Install a metal door with 3 hinges. How to install hinges on interior doors, depending on their types. Installation of mortise hinges

Installing hinges on the door is an important installation step. door leaf and boxes. On the one side, this process does not cause any problems, since it comes down to installing the hinges themselves and securing the door leaf, but on the other hand, it requires time, as well as patience and the availability of the tools necessary for installation. Before installing door hinges with your own hands, think about whether you can achieve High Quality work. It is on the correct installation of hinges and doors on them that their further operation largely depends.

Types of door hinges

Features of the installation of certain loops will depend on their type. Hinges are classified according to structural features and fastening into three main types:

  • Invoices. They consist of two identical parts fastened together. One part is fixed to the door frame, the other to the leaf. There are also ones that represent a single whole. Installation of overhead hinges does not require special skills and is the simplest and most accessible to everyone.

Mortise. They are characterized by a more complex and time-consuming installation, which requires special equipment and skills to work with it. The complexity of installation is compensated by the wide distribution of mortise hinges, as well as their reliability and durability.

  • Screw-in. They are fastened using threaded pins - they are screwed into the door leaf, thereby securely fastening to its surface. Usually installed in the amount of three pieces per door, they differ in the number of fastening pins.

There are also hidden door hinges, which are highly complex to install, but guarantee excellent security and safety of your home.

Preparing the necessary tools

The installation process is unthinkable without a set of certain materials, tools and equipment necessary for the job. So, before starting installation you should prepare:

  • door hinges.
  • screwdriver and set of screws.
  • pencil (necessary for marking).
  • a set of wooden wedges for leveling the structure.
  • building level.
  • hammer and chisel.

After you have verified that the work area You have the tools and materials listed above, you can start installation door hinges.

Correct marking

Installing door hinges by eye is unacceptable - even a small error can lead to distortion and deformation of the door leaf and structure. Marking is done with a pencil as follows:

  1. Attach the hinges to the intended installation locations. Hinges should be placed with a minimum distance of 20 centimeters from the edges of the door (top and bottom).
  2. Trace the hinges attached to the door end with a pencil, then set them aside.
  3. Using a chisel and hammer, make the indentations in the marked areas necessary to install the mortise hinges.

Pay close attention to the thickness of the recess. If it exceeds the thickness of the hinge, the door will rest against the frame when closing. Ultimately, this will lead to deformation of the door leaf and problems with opening and closing the door.

Before installing hinges on the door, you need to mark the door frame. This operation will require skill and patience to correctly determine the location of the loop:

  1. Place the canvas in the box and secure it with wooden wedges in the way it should be in the installed state. To level the door leaf, use a building level.
  2. After aligning the canvas, mark on the frame where the door hinges come into contact with the door.
  3. As with the door leaf, use a hammer and chisel to make the required number of recesses for installing door hinges.

The alignment of the door leaf in the frame should be carried out not only vertically, but also horizontally. Unfaithful vertical installation will cause the door to open spontaneously, and the horizontal one will make it difficult to close it.

Correct installation of door hinges

Installation of mortise hinges

Inserting hinges into an interior door is the most complex procedure possible, so once you master it, you can easily install overhead and screw-in hinges. The installation procedure for mortise hinges is as follows:

  1. Sink the hinges into the recesses made in the previous stages of work on the door.
  2. Using a screwdriver, make holes in the wood for the hinges.
  3. Take screws of suitable diameter and use a screwdriver to secure the hinges on the door leaf.
  4. Install the door in doorway and secure it with wooden wedges.
  5. Sink the loops into the indentations made, then repeat steps 2-3.

During installation, carefully ensure that the door is level in the frame and does not move during installation. Before hanging the door on its hinges, carefully align it in the doorway using building level(as when marking).

Installation of overhead hinges

This is the easiest method to use and does not require insertion and preliminary preparation doors and door frame(without creating recesses). The simplicity lies in the design of such hinges and in the installation features - you don’t have to think about how to weld the hinges and secure them as firmly as possible in the socket.

Installation is similar to installing mortise hinges, however, the parts are not installed in special recesses, but are simply screwed to the end of the door and frame using screws. As in the previous case, it is important to maintain the correct position of the door leaf in space throughout the installation of the hinges.

Installation of screw-in hinges

Installation of screw-in door hinges will not cause problems even for a novice craftsman. Typically, installation involves three simple steps:

  1. Before installing the hinges on the door, you need to drill holes in the door leaf using a special template, which usually comes with the hinges. Sockets for hinges are drilled both on the door and on the frame, at the same level.
  1. The next step is to install the hinges in place. One half is placed on the door, the second on the frame.
  2. The final stage is “stringing” door hinges onto frame hinges. This completes the simple installation of hinges.

After installation is complete, it is recommended to prevent squeaking when opening and closing doors, as well as to extend the life of door hinges. If you have any questions about correct installation door hinges, you can get Additional information from the video (and also consolidate the information already obtained from this article), which can be found and played below.

During the installation of an interior door, one of the important stages is to fasten the hinges and hang the fabric on them. The fittings are selected based on your own preferences, taking into account the characteristics of the door and who will do the installation. Butterfly or card hinges are particularly easy to install and do not require scrupulous turning work to insert fittings. You will learn how to install butterfly hinges on an interior door in this article.

What are the features of this type of fittings?

Butterfly-shaped canopies structurally consist of two inseparable parts. When folded, the smaller element is nested inside the larger one. For this reason, there is no need to equip a groove to install the fittings. Fastening is carried out using conventional hardware and does not require professional tools and skills.

Advantages of hinged hinges

Typically, butterfly hinges are used as fittings for the first attempt at installing an interior door. They are characterized by the following advantages:

  • Relative strength and wear resistance. Typically, this fittings are made of stainless steel or brass and coated with a galvanic layer, which provides additional resistance to mechanical wear.
  • Easy installation. The hinges do not require insertion, so inserting them does not require the help of a specialist.
  • Comfort of use. The design of the fittings includes bearings that ensure smooth operation and no squeaking.
  • Versatility. Suitable for left and right door mounting.
  • Aesthetic appearance. Stylish and modern form loops go well with many interior styles. A wide range of colors allows you to choose fittings in accordance with the shade of the door.

For hanging fabric standard sizes It is enough to purchase two loops designed for loads from 40 to 100 kg.

Disadvantages of butterfly loops

The disadvantages of card loops include:

  • Their lack of reliability. Due to the fact that the fittings are located on the outside of the canvas, it is easy to dismantle for the purpose of hacking.
  • Inability to screw door hinges onto a door equipped with a hinged strip around the entire perimeter.
  • Not suitable for hanging techno-style doors with the illusion of no fastening.

Experts identify several features of butterfly awnings that must be taken into account before installing hinges on an interior door:

  • the need to accurately screw the hinges to perfectly fold the sides of the canopy to avoid unevenness of the door and problems during operation;
  • frequent appearance of a small gap, which is side effect loop cards;
  • impossibility of removing the door leaf without unscrewing the hardware.

Butterfly hinges are best suited for lightweight interior doors. For hanging heavy interior or entrance structures It is better to give preference to other more reliable fittings.

When analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of these products, you need to decide whether you will install a butterfly hinge or give preference to other, more suitable fittings.

How to install butterfly hinges on an interior door?

Before installing overhead fittings on the door, you need to prepare necessary tools. You will need a stationery knife, electric drill or a screwdriver, fasteners and a set of drills.

Installation diagram

The installation of this fittings begins with the marking stage. To do this you need:

  • measure 200 mm from the top and bottom of the canvas and attach a loop;
  • Use a pencil to mark the location of the hardware.

Further actions are performed according to the installation diagram:

  • Drill holes along the marked notches, the diameter of which is slightly smaller than the corresponding indicator of the screws.
  • Screw the smaller half of the overhead fittings to the end of the canvas using a screwdriver or screwdriver.
  • Secure the other part of the canopy to the box. To do this, the fittings must first be fully opened, attached to the beam and the appropriate markings must be made.
  • After installation, critically evaluate the quality of the work performed.

Nuances of proper installation

When fastening hardware, you should maintain the same distance between the fasteners on different parts cards. If you fasten them closer on one side and further on the opposite side, this will manifest itself in problems during operation. So that this can be corrected correct installation should be done in a safe place on the canvas, where a special wooden beam is laid. If you drill a hole in another place, you can ruin the canvas itself. This will lead to the need complete replacement doors.

If you attach the fittings correctly, then the component fragments of the hinges should fit into one another without gaps or errors. In this case, the outer card lies flat on the end of the door leaf. If this condition is not met, it means that an error was made when installing the fittings, which will negatively affect the operation of the structure. Experts recommend eliminating the defect by placing a thin piece of cardboard under the loop.

On sale you can find sheds in which the cards are not located in a single plane, but have a discrepancy between the internal and external parts in 1 mm. Their operation differs in convenience, and installation is carried out according to the same method described earlier.

What to do if a defect was detected in the operation of the butterfly loop?

The butterfly hinge has such a simple and laconic design that it is ideal for installation by a novice craftsman. As a rule, with a lack or complete lack of experience in carpentry, some errors in installation occur. You may not notice them right away, but soon during operation of the structure they will manifest themselves in creaking, spontaneous opening of the door, or, on the contrary, in difficulty closing the door. Experienced craftsmen They claim that every defect can be corrected with your own hands.

Identified defect in the operation of the door


The door creaks when in use, opens spontaneously, the hinges and door lining wear out quickly

The wings of the hinges do not fit tightly to the end or to the door frame. Most likely, there are excess gaps and the loop is “walking”

The defect is corrected by placing a small piece of cardboard so that the free part of the loop fits tightly to the surface of the canvas or box

The door does not close completely during operation

It is necessary to replace hinges in which the wings are not located in a single plane

Old fittings are replaced with awnings of a suitable type. Another way is to place a small piece of cardboard with inside designs.

Unable to close the door tightly

Top hinge sagging. At the stage of preparation for installation, the correct gap (larger in size) was not provided on the side of the lock

The problem is most often identified at the final stage of installation of the canvas and frame, when a change can cause harm appearance products. The solution is to embed the external card into the door frame.


It is best to install overhead awnings on light ones interior doors, the functions of which do not have increased requirements. They are very decorative and easy to install, but are not able to withstand a massive structure and last a long time in conditions of increased wear and tear. For entrance and heavy doors, it is recommended to choose fittings that are more resistant to wear and tear.

The superiority of removable canopies over universal ones, analysis of “butterfly” and “invisible” hinges. Distributing the load and explaining why the third loop just ruins everything. Separate mini-review – ideal partners for a massive door.

1. “Let’s decide: heavy doors are how many in kilograms?”

Conditionally: from 50 kg. Anything lighter can be handled by regular mortise hinges with 2.5mm thick cards. But for doors heavier than 50 kg, it is better to buy thicker hinges.

In general, the weight of the canvas depends primarily on: a) the material and method of filling; b) dimensions; V) exterior finishing. So that you understand the average layout:

~ 14 kg – weight of a “cardboard” interior door without glass (800 x 2000 mm, thickness – 35 mm).

~ 17 kg – a similar model, but with a wide glass insert from top to bottom.

A solid oak interior door (800 x 2000 mm, thickness 35 mm) weighs ~ 40 kg.

The entrance door made of solid ash weighs ~ 75 kg (900 x 2000 mm, thickness – 55 mm).

~ 115 kg – weight of a church oak door (1300 x 2300 mm, thickness – 60 mm).

These figures are valid for bare canvas and you should always keep the weight in mind decorative overlays(if any) and, of course, accessories. Alone door handles add 0.5-1 kg on top.

2. “How is the load distributed on the hinges holding heavy door

Let's say we have classic version– door with two mortise hinges. Then the lower one bears the main axial load, and the upper one mostly takes the radial load. Simply put, the bottom hinge bears the weight of the sash, while the top hinge is subject to a force that tends to pull the hinge out of the jamb.

Door hinges wear mostly downward. Under the weight of the canvas, their halves are ground against each other, and bearings are gradually developed. As a result, over the course of a year, the interior door in the house drops by about 0.2-0.3 mm. That is, in 5 years it will inevitably sag by 1-1.5 mm. And this even with ideal conditions: adequately selected hinges, proper installation, etc.

Thus, the correct (taking into account the weight of the door leaf) choice of door hinges will allow you to delay as much as possible creaking, stiff movement, clinging of the door leaf to the frame and other incidents. And vice versa: if you hang a thick oak door on steel hinges 100 x 75 x 25 mm, then expect disaster. The hinges may not break out of the box, but they will suddenly sag.

3. “Why do you suggest buying mortise hinges for a heavy door? There are overhead “butterfly” awnings.”

No groove (groove) is made for butterflies. In fact, the door is held by four poor self-tapping screws bottom loop. Butterflies also have a gigantic gap “out of the box”, which will only grow. In this situation, any wooden door in the 50+ kg category is doomed. It will quickly sag and begin to rub against the frame, even if it is hung by 3-4 butterflies.

4. "A door hinges hidden installation(“invisible”)? What's wrong with them?

They have a short hinge mechanism and a small fastening area, which leads to an increase in the load on the screws, and there are two of them on the sash and frame sides. In general, it is already clear that these are not the best hinges for thick doors (as well as for tall, wide, etc.).

Many more invisible ones narrow the opening angle. Sometimes very seriously - from 180° to 100°. You can, of course, move the box forward, as if drowning the platband in it, but this is unlikely to please your master. He already has a lot of work planned, because under hidden hinges the groove is milled not by 2-3 mm, as is the case with mortise ones, but often by 10-11 mm or more. It would seem okay. But then we remember that we have heavy wooden doors and inside is not soft pine, but something very hard - oak, beech, ash. Such wood can be removed with a milling cutter, but it will not be so quick and easy. By the way, it won't be cheap either.

And since we're talking about money. Decent hidden door hinges (the kind that can withstand a heavy door) cost from RUB 3,000/piece.

5. “So, mortise hinges. But which ones: universal or removable?

Removable. And the point is not that with them you can remove the canvas at any time without unscrewing the screws. They have another not obvious, but extremely important advantage - simplicity. Removable hinges have only two rubbing surfaces and one support point (in the form of a hardened ball at the end).

Due to the simplicity of the design, removable hinges have less play and are not so sensitive to workmanship. Basically, if the ball rests against the cap, the hinges should and will work fine. Even if otherwise they have minor and moderate flaws in geometry.

With universal canopies on 4-5-6 bearings everything is complicated. To ensure that the bearings are evenly loaded, precision casting is required. It is unrealistic to achieve this in the cheap segment: door hinges for heavy doors costing 150-200 rubles are not cast, but stamped, and the axial play in them can reach 1-1.5 mm. This is already enough so that even with a perfect insertion, only one bearing plays the lead, and the rest just play along. In turn, this forces wear on the first bearing. After it is worn out, the blade will sag to the position of the next one, which from that moment will begin to work towards accelerated wear.

By the way, the removable loop has another advantage. If it sags, you can compensate for the change in height by ordering a brass or bronze washer from a turner and placing it on the axle. Universal awnings are not removable - and such a trick will not work there.

6. “How many hinges do you need for a heavy door - two or three?”

By two, except in special cases (more on this at the end of the paragraph). In this case, they should be fastened with a distance of 200 mm from the top and bottom of the canvas.

Why exactly two loops? First of all, three is almost always overkill. Let’s say you can order Palladium N 700 door hinges from us, which together can handle a 90-kilogram leaf. And 90 kg is a lot: 99% of home doors made of wood will fit into this limit.

Secondly, the third loop is needed for pressing. Its participation in load distribution is negligible, if not zero at all.

Thirdly, it is incredibly difficult to embed three hinges, aligning them along the same axis. Even if it works out, no one has canceled the seasonal fluctuations of wood, and the door will inevitably move. Because of this, the carefully set alignment will move, the load on the canopies and fasteners will become variable. Simply put, the porch will be broken, one of the hinges will begin to creak. Moreover, it is impossible to predict which one.

It makes sense to add a third loop in two cases:

Weak and thin door frame (≤ 20 mm in thickness);

High blade (≥ 2200 mm).

7. “I want to buy hinges for heavy wooden door, which will last at least 20-30 years. No creaking, jerky movement, sagging, etc. What to look for?

1.[Sideliness] This is if you listened to our recommendation and settled on removable models. How to distinguish a right loop from a left one.

2.[Size] If the door is heavy (70+ kg), take higher and thicker awnings. For example, our brass hinges Palladium N 700-5″ (125 x 80 x 4 mm) - they are designed for weights up to 100 kg. If the door is moderately heavy (60-70 kg), 100 x 80 x 4 mm will do. TO interior paintings weighing 40-45 kg you can limit yourself to loops 100 (125) x 75 x 2.5 mm.

3.[Material] Steel is, at best, a B minus in geometry. Brass hinges tend to be much more accurate because they are not stamped but rather cast.

From the right choice entrance doors The safety of the owners depends, and further comfort and coziness in the house depends on the successful selection of interior furnishings. But not only the canvas itself is important, but also the high-quality installation of fastening elements. Using the most suitable awning ensures long term whole door service.

Types of canopies

A variety of door hinges allows you to choose which way the door will open. Therefore, so that after installing it you do not regret the decision taken, it is important to decide in advance on the type and operating principle of the loops.

Hinges are a fairly simple device that allows you to do all the work yourself.

Butterfly loops

They are the most practical for interior doors. Butterfly loops got their name because of their characteristic shape - when open, they resemble the wings of a butterfly. When folded, the canopy is one card thick. This is achieved thanks to a special shape ─ when closing, one “wing” of the butterfly is precisely marked into the cutout of the second.

When installing such hinges, it is very important to select suitable screws. Since the two parts of the butterfly’s “wings” will be in direct contact with the wood, you should use screws whose heads will be ideally hidden in a special groove in the hinge. At making the right choice, the sash will close well and no additional difficulties will arise during its use.

Simple mortise

This is the most widely known type of awning. It is used in almost every home. It consists of two parts and is secured with ordinary wood screws.

Since doors can vary in size, such hinges must also meet operating requirements.


Structurally, they are not much different from the previous ones, but there are still some differences. The main nuance that should be taken into account when installing these canopies is the installation method. If the previous option is simply attached to the end of the door, then for of this type loops, special recesses must be made (embedded). This is necessary in order to hide the fastening plates and create a smaller gap between the door frame and the jamb.

Installation of overhead hinges

This work is not particularly difficult due to the simplicity of the hinge design. Outwardly, they are quite simple: two parts (“male and female”) are connected into one, which makes installation easier. In order to secure the door smoothly and correctly on the awnings, you first need to screw the hinges to the door frame. This installation must be done extremely accurately, otherwise the result will be curvature and they will not be able to open normally.

Next, you need to correctly install the door on the substrate. required height and under small angle regarding overhead awnings. Then you need to open it and lean it against the end of the frame. It is important to accurately fix the position of the door. This can be done with a regular plumb line. After final adjustment, you can fix it with self-tapping screws.

They need to be tightened firmly, but carefully so as not to disturb the structure of the wood.

Universal hinges are quite simple in design. Their main difference is that they are made one-piece. They are often small in size, which undoubtedly gives them a certain elegance. Their installation will not take much time, because it does not require any additional work. Such loops have a small thickness, so even with closed door, the gap between it and the opening lining is small. When using universal canopies, the beauty of the doorway and the inconspicuousness of the joint are preserved.

How to install hinges correctly

No matter how beautiful and attractive the door is, it is wrong installed hinges It's not just the impressions that will be spoiled. If it does not close, the benefit will be small. Therefore, at the marking stage it is important to take the work seriously. Many this work performed either in a hurry or on a quick fix. But more often than not, after this you have to twist the awnings many times and damage the wood of the door. To avoid this, you need to know some nuances regarding the installation of hinges.

Number of loops. It all depends on the size and weight of the door being installed. Since its weight can vary from 2.5 to 8 kg, the number of canopies will also vary. Standard height interior doors do not exceed 2.3 m, the most correct solution would be to install two canopies.

However, there are designs that have large dimensions. In this case, you need to increase the number of loops.

If there are three of them, you can combine them as follows:

  • Two on the edges of the door (15-20 cm from the edge), and one in the center;
  • Two at the top (the second is 10 cm lower than the first);
  • Two below (the second is 10 cm higher than the last).

It is recommended to carry out marking in several stages. To make work easier, it is best to divide the loops into two parts - upper and lower. The second canopy element (the one with the pin) should be mounted on the door frame, while the first (with a special groove for the pin) will be mounted on the door frame.

When starting directly to marking, it is advisable to arm yourself with a sharp pencil. In order to make the markings on the door frame with your own hands as correctly as possible, you can simply attach one of the parts of the canopy in the place where it will be attached. Then you should trace it along the contour with a pencil.

It is important to do this as close to the edges of the loops as possible. Since special recesses are often cut out for them on the frame and on the door frame, the further operation of the interior door will depend on the accuracy and quality of the markings.

After the markings are made on the frame, you can proceed to the door frame. In order to select the correct height for the second part of the canopy (the one with the pin), you can resort to one trick: place a board under the door, the width of which corresponds to the height of the desired gap between the door and the floor; after which you need to transfer the dimensions of the canopy to doorjamb so that they coincide with the first part of the hinges screwed to the frame.

Inserting hinges into interior doors

To make the awnings look beautiful, they can be embedded into wood - both the door frame and the door itself. Many people choose to do this work with their own hands, because there is nothing complicated about it. It will require several tools:

  • Chisel;
  • Hammer;
  • Pencil;

Before you begin, it is important to correctly and accurately outline the canopy on all sides. Next, using these measurements, you need to make a recess with a depth equal to the thickness of the hinge material.

The whole process is clearly shown in the following video:

In order to make the grooves efficiently and correctly, it is important to take your time and approach this matter responsibly. It is necessary to make exactly the depth that will ideally correspond to the thickness of the plate. After all, if the groove is deeper, the frame protrusions will catch and opening and closing will not be smooth. And vice versa - if it’s too small, then there’s simply no room left for loops.

So, having more complete knowledge in the matter of choosing loops, you can make your choice more confidently. It is worth remembering that no matter the quality of the hinges, timely lubrication of the rotation elements will only extend their service life. Moreover, installation and insertion of canopies will serve good experience and will be useful in the future.