ends of the walls. The gap is sealed with pieces of foam blocks.

The laying out of blocks begins from the floor. It is important to initially prepare an even and durable surface. Pieces of reinforcement are embedded between the rows. One end is driven into the wall. This strengthens the structure. The rods will not allow the foam block pillar to move away from the wall.

Used as a mortar for laying blocks adhesive composition on cement based. It is sold dry in bags and to prepare it, just add water and then mix well. The solution is applied to the blocks with a notched trowel.

The finished structure is impregnated with an antifungal compound, plastered, puttied or sheathed with plasterboard. After finishing, the door frame is installed.

Narrowing the opening with brickwork

When decreasing wide opening bricks, the work requires similar construction actions as in the version with foam blocks. The difference is the heavy weight of the material. Instead of timber lintels, it is better to use metal corners.

They begin to build up a new doorway from the side, not forgetting to reinforce the rows. The masonry is carried out using a solution prepared from three parts sand and one part cement. Water is added until a homogeneous thick mass is obtained. The mortar is applied to the brick with a trowel.

How to reduce a passage with concrete walls?

To for new door To reduce the interior doorway with concrete walls, any of the considered methods will do. The best option is to use blocks. In a lived-in apartment, work begins with exposing the wall. Removal finishing materials will allow you to assess the condition concrete structure. If there are strong defects, the wall will have to be partially destroyed, and the resulting widened passage will have to be narrowed again.

To build up an interior doorway with blocks from above, the wall is partially destroyed to insert a lintel. If there was electrical wiring or other communications near the old door frame, they need to be moved.

How to widen a doorway?

To increase the doorway, you will have to remove part of the wall. You can widen the passage in concrete and brick partitions from 0.7 to 2 m. In an apartment on the first floor, they adhere to the recommended width of 1 m and carry out additional reinforcement of the structure. It is allowed to increase the height of the doorway up to 2.1 m.

Widening the passage in the wall begins with dismantling the door block. The sash is removed from its hinges. The box is cut with a hacksaw and removed with a pry bar. The expansion of the interior doorway is done to install the door bigger size. According to the dimensions of the new block, markings are drawn on the wall.

The excess area is removed in two ways:

  • Gentle. To cut openings, a grinder with a diamond wheel is used. There is a lot of dust, but the possibility of cracking the entire partition is excluded.
  • Aggressive. When removing pieces of the wall, a sledgehammer, hammer, chisel, or hammer drill is used. If you overdo it, you can damage the integrity of the entire partition.

An enlarged doorway must be strengthened. It is especially important to strengthen the pier where the old lintel is removed when the passage is expanded in height. The main methods of reinforcement are welding on the ends of the walls metal corners, channels, tires made of thick sheet steel or installation of tie beams with bolts.

Brick house

A feature of expanding a doorway in a brick wall is accuracy. In order not to disturb the masonry, it is better not to hit the partition with a sledgehammer. You can widen a doorway in a brick wall with a minimum amount of dust using a hammer and chisel. Bricks are knocked out one by one on the marked area. You can get the job done faster and get the smoothest edges possible by using a grinder, only after cutting there will be a lot of dust left.

The transfer of the block lintel is carried out by increasing the height of the old doorway. Additionally, the top masonry is reinforced with welded channels or tie beams.

Panel house

To expand an interior doorway in a concrete wall, use a grinder with a diamond blade in the same way. The panel is cut in turn on each side. If the diameter of the disk is not enough to cover the entire thickness of the concrete, slots are made on both sides of the partition.

You can widen a doorway on a concrete wall without dust using an impact drill. Through holes are drilled along the contour of the marking in frequent steps, and only the reinforcement is cut with a grinder. Pieces of concrete can easily break off with a sledgehammer. If it is necessary to increase the height of the passage in a concrete wall, the old lintel is similarly dismantled.

Large openings are expanded with squares, removing sections concrete panel down up. The ends are reinforced with a frame, welding on sheet steel tires or metal corners.

When changing the dimensions of the passage in the interior partition, it is important to carefully carry out the dismantling work, install a reliable new structure and coordinate the redevelopment with the BTI.

Hello. We bought a house for self-finishing; in the doorways, the fittings play the role of lintels. But since the height doorways turned out to be insufficient for production standard doors with the box, they suggested cutting off the reinforcement to increase the height of the opening. That's what we did, but now I'm afraid the wall will fall without a lintel. wall of brickwork. Professional opinion is needed.

Maybe it will fall. maybe not...

Do we now need to re-make the jumpers? And what is the least labor-intensive way?

Hello. If the masonry is not fresh, if a NORMAL mortar was used and when enlarging the opening, the work was carried out carefully (without fanaticism using a sledgehammer, jackhammer, etc.), then most likely nothing will happen to the wall. If for personal peace, then you can arrange primitive pseudo-jumpers. The simplest solution is to use reinforcement (the number of rods depends on the thickness of your walls). At the very top of the vertical of the enlarged opening, drill HORIZONTAL holes depth - on one side 105 mm, on the other side 205 mm. The diameter of the holes corresponds to the diameter of the fittings + reserve. When drilling, it is important to maintain the alignment of opposite holes. Cut a piece of reinforcement 200 mm longer than the width of the opening. Insert the reinforcement into a deep hole, insert it into the hole in the opposite slope and push it 100 mm. We treat the ceiling part of the opening with a primer deep penetration and “throw in” cement-sand mortar. Good luck.

Sergey suggested a good option I’ll add one more, if the height of the opening is set to zero, take reinforcement with a diameter of 20 mm and a length 20 cm longer than the opening - 2 pieces, use a grinder to cut a brick measuring 2.5 cm by 2.5 cm to the length of the rod flush with the edge of the opening, do this operation on both sides and insert reinforcement on the sides and plaster. As a result, the rods should be flush with the opening, then you can sleep peacefully

Good afternoon. Find a good welder. And let him frame the opening for you from the corner 63–75, enough for the eyes. Naturally with tension plates. It’s quick, not labor-intensive, and most importantly, don’t disturb the walls again.

On both sides above the opening, place corners below the brick by raking along the sides 10 centimeters on each side. It will hold

If we say that the quality of installation of the former largely depends on the size of the door block and the opening in the wall, you will probably consider this a truism. Nevertheless, most novice craftsmen get burned at this point and, as a result, a very simple job turns into complete torture. To prevent this from happening, the opening should always be checked to match the door block (or vice versa) and, if necessary, enlarge or reduce it. This will be discussed in this article, in which, together with the website, we will talk about how the dimensions of doorways should correspond to the block of doors, and at the same time we will explain how to correctly bring them to the desired combination.

Extension of the doorway photo

Dimensions of doorways: what to strive for

Anyone who has dealt with the installation, replacement or simply purchasing of any type of door knows that these products are standardized. This was done not only for the sake of banal convenience, but also in order to minimize the loss of living space in the premises caused by the presence of the doors themselves. Let's just say that in the bathroom doors are used with almost the smallest width (just enough for a person to enter and it is easy to bring in the necessary equipment). The front door to the house is wide so that any furniture and other household items can be brought into the home.

It is for this reason that a certain line of door leaf width sizes was born - all other door sizes are the same. Their height is 2 m, and their width can be 600 mm, 700 mm, 800 mm and 900 mm - the canvases can be combined if necessary. That is, the entrance to the room can have two door leaves– for example, 600 and 600 mm. Or 400 and 800 mm - these are which you can read about in another article on our website. It is to this standardization that the size of a standard doorway is tied.

Ask what to do if the opening doesn't fit your new doors? Everything is simple - bring it to the required dimensions, which is what we will discuss further.

Widening the doorway: it's easy only from the side

When faced with the question of how to increase the size of a doorway, you first need to pay attention to the type of wall - if it is a partition, then you don’t have to worry about the consequences of the expansion.

  1. If we're talking about about a load-bearing wall, then you need to keep your eyes open so as not to collapse the ceilings; for this, preliminary reinforcement should be done. Lay a channel on top of the opening, strengthen it thoroughly with welding or studs, and only then begin to increase the opening in width or height.
  2. If this is a partition, then you need to pay attention to the material from which it is made - if these are blocks, then they also need to be strengthened with a crossbar so that they do not collapse during work or operation. The profile of the door frame is by no means a reliable deterrent for heavy blocks.

How to increase the height of a doorway photo

If specifically, as they say, point by point, to answer the question of how to increase a doorway in height or width, then all the work can be presented in the form next row events.

  1. Strengthening the top of the opening. This stage can be ignored only if the doorway is increased only in width and not by much - a maximum of 100 mm. It will be possible to remove 50 mm from each side of the opening - if you move in one direction, then the top of the opening will have to be strengthened. How is strengthening done? Above the door, on both sides of the wall, a corner is laid (if we are talking about piers) or a channel (if we are talking about a load-bearing wall) - the metal located on one and the other side of the wall is tightened with studs. Only after this can you begin to disassemble or dismantle the unnecessary part of the wall
  2. Marking. We calculate the new width of the doorway and draw it on the wall using a pencil and level.
  3. Removing unnecessary material. It is better to leave the hammer, chisel and sledgehammer alone - you need a grinder or, if you are scared a large number of dust, then a hammer drill. In the right place, the wall can be cut with a disk, or many holes can be drilled along the intended line, and then the excess can be knocked off with a hammer drill. The grinder works faster, so if dust doesn’t bother you, then it’s better to give it preference.

To learn how to widen a doorway, watch this video.

Everything is simple - break it, don’t build it, but you should always remember that such work must be done carefully so as not to injure yourself and not destroy unnecessary things. Dismantling of walls is carried out correctly from top to bottom - everything needs to be disassembled, and not broken and destroyed.

How to reduce a doorway: options and their features

On the one hand, it may seem that making a doorway smaller is easier than making it larger, but on the other hand, such confidence usually backfires. First of all, an incorrectly reduced opening is a crack in the wall. Quite often, the wrong approach to the matter leads to loosening of the door block in a narrowed opening. In general, troubles can be very serious, and they can only be avoided through the right choice materials and technology.

To learn how to reduce the opening with drywall, watch this video.

In principle, this is all that can be said about the size of the doorway and how to change them. The only thing that can be added is to say a few words about reducing the height. The technologies used here are not very different - if we are talking about a slight reduction, then you can sew on timber or glue drywall. If you need to reduce a lot, then you should first install a corner corner or channel and only then wall it up unnecessary space bricks or any other materials convenient for you.

Widening a doorway is a very responsible and time-consuming task. To cope with such a task, you will have to make a lot of effort, and we are not just talking about physical actions. After all, before starting such work, it is necessary to obtain the appropriate permission. In this article we will look in detail at all the intricacies of the process of increasing the doorway, and also provide several specific examples successful implementation of the redevelopment.


Many people are interested in whether working with an opening is considered redevelopment. The answer to this question is clear: redevelopment is considered to be absolutely any structural change in the premises, which is listed in the corresponding BTI plan.

If you want to redo a doorway in a private house, you won’t have much trouble. However, when it comes to expanding the opening in a multi-story building, the matter takes on a completely different turn. To implement such a decision, a special project documentation. And all subsequent work must be carried out strictly in accordance with the papers. After all, the slightest miscalculations can lead to disastrous results. For example, mistakes when independently interfering with the structure of a house can provoke the destruction of a building or a load-bearing wall. In addition, in this case, you will receive a monetary penalty from government authorities.

And eliminate Negative consequences work will have to be done at your own expense.

When you need to redo a doorway in a panel house, you can easily find out the specific dimensions and possible options for changing the design. Since such houses were built according to the same type, the requirements for them are the same, while increasing the height or width of the opening in a brick building is possible only after preliminary calculations.

In general, the size of most interior and entrance doors does not exceed 70 or 80 centimeters. The maximum permissible dimensions of the structure are no more than 200 in width and 210 centimeters in height.

Violating such parameters is only possible with additional strengthening.

How to expand?

There are several ways to perform this task, and to complete each of them you will need different instruments. Let's take a closer look at the three main methods.

Using a hammer drill and jackhammer

This is the most obvious, the so-called “rough” method. To work, you will need a hammer drill, sledgehammer or other similar tool. Next, you need to mark the areas around the perimeter of the doorway that need to be removed. Now all that remains is to knock down the excess concrete with a hammer drill or jackhammer. To implement this method, no special preparation or long time is required.

However, we should not forget about the significant disadvantages of this technique. Firstly, such a process is very difficult and energy-consuming. Secondly, due to excessive load or improper handling, cracks may appear in the concrete wall. This means that additional Finishing work to hide the flaws that have appeared. Moreover, too large gaps can cause significant damage to a load-bearing wall.

It is very important to remember this when performing work and strictly monitor the process.

Using a grinder

If you want to quickly and easily make cuts in reinforced concrete walls, then you can use the well-known tool - a grinder. It can even cut through rebar with ease. Just be extremely careful when making a cut, since it is important to make it equally on both sides of the wall. Minus this method is the formation of a large amount of dust and rapid wear of the grinder’s diamond blade. And also the fact that an even cut requires special skill.

But you can use a little trick to make the process cleaner. To do this you will need a regular water spray bottle. Simply spray the wall surface regularly to prevent the spread of dust and dirt.

This way, the process of increasing the opening will become much more convenient and safe.

Using a construction cutter

This option for changing the size of the doorway is the most acceptable. A special construction cutter is a tool that consists of a diamond cutting disk, as well as a container for storing water. Using such a device will allow you to quickly, accurately and without dust expand the opening in width and height in wooden house or brick building.

Upon completion of the process of enlarging the opening, it is important to carefully inspect the walls. If any chips or cracks are detected, they should be repaired immediately to avoid further destruction of the material.

How to increase?

So, now you know exactly how to increase the size of a doorway. But what to do if you need to reduce them? This situation may arise if you cut off the excess when expanding the space. Or you simply needed an extension to install a smaller door.

The specific method required to implement such work depends entirely on the material from which the wall is made. When building up a brick opening, brick is used, cement mortar, spatula and others auxiliary tools. Take accurate measurements and start laying. Please note that to increase the height of the opening, it is important to make a lintel from wooden block and fittings.

If you neglect this rule, the structure may simply collapse.

When you need to reduce the opening for an interior door, you will need regular drywall. After taking all measurements, apply a special adhesive composition to the side and top of the opening. Then glue the pre-cut drywall pieces. This method is the most optimal when remodeling an apartment. It won't require a lot of time or money. To build up an opening in a wooden house, you should use timber.

And to change the size of the opening in a concrete wall, it is optimal to use cement mortar.

How to agree?

As we said above, it is important to coordinate work on changing the size of the door opening with BTI.

First of all, you need to prepare a package of all necessary documents, which include:

  • relevant statement;
  • redevelopment plan;
  • BTI technical passport.

You will also need a special permit from the SRO, which will state the safety and possibility of redevelopment.

So, now you know everything about the process of widening and reducing the door opening. The information from our article will help you quickly and easily cope with this task. The main thing is to do correct calculations and strictly monitor the safety of the procedure.

We also remind you once again that carrying out any redevelopment without the appropriate permission is strictly prohibited.

Successful examples

Let's look at a few specific examples correct change doorway dimensions.

Expansion of an opening in a load-bearing wall with reinforcement

Presented here clear example competently increasing the opening in compliance with all necessary rules. Concrete cutting was carried out according to a pre-marked pattern, after which the structure was strengthened using metal frame. This prevents the appearance of cracks and faults in the future. This is very important when it comes to a load-bearing wall, because its deformation can lead to the destruction of the building.

Enlarging the opening in the form of an arch

This work requires a lot of experience and skill. Accuracy and precision in carrying out such a process is achieved with the help of the professionalism of the craftsmen and the efficiency of special equipment. Specifically, diamond cutting technology was used to enlarge this opening. It's modern and effective way to change the size of the doorway. The resulting structure is securely fastened with durable metal plates, which are secured to special anchor bolts. It should be noted that to implement such a project, you should contact only experienced specialists.

The work of expanding a doorway in a brick house is similar to the same work in a wooden house that we described in the works on. We measure the doorway, measure out, if necessary, the distance we need to widen the doorway, draw a marking line and, using tools, trim the end of the opening along the marking line.

If in a wooden house we used a chainsaw as the main tool, then to expand the doorway in a brick house we may need more than one type of tool. Most often, the following tools are used to carry out work to expand a doorway in a brick house:

  1. Electric jackhammer with pike (shovel).
  2. Drill - perforator with drill and spatula.
  3. Petrol cutter with diamond cutting wheel.
  4. Grinder with reinforced or diamond cutting wheel.

Now we will consider the fundamental points of work on expanding the doorway using the above tools.

Expanding the opening using an electric bumper

If we use the tool specified in point 1 to expand the doorway, then in this case we may get an undesirable result. Since when chiseling a wall, especially a wall whose masonry is made of small piece materials, it is possible that not only the plaster of the walls adjacent to the doorway may crack, but also damage masonry joints in places remote from the place where we are carrying out work to expand the opening.

The use of an electric jackhammer with a shovel or pick is advisable for dismantling slopes or a thick layer of cement-sand mixture with the help of which the ends of the doorway were previously built up and leveled, as shown in the photo.

In order to minimize the appearance of cracks in the plaster and obtain smoother ends of the doorway after work has been carried out to expand it, you can use another option for work using the tool specified in point 2.

Expanding a doorway using a hammer drill

For a more accurate method of expanding the doorway, we will need the tool specified in point 2. Take a hammer drill with a drill bit installed in the chuck (A). The length of the drill must ensure through holes in the wall, that is, the length of the drill must be greater than the thickness of the wall.

Along the marked marking line, we begin to drill the wall, making through holes. It is advisable to keep the distance between the holes minimal in order to obtain the maximum effect of unloading the part of the wall with the doorway (B) that we need to dismantle.

After the holes are made along the entire perimeter of the doorway, instead of a drill, we install a shovel or a peak into the drill-hammer chuck and begin work on breaking off parts of the wall, directing the working part of the blade or peak along the holes made.

Note:It is recommended to use a hammer drill with an impact force of 3 to 5 J. If the hammer drill has an impact force of less than 3 J, then drilling particularly through holes in concrete will be problematic. Rotary hammers with an impact force of over 5 J are heavier, and this creates additional physical stress and your hands will quickly get tired.

This method of expanding a doorway in a stone house is the most popular and is used more often than others. But sometimes you have to use another method to expand the doorway using the tool specified in paragraph 3. This method is especially relevant when expanding the opening in panel houses or houses where the walls have reinforcing strapping.

Expanding the doorway using a gas cutter or grinder

Expanding a doorway in a stone house using a grinder or a gas cutter allows us to get smooth ends of the doorway without further modification, but using this tool has some serious disadvantages compared to using the tools specified in points 1 and 2:

  1. Photo (1) shows an example of cutting reinforced concrete using a gas cutter with a diamond wheel. In photo (2) you and I can see how, when cutting concrete, a large amount of dust and small concrete particles are formed in the air; if you expand the doorway in this way, it is advisable that the tool be equipped with a device for collecting dust.
  2. When working with an angle grinder with a reinforced cutting wheel of larger diameter and without a protective casing (photo (3)), the risk of injury increases, since the cutting wheel may crack and fly into pieces during operation (photo (4)), so it is necessary to observe safety precautions when working with a grinder or gas cutter.

The photo shows not only examples of working with a gas cutter and a grinder to widen a doorway, but also how basic safety requirements are violated. Work is carried out without special means protection, especially the face. What safety equipment is recommended when working with this tool? What else do you need to pay attention to to comply with safety rules when working with this tool?

As the main means of protection when performing work to expand a doorway in a stone house, using a gas cutter or grinder, you must use:

  1. Respirator - for respiratory protection.
  2. Glasses - to protect the organs of vision.
  3. Special gloves - for protection skin on hands.
  4. If work with an angle grinder or a gas cutter is carried out at head level, then it is necessary to protect the head, for example, by wearing a construction helmet.
  5. Clothes tightly buttoned to prevent dust and small pieces of concrete from getting under your clothes.

When cutting the wall of a stone house, be sure to install a protective cover on a grinder or gas cutter. It is also necessary to use special cutting discs that are designed for cutting concrete, and if the house is panel or the wall is reinforced, then you need to install a disc for cutting concrete and metal.

After the markings are applied to the wall surface, the tool is prepared for work and all safety requirements are met, you can begin to expand the doorway. If cutting the wall is carried out using a diamond wheel, then to reduce the amount of dust you can resort to simple way. Your assistant from plastic bottle(A) can pour a thin stream of water onto the diamond wheel (B):

Wetting the diamond wheel with water will, of course, have a positive effect on its operation (it will cool), and it will also reduce the formation of dust. But I want to make a reservation right away: concrete particles moistened with water will stick together and, speaking in simple language, instead of dust, dirt will appear (A):

When cutting a concrete or brick wall with a thickness of less than 150 mm with a grinder or a gas cutter, it is recommended to make a through cut in several passes. That is, first we cut the wall along the entire height of the marking line to a depth of 50-80 mm, after that we make a second cut to approximately the same depth, which results in two or three passes with a cutting wheel along the marking line.

If the wall has a thickness of 150 mm or more, then you may have to make a cut on both sides of the wall (depending on the power of the tool and the diameter of the circle). When cutting a wall of this thickness, you first need to make a cut with a depth equal to half the thickness of the wall, after which we move to the other side of the wall with the doorway and make a cut of the same depth.

To ensure that the cuts in the wall coincide, you can make markings on the other side of the wall as follows. After completing the cut of the wall on one side, we drill through holes at the top and bottom of the doorway in the cut made; these holes will serve as a guide for us to apply markings on the other side of the wall with the doorway.

When the cuts in the wall are made, you can use a chisel and a hammer or use a hammer drill to chip away part of the end of the doorway by moving the hammer drill blade along the cut line:

After carrying out the work to expand the doorway, we remove the garbage and proceed to the final stage of our work - to.

Redevelopment in our time has become a common type of improving living conditions and giving the house a modern look. Design projects sometimes surprise with their unusualness, and often it is necessary not only to decorate the room, but also to expand the doorway. There are established standards and instructions for these changes. If you take into account the features of the house and follow safety precautions, the process will not be too labor-intensive.

If it is necessary to narrow or widen the door opening of a multi-story building, such actions must be coordinated with the BTI.

In the technical passport for an apartment, doorways and doors are indicated schematically and, as a rule, without indicating dimensions. However, the BTI has such information, since when changing the dimensions of even the front door, the floor plan is disrupted, and problems may arise during the future sale of the apartment.

Changes in the size and location of the opening, according to the legislation of the country, are redevelopment and should be legalized. Permission to expand the doorway is issued by the BTI.

Acceptable parameters and standards

Increasing the size of the door opening is a simple task, provided that the wall is not load-bearing. The main thing you need to pay attention to is the acceptable parameters of the standards.

As a rule, SNiP standards are taken as a basis, providing for dimensions:

  1. Width - from 55 to 80 cm, depending on the purpose. For example, doors for a kitchen or bathroom can be 55 cm wide, but for living rooms and living rooms- 80 cm.
  2. Height - from 190 to 210 cm.

It is not necessary to exclude restrictions that apply to this type works:

  1. The span of the load-bearing wall is no more than 200 cm with a maximum height of 210 cm.
  2. It is advisable to strengthen widened passages with support even in the center.

Important: to legally increase the size of a doorway, the following documents are required:

  • certificates from the BTI;
  • architectural plan;
  • extract from the house register (if there is one);
  • plan phased implementation repair.

Tools and accessories

To change the width of a door opening in an apartment in a multi-story building, you will need a number of standard tools:

  • plane;
  • perforator;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • Bulgarian;
  • pliers;
  • screwdrivers;
  • wood saw;
  • hammer;
  • sledgehammer;
  • chisel.

If we take into account that there are different methods for expanding or destroying a wall, then the tools for each method will be different:

  1. The rough way. A sledgehammer and a jackhammer are used. Initially, the contours are marked, and with the help of tools the excess is cut off.
  2. Dry cutting is carried out using a grinder, which is used to cut out the contours.
  3. Wet cutting is done using a spray gun and a grinder.

Experts experienced in this matter advise that after the expansion procedure, inspect the walls for cracks or defects, which must be eliminated.

Safety precautions when performing renovations in an apartment

When carrying out any installation or dismantling work, safety precautions must be observed. Even when expanding the doorway, you should use protective equipment, such as a respirator, goggles, and gloves. It is best to also wear a special construction suit. This is necessary so as not to get dirty.

Remember: construction works are always very dangerous, so by adhering to safety rules, you will protect yourself from unpleasant incidents.

Extension of the doorway

Changing the width of a doorway is a labor-intensive task that requires prior approval, so it is better to carry out such construction work according to pre-prepared drawings. When contacting specialists, the calculations will be correct.

Reconstruction in a panel house

Most often, the question of changing the opening arises in panel-type rooms, because many do not know how to expand doorways in a concrete wall.

Redevelopment in multi-storey buildings must be carried out in a short time, and if a new partition is created, it must be quickly erected, since the procedure is very noisy.

To prevent neighbors from having a negative reaction, you must first:

  • warn them about upcoming work;
  • prepare your workspace;
  • purchase special containers for collecting waste.

Reconstruction of a doorway in a panel-type house is carried out in the following stages:

  1. Dismantling the old door structure. Moreover, it does not matter what material it is made of - metal or a wooden specimen.
  2. Remove the fabric from the loops. Cut the posts with a grinder.
  3. If the height also increases, the jumper is removed.
  4. Outlining the contour along which the expansion will occur.
  5. Holes are made along the contour using an impact drill to simplify further work.
  6. The panels are cut one at a time.
  7. At the end, the excess is removed with a sledgehammer.

In such a house, it is advisable to strengthen the doorway with the help of planks and corners so that the structure does not accidentally collapse.

Changing the opening in a brick wall

To widen a doorway in a brick wall of a multi-story building, you must follow all safety precautions and be careful not to destroy the masonry. It is not recommended to work with a sledgehammer.

If everything is done carefully, following the following algorithm of actions, then the increase in the opening will be successful.

  1. First you need to make markings (contours).
  2. If necessary, it is better to move the lintel and then strengthen the masonry on top.
  3. The planned piece of wall is cut with a special tool - usually a grinder.
  4. The inner end is knocked out with a sledgehammer.
  5. The perimeter is cleaned with hammers.
  6. The edges of the passage are cut off with a grinder.

After completing such work with a brick wall, you need to ensure its integrity. When cracks form, they are treated with plaster.

Please note that according to the rules, the width of the doorway does not exceed two meters, since redistribution of loads is dangerous. To avoid this, you can install a column.

Changes to load-bearing wall with reinforcement

If there is a need to increase the doorway of a load-bearing wall, monitor the load level and strengthen the structure. Additional reinforcement, partitions or other structures are used.

To strengthen a load-bearing wall, you should follow these tips:

  1. Install a steel can into the part of the opening that is at the top. Cut underneath small niche, the size of which is no more than one and a half bricks.
  2. Fill empty seats pre-prepared cement mortar.
  3. Secure the channel in the niche.
  4. Give the cement time to dry.

One of the most effective and reliable methods of changing the opening and strengthening load-bearing walls is considered to be fastening the frames located on both sides of the span.

When increasing the opening of a load-bearing wall, you also need to pay attention to ensure that no cracks form, which in the future could lead to the destruction of the entire building.

Enlarging the opening in the form of an arch

Increasing the arch opening is painstaking work that only experienced builders can do. This work is done carefully, with special equipment. The most common technology is diamond cutting.

It is important to remember: the arch can be of any shape. The not very smooth bend can be attributed to the designer’s idea. The thickness of the arch should not be greater than the thickness of the walls.

Reconstruction begins with dismantling the old door. Then liquidated old plaster and the opening is leveled.

It is best to use when expanding diamond cutting according to pre-made markings. However, do not forget to periodically wet the walls to avoid dust formation.

At the end of the work, the structure must be secured with plates and special bolts. The finished arch can be painted or covered with wallpaper if desired.

Of course, when great desire The home owner is able to carry out this work independently by purchasing the necessary set of tools and materials. You should first familiarize yourself with information on this type of work - there are many text and video materials on this topic on the Internet.

To avoid troubles, when carrying out work, it is recommended to initially consult with knowledgeable people, and even better - take advantage of their help.