Seance with a plate. What is spiritualism and how dangerous is it? Questions to Ask the Spirit Immediately

A seance at home is the practice of summoning spirits. other world, especially popular in the mid-19th century. Its popularity has not diminished to this day. The external simplicity of this ritual and its external effectiveness have gained great popularity among young people.

However, a seance is not as simple, and certainly not safe, as they say.

I think each of you has an idea of ​​who spirits are, what they are and where they come from. These are entities of another world that carry information, and also, if they are demonic entities, a terrible ancient power and thirst. As a rule, when a medium is called, it is an energy hunter.

Before you figure out how to conduct a spiritualistic session, you need to remember and understand the main thing: you can call the spirits of the other world into contact only with a pure heart and good intentions. Only this will avert serious dangers from you. I think many of you will have to work on yourself.

How to conduct a real spiritualistic seance yourself.

A spiritualistic session can be carried out either by a group of people who, holding hands, form a magic circle, concentrating energy in it, or alone. However, you will have to be well prepared for this. Firstly, it is forbidden to drink alcohol or eat a lot before the session, especially fatty and spicy foods. It is better to endure a short-term fast, without eating food for several days, making do with only water - this will cleanse your energy. Secondly, you can practice spiritualism no more than one hour a day, and during a session you can call no more than three spirits.

To conduct a seance you will need some tools.

Magic circle. The circle is best divided into 32 sectors. In this case, one of the letters of the alphabet – “е” or “ъ” — has to be moved outside the general circle what doesn't have of great importance. Inside the alphabetic circle, a second, slightly smaller diameter, digital circle is drawn, with numbers from 0 to 9, also located along the entire circumference. In the same circle, the words “YES” and “NO” are written large. For fortune telling you will need a saucer. It should be small, light, preferably porcelain, and glide well on the paper. WITH outside saucers draw a pointer arrow, point down.

You need to do the following when conducting a seance at home

Place the magic circle on the table, light the candles, heat a saucer over the candle flame and place it in the center of the magic circle. All participants in a spiritualistic seance at home should touch the saucer with their fingertips, saying: “Spirit (the name of the spirit is called here), come!” Soon you will feel the saucer begin to move. This indicates the appearance of a spirit. Greet him and ask if he wants to communicate and if he will answer questions. If you receive an affirmative answer, then you can ask further.

When communicating with spirits during a free spiritualistic session, you must be delicate and tactful. Spirits do not like questions about death, where they are now and how they live. Therefore, these questions are taboo for the medium. Don't keep the spirit close to you for too long, otherwise you may not have enough energy to maintain open passage between worlds. Otherwise, you will have to bear responsibility for the fact that the “door” has slammed shut and the spirit cannot leave the human world. This, by the way, is where the phenomenon of poltergeists—“noisy spirits”—comes from. This is a kind of revenge for the impossibility of return.

After conducting a seance at home, thank the spirit for communicating, say goodbye to it, turn the saucer over and lightly tap it on the table three times as a sign that you are letting go of the spirit.

It is theoretically possible to conduct a seance alone, but I do not recommend it simply because the effect will be weak. And in some, especially dangerous cases, simply no one will help you. A group of people is optimal; the presence of observers is also welcome. The time of greatest activity of spirits is from midnight to 4 am. The full moon is also an advantage, as the full moon activates both the activity of spirits and the abilities of mediums.

How to conduct a seance at home alone?

A spiritualistic seance at home is performed in a dimly lit room, by candlelight. Traditionally, a door or window is left ajar. It is believed that in this way the spirit enters the room. Participants in a spiritualistic seance are seated in different sides table, a spiritualist circle is placed in the middle. The saucer is slightly heated over a candle flame and placed in the center of the spirit circle. All participants in the session lightly touch the saucer with their fingers, but without pressing, while the fingers of one participant should touch the fingers of another, as if closing a circle. The invocation formula is pronounced: “Spirit, come!” You will understand the appearance of the spirit by the behavior of the saucer; it will begin to turn, and may even rise slightly above the table. But that's not all. The appearance of a spirit is accompanied by specific sensations that are difficult to describe. Now you can ask questions. This is done by the leader of a seance at home. You should start with these questions: is the spirit here, is he the one who was called, does he agree to answer questions?,

Spirits are capricious; you shouldn’t count on them telling you the truth. You can test the spirit, but it is not safe, especially if a demon has appeared. You should not ask questions regarding the afterlife, details of the life of the spirit on the other side of reality, since an aggressive reaction of the spirit is likely. At the end of the spiritualistic session, thank the spirit, turn the saucer over, knocking it on the table three times. Tell the spirit that you are letting it go. A spiritualistic seance can be carried out not only using a saucer, but also a needle, as well as a pendulum. The principle of operation is the same as with a saucer.

I categorically do not approve of independent practice of spiritualism. Practicing magic, I know what forces are involved in the work. These are dark forces, and they cannot simply be used, especially by unprepared people. The appearance of weakness at the end of the session is the least trouble that awaits you. Mental disorders, the occurrence of serious physical health problems, and in some cases, death are very common consequences of this kind of “entertainment”, and the value of the information received is negligible. It is especially difficult for an untrained medium.

Spiritualism(from Latin spiritus - “soul, spirit”) is a way of communication (communication) with the souls of the dead and aliens from the other world who can come into contact with the living through special persons - mediums. Spirits come into contact with people through various visible physical phenomena, giving answers to their questions by raising tables, various knocks, automatic writing by the medium, etc.

The term “spiritism” was introduced in the mid-19th century by the French researcher of psychic phenomena Allan Kardec, the founder of this philosophical and religious doctrine.

Allan Kardec

Allan Kardec began studying the paranormal phenomena that occurred at séances in 1850. With the help of his friend’s daughters, who acted as mediums, he learned about his “mission,” which was to convey to humanity, as he claimed, certain “new ideas about the structure of the world and life in it.” Kardec, believing in his own “chosenness,” began to form his own “holy scripture” through spiritualistic dialogues, asking the “spirits” questions and writing down the answers. The latter were formulated with knocks or claps (using a conditional code) or letter by letter, on a tablet. He outlined the main provisions of his new doctrine in the “Book of Spirits” (1856), which was followed by “The Book of Mediums” (1861), “The Gospel in the Interpretation of Spirits” (1864) and others.

Kardec's spiritualism was popular in the highest spheres of French society. Arthur Conan Doyle, in his book The History of Spiritualism, wrote , that Emperor Napoleon III was fond of spiritualism and repeatedly invited Kardec to the Tuileries, where he had a long conversation with him, discussing the “Book of Spirits.”

The history of communication with spirits goes back centuries. There are references to the fact that the ancient Greeks and Romans practiced summoning spirits. The ancient Greeks constantly asked the dead for advice, for which there was a special class of necromancers. Even the great sage Socrates communicated with the “mysterious genius” and believed his messages. In general, communication with the Spirits of deceased ancestors existed among all peoples. Were doing this special people- healers, sorcerers, shamans. Spirits at that time were like “guardian angels” and protectors of people. People turned to them for advice and help, they helped in treatment, in the fight against the elements and enemies. While spiritual world was a continuation real life and fulfilled the duties assigned to him by God - to help people.

The history of the emergence of spiritualism

The harbingers of spiritualism were an unexpected outbreak poltergeist (from German poltern - “to make noise”, “knocking” and Geist - “spirit”) in the house of the English doctor and priest John Pordage (1607-1681). This highly educated man for his time headed the Protestant Association of Friends of God, which later became known as the Philadelphia Society. One night, terrible things happened in his house: he saw a black silhouette with a huge, uprooted tree on his shoulder and a sword in his hand, then a creature appeared in the form of a huge winged dragon that filled half the room. Pordage came into conflict with these unknown entities, which made him faint. His wife also witnessed these battles.

After what happened, he told everything to his like-minded people, and after some time they began to see images from “the life of hell and heaven.” Such devilry was going on in his house that it caused not only mental harm people's health, but also physical: a disgusting stench, fumes emanating from ghosts, the residents of the house experienced body pain, many became seriously ill. According to Pordage, the “devils” imprinted on the glass of the windows and on the tiles the same unusual figures that all the inhabitants of the house saw. The drawings turned out to be indelible and could only be removed with a chisel and hammer. This lasted for a month, then the devilish manifestations disappeared.

This was, so to speak, only the very beginning, when spirits so often began to disturb our world.

But modern spiritualism appeared only in the middle of the 19th century . Its beginning is usually counted from March 1848, when in the city of Hydesville in the state of New York a certain John Fox rented a house where strange knocking noises began to appear that no one could explain. The head of the family was a farmer and a zealous Methodist (one of the religions of that time), his religious beliefs were shared by his wife and six children, but by that time only the youngest - 12-year-old Margaret and 9-year-old Kate - lived with their parents.

In March 1848, teenage girls began communicating with a spirit that lived in their home. First they asked him to repeat the knocks that the girls themselves made, then they began to ask questions, agreeing that the spirit would answer affirmatively with one knock, i.e. the questions were asked in such a way that the answer could be either yes or no. It soon became clear that the spirit not only hears, but also sees, and also knows a lot. 12-year-old Margaret invented a whole alphabet that allowed her to get answers to questions that worried her: “yes” or “no” by knocking. Using it, she learned that the mysterious entity was the spirit of a robbed and murdered traveling merchant. As a result of the excavations, a bone fragment with several hairs was found (a local doctor claimed that the find was a fragment of a human skull). In 1904 (after both sisters had already died), an event occurred that many believed confirmed the truth of their testimony. In the collapsed wall of the basement, the corpse of a man who had once been walled up here was discovered, who by all indications was the disappeared merchant.

Fox sisters: Lee, Margaret and Kate

After moving to Rochester, New York, the Fox sisters (Lee, Margaret and Kate) began giving public séances. Already in 1849 they gained national fame, and even the later admission of one of them that all their seances were frauds did not shake the faith of numerous supporters of spiritualism. After the incident in Hydesville became public, people who had not previously dared to do so began to talk about their experiences of communicating with spirits.

By 1850, a wave of seances swept the United States, and soon the whole world.A huge number of spiritualist societies have appeared in the countries of America, Europe, and Russia. Newspapers and magazines began to be published, books were published one after another, the authors of which were the most famous people of that time - scientists, writers, public figures and even politicians. Serious people accepted the new teaching as a blessing, and since then it has not only not weakened, but has spread with incredible speed; within 3-4 years it attracted to its side in all parts of the world countless adherents, especially enlightened people, whose number grew in extraordinary progression.

Spiritualism gained particular popularity among the intelligentsia. It is curious that many of them did not believe in the existence of God, but recognized the mysterious power of mediums.

In Russia, the first spiritualistic seances were organized in the early 70s by the famous medium Hume. Among the first adherents of spiritualism were the Decembrist F. N. Glinka and the compiler of the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” V. I. Dal. It is known that Dostoevsky and Leskov took part in the sessions. In the mid-70s, ardent supporters of spiritualism A. N. Aksakov, the famous chemist Professor A. M. Butlerov and zoologist N. P. Wagner, a professor at St. Petersburg University, organized a circle of spiritualists. It was at their invitation that famous Western European mediums began to come to Russia. When the medium Bredif arrived in St. Petersburg in 1874, his experiments attracted general attention.

Spiritualistic experiments have become the topic of the day. Then Professor Dmitry Mendeleev turned to the Physical Society at St. Petersburg University with a proposal to form a commission to study spiritual phenomena. “The time has come,” he said in his note, to pay attention to the spread of studies of spiritualistic phenomena in family circles and among some scientists. The practice of turning tables, talking with invisible beings by knocking, calling human figures through mediums threatens to spread mysticism, which can tear many away from a healthy view of objects and strengthen superstition, because a hypothesis has developed about spirits that supposedly produce the above-mentioned phenomena.” Mendeleev's proposal was accepted. A commission of 12 people was formed. The commission compiled a detailed report on its research and the results achieved and published it in the newspaper Golos. The conclusion of the report was that spiritualism is a superstition. The commission's activities apparently had an impact on Russian society. The fascination with spiritualistic phenomena gradually began to weaken, and spiritualistic experiments were abandoned.

However, spiritualistic seances continued to be held in private apartments for a long time. Thus, spiritualistic seances were often held in a house in London, to which friends and high-ranking dignitaries were invited. During spiritualistic séances, the Roerichs summoned “the souls of dead people,” and after joining the Theosophical Society, founded by H. P. Blavatsky, they tried to establish contact with the Teachers (Mahatmas). Helena Roerich claimed that thanks to her and her husband’s communication with the “Great Teacher” (Mahatma Moriah), arose.


The main practice of spiritualism consists of collective seances, the purpose of which is to summon the spirits of dead people and communicate with them. The simplicity of the ritual and the effectiveness of the result made spiritualistic seances very popular among young people interested in the unknown. However, a spiritualistic session is not as simple as “knowledgeable people” usually talk about it.

Usually, seances (they are also called table turning ) take place at night in a room where there are no icons, because It is believed that the time of greatest activity of spirits is from midnight to 4 am. A spiritualistic seance is usually conducted by several people, one of whom is the leader (with mediumistic abilities). Holding hands, people form a magic circle, concentrating in it the energy necessary for the spirit subtle world. Used to communicate with spirits round table, Ouija board (Ouija board) and porcelain or earthenware saucer without chips or other flaws. Next, those gathered call on the essence of the subtle world, calling its name, and say: “Spirit, come!” A saucer with an arrow moves and points to the letters that make up the text.

Spiritualist circle

Spirits manifest themselves by moving objects, speaking, knocking, or even appearing as ghosts. Mediums who practice spiritualism differ widely in their opinions regarding the nature of the spirits invoked. In any case, their awareness of the details of the lives of those for whom they claim to be leaves much to be desired. Spirits at sessions are characterized by capriciousness, dark humor and inconsistency in answers. It has been established that the spirit best answers those questions whose answers are known to at least one of the participants in the spiritualistic session. The spirits have not yet reported a single hitherto unknown fact about the lives of great people. From the point of view of classical esotericism, spiritualists communicate not with the souls of dead people, but with larvae and other entities - inhabitants of the lower astral plane. Accordingly, all the information available to them is the information that the participants in the seance possess. Spirits draw strength to demonstrate their abilities from mediums. This is why the medium spends per session a large number of personal energy. Frequent practices of this kind cause serious harm to both physical and mental health.

Let's give story from the book of Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov) “Unholy Saints” about how he himself, while still studying at VGIK, participated in a spiritualistic seance.

“Paola Dmitrievna Volkova taught us the history of foreign art. She read very interestingly, but for some reason, perhaps because she herself was a seeker, she told us a lot about her personal spiritual and mystical experiments. For example, she devoted a lecture or two to the ancient Chinese book of fortune telling, the I Ching. Paola even brought sandalwood and bamboo sticks and taught us to use them to look into the future.

One of the classes dealt with known only narrow specialists many years of research on spiritualism by the great Russian scientists D. I. Mendeleev and V. I. Vernadsky. And although Paola honestly warned that passion for this kind of experiment is fraught with the most unpredictable consequences, we, with all our youthful curiosity, rushed into these mysterious, exciting areas.

I will not go deeper into the description of the technical techniques that we read in Mendeleev’s scientific treatises and learned from the staff of the Vernadsky Museum in Moscow. Having applied some of them experimentally, we discovered that we could establish a special connection with some incomprehensible to us, but completely real beings. These new mysterious acquaintances, with whom we began to have long night conversations, introduced themselves in different ways. Now Napoleon, now Socrates, now deceased grandmother one of our friends. These characters sometimes told unusually interesting things. And, to our immense surprise, they knew the ins and outs of each of those present. For example, we could be curious about who our classmate, the future famous director Alexander Rogozhkin, is secretly walking with until late at night?

And they immediately received the answer: “With sophomore Katya.” Sasha flared up, got angry, and it was absolutely clear that the answer hit the nail on the head.
But even more striking “revelations” happened. Once, during a break between lectures, one of my friends, who was especially keen on these experiments, with red eyes from sleepless nights, rushed to one or another classmate and asked in a terrible whisper who Mikhail Gorbachev was. I, like everyone else, had never heard of a person with that last name. A friend explained: “Tonight we asked “Stalin” who would rule our country. He replied that some Gorbachev. What kind of guy, we need to find out!”

Three months later, we were dumbfounded by news that we would not have paid any attention to before: Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev, the former first secretary of the Stavropol regional party committee, was elected as a candidate member of the Politburo.

But the further we got carried away by these exciting experiments, the more clearly we felt that something alarming and strange was happening to us. Without any reason, we were increasingly overwhelmed by unaccountable melancholy and gloomy hopelessness. Everything fell out of hand. Inexorable despair took possession of us. This state grew from month to month, until finally we began to guess that it was somehow connected with our nightly “interlocutors”. Moreover, from the Bible, which I never returned to the Baptist, it suddenly became clear that such activities are not only not approved, but, as it is written there, are cursed by God.

But still we did not yet realize that we were faced with merciless and incredibly sinister forces that had invaded our cheerful, carefree life, from which none of us had any protection.
Once I stayed overnight with friends in a hostel. My classmate Ivan Loschilin and a student from the directing course Sasha Olkov sat down for their mystical experiments. By that time, we had already vowed several times to give up all this, but we could not help ourselves: communication with mysterious spheres attracted us like a drug.

This time my friends resumed the conversation they had interrupted the day before with the “spirit of Gogol.” This character always spoke exclusively figuratively, in language early XIX century. But today for some reason he did not answer our questions. He complained. He moaned and complained, breaking his heart. He told me how unbearably hard it was for him. And most importantly, he asked for help.

- But what is happening to you? - my friends were perplexed.

- Help me! Horror, horror!.. - conjured mysterious creature. - Oh, how unbearably hard! I beg you, help!

We all sincerely loved Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol and just as sincerely thought that we were talking with him.

- But what can we do for you? - we asked, with all our hearts wanting to help the writer we loved so much.

- Help! Please don't leave! Terrible flame, brimstone, suffering... Oh, this is unbearable, help...

- But how? How can we help you?!

- Do you really want to save me? You are ready?

- Yes, yes, ready! - we responded warmly. - But what should we do? After all, you are in another world.

The spirit hesitated and answered carefully:

- Good young men! If you are truly ready to take pity on the sufferer...

- Certainly! Just tell me - how?

- Oh, if so!.. Then I... Then I would give you... poison...

When the meaning of these words reached us, we were petrified. And looking up at each other, even with the dim flame of a candle cinder, we saw that our faces had become white as chalk. We overturned our chairs and rushed out of the room.

Coming to my senses, I said:

- Everything is correct. To help him, we must first become like him. That is... die!

“And everything is clear to me,” said Sasha Olkov, teeth chattering in horror.

“He wants us... to commit suicide.”

“I even think that I will return to the room now and see some kind of pill on the table,” added Ivan Loschilin, green with fear. “And I’ll understand that I definitely need to swallow it.” Or we might want to throw ourselves out of the window... They will force us to do it.

We couldn't sleep all night, and the next morning we went to a nearby temple Tikhvin icon Mother of God. We no longer knew where to ask for advice and help.

Savior... Due to frequent use, this name sometimes loses its original meaning even for Christians. But now this was the most desirable and most important thing for us - the Savior. We realized, no matter how fantastic it sounds, that we were being hunted by powerful forces unknown to us, and only God could deliver us from their enslavement.

We were afraid that in church we would be laughed at with our “gogols,” but the young priest, Father Vladimir Chuvikin, quite seriously confirmed all our worst fears. He explained that we communicated, of course, not with Gogol or Socrates, but with real demons, demons. I admit, this sounded wild to us. But at the same time, we did not doubt for a second that we had heard the truth.

The priest firmly said: such mystical activities are a grave sin. He strongly advised those of us who had not been baptized to immediately prepare for the sacrament and be baptized. And the rest come to confession and communion.”

About the dangers of spiritualistic seances

Seances are very dangerous. Under the guise of summoned “spirits”, there are always (!) demons (the participation of evil spirits in spiritualistic seances was recognized even by supporters of spiritualism, such scientists as Fechner, Pergi, Butlerov, etc.) And such communication is extremely harmful to humans. At best there will be a loss of energy, at worst - obsession and madness. This is not clairvoyance at all, nor spiritual vision, and has nothing to do with the third eye. The information received from spirits is very relative and often false. Although these evil beings can tell the past and present, they are unable to do much more than predict the future. These guesses are often presented so skillfully that they can satisfy the questioner and still seem plausible, even if the result contradicts expectations.

Naive people usually believe that dark forces are always rude and criminal in their actions and intentions. This is a harmful misconception. Only dark forces of small degrees act this way. Much more dangerous are those who come under the guise of Light and with our formulas on their lips. The dark ones always act according to the consciousness of their victims, and they often act very subtly and inventively, playing on the pride and weak strings of their victims.

They say that all spiritualists preach morality, and this, of course, cannot harm in any way. It must be taken into account that the devil never directly invites people to sin. He knows that the person will not agree to this, so he first captivates him with supposedly innocent thoughts, offers something that the sinner will not refuse, even good things, just to put the inexperienced person to sleep. When a person trusts him, the devil does what he wants, and, moreover, brazenly laughs at him. This is what he does in spiritualism.

According to eyewitnesses, if religious people take part in a seance, the spirits at first seem very cautious whenever they mention the Bible, sometimes they advise these people to read the Bible more, pray more, etc. But all this is done in order to eliminate suspicions and fears and make them more subordinate to one’s influence. Gradually such instructions become less frequent, and the student is made to understand that the Bible is good only for the ignorant world; for those who have direct communication with spirits, the Bible is useless, and even worse - it creates an obstacle. One famous writer There is good saying about spiritualism: “A system which begins with easy, innocent, insignificant and frivolous actions and associations, but ends with its followers denying the “Lord who redeemed them” and rejecting God's Word, living and abiding forever."

Those involved in spiritualistic contacts often become completely dependent on spirits : they gradually lose the ability to soberly evaluate the information received, begin to believe it limitlessly, and unconditionally follow all commands and instructions. Sometimes this ends in tragedies: murders, suicides, deaths on dates predetermined by the spirit.

The famous expert on spiritualism V.P. Bykov, himself a former spiritualist, testifies that he knows of many cases of suicide of mediums. It is also known that famous mediums were the most unhappy people...In 1991, the following case was widely covered in the press: four schoolchildren aged 14 to 16 years old killed their classmate. They brought her to the river bank, tied her up, inflicted mortal wounds and collected the blood that flowed out. Then they drank the blood and hid the body of the murdered woman. Soon the criminals were found. During the investigation, it turned out that they had been practicing spiritualistic seances for a long time: they talked with spirits, asked questions, received answers, becoming more and more carried away and, unbeknownst to themselves, becoming completely dependent on the counterparty. After some time, a “man in black” appeared to them during a session and ordered them to kill Orthodox girl and drink her blood. They were no longer able to disobey the terrible order...

The attitude of the Church towards spiritualism

The Christian Church regards spiritualism as grave sin : Anyone who practices spiritualism or fortune telling will go to hell. The very practice of spiritualism can lead a person to demonic possession. The most terrible thing is that a person thinks that he is addressing the souls of the dead, but in fact he is communicating with demons, which can appear to a person in various forms, including human ones.

There are many references and warnings on this topic in the Bible.

What we now call spiritualism was part of the religious cult of paganism and was strictly prohibited among the Jewish people under penalty of death. That's what he says Holy Bible: “And if any soul turns to those who call the dead and to magicians, to go after them fornication, then I will set My face against that soul and will destroy it from among its people... Whether it be a man or a woman, if they call the dead or practice magic, yes they shall be put to death: they shall be stoned, their blood shall be upon them.”(Lev. 20:6,27).

Everyone knows the story of the First Book of Samuel about how the sorceress of Endor conjured the shadow of the prophet Samuel for Saul (1 Samuel 28:7-19). Saul then turned to the sorceress when he saw that God had abandoned him. Obviously, only despair prompted him to do this, and he himself realized that he was grievously sinning. In the books of Moses, God Himself testifies more than once that the Canaanite tribes were condemned by Him to extermination also for raising the dead, and this activity is called “an abomination.”

That spiritualism is of demonic origin is beyond doubt. Saint Theophan the Recluse writes: “Spiritism is downright demonic, not covered by anything. There is a tactile devilry. Who is acting here can be judged by the phenomena. Yes, they themselves do not hide the fact that they are demons.”

The Monk Ambrose of Optina wrote about spiritualism: “Spiritism is nothing more than the enemy’s charm. This teaching is the communication of people with spirits, but, of course, with spirits not of light, but with spirits of darkness...”

And this opinion, that it is not the souls of the dead who speak through mediums, but unclean spirits, is completely consistent with the teaching of the ancient Fathers of the Church. In the time of St. John Chrysostom, as in the times of the Apostles ( cm.: Acts 16:16-18), the mediums were demoniacs who spoke on behalf of the dead. “What does it mean,” asks Chrysostom, “that the demons say: I am the soul of such and such a monk?.. This is the cunning and deception of the devil. In my opinion, it is not the soul of someone who has died that cries out, but the demon hiding underneath to seduce the listeners... It is impossible for a soul that has already been separated from the body to wander here...”


Spiritualism is attractive to people because... makes it possible to feel part of another world.The fashion for table turning at the end of the 19th century was more related to psychology: a medium that supposedly evoked the soul of the deceased helped to overcome the bitterness of loss, satisfied vanity and curiosity (who wouldn’t want to talk with Pushkin?). Man could not resist the temptation to enter the mystical world from the “back door”. Christianity offers the believer a path of humility, warns him against “charm”, spiritualism, on the contrary, widely opens the doors to the afterlife for a person, makes him an interlocutor of spirits, the only question is which ones? Spiritualism does not require from its followers either a moral life or observance of the commandments of God - live as you live, do whatever you like, you are still immortal! A very attractive idea for many! In addition, spiritualism owes its popularity to obvious miracles, which no science can explain, nor can it deny them.

In the phenomena of spiritualism we are dealing with a most experienced enemy who does not disdain any means to achieve his goal. His name is the devil, and his goal is to seduce a person through flattery, deception, forgery, imaginary kindness and holiness, to alienate him from God and His Holy Church, to subjugate him to his evil will and destroy his immortal soul in eternity.

Material prepared by Sergey Shulyak

Used Books:
1.Archbishop Nikon (Rozhdestvensky). What is spiritualism // Trinity leaflet No. 94, 1915
2. A. A. Oparin. Spiritualism
3. encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhausa, I.A. Efron. Concept and history of spiritualism

Many people dream of talking with their deceased relatives, so they resort to the services of mediums. Spiritualistic seances can be carried out at home, but the main thing is not to forget about precautions.

Previously, we shed light on what spiritualism is - fact or fiction. Even the church admits that this is a dark ritual that is better not performed at all. Various precautions, according to expert mediums, can negate any Negative consequences ritual of communication with spirits.

How to conduct a séance

Firstly, don't spend it alone. Fear is your main enemy when communicating with dead people, because in the other world there are not only good, but also bad spirits. They feed on your fear and can take over your body and mind. If you don't take precautions, you can simply go crazy. So, the first rule is not to act alone.

Secondly, the ritual must have a leader. Basically, this is someone who knows how to communicate with spirits - a medium. Mediums usually know about their talent, so they develop it. It is better for inexperienced people not to engage in dialogue with spirits, because it must be completed so as not to anger the entity.

In addition to the fact that making contact alone is scary, it is also ineffective. Try to conduct seances with at least four people.

The ritual takes place at night, after midnight, when the spirit world begins to come to life. The day you choose depends on whether you know the person's date of death or their date of birth. These days it will be easier to get in touch with him. Do not close the doors so that spirits can easily walk around the room.

Spiritualism. Progress of the ritual

Place the deceased's belongings or images on the ritual table. If it is not the soul of a person that is invoked, but another spirit, then its images will also be needed. When everything is ready, you need to hold hands so that they form a circle. After this, the leader makes an inviting speech. This key moment, for it is important to invite the spirit, not to force it to come.

Communication is usually done through a spirit tablet on which letters and numbers are written. Sometimes a spirit can take on a physical form or an incorporeal form. This can frighten you, so never call spirits without someone who has some experience in this. There are many techniques, but the call itself is made in ordinary words: “Spirit (name), come to us.” The medium pronounces these words, and the other participants concentrate on this action and repeat the call, starting for the third time. Sometimes the leader himself says everything, and others just listen. The main thing is to hold hands and never let them go. Introduce one of the alternative methods of calling spirits, which will help you get answers to your questions.

Safety precautions

Mediums call a spiritualistic seance very dangerous journey to the border of the worlds, so it is important to always remember the main rules:

  • People who call spirits should not have spiritual burden. A person who has committed great evil will certainly be exposed to danger. Avoid emotions such as fear, envy and anger during the spirit summoning procedure.
  • A seance should not be carried out by people under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Limit communication with the dead and do not repeat seances too often.
  • Do not intentionally summon evil spirits alone or without someone who is experienced in doing so.
  • Properly end the session with words of gratitude and an apology for the disturbance. Do not end the session by simply turning on the light - this will anger the spirits.

Now you know that spiritualism can be dangerous not only for those who call obviously bad spirits, but also for those who are unclean in soul. Always follow the rules and do not endanger yourself and your loved ones. The energy of the entities that come to us from the other world is very strong, so precautions are paramount.

Live well and do not forget that God sees everything and does not always rejoice at such challenges. From the point of view of Christianity, this is a sin that can only be redeemed by those who renounce spiritualism once and for all. If you have ever performed such rituals and then repented, tell the priest about it at confession and communion. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

18.07.2016 02:00

Have you ever witnessed strange things happening in your home? Have you noticed anything unusual...

Since ancient times, people have been attracted by the unknown. Fortune telling, spiritualism. Summoning spirits was practiced back in Ancient Greece. But the first mentions of spiritualism began to appear in America. According to some people, strange phenomena occurred in their house. They heard various sounds and knocks. General concept– spiritualism, includes contact with spirits (calling). The sessions must be conducted by a medium.

History of Spiritualism

The first mention of spiritualism appeared in 1848. This happened in Hydesville, New York. A young man named John Fox rented a house. Soon after moving in, he began to complain about strange knocking noises. They were heard in Fox's house. His daughter Margarita was a timid person. I tried to establish contact with an unknown “informer”. Gradually, a whole “alphabet” was invented for communicating with the guest.

This incident also reached other countries. Which gave impetus to the opening of institutes and schools that studied spiritualism.

Currently, the number of mediums (who call spirits) is about 500 thousand people. Spiritualism became popular in developed countries such as: England, Germany, USA, etc.

The main layer of society involved in spiritualism is the intelligentsia. Although most of them do not recognize the existence of God.

How to conduct a séance

To conduct a session you will need:

2) Ouija board and saucer (you can use a thread and a needle);

3) the presence (preferably) of a photograph of the person who is being called up.

There may not be a board available for the session. You can “cook” it yourself. Take a large sheet of paper (whatman paper) and draw a circle. Next, letters are written along the diameter of the circle and numbers from one to ten. On the left is written “No”, on the right of the circle is “Yes”. You can also write the word “I don’t know” at the top. Draw a pointing arrow on the saucer. If you don't have it, you can use a thread and a needle. But it's more tedious.

After preparing all the tools, you can proceed to the beginning of the session. You should place your hands on the edge of the saucer, without pressing, and say three times: “Spirit (name of who is being called), come to us (me)!”

Afterwards, you should wait a little and find out if the spirit has come. If the answer is yes, the saucer will move and point to the letters. If it remains in the same position, you should ask the question again or postpone the seance.

The spirit has appeared, you can ask him questions. They need to be formulated clearly and pronounced loudly. At the end of the session, you should release the spirit, saying goodbye to it with the following phrase: “Spirit, you are free, go away!” It is better to make sure that the spirit has left the house by asking it a question. The saucer must remain motionless.

Rules that do not allow a seance

It is not allowed to consume alcoholic beverages or drugs before starting a seance. Spirits can take over a person's body. There is much evidence of how they drove mediums crazy. Ideally, the medium should be without bad habits, lead a quiet life and abstain from negative emotions. But, unfortunately, in modern world, there are very few people of this type.

The spirits of people who have committed suicide or those who have been killed should not be invoked. Such spirits are very aggressive and can be dangerous for the calling medium.

During the session, you need to open a window or window so that the spirit can come to the call and leave the house at the end.

You need to ask questions loudly during the session, not repeat them several times, thereby unnerving the spirit. Don't be rude or rude. After answering the question, thank the spirit. After the end of the session, be sure to make sure that there is no spirit. Otherwise, it is fraught with negative consequences.

There is an assumption that it is possible to call upon the spirit of someone only on days church holidays. Whether it is justified or not has not been scientifically proven.

The alphabet circle is the main device in spiritualism - it is a kind of mirror in which the personality of the contactee is reflected with all its advantages and disadvantages.

The human body is capable of self-regulation. Fatigue, absent-mindedness, and a feeling of loss of strength after a spiritualistic session indicate that the contactee needs to temporarily interrupt his operations and think about both restoring mental strength and more effective protection. After a properly conducted spiritualistic session, you should feel calm, lightness, joy of victory and other purely positive emotions. The dark veil between consciousness and subconsciousness practically disappears, giving the psyche enormous resources for successful activities. However, the subconscious is several orders of magnitude more efficient than the consciousness, and excessive enthusiasm can lead to exhaustion of the psyche of even the most successful contactee spiritist. But excessive enthusiasm in spiritualism is akin to obsession - a state in which a person completely ceases to control his actions and actions. “Give freedom to the subconscious, but know how to keep it in check!” – professional spiritualists advise, and one cannot but agree with them.

Modern types of damage

It would be naive to believe that the science of occultism stands still. Below we present two recently discovered new pantheons of demons that are the product of a modern, completely insane civilization. Compared to them, a fairly large group of spirits of darkness from past centuries will seem like a kindergarten populated by small children.

How to conduct a séance

When conducting a spiritualistic session, remember that the summoned spirit (image) is not able to extract from its “memory” more than what the total life (conscious and subconscious) experience of all participants in the spiritualistic session contains. It was this feature of spiritualism that caused the greatest criticism from materialistically minded scientists: they say that spiritualists do not evoke spirits, but their own subconscious memories. This point of view should not be disputed: in any case, at a properly organized spiritualistic session, you will receive answers to all your questions.

A group session of spiritualism is a magical act, the participants of which are united in a certain chain. Their attention is focused on one person - a medium who is able to awaken the imagination of the participants with his will and come into contact with the astral world. The medium provides its vitality at the disposal of the spirits, thus giving the latter the opportunity to come into contact with the human world. Without exaggeration, we can say that the medium is the main thing actor at a seance. Choosing a medium is not easy. Spiritualists at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries often turned to famous foreign mediums, inviting them to take part in séances. Today, choosing a medium is just as difficult. If your group has already formed, it makes sense to try all the participants in turn as a medium. ABOUT making the right choice will indicate the effectiveness of the seance. Conversely, the confusion of answers and their inconsistency indicate that the session is not organized correctly. You can increase the effectiveness of communication by seating the session participants in a different order, that is, experimentally. Participants in a spiritualistic seance are not only those who sit at the table and directly participate in communication with the spirit, but also those who are simply present in the room.

How can one determine which of the participants in a spiritualistic séance is the ideal medium? There is a simple test for this. The one whose performance is the best can act as a medium. But the one whose results will be the worst should give up practicing spiritualism altogether. All test questions must be answered unambiguously: “yes” or “no.”

1. Are you prone to artistic creativity– drawing, writing poetry, etc.?

2. Are you able to easily focus your attention on any subject?

3. Do you think that the famous expression “The customer is always right” is true?

4. Do you sometimes feel like someone is watching you closely?

5. Do you often see colored dreams?

6. Do you have nightmares?

7. Do you write down thoughts and ideas that came to you during sleep?

8. Are you afraid of getting any incurable disease?

9. Have you ever passed gossip by word of mouth?

10. Do you often fail to meet other people's expectations?

11. Do other people often disappoint your expectations?

12. Do you consider yourself slow-witted?

13. Do you consider yourself patient and disciplined?

14. Are you afraid of violent death?

15. Do you like picking berries, mushrooms, herbs?

16. Are you quickly able to switch attention from one subject to another?

17. Have you ever become a victim of illusions that you are so generous with? material world?

18. Have you ever acted as a free rider on public transport, in cultural institutions, etc.?

19. Do you feel like your life is going in vain? ...

20. Have you ever heard the sound of an inner voice clearly?

21. Do you believe in contact with extraterrestrial civilizations, UFOs, aliens?

22. Do you know that there is a brownie living in your apartment? 23. Have you ever felt sharp unpleasant odors, while those around them did not feel them?

24. Do small everyday troubles drive you crazy?

25. Have you ever talked out loud to yourself? Preliminary assessment of test results.

– If you answered no to questions 9 and 18, then you are prone to self-deception. Practicing spiritualism is not recommended for you - too often you will hear from the spirit exactly what you expect to hear.

– If you received at least one positive answer to questions 14, 17, 20, 21, 23, then practicing spiritualism is absolutely contraindicated for you. You are too suspicious and risk getting a nervous breakdown at the very first seance.

Your spiritual abilities

Now let's evaluate your spiritual abilities in more detail.
Give yourself one point for answering “no” to questions 3, 12, 24 and one point for answering “yes” to questions 1, 2, 5, 7, 13, 15, 16, 22, 25. Sum up your points. – from 0 to 4 points – engaging in spiritualism is contraindicated. – from 5 to 8 points – your abilities for spiritualism are at an average level.

Decide for yourself whether to come into contact with the astral plane or not. – from 9 to 12 points – practicing spiritualism can be very successful. Those with scores above 12 should be very careful.

A person who scores more than 12 points is a born medium. However, he should take care of his own safety. Being carried away by spiritualism, they risk nervous exhaustion. In addition, it is precisely natural mediums who, more than others, risk falling into serious dependence on the astral world, becoming a slave to some strong spirit.

Now that the circle of participants in the spiritualistic session has been determined and the medium has been selected, we can begin next stage work.

Spirits can make themselves known in several ways: various sounds (knocking, creaking), the movement of objects, as well as direct appearance in the form of a ghostly flickering cloud. Let us immediately note that novice spiritualists should not seek the direct appearance of a spirit - this is unsafe.

During a spiritualistic session, you can form a “spirit of the circle”, embodying the moods, thoughts, and feelings of all those present. The answers of the spirit in this case will be addressed not to an individual person, but to the entire circle of participants in the spiritualistic session.