How to wash a suspended ceiling. How to clean a suspended ceiling correctly. Is it possible to wash suspended ceilings?

A brand new stretch ceiling will sooner or later be covered with dust, soot and soot from kitchen stove and lose his original appearance. Cleaning the ceiling is not the most pleasant task. If you don’t know what products to use and how to clean the surface without streaks, this becomes an impossible task that is put off for a long time. And it becomes difficult to remove old stains. However, in fact, suspended ceilings do not require complex maintenance.

How often should suspended ceilings be washed?

Quality stretch ceiling are treated with special compounds that repel dust and grease from the surface. But the canvas will still get dirty, especially in the kitchen. Clean hanging structure need at least twice a year. Time your cleaning to coincide with off-season cleaning to wipe down the walls and windows at the same time. The first general cleaning is carried out 4–6 months after installation. If the room is undergoing renovation, then after completing the work, wipe the surface of the ceiling with a soft, dry cloth from construction dust.

Cleaning is carried out depending on the type of material. There are such types of ceilings as:

  • Fabric - made of natural or synthetic material. This surface is considered difficult to care for, as the fabric turns yellow over time and quickly absorbs odors and dust.
  • PVC - film ceiling. It is not so demanding to care for, it is not afraid of water, and does not absorb grease and dust.

During normal cleaning, it is enough to fan the ceiling soft cloth or walk over the surface with a vacuum cleaner. But if there are traces of old paint, rust from water leaks, then the fabric will have to be painted or even completely replaced. However, before calling installers, it’s worth trying a few people's councils, which can return the ceiling to its original appearance.

It is believed that matte and satin PVC ceilings are the most unpretentious in maintenance. The glossy finish remains stained after wet cleaning and is easily damaged. hot water and detergents.

It is easier to care for matte ceilings than glossy ceilings, which may leave streaks on them.

How and with what to wash suspended ceilings

To quickly wipe dirt off the ceiling, use a mop with a mop attachment and a telescopic handle. You don't have to climb on a stepladder and move it from corner to corner. The extendable handle will reach from the floor to remote corners and will help wipe the tops of cabinets and walls. The tension surface is very sensitive to pressure, so to avoid leaving marks and scratches on it, use only soft fabrics that do not fade or lose lint.

The ideal cleaning option is microfiber, modern, practical and soft material, which perfectly absorbs water and collects dirt. A wide soft foam sponge will also come in handy, but not with an abrasive surface.

For cleaning, prepare a soft cloth, sponge, mop and spray bottle.

All types of ceilings can be vacuumed and cleaned with a steam generator. To clean the ceiling with a vacuum cleaner, attach a microfiber attachment to the floor brush. It will not damage the surface and collect dust.

For professional cleaning, a steam generator is often used, which will quickly remove carbon deposits, soot and grease from the ceiling, returning the surface to its original cleanliness. When exposed to steam, the material sags and then returns to its original state.

Video: how to wash suspended ceilings with a vacuum cleaner and a steam generator

I professionally clean apartments and work with the most inexpensive steam generator, at this moment, this is Elby... Cleans amazingly dropped ceilings in about 15 minutes.


The instructions for the ceiling always contain a note on how to care for its material. But there are products that have already been time-tested and can be used to clean the surface. The effectiveness of these compositions is confirmed by reviews from satisfied housewives. This:

Please note that in most cases, using household chemicals not justified. If you periodically wipe the surface, you will not need strong cleaning agents. If there are noticeable stains, it is recommended to check whether the cleaning composition is suitable for your ceiling. To do this, make a weakly concentrated solution, put it on a sponge and wipe the ceiling in the corner. If after a few minutes the product is washed off well and there is no visible damage on the surface, treat the remaining space.

How to properly clean a stretch ceiling without streaks

For dry dust removal, a soft cloth is sufficient, but it is more convenient to do this with a vacuum cleaner. Turn it on at minimum power and, if there is no special nozzle, collect dust by holding the hose a short distance from the ceiling. This way the thin coating will not be sucked into the vacuum cleaner. First check how well the fabric is secured and stretched.

Vacuuming can be done before washing the ceiling. Wet cleaning is done in several stages:

  1. We clean the ceiling from dust.
  2. Apply detergent, or better yet, soap foam.
  3. We wash away dirt and soap.
  4. If stains remain, use a special product and wash it off.
  5. Wipe dry.

Soap suds do not eat into the surface as much and are easier to wash off. Therefore, do not use concentrated dishwashing detergents.

You need to wash the ceiling during the day, in natural light, so that there are no streaks left from one corner to another. If you wash in a circular motion, there will definitely be streaks.

When washing a stretch ceiling, cleaning should begin from the corners

These are the main stages of cleaning, but depending on the type of material, there are some nuances.

Caring for film ceilings

PVC ceilings are most often chosen. They are produced with satin, matte and glossy surfaces. The latter are especially popular because they visually increase the space. But it is on them that all the stains after cleaning are clearly visible. To reduce them, use a 10% solution of ammonia. All stains after washing are removed with a soft-lint cloth. You can also use detergent diluted in water. It will clean the ceiling of grease, and to prevent stains from remaining, carefully rub the film with a paper towel, which will return its gloss.

Matte surfaces are easier to clean; traces of a rag are not so visible on them. Shake the soap solution into foam and apply it to the ceiling, then rinse with warm water. Finally, wipe with a dry cloth. To clean, take a butterfly mop and wrap it with a soft cloth.

Exist special sponges and polishes for PVC ceilings. These products are good because they leave almost no streaks, unlike conventional wet cleaning. You can use car polishes that will add shine to the surface and protect against stains and dust.

Tips for caring for film ceilings:

  • Stains from film materials can be easily removed with a white rubber band.
  • Grease is washed off with dishwashing detergent.
  • Water-based paint will come off easily if you moisten it with warm water, leave it for a while and remove it with a soft spatula.
  • If a cut appears during cleaning, cover it with clear tape and then contact a ceiling repair service.

Caring for fabric ceilings

The textile surface creates comfort, but also requires more serious care. While film is easy to clean and easy to repair, fabric, especially dyed fabric, requires more attention. When leaks occur on such ceilings, dirty water stains remain that cannot be removed. The only way is to wash off the visible dirt and dye the fabric water-based paint. Textile ceilings can be painted up to 10 times. You can remove other stains in the following ways:

  • Polyurethane foam must be removed with special solvents, strictly following the instructions. Do not apply the product to the entire stain at once. Process small area, and when it clears, move on to the next one. Then wash the area with soap and water.
  • Oily spots. Do not use hot water. Dilute the soap, let the water cool and only then start cleaning. Do not press on the surface, it may tear and its elasticity is lower than that of PVC.

Textile ceilings must not be cleaned with glass cleaners or ammonia. Wash the fabric with progressive movements, in a straight line. Although you can clean such a ceiling with a brush. Do not use a broom, which will not only scratch the fabric, but also leave particles of twigs on it.

How to remove stains on the ceiling

The easiest way to remove stains from a stretch ceiling is with soapy water. It even copes with kitchen soot, which gives the canvas a yellowish color.

Unfortunately, myself yellow tint cannot be removed, so you must initially choose the color of the ceiling in the kitchen in warm shades.

Table: how to remove stains from PVC and fabric stretch ceilings

Type of pollutionFabricPVC
FatSoap solution
SootSteam cleanerSteam cleaner/soap solution/ammonia solution
Cigarette smokeCar interior cleanerSoap solution/ammonia solution
KetchupHydrogen peroxide solution (35-50 ml per 5 liters of water)
DyeSoften with soapy water and remove with a spatula
MarkerWeak alcohol/soap solution
Stains after the floodPaint with water-based paintSolution soda ash 5%
Glue "Cosmofen"Dimexide solution
ChampagneWeak alcohol solutionLather

What not to do when cleaning suspended ceilings

To ensure your ceiling lasts as long as possible, use these tips:

  • Do not use products based on acids or alkalis.
  • Wear gloves and remove rings and bracelets to avoid damaging the fabric.
  • Use only those compounds that are suitable for the type of ceiling you have.
  • Do not smoke in the room and ventilate the room regularly.

What definitely cannot be used when cleaning:

  • Do not wash the ceiling with products containing abrasive particles: substances such as Pemolux, dry soda and washing powder. They not only scratch the surface, but also penetrate into the structure of the material, so they are difficult to wash off.
  • Do not use alcohol-based products on textile ceilings. They damage the antistatic impregnation.
  • Rough brushes, sponges with a hard surface.
  • Products containing dyes.
  • Do not use acid or alkali. Even ordinary vinegar can hopelessly ruin the surface.
  • The soap should be light; you should not use dark laundry soap or tar soap - they will leave greasy marks.
  • Chlorine can completely destroy the structure of the tension fabric. Do not use it under any circumstances.
  • It is forbidden to scrub stains with solvents and acetone. These products are not suitable for PVC and will leave greasy spots on a textile covering.

To ensure that the suspended ceiling remains in its original form for as long as possible, use only soft compounds and care products designed specifically for this type of surface. The stretch fabric does not need frequent cleaning. It is enough to wipe it with ordinary soapy water a couple of times a year, and the ceiling will be as good as new.

Stretch ceilings have firmly chosen their place in apartments and houses. They are unpretentious in terms of cleaning. Many of them have antistatic coating, dust does not settle on them. But this does not mean that there is no need to clean such a ceiling. Over time, dirt will climb to the top.

Cleaning Features

Tensioner matte ceiling fits perfectly into almost any interior. But various kinds of contamination can spoil any positive impression of even the most sophisticated design. In addition, daily inhalation of dust does not promote health. Even though the canvas has antistatic effect, but, like on any other surface, dust will settle over time, and this effect does not protect against other types of dirt.

Splashes of champagne and soda, traces of the vital activity of various flies, lime condensation, soap deposits, traces of soot, smoke and grease - these are not all possible ceiling contaminations. Any housewife can wash them at home. The main thing is to know the characteristics of the material being cleaned.

Matte stretch ceilings are most often made from PVC film. This material does not tolerate hard brushes, abrasives or rough handling. Too much effort can cause cracks or even holes to form; in addition, the canvas can be inadvertently deformed. Such a surface cannot be cleaned with acetone-based products; the aggressive composition can “eat away” the coating.

There are several ways to clean the ceiling without streaks:

  • Dry cleaning – the surface is wiped with a dry or slightly damp soft cloth or a special microfiber cloth. Typically used when you just need to brush off dust.
  • Dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner - you must use only a special attachment with very soft bristles.
  • Wet cleaning can be done either with plain water (the temperature of which should not exceed 40 degrees) or with the help of special solutions (purchased or homemade).
  • Steam cleaning – respectively, using a steam generator.

Surface fabric ceilings It is best to clean using dry methods. When installing fabric sheets it is necessary to clarify whether such a coating can withstand wet cleaning. Not all fabrics used for ceiling decoration are impregnated with special compounds. And if you do wet cleaning of such ceilings, you can inadvertently ruin appearance coverings.

How and what to wash?

Caring for a matte ceiling is not particularly difficult if it is located in the living room, hallway, or bedroom. Maintenance of the canvas can be done once every few months, once every six months. Depending on the load of these rooms.

Another thing is the ceilings in the kitchen and bathroom. These premises are characterized by increased “dirt accumulation”. Soap stains, limescale- quite often seen on ceilings in bathrooms. Traces of soot and grease remain on kitchen surfaces. And unscrupulous smokers can leave reminders of themselves in the form of traces of burning and smoke.

It is quite possible to clean the ceiling from any type of dirt using improvised means., and specifically designed for these purposes. To do this, just wash the ceiling and wipe it dry so that there are no traces of streaks left.

Means and tools

Regardless of the degree of contamination of the ceiling, to clean it you will need:

  • rags (cotton, for these purposes you can use old bed linen for rags) or napkins (they should be soft, made of non-woven, lint-free materials, microfiber), soft sponges without a hard base;
  • a good, stable stepladder (or a stand from which you certainly won’t fall);
  • when cleaning with a vacuum cleaner, the device must be equipped with a special nozzle with soft bristles;
  • water, cleaning agent or soap solution;

  • spray bottle - it can be used to facilitate the application of diluted detergents, if they are not presented in the form of aerosols or sprays;
  • using chemical substances(even if self-made) gloves will not be superfluous; they are simply necessary if the person cleaning the surface has a beautiful manicure on long nails;
  • mop - it should be used extremely carefully. Its working crossbar must be completely covered with fabric, which, if something happens, will not slip or fall;
  • steam generator, if such cleaning is practiced.

You can wash the stretch ceiling fabric even with ordinary water. It should be warm, but under no circumstances hot! Maximum 40 degrees. The temperature of any cleaning solution should not exceed this mark. You can enhance the effect of water using dishwashing detergent or soap (not very alkaline, for example, baby soap).

When using products that dissolve well and form abundant foam, you can not soak cloths or sponges in the solution, but use foam. It will cope well even with old stains, and its effects will be less aggressive than the solution itself. For example, you can wash matte fabric using foam from diluted washing powder. Take the powder for hand wash(“automatic” is not suitable for these purposes), beat into foam using a mixer and apply to the surface.

Products for cleaning glass and mirrors, especially those containing ammonia, have proven themselves to be effective. Alcohol is great at removing fat. Apply, wait 15 minutes, then rinse and dry the surface. But when using glass cleaning products, you must always be careful about the composition. If it contains acetone, it should absolutely not be used.

“Mr. Muscle”, “Vanish” - have a fairly gentle composition, which nevertheless perfectly removes dirt. And of course, in hardware store You can purchase a product specially designed for cleaning suspended ceilings that will remove dirt, will not harm the coating and will not leave streaks.


You can remove dust from the matte canvas only with a dry soft cloth. The main thing is to wipe the surface correctly when cleaning, without pressing too hard, and do not rub with force. The ceiling is a structure made of a frame and stretched fabric. If the impact is too strong, the PVC film may become deformed - stretch into unsightly stripes, and wrinkles may form. Only professionals can eliminate this kind of defect.

When dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner with a special attachment, there is no need to bring the device close to the ceiling. It should be kept at a small distance, 1-2 cm.

When cleaning the ceiling with a steam generator, you need to point the tool at the dirt. Steam the surface, then immediately remove any condensation that has formed by wiping it dry.

At wet cleaning When using a mop, you should also exercise maximum caution. If the fabric suddenly slips off the working crossbar, then trouble will inevitably follow. The surface may be scratched. In addition, when using this tool, you cannot control the degree of impact, as when working with a rag, sponge or napkin.

If the ceiling is cleaned manually, then there should be no jewelry on your hands; it is best to wear gloves. Often, several rags or napkins may be needed to treat the entire surface of the ceiling. Some are for removing stains, others are for drying and eliminating possible stains.

It is better to clean the ceiling in fragments. One segment after another. It’s more convenient to move this way, besides, the canvas always gets dirty unevenly, in some places a more thorough and painstaking action may be needed, but in others one movement of your hand with a damp cloth is enough.

When there is a lot of dirt on the ceiling, general cleaning has not been carried out or has been done for a long time, for example, several years ago, decisive action is necessary.

The technology of deep cleaning of the canvas itself takes place in several stages:

  • Dry clean first. Cobwebs are swept away from corners and lamps, dust is removed.
  • Then a cleaning composition is applied to the surface.
  • A certain amount of time is waited. (If the stains are very strong, the detergent must be fully effective. If the stains are small, then you can proceed to the next step).
  • The composition is washed off from the canvas.
  • Next comes drying. The surface is wiped with a dry cloth or rag. Until traces of soap stains are removed.

To ensure that a matte ceiling always pleases with its appearance, it is better to dry clean it regularly, and if stains occur, do not put off removing them until later, but remove them immediately while they are fresh and easy to clean.

For the living room, hall, bedroom and other rooms where dirt does not accumulate so much, it is enough to clean it once every six months or a year.

Do not forget to ventilate the room where the suspended ceiling is installed.

It is better to carry out all work in the first half of the day, when additional lighting is not required.

It is advisable to wash the suspended ceiling in the bathroom after each use. It is enough just to remove condensation and soap deposits - wipe dry with a cloth. If such cleaning is impossible, then you need to make it a rule to do it periodically general cleaning in the room, starting from the ceiling.

Products that contain ammonia will help you cope with greasy deposits. Even despite the most powerful hood, the ceilings in the kitchen should be washed regularly and more often than, for example, in the living room. Dirt accumulates unnoticed, but thoroughly.

The kitchen, bathroom, balcony are the most favorable places for the appearance of all kinds of pollution. Therefore cleaning ceiling covering it is produced more often here.

The matte textures of stretch fabrics look impressive in the interior. But sometimes on the surface decorative ceiling stains and other contaminants appear. To return the canvas to its original appearance, you need to know how to clean matte stretch ceilings and what products to use when working.

Let's start washing

How to wash matte stretch ceilings: methods for removing contaminants

Before you start washing the fabric, remove dust from the coating. Stretch ceilings are cleaned in different ways:

It is important not to forget that an incorrectly selected method for cleansing decorative surfaces may not only be ineffective, but also hopelessly ruin the canvas.

When caring for stretch ceilings, follow these rules:

  • apply to clean the surface only soft foam sponges, flannel fabric flaps, suede napkins;
  • do not use knives, brushes, scrapers to remove dirt;
  • remove before washing from fingers rings, bracelets. Any sharp object will damage the coating;
  • if the room is spacious, use a mop for cleaning. Handle the tool carefully, wrapping the sharp edges with a soft cloth.

How to wash a matte stretch ceiling: nuances

Choosing a detergent for washing ceilings

First pick safe remedy for care. It is better if these are compositions intended for such surfaces, produced in the form of sprays or aerosols.

For film ceilings, the use of other cleaners is allowed:

  • weakly concentrated soap solution. Use water or dishwashing gel. The main thing is to dissolve the components well;
  • glass cleaner or ammonia diluted with water.

White matte ceiling in the bedroom

To quickly clean the ceiling and get good result, do cleaning in several stages:

  • wipe off the dust with a dry cloth;
  • fill the container warm water(35-40°C), add detergent, stir well until abundant foam appears;
  • soak the cloth in the solution and wipe the ceiling surface;
  • change the water. Wash the ceiling again to remove stains;
  • Wipe the surface of the canvas with a dry cloth.

Glossy ceiling in the hall

The glossy canvas has a mirror surface that reflects light and interior items in the room. To decorative coating was always clean and shiny; when washing, the following rules were observed:

  1. Use glass cleaner or ammonia. They leave no streaks;
  2. instead of ammonia, use compositions for cleaning shiny surfaces, which are dissolved according to the instructions;
  3. when cleaning of the glossy fabric is completed, wipe the ceiling with a dry microfiber cloth, which also effectively removes stains;
  4. It is prohibited to use abrasive cleaners or compositions containing solvents in the care and cleaning of glossy textured surfaces.

Satin ceiling in the hall

Pollution prevention

To avoid having to wash matte fabrics frequently, follow these recommendations:

  • use the shower in the bathroom carefully so that splashes of water do not fly off to the ceiling, or buy a curtain;
  • install a hood in the kitchen that will prevent grease and soot from getting on the canvas;
  • Regularly ventilate rooms with suspended ceilings. Especially in those rooms where condensation often forms.

Cleaning the ceiling after renovation

Cleaning the ceiling from dust after repairs with a vacuum cleaner

To remove debris and dust remaining after repairs, use a vacuum cleaner and a soft-bristled brush. It is strictly forbidden to use hard brushes, as they can damage the surface.

Turn on the vacuum cleaner to the minimum operating power mode, but do not press the brush tightly to the coating, move it at a distance of 1.5-3 cm from the ceiling. When you remove the dust, evaluate the result. If everything is in order, gently wipe the surface with a dry soft cloth. If stains remain, wash the canvas.

Stretch ceilings are a common finishing method. The coating looks impressive and provides opportunities for experimenting with design. But the surface needs regular cleaning. Quality care will extend service life decorative design and preserve its appearance.

Video on how to clean a suspended ceiling from grease

The attractive appearance of the stretch ceiling and its protection from contamination are ensured by impregnation of the canvas with a product designed to protect it from dust, stains and moisture. This procedure is carried out by specialists in the preparation of PVC film.

But during operation, any thing in everyday life is exposed to external factors. In the case of a suspended ceiling, this could be splashes from children playing with water or paints, natural dust on the surface, or soot. Car exhausts, renovation work around the house they also actively pollute the air and settle on surfaces. Therefore, every housewife needs to know how to clean suspended ceilings from dust and dirt.

The following actions will help minimize possible contamination on a suspended ceiling:

  • Installation in the kitchen and sanitary rooms hoods. This will reduce the level of soot on all surfaces in the kitchen and make cleaning this important room in any home much easier.
  • Usage air purifier in the rooms. It will free the air from unnecessary substances and reduce the likelihood of not only dust appearing on the ceiling, but also diseases caused by dust.
  • Removing dust using a vacuum cleaner. This procedure must be carried out once a month.
  • More help to prevent stains on the bathroom ceiling careful use of the shower.

What not to do when caring for a suspended ceiling

The stretch ceiling fabric is dense and sufficiently strong material, able to withstand heat and stretching, but completely does not tolerate active mechanical impact from hard or piercing objects.

The main impact on ceilings occurs when they are washed, but it is not possible to avoid this in the case of some stains.

Therefore, to maintain the integrity of the ceiling, it is necessary to follow the rules showing how to clean suspended ceilings from dust without problems:

  • It is prohibited to use products coated with abrasive particles. These are iron and hard sponges, or any other materials that “shuffle” the surface.
  • It is necessary to avoid strong pressure on the canvas during the cleaning process.
  • Detergents with acidic and alkaline environment should be left for any other surfaces. They should not be used when washing ceilings, as they can wash away the paint. The color in the area being treated will be different from the rest of the surface, which is unlikely to make it more aesthetically pleasing.
  • Brushes and mops can damage the cloth because they have sharp bristles and edges.

How to properly clean a suspended ceiling from dust

How to clean suspended ceilings from dust? There are 2 main ways.

Dry cleaning

This type of cheat involves the use vacuum cleaner. Depending on the level of dust in the room, this procedure must be carried out once every 1-4 months.

Vacuum cleaner in use only with a soft brush attachment. This will prevent damage to the ceiling during the cleaning process.

How to remove dust from a stretch ceiling if there is no serious contamination? It's very simple. With the minimum or medium mode turned on, the nozzle must be held under the ceiling at a distance of 2-4 cm from it.

Treating the ceiling with a rag soaked in a solution of ammonia will help make the ceiling shine. To do this, it is better to take a piece of lint-free cloth.

Wet cleaning

Here the cleaning method will depend on the level of contamination:

  • Small stains or splash marks can be removed with a clean microfiber or suede cloth lightly moistened with water.
  • Wet cleaning suspended ceilings from dust and removing more serious stains is possible after preliminary dry cleaning using a soap-based solution or any dishwashing detergent.

To apply the cleaning solution to the ceiling, use only a sponge without the hard side. After cleaning the stain, which is done using a circular motion with a sponge in the area of ​​contamination, you need to wipe this area with any soft, dry cloth.

Useful video

Let's watch a useful video on how to properly care for and clean a suspended ceiling:

Stretch ceilings serve as a frame for any room in the house, allowing you to create its complete image. With regular cleaning of the apartment and cleaning the ceiling, it is easy to maintain cleanliness in the house and the effect of a “fresh renovation”.

Manufacturers offer consumers big choice finishing materials High Quality By affordable price. This approach cannot but please a person, since at an affordable price you can purchase high-quality finishes that will last for many years. These include suspended ceilings - a unique material that combines practicality and sophistication. But it is necessary to remember that sooner or later it will have to be cleaned. In this article we will tell you how to clean it in the kitchen from soot, soot, grease, nicotine and much more.

Basic care rules

Before you start cleaning the surface, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules and advice from experts. This knowledge and recommendations will allow you to avoid deformation, and will also allow you to carry out high-quality cleaning of the ceiling from any type of contaminant, even soot.

First of all, they select necessary tools and materials that will be needed during the cleaning process:

  • stepladder;
  • soft fabric rags or foam sponges;
  • a vacuum cleaner with a special brush attachment made of soft bristles;
  • detergents.

The best material suitable for washing film is microfiber - a new product that will cope with the task delicately and efficiently.

If stepladders or comfortable stairs no, you can use a simple mop, which should be wrapped in a cloth. You should carefully and with special care select detergents for cleaning the ceiling in the kitchen. The use of abrasive powders is unacceptable, as solid particles will easily damage the film and leave scratches on the surface.

Consider only mild detergents that have a neutral reaction:

  • gels;
  • pastes;
  • sprays;
  • liquid soap;
  • soft washing powder and others.

The ideal option is alcohol-containing compounds, for example, mirror and window cleaners. Using them, you can not only remove dirt, but also maintain the shine of the surface.

The leader among aggressors for PVC film is a solvent, for example, acetone. It will quickly corrode the material and a hole will appear in the ceiling, so its use is unacceptable.

Basic cleaning methods

As you know, stretch ceilings come in two types: made of PVC film and made of fabric. Depending on what material we are talking about, there are several methods of purification. If we're talking about O simple types contaminants, then you can deal with them with a simple damp cloth, for example, made of suede. In this way you can clean the ceiling from stains and dust. If there is a thick layer of dust after repair and construction work, you can use a vacuum cleaner with an attachment that will protect the coating from deformation.

If necessary, remove traces of primer, which also got on the ceiling during repairs, you should prepare a soap solution. Liquid or laundry soap bred in warm water and remove dirt with a sponge. It is necessary to wash with soft and circular movements, avoiding pressing and pressing, in order to prevent stretching of the PVC film. Also, soap solutions can help if you want to get rid of grease, or you can use dishwashing detergent.

When it comes to polyester suede fabric, you should use a dry brush. As in the previous case, it is necessary to cleanse with soft movements that follow from left to right.

After any cleaning, the ceiling surface must be thoroughly dried with a dry and clean lint-free cloth.

A few secrets

  1. Cleaning the surface of soot should be done extremely carefully and carefully, as the film can be damaged in the process. Choose the right cleaning products. The surface should barely be touched.
  2. When cleaning, pay attention to the presence of seams and joints. In this case, it is necessary to wash only along the seam, and not across it.
  3. To return the ceiling to its characteristic shine, after cleaning it is necessary to wipe the film with a solution of alcohol or ammonia. It is also possible to use vodka, which is diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10.
  4. To remove heavier stains, such as paint marks, do not rely on own strength, especially if you are not sure about them. In this case, it is better to trust the professionals and seek help from a special cleaning company.

To avoid the appearance of new and abundant contamination, several precautions should be taken:

  • hang a horizontal curtain in the bathroom to prevent water splashes from scattering;
  • above hob It is necessary to install a powerful hood in the kitchen;
  • Champagne often leaves traces in the living room, so be careful when opening bottles.

Unlike film PVC fabric the base is more vulnerable, so you should be careful when cleaning it. All actions must be thoughtful, balanced and effortless. The canvas is also easy to clean and wash, but rubbing in one place for a long time is not recommended.

If we are talking about pollution, and not just simple dust, then it is best to use by special means for washing linens. They were developed precisely for these purposes. Please consult with the seller before making a purchase. If it is necessary to remove contamination from glue, it is best to wait until completely dry and carefully remove the film by prying it with a sharp object.

It is prohibited to use glass cleaners on textiles, as the composition contains substances that can destroy the structure or affect the color.

In conclusion, we can say that when cleaning suspended ceilings, it is necessary to select the right detergents. Everything will depend on the degree and type of pollution, as well as on the material of the ceiling.


See how to wash the ceiling with a mop:

If a stain forms: