Do-it-yourself decorative tire well: description, interesting ideas and reviews. How to make a septic tank with your own hands from car tires Do-it-yourself well from tires original ideas

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Summer residents often face the problem of turning off water. The situation is not pleasant, but there is a way out for land owners - a do-it-yourself well made from tires. With it, nothing will overshadow your stay outside the city and watering will be easy.

Everyone dreams of having a source of life-giving moisture on their property.

Creating a well from tires with your own hands is not too troublesome. Also, “construction” will not take much time, but it will require effort. The construction of the source is divided into two stages - the construction of the shaft and the bottom. And, of course, you need to take care of a canopy that will prevent contaminants from getting into the well from tires, worsening the quality of water.

Before you start building a tire well with your own hands, you need to find a place where the water is at the same level (over an area of ​​several square meters).

Its quantity and quality are important. Digging is allowed at a distance of at least 50 meters (sanitary zone) from sources of soil contamination, i.e. heaps of manure, which are necessarily present on the plots, toilets, places for walking animals, since household waste will definitely get into the source, which will make the water not only smelly and tasteless, but also dangerous. A well made from tires with your own hands is located at a distance of at least 5 meters from the house.

It is important to analyze the quality of the water found. If there are buildings on the site, there should also be geological exploration results on the depth of the water layer. If they are missing, you need to spend money on them, since only this procedure will provide accurate data.

What time of year is most suitable for construction?

Start construction better in autumn, When The groundwater descend on maximum depth. If you start it in the spring, when there is a lot of high water, it is easy to get to the water, the level of which may fall during the dry period. This means that the spring will often dry up in the summer.

The depth of the pit directly depends on the function that the well will perform. If it is built to store water in case non-standard situation, it is enough to dig a hole of 2.5-3 meters. To build a full-fledged well, which is filled with groundwater, you will have to dig 9 meters deep. In the latter case, it is important to carry out the work with special care so that the walls do not collapse.

Materials and tools for the source device

Having decided on a place, stock up on:

  • the right number of tires;
  • crushed stone;
  • bars;
  • board;
  • bitumen varnish;
  • antiseptic glue;
  • nails.

Tools you can't do without:

  • sharp knife;
  • hammer;
  • shovels.

Typically, for a meter-deep well, 4-5 tires of any size are enough. Based on this, it is easy to calculate how many of them are needed to make a well of tires of any depth.

Step-by-step instructions for building a spring from tires

  • Tires should be increased inner diameter. To do this, cut out a ring 5 centimeters from the tread using a knife, the blade of which is recommended to be lubricated with oil or soap so that it slides easier. You can also use a hacksaw for this operation. A grinder is also used, but it is not suitable for an inexperienced master. You can cut through the metal fibers (or composites) that reinforce the tires from the inside using wire cutters.

  • Next, the tires are washed with a brush and treated with bitumen varnish. This helps extend their lifespan and prevent them from getting into water. harmful substances;
  • The next step is preparing the hole. Its diameter should be 20 centimeters longer than the diameter of the tires. Crushed stone is poured onto the bottom, the layer of which is 40 centimeters wide. The first tire is lowered onto it, on the sides of which bars are driven in on four sides so that the subsequent tires do not move. It is recommended to place scraps of rubber 2 cm thick between them;
  • Having laid all the tires on top of each other, fill the space between them and the soil with crushed stone or expanded clay. Sometimes there are recommendations for installing concrete rings at the bottom of the well, which will make cleaning more convenient and easier in the future;
  • To give strength to the structure, the tires are glued together rubber glue, since its main characteristic is moisture resistance.
  • The source must rise above the surface of the earth by at least 70 centimeters. There is no need for rubber spacers between raised tires;
  • There must be a waterproof coating around such a structure. The most economical and simple option is the use of crushed stone. It must be compacted thoroughly and then filled with water. You can use a blind area made of cement or clay, but it will be more difficult to complete.

After this, they build a canopy or make a cover, for which a board is suitable. Depending on personal preferences, to make it easier to lift a container filled with water, an automatic pumping system is installed or another device is made.

Advantages of sourcing from tires

DIY tire products have a lot of them:

  • it is economical;
  • the water does not bloom in it;
  • mold and mucus do not form on the walls;
  • in comparison with other wells, it has a higher column of water;
  • There is no rubber smell due to the use of crushed stone.

Its only drawback is that the depth cannot be more than 9 meters due to the unreinforced walls of the pit.

Where to buy tires

There is no question of purchasing old tires: they will simply be gladly given to you at any auto repair shop. Tractor tires or from heavy-duty vehicles (KAMAZ, ZIL) are ideal for future design. The main condition is that they match in size.

Video: How to make a well from tires with your own hands

A decorative well in a country house has long ceased to be considered a luxury available only to wealthy owners. However, many summer residents still have many questions regarding its construction.

In the time of our ancestors, in every settlement one could definitely find a well. In some places it has survived to this day, although now this element of the household territory is no longer used as the main source of drinking water. If a summer resident has a desire to build a well on his plot, then he does this solely to make the appearance of his garden area more aesthetically pleasing. And one cannot but agree with this, because decorative well is able not only to decorate a summer cottage, but also to make it original. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows how to make a decorative well.

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    Possible options

    There are much fewer options for decorative buildings than traditional wells, and today there are two most common types of these structures:

    1. 1 A log house with a chain mounted in a wooden drum installed between two posts. The finishing touch to this structure is a bucket at the end of the chain. It is necessary for collecting water, which is carried out by lowering the bucket into the well and then rotating the drum.
    2. 2 A decorative version of a well is the so-called shaduf. This design looks like a well with a “crane”, assembled from logs connected to each other using hinges. Instead of a chain, a lever is used here, the role of which is played by a long log, at the end of which a bucket is attached.

    Although the capabilities of summer residents allow them to choose any well design, most often you can find polygonal, round and quadrangular sections. Among them, the most complex device is round-shaped wells.

    Variety of styles

    For a decorative well, you can choose a wide variety of design styles. The final decision depends on the skills and imagination of the master. Be sure to remember that this building must be combined with other elements of the decor, and therefore it is so important to decide in advance what the decorative well will look like:

    1. 1 The most popular option is “antique” designs. In accordance with the traditions of our ancestors, such buildings always have a rotating drum, which has to be turned in order to lower the bucket into the shaft and collect water.
    2. 2 Wells made in the Chinese-Japanese style. This solution will look original on the summer cottage of our compatriots. The structure has a peaked roof with curves, on which soft tiles are laid. Such a well can be built from wood or stone.
    3. 3 Decorative wells made in modern style. They are built using traditional materials - the base of the structure is made of concrete, tiles are chosen as decoration, and the roof is covered with polycarbonate sheets. This solution will look advantageous on any summer cottage, decorated using modern materials.

    Remember: you are creating an element landscape design, and therefore you need to first of all pay attention to the aesthetic component of the well.

    Ideas and materials

    For a well intended for installation outdoors, it is very important to choose the right material, which should successfully withstand the effects of precipitation and withstand temperature fluctuations. When choosing a decorative building option, you should proceed from the desired style solution and financial resources that the owner is willing to spend on making a well.

    More often than others, summer residents choose wooden decorative wells or stone structures. This choice is explained by the low cost of materials, as well as their ability to be perfectly combined with other elements of landscape design. To prevent a wooden decorative well from looking too traditional, you can add fancy carvings and mesh lace elements to its design, which will help the well look original. But most summer residents are accustomed to being content with the traditional wooden log house. He will be able to decorate the garden area no worse than decorative analogues. Thanks to treatment with antiseptic, varnish, stain and others protective equipment this building can remain attractive for a long time in any weather.

    Unfortunately, not always widely affordable ideas for making a decorative well are suitable for most owners. In this case, they should take matters into their own hands, show all their imagination and develop their own own project decorative well, based on existing construction and carpentry skills. In fact, a decorative well is not so complex design, which could not be done even with minimal knowledge in the field of construction and design. Moreover, this element of landscape design can be created from scrap materials, which, among other things, will provide significant savings.

    An example of one such idea would be a house-shaped structure created from pieces of logs and timber, fastened at the corners with nails. Do not be upset if, after completing the work, gaps are found between the structural elements of the decorative well for the dacha. Correcting such a defect is very simple - to do this, you need to plant climbing plants near the well or directly in the house in suitable containers.

    In the absence of lumber to create decorative country well you can use thick branches or willow twigs. Ordinary river snags, which must first be cleared of bark, are suitable for the role of racks for the roof and rotor. It is not necessary to look for a bucket for a decorative well - you can create its illusion using a regular piece of log, which is tied to the free end of the chain. If you have children, then a well of this style of performance will cause them a storm of joy. But if you don't have enough lumber, you can build a well from tires.

    In principle, you can make a decorative well with your own hands from any available materials.

    This can be bricks, stones, building blocks and even large pebbles. In order for the structure to acquire the appropriate appearance, the building material can be fastened using conventional cement mixture. In cases where the choice building material for a decorative well is small; it is often necessary to use concrete, forged metal elements or brickwork. But even the lack of building materials certain type can play into the hands of the owner: a decorative well, which is built of stone, metal and wood, will look even more beautiful and original.

    Before you start making a decorative well with your own hands, you must have a clear idea of ​​what you ultimately want to get. To make it easier for you to decide on the characteristics that are most important to you, here are a number of recommendations for planning a decorative well:

    1. 1 First, you need to choose a suitable place for a decorative well, and this can be any flat piece of ground. A suitable place for it may be a shaded corner of the garden, where you can not only admire the result of your work, but also relax. Sometimes decorative wells are used as decoration to disguise a caisson hatch or water pipes. In this case, you need to choose a design so that it provides easy access for maintenance of technical communications;
    2. 2 When considering various options for a decorative well, try to maintain the overall design style. It follows from this that the roof of the well, like the roof of the main building on the site, must be made of the same material. Then your well will not spoil the picture with its appearance that does not fit into the landscape design concept.
    3. 3 Before you start assembling the elements wooden structure decorative well, be sure to treat them with an antiseptic and other preparations to protect them from moisture and insects. Tinting and painting are operations that can be performed at the final stage of work.

    By following the tips described above, you will make a minimum of mistakes and create a well that is as close as possible to your ideal.

    Construction solutions

    Summer residents who decide to build a decorative well at their dacha with their own hands are driven not only by the desire to save on the services of a designer. Many people want to show their personal Creative skills and imagination to have an extra reason to be proud of your neighbors. When you select a design option that suits you in all respects and prepare everything necessary materials To make it, be sure to draw a drawing of the future well. Otherwise, you may miss important details that you may regret later.

    Necessary building materials

    Making a simple design for a decorative well is actually not that difficult. To do this you will need:

    • cement;
    • water container;
    • cuttings of timber or logs;
    • material for building the box (stone, brick);
    • roofing materials.

    Sequence of work

    Having completed the preparatory part, you can proceed to the manufacture of the design of the decorative well. Step-by-step instructions will help you cope with this task much faster:

    1. 1 First of all, you will need a hole for a container of water. Please note that it should have a depth of approximately 25 cm, and there should be allowances on the sides. Be sure to place a “cushion” of sand or small pebbles on the bottom and compact it thoroughly. It will give the structure greater stability. Next, you can transfer the prepared water container into the recess, and the free areas on the sides must be filled with earth and also compacted well.
    2. 2 Then you can start strengthening the container: to do this, we take pillars for support and dig them into the ground, after which they need to be securely strengthened.
    3. 3 Now we need to think about the foundation. For it we will need to dig a trench 40 cm deep and fill it with concrete mortar;
    4. 4 When the concrete has completely hardened, take a drill and make through holes for the anchors. We will need them to install the structure of the well house.
    5. 5 After this, we take the material that we have chosen for the construction of the well and make a frame of the desired shape from it. If you decide to work with stone or brick, then after laying the bottom row you need to secure it with anchors, and then lay out the frame from similar material, but this time it is held together with cement mortar. In the case of constructing a wooden box, we proceed in a similar way: first we lay the bottom row, and then fasten it with anchors. We fix the next rows of material using concrete mixture. This installation method can also be used for concrete ring. Its advantage is that after completing the main work, you can easily decorate it with available materials - stone, pieces of glass, decorative tiles.
    6. 6 Having completed the work of creating the box, we begin to install the drum on the supports, then we erect the roof, and finally we attach the roofing material to it.

    Additionally, you can decorate a decorative well for the garden, which can even be built from tires, using climbing frame plants and a composition of perennials. In the latter case, it is advisable to select plants with different flowering periods. Then this design will keep you cool throughout the entire summer season. It is appropriate to complement the decorative well with a wicker fence, flower beds, and outdoor flowerpots with plants planted in them.

    To build such a well with your own hands to decorate the site, you will need:

    • 3 old car tires,
    • 2 identical pieces of timber or logs as a support for the roof,
    • roofing material (wood, corrugated sheet, plywood, etc.),
    • 4 pieces of thin timber for the roof frame,
    • fasteners (nails, screws),
    • dye,
    • container in which you will plant flowers.

    Building such a flowerbed takes a few hours.

    • It is necessary to make slots in the tires into which pieces of timber will be inserted. They will support the roof. The slits can be made using a knife or saw. You can also install supports on the outside of the tires.
    • The tires are placed on top of each other so that the cutouts match.
    • The beams are inserted into the cutouts and driven into the ground.
    • After this, the structure needs to be painted.

    Attention! There may be residue on the tires machine oil, so they need to be prepared: washed with detergent, dry, wipe with a degreaser (gasoline, alcohol, acetone).

    The paint that is suitable for painting such a well is

    • oil (sticks well, but lasts no more than a few seasons, then it will need to be renewed),
    • enamel,
    • bitumen,
    • rubber (there is no rubber in the composition, but this paint is flexible and will not crack when the tires expand or contract with temperature changes).

    The most convenient way to paint a tire well is with a spray gun or a spray can. After the paint has dried, you can apply the design with a brush.

    The roof can be made gable or single-pitch. It will look good if it is covered with real roofing material, for example, slate, corrugated sheets, boards. The roof frame is made in the form of a lattice made of thin bars.

    When the well is ready, a container for flowers is placed inside. It doesn't have to reach the bottom. If it is shallower, then you can put a stand in the well, and a container on it.

    What else can you use decorative tire wells for?

    • Decorative well around trees. To do this, take 2-3 tires. Such a well is made only around young trees.
    • Flashlight. You can place a lantern under the roof of the well, and it is not necessary to conduct electricity for this. You can use flashlights with photocells, which are charged by the sun during the day and begin to glow after dark. If you want to use an electric flashlight, you must lay the power cable in compliance with all safety regulations.
    • Children's playground element. A decorative well may well become a place for children's games. Tires can be used to make other structures for the playground.

    The well can also be designed in a more interesting way. To do this, it is coated with plaster or cement and stones or tiles are glued. You can make an imitation of a well gate from a plastic bottle or a piece of log. You can hang a bucket on the gate in which to plant flowers.

    A well over a drainage pit or septic tank

    This is no longer entirely a decorative option. A septic tank is a sewage system that consists of two pits. Sewage directly enters the first, where it is processed by bacteria, and the liquid partially neutralized in this way enters the second pit, where the waste is also processed by bacteria. After this, almost pure water is absorbed into the soil.

    Important! You can install a septic tank where groundwater lies at a depth of at least 5 m.

    Used car tires have proven themselves well as rings for such septic tanks. To make a septic tank with your own hands, you need to dig a hole and place tires in it according to the diagram. The figure shows the construction of a septic tank with or without a drainage pipe.

    The volume of the septic tank should be such that it can accommodate three average daily volumes of wastewater. Based on this, you need to calculate the depth and width of the well and, accordingly, the number of tires. One must also assume that the water level should never be higher than the ground level. One tire is placed on the ground and the boundaries of the hole are marked. You can dig a hole a little wider to make it more convenient to lay tires and to be able to insulate the well. You need two such wells; they are placed as shown in the figure.

    • A layer of crushed stone about 30 cm thick is poured onto the bottom of the first well; it is best to pour it on top concrete screed. A more budget-friendly, but less reliable option is to put roofing felt or other water-resistant material.
    • In the second well, a well is drilled about 5 m deep, into which a plastic pipe is lowered. Through it, water will be absorbed into the soil. A layer of crushed stone is also poured on top.
    • After this, the tires are laid. They are tied together with wire, and the cracks are filled with waterproof sealant.
    • Next, a pipe is laid from one hole to another, for this purpose holes are made in the tires. Also, a pipe is laid from the house to the first well through which water will be discharged. It should be located slightly higher than the pipe through which the pipe goes into the second well.

    Important! The main advantage of such a septic tank made from tires is its low cost, but it does not last very long, about 15 years. Major renovation it is impossible, so in case of serious damage you will have to arrange a new one. The condition of the septic tank must be checked every year.

    It is necessary to locate a septic tank

    • at least 5-10 m from the house,
    • from the well with drinking water- at least 30 m per sandy soil and at least 25 m on clayey,
    • at least 2 m from trees,
    • from the neighboring plot - also at least 2 m.

    A septic tank works best on sandy soil. It is advisable to do it where the soil does not freeze to a great depth.

    How to make a well from tires

    You can build swings, flower beds, slides, figures of fairy-tale characters, garden furniture and much more from tires. The article discusses the main ways of using car tires, for which you can use a tire well, and how to decorate materials in a country style.

    Homeowners often face the problem of water shortage. You should not throw away old tires, you can create a well from tires using available funds and others interesting ideas for a garden or plot. Such wells are constructed in different models and shapes, using available materials. The device not only creates beautiful decor on the site, but also become a useful source of water for economic needs or a septic tank.

    A tire well is the perfect addition to your garden and is so easy to make. Follow step by step instructions here and you will have your own wishing well planter in just a few hours.

    The principle of constructing a well from tires
    Materials and tools
    Construction of a shaft and canopy
    Decorating and painting

    The principle of constructing a well from tires

    Now, recycled tires are likely to be used in everything from playgrounds and road surfaces to water control installations. All of these applications use a material that is strong, durable and readily available. They also require quite a bit of processing. The strength and durability of tires make them attractive as a building material and typically require relatively minimal processing but maximum knowledge of the construction process.

    As for any decorative design it is necessary to determine the location of the well on the site. The choice depends on the purpose of creating the well and the size of the available tires. If the building will perform only a decorative function, then optimal place It will be near a flower bed or in a free area where the soil is soft. If you plan to use a tire well to collect rainwater to water plants or a safety device to extinguish a fire, then it is better to locate the building next to the house, but not less than 5 meters.

    When choosing a location, it is important to take into account existing sewer lines and pipelines laid in the ground, possible sources of pollution and soil density, as they will require excavation.

    The well construction process is divided into three steps:

    • digging/laying the bottom
    • creation of a mine
    • construction of a canopy.

    At the excavation stage, it is necessary to maintain digging standards, as for a drinking well, only the depth will be much less. Digging is allowed at a distance of at least 50 meters (sanitary zone) from sources of pollution. Dig a hole to the depth of the height of the tires you want to install, and a width of 20 centimeters greater than the outer diameter of the tire. Usually 2-3 tires are installed/buried in the ground, so the depth of the source, or more precisely the distance of water storage, includes the walls above the ground. Therefore, it is important to form a sealed well.

    Construction of a shaft and canopy

    Place the first tire on the ground, measure and fix the locations for the support pegs. A small hole is dug in the marked place to install the posts. For additional fixation of tires, the base for the pegs can be reinforced with bricks or concreted.

    After making sure that the first tire lies tightly in the hole, lay 2-3 from above to ground level so that the support pegs fix the straightness of the structure. For the strength of the building, it is recommended to glue the tires together with moisture-resistant rubber glue. Then the remaining distance of the shaft on the sides of the tires is covered with soil, stones or expanded clay.

    Usually 2-3 tires are laid on top above ground level. The quantity depends on the design of the well and the size of the canopy. It is not recommended to install more than three tires above the ground.

    Level the ground and remove any grass or rocks around the tires. Create a support as a guide using bricks/stones around the well. This will strengthen the structure, because the building will store water.

    The last step is to build the roof/canopy. In order for the well to have an attractive appearance, first of all it is necessary to trim the driven posts to the height. It is better to make a canopy from a special roofing material or wooden planks, since the rubber material of tires tends to sag and become flexible at high temperatures.

    Stages of roof construction:

    • installation of canopy supports. The structure is created like the roof of a drinking well. Vertical posts support the roof frame;
    • flooring of roofing material or boards, slate, metal tiles, roofing felt.

    The canopy model can be of any shape: single slope or double slope. For the roof, it is necessary to consider the fastening of the bucket and the mechanism for lifting it. You can hang a bucket on the gate in which to plant flowers.

    If you decide to abandon the look of a classic well, then a crane well will become an interesting decor. To do this, you will need to attach the bucket to a pole and secure it to the walls. To prevent the well from clogging, make or find a simple removable lid.

    Decorating and painting

    Oil-based dyes are not used for painting tires. It is strongly not recommended to use oil paints for hot regions, if you do not want the decorative well to be lost in six months.

    For painting tires, the best choice would be enamel, bitumen and acrylic paint. The best option is rubber paint, which stands out for its ability to stretch and contract, which allows you to balance between sudden temperature changes. In this case, rubber paint is coated onto the same flexible material, which will provide a reliable coating.

    Before painting tires, make sure that there is no rubber left on the surface. greasy stains, otherwise the paint will not adhere well and will fall off over time. Painting instructions:

    Stages of painting a decorative well

    • Wash the well with cleaning solutions. Dry the washed surface in the sun;
    • Degrease rubber with acetone, gasoline or alcohol;
    • Applying a coat of paint. To paint tires, you can use an ordinary brush or paint in cans.
    • To paint a roof/canopy, it is better to use varnishes and paints that match the materials; special attention should be paid to wooden elements
    • Dry the building for several days
    • Decorative patterns are applied with a thin brush.

    A well made of tires can be painted in any style and created unique design. To do this, it is formed with plaster or cement, laid with bricks or outlined with paints, and lined with stone or tiles. The well shaft is the main decorative element that can be worked on in the future. In the meantime, pause the work and admire the resulting building.

    From tires you can create many different things to decorate a constructed well or to improve the area. The tire material is easy to process. In addition to the tire well, you can install a variety of flower beds, figurines, garbage containers, a small pond or fountain nearby.

    The principle of constructing a septic tank from wheels

    A septic tank made of wheels is a structure filled with waste liquid. It is in such a tank that sedimentation is carried out sewer water and its bacterial cleansing.

    In order for the structure to be reliable, you should ensure that certain rules are followed. Given certain principles, the final result can be expected to meet the specified requirements.

    To make a septic tank you need to use whole tires

    1. Groundwater should be located no higher than a depth of 2 m. Otherwise, the plastic material is in danger of being washed away and shifted, and sometimes deformation of the product occurs.
    2. Making a well for drain hole, you should pay attention to the composition of the soil. It is preferable that it be sandy loam. This composition will help ensure better fluid drainage.
    3. The pit for the sewer tank must be located below the freezing point of the soil. Even at the planning stage, the optimal depth should be considered.
    4. When planning the location of the septic tank, it is important that the structure is well placed relative to the house and water intake points. The optimal distance from a living space is considered to be 5 m, and from a well - at least 20 m.

    If all the above requirements for organizing tire drainage are met, it will be possible to prevent possible environmental problems.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the design

    If you decide to use a tire septic tank as a sewerage structure, you need to have an idea of ​​its features. Such a reservoir is characterized positive properties, however, has some disadvantages.

    Advantages of a tire well:

    • The sewer system does not require significant costs; if desired, anyone can organize a septic tank without special skills;
    • The structure is easy to build yourself (one person can easily install the cameras);
    • Such a well can last up to 15 years, so it is often used in summer cottages.

    However, in addition to positive characteristics, this type of structure also has disadvantages:

    • Plastic material is subject to negative impact various aggressive environments;
    • Sometimes, due to improper installation of the septic tank, the soil becomes mobile, or it begins to heave, which provokes depressurization of the tanks;
    • There is no point in repairing the building. If sewer system cleaning is damaged, it is necessary to rebuild the septic tank, but you will need to choose a new location.

    The main advantage of a tire septic tank is its low price

    Many owners note the occurrence unpleasant odor from the tank from car tires. To correct the situation, it is recommended to install a special drain pipe. Experts advise making sure that the pipe level is higher than residential buildings.

    Types of sewerage from tires

    There are several options for tire tanks. Each septic tank is characterized by its own characteristics.

    It is customary to distinguish three types of structures made from wheels:

    • The system has a filter system;
    • The structure includes a absorption well and a settling tank;
    • In addition to the filter system, a drainage pipe is provided.

    When choosing a design, you should be guided by the amount of waste liquid. So, for a large family it is better to make a septic tank that has a sump.

    Features of the functioning of a tank with a filtration system:

    • Initially, wastewater enters the container;
    • The insoluble part of the wastewater is retained by a special drainage layer;
    • The filtered liquid goes into the ground.

    A septic tank with filtration is not intended for processing fecal matter. This facility should only be used to collect contaminated liquids from laundry, dishwashing, etc.

    Tires should be fastened together

    A tank with filtration and settling tank is considered more durable. After the liquid enters the sewer (the first container), large components are retained in the sump. The remaining, more liquid part penetrates into the filter container. This design is the most environmentally friendly option. However, a septic tank requires regular pumping of waste liquid.

    Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

    After choosing a location for a sewerage structure made of tires, you should consider what volume will be optimal. Professionals recommend taking into account that the size of the tank should be sufficient to take three times the daily volume of liquid.

    If necessary, a tire septic tank can be concreted

    Sequence of work:

    1. For the initial tank, a tire is used, along which it is necessary to mark the dimensions of the well. For the second container you can use bigger tire, because the second well needs to be made larger. Next, you should dig a hole of the required size.
    2. The bottom of the well should not allow sewage into the ground. To prevent this, you can make a special clay plug (at least 20 cm wide) with your own hands or concrete the bottom.
    3. Carefully remove from the surface of the tire material top part, due to which the structure will become smooth. Next, the wheels are stacked on top of each other. To make the structure more durable, it is recommended to tie the tires in pairs. At a height of 2/3 from the bottom, a transition pipe is installed between the wells. And in the first tire a hole is made for the sewer pipe.
    4. All that remains is to lay and secure the pipe, fill the hole without damaging the integrity of the structure.

    Thanks to its low cost and ease of installation, a tire septic tank has earned positive reviews from many owners. Such a structure will become great solution for a summer cottage. However, when constructing it, it is important to carry out it correctly installation work and take care of a good drainage system.

    I would like to give advice to everyone who needs a cellar-basement, but who cannot build it either due to the lack of free territory, or because for material reasons they are simply not able to build a traditional cellar made of bricks, blocks, or timber.

    I don’t recommend making a plank cellar - it won’t last long. My advice is this: don’t be too lazy to travel around collective farm and state farm landfills, where there may be old cylinders from K-700, MTZ-80, T-150 tractors. From these cylinders it is not at all difficult to make a good, fairly spacious, and most importantly, durable basement for your winter preparations.

    First, we dig a round hole of the required depth. Then, for all tire cylinders, except one, we cut off one sidewall in a circle, as shown in Fig. 2. We do not touch the second side, this is the future shelf. They start laying cylinders in the pit with cylinders from the K-700 tractor, since they are much heavier and stiffer than others. We orient this cylinder with the remaining sidewall down, then install other cylinders on it in turn until we build the walls of the cellar on the desired height. As already mentioned, we did not cut off the sidewall of one large cylinder. This balloon will crown our structure. And a smaller cylinder (from the T-150) will fall on it, which will act as a hatch.

    Personally, I insulate the balloon hatch from the inside with bags of straw, and install a wooden lid on top. Don't forget to also provide ventilation if necessary. To do this, it is enough to cut a hole in the sides of the cylinder hatch and insert a pipe with a diameter of 50 mm there. And here's another tip. To make the cylinders easier to cut, water the cutting area with water. Personally, I was happy with this kind of basement. After all, the side shelf of one cylinder from MTZ-80 - you probably won’t believe me - includes twenty-four 3-liter cans.

    Now I’ll tell you about an episode that occurred during the construction of my tire cellar. It perfectly demonstrates how quickly such a cellar can be made. And this is what happened. When I had the pit ready, it started to rain, and quite a good one at that. In a panic, I ran to a friend (he worked on a truck) and with his help brought several needed cylinders. However, there weren’t enough of them, so I went on a tractor to look for the missing ones. I carried out the entire operation of erecting the walls of the basement in the rain, but after just three hours it was already possible to close the lid of the new vault. Many people still don’t believe that everything was done so quickly, but it’s true.

    For three years now the cellar has served me faithfully. By the way, there are no rats or mice in such basements; apparently, they don’t like rubber. I do not recommend cementing the bottom. Make the stairs according to your own taste. I personally can do without it altogether. But the basement has one drawback: it is not suitable for fat people - there is not enough space.
    In a word, try to make a similar basement. You will not regret!

    O. Shkorkin, Do It Yourself Magazine No. 5-98.

    Why are drainage wells needed?

    At its core, drainage is a set of hydraulic engineering measures to protect structures and land from the effects of excess moisture formed due to precipitation, floods, and seasonal increases in water levels. groundwater etc. Any, even the most durable structures begin to gradually collapse if unplanned water undermines the foundation. Fertile lands that are flooded with water for a long time will simply lose all their best qualities.

    These circumstances lead to the need to protect buildings and your site from dangerous influences, especially in areas with high natural humidity. For this purpose, a special drainage system is manufactured, which solves specific tasks: collection, drainage, removal and disposal of excess water mass. Such systems are created with your own hands, but taking into account the recommendations of specialists.

    Structurally, drainage complexes include the following components:

    1. Water intake elements. They are placed directly in the flood zone and can be formed in the form of trenches, to which pipe drains are connected.
    2. Main elements: pipeline (drains) or trench system for water drainage.
    3. Recycling elements. This part completes the process, that is, it performs the final operation: storing water or discharging it into the soil in a safe place.
    4. Additional operational elements. These include regulatory and locking devices, devices and structures for operation and repair of the system.

    Drainage well is considered an important component of the entire drainage system. It can perform recycling functions (the main task) or play the role of an additional operational element. The operation and efficiency of the entire system depend on the reliability and correctness of its installation. In particular, its volume must allow the collection of all drained water, otherwise the drainage simply will not provide the required drainage.

    Which wells are included in the system

    When providing drainage with your own hands, the following types of drainage wells are provided:

    1. Rotary option. Such wells are installed with an extended pipeline at the following points: through one turn of the pipe and in the place where several pipes converge into one line. The problem to be solved is cleaning pipes (drains), since dirt plugs often occur in bend areas.
    2. Absorption type. These structures do not require prefabricated or main elements. They are dug at different points where water accumulates, which itself flows into wells. When installing such structures, it is important to form a surface slope so that moisture flows into them on its own.
    3. Water intake wells. At their core, these are sealed containers into which all collected moisture flows through drains. As they fill, water is pumped out or used for technical needs, for example, for irrigation.
    4. Filter structures are the final element of the drainage system, located in a remote area where water can be discharged into the ground. In principle, this is a variant of a water intake well, in which the bottom is not sealed, but is made in the form of a natural filter. Water seeps into the ground through the bottom zone.

    The design of drainage wells depends on the task being performed, with this difference mainly due to the structure of the bottom area. The bottom can be arranged in two ways: to be sealed in the form concrete pouring or unsealed, based on a cushion of sand and crushed stone. The well shaft has a depth sufficient to accumulate the required volume of water.

    Most often, it is 3-5 m. The shaft wall must have waterproofing to prevent the collected moisture from seeping into the upper layers of the soil. Finally, the top plate and hatch complete the structure. In production wells, a ladder is installed inside the shaft.

    Tire wells

    When making a drainage well from car tires, you will need the following tools:

    • bayonet and shovel;
    • a bucket and a strong rope for immersing it when excavating soil and backfilling the cushion;
    • Master OK;
    • putty knife;
    • roulette;
    • plumb line;
    • building level.

    When building a drainage well with your own hands, an important task is set - to reduce the cost of the structure as much as possible. In this direction, making a shaft wall from improvised materials solves this problem. One of the most common materials is the car tire. What are the advantages of this “building material”?

    Firstly - accessibility. Used tires are, in principle, garbage that can be easily disposed of by any car dealership. Secondly - properties. Rubber provides waterproofing, and the reinforced frame provides mechanical strength.

    To build a well with your own hands, tires from trucks are best suited. Their diameter is quite suitable for construction, and their width will reduce labor intensity. In addition, their strength is very high, which will help contain any ground movements.

    The construction of a tire well is carried out in the following order:

    1. Digging a mine. We dig a round hole by hand. The diameter is selected 20-25 cm larger than the outer diameter of the tires. The depth is calculated taking into account specific volumes of water and, as a rule, is 3-3.5 m.
    2. Bottom arrangement. When forming a sealed bottom, first a cushion of a mixture of sand and crushed stone 15-25 cm thick is poured, and then concrete 10-15 cm thick is poured. The filter bottom is made of 3 layers of crushed stone (alternately large, medium and small fractions) 15-18 cm thick every.
    3. Tire laying. Each tire is laid on the previous layer strictly along one axis, so that the entire column is strictly vertical. During the installation process, the internal cavity of the tire is filled with crushed stone, pebbles or expanded clay in order to reduce the overall shrinkage of the column. In addition, the weighting of the elements allows them to fit more tightly to each other.
    4. Filling the gap between the tires and the ground is done with crushed stone, pebbles or broken bricks. As the gap is filled, careful compaction is performed. When backfilling, it is necessary to control the location of the tires, preventing them from moving relative to the vertical.
    5. Introduction of a drainage pipe. To insert the drain into the well, a hole is cut in the side of the tire along the diameter of the pipe. After pushing it, the joint is sealed.
    6. Formation of the top plate. A slab with a hole for a hatch is placed on top of the shaft, lined with car tires. It is best to use a standard well concrete slab, but can be applied a metal sheet. The hatch is closed with a metal or reinforced concrete cover with handles.

    A drainage well is a necessary element of the system to eliminate excess moisture. To reduce the cost of construction, it can be built from tires of trucks or tractors, which will ensure the necessary tightness and strength of the well wall. All work can be easily done with your own hands.

    Do beds flooded with water after every rain turn into a swamp? It will not be possible to reap a decent harvest from a garden where the soil is oversaturated with water. The solution to the problem is drainage. If it is planned to build a house for permanent residence on the site, it is better to design the drainage network before construction begins. But in a dacha, which is used only as a place for picnics and seasonal growing of vegetables, it is expensive and irrational to equip full-fledged systems. Let's try to figure out how to do it budget drainage from tires with your own hands so as to save on pipes and wells, and turn a dull wetland into a healthy green garden.

    Drainage is needed: instead of beds - a lake

    The easiest way to remove excess moisture is to make several drainage branches from scrap materials with output to a receiver. For work, it is better to choose a period when the amount of precipitation and groundwater level are at a minimum: in summer or early autumn. And it is necessary to plan the drainage layout during the season of heavy rains or melting snow - in the spring.

    Bad timing: work stopped due to rain

    Functions of drainage networks: why drainage is needed

    In addition to draining the soil, properly laid drainage from old tires can solve several problems:

    • Stop the process of erosion of the top fertile soil layer.
    • Reduce the moisture level in the deep layers of the soil.
    • Drain streams of rainwater from the beds.
    • Prevent diseases of trees and ornamental plants.

    Planning the layout of canals and water collection points

    In order for the system to work properly, it is necessary to correctly select the trajectories of the drainage lines, determine the depth and location of the drain. The simplest method is observation. During a rainstorm, pay attention to the direction of flow - natural flow lines will help determine the correct lines for drainage channels.

    Simple scheme wiring country drainage

    When planning the system, the topography of the site is taken into account: the branches are positioned so that the beginning of the trench is at the highest point, and the drainage is at the lowest point. In addition to linear outlets, it makes sense to install point water intakes. It makes sense to install collection points in small natural depressions where water stagnates - setting up point drainage from tires will take less time.

    To correctly determine the depth, you need a simple analysis of the soil condition. If the groundwater level is constantly high and the rock is heavy and has low permeability, you will have to dig deep trenches:

    • Up to 1 meter deep in the area where fruit trees are planted.
    • Up to 70 cm - in places where beds are arranged.
    • Up to 50 cm - along the perimeter of the site, along the paths.

    Trenches and open lines

    Channels dug to a depth of more than half a meter are considered deep. Trenches for adjusting the groundwater level are equipped with a drainage casing: a perforated pipe covered with crushed stone and a geotextile wrap. You can replace purchased materials with improvised means:

    Instead of ready-made pipes - tires

    • Old tires of different diameters will serve as a drainage pipe.
    • Instead of crushed stone, broken old bricks, pebbles, expanded clay, and pieces of foam sheets are used.

    It is advisable not to skimp on geotextiles: the fabric will protect drainage from silting and destruction by dense clay.

    Surface channels up to 50 cm deep are left open or equipped with a cage in the same way as deep trenches. Instead of solid wheels, pieces (segments) of tires are installed as a pipe. Backfill materials needed for drainage are sand and crushed stone.

    Receiving drainage wells

    The moisture flowing down the drainage channels must be removed from the area to be drained and a drainage point must be organized. If there is a pond or roadside ditch nearby, then water can be discharged without constructing a drainage well. On the site itself, drainage receivers are installed - containers without a bottom, installed on a gravel or crushed stone bed. After draining into the well, water from the canals is additionally purified by a backfill filter and discharged into the ground.

    There are several options for arranging the walls of a drainage well:

    • Ready-made plastic or concrete products.

    Factory plastic tank

    • Homemade drainage wells. Materials for assembly – tires or old ones plastic barrels, brick.

    Homemade drainage receiver

    On rocks oversaturated with moisture, installing a single drainage tank may not be enough. To discharge large volumes of water, especially if there is a septic tank on the site, a drainage field is equipped: an area with a drainage tunnel for drainage. The tunnels are made of plastic in the form of hemispherical channels, reminiscent of a pipe cut lengthwise. You can also make your own channel from large diameter tires.

    Making a network of channels for draining an area of ​​tires: instructions

    How to make drainage trenches from tires? Prepare tires: you will need old wheels of different diameters from 13 inches. In addition to tires, you will have to buy sand for backfilling and geotextiles. For a surface ditch, crushed stone is additionally needed. The fraction of filling materials is large or medium. Fine sand and crushed stone chips are not suitable for drainage: small particles clog the holes in the canvas.

    Tires: suitable for any diameter

    Auxiliary tools and materials:

    • Connecting elements: plastic clamps, self-tapping screws.
    • Pieces of thick rubber to seal joints.
    • Drill – for quickly punching holes in rubber.
    • Shovels, pickaxe, wheelbarrow, level, film, pegs and construction tape (fishing line) - for excavation work.

    Preparation: earthworks

    To make drainage from tires with your own hands, you first need to mark the trajectory, length, plan the depth and width of the branches. Select a line for arranging the central channel. Branches are marked to the sides of the main line: side branches at an angle to the central one.

    At the upper points of the outlets, the width of the ditches should correspond to the tire diameter with a margin of up to 20 cm. Depth – tire diameter plus up to 30 cm for bedding.

    Line dug along the marking

    Taking into account the fact that larger diameter tires will be used as you approach the connection point with the center line, the depth and width of the trench are gradually increased towards the main line. In order for the water to drain quickly, a slope is formed: for the side branches, a difference of 1 - 2 cm per meter is sufficient.

    The central trench is dug in the same order. The height difference in the main line should be greater than in the side branches. The optimal bottom slope is up to 3 cm per meter.

    Slope along the natural slope of the site

    The bottom of the dug channels is leveled and the slope is checked. Sand is used to make a sand cushion up to 15 cm thick.

    Tire drainage installation

    Geotextiles are laid on the sand bed. Leave free edges taking into account the height of the tires in the drainage. For additional filtration, you can pour a layer of crushed stone up to 15 cm high onto the canvas.

    Finished drainage clip

    Assembling a pipe from tires:

    1. The tires are stacked on top of each other. The connection begins with wheels of small diameter.

    Connection with bolts and nuts

    1. The side walls of two tires are connected with clamps through previously drilled holes. Self-tapping screws or nuts and bolts are used as fasteners. With this connection method, gaskets made of thick film or rubber are placed under the holes: the old rubber crumbles and the threads break off.

    1. The pipe is assembled vertically, after installing the last tire it is ready drainage pipe placed in a trench. Due to the large weight, several segments are formed, which are then connected directly in the channel.

    To strengthen the structure at the top and firmly connect the segments, metal strips with drilled holes are used. Self-tapping screws secure the strip to adjacent tires.

    Connecting segments in a channel

    The finished pipe is wrapped in geotextile. The edges of the canvas are connected in several places with electrical tape and staples.

    Laying pipe in a ditch

    A layer of sand is poured on top of the finished clip. Above - backfilling ground. It is advisable to make a protrusion above the finished channel from sand and soil to a height of up to 10 cm: over time, the sand will subside and the protrusion will be level with the soil surface.

    Surface line with tire outlet

    Surface drainage outlets are also made from tires. To improve outflow, tires cut into segments are used.

    Installation diagram surface drainage

    Construction of the surface line begins with laying geotextiles and backfilling with crushed stone. Height crushed stone cushion– up to 25 cm. Parts of the tire are placed on the bedding with the inner cavity towards the bottom of the trench. The holes, expanding downward, will perform the function of perforation in the factory pipe: through the cracks, water freely seeps into the crushed stone.

    Another layer of crushed stone is poured on top. Wrap and fix the edges of the fabric with an overlap. The finished clip is filled in.

    Drainage well: homemade tire receiver

    To assemble a drainage well with your own hands, you will need old large-diameter tires. The best option– durable tractor or truck tires. The number of products is calculated according to the height of the planned tank, taking into account the height of the drainage pad. Wells equipped with a cast iron lid are installed as point drainage systems in places where water constantly accumulates.

    Tires: sealed material for well walls

    Choosing an installation location and digging a pit

    The recess should be in a natural depression or at the lowest point at the edge of the site.

    Digging a pit for the receiver

    Pit dimensions:

    • The depth is determined based on the characteristics of the soil and the water level in it. It is desirable that the discharge occurs to a depth of 1.5 - 2 m. With such a deepening, there is no risk of liquid freezing.
    • The diameter of the pit is equal to the diameter of the tire with the addition of up to 30 cm around the circumference for insulation and bedding.
    • The center line input should be in the upper third of the receiver.

    The excavated recess must be checked to ensure that the walls are vertical: the tires must be installed strictly vertically on top of each other. The bottom must be level.

    Sand cushion at the bottom

    Sand is poured onto the compacted soil and compacted. The thickness of the sand layer is 15–20 cm. On top is a layer of coarse crushed stone. To prevent the bedding from eroding, it is advisable to install several large stones and crushed stone on top. Instead of crushed stone, laying river pebbles or stones is allowed.

    Assembling a well from old wheels

    The first tire is laid on the prepared base. Choose a connection method. For hermetic fixation use cement mortar.

    Connecting busbars with plastic clamps

    By installing the tires one by one, the height is brought to the planned level. In the lower part, on the first tire, you can make narrow rectangular slots in advance to drain water to the bedding.

    Inset at the top of the well

    A hole is made in the upper ring for a pipe from the center line. Around the walls they make a coating of crushed stone and pieces of foam plastic. Clay is compacted along the outer diameter or a solution is poured.

    Receiver for surface drainage

    This is how not only receiving drainage tanks are installed, but also point receivers in places where there is no natural outflow of water and the drainage line is not planned. When installing a point drainage drain on the top tire, you need to install a protective grill: buy ready-made or weld it from metal rods or fittings.

    Point receiver with cover

    Tunnel instead of filtration field

    From tires you can make not only a linear drainage or receiver, but also equip a full-fledged filtration field. This method of drainage is used in areas where the elevated groundwater level and the complex composition of the rock make it impossible to organize discharge into a well.

    Tunnel diagram: ready-made plastic structures can be replaced with cut tires

    The field is a platform, deepened by half a meter, with crushed stone backfill. Instead of wells there is a pipe made of halves of tires stacked close to each other in the shape of a tunnel. The water coming from the line seeps through the crushed stone bedding into the ground.

    Video: drainage from old tires in difficult peat soil

    Visual instructions on how to drain a difficult area using simple tire drainage.

    Organizing homemade drainage cages and wells is a temporary solution to the problem. In this way you can remove moisture from the garden or summer cottage. If construction is planned, and the soil is oversaturated with moisture, the site has complex terrain, the design of a serious drainage system will be required. Complex protection consists of several separate networks: wall, deep, reservoir drainage, and, of course, a surface drainage system. Drainage construction is planned before work begins and installation is carried out during construction.

    » article about well, drainage pit and tire septic tank. In this article we will tell and show how old car tires (found for free) can easily and effectively replace expensive concrete rings.

    A well, a drainage pit and a septic tank made from tires are combined into one article, since the principle of their manufacture is exactly the same. Only some technical details differ. Well, the location is desirable :)

    The upper aquifers in large hilly areas are located at a depth of three to eight to nine meters.

    Having calculated required quantity car tires (to the maximum), having definitely acquired them (only in this order), we begin to dig.

    The tires are pre-treated with non-toxic bitumen varnish. This is done to increase the service life of automobile rubber and completely prevent the ingress of harmful substances released during prolonged contact of technical rubber with water (especially hard water, which often occurs at shallow depths).

    In the case of careful treatment of tires with a very dense layer of bitumen, you can, by adding them, bond them together with a special antiseptic and resistant rubber. aquatic environment glue, which will significantly increase the strength of the resulting structure.

    When installing each tire, fill the sides with crushed stone and broken brick to improve drainage of the well and prevent silting.

    Having dug down to very wet rock (we make the window twenty centimeters in diameter larger, for subsequent filling and compaction of the clay “casing”), we quickly go deeper another thirty centimeters, and urgently pour fifty centimeters of previously cleaned water to the bottom crushed granite middle fraction, and strengthen the two lower tire rings. (It’s better to glue them together and dry them, if you decide to do this, still at the top).

    We lay out the remaining tires in the same way, “wrapping” each one in clay. The well is usually raised above ground level by about seventy centimeters, a roof and doors are made, and a mechanism for raising water or automatically pumping it out.

    Cover the bottom of the well with crushed stone, pebbles and a layer of sand. This is specific return filter for water; this way the water will be cleaner.

    A blind area is made around the well. The simplest is compaction and watering of crushed stone. More complex - compacted clay (to rainwater did not leak). Even more complex is the usual cement blind area.

    Scheme of a storage well made of tires:

    1 - guide stakes; 2 - pebbles, gravel, crushed stone; 3 - sand; 4 - water; 5 - tires; 6 - pump assembly; 7 - rubber band; 8 - twine; 9 - sidewall drainage holes; 10 - block for hanging the pump; 11 - hose; 12- valve in the tire; 13- cover; 14 - electrical cable.

    To keep the vibration of the pump to a minimum, it can be hung on a rubber band.

    Features of the tire absorption well:

    The drain pipe can be inserted between the first and second tires or into a hole cut in the second tire from the top. If the pipe is laid between tires, it is advisable to cut a half-hole in each of them. Several pipes can be installed in one well.

    To make the well less clogged, it is necessary to have regular settling tanks on the sinks, and a filter grid on the drain hatches in the bathhouse or shower that protects the drain from debris and leaves. The well is easily dismantled, it is easy to move it to any place on the site, you can dig it under the bed and under the path.

    Some people think that soapy water accumulating in a well is harmful to the garden. On the contrary, for acidic soils, a soapy (alkaline) environment is even beneficial. But this does not apply to water from washing powders.

    The absorption well should be closed (to reduce the smell). If you have a drainage hole, or you don’t want to look into the well for years, then here is the recipe:

    Cuttings of pipes or rods of 12-15 millimeters are placed on the top tire - a support for the cover. The lid is wooden or metal. If it is thick enough and will not bend under the load, you can lay it directly on the tire. Having attached the lid, the well is covered with earth, preferably with a layer of at least 250-300 millimeters. The tires should be pressed tightly against each other.

    If you want to look into a well, pump out masses, etc., then it’s worth investing in a good lid.

    Features of a two-chamber tire septic tank:

    The place should be not far from the house and the road. In the first case, we don’t have to run a long pipe from the house to the septic tank, which can simply freeze in the winter; in the second case, it is possible to drive a specialized machine to the septic tank to remove accumulated sewage. We decided on the place.

    Then we will start marking and digging two holes for the old tires. The size of the holes depends on the diameter of the old tires that you have prepared in advance and on the intended depth of the holes. The first hole should be shallower. This is where the bulk of the silt will settle. In the second pit, from which the slurry will be sucked out, the already settled liquid will accumulate.

    From the house, under the foundation below the freezing level, we will lay a plastic pipe with a diameter of 100 mm (this diameter is quite enough for the normal operation of the septic tank) leading into the first well through a homemade slot in the surface of the tire. At a distance of 2/3 from the bottom of the first pit, we will lay a connecting pipe with the second well through the slots in the tires. It is advisable to concrete the bottom of the wells, although a 20cm clay plug is sufficient. It is also necessary to build covers for the septic tank wells for safety reasons.

    So, a well and a septic tank from tires are made quite simply.

    And, most importantly, cheaper than concrete.

    Of course, one can argue with reliability. But there is a lot to argue about...