The meaning of the sun amulet with a human face. The Sun Amulet is a powerful magical symbol among many peoples. Who can wear the Amulet with the Sun?

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The sun amulet is a talisman common among many peoples, which symbolizes heroism, courage, strength and creativity. The most large-scale cults of the sun were among the Scythians, the peoples of the northern and South America, as evidenced by numerous archaeological finds.

It is also important to remember that the swastika, which is considered one of ancient symbols, also symbolizes the constant movement of the sun across the sky.

For many peoples, an amulet with an image or symbol of the sun was considered a powerful tool revealing and strengthening a person’s internal potential, increasing his vital energy and activity. This is one of the most powerful talismans aimed at maintaining the basic energy flows passing through a person, capable of eliminating various life troubles, a pessimistic view of things and awakening a person’s desire to live and create.


What you need to know about these amulets

It is not enough to just have an amulet; you also need to know how to handle it.

Who is the sun talisman suitable for?

The sun amulet is suitable for many people, especially those whose horoscope is dominated by the Sun star. In addition, such a talisman will be useful to all those who want to improve their personal traits, reveal your true courage, your talents, kindness, generosity, sexuality, responsiveness, attractiveness, charm, sincerity and honesty. The image of the sun will be especially useful for people whose work is related to creativity, for whom such qualities as originality, artistry and sociability are important in life.

Activation of the solar talisman

In order for the amulet to work to its maximum potential, it must be activated before use. When you buy or make your own amulet with the image of the sun, take it in your hands, bring it to your lips and whisper the words:

“I, the servant of God (name), call on the spirits of fire, I conjure you, come to me, consecrate my talisman, endow it with your power, so that it gives me the power of light, charm, magic, so that I have luck in any matter, so that the sun protects me from black magic, from an evil eye, from an evil deed and a person. Let the talisman become my best assistant, let it be my strongest protector, let it guide me through life, let it bring all the good, let it protect me from all the bad. May everything said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".


After pronouncing magical conspiracy, the amulet must be thoroughly smoked with a mixture of herbs, which must contain chamomile, St. John's wort and sage. Then leave the talisman for several hours in dark room, near a burning natural wax candle. This must be done so that the fire will endow the amulet with its power and cleanse it of unwanted energy.

Using the amulet

Any magical talisman needs periodic recharging. To ensure that the power of the amulet never disappears, you must sometimes leave it on a flat surface that is well lit by direct sunlight. It is best to keep the amulet in the sun during the entire daylight hours.

If you notice that your amulet begins to darken, then do not be scared or upset. Such changes mean that the energy sector magic item is aimed at solving one of your problems. In this case, you should simply clean the talisman with salt or keep it in a container with table salt for one day.

In the cold season, when the Sun spends little time pleasing people with its presence, the talisman needs additional recharging. You need to either leave it in the sun more often, or at night light a natural candle next to it, which also provides replenishment with the energy of fire and light.

DIY solar talisman

You can not only buy a talisman with the energy of the luminary, but also make it yourself. For this you will need any gold decoration, it is advisable that it be purchased specifically for this purpose.

Charging the amulet - important point in preparing the subject for work

When the decoration is purchased, on the night of June 21-22, set your alarm clock for 3 or 3:30. At this time sunrise begins. You will need to catch the moment when the first rays of the sun illuminate the earth; this is the time that is most suitable for creating a magical talisman and endowing it with unique solar energy. It is best to carry out this ritual in nature, but even in an apartment you can achieve a high-quality effect.

Place the prepared decoration in a glass with clean water(preferably spring water) and place it on the windowsill of a window facing east. This required condition and if there is no such window in your house, then you will have to go outside. As soon as the first rays of the sun touch the glass of water, say the words of the conspiracy:

“The power of the sun will not go away, will not be lost, it will come to me.”

After this, close your eyes and imagine how solar energy fills your body and the prepared decoration.

Now you need to wait for the sun to set, pour water from the glass, take out the amulet and wrap it in a cloth made of natural fabric. After this, the cloth with the talisman must be put away in a safe place, where it should lie until December 22 - the day of the winter solstice. On this day the amulet will become fully charged and ready for use.

Even in ancient times, people everywhere worshiped the sun. Almost all the peoples of the world created entire cults around him. The symbol of the sun was included in many amulets to gain protection, find happiness, or simply bring a drop of light into life.

The meaning of the sun for humanity

Almost all the tribes that have ever existed on our planet worshiped the celestial body. He was considered an eternal and powerful force, a source of inexhaustible energy. People have always associated grace and their hopes for a better future with the sun.

Thanks to observations of the burning star, humanity has made many discoveries. This is a wheel, a calendar and other amazing things. Therefore, it is not surprising that even modern man very often uses the symbol of the sun in amulets and tattoos.

The sign of the sun in ancient times

Archaeologists have repeatedly found rock paintings of the sun. In ancient times, people depicted the celestial body as a closed circle with a small dot in the center. This very first form symbolized self-knowledge and the cyclical nature of things happening in the world. Sun signs were also applied to amulets, jewelry, items of clothing, and houses were decorated with them. People considered the burning star to be a kind of deity, worshiped it and were even afraid of it.

The general meaning of the solar pattern is the natural flow of time, which is characteristic of the entire universe. The closed rim of the circle testifies to the infinity of everything that exists on earth. Such sacred meaning people invested in the symbol of the sun in Egypt, Asia, India and other ancient civilizations.

Over time, each nation developed its own sign of the heavenly body, which had a special meaning.

Solar symbol among the peoples of the world

For the Aztecs, the closed circle served as a kind of multifunctional calendar, which had the appearance of a sun stone. With its help, they determined astrological data and found out the time. The talisman was also used for harmonization and knowledge of the future.

The Indians believed in the solar spirit, which is the progenitor of everything and is responsible for the cycle of things. Amulets with his image gave strength and protection to warriors, warmed them on cold nights and brought good luck.

The Scandinavians described the symbol as a wheel from the quadriga of the sun itself. It was made exclusively from gold. And it meant only positive things: prosperity, prosperity, health, fertility and a rich harvest.

Sun symbol in ancient Egypt bore the original name - “winged disk”. He personified Horus, who stood up to fight Set. The talisman was used to protect against any negativity, be it witchcraft or physical influence.

The Slavs loved to make nauzes - amulets in the form of knots, personifying the sun. They performed protective functions and drove away dark thoughts. People actively make such amulets to this day.

Let's look at the Slavic symbols of the sun in more detail.


This god was depicted as the sun or a bearded old man. A similar sign was applied to restore energy, balance, protection from any influences, gaining wealth, happiness, good offspring, maintaining health and masculinity.

The Slavic symbol of the sun greatly helped in family matters and was considered a home talisman. It was often placed as an amulet or figurine in the hallway, bedroom, living room and kitchen. Also, some craftsmen carved the image of Yarila on external walls houses.

What do the rays symbolize?

Astrologers not long ago were able to explain what the rays in amulets mean. On the star map you need to carefully consider the location of Malaya and Ursa Major at midnight during the summer and winter solstices, as well as the autumn and spring equinoxes. If you draw imaginary lines from the North Star to these constellations, then you will get the sun's rays. It can be assumed that our ancestors used this sign to determine location.

In amulets, the rays are enclosed in a circle, thereby symbolizing the continuous cyclical nature of existence. They can also be bent clockwise and in the opposite direction. Among the Slavs, the symbol of the sun can have very different meanings depending on the number of rays depicted. Four means fire that burns on the earth. Six rays symbolize the wheel of the god Perun. And eight represents the power of solar fire.

Solar cross

This symbol has four rays and personifies natural elements, as well as important events in life: autumn and the vernal equinox, summer and winter solstices. This amulet was most suitable for forest guardians and warriors.

This sign was worn as an amulet only by mature people in order to receive the help of their ancestors in gaining wisdom and raising a child. The symbol of the sun in the form of a cross was not allowed to be worn by children, boys and girls, since it was believed that it would spoil the character or disrupt the psyche.


It is considered a very powerful sign, since it combines three gods at once - Dazhdbog, Yaril and Khors. It has six beams that can be directed either clockwise or counterclockwise. The first option refers to the summer solstice, and the second to the winter solstice. These symbols are also called Thunderer and Thunderer.

Solstice is considered male symbol, because it gives strength for battles. If a woman has a fighting character, then such a talisman will not harm her. But usually girls wore other amulets - lunar ones. The six-ray symbol of the sun among the Slavs was protective function and brought victory. Therefore, he was depicted everywhere: on gates, entrance doors, weapons, military banners and clothing.


Kolovrat is the most popular among Slavic symbols. It has eight rays directed clockwise and closed in a circle. This sign best reflects the celestial body.

The interesting name of this symbol is easily explained. "Kolo" means wheel, circle. And the “gate” particle is movement. It turns out that the Kolovrat sign symbolizes the rotation of the circle, the continuity of being and eternal life. Therefore, people believed that this solar sign brings only good things: a rich harvest, protection from evil, health and good luck in good deeds. The Slavic symbol of the sun - Kolovrat - was depicted as a pattern on kitchen utensils, embroidery and household items. And today it is popular as an amulet, made of various alloys or wood.

Slavic symbols and swastika

Slavic symbols are often considered primordially fascist signs. But this is fundamentally wrong.

If you go deeper into history, people everywhere worshiped the sun, and the Russian and German peoples generally initially belonged to the same Indo-European tribe. Images with diverging rays were very popular, and Hitler in his emblem took as a basis Slavic symbols, which initially carried only a positive charge. Fascism denigrated sun sign, and now the whole world treats him negatively.

Hitler believed that the symbol of the sun would help him conquer the world. Coincidence or not, Slavic signs cannot be used for harm, and the Nazis were defeated.

Black Sun

The Slavs also had an ancient occult symbol, which only a few initiated Magi knew about. The secret of the sign was revealed to people only in difficult times, when entire settlements needed to be saved. The symbol itself is a regular circle containing twelve runes.

The sacred meaning of the black sun is the destruction of the old to build a better new one. Possessing powerful power, the talisman revealed the secrets of existence, expanded the boundaries of consciousness, gave wisdom and opened channels of communication with the departed. The sign was also used for fortune telling, subduing demons and spirits.

The secret symbol of the sun among the Slavs was considered a powerful and terrible artifact. Therefore, it was used very carefully and only by knowledgeable people. It was simply hidden from inexperienced hands.

Making an amulet

The Slavs believed that it was preferable to use gold to make a solar talisman. We did it outdoors on June 22, early in the morning, just before dawn. At first light, the finished decoration was dipped into spring water and the spell was read. They took out the talisman before sunset, and then hid it in a white cloth until December 22, so that it would be saturated with energy. The amulet could only be worn after the winter solstice.

Before use, the amulet was cleansed with smoke from burning herbs such as St. John's wort, chamomile and sage. Afterwards it was activated by reading conspiracies. The Slavic symbol of the sun periodically needs recharging. Therefore, once a month the amulet was left in the light or in front of a burning candle.

Solar amulets are actively used to this day in the hope of changing life for the better or simply getting protection from evil.

Since ancient times, the Amulet of the Sun has been a symbol of courage, strength, creativity, development and, of course, the movement of the sun across the sky. The history of the amulet dates back to the time of the Scythians; it was they who first mentioned this talisman, which they used in their magical rites, and later the amulet passed on to other peoples as a talisman and protector against dark forces.

In the cold frosty winter, when the days become very short and the sun hides behind snow clouds, you especially want to feel the hot warmth of the sun's rays. At such moments, an amulet with the energy of the sun helps.

Most often people resort to this species protection when unforeseen situations arise in their lives that they are not able to cope with on their own. Moreover, it is not always friends, relatives and just good people I can help solve problems, although their advice is valuable. Therefore, in such a situation, it is best to use a talisman that can protect and resolve all problems.

The solar talisman is the strongest amulet that supports the main energy currents of a person, capable of protecting against life problems, awakening a person’s thirst for life and development.

Owning such a talisman is good, but this is not enough, because you need to be able to handle it correctly. In addition, an amulet with solar energy can have a different effect on each owner and is not suitable for everyone.

Who is the solar amulet suitable for?

The talisman is more suitable for those whose horoscope contains the Sun star. The amulet will benefit everyone who wants to develop spiritually, reveal all their talents and positive features character. Creative people For those who value originality, artistry and sociability, an amulet with the energy of the sun will be especially beneficial.

Types of amulets with solar energy

A person must be very strong in spirit to wear solar amulet, because for the weak it can turn out to be harmful. An amulet with the energy of the sun is, first of all, self-renewal and success; it brings harmony and self-confidence, helping to accept right decisions on the way to a wonderful future.

Very often, a solar amulet depicts a wheel, a knot, pagan spirits, or the sun itself. For example, the solar disk with wings among the Egyptians protects from hostile entities, unforeseen tragedies, damage and bad people Moreover, the amulet brings harmony and peace of life to its owner. You also don’t have to worry about financial wealth and well-being.

The Slavic talisman of the god Yarilo - Nauz-amulet - symbolizes the beginning of a new life, gives confidence to the owner and protects a person in any difficult life turns.

The Aryan amulet, the talisman of the black sun, works in a similar way. It helps strengthen family relationships, discern the hidden meaning in many things and expand the boundaries of your knowledge of the world; in addition, the talisman has very strong protective properties. And the knot on it drives away bad thoughts, gives confidence and joy, and helps you see life in bright colors.

Making a solar amulet

Of course, it is best to create an amulet yourself, because it will have enormous power, although you can buy a ready-made talisman in the store. But in this case, it will have to not only be activated, charging it with the energy of the real Sun, but also cleansed of extraneous energy.

If you decide to create a solar amulet yourself, then it is best to use gold jewelry purchased specifically for this as a basis. Remember that the amulet of the sun must necessarily contain its image or other symbols associated with the Sun.

It is best to create an amulet from June 21 to June 22 at dawn, which is approximately half past four in the morning. The most important thing is to catch the first rays of the sun, because this is the most best time to create a talisman and activate it with solar energy. In addition, it is advisable to be at this moment outdoors or at least on the balcony.

So, you will need a glass or crystal bowl of spring water. You need to put the base of the future talisman in it and place it on the eastern side, as soon as the sun's ray slides across the water, say the spell:

“The power of the sun will not go away, but it will come to me.”

When you speak, try to imagine and feel with your sixth sense the energy of the sun that passes through you and flows into your talisman.

Leave the glass to stand until sunset, and as soon as the sun sets, catch the talisman and wrap it in a piece of fabric made of natural fibers, not synthetic. Then hide your amulet in nook, away from prying eyes, and do not get it until the winter solstice (December 22).

Then you can take out the amulet and wear it, preferably without taking it off.

Activation of an amulet with solar energy

Activation of the amulet must be carried out in the same way as during the creation of the amulet, at dawn. Take the finished amulet in your palms and, closing your eyes, concentrate. At this moment, it is best to sit in the sun to feel its warmth and energy.

Raise your hand with the medallion to your lips and whisper the following words to him:

“I, the servant of God (name), call upon the spirits of fire, I conjure you to come to me, to consecrate my talisman, to endow me with your power, so that it gives me the power of light, charm and magic, so that I have success in any matter, so that the sun protects me from black magic, from an evil eye, from an evil deed and a person. Let the talisman become my best assistant, let it be my strongest protector, let it guide me through life, let it bring me all the good things, let it protect me from all the bad things. May all that has been said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After the hex, the talisman must be smoked with a herbal mixture of chamomile, St. John's wort and sage.

On next stage you will need a burning candle and a dark room in which the amulet must be left until complete combustion candles. Fire will give your amulet strength and protect you from the influence of negative energy.

Recharging the solar talisman

Energy is not infinite, it runs out over time, so the energy in the solar amulet periodically needs to be replenished. To do this, the talisman must be placed in the sun to be saturated with power for the whole day - the light part of the day.

If suddenly your amulet darkens, then don’t panic, nothing bad happened. This only means that the amulet is currently active, that is, its energy is aimed at helping in the successful resolution of any current situation. In such a situation, the amulet must be cleaned with salt, leaving it in a bowl of salt for one day.

In autumn and winter, during cold seasons, when the sun appears in the sky less often, the amulet must be additionally recharged. It is best to let him bask in the sun's rays more often, and at night leave a candle made of real wax burning next to him. The candle will provide the sun amulet with the opportunity to replenish the lack of fire energy, light and heat.

The love and undeniable worship of our ancestors for the sun, as the source of life, found its expression in the protective swastika symbol called the Yarilo amulet.

We will consider below what powers this symbol has and how it can be protected today.

Who is Yarilo?

Young handsome man with blue eyes, briskly riding on a horse - this is how the Slavic god Yarilo is depicted, bringing the sun of spring, the blossoming of strength, warmth and passion. A deity born from an extramarital affair between the goddess Dodola and the god Veles (not to be confused with Volos). Mother is the patroness of love, youth, spring and fertility, the goddess of thunderstorms and rains; father was worshiped by storytellers, poets and sorcerers as a sage who knew Light and Darkness. From his parents, the god of spring inherited a frantic fuse and the ability to charge vital energy. In the series of solar gods it stands after Khors and Dazhdbog, i.e. the sun of winter and the sun of summer.

The image of the solar god is also mentioned under the names: Yarun, Jaromir, Dzhurilo, Yarila, Yarovit. The root of his name “yar” is interpreted in the following meanings:

  • spring;
  • rapid flow of spring waters.

In addition, he is credited with the ability to give love, since he himself was sincere and loving. Due to his irrepressible passion, he, reciprocating Lada’s declaration of love to the goddess of love, added that besides her he loves all earthly and heavenly creatures.

Prince Vladimir, Amulet Yarilo

Pagan sun. Yarila. The magic of the Russian word. Part 3

Amulets - Slavic amulet

After the adoption of the Christian faith in Rus', the image of the solar god was reincarnated as Yegor the Brave and St. George.

Amulet Yarilo

The life-giving sun Yarilo is depicted as a star with equal ends, a swastika in a wheel (circle), swastika crosses superimposed on each other and the sun itself in its traditional vision. The wheel, whose movement never stops, the sun - a symbol of eternal energy, when combined, form infinity and serve as the basis for a protective amulet.

The amulet was created from different materials: gold (metal related to the sun), silver (purification), copper, wood; depicted in the form of embroidery, drawing on leather, clay, stone, etc. Such a talisman carried spiritual warmth, light, uncontrollable power and feelings.

Eleventh dedicated to the Slavic god Slavic rune– rune Oud (similar English letter“h”), a special amulet that gives clarity of mind and enlightenment, brings love, fire, youth. The rune is associated with the masculine principle - “ud”, i.e. "limb". However, love is presented here not as a high feeling, but in earthly pleasures, which is also part of worldly existence. Equivalent to “Yar” among the Slavs, “Eros” among the Greeks - creating, putting things in order strength, fertility, rebirth.

Using the Yarilo amulet

Being the god of the formation of everything new, the origins of existence, one of the main purposes of the Yarilo amulet was the granting of fertility. By making the earth fertile, the amulet brought a rich harvest and a well-fed life, and gave women the birth of healthy offspring.

Next no less important The amulet was the destruction of evil spirits and evil spirits, so the heat of the sun’s rays did not allow evil and misfortune to penetrate into the heart, into the house, into the village.

The Slavs loved to present such an amulet to young warriors who were just learning the basics of military skill. Hot head and ardent disposition young fighter pacified the powerful symbol, harmonizing physical and spiritual energies. During the battle he did not let him lose heart and inspired him to attack.

The Oud rune stabilized the feminine and masculine principles, took care of the family, and was also used when they wanted to attract higher power and radically change the situation. This element of magical writing was applied to objects and materials.

What is the meaning of the Yarilo amulet today?

By copying inscriptions, drawings and signs from objects that archaeologists find during research, we try to join the culture of our ancestors and protect ourselves from negativity with the help of true knowledge about magic. Unfortunately, we cannot know for sure about the origin and meaning of many symbols; this is mainly rare signs, about which little is said in the ancient chronicles. The god of spring and fertility was loved and respected in the old days; cheerful, noisy holidays were held in his honor, so the amulet with his sign is one of the most beloved and widespread in our days.

Yarilo-Sun is spiritual formation and well-being. However, such a talisman should be used with great caution by those who are extremely unsure of themselves, are afraid of decisive and drastic actions, use foul language and neglect generally accepted moral principles.

When choosing a protective amulet for yourself, you should listen to your inner sensations: whether you feel a surge of strength, or maybe, on the contrary, there is discomfort when wearing it. No less important is your inner filling, bright thoughts, readiness to accomplish great things, and not an empty expectation of the influence of a magical object.

Imitating pagan beliefs, you can place the amulet in the house on the window, front door what will the house do? cup full", will drive away enemies, bring a little holiday to every day. If you buy jewelry, clothing with a sun pattern or an iconic image ancient god- this will make a person luckier, more attractive, more decisive.

For guys and girls, a solar amulet will help balance emotions, cope with love experiences, and think a little more soberly. This is generally a sign of youth, blood boiling in the veins, aspiration, an irrepressible thirst for life.

The symbolism of Yarilo will be an excellent amulet for newlyweds or, conversely, for those who no longer look at their soul mate as an object of admiration and devotion. Like the arrows of Cupid, the rays of the Slavic deity charge the hearts - a man and a woman will be inflamed with passion for each other or will be able to maintain their love and mutual interest.

The modern use of the Oud rune is the key to a person’s potential capabilities, which he is not aware of or something prevents him from realizing them. Its power can be used by men and women, because it is masculinity, physical strength, attracting a soul mate, the ability to procreate. It is good to combine “Oud” with the mineral carbuncle (strength, glory) and birch wood (peace, hard work, feminine energy) - this will enhance the magical effect of the amulet.

One way or another, with the help of a solar amulet, we can all get a piece of heavenly energy, get rid of failures and bad thoughts, and open up to something new.

The sun amulet is one of the oldest symbols denoting strength and courage, strengthening a person’s personal potential, and increasing the supply of vital energy.

The sun amulet is one of the strongest amulets aimed at balancing a person’s vital energy and harmonizing the main energy flows. Widespread The cult of the sun was acquired by the Scythians and North American Indians, as evidenced by archaeological research.

All ancient peoples worshiped the sun as a deity. The ancient Slavic symbol of the swastika is an expression of the solar principle in a slightly different form: the spokes of the wheel symbolized the main annual holidays of the Slavs.

This symbol was depicted on clothing, house skates, household items. It provided protection from troubles, raised vitality, and created harmony in the home. The image of a solar symbol above the doors of the house or above the windows provided protection from evil spirits entering the house.

Symbolism of the wheel and the sun

The symbol of the sun was associated with the wheel; both of these symbols were the basis for the creation of amulets and amulets.

The wheel resembles a moving solar disk passing across the sky, symbolizing the annual cycle in the cycle of time.

Just like the wheel, the sun amulet symbolizes infinity in its development. The wheel was interpreted as part of the heavenly chariot in which the sun made its journey across the sky.

It is believed that it was the observation of the movement of the sun across the sky that led to the creation of the wheel - the prototype of the solar disk.

What types of solar amulets are there?

Solar symbolism can be expressed in various forms: wheel, spirit of deity, Kolovrat, knot.

Let's look at each of these symbolic artifacts.

Winged disc of the sun

This Egyptian amulet recreates the body shape that the god Horus took in the fight against the malevolent Set. The artifact symbolizes protection from evil, damage, enemies and misfortunes.

In addition to protection, the amulet gives its owner peace of mind and harmony with your nature.

Sun stone

This is the Aztec calendar, which they used to find out the planetary rotation time, astrological changes, and the onset of eclipses.

Nowadays, the artifact is used to foresee events, manage one's time wisely, and also to extract maximum profit in short time periods.

The Indians worshiped the spirit of the sun, revived it and endowed it with consciousness. They considered him the giver of life and food, the root cause of existence. The artifact was considered a symbol of good luck, victory, strengthening of the spirit, and military glory.

The Indians believed in the power of the amulet so much that it could even warm them on cold nights.

Wheel of the sun

The Scandinavian symbol for solar energy is depicted in the shape of a wheel. This artifact was associated with wealth, abundance, success and well-being.

The sun was associated with the metal of gold and depicted on gold jewelry.

God Yarilo

Among the Slavs, the sun god was called Yarilo. The Yarilo amulet symbolized life and prosperity, the male fertilizing principle, gaining inner confidence, filling with vital energy, and restoring mental balance.

The amulet protected against spiritual and physical weakness, and any troubles in life.


This solar symbol personifies the gods: Svarog, Khors and Dazhdbog. The symbol was used as a powerful amulet against misfortune and damage. Kolovrat (swastika) gives strength to overcome difficulties, imparts wisdom and perseverance, and protects happiness.

The double-sided Kolovrat gives balance and harmony: on the one hand it symbolizes movement in the direction of the sun (posolon), and on the other - against the movement (protivosolon).

The solar node is the most powerful protective amulet Slavs The knot replaced the Kolovrat (swastika), a symbol of the solstice. The knot protected against any manifestations of demonic forces and dark magic.

The solar node also protected from one’s own painful thoughts and bad intentions, and imparted optimism and acceptance of being in rainbow colors.

Amulet of the Black Sun

This is one of the ancient Aryan symbols forgotten today, the bulk of knowledge about which is hidden. It was directly associated with Aryan deities and strengthened the birth canal, which has a powerful protective function for humans.

Information important for the life well-being of the descendant being cared for by the family also passed through the birth canal. The world of Navi was associated with other world, where the souls of the dead resided, and communication with this world through the black sun amulet made it possible to contact it. For example, it was used in fortune telling.

The sacred meaning of the black sun was expressed in rebirth. The image of the Kolovrat in reverse order was associated with the destruction of the old for the birth of the new. This mighty force destruction for the sake of revival expanded the boundaries of knowledge of the world, made it possible to learn the secrets of existence and accept destruction as a symbol of renewal.

The amulet also made it possible to see the hidden meaning in every thing, to “see to the root.” This symbol expands the boundaries of knowledge without distorting reality. But not every person can use this artifact, but only the strong in spirit. It can harm weak-willed people.

Sun and moon

There is an amulet that combines the symbols of both planets - the moon and the sun.

This artifact, due to its duality, symbolizes self-renewal.

The amulet opens up new horizons in life for its owner, bestows success and inner harmony.

It also enhances magical abilities, especially on full moon nights: a time of harmonious balance between both planets.

Amulet activation

  • white candle;
  • fireproof cookware;
  • coal;
  • sage;
  • St. John's wort;
  • chamomile.

If you purchased a sun amulet, this does not mean that important and significant changes will certainly occur in your life. The amulet must be worn correctly and taken care of.

What should be done to make the amulet work?

The purchased amulet should be activated, that is, charged with your intention, “revitalized”. To do this, light a candle from a match, take the amulet in your hands and say:

“Light spirits of fire!
I conjure you: sanctify the sun amulet with your light.
May he give me strength and greatness, success and luck, beauty and health!
May he protect me from the evil of black magic.
My words, your deeds.
Let it be so.

Smoke the herbs. To do this, place dry herbs in a fireproof bowl on coals and light them with a match (charcoal can be bought at a church store). Pass the amulet over the smoke of herbs several times and leave it near a lit candle: the artifact will be filled with the power of fire and will be ready for use.

How to care for an amulet? After purchasing and activating an artifact, you need to replenish it with solar energy every month. To do this, place the product on flat surface under the rays of the sun and leave until evening. If the amulet darkens, then it must be cleaned with salt.

Gold jewelry-amulet

  • gold decoration;
  • spring water;
  • glass jar or bowl;
  • a piece of white fabric.

Anyone can create a solar amulet. To do this, buy any gold jewelry without stones. On the day of the summer solstice (June 22), with the first rays of the rising sun, place the decoration in a container with spring water.

Place the container under the rays and, as soon as they touch the water, say the following spell:

“The power of the sun will not pass, it will go into the amulet!”

Say the spell exactly 12 times, according to the number of months in the year. When reading the plot, imagine how the energy of the sun's rays penetrates the object and remains there. After this, leave the amulet in a container of water until sunset. When the sunset rays disappear, remove the amulet from the water and pour it under a tree.

Wrap the amulet in cloth and hide it until the winter solstice. With the first rays of the rising sun, take out the amulet and show it to the sun. From this point on it is considered fit to be worn. And don't forget to fill it with sunshine every month!