Goniometer description. Universal mechanical protractor: review, description, instructions for use, types, prices. Classification by purpose


Goniometer(synonyms - inclinometer, goniometer, goniometer, goniometer) - a goniometer device (tool, projectile) designed for measuring geometric angles in various structures, in parts and between surfaces (mainly by the contact method) and between distant objects (optical method). The measurement is made in degrees, based on a bar scale, a bar-circular scale (with a mechanical pointer or pointer), a vernier or in electronic format, depending on the type of device.

Protractor in itself in simple form consists of two plates (rulers), fixed together on one axis, remaining movable on this axis (forming a movable square), with a printed scale expressed in degrees. The scale can be ruled or ruled-circular (marked in a circle around an axis, on one of the rulers). In some practical applications, such as carpentry, it is not necessary to adjust all the corners of the square and usually work with several fixed angles, one of these carpenter's squares has a special name - erunok (a carpenter's square in which the rulers are fixed at an angle of 45° or in a triangular shape of 45° /45°). Protractors first appeared in ancient times (in Ancient Egypt And Ancient Rome), when the need arose when conducting construction work establish certain angles in various buildings and between surfaces.

Types of goniometers

  • construction goniometers - designed for construction, installation, marking and design work. Allows you to control installation building elements and installation construction equipment, carry out installation various designs, which consist of inclined elements located relative to each other at a certain angle. In construction, for marking and construction work, along with a protractor, a plumb line and a level (level, leveler) are used.
  • carpenter's, joiner's protractors - designed for carpentry and carpentry work (can be with adjustable or fixed angles - square, triangle, square, erunok).
  • fitter's goniometers - designed for performing metalwork work.
  • Topographer's protractors - designed to perform topographic work.
  • Mining protractors are instruments for measuring horizontal and vertical angles and distances in surveying surveys that do not require high accuracy.
  • educational protractors - protractors with fixed angles (triangles, squares, with angles of 45°/45°/90° and 30°/60°/90°) and goniometer instruments (protractors, for measuring angles from 0° to 180°, with accuracy 1°), are combined with a ruler, used for measuring angles, for drawing polygons and for various calculations. There are two types of educational goniometers: large ones - for the chalkboard and small ones - for calculations and drawing by students in notebooks and albums.
  • engineering (design) goniometers are high-precision measuring instruments that are used to measure angles (external and internal) of structures, parts and surfaces, by direct contact or remote objects, by the optical (laser) method.
  • Astronomical inclinometers are high-precision measuring instruments that are used to measure angles between the surface (horizon) of the Earth and a distant object (for example, the sun) or between distant objects (for example, stars), using the optical measurement method. For this purpose, telescopes equipped with inclinometers can be used.
  • nautical (navigational) protractors - designed to determine geographic latitude (from tables, from the measured angle of the luminary) during long sea voyages. For this, goniometric instruments are used, using the optical method of measuring angles - sextants. The operating principle of this device is based on the fact that the angle of the luminary (sun, moon, stars) above the horizon on a certain day and time also depends on the geographical latitude at which it is located. observer. A similar protractor can be used even on airplanes to determine the geographic latitude of the aircraft’s location.
  • Artillery protractors - designed for installing an artillery gun at the required angle.

By type of device, inclinometers are mechanical (simple and vernier), fixed angle, optical, pendulum, electronic (digital) and laser. There are also combined electronic inclinometers with an electronic level and electronic inclinometers with a laser level.


Goniometers differ in device type, size and errors. An important parameter protractor are the limits of permissible error when taking measurements. The instrument error depends on the purpose of the goniometer instrument and is a specified parameter.

Training goniometers

see also


  1. D. N. Ushakov Dictionary Russian language.
  2. Big Soviet encyclopedia. Goniometer devices. Mountain goniometer.
  3. V. Dahl. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language.
  4. Dictionary by natural sciences. Glossary.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


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IN modern construction Quite a lot of attention is paid to the so-called geometry of space - everything in the room should be perfectly level! This is explained by the fact that most interior items require smooth walls and corners for installation. Take, for example, a corner bathtub - what happens if the tiler/tiler cannot maintain the 90˚ angle in this room? The gap between the wall and the bathroom is guaranteed, and masking it is an additional waste of time and money. In this article, together with the website stroisovety.org, we will take a detailed look at such a tool as a protractor, get acquainted with its varieties and learn how to use it, because it is this tool that allows you to control the correctness of angles within the required value.

How to choose a protractor

Goniometer: varieties and features of their designs

All protractors that are used in one way or another modern world, can be divided according to purpose into seven types. Each of them has its own, purely individual specialization and, accordingly, a special design.

  • Construction goniometer. It is used for installation, marking or design work. They can differ in size and method of measuring angles - for so-called field work related to marking the area and laying the foundation, in most cases an engineering goniometer called a “tacheometer” is used (this is a type of optical device), and for installation small structures applies rack and pinion device with measuring scale. The main difference between a construction protractor is the length of both measuring rods - as a rule, it is at least 0.5 m.

    Construction goniometer photo

  • Bench protractor - it is used for production fine work, characterized by high accuracy.
  • Carpenter's goniometer. A purely approximate device designed for working with wood.
  • Mining protractor - used by surveyors to measure angles between remote long distance objects on the ground.
  • Astronomical protractor - its name speaks for itself. Its accuracy remains unrivaled.
  • Nautical protractor - used to determine latitude in sea and ocean spaces.
  • Artillery protractor - mounted on a weapon and allows it to be accurately aimed at a target.
  • And these are only the main types of protractor, most often found in our world. In addition to them, there are a lot of other similar devices that are less used, but at the same time irreplaceable in their field.

    Types of protractor

    Differences between goniometers by device type and measurement principle

    According to their design and the principle of measurements, all existing inclinometers can be divided into six types - these are electronic inclinometers, laser, optical, pendulum, mechanical and fixed angle inclinometers. Let's look at them in a little more detail.

  • Electronic protractor. It is also called a digital angle meter - the operating principle of this tool is based on the action of semiconductors. You can distinguish such a protractor from all others by the presence of an electronic display on which the measurement results are displayed. This is a fairly accurate tool that can be used for installation of critical structures.
  • Laser protractor. Has enough a large number of all kinds of designs, but they all work on the same principle - the device emits two beams directed at two different points. Angle measurements can be made either visually or electronically. The disadvantage of this modern protractor is the problem when working in daytime– the laser beam is quite difficult to catch with the eye in bright lighting. This state of affairs can be corrected with the help of special receivers that signal the precise targeting of the beam to the required point.

    Laser protractor photo

  • Optical protractors. They can be distinguished by the presence of a so-called “eye” - an optical lens used to take measurements. A prominent representative of such goniometers is the tacheometer.
  • Pendulum goniometers. They are widely used in the field of tool production, but they also have their own niche in construction - they easily determine the angle of deviation of a particular structural element from the horizon. Their principle of operation is based on the operation of a pendulum or, as it is also called, a gyroscope, which constantly takes its place in accordance with gravity. In fact, the scale of such a protractor remains stationary, and only the arrow mounted on the opposite end of the pendulum moves.

    Pendulum protractor photo

  • Mechanical protractors. They are divided into two types - simple and vernier protractors. This instrument belongs to the contact class - to measure angular values, close contact is required with two surfaces of the angle being measured.
  • Fixed angle goniometers. This is a highly specialized tool that allows you to measure an angle of a certain size - with its help you can control, for example, an angle of 90 or 30˚. It can be called more of a template than a measuring tool.
  • In addition to the above types of inclinometers, there is also a so-called universal inclinometer - it is designed for everyday monitoring of work and is not particularly accurate. And among the universal tools of this type, you can often find combined varieties that combine several methods of measuring angles - quite common designs of this type are laser-mechanical inclinometers or electronic ones. The latter can be combined with almost all types of protractors.

    Universal protractor photo

    How to use a protractor: the principle of taking measurements

    Measuring angles has a simple principle, especially if we're talking about O modern devices stuffed with electronics. If we talk about them, then all that is needed to measure angles is to install the instrument slats in the desired position or point its beams at the required points. Then it’s up to the electronics – it is they who perform all the necessary calculations.

    Mechanical, optical and similar protractors are another matter - here you will have to learn how to perform calculations and use a measuring scale. As a rule, a protractor with a vernier scale is particularly difficult. In fact, if you look at it, there is nothing complicated about such measurements. We set the protractor guides in the desired position and move our gaze along the usual scale until we hit zero on the vernier - this is how we get the degrees of the angle. To calculate the angle to minutes, we move from vernier zero until we find a division that clearly coincides with the division of the main scale - this figure will show the required number of minutes.

    How to use a protractor photo

    Measurements are not much more complicated using an optical inclinometer - two parts of the instrument are installed in the required position, after which, looking at the scale through the moving optics, the measured angle is calculated.

    Whatever one may say, a protractor in construction is by no means a useless tool - if you understand the scope of its application, you can find out what it will become an indispensable assistant and tilers, and plasterboarders, and roofers, and masons, and many other craftsmen whose work is related to the construction of planes. It is for these reasons that there are a huge number of goniometers for different purposes.

    How to use a protractor and why is it needed? Goniometer is measuring device, designed for measuring angles during various construction and repair work. There are various models on sale, it is possible to choose a device that is most suitable for performing a specific type of work.

    Which protractor is suitable?

    All models that are used today for carrying out measuring work, can be divided into 7 types. They all have their own characteristics, they have different specializations, and their design is also different.

    1. The construction goniometer is used during installation, design, marking works. Products vary in size and in the method of measuring angles. When laying foundations, a total station is used - this is one of the types of optical equipment. If execution is required installation work small volume, it is better to use a rack and pinion protractor, which has a length of approximately 50 cm.
    2. The metalwork protractor is designed specifically for delicate work, where high accuracy has priority.
    3. The carpenter's model is approximate and is only used when working with wood structures.
    4. Mountain varieties are called surveyors, angles can be measured even at a distance if the range is large. Many jobs require the use of such equipment.
    5. An astronomical inclinometer is a special high-precision equipment that is used only for a narrow range of work. Its accuracy is the highest, but the use of such a device is justified only for a small area of ​​work.
    6. Seafaring devices are used for calculations only in oceanic and sea areas.
    7. Artillery protractors are designed to aim at a target. They are used only for specific cases.

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    Differences between goniometers

    Based on the principle of operation and design features, all offered models can be divided into:

    1. Electronic products are also called digital. These devices are precise and operate on the principle of semiconductors. There is a display on the front of the device that shows the reading. The tool is precise and allows you to perform even complex jobs with ease.
    2. Laser equipment works on the principle of directing a beam to a point. The downside is that the laser pointer beam is difficult to see with the naked eye. For this, additional receivers are used to ensure accurate targeting.
    3. Optical inclinometers have a special lens, which is used to carry out measurements.
    4. Pendulum instruments are designed to obtain accurate measurements. They are common in tool production and work on the principle of a pendulum. The scale remains stationary; only the pointer, which is placed on the counterweight, moves during use.
    5. Among mechanical tool There are verniers and regular models. The tool is compact, contact with the planes is tight, and extremely accurate.
    6. The fixed angle device makes it possible to determine the exact value and check the evenness. For example, it is used to check angles of 90 or 30 degrees. This is more of a template than a full-fledged measuring tool.

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    How to use a protractor?

    The most convenient and familiar is a regular mechanical protractor, which many people know how to use. Universal equipment This type can be applied to almost any surface, taking readings is easy and convenient. It is possible to work not only with internal corners, but also with external ones. A mechanical protractor can be a traditional vernier or an optical one.

    In the first case, the device has a special scale that makes it possible to increase the accuracy of the values ​​by an order of magnitude. Such tools are similar in use to calipers; there are usually no difficulties during operation. When planning a purchase, it is recommended to avoid cheap Chinese devices, since their accuracy does not meet the required level. Preference should be given only to trusted manufacturers. Optical instruments have a special magnifying glass, with which you can easily see the values ​​​​on the bar. It's a little more difficult to use, but with a little practice it's easy to solve.

    Today they are used Various types automated devices, and the more devices are automated, the more convenient it is to handle them. You just need to fix the required position, after which the result will be displayed on the display. For an optical device you only need Smooth surface, since even the slightest deviations from the horizon will make the results incorrect and unusable.

    Vernier instruments are placed on a plane so that the body and ruler coincide with the sides of the angle.

    In this case, it will be possible to easily take readings. The main scale displays degrees. Outwardly, it is an ordinary protractor, well known to everyone from school. It is convenient to use; you need to count the divisions from zero to the set point. You can calculate the value for the angle if necessary. Vernier devices are simple, extremely easy to use, and come in a variety of sizes.

    Optical moving inclinometers move during calculations. It is necessary to fix a special clamp-type ring, while the magnifying glass and disk depend on the position on the ruler. They will be indicators of the value that needs to be obtained. Through a magnifying glass you can see the markings on the disk. It is correlated with the mark on the plate, after which the reading of the device is determined.

    Electronic protractors are the most convenient options, but they are used mainly in construction. Get the maximum exact dimensions, they are shown on the display. It is enough to install the working legs of the tool, after which the device will show the angle value. Even a beginner can use the electronic tool without studying any instructions.

    The protractor is easy to use. No special experience is required, you just need to choose the appropriate type of equipment that best suits the tasks. If calculations will be performed rarely, then it is better to use the usual mechanical device. For quick measurement It is better to use special automated products with a different set of functions.

    A vernier protractor is a multi-dimensional instrument designed to measure external and internal corners with a measurement accuracy of up to 2". This protractor is used to check only cleanly machined surfaces.

    To check the serviceability of the protractor you must:

    1. Disassemble the protractor: remove square 2, ruler 5, sector 6, two holders 7 (Fig. 226, a).

    Rice. 226. Installation of a protractor for measuring angles:
    a - external 0 - 50°; b - external 50 - 140°; c - external 140 - 180° and internal 130 - 180°; g - internal 40 - 130°

    2. Using a clean rag soaked in gasoline, remove the anti-corrosion lubricant and wipe all parts dry.

    3. Check the measuring surfaces of the removable and measuring rulers, square and sector for scratches and nicks. The working surfaces of these parts must have a clean surface.

    Rice. 227. Method of measuring the outer angle

    4. Assemble the protractor as shown in Fig. 227, and check:

    1. smooth movement of the base arc when the micrometric feed screw is rotated and the locking screw is unscrewed one turn;
    2. accuracy of coincidence of the zero division of the vernier with the zero division of the degree scale, as well as the last division of the vernier with the 29th division of the degree scale;
    3. correct installation of the removable ruler and square, in which the position of the sharp end of the removable ruler should be flush with the end measuring ruler;
    4. the working planes of the square should fit snugly against the ruler; the working edge of the removable ruler must coincide with the working plane of the measuring ruler without any visible gap.

    When measuring external angles 0-50°, use the adjustment shown in Fig. 226, a, where measuring sides The protractor is the edges of a removable ruler 5 and a measuring ruler 4.

    The accuracy of the reading obtained when measuring angular values ​​or when setting a given angle is checked using degree scale 1 and vernier 3.

    Using the degree scale placed on the arc of the base, it is determined on which whole division (or between them) the zero division of the vernier 3 stopped, which corresponds to the number of whole degrees of angular magnitude. Using the vernier scale, it is determined which of its divisions coincides with the division of the degree scale, and the number of minutes is determined by the vernier numbers. Let's consider the procedure for measuring external angles of 50-140° (Fig. 226, b). The measuring sides for this measurement will be the working edge of the removable ruler 5 and the plane of the measuring ruler 4.

    To measure external angles of 140-180° and internal obtuse angles of 130-180°, the goniometer is adjusted according to Fig. 226, c, where the working sides of the protractor will be the short edge of the ruler 5 and the surface of the measuring ruler 4.

    When measuring internal angles of 40-130° (Fig. 226, d), the working measuring sides are the plane of the measuring ruler 4 and the working edge of the segment 8.

    To acquire skills in calculating angular quantities, students should be offered a number of examples.

    1. Set the following angles on the protractor (with adjustment, see Fig. 226, a): 12° 10"; 19° 46"; 21° 58"; 39° 16"; 44° 32".

    2. Measure the angle of the template:

    1. by rotating the feed screw, ensure that the measuring sides of the protractor diverge by an angle slightly larger than the outer angle being measured;
    2. measurable outside corner the template is placed between the measuring sides of the protractor so that one of its sides is in close contact with the working edge of the ruler (Fig. 227);
    3. smoothly rotate the micrometer screw, bringing the plane of the measuring ruler to the second face of the angle until the surface comes into close contact with the second plane of the angle; Having achieved a uniform light gap between the surfaces, the position of the arc is fixed with a locking screw;
    4. The protractor is removed from the part and the number of degrees and minutes is counted;
    5. After completing the measurement, the protractor is placed in the case, after wiping it with an oiled, clean rag to avoid corrosion.

    Goniometer is precision instrument, designed to measure angles between two surfaces or their inclination relative to the horizon. The results obtained are expressed in degrees. Goniometers have a similar design to a construction or carpenter's angle, but they can show not only an angle of 90 degrees, but also be adjustable.

    The simplest design of a protractor

    The design of a protractor in its simplest form consists of two plates (rulers). They are fixed together on one side, fixed with an axis that allows you to change the angle between them. On the surface of the instrument there is a scale expressed in degrees. It can be ruled or rounded. There are both fully movable protractors and those with fixed measurements. The latter are used in cases where only the measurement of the most important angles is required - 90, 45 and 30 degrees. This tool falls more into the category of templates.

    In which industries is the goniometer used?

    This device is widely used in construction. It is used by joiners, carpenters and installers. With its help, you can set the planes perfectly straight before fixing them. The vast majority of objects that are used in everyday life and at industrial facilities have angles of 90 degrees. This is installed international standard which provides maximum convenience. In addition, failure to maintain a 90 degree angle in construction vertical elements increases the load on the structure.

    For example: Due to the fact that the corners of buildings are measured accurately, during installation corner bath, there is no gap under the wall and when hanging cabinets and shelves everything looks even. There are thousands more examples that allow you to visualize the benefits of precise angles. The use of goniometers allows for accurate transfer of the parameters shown in the drawing to the real object.

    Protractors are also used in route planning, military affairs, geometry and astronomy. Due to the demand for this instrument, its design has been adapted to various measurement purposes.

    Goniometers can be divided into types:
    • Building.
    • Locksmith.
    • Plotnitsky.
    • Mountain.
    • Astronomical.
    • Nautical.
    • Artillery.

    Building The protractor is the most common. It is used to control the level of walls, foundations and other structures. Such devices are quite large. The length of each measuring part is usually at least 50 cm.

    Locksmith have high accuracy. They are quite compact, but at the same time they have quite sensitive adjustment, allowing measurements to be taken with the display of fractions of a degree. This is necessary because the slightest deviations from the norm are unacceptable. With such inclinometers, you can safely measure the parameters of parts that will be used in rotary mechanisms.

    Plotnitsky Protractors have low measurement accuracy. They are used in woodworking when precise adherence to angles and fractions of degrees does not matter. This tool belongs to the low price category. Often the adjustment mechanisms have backlash, which also leads to errors. Despite this, similar variety protractor is quite acceptable for fulfilling the purposes for which it is intended.

    Mountain Protractors, unlike previous types of these instruments, are not used for direct contact with the surfaces being measured. This tool allows you to visually determine vertical and horizontal angles in the spaces of mines and mine workings. This equipment belongs to the imprecision class. Nowadays it is practically not used due to the advent of more high-precision electronic equipment, such as total stations, etc.

    Astronomical are the most accurate. They are used to measure the angle between the surface of the earth and points in the sky. With their help, the trajectory of movement of celestial bodies is calculated, the speed of their movement is determined, and the size of the object is estimated. Such devices are often integrated into telescopes, which expands the range of their measurements, since the object of study can be not only objects visible in the sky, but also distant stars and planets.

    Seaworthy Protractors are also called navigation meters. With their help, geographic latitude is determined using a special table. These devices work on the principle that the celestial body (sun, moon or stars) on a certain day and time is above the horizon at a special angle, relative to geographic latitude. Thus, using this device and table, the observer can determine the latitude at which he is located in this moment. This device was widely used by sailors in the past, but with the development of satellite technology, its use has faded into the background. Despite this, similar protractors are available on board many ships, since in the event of failure of the electronic equipment, the use of a hand-held device will be the only way to obtain the exact coordinates of the ship.

    Artillery goniometer used for installing artillery guns and adjusting salvo fire. The use of such a tool allows for precise aiming and changes in the direction of the shot after preliminary zeroing.

    Types of goniometers according to the measurement principle

    According to the measurement principle, goniometers are divided into the following types:
    • Mechanical.
    • Pendulum.
    • Optical.
    • Laser.
    • Electronic.

    Mechanical The protractor is a contact device. To carry out measurements, it is necessary to apply both surfaces of the tool to those objects, the angle between which you want to measure. The device has a special scale that allows you to determine what angle is obtained between the sides of the tool. Since the sides fit tightly to the surfaces being measured, their angle will therefore also be equal to the scale.

    Pendulum The goniometer looks like a clock. The round dial of the instrument has markings corresponding to the angles. The needle of such a protractor always stands perfectly vertical, regardless of how curved the device itself is. There is a small ruler at the bottom of the device. It is applied to the surface that needs to be measured, after which you need to look at the indicator of the formed angle between the “0” mark on the dial and the arrow. Using such a device, you can measure the level of inclination of one surface.

    Optic The protractor has an unusual shape for this type of equipment. You can recognize optical protractors by their eye, which acts as a magnifying glass. Optical instruments have a measuring range of 360 degrees. They are very accurate because the scale has many marks not only in degrees, but also in fractions of them. In this regard, it is difficult to visually determine which indicator the arrow is pointing to. Optical ones have a magnifying loupe. Thanks to it, it is much easier to count the marks that the arrow points to on the scale.

    Laser The protractor has in its design two laser beams directed at the surface between which it is necessary to measure the angle. The angle between points is measured visually or using a computational electronic element, which is integrated into the design of the device. This device works well at night, as well as indoors. On daylight laser ray almost invisible.

    Electronic or digital inclinometers are similar in principle to mechanical ones. With the exception that they have a dial in the form of an LCD display, which displays the indicator in numbers. This is very accurate equipment that allows you to determine tenths of degrees. To power such a device, a regular finger-type power supply is used. Such tools are used by builders and installers.

    How to use contact protractors

    Contact type goniometers are the most common and inexpensive. They are used everywhere. To take a measurement, you need to place the tool on the corner you want to measure. One ruler of the protractor is pressed against one surface, and the second against the other. If necessary, the device must be adjusted by increasing or decreasing the angle between its sides. The measurement results are displayed on a mechanical or electronic scale. In order for the data to be as accurate as possible, it is necessary that the surfaces at the contact points are smooth. If, for example, the angle between the floor and the wall is measured, it is necessary that there are no layers on them in the form of stuck lumps mortar or glue. Such a grain under one of the rulers will disrupt the received data by several degrees.

    How to choose a protractor

    When choosing, you should pay attention to the material. If it is made of very thin metal, then you should not take such a tool. Over time, it will deform, so the accuracy of measurements will be compromised. The cheaper range often has a painted scale. As a result, over time the paint begins to peel off. After this, it is impossible to determine how many degrees the instrument indicates.

    The cost of a protractor depends not only on its design features, but also accuracy. The higher the accuracy, the less play there is on the tuning axis, which requires more expensive production. For carpentry or low-rise construction, it is quite possible to get by with tools of a lower category, but for the manufacture of critical parts, you need precise equipment.