How to renovate a very small bathroom. Design of a small bathroom: photo of ideas for increasing the interior. Small bathroom design: Niches

November 2016

Creating and decorating a new interior in the bathroom is not only very interesting activity, but also very exciting. In fact, there are many options for decorating a small bathroom. Photos of small bathroom designs can be viewed in a special catalog.

Interior in a combined bathroom with a toilet

Surely no home can be fully cozy and stylish if it does not have a mesmerizing, sparkling bathroom. Old tile, which is used to line the room for hygiene procedures or, for example, rusty pipes and plumbing - absolutely do not encourage the enjoyment of taking a bath. Therefore, the processes of washing and bathing occur very quickly. But it’s even worse if such a bathtub is also combined with a toilet! That is why every home owner needs to make sure that the design of a small bathroom is original. Then it will not only be pleasant to be in it, but also not embarrassing to show it to guests.

Of course, if the bathroom is spacious enough, you can “take a walk” in it, so to speak, using a wide variety of design methods and solutions, as well as the most modern technologies. Those who have such small rooms probably look at photos of small bathrooms and dream that it will be stylish, comfortable and with maximum benefit Every square meter in it is used.

In fact, there are a lot of people living in ordinary Soviet apartments with typical layout. But that’s not a problem either! After all, today everything is so developed, and besides, there are so many different ideas for decorating even small bathrooms that you can organize such a room no worse than spacious bathrooms.

Since the bathtub and toilet cannot be rearranged, according to the BTI, let each remain in its place. In this case, it is worth working on the finishing of the walls, floor and ceiling, as well as plumbing.

Most standard option material for covering the walls and floors in the bathroom is tile. But today, the choice is so huge that you can choose other materials that are no less high-quality and charming in appearance!

Materials for finishing a small bathroom

There may be several materials for designing a small bathroom 2016 various types, namely:

Ceramic tiles;
special decorative plaster

Decorating a bathroom with decorative plaster or a mirror surface will look very beautiful and original. As for the last option, it is already clear that mirrors can effectively visually enlarge the space, especially if they are located along the entire perimeter of the bathroom. In this way, in addition, it will also be possible to increase the volume of the room.

As for the combination, the mirrors will “fit in” and match any material of the main decoration, because completely decorating the bathroom with them is not very practical and convenient. Since you will need to carry out very careful care, wash them every day, because everything will remain as marks, stains and smudges. And this will certainly not make anyone feel better, and the room will look uncomfortable and unkempt.

Of course, you can choose an alternative to the most ordinary mirror, which will be made from frosted or corrugated glass. How exactly they decorate with mirrors, you can see in the photo the design of a small bathroom.

How to design a ceiling in a small bathroom

Speaking about the bathroom interior in general, you can completely forget about the ceiling, as if no one pays attention to it. But if even the slightest mistake is made, it will immediately be reflected, and very strongly, and will always be an eyesore. So why shouldn’t this be allowed?

It is important not to choose a dark design if the height of the room is small.

And also, there is absolutely no need to make the ceiling in the bathroom multi-level, no matter how much it tempts you.

If you live in an old-style house, where there is usually enough high ceilings, then you can use contrasting colors where it will be very appropriate. And with the right and talented approach, everything will turn out very beautiful and original. Here you can use a combination of dark “top” and light “bottom”. But if you enter an ordinary room, where the ceilings are not so high and the design is the same, it will seem that the ceiling will literally “crush” the person who enters. That is, the sensations will not be pleasant, so you shouldn’t even experiment with such a design.

As for, of course, fashionable beautiful multi-level ceilings, then they are not at all appropriate in the design of a small bath, as they will look very bulky.

After all, we are trying to help you with the design of a small bathroom in order to at least visually increase its volume.

What is needed for this, what can help?

It is recommended to use transparent materials, as well as light colors and shades. The lighting should be bright. Take these nuances into account when selecting finishing materials for the bathroom. Also, the material must be very durable and resistant to high humidity and constant temperature changes. After all, probably no one has the desire or inclination to carry out renovations every year, thinking each time about the design of a small bathroom.

Therefore, it is still worth choosing the most proven and quality materials for ceiling decoration, these could be:

  • stretch ceiling;
  • mirrored;
  • rack aluminum.

After we figured out finishing materials, you can start choosing furniture. As you have already noticed from the photos of small bathrooms, despite their “compactness”, the interior in such a room can be very noble, stylish and comfortable.

Furniture selection

The bathroom is an integral part of any home. Here we spend sufficient quantity time. At least twice a day. And, being here, you need everything to be as comfortable as possible, so that even all the necessary things are at the same time hidden out of sight, but always at hand.

Agree, it is very impractical and uncomfortable to run out of the bathroom every time, after washing or bathing, to bring your favorite towel, because for some reason it ended up in a closet located in one of the rooms of your home. It is in such situations that there is an urgent need for furniture that will fit laconically into the interior, not clutter up the space, and at the same time, you can put all your favorite towels in it, in order to avoid misunderstandings and inconvenience.

For the design of a small bathroom 2016, the ideal option would be a small bedside table and hanging shelves.

But there are certain requirements for choosing furniture. It should be compact and lightweight, as well as durable and made of moisture-resistant materials.

Where and how to place the washing machine?

Most people find it very convenient when washing is done in the bathroom.

There are washing machines that have a vertical loading method and are made quite narrow. Such models can be placed between the wall and the washbasin, for example. The main thing is that it is not completely tight, since ventilation still requires at least a minimal gap. In fact, there are very few options for placing a washing machine in a small bathroom. You are very lucky if square meters allow you to accommodate an “assistant”. Well, or you will have to sacrifice the washbasin.

Mirrors in the bathroom are an essential attribute

Well, in fact, how can you manage in the bathroom without at least one mirror?! Even if there is a mirror finish there, but it turns out that it will not be above the sink, you will need to place it there in any case!

Speaking of furniture, the topic was discussed that it would be appropriate to hang cabinets in the bathroom. Here is a double solution to the problem! After all, they can have mirrors on the doors, so you don’t need to buy a separate mirror!

When designing a compact bathroom, you need to understand that everything you want cannot be placed in it. In any case, you will need to sacrifice something for something. For example, if you do not place along the wall washing machine, there you can go directly to full height make a mirror! They can also be very different in shape, due to which they will have only a positive impact in favor of the decorated interior design. If the bathroom is in nautical style, it would be ideal to choose a mirror in the shape of a fish or something similar from this theme.

Nuances when choosing mirrors

Be sure to take into account how good the mirror lighting will be; if necessary, arrange additional lighting.

It is also worth thinking about who will regularly monitor the cleanliness of the mirror. Or maybe you should immediately buy a special heated model that will not stain.

Think about how long you want to buy it and hang it in the bathroom? After all, mirrors also come in different qualities. If you choose the simplest, it will very quickly lose its appearance. Therefore, it is better to choose a good, moisture-resistant one.

And don’t forget that a properly selected mirror will help save almost any situation in the design of a small bath!

Shower in a small bathroom

In general, a stall where you can take a shower is simply a brilliant, wonderful invention! After all, for small bathrooms this is exactly what you need! There is a huge variety of such cabins. But for compact-sized bathrooms, corner or the simplest “miniature” shower stalls are suitable. There is a lot of this “good” on sale, and in a large assortment.

The main advantages and features of a shower in a small bathroom:

  • significant space savings;
  • taking a shower uses much less water than taking a bath;
  • The washing process is quite comfortable, especially if the cabin has a hydromassage!
  • The bathtub looks stylish and modern.

When installing a shower stall instead of a bathtub, there is room to place a washing machine, and maybe even a small closet. But don’t forget that you shouldn’t overcrowd a small bathroom with anything, otherwise it will be completely cramped!

Even if you spacious bath, it can be oversaturated with furniture and other things, which is why it will seem simply unkempt and ugly! If you have a small room for hygiene procedures, this method of “cluttering the interior” will have an even worse effect!

There is no need to instruct in every corner as much as possible. Let it contain only the most necessary things. And only in this case will the bath be spacious and pleasant.

The disadvantage of the shower stall is the lack of a bathing place for small children, since they cannot be washed in the shower, unlike adults.

But even here there are options. One is to wait until they are old enough to shower. The second option is to choose a booth, at the bottom of which there will be small bath(this, by the way, is one of the subtypes of shower cabins). There is also the option of placing a bathtub with a shower stall built into it. This option is perfect for large families, especially where opinions differ and some people like to take showers exclusively, while other family members only like to take baths. But, despite the convenience and “functionality”, the latter option will not save space in the bathroom.

Surely, everyone will be able to decide for themselves and the interior of their bathroom what exactly is suitable - either it will be convenience and comfort, or space.

Bathroom renovation in Khrushchev-era buildings

Apartments with this name come with two types of bathrooms. For example, in 3-room apartments this is separate bathroom, where the bathroom is very small. But if you take, for example, one or two room apartments, then, as a rule, they have combined bathrooms.

In Khrushchev's three-room apartments, unfortunately, it’s absolutely impossible to “accelerate” in terms of imagination with design design. Definitely, in such a room it is necessary to use all the recommendations described above at once.

There are also main points:

  • It is best to use not one, but several mirrors, which will highlight a small room very effectively.
  • It is best to make the ceiling glossy, with spotlights built into it.
  • Do not use dark colors and shades in decoration or furniture.
  • It will be enough to hang one wall cabinet or shelf. Don't hang them all over the room.
  • If possible, it is better to install a shower stall.

In Khrushchev-era apartments with a combined bathroom, the room is more spacious. As a rule, immediately opposite the door to the bathroom, there is a toilet, next to which there is a bathtub and a sink. And there is a little free space near the door, which is used in most cases for a washing machine.

But there are options to bring a certain chic to this hygiene room environment.

  • Replace all plumbing fixtures. Choose a bathtub, toilet and sink with square shapes. It is better that the sink has a long countertop that will go into the bathtub. It can be used for all the hygiene items you need.
    It is better to choose a mirror that is also square in shape; the floor will look original if it is tiled, and the ceiling will be decorated with aluminum slatted panels.
  • Install a “wall-hung” toilet, which is installed against the wall, while the sink should be flat, along with the washing machine. Hang a fairly large mirror above the washbasin. Instead of a bathtub, it is better to install a stall, and between it and the wall you can place a shelving unit, which is quite high and narrow. Let the wall near the door remain uncluttered. Unless you can place a basket there in which you will put dirty laundry.
    For finishing the ceiling and walls, use decorative plaster V pastel colors and shades, but on the floor you can apply contrast from the slabs.
  • Bathroom in your own private house

    Of course, if you build it yourself a private house, then you yourself plan what size each room will be, including the bathroom; in addition, you yourself can plan where and how the plumbing, furniture, etc. will be placed.

    If your house is wooden, then the ceiling and walls can be sheathed with wooden slats. The main thing is that it is moisture resistant. As for the floor, it is better to cover it with tiles that will fit color scheme, "under the tree".

    It’s great if the bathroom has at least a small window! Moreover, if the room is small, it will only be beneficial. After all, this is not only an additional source of light and ventilation, but also a way to visually expand the room. Roman or curtains will look very original on it. roll type. They will give the room comfort and coziness.

    If the house is brick, the walls in the bathroom should be covered with ceramic or stone tiles. The ceiling can be made suspended.

    Bathroom design
    Toilet design
    Shower cabins (150 photos)
    Bathroom tiles (200 photos)

    Photo gallery (127 photos)


    Small bathrooms are the scourge of modern mass housing. It is difficult to find an apartment in which you would not literally have to bite off precious square meters from adjacent rooms with your teeth in order to fit a larger bath.

    However, it is rarely possible to physically expand a bathroom - you have to go to various lengths to fit all the necessary plumbing fixtures and furniture in a compressed space. How to make a small bathroom cozy and functional?

    The first step is designing the bathroom

    First of all, you need to determine how the furniture will be arranged in the bathroom. There are many design options, and they can be successfully combined to get the optimal result. You need to decide what you want to see as a result: a practical room or a work of design art.

    To expand the interior space, you can use methods created by designers from all over the world:

    1. Maintain the minimalism and conciseness inherent in Asians. Forget about hot tubs with curved shapes - only straight, strict lines and ideal geometric shapes.
    2. Use plenty of light. Daylight will not be available if the window in the bathroom was not provided at the construction stage of the house, but correct selection lighting fixtures, coupled with light finishes, will help to get rid of cramped spaces to some extent.
    3. Accessories. A large number of small details that attract the eye will distract attention from assessing the real volume of a small room - the bathroom, if not larger, will seem less cramped.
    4. Ornaments on the walls, combining tiles different colors, playing with shades. Looking at the patterns, not a single person will notice that there is no room to turn around in the bathroom.
    5. Use of modern achievements of plumbing in the interior. Today you can have fully functional bathtubs, showers and sinks in very modest sizes.

    When planning a bathroom design, you need to take into account not only the actual small size premises. You should take into account the number of people who will use the bathroom, the required set of plumbing fixtures (whether the bathroom will be combined, whether a full bath is needed or a shower is sufficient, etc.).

    Remodeling the interior of an apartment is a difficult task even in a new building. All communications are fixed - if you want to rearrange something, it’s not a fact that you will be able to do it. In addition, leveling the walls can be difficult.

    It is necessary to take into account the specific design of a wet room - due to the fact that finishing materials must be moisture resistant, the range available options is greatly reduced.

    Priorities should be set as follows: practicality, durability and only then aesthetic appeal.

    To design the design of the arrangement of furniture and plumbing, you can use special computer programs or sketch a drawing by hand, indicating the location of all the main interior elements. Form a clear picture in your head of what you want to see in the end - and only then get to work!

    How to fit everything in?

    The main design principle when creating the interior of a small bathroom is to get rid of everything unnecessary.

    You should forget about:

    • inappropriate placement of items - cosmetics should be placed in a cosmetic bag or next to the trellis, dirty clothes and washing supplies should be placed in a separate closet;
    • collecting things “in reserve” - in fact, you don’t need 5 cans of shampoo and 10 cans of shower gel;
    • using the bathroom for purposes other than its intended purpose.

    Teach yourself to be organized and store excess items in the pantry and separate cabinets in other, more spacious rooms. This is especially true for electrical appliances - hair dryer, curling iron, etc. - keeping them in the bathroom is not only pointless, but also dangerous.

    It’s easier to fit essential items into your bathroom if you only fit what’s really necessary. How to organize the arrangement of a minimum set of plumbing fixtures?

    Combined bathroom

    In most apartments, the bathroom is separate - after all, people usually live with entire families, and using a shared bathroom can be inconvenient. But in reality there is nothing wrong with placing a toilet next to a small bathroom. Even if the project provides for two rooms for plumbing, it makes sense to combine them in order to more efficiently use the available square meters.

    There are several design options for organizing a combined bathroom:

    • we place the bathtub in width, arrange the rest of the appliances and furniture according to long side rooms;
    • the bathtub is placed in a niche, the walls of which can be used to place shelves - this will take up some of the space, but you can compensate for the reduction in the volume of the room by installing a mirror on the entire opposite wall.

    If using a combined bathroom is inconvenient - a large family lives in the house - you can separate the toilet and bathtub with a decorative screen, which can be easily removed when no one is washing.

    Shower cabin

    Small-sized appliances will save interior space and even allow you to install a washing machine. One of the design options for using minimalist technology is a shower stall.

    Cabins come in a variety of varieties - you can even make one yourself by installing a watering can and drain behind the wall, separated from the rest of the bathroom glass door. What is usually on sale is not floor-mounted cabins, but sitz baths with this glass flask on top The choice is great, and it’s worth thinking through the basic design, starting from the style in which the cabin you like is made.

    Corner bath

    If you don’t want to completely give up a bathtub in favor of a shower, a small corner bathtub would be a compromise solution. It is much easier to place than a full oval bathtub.

    The shape of a corner bath can be very different:

    • oval;
    • square;
    • circle - not particularly suitable for a small bathroom;
    • complex shape with curved edges - maximum usable space.

    By the way, not only the bathtub, but also the sink can be corner. You can wash your face in a small washbasin - there is no need to install plumbing fixtures the size of a full-sized one in the bathroom kitchen sink. The hanging style will save space under the sink.

    And finally, the door. If the bathroom door opens inward, remember kind words your home designer and remodel it so that it opens out into the hallway. Better yet, replace the bathroom door with a sliding one - this way it won’t take up space at all.

    Visually expanding the space

    Many methods have been invented to deceive human perception. You can trick your brain into thinking that the bathroom is larger than it actually is:

    • using in design bright hues when finishing;
    • diagonal laying of tiles;
    • by expanding the walls, raising the ceiling, lowering the floor - save as much as possible when rough finishing the concrete box;
    • bringing the shape of the room closer to a square - the elongated rectangular shape does not allow one to be deceived;
    • creating smooth transitions between walls and horizontal surfaces - work with color and round moldings.

    A classic solution for expanding bathroom space is the use of large mirrors. You can hang them not only on the bathroom walls - mirrored cabinet doors will also help. Moreover, you can cover the entire space from floor to ceiling with cabinets - compact furniture Today there are many, even the most picky designer can choose something.

    Working with tiles

    Tile is traditionally used to decorate the bathroom interior. Of course, there is waterproof plaster and special drywall, you can even decorate the walls with natural stone. But in terms of expanding the room, tile is the undoubted leader.

    The size of the tiles in the bathroom should be small. The smaller it is, the more confused the brain is - it will look not at the area of ​​individual elements, but at their total number. The associative series is simple: there are a lot of tiles, which means the bathroom is large. If you don’t involve consciousness, the effect is excellent. A non-contrast mosaic will help even more, which can be used to create smoothness not only on the walls, but also on the ceiling of the bathroom.

    As for the color in the interior, light shades should be used, but not white - this “hospital” color is not only psychologically difficult, but also difficult to maintain - white tiles will have to be washed almost daily.

    The entire room should be made light - finishing the lower half of the walls in contrast would be a bad decision, since it will divide the room and kill the entire expansion effect. The only design style allowed is dark vertical stripes.

    It is better to take glossy, smooth tiles. It will reflect light, working in tandem with mirrors, and further increase the space. The exception is the floor, which should be finished with matte material for safety reasons. Or at least put a rubber mat on the smooth floor - slipping on wet glossy tiles is as easy as shelling pears.

    The tiles should be laid evenly from the floor to the ceiling of the bathroom. Do not use curbs, thresholds, or dividing strips - they will attract attention and show the actual area of ​​the bathroom.

    A little more about floor covering bathroom It is not at all necessary to use tiles - a self-leveling polymer coating with a pattern or photo printing would be an excellent design variation. It’s easy to create an effect of depth with it, and it will make a small bathroom feel larger. Photo wallpaper can also be used to create an imitation of natural light.

    Color rules

    Light colors are a salvation for a small bathroom. Bright colors strain your eyesight, but you want to relax in the bathroom. Dark colors can only be used when equipping the bathroom with powerful light, which we will talk about a little later.

    Color disharmony is the main enemy of high-quality small bathroom design. Walls, floors, ceilings and all interior items should match each other in style and shade. This doesn't mean you need to paint everything the same color - that will look bland and tasteless. A little contrast is always good, but light, pastel colors should take precedence in the bathroom.

    Shades of white, beige, milky colors (but not pure white) are ideal for a bathroom interior. They create a feeling of cleanliness and expand the room.

    If you decorate light tiles with ornaments (you can use acrylic waterproof paints for this), you can create certain motifs in the room - for example, Japanese. Sakura branches and petals on light tiles, furniture made of natural wood - the oriental corner is ready!

    Other possible colors are soft blue and light green. Remember the ban on saturation and brightness. These colors have a beneficial effect on a person’s psycho-emotional state and improve the effect of relaxation. hot bath. They are associated with water, nature, purity. They go well with white earthenware.

    The market offers a wide variety of three-dimensional tiles and tiles with a textured surface. You shouldn’t use it - protrusions and stucco eat up the space of the bathroom and absorb light, making the small size of the bathroom even more modest.

    Combining colors in the bathroom is an option for bold designers. This will make the interior unique, but you should be careful: in a small room it is permissible to use only three different shades.


    So, best version for the interior design of a small bathroom - combination light shades and natural light. But a window in the bathroom is an unaffordable luxury in our conditions, and try to find at least one similar apartment in planned development buildings.

    We have to make the most of the wonders of electrification. Electronics in the bathroom are dangerous, but you can't do without light. The wiring needs to be hidden as best as possible and protected from moisture - it is best to put it under the tiles.

    Sconce lamps are not difficult to find today. The choice of models is huge, and you need to try to choose options in the same style. The number of lighting fixtures and their power is up to your taste; try to make the bathroom as bright as possible. But to ensure a relaxing, romantic environment, it’s worth considering dim lighting. The ideal option is lamps with adjustable light intensity.

    Powerful light allows you to use dark colors in the design of even a small bathroom. But dimming the light will turn dark room into a real hole, in which, because of the large mirrors, it will also be scary to be.

    An excellent option is lighting built into the bathroom ceiling. It is safe, and sconces hanging on the walls will not take up space. If the ceiling is suspended or suspended, even spot or LED lighting is possible.

    Furniture selection

    Many owners of small bathrooms abandon furniture in favor of large and capacious plumbing fixtures, which do not carry a particularly useful load. You shouldn’t do this - even in a modest space there is room for cabinets and shelves.

    The basic principles for choosing plumbing fixtures and furniture have already been revealed:

    • pay attention to corner baths and sinks, shower cabins, transformable appliances;
    • use the entire height of the walls to place cabinets;
    • cabinet doors with mirrors partially compensate for the wasted space in the bathroom;
    • the washing machine can be hidden under the sink;
    • give up tiled partitions, thick curtains and screens in favor of glass.

    All this will allow you to appropriately place shelves for washing supplies, instead of placing bottles of shampoo, shaving gels and everything else on the sides of the bathroom.

    Furniture design

    Whatever the style of the bathroom, no matter how small it is, one rule must always be followed - all furniture must be moisture resistant.

    Remember that durability is more important than aesthetics - a beautiful bathroom is great, but it will be of little use if everything rots and you have to renovate it again after a couple of years.

    Among the common materials you can pay attention to the following:

    • MDF, chipboard, laminate - always with waterproof impregnation;
    • plastic – don’t think it will look cheap, modern plastic items look quite good;
    • glass is not only practical, but also relatively invisible, due to which it visually saves more free space;
    • stone.

    I would like to use natural solid wood in interior design, but this is not recommended. It looks beautiful, but such bathroom furniture is designed for large rooms with good ventilation.

    In our modest rooms, moisture is actively concentrated, hot steam actively destroys even wood impregnated with stain and varnish. Considering the high cost and the imminent but inevitable redevelopment, wood is a waste of money.

    Built in furniture

    Compact cabinets with mirrored doors can be used, but the best solution there will be a built-in wardrobe that extends from floor to ceiling in the bathroom. It can be built into a niche that frames the bathtub. Even better - glass or metal shelves.

    Where should I put my laundry?

    Storing dirty clothes in a hamper next to the bathtub or directly in the washing machine is a common practice. Very bad practice. Linen in the bathroom deteriorates due to constant exposure to humidity, not to mention the fact that the basket for it eats up a significant amount of free space.

    It is best to hide the laundry basket in the closet. If it is not there, go to the built-in closet. The washing machine should also be hidden - this will eliminate the temptation to store unnecessary items on it.

    Interior in detail

    Mirrors and accessories will complement the image of the bathroom and allow you to divert attention from its size. Overdo it with small details, however, it’s not worth it.

    The larger the mirror, the better - the space will double if you make the entire wall mirrored.

    Cleaning will take a lot of effort, but you can buy mirrors covered with a special film - it repels soap splashes and prevents the glass from fogging up. In addition, it will last longer, since humidity and hot steam destroy even glass over time.

    When creating a stylish bathroom, you can't do without accessories. All of them should be elegant and orderly - deliberate negligence is permissible only in a large area. Everything should be in its place and complement the interior without becoming an excessive feature.

    If you are creating a minimalist bathroom, there should be fewer things. Get rid of everything unnecessary and concentrate the style features of the interior design in color design, furniture, plumbing and ornaments.

    Bottles for shampoo and soap, a glass for toothbrushes, a mirror frame should be in harmony with color scheme room without being a bright spot. This also applies to towels and bathrobe: if you are a girl who loves pink, you shouldn't hang a fluffy pink towel in a green bathroom. It will be easier for men in this regard.

    Small accessories and decorations should fit into the theme of the bathroom. You can fill the shelves with sea shells, hang ivy or another heat-loving plant, or a small picture on the wall. Emphasize your style and individuality, feel free to experiment: after all, accessories are not tiles, and a bad decision can always be changed.

    It is difficult to create a modern, classic or Provence style in a small apartment area - a complex design requires large quantity details and sometimes has features that are impossible to implement in a bathroom.

    Minimalism and high-tech in the interior are ideal options for this room. Glass and metal are indispensable attributes of such styles. The room will become stylish and comfortable without losing its functionality.

    However, no one forbids taking risks - if you love Provence, try placing wicker baskets, porcelain and natural materials. If you carefully and carefully study the interior of the apartment, you will succeed!

    Photo options for arranging a bathroom

    Bath or shower?

    What to choose: a full bath or a shower? You can argue on this topic endlessly, it all depends on your preferences. But if the question “When was the last time you took a bath?” If you find it difficult to answer, we still recommend choosing a shower stall. This way you save space for additional furniture and a washing machine. And taking a shower in a spacious cabin without having to climb into the bathtub every time is a great pleasure!

    Pay attention to hanging furniture and plumbing fixtures. This will make the room visually more spacious and also make cleaning easier.

    Use the space under the sink. On the shelves you can place clean towels or beautiful baskets with detergents. It is important not to leave bottles and bags of powders in sight - this creates a cluttered appearance and “eats up” excess space. I wrote in detail about options for storing small items in the bathroom and putting things in order.

    Game of reflections

    Mirrors are our main assistants when working on the design of small rooms. They are especially relevant in small bathrooms, because... combine practical and aesthetic functions. If you don't mind some impracticality, you can install them across the entire wall and your bathroom will look much larger.

    Corner mirrors work very effectively - they not only visually expand the space, but also create interesting game reflections.

    Small bathroom design: Niches

    Use niches. You can create a niche in the wall separating areas in a combined bathroom, either above the bathtub or in the shower. Don't be afraid to build up a wall to create a niche. It looks neater than wall shelves and visually disappears into the room, merging with the wall. Placed in niches beautiful boxes for cosmetics and clean towels, you will get a functional and stylish rack.

    Attractive accents

    Zone the space with interesting bright tiles. For example, create a strip of contrasting tiles on the wall and floor in the vanity area.

    A contrasting wall behind the bathroom will make the room visually longer. You can use beautiful mosaics, tiles with an interesting texture - like wood, stone or bright saturated colors.

    A large drawing deceives the eye and the room seems larger. Use a wide stripe or a bright print on the curtain.

    Not a fan of bathroom curtains? Replace it with glass partition or the door. It perfectly performs its main function, and looks more elegant and neat.

    Important little things

    Pay close attention to the textiles in the bathroom. It would seem, what does the color of towels have to do with the design of the bathroom? However, colorful multi-colored towels also visually clutter the room. A universal option is white towels and a robe. Contrary to popular belief, they are quite practical, because... They are all washed at once, but look fresh and neat. If you don’t like white, choose any other color or combination of them, but then when buying new towels, try to stick to the chosen color scheme.

    Unfortunately, in our small apartments there is not always enough space for a large bathroom. In a small bathroom we need to manage to place a bathtub, washbasin, washing machine, and toilet. How to do this if the bathroom is too small? Often the solution to the problem is to abandon the bathtub in favor of a more compact shower stall. However, if you don’t want to give up your bathroom, you can simply choose a smaller model with an unusual shape, which will save space and place all the necessary plumbing fixtures in a small area and even place a washing machine. Let's look at the options for this solution in more detail.

    Choosing bathtubs for small bathrooms

    What kind of bathtub can be for a small bathroom? Currently, plumbing manufacturers offer us many models in the XS version, but we must choose an option in which we can sit down and stretch our legs freely. The dimensions of a compact bathtub start from a width of 65 cm and a length of 100 cm. The largest models have a length of 150 cm. Modifications available on the market may have different shapes:

    • rectangular,
    • angular symmetrical,
    • asymmetrical,
    • rounded on one side of the triangle.

    IN small room every centimeter matters. First of all, we must pay attention to the profile, which can take up several tens of centimeters.

    The price of plumbing depends on whether you choose classic model small rectangular shape or unusual shape. You will also have to pay more for a product made from unusual materials. Often, due to wide choice and availability, we buy products made of acrylic and enameled steel. Will cost much more plumbing products from conglomerate (stone flour with the addition of resins and dyes), composites (a mixture of quartz and acrylic), ceramics, copper, glass or wood.

    If the bathroom is combined and has an area of ​​3.5 sq. m, and the dimensions are: width 1.6 m and length 2.2 m, the bath can be placed on the short side of the room. In addition, the room will accommodate a toilet, bidet and sink.

    In such a small bathroom, a rectangular version is usually installed - the smallest model on the market is 100 or 120 cm long and 70 cm wide. Sometimes, however, for reasons of comfort, a slightly larger option is chosen, at least 140-150 cm long.

    Another option that is readily used is the asymmetrical model. It has one side narrower and the other wider and can be made in two versions - right or left (the name is associated with the location of the narrowed side of the bathtub on the left or right).

    The Genova ROCA model measures 120 × 120 cm. small bathroom you can install this corner bath, which takes minimal space. An interesting solution is also a transparent screen-wall for the bathtub, which allows you to take a shower, so that in a small bathroom you can install 2 in 1 equipment or a bath + shower.

    Although walk-in showers are generally recommended for small bathrooms, the NANO Cersanit corner bathtub, which is only 140 cm wide while maintaining the comfort of a bathtub, can be an excellent alternative.

    The asymmetrical corner bathtub, which is 150 cm wide, can be placed along the wall of even the smallest bathroom.

    The asymmetrical Cordoba model is only 135 cm in length. This is a small corner model, very functional. It is made of acrylic, which has anti-slip properties and good thermal insulation. There is a fairly wide shelf in the corner where you can place cosmetics and swimwear. Dimensions: 135.5 x 95 cm, length 106 cm. The entrance does not cause problems for a child or an elderly person, because it is relatively low - 37 cm.

    The shape of the model is an asymmetrical angle. Its external dimensions are: 140 x 95 cm. It has a fairly wide bottom, 55 - 66 cm and a length of 116 cm. This model has a very functional place in the corner.

    The asymmetrical bathtub of the ROSA Ravak model is 150 cm long, but diagonally it has 183 cm (you can lie in such a bathtub). Thus, it offers at the same time the same comfort as classic bath, 180 cm long, and even much longer, because it is wider and has a seat for taking a shower while sitting, if equipped with a shower cabin and a flat bottom for comfortable standing.

    In conditions small room You can choose a sitz bath that can also be used as a shower. This solution significantly saves space.

    An interesting Avocado bathtub shape with a sink from the same series is offered by the manufacturer Ravak. The combination of these two plumbing fixtures allows you to significantly save space.

    Others are also interesting non-standard solutions, which allow you to place the sink above the bath, thereby significantly saving space. For example, the BeHappy series from the manufacturer Ravak.

    Remember that the arrangement of a small room should be carried out in compliance with the principles of ergonomics and ensuring the necessary distance between plumbing fixtures. If you decide to install a bathtub, then in order to use it comfortably, you need to provide a distance of about 50 cm from it to other equipment.

    Interesting solutions will help you plan small area, which will be both functional and aesthetic. Even in small room we need to plan out the space so we can safely get out of the shower, dry ourselves off, dry our hair after showering, or brush our teeth in front of the sink without bumping into the corners of furniture and fixtures.

    Most modern models compact bathtubs allow you to install a screen or sliding doors nearby, with which you can take a shower without worrying about splashes of water and puddles on the floor. Below are photos of how to install a bathtub in a small bathroom.

    Well, let’s be honest, no matter what size the bathroom is, there is always a catastrophic lack of space in it. After all, you have to manage to place not only the appropriate plumbing fixtures, but also a huge number of very necessary things. To cope with success with so much challenging task, the following useful tips and design tricks will help you take a fresh look at small space bathroom and try to organize it more rationally and intelligently.

    1. “Wet” bath

    Most perfect option for very, very small bathroom dimensions. This is the case when the shower is located in an open space, almost above the toilet and washbasin, and the drain is located in the center of the room. To organize such a “wet” layout prerequisite serves as finishing of all areas ceramic tiles and lack wooden furniture, and indeed any storage systems other than waterproof ones wall shelves For detergents.

    If you don’t want to wash all areas of the room and plumbing fixtures after every shower, then it’s better to hang a waterproof curtain or install a special one. protective screen. Not only will the flow of water be limited, but with this solution you won’t have to undress in another place so as not to get your things wet. This option is the most inconvenient, but if the choice is between comfort and no shower at all, then you can agree to such a “wet” layout.

    2. Use installations

    A built-in toilet has significant advantages with one condition: if it is possible to allocate 20-30 cm behind it for installing the installation. After all, all communications must be hidden somewhere! But if you manage to carve out such space, then you will kill several birds with one stone.

    Firstly, such a toilet is much more compact than a floor-standing one.
    - Secondly, it can be placed as close to the wall as possible.
    - Thirdly, the “hanging” model will make cleaning much easier.
    - Fourthly, the space behind the toilet, free from installation, can be rationally used by placing all kinds of shelves, cabinets and even to accommodate a water heater.

    3. Installation of a compact shower

    As you know, the bathtub is the most bulky element of the bathroom, and if you want to save space, it is better to replace it with a more compact shower. It all depends on your financial opportunities: will it be a stationary shower cabin with a full set or a simple tray with a special enclosing screen.

    You can make a small border that rises above the floor, with an organized drain in the center of the allocated area and a regular moisture-resistant curtain.

    4. Choosing the right washbasin

    While in a small bathroom you can do just fine without a bidet or a Jacuzzi, you can’t do without a washstand. Naturally, when installing in a compact bathroom, you will have to sacrifice the length of the bowl or its width. The modern plumbing market provides unlimited opportunity V optimal choice sinks, and you yourself decide which model to choose and what you can sacrifice. Designers recommend several options:

    - Narrow sink

    If you choose this option, you will significantly save usable space. But don’t get carried away too much, the width of the sink should not be less than 30-35 cm, otherwise splashes of water will simply splash out.

    - Rounded shell shape

    In a small bathroom, a sink will look more organic round shape, while they are more practical and convenient for washing.

    - Console (hanging) sink

    For small bathroom most best option– console (suspended) model with wall mounting. You can also choose a special type of sink that is designed for installation above washing machine. These two models do not take up much space and do not require additional cabinets or stands.

    5. Practical location of the mixer

    If you choose a narrow sink, then the most the best option mixer placement – lateral, not only is it very stylish touch, but also practical. After all, with its standard placement and the small width of the sink, when washing your face, you will constantly hit your head on the faucet.

    If you managed to place the sink standard width, and it is located next to the bathtub (shower), then you can install one universal mixer tap with long spout, which will allow you to cover both the washbasin and the bath at the same time.

    6. Mirror with a secret

    A bathroom cannot do without a mirror, especially if it is tiny. After all, everyone knows the trick of increasing the visual area with the help of mirror surfaces. With its help, you can not only visually add space, but also quite realistically organize extra bed for storing necessary things.

    Everything depends, first of all, on your desire, as well as on the size of the bathroom and directly on the mirror itself. Can hide a full-fledged locker behind it or organize small shelves on the sides, and you can also purchase a ready-made design you like.

    7. Organize storage systems rationally

    It is always difficult to maintain order in a small bathroom, because its very modest dimensions will not allow you to create required quantity storage spaces. After all, it is necessary to place a rather impressive arsenal of all kinds of brushes, combs, jars and tubes so that they do not interfere, but at the same time they are always within reach and do not create complete visual chaos.

    There are many ingenious design tricks that will help you place all the necessary bath accessories without much difficulty.