Height of nipple drinkers for indo-ducks. Nipple drinker for ducks. The simplest automatic feeder for ducklings

Making feeders and drinkers for ducks with your own hands is a task that is feasible even for novice farmers. The advantages of such products are that you make them specifically for your case, focusing on the number of birds in your flock.

Before you figure out how to make feeders for ducks and ducklings, you should take into account several requirements in advance homemade designs. They are not complicated - basically you just need to take care of the safety of the animals, and also that the feeder or drinking bowl is easy to clean from food debris and debris.

You can make drinking bowls and feeders for ducks yourself.

Here are the basic tips you can use:

  1. The feeder must be appropriate for the age of ducks and ducklings: ducklings at 1 month of life should have a free 5 cm for approach, and during the first year the distance is gradually increased to 12 cm. Older birds should be provided with 15 cm. The indicated parameters are given for wet food containers, while for dry ones you can take into account the dimensions 2 times smaller.
  2. The materials used are those that are capable of preserving normal condition for a long time: they must be durable and resistant to rotting: plastic, metal sheets. Most available material- wood that can be used for dry food, and metal is well suited for wet mash.
  3. Separately, care should be taken to ensure that drinking bowls for small ducklings are not too deep. At the same time, chicks must submerge their entire heads - this is especially important on hot days.
  4. Finally, care must be taken to ensure that the material after processing does not have sharp edges, burrs, etc. Otherwise, the ducks and the farmer himself are at great risk of cutting themselves.

The main goal of creating your own feeders and drinkers is significant savings compared to purchased options. In addition, your own products can be adapted specifically to your case, taking into account the number of heads at each age and the location in the duck house.

Making feeders and drinkers with your own hands significantly saves your budget.

DIY duck feeders

There are feeders for dry and wet food, and if the container is made of galvanized metal sheets, it can be safely used as a universal product.

Tray feeder

A wooden tray feeder is perfect for dry food, because it can be made in literally 1 hour, and plywood and saw can be found in any household. The drawing shows an option for 10-12 adult ducks, which can approach the container from 2 sides at the same time.

It is supposed to hang such a feeder at a height of 18-20 cm from the floor, so that it is as convenient as possible for the birds to take food.

Important. Specialized stores sell tray feeders consisting of a container and a closing part that is inserted into grooves. This is especially convenient because in this case the birds will scatter less food. In the case of a homemade feeder, you can make a similar lid, or you can slightly increase the height of the sides and mount them at a slight angle.

If you make a trough feeder from a metal sheet, it will work well for wet mash.

A tray or groove feeder is suitable for mash.

Hopper feeder

A bunker feeder is a common version of an automatic feeder for dry mixtures, which is especially convenient because you can pour a lot of food into it at once for several days.

Along with wood, a galvanized sheet is also suitable, on which you need to make corresponding markup with a marker, bend it in the right places, and fasten it, like a wooden bunker, with self-tapping screws.

The simplest automatic feeder for ducklings

If you need to quickly build an additional feeder because the old one is broken and the ducklings do not have enough feeding points, this model will literally help out. You will need a 5-liter canister, wire and a bowl into which dry food will be poured. Along the diameter of this basin, in 8 places you need to make holes for the wire (it is better to take the thickest one you can find).

We make holes in the bottle in exactly the same places. We insert pieces of pre-cut wire into the holes of the basin and container, bending the edges so that the structure is firmly supported by weight - the food should flow freely from the bottom neck of the bottle (we fix it upside down).

A feeder for ducklings can be made from a 5 liter bottle.

Simple DIY duck drinkers

You can build a drinking bowl in a matter of seconds, and there is no need to monitor the device - all designs include automatic feeding new portions of water as the birds consume them due to gravity.

Drinkers made from plastic bottles

Very simple options drinkers for ducks and ducklings can be made from plastic bottles different volumes:

  1. Automatic drinker from a large bottle (5-6 liters)- This good decision for adult ducks: a bottle (canister) of the specified volume is placed in a regular basin, in the lower quarter of which a hole with a diameter of 1.5 cm is made (the finger should completely block it). When pouring water into the bottle, close the hole, then place the full canister in the basin and remove your finger: the water is poured into the container, and when the animals consume it, additional portions will fill the basin themselves.
  2. For ducklings, a design made of a glass or plastic jar with a volume of 1.5-2 liters and a saucer is suitable. Pour water into the container, cover the top with a saucer and press it tightly against the jar. We sharply turn the structure upside down so that the saucer is at the bottom. We install it in a room with ducklings and carefully place a small wooden stick under the jar so that water begins to leak into the saucer.

For small ducklings, a simple vacuum drinker made from a jar and a plastic stand is suitable.

Nipple drinker for ducklings

This drinker is intended mainly for ducklings. It is also called the teat because the chicks receive water in the same way that calves and other animals drink milk from their mother’s breast.

You will need the following tools and items:

  • square pipe - you can take a plastic one small pipe with square side dimensions within 22 mm;
  • nipples are selected depending on what birds you are going to feed: for small chicks you need to choose type 3600, which turns into different sides, and for older birds you can choose type 1800, which work on the “up-down” principle;
  • plug for square pipe;
  • a large container of water and a rubber tube - a source of water supply (or a central source);
  • adapter fastening square pipe with rubber round.

The tools you will need are an electric drill (9 mm drill) and a conical tap for threading.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

Trough drinker for adult ducks

It is best to make a drinking bowl for ducks and any other birds from materials that are resistant to rotting and quite durable.

In this sense, a plastic pipe large diameter fits perfectly:

  • it is inexpensive;
  • easy to install;
  • will last a very long time;
  • Due to its length, it is capable of providing water to a large flock of several dozen ducks;
  • cleaning it from dirt is also quite simple - if you do this regularly, then no deposits will form on the surface of the plastic;
  • Finally, this drinking bowl essentially combines the function of a small washbasin - ducks will be able to wash their beaks and cool down in hot weather by plunging their heads into the water.

The instructions for its manufacture are obvious - you need to cut several identical holes (for ducklings - small, for adult ducks - 3-4 times larger in all dimensions) and install it on a pre-designed durable stand. One end of the pipe is screwed with a plug, and an angle is installed on the other, through which water is poured.

The simplest drinker for ducks - sewage pipe with holes.

Important. Such a drinking bowl must be installed very securely, because if the pipe falls on the birds, they will inevitably receive severe damage, and large quantities of water will spill throughout the duckling.

The only drawback of such a device is that, together with water, it is quite heavy, and ducks will caress their beaks quite often, so the water will also have to be changed often. You will need the help of a second person to pull out the pipe, holding it on both sides.

Unusual drinking bowl

And finally - original idea on creating a drinking bowl from a large leaf of burdock or other plants.

First, it is immersed in a cement solution so that it retains its concave shape. You need to wait 2-3 days until the mixture hardens, and then paint it to your liking and dry it thoroughly in the sun.

This is a summer drinker, which, of course, performs aesthetic rather than practical functions. However, if you wish, you can decorate your area with similar items.

Here are tips from farmers who have been breeding ducks for several years and therefore have relevant experience self-made feeders and drinkers for ducks and other poultry.

Farmers do not recommend making feeders from thin plastic.

Yuri. At first, when I started working with ducks and poultry in general, I bought plastic feeders. However, they did not withstand either the test of frost or the test of time. Therefore, in general, I recommend either paying attention to a specific manufacturer of the product, or making it yourself. In addition, making both a feeder and a waterer for any number of ducks is very simple even for those who are encountering this for the first time. For example, buying a sewer pipe and cutting out several holes, installing plugs and making supports is a simple task. But it turns out to be a drinking bowl for a whole flock. Yes, and it’s quite suitable for feed, you just need to make the holes correspondingly larger. In this regard, the line between a drinker and a feeder is small - essentially the same structures, only with different materials.

Nikolai. Making feeders yourself is a good skill that will be useful on the farm. My favorites are automatic feeders and automatic waterers. For example, the same option with a hopper feeder made of metal sheet is a very simple product. You fold it like a paper boat - just make all the markings clearly, because even small errors make the structure leaky.

Anatoly. I draw the attention of beginners to important nuance any feeder or drinker: making it is one thing, but attaching it securely is another. A neighbor had an incident where a large water pipe overflowed and killed several ducks, which had to be slaughtered immediately. Keep this in mind - ducks are quite active birds, if anyone has ever raised them. And when there are a lot of them, they can easily turn over anything. Therefore, you need to literally fasten it tightly. Ducklings are another matter - you can simply hang them, but again securely, so as not to take risks.

Drinkers and feeders for ducks and other poultry can be purchased at appropriate stores. However, making them yourself is perfect solution get rid of unnecessary things in the household. In addition, this option is well suited for those farmers who are located far from large stores, and going to larger settlements no need in the near future.

In the video, the farmer explains how to properly make water bowls and feeders for ducks.

Every breeder thinks about how to save money, so he often arranges the poultry house on his own. Many of them decide to do DIY drinking bowls for ducklings because they want to create optimal conditions for individuals. For this purpose, they build a place to keep ducklings and arrange the appropriate equipment.

As for drinking bowls, they must correspond directly to the size of the number of ducklings. Wood, glass or metal are perfect for making your own drinking bowl.

Features of drinkers for small ducklings

The average length of the structure itself should be on average about 20 cm. The thickness of the walls is 3 cm. When making drinking bowls for babies with your own hands, the breeder should take into account the following aspects:

  1. The drinking bowl should be deep enough for individuals to dip their heads, this is especially important during periods of extreme heat.
  2. The compactness of the design is an important factor, because the more ergonomic the drinker, the easier it will be to clean.
  3. Thoughtful design with clean water, which corresponds to the age and number of ducklings.
A large automatic waterer for ducklings, which is very easy to make yourself

Often, such drinking bowls at home are made from scrap materials, including basins, plastic bowls, enamel buckets or other available means. However optimal option for “refreshing” - this is the manufacture of an automatic drinker.

How to build a drinking bowl for ducklings with your own hands?

Simple tips and recommendations from farmers will certainly make the task easier for beginning breeders. There are many manufacturing options, but let’s consider the simplest and most cost-effective method. Stages of making a drinking bowl for ducklings in household from scrap materials:

  1. Take a regular one glass jar, the volume of which is 1.5-2 liters, as well as a plate or saucer.
  2. Then this container must be covered with a plate and turned over sharply. A stick or tube should be placed between the jar and the plate, so that the liquid will gradually and slowly pour out as it decreases.
  3. When there is no more water in the drinking bowl, you should turn the structure back 180 degrees.

Simple drinking bowl for ducklings

You have quite spacious country cottage area or a house in the village and you decide to try to have ducks? Then this article is for you, because today we will talk about drinking bowls for ducklings and adults.

Before you buy several small yellow, fluffy lumps at the market or in a nursery, you need to prepare a comfortable pen for them with all the necessary equipment in advance.

We will share tips on how to properly arrange a place for ducks and ducklings and, in particular, how to make drinking bowls for them.

One of the most important topics The work of any poultry farmer involves the installation of drinking bowls, and this type of equipment becomes especially important when it comes to ducks, because these birds are waterfowl. That is why special requirements are imposed on the manufacture of drinking bowls for them. The well-being of the bird, its development and health will depend on how well the duck drinking bowl is designed.

Well, if you decide to acquire such a farm not only for yourself personally, but to a greater extent - to make a profit, then special attention should be paid to arranging drinking bowls for babies and adult ducks. In other words, good-quality, high-quality, albeit home-made waterers for ducklings (for example, from plastic bottles) will significantly improve the living conditions of the chicks, while making it easier for the poultry farmer to care for the babies. By the way, our video below is about this.

It is important to arrange the drinkers and feeders so that they correspond to the sizes determined by the number of chicks. You should also know that the daily water requirement of an adult duck is approximately 600 ml. This indicator must be taken into account when constructing drinkers for ducks, and must be based on the calculation of how many individuals will be per container of water.

The height of this structure should be calculated in accordance with how tall the average individual will be. Typically, this figure is about 20 cm.

To prevent the water temperature from dropping below zero during the cold season, experienced poultry farmers advise building drinking bowls with running water. When the flow of liquid is constant, it does not have time to freeze.

Types of drinking bowls for self-production

Today there are many types of bird drinkers, but some of them are quite expensive, while others cannot be “copied”, i.e. It is unlikely that you will be able to do them yourself.

Simple design for little ducklings

To make a simple drinking bowl at home, you will need an ordinary jar of no more than 2 liters in volume and some kind of saucer or plate.

We fill the jar with water, cover it on top with a saucer and, holding it, sharply turn everything upside down. Then carefully place a small stick between the saucer and the jar. Thus, water will be poured in small portions onto the saucer. A simple automatic drinker is ready.

Drinking bowl for adults

Over time, the ducklings grow up and a simple vacuum drinker is no longer enough. In addition, older individuals can easily overturn such a structure. Therefore, the farmer is faced with a new task: to make a container for the grown ducklings that can not only provide water, but also act as a kind of washbasin, allowing the ducks to wash their beaks there.

Many novice and inexperienced poultry keepers think that it is easier to place a large basin in the poultry yard, in which the ducks can splash around and drink water. This should not be done under any circumstances, since ducks need fresh, pure water. And the water in which the birds bathe becomes polluted very quickly, as a result of which there is a danger of infection and pestilence of the entire population.

In order to build a simple trough drinker yourself, you need to prepare in advance a metal sheet or a ready-made gutter. You will also need a small metal grid and screws or brackets for fastening. In addition, the gutter can be cut from a regular water pipe by carefully cutting it lengthwise and enclosing it with plugs on the sides.

Then cover the finished gutter with a net and divide it in half, blocking it with any slats you have at hand.

An important point: when using such drinkers, it is advisable to install them on any surface, but not on a metal surface, so that the structure does not rattle and frighten the bird.

A good material for making a drinking bowl with your own hands can be an ordinary car tire, which needs to be cut lengthwise. Thus, you will get two full drinking bowls at once. True, first you will still have to treat the structure with some means that eliminates the pungent odor of rubber. For example, thoroughly rinse the improvised drinking bowl with water and a large amount of soda - this will get rid of the unpleasant “aroma”.

It should also be remembered that even small ducklings love and know how to swim very well, so the drinking bowl must be designed and made in such a way that the kids cannot dive into it.


Many poultry farmers at home may face the problem of being unable to purchase the necessary equipment for their flock. The reasons may be different, but no one can live without drinking bowls and feeders. Living being. There are several ways to solve this; you can adapt any suitable container or work with your own hands to create a structure that is easy to use for both birds and humans.

The article will discuss the creation of drinking bowls suitable for young animals and adults.

Ducks are water-drinking birds. large quantities, which means the owner must regularly monitor its presence in drinking bowls. Most often, metal or wood is used for manufacturing.

When assembling a drinking bowl, it is important to take into account not the age group, but the number of livestock for which the container will be designed. For a small group of young animals average length can be taken at least 20 cm. The most convenient design it's made from wooden materials container with a wall thickness of about three centimeters.

It is worth considering the ducks’ love for water and their desire to swim wherever the opportunity arises. This means you should take care of creating a structure that will not allow birds to climb inside. When constructing a container for young animals, it is important to consider some features:

  • small ducklings should be able to completely submerge their heads in liquid. Accordingly, you need to think about the depth. It is recommended to create deep and narrow drinkers;
  • to make cleaning the container easier, the design is made compact and convenient;
  • It is important to take into account that young animals must be provided with round-the-clock access to a drinking bowl, which means it is worth thinking about the shape of the structure in a timely manner.

A few words about the most basic drinking bowls

Farmers use any items at hand as water containers:

  • buckets coated with galvanization or enamel;
  • pelvis;
  • plastic bowls;
  • basins.

And also everything that can be adapted as a drinking bowl, but such household items have a lot negative qualities:

  • constant contamination of water with particles of litter or duck droppings;
  • frequent fluid changes;
  • some ducks can climb into the container and tip it over.

Such fragile structures can be installed only for the smallest ducklings, but during this time, carefully monitor the birds so that they do not splash the water too much, and it does not cause colds.

It is best to install an automatic drinker, whose size and location corresponds to the number of livestock and age group.

Nipple drinker

This type drinking bowls are considered the most convenient, but making them yourself is not very easy. You will need to acquire the following things before starting work:

  • for medium-sized ducks you will need nipples 1800, for ducklings 3600, which work from the top-bottom movement;
  • square pipe 2.2x2.2 with the presence of internal grooves. When making a purchase, you need to think about the length with a minimum arrangement of nipples at a distance of 30 cm from each other;
  • ordinary pipe
  • drop suppressor and microbowl;
  • several mufflers;
  • an adapter that will connect a round and square pipe;
  • hoses with a water container, if it is not possible to connect the drinker to the water supply;
  • drill;
  • thin drill;
  • carving tool.

Sequence of work

  1. Mark the pipe and drill holes with a diameter of 9 mm.
  2. Make a carving conical tap and screw in the nipples.
  3. Can be used as a water container plastic tanks. A hole is made in the bottom with a diameter equal to the outlet hose.
  4. The joints are wrapped with electrical tape.
  5. Micro cups are strengthened under the nipples if 1800 were used, or drop catchers are used instead if 3600. The second pipe, equipped with nipples, is located in horizontal plane and is attached to a height that is comfortable for the bird.
  6. A container of water is fixed at the very top. It is recommended to install such structures indoors to prevent liquids from freezing. In the presence of low temperatures The tank is equipped with an aquarium heater.

Vacuum structures

Such drinkers have their own advantage: they are not difficult to make, and in quality they are in no way inferior to nipple designs.

Exist various options manufacturing. The easiest way is to use a plastic bottle as a base:

  • you will need a bottle with the required volume and small pallet, the role of which can easily be fulfilled by any plastic container;
  • using a wire frame or using metal profiles, secure the bottle to the wall;
  • you need to fill the container with water and screw on the lid;
  • the bottle is placed in the tray so that the bottom is at the top;
  • the sides on the pallet, which exceed the level of the neck of the bottle, should prevent water from spilling out;
  • The last step is to screw on the cap.

Grooved option

Necessary materials:

  • Metal sheet;
  • finished gutter;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • several brackets for fastening;
  • mesh with small cells;
  • stubs.

To create a gutter you can take water pipe, having previously made a cut in the horizontal direction. The plugs will need to be inserted from the sides of the structure.

A mesh and a partition are installed on top of the gutter in the middle part of the structure. It is not recommended to place such a structure on metal surfaces, otherwise during operation it may rattle and scare ducks.

What else can be used for drinking water?

Unusual material is car tire. Rubber is cut into longitudinal direction and so you get a couple of full-fledged drinking bowls at once. But before operating such a structure, it is necessary to carry out treatment with any special means capable of eliminating the rubber odor unpleasant to birds. You can use a solution saturated with soda.

To create good conditions To keep domestic ducks, they need to properly equip the barn. Making a drinking bowl for ducklings with your own hands is very simple. In addition, such a design does not require large material investments and is easy to adapt to the characteristics of the room.

What should the drinker be like?

Before you make a water bowl for ducks with your own hands, you need to learn about all the design features.

A good drinking bowl meets the following requirements:

  1. There is water in it all day.
  2. The sides correspond to the growth of poultry.
  3. The inside of the drinker, as well as the feeders, must be clean. Avoid clogging.
  4. The drinker should be well secured.

Wild ducks dive to depths of up to six meters. Domestic ducks cannot do this, but instinct speaks for itself. Therefore, it is very important to give them the opportunity to dip their head into the water at any time. And if you can’t install a mini-pond near the house, then you can put a trough for them (otherwise they will plunge straight into the drinking bowl). In the summer - in your yard, on pebbles and stones. In winter - in a room equipped with a drain for these purposes.

All described below homemade devices Suitable for breeding ducks and indo-ducks.

The simplest drinker

Depending on the conditions in which the birds are kept, the availability the right tools, materials and skills, you need to decide which type of drinking bowl is more suitable for ducklings.

To do the simplest design For little ducklings, engineering education or additional investments are not needed. Old kitchen utensils are enough.

You will need a jar with a volume of 1-2 liters, a saucer - if the ducklings are very tiny, or a cup - if the chicks have grown up.

  • Pour water into a container.
  • Cover the jar with a saucer.
  • Turn over.
  • Place the drinking bowl on flat surface and secure.

Sometimes a bowl of water is given to the ducklings. This method is suitable until they realize that they can not only dip their heads, but also flounder. The water will be dirty, the ground and birds will be wet. Diseases may develop due to dampness.

Regular groove

You can make drinking bowls for ducks with your own hands from:

  • A sheet of iron of a suitable shape, which must be bent by hand using a hammer along the edges until the structure resembles a trough.
  • The finished gutter, fixing the sides on both sides.
  • Sewer pipe. You need to cut several holes in the top. Place caps around the edges. The diameter of the pipe, the length of the drinker and the number of holes will depend on the number of ducks and their age.
  • Car tire. The tire should be cut in half and washed with chemicals until the odor is completely eliminated. If necessary, the wheel can be buried halfway into the ground.

Vacuum drinker

You need to make a drinking bowl for ducks using the same principle as using a jar with a cup. They only use plastic bottles and a large diameter container. This design belongs to the class of automatic ones, like similar types of feeders. It will be more stable and voluminous. Suitable for teenage ducks.

To build a vacuum drinker with your own hands, you will need:

  • Basin with a rim height of 8 cm.
  • A well-washed five-liter plastic bottle.

The bottle should be attached with the bottom down in the middle of the basin. It is convenient in that the water comes in gradually as their basin decreases, and it is also very convenient to replenish it.

Features of the nipple drinker

You can buy a nipple drinker, like some types of feeders, but sometimes it’s easier to make it yourself. Increasingly, experienced farmers and young poultry farmers are turning to this species.


  • Convenient to use.
  • The water is not polluted.
  • Used economically.
  • You can buy a drinking bowl in a specialized store without using any physical effort.
  • No dirt or dampness.


  • Unlike structures made from old pipes and plastic bottles, invest real money.
  • It takes a long time to collect.
  • There is no way for ducks to put their heads in the water. Suitable for indoor use in cold weather.

How to make a nipple drinker

To make nipple drinkers for ducks beneficial, you must follow the instructions.