Business ideas: Children's furniture-constructor OLLA. Children's room designer Children's furniture designer

On the official website of the Mister Dors company, at any convenient time you can design a children's room using a special program “online calculation of custom-made furniture”. intended for calculation estimated cost, which will be necessary to purchase furniture. You can choose interior elements yourself and see what the children's room will look like.

Simple and easy to use. This program will allow you to create the interior of a room for your child, taking into account his age, needs and size of the room.

The child spends a significant part of his time in the children's room, so the interior should be interesting, beautiful and functional. The Mister Dors company produces high-quality branded furniture for children's rooms from natural, safe and well-processed materials. You can independently choose fittings and components for the manufacture of children's furniture.

When choosing furniture for a children's room, it would be wiser and more correct to take into account the opinion and individual preferences of the little owner. This will create a cozy and comfortable interior. Give your child the opportunity to participate in organizing the space of his room, and then the choice will be made correctly!

You can select and order furniture for your children’s room in the catalog on the company’s official website or directly in Mister Dors branded showrooms. We will create an individual fairy-tale world for your child, and also save your time!

Every parent tries to give their precious child all the best and highest quality, without regretting it own strength and funds. One of the difficult moments for many parents today is right choice furniture for children. Despite the large offer on the children's goods market, it is often difficult to find something special and truly worthwhile. The startup OLLA, led by Jens Otterstedt, offers a fresh solution to a pressing problem for many parents and children. Children's designer furniture OLLA, designed according to the ideas of the children themselves, pleasantly stands out for its unusual approach and creative idea. After all, who can know better what children need than themselves.

Children's games in an adult way

The idea of ​​unusual furniture OLLA came to the minds of the children of the project founder, eight-year-old son Ole and five-year-old daughter Ella, while playing with their favorite Lego constructor. The main operating principles of this designer were the basis for the new idea. The name OLLA itself came from a combination of children's names: Ole+Ella=OLLA. The need to put the idea into practice came after a long and fruitless search for a desk and chair for Ole and Ella to study at home. This is what became Starting point startup.

OLLA is not just stationary furniture that performs a set of functions familiar to all of us. This is a whole bottle positive emotions and useful moments. So, in the process of assembling such furniture, the child not only learns, develops and creates, but also creates the furniture interior of his room to his own taste. The furniture set is so easy to use that even a preschooler can assemble it. Light in weight building modules are easily attached, creating new options for furnishing the room each time. Basic target audience OLLA targets children between the ages of 4 and 14, but the company does not limit it to just this age group.

All elements and modules of the OLLA system are completely interchangeable. Pick up various options and the designs can be altered endlessly until the desired result is achieved. Just like Lego, the more OLLA modules, the more possible designs and creative solutions. All furniture is made in Europe and North America. The quality of materials deserves special attention, which ensures the service life of OLLA for more than one generation.

Advantages of OLLA furniture

  1. Multifunctionality. This quality implies not only the ability to create different designs and the implementation of creative children's ideas, but also maximum pleasure from the process itself. Together with OLLA, children learn and develop with great pleasure.
  2. Simplicity. The OLLA system provides only four types of fastening that any child can handle. Therefore, it is easy to assemble not only the designs proposed by OLLA, but also to create your own.
  3. Quality. OLLA furniture lasts a long time and is not designed for rapid wear and tear.
  4. "Socialization". OLLA believes not only in the idea, but also in the power of interaction. Therefore, the company is actively working to create groups in various in social networks(Twitter, Facebook, Google+), where clients can not only place orders, share ideas, but also communicate with each other within the framework of the project. Moreover, the company is going to release a special application for smartphones and tablets.
  5. Website promotion. The OLLA website is an integral part further strategy project development, the main source of information and fresh ideas.
  6. Responsibility. The company only uses wooden materials, certified by FSC (Forest board of trustees), and fully complies with the principles of environmental responsibility.
  7. Investing in the future of your clients. Taking care of its customers and their future, OLLA offers only high-quality and in-demand products, with further expansion of the range and capabilities.
  8. Diversity. The many designs and modeling possibilities will never get boring and will always be interesting for the child.

IN this moment startup OLLA is raising money on the crowdfunding resource IndieGoGo, trying to get as close as possible to its cherished goal. As for the pricing policy, the cost of the cheapest elements of the set starts from $6. But one element is not enough: for example, a set for a chair costs at least $228. Larger pieces of furniture such as a bed, shelving, etc. cost approximately $1,000, and full set for a children's room - more than $2,000. Everything in this world is relative, and if you take into account all the bonuses of the OLLA project and the longevity of the service, then the price is probably justified.

Kids love to tinker with blocks, constructors and transformers, assembling palaces, towers, cars, highways, airplanes... But what a shame that on a beautiful airplane, so lovingly assembled by hand, you cannot fly overseas, and in a high tower-fortress built from multi-colored construction kit parts, it is impossible to settle in and invite friends there. Oh, I wish I could get my hands on a real construction set!

And although it is too late to write a letter of wishes to Santa Claus, designers from the American company Link Studios took care of its implementation in advance. "Realization" is called The Link and is a set of fun children's furniture that will appeal to both kids and their parents.

What is the main value of the designer? From the same parts, combining and folding them in every possible way, you can assemble a crane, a house, a car, and a boat. The same principle is the basis of The Link. After all, in fact, these are not “one-piece” chairs, tables and armchairs. This is a set of parts, individual modules from which it all can be assembled.

All modules are durable and lightweight, so even a preschooler can assemble a table and chair for himself. If you first show him how it's done. And of course, like any self-respecting designer, the work does not require any additional tools, glue or nails.

You can buy unique designer furniture for various purposes:

  • for easy assembly without the use of tools or fasteners;
  • to facilitate travel;
  • for flexible use of space in small rooms;
  • to create an original design.

Our folding furniture can be easily disassembled and stored compactly on shelves and mezzanines until it is needed.

Creative children's furniture constructor

Designer children's furniture is lightweight and easy to move. Besides, original design promotes the development of the child’s imagination and spatial skills. To order, gaming and doll furniture construction set, study tables, chairs and armchairs, beds. Models can be adjusted in size and color.

You can order designer furniture for children worth up to 15,000 rubles without prepayment. We ship goods throughout Russia; pickup is available from Moscow and Sergiev Posad.

Eco-friendly wooden furniture designer

We produce designer furniture from plywood High Quality, including veneered. For painting, compositions without harmful impurities are used. Natural wooden furniture The designer is safe and can even be used in children's rooms. The models are lightweight, and even teenagers can handle the assembly of most products using the instructions.

If you live on rented apartment, you often move for work, have limited room space, or are simply looking for unusual furniture, then our collapsible models are ideal for you!