What is the difference between laminate and... What is the difference between parquet board and laminate? Classification of modern parquet-like flooring materials

When a serious renovation is underway in an apartment, the owner inevitably faces the question of choosing a floor covering, and most often this question is - which is better, parquet or laminate? The tree is the oldest building material, people have long appreciated its practicality, and over the last century they have begun to pay more and more attention to the environmental friendliness of wood. But before solving the dilemma, parquet or laminate - what to choose, of course, you need to understand the difference between their properties, compare the advantages and disadvantages.

  • Variety of types of wood flooring
  • Design differences
  • Price
  • Advantages and disadvantages of parquet and laminate
  • Installation
  • Appearance
  • Exploitation

Variety of types of wood flooring

Humanity has come up with quite a lot of floor coverings, the names of which contain the words “parquet” or “laminate”:

So that the ignorant buyer does not get confused in this variety, we will describe the main ones.

“Laminate flooring”, “laminated parquet” and simply “laminate” are the same thing.

And the variety in names is explained by the constant improvement of the manufacturing technology of this coating, the quality characteristics of which are constantly growing, and it itself looks more and more like natural parquet. That is, laminated parquet is the same laminate, but more reminiscent of natural dies.

As for parquet and parquet boards, these are completely different things:

  • Classic parquet consists exclusively of hardwood. There are many types of parquet.
  • Parquet boards appeared much later and are a material made from glued wooden planks in several layers. At the beginning, parquet boards were made from parquet production waste.

Design differences

A comparison of laminate and parquet should start with something common - both of these finishing materials are made of wood, and the parquet consists entirely of it.

Here lies the main difference between parquet and laminate, since in the manufacture of the latter, other materials are used along with wood.

Moreover, if European manufacturers laminate consists of 90-95% wood, then in Chinese products there may be no more than half of it.

Laminate is like a layered cake: the main layer is made of wood fiber, similar in structure to plywood or fiberboard, and the other layers are artificial materials - paper and resins. The front side of the laminate is made of very durable and wear-resistant plastic, which is used to laminate the product, hence its name. Under the layer of this transparent plastic there is also a film that has a pattern that imitates the texture of wood - it is this that determines the appearance of the laminate. The same technology is used to produce low pressure laminate.

Video about the differences in manufacturing and performance characteristics of parquet and laminate:


Listing the characteristics that demonstrate the difference between parquet and laminate, one cannot fail to note the price, which is several times higher for parquet than for any laminate.

The difference is significantly influenced by both the type of wood and the quality of the laminate. The most expensive brands of laminate are not much cheaper than parquet. But if the buyer already has enough money for an expensive laminate, then it is better to add a little more and buy parquet that will have whole line benefits.

If financial issue doesn’t matter at all, then you definitely need to go with a solid parquet board, or even better - with piece parquet.

Advantages and disadvantages of parquet and laminate

For the consumer, of course not. more important than the question, which material will perform better during operation.

Advantages of parquet

  • parquet can be restored many times;
  • good thermal insulation makes parquet floors warm;
  • good sound insulation;
  • durability (with high-quality installation, material and adequate operating conditions, the service life of parquet will be tens of years);
  • hypoallergenic;
  • dust is not attracted to the wood.

Cons of parquet

  • dents and scratches easily appear on the parquet;
  • caring for parquet is troublesome and expensive - every few years it needs to be sanded and varnished, and this requires a special sanding tool and specialist skills;
  • The procedure for restoring parquet is very lengthy (almost like a full renovation) and involves moving all the furniture.
  • very sensitive to fluctuations in humidity and temperature, which causes it to dry out, crack or swell;
    high price.

Advantages of laminate

  • the operation of the laminate does not involve too much troublesome maintenance;
  • with average intensity of use, laminate can last quite a long time - a couple of decades;
  • the cost is cheaper than parquet.

Cons of laminate

  • laminate is less durable than parquet;
  • it cannot be restored.

A general limitation for both parquet and laminate is that both of these coatings cannot be used in rooms with regular high humidity (bathrooms, kitchens); this must also be taken into account when washing parquet and laminate.

You should know that both coatings are quite suitable even for daily use. wet cleaning, but the rag must be thoroughly wrung out, preventing excess water from getting onto the surface.

Video about the differences between parquet and laminate:


As for laying these coverings, in the case of laminate it looks much simpler. Inviting specialists to install it will cost much less than laying block parquet.

Modern laminate a little more difficult to install children's construction set, and no expensive or specific tools are required.

Special locks are made on the laminate strips, with the help of which they are easily, smoothly and reliably connected, and the final coating looks monolithic.

The advantage of laminate in installation time is also obvious, because the area of ​​an average-sized room can be covered with it in one to two hours. If in the same room you place piece parquet, then the matter will drag on for a day, or even two.

In this sense, the Solomonic solution may be the use of parquet boards. The technology for installing it is closer to installing laminate than block parquet, which is very reminiscent of assembling a mosaic.


There is no doubt that well-maintained natural parquet will look much more refined and luxurious than laminate. Although, with the development of technology, not every consumer can distinguish a modern laminate floor from a parquet floor. It is not without reason that manufacturers spent a lot of effort to simulate a wood pattern on a laminated board, which has become almost indistinguishable from natural, so in many cases replacing parquet with laminate can go unnoticed.

Traditional parquet is strongly associated in the imagination with strict classical interiors of residential premises or formal halls. Laminate flooring can fit perfectly into either classic interior, and in modern times. This is facilitated by the huge variety of textures and shades that manufacturers have learned to impart to laminate flooring.

Laminate can imitate not only wood itself, but also tiles, marble, granite and a whole range of artificial and natural materials.


When comparing the behavior of parquet and laminate, it quickly becomes clear that the latter is colder and especially noisy, although the latter disadvantage can be quite successfully combated with the help of sound-absorbing substrates. And if you combine it with a heated floor system, then this disadvantage will turn into an advantage - heat will easily flow into the room.

But bought quality laminate is not afraid of scratches from sharp ladies' heels or moving furniture, it will not fade in the sun and will not retain traces of indentation or static loads. Modern laminate is difficult to ignite and is quite moisture resistant.

When comparing the care of laminate and parquet, it should be borne in mind that the appearance of the latter is difficult to maintain if the owners often like to rearrange furniture, are used to walking around the house in heels, or have pets.

Wood is sensitive to indelicate external influences, and in the absence of careful handling, its surface is noticeably damaged.

Therefore, it is necessary to scrape natural parquet every few years in order to remove the thin damaged layer from it.

If the microclimate in the room changes, the parquet begins to dry out and deform, causing an unpleasant creaking sound. Soft and hygroscopic wood does not like sudden temperature changes. Lacquered parquet may lose its attractiveness in terms of environmental friendliness, since toxic components may be released from the varnish.

Neither parquet nor laminate can surpass each other in every characteristic; each has its own strengths and weak. Therefore, the choice between these two floor coverings should be based on the financial capabilities of the buyer, operating conditions and the owner’s willingness to regularly monitor appearance coverings.

What would you choose – parquet or laminate, and why? Share your thoughts in the comments and explain them - other readers will be interested!

In the construction market, the choice of floor coverings is extremely large: parquet and boards, linoleum, polymer and polyvinyl chloride, ceramic tiles, cork, carpets and laminate. Each of them has its own characteristics, disadvantages and advantages. How does laminate differ from other types of flooring? How to choose the appropriate type of laminated parquet? The correct answers to these questions determine how long and how well the chosen floor covering will last, and how beautiful the result of the repair or construction will be.

Laminate board decorative properties can replace parquet, ceramics, marble and stone

What is laminate flooring?

The history of laminate does not go back centuries; it was invented in the middle of the last century for furniture production, and already in the 80s they began to make boards for installing floors.

Important! Laminate boards are created by pressing under high pressure and temperature of the multi-layer fibreboard and paper.

Laminate in the office

Laminate boards can replace parquet, ceramics, marble and stone in their decorative properties.

Whatever manufacturer produces laminate parquet, each board is a complex composite structure:

  • a bottom layer of melamine to stabilize the entire board, provide hydro, heat and sound insulation, and increase the strength of the geometry;
  • the base is a durable wood-fiber or particle board, treated with resins that are safe for health, it is responsible for mechanical loads and shock absorption;
  • the third layer is added by manufacturers depending on the class of the laminate in order to further improve the qualities of water resistance, sound insulation, and impact resistance;
  • decorative layer of paper with imitation texture and pattern;
  • a top layer of transparent acrylic or melamine resin protects the coating from fading and damage; sometimes corundum granules are added to the layer or electron beam treatment is carried out to increase wear resistance.

The base is a durable wood fiber or chipboard treated with resins that are safe for health

The edges of the boards are also treated with resins.

Laminate board sizes

At construction work Another important thing that distinguishes laminate flooring is its parameters, since there is no single standard size.

Boards are available in lengths from 300 to 1845 mm. The most popular length, convenient for installation, is 1260-1380 mm.

The width varies from 90 to 330 mm, most often choosing 185-195 mm.

On a note! The thickness depends on the number of layers, ranging from 6-12 mm, 8 mm being the most common.

The installation process does not depend on the parameters of the board, but there are certain nuances:

  • short laminated boards are easier to lay;
  • It is better to imitate parquet with narrow boards, and ceramic tiles with wide ones.

Advantages of laminated parquet

Each type of flooring has its own positive properties, therefore, during repair or construction, it is necessary to determine which of them are important and which can be neglected.

Laminate is an environmentally friendly material and does not cause an allergic reaction.

How does laminate differ from other types of flooring, besides its complex structure:

  • highly resistant to ultraviolet radiation, mechanical damage, pressure, abrasion;
  • well tolerated elevated temperatures, has a high degree of fire resistance;
  • is an environmentally friendly material and does not cause an allergic reaction;
  • easy to install;
  • It has universal application– from children's rooms to school classrooms;
  • laminate imitates various surfaces, so you can choose any appearance of the flooring that matches the rest of the interior design.

Laminate or parquet?

Since laminate is external signs very similar to parquet boards, but costs an order of magnitude cheaper, you need to know how parquet differs from laminate so as not to be deceived by unscrupulous sellers. Here are some differences:

  1. Budget. High-quality laminate flooring still costs much less than inexpensive parquet flooring.
  2. Material properties. Both types of flooring equally have excellent wear resistance characteristics, but parquet cannot withstand high humidity and sudden temperature fluctuations. In addition, sharp heels, rearranging furniture, active children's games, and dog's claws leave scratches on the parquet that have to be removed by scraping - a rather expensive undertaking. What’s different about laminate flooring is that it doesn’t require such careful treatment as parquet!
  3. Term of use. Parquet boards will last at least 25 years, while laminate boards will last about 10.
  4. Laying. Both materials can only be laid on a flat, dry surface, including a heating system. However, before installing a parquet floor, the boards must rest for at least a day so that the humidity and temperature levels are equal. The final stage of parquet laying, sanding, takes about 3 weeks. Laminate flooring is assembled quickly and is immediately ready for use.
  5. Care. Laminate flooring does not require as much maintenance as parquet flooring. For regular cleaning of parquet, you can only use special, rather expensive products; at the same time, laminate flooring can be washed with ordinary cleaning solutions.

High-quality laminate costs much less than inexpensive parquet

Understanding the difference between laminate and parquet boards, it is easy to make a choice based on financial opportunities and necessary floor characteristics.

Laminate classification

In order for a laminate flooring to serve for a long time and please the eye with its appearance, you should correctly calculate the level of loads that the floor will withstand, and then select a laminate of the appropriate class.

Laminate 21 class in the bedroom

The traditional system divides laminated boards into 7 classes, which are conventionally classified into 2 types:

  • household,
  • commercial.

The classification starts with class 21 and ends with class 33. What is the difference between laminate class? The lower the class, the lower the price and service life of the flooring.

Household grade laminate consists of 3 groups:

  1. Class 21. Guaranteed service life is about 2 years, so it is used in rooms with minimal load, such as storage rooms.
  2. Class 22. Used in bedrooms or offices, and in order for the coating to wear out less, it is covered with carpets.
  3. Class 23. Designed for 5 years of work. Used in living rooms, dining rooms, hallways.

Laminate 33 class in a restaurant

Much more often, including in residential premises, laminated boards of commercial classes are used - from 31 to 34.

In high-traffic areas, such as conference rooms, offices, laminate flooring group 31 lasts about 6 years, and in apartments and private houses - up to 10.

The most popular in our country are classes 32 and 33. What is the difference between class 32 laminate and class 33:

  • a laminate floor of class 32 in an apartment will last more than 15 years, and class 33 – up to 25;
  • class 33 has increased strength, so it is used in shops, airports, restaurants and banks;
  • at a price.

The most popular in our country are classes 32 and 33

Class 34 laminate is still being developed by manufacturers who promise super-resistance to wear and mechanical damage, as well as moisture, temperature and even chemicals.

Class 34 laminate is still being developed by manufacturers


Laminated parquet has become so popular among consumers also because the buyer can purchase boards of almost any color, shade or design, matching them to the style of the room.

Laminate flooring in the living room

What do laminate flooring manufacturers offer:

  • the surface of the boards can be smooth or rough, roughly processed or artificially aged;
  • boards can be embossed with effects different breeds wood, reptile skin, stone, ceramic slabs;
  • boards can have a glossy, matte, oil, or 3D texture.

When purchasing a laminated coating, you should take into account that the color of the laminate differs in light and dark room

When purchasing a laminated flooring, you should keep in mind that the color of the laminate is different in a light and dark room. So, a light floor is an excellent background for small room or apartments that will look more spacious, and the colors of furniture and textiles will be brighter. If the room is dimly lit and the windows face north, any floor will appear darker.

Boards dark colors more often used either in large spacious rooms, or furnished with light furniture.

A light floor is an excellent backdrop for a small room or apartment

The most important thing is proper care

What is the difference between laminate and various types floor coverings? Housewives love it because such a floor is easy to put in order and keep clean. A vacuum cleaner and a damp (not wet!) rag are what you need for cleaning.

A vacuum cleaner and a damp (not wet!) rag are what you need for cleaning

Bringing shine to laminated parquet floor, can be used washing vacuum cleaner, but steam cleaning devices are not suitable, because... increase temperature and humidity at the same time. When cleaning, do not use abrasive products or those containing alkali.

Stains from the surface of the laminate can be quickly removed:

  • fat or blood - with ammonia or alcohol;
  • stains of unknown origin - with acetone.

Advice! Small scratches can be easily masked with special crayons.

Laminate is an excellent choice for those who want to get a high-quality floor covering for their money that will last for many years. Just choose wisely!

These artificial boards, which are used for finishing floors are attractive for many reasons - a huge range of designs front side(therefore, you can choose products for any interior), reasonable cost, and the ability to install it yourself (one of the components of savings). For an apartment, laminate is one of the best solutions. However, it is the variety of samples that often complicates their choice.

Visually, laminate boards are indistinguishable from each other, except for the shade. And, nevertheless, they are divided into classes, and the feasibility and specificity of their use in a particular room of the apartment depends on this.

general information

Before finding out what the difference is between the classes of laminate, it’s worth understanding the standards for these composite boards.

In the Russian Federation technical specifications for these products is determined by GOST No. 32304 of 2013. In particular, its table 3 indicates for which specific premises a laminate of a particular class should be used. But this is somewhat general information, which does not give a person who does not have a specialized education an accurate understanding of what the differences between the samples are in terms of operation. There is one more nuance. All requirements are advisory in nature, and some manufacturers use this fact as a legal “loophole”, since whether to be guided by the designated GOST or not is a purely voluntary matter. There are two European standards - EN No. 685 (2007) and No. 13329 (2006). They are almost identical to Russian ones (the differences are only in details), but there is also a fundamental difference - all their requirements are mandatory for the manufacturing company.

If you purchase imported laminate, then there will definitely be no mistake in choosing the optimal class. But questions may arise later regarding some types of domestic products in this regard.

Laminate flooring classes for apartments

When choosing a board, you need to focus on classes 21 - 23. Higher ones (from 31 to 34) are much better in many respects (wear resistance, maximum load and a number of others), but their cost is such that, from an economic point of view, such design of floors in residential premises sometimes it's just not practical. This is a product of the “commercial” category, and is used as finishing coating, basically, only in public, administrative, industrial and other buildings.

In apartments, finishing subfloors with laminate of classes 31–34 is extremely rare. Only very wealthy people can afford this. But if you have money, and a lot of it, then it is unlikely that the choice will be in favor of such a composite board, which, in addition to its advantages, is also characterized by a number of disadvantages (). After all, there are other options - piece parquet, for example.

Calculator for calculating the amount of laminate

What is the difference between laminate boards

In their structure they are almost identical, regardless of the class of laminate.

The same applies to a number characteristic properties inherent in this floor covering.

What is most relevant for an apartment:

  • Resistance of the floor covering to abrasion and moisture.
  • The maximum load that a laminate can withstand.

Everything else is his color design, texture, cost per m² - at the discretion of the apartment owner.


For apartment the best laminate, if you focus on the budget option, products of classes from 21 to 23 are considered. Although more expensive samples - from 31 to 34 - will last much longer as a floor covering. Before choosing a laminate according to this indicator, you should compare the upcoming costs (taking into account the future, that is, the approximate frequency of repairs) and the specifics of the use of a particular room. It’s one thing if an elderly couple lives in an apartment, and another thing if it’s a young family with kids. For them, the floor is the main place for games, therefore, its abrasion becomes one of the most important criteria when choosing a laminate according to class.

In order not to have to repair your flooring too often, you should focus on products from manufacturers with an impeccable reputation. And here already we're talking about not about the laminate class, but about the brand (in brackets - approximate prices in rub/m²). All designated boards refer to budget options– this can be seen in the cost of production.

  • Laminate from Germany – Krono Floring (448), Classen (469), Kronotex GmbH&Co (481).
  • Russian laminate – Kronospan (272) and Kronostar (373).

Such laminate, if the installation and operation rules are followed (which also means proper care), will serve as flooring in an apartment for at least 12 - 15 years.

For those who are willing to spend on finishing floors more money, it is worth paying attention to laminate brands Tarkett (590), KronoFloring (561), Classen (556), Pergo (814), Quik Step (from 990), Balterio (over 1,120). More expensive, but also more durable. The manufacturers of this laminate guarantee at least 20 years of flawless operation.

All recommendations, advice, reviews, opinions found on the Internet on the issue of laying a specific type of laminate in a particular room are nothing more than general information that can only be taken into account. Only the owner of the apartment, like no one else, knows all its features - the layout, way of life, habits of family members, its composition, and so on. Therefore, choosing a laminate requires an individual approach - then there will definitely be no mistakes.

Today, flooring is the most important part of finishing a room during renovation. After all, the correctness of his choice will depend not only decorative look rooms, as well as the warmth of the room and level of comfort.

It should be remembered that parquet boards are used in residential premises, and laminate flooring is used in offices.

Parquet boards and laminate are the most common materials for floor finishing. They look similar, but have a lot of differences in other characteristics. The only feature that unites them is their significant thickness, which ensures strength and good thermal insulation. To better navigate when choosing, it is advisable to consider the difference between a parquet board and a laminate.

Main characteristics of laminate

Laminate is usually called a multilayer board based on wood fiber, the front part of which is painted to resemble wood and well laminated with a special film. This resinous film provides protection for the pattern and fibers from external influences.

Decoration and performance characteristics

The pattern on the laminate can be anything you want. Most often, the appearance of natural wood is created, which makes buyers think that what they are looking at is really a tree of a certain type. But they often make laminate flooring decorative tiles. It looks quite original, especially in kitchens and large halls.

Special attention should be paid operational characteristics laminate This is a very high quality material that is practically not afraid of any mechanical stress. For this reason, it is often used for finishing floors in offices and big houses, where it is not customary to change shoes. After all, it is quite difficult to scratch high-quality laminate, especially if the coating is matte.

Laminate is very resistant to fading, so you can lay this type of floor even in sunny rooms. The surface will also not wear off if a laminate with the highest degree of lamination of the pattern with a resinous substance is selected.

But at the same time, laminate is not such a warm coating. Therefore, in houses with insufficient insulation, its use is not entirely practical. This largely explains the static effect of the laminate. After all, the use of a special protective resin to coat the material allows dust to freely adhere to the floor. And this is not very convenient, since you will have to frequently wet clean the room. But this is according to by and large solvable problems, since in the first case you can simply maintain a normal temperature in the house with heaters, and in the second case you can use antistatic agents while putting things in order.

Features of care and price

But use it to keep laminate floors clean different means household chemicals not recommended, except for substances specially developed for this type of material. After all laminated film If not properly cared for, it can collapse, which will immediately affect the decorative and practical properties of the floor.

The maximum service life of the laminate depends on proper care. Of course, all types of laminate are divided into certain classes, each of which has its own level of wear. Typically these numbers range from 7 to 20 years. But if it’s not quite correct or, conversely, it’s enough good care The laminate can serve either 3-5 years longer or less.

As for the price, laminate is a relatively inexpensive coating, even if you choose to do it yourself quality material. The cleaner the material is in environmental terms (more gentle substances are used for gluing layers and in smaller quantities), the more expensive it is, accordingly.

Features of parquet boards

Parquet board is several layers of wood veneer, firmly connected to each other. In this case, the front part is not painted to resemble natural material, but is actually finished with natural wood, perfectly processed and prepared. Therefore, you will never find two completely identical parquet boards. Which, in fact, explains all the decorativeness of the coating.

The floor based on parquet boards is warm enough, even when the whole house is quite cold. At the same time, it is quite antistatic, which does not allow a large number dust sticks to the coating. But parquet boards do not tolerate mechanical stress and different influences from outside. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it for offices where walking in street shoes is expected. After all, parquet boards are coated with varnish, and varnish is a vulnerable substance for the floor.

There is nothing special about caring for parquet boards. You just need to make sure that this type of floor has as little contact with water as possible. Indeed, due to the fact that natural wood fibers are used, the risk of floor deformation increases several times.

Despite all this, the service life of parquet boards is very long, it can even reach 40 years. In this case, the decorative appearance may be lost, but the tree remains quite suitable. And if you use special mastics and light varnishes from time to time, even such a board will always look at a high level.

The price of parquet boards is very high, but it is completely justified. This is largely due to the environmental friendliness of the material. After all, even with strong temperature changes, the tree will not emit harmful substances. On the contrary, a good parquet board will emit a light, pleasant forest smell.

Overview of the main differences

So, the main differences between laminate and parquet boards are briefly discussed.

But what exactly is the difference between laminate and parquet boards? To do this, let’s combine the main differences between the two materials, while more clearly highlighting the disadvantages and advantages of each of them:

  1. Environmental friendliness. Parquet boards have more advantages in this regard, since they are made entirely of wood. The use of adhesive is minimal. Laminate is made from artificial material, even though wood chips are added there. And when large differences temperatures, it can release harmful fumes into the air, especially lower quality varieties.
  2. Heat and sound insulation. Here, too, parquet boards take first place. It makes no noise when walking on it, and is quite warm due to the “living wood” effect. Laminate flooring is cold, and when you walk on it, a characteristic noise appears.
  3. Static effect. The parquet board does not have its own static charge, so dust almost does not stick to the floor. But this cannot be said about laminate flooring, where dust appears on the surface almost immediately after cleaning. You can remove the charge with an antistatic agent, but the effect will be short-lived.
  4. Resistant to damage. Laminate is more stable in this regard; its top layer may not be damaged for a very long time. A parquet board can quickly lose its decorative appearance, but at the same time its main part, which is under top layer, very durable.
  5. Selecting a picture. Here a wide range of patterns can be found in laminate flooring. After all, through the use of synthetics, you can imitate any surface. Parquet boards do not have such a large selection, but at the same time they have a unique natural wood pattern.
  6. Price. Laminate for its price is enough economical material. Therefore, it is indispensable in conditions of limited finances. Parquet board High Quality usually quite expensive. But at the same time, the cost is consistent with its main characteristics.

When choosing a floor covering, experts strongly recommend starting with such a parameter as the wear resistance class of the laminate. Let's figure out what it is and how it affects the characteristics finishing material.

Laminated parquet is a multi-layer decorative finishing coating obtained by pressing under high pressure. Consists of (from top to bottom):

1. Overlay

This is a transparent layer of high-strength polymer resins (melamine, acrylic, etc.). The quality, thickness, hardness and impact resistance of the film determine such parameters of the laminate as hygiene, resistance to moisture, abrasion and impact loads, as well as the service life of the flooring material. Depending on the design of the collection, the overlay can be:

  • smooth (satin matte, semi-gloss, mirror-glossy);
  • structural (embossing imitating the texture of natural wood processed by brushing, etc.).

Represents special paper with a pattern applied to it using high-precision printing. Decors can be very diverse: imitation parquet, solid boards, palace wood, ceramic tiles, natural stone, fabrics and much more.

European premium laminate manufacturers add another layer to this layer - kraft paper, which is pressed with a decorative layer and overlay. This technology significantly increases the strength characteristics of the finished lamellas. The technique is called HPL (High Pressure Laminate).

3. Carrier board

This is the basis of any laminated parquet. Standard thickness– from 6 to 14 mm. It consists of the plate itself and a tongue-and-groove locking set of the “Click” or “Lock” type. Thanks to this, the laminate quickly and easily assembles into a single, monolithic, even sheet without differences or cracks.

To increase the moisture and water resistance of joints, manufacturers treat locks with special polymer (AquaStop, AquaResist) or paraffin (Wax) compounds.

Such characteristics as the level of resistance to compression, bending, and tension loads depend on the density and cross-section of this layer. Simply put, this means what weight is acceptable for the coating, how long the laminate can withstand intense foot traffic, etc.

Available in two types of fiberboard:

4. Base or stabilization layer

It is formed from paper impregnated with synthetic thermosetting resins. Designed to protect the lower part from moisture and prevent deformation of the slats. In addition to the protective function, it also has an information function, since on base layer the production date and batch number are often included, as well as the brand name and registered trademark.

According to the European standard DIN EN 13329, the laminate has a three-layer structure:

  1. Decorative paper and overlay compressed into a single component;
  2. Bearing strip;
  3. Base layer.

For the average person this information insignificant. However, professionals understand that this is a laminate of the DPL series (Direct Pressure Laminate - direct pressure laminated coating). The difference from HPL is that the top and bottom layers are immediately, directly pressed onto the supporting base. Most factories use this technology, including Chinese, Russian and inexpensive European brands.

For those wishing to install parquet in rooms with high levels of humidity (bathrooms, dining rooms, laundries, etc.) waterproof laminate PVC. The difference with the traditional one is that a slab of composite super-hard plastic acts as a supporting board. The cost of such a coating is high, but it can replace porcelain stoneware or floor ceramics and decorate the entire area of ​​the house or cafe in the same style.

Waterproof laminate based on PVC composite.

Classification of laminate by class

Laminate flooring differs in two main parameters:

  1. Manufacturing method (HPL or DPL);
  2. Load class or wear resistance.

Let's take a closer look at the last criterion. The wear resistance class of a laminate is a quality category that determines the possibility of using a finishing material in commercial and domestic conditions, as well as its service life.

The European standard EN 13329 "Components with a surface layer based on aminoplast thermosetting resins - characteristics, requirements and test methods" contains full information about methods for determining and calculating the load class. This document almost corresponds to the Russian analogue of GOST 32304-2013 “Laminated floor coverings based on dry-process fiberboards. Technical conditions".

The European standard includes the following list of tests for samples:

  • Abrasion resistance or overlay strength (Taber test);
  • Impact resistance (test with a small ball “shooting” at the sample and test with a large falling ball);
  • Indentation resistance (metal ball test);
  • Resistance to the impact of the legs of moved furniture;
  • Resistant to caster chairs;
  • Inertness to a burning cigarette;
  • Resistance to contamination (fruits, juices, wine and other aggressive chemicals);
  • Moisture resistance - swelling of the slab in 24 hours at full immersion into water as a percentage of the sample volume. Quality product must have a water absorption coefficient of no more than 18%.

Device for conducting Taber tests.

After all the tests have been carried out, the main characteristics of the laminate are determined and a load class is assigned to it. Moreover, preference is given to the lowest results, even if the difference is tenths. This means that if, according to the results of one inspection, the coverage corresponds to category 31, and according to the others - 32, then it is assigned a lower class.

The first test is the taber-test, or determining the degree of abrasion of the overlay. To carry it out, a special unit with a grinding wheel or friction rollers with a glued ring made of high-density rubber is used.

The results are determined by the number of revolutions and are divided into 7 groups or abrasion classes:

  • for use at home 21, 22, 23;
  • for commercial premises 31, 32, 33 and 34.

Table 1. Abrasion class of laminated floor coverings according to GOST 32304-2013.

The abrasion class determines where exactly the laminate can be used. More detailed information is given in the table below.

table 2. Areas of use of laminated coatings by class.

Load class Pictogram Room type Application intensity Examples Life time
21 Residential Moderate


Bedrooms, guest rooms 10 years
22 Residential Living rooms, dining rooms 10 years
23 Residential Intensive Stairs, corridors, kitchens 10-12 years
31 Commercial Moderate


Hotel rooms, offices 10-15 years
32 Commercial Normal (for frequent use) Receptions, shops 15-20 years
33 Commercial Intensive Shopping centers, schools 20-30 years
34 Commercial Reinforced (especially difficult conditions) Industrial facilities Up to 40 years old

Let us explain why the abrasion criterion is most important for buyers. Flooring must withstand not only foot traffic (including walking barefoot, in slippers, street shoes with heels), but also abrasive ones: dust, small debris (sand, soil particles), animal claws, etc. Over time, under the influence of these factors, the overlay becomes thinner and the laminate becomes unusable. There is no need to be scared - the service life varies from 10 to 30 years and depends, of course, on many other parameters. For example, laid in front front door the dirt-proof mat of the “grass” series, as well as the presence of protective pads on furniture legs, increases this period for class 31 or 32 laminate by one and a half times. And the chairs with with iron legs Without protective rims, on the contrary, they accelerate abrasion and reduce the service life by almost half.

We will pay special attention to the second series of tests - impact resistance. In developing Russian standard on laminated coatings GOST 32304-2013, specialists from ANO TsSL Lessertika (Kronospan LLC and Kronostar LLC) participated. Unfortunately, they did not include two critical tests required to give a laminate a 34 grade. This:

  1. impact test;
  2. surface resistance to chair wheels.

According to EN 13329, a laminate floor of wear resistance class 34 must have the following indicators:

  • water absorption coefficient – ​​up to 8%;
  • abrasion resistance class - AC6;
  • impact strength – IC4 (≤1600 mm and 20 N).

The first two indicators coincide with the Russian standard, but the last one is not provided for at all. Because of this small difference, class 33 laminate from any manufacturer (including Asian ones) can be certified in Russia as class 34. European standards are more demanding on the characteristics of the coating.

All other types of tests are carried out in a standard manner. The results are processed and the laminate floor is assigned a general wear resistance class.

Table 3. General class loads according to EN 13329.

Table 4. General load class according to GOST 32304-2013.

Recommendations for choosing laminate by load class

Since in the last 5-7 years there is practically no laminated coating 21-23 classes, priorities have shifted. Now both manufacturers and sellers offer:

All the necessary information is on the box and on the insert, so when purchasing it will not be difficult for you to determine the class, service life and area of ​​application of the flooring you like.

Advice! If you need repairmen, there is a very convenient service for selecting them. Just submit in the form below detailed description work that needs to be done and you will receive offers by email with prices from construction crews and companies. You can see reviews about each of them and photographs with examples of work. It's FREE and there's no obligation.