Compatibility of vegetable crops in garden beds: secrets of a rich harvest. Mixed plantings and plant compatibility in the garden Garlic and tomatoes compatibility

Properly planted vegetables and herbs will help protect against pests and diseases, as well as better germination and development vegetable crops. Recommendations and comments from experienced gardeners will help you understand the compatibility of plants in your garden.

Neighbor plants or companions are vegetable crops that are beneficial when grown in close proximity. At correct layout landings are possible:

  • get good harvest;
  • get rid of many pests;
  • improve the taste qualities of grown varieties;
  • protect plantings from diseases.


Thyme has a positive effect on fruit growth; it also repels harmful insects and helps retain moisture in the soil. It is best to plant it around blueberry plantings.


Crops belonging to the legume family are known for their ability to produce and retain beneficial microelements in the soil. For example, nitrogen, which is necessary for good growth and full development of all plants.

  • potatoes;
  • radish;
  • salad;
  • corn;
  • radish.

To prevent the beans themselves from getting sick, plant them nearby fragrant rosemary, basil, lavender, and other spices. Beans do not like onions and garlic sitting nearby, as well as flowers such as marigolds and wormwood.


It belongs to the legume family, so it also participates in enriching the soil with nitrogen. The following are developing well next to it:

  • cucumbers;
  • carrot;
  • turnip

These vegetables promote better pollination, so the neighborhood is mutually beneficial for each crop.

A successful combination is to plant peas in rows, alternating with black and white radishes, parsley, lettuce, and radishes. Crops such as tomatoes, onions and garlic are not suitable for joint planting.

The placement of peas next to cabbage and potatoes is still ambiguous:

  • some gardeners talk about good tolerance;
  • but some reviews do not recommend such a neighborhood due to the many pests that attack potatoes and cabbage.


Neighbors who will protect cabbage from pests:

  • Celery, beans and different kinds salads will repel fleas.
  • If you sow dill between the rows, it will enhance its taste and protect against aphids.
  • Thanks to its hard leaves, borage protects cabbage from attack by snails.
  • The main pest is the cabbage butterfly - plant any kind of spice around it. They will “mask” the cabbage with their aroma.
  • Leeks have a repellent effect on cutworm caterpillars.

Cabbage generally goes well with many types of vegetables, but the combination with strawberries is undesirable. According to reviews from experienced gardeners, it does not mix well with parsley, grapes and tansy.

The Kohlrabi variety is good to plant next to beets, and not preferably near tomatoes.


Potatoes are less susceptible to diseases if grown together with legumes and spinach. It is recommended to plant legumes between potato rows; they will saturate the soil with nitrogen and repel the Colorado potato beetle.

Horseradish planted around also helps reduce the population of harmful insects. The following plants are suitable for protecting against the Colorado potato beetle:

  • tansy;
  • catnip;
  • marigold flowers;
  • coriander.

Potatoes do not tolerate proximity to sunflowers, celery and quinoa. There are no clear statements about the proximity of potatoes to tomatoes, peas and beets.


The following plants growing nearby have a positive effect on the development of strawberries: spinach, green beans and parsley. The latter will help get rid of slugs if you sow it between the rows.

Planting strawberries near lettuce, garlic, onions, beets and radishes will have a good effect. To avoid rotting berries and for mulching, it is good to sprinkle the rows with needles coniferous trees.


Corn needs a lot of nitrogen to grow well, so beans are its best companions. It can also be planted between cucumbers, tomatoes, beans, lettuce and new potatoes.

Corn is compatible with almost all garden plants, except celery and beets.


Ideal for planting with carrots. These two crops help each other fight pests. The smell of onions repels carrot flies, and carrots protect onions from onion fly.

Due to its small footprint, it is suitable as an additional crop to any main planting:

  • goes well with each other and has a positive effect on the growth of strawberries, lettuce, cucumbers, and radishes;
  • neighbors such as chamomile and savory are favorable to the neighborhood and contribute to the development and better germination of onions.

It is not advisable to sow onions close to legumes and sage.


It is good to plant any lettuce, celery, beans and carrots with it. When planting, it is better to alternate the rows with each other.

Perennial varieties onions can be planted near tomatoes, cabbage, carrots and beans. Leeks do not grow well with beets, peas and beans.


Gets along well with the following crops:

  • tomatoes;
  • salad;
  • radish;
  • garlic.

But the most preferred “neighbor” is peas. To prevent carrot flies from infesting carrots, it is best to plant them near them. spices and any varieties of onions. Carrots do not combine well with dill and anise.

Bottom line

The compatibility of vegetables in the garden is a much more important question than it might seem at first glance. Among plants, as among people, there are friends and enemies. The quality of the harvest and, in general, the vital activity of certain plants may depend on knowledge of these nuances. Let’s take a closer look at what to plant next to what.

Mixed plantings

The problems of interaction between plants in the garden are dealt with by a special science - allelopathy. Any plant releases a variety of substances into the soil and air that have a positive or negative effect on its “neighbors.” The useful and harmful proximity of vegetables in the beds is presented in the table below. In the meantime, let's look at the advantages of mixed planting technology:

space in the garden is saved; the soil is less depleted, there is no need for annual crop rotation; less effort for treatment against pests, since some plants themselves repel them; when planting vegetables together in beds, almost no additional fertilizers are required; the quality of the harvest and the taste of the fruit increases (for example, beans can make radishes tastier, and mint can make white cabbage), as well as the amount of vitamins and sugars in them.

Rules to follow when organizing combined plantings of vegetable crops:

    The width of each bed should exceed a meter. This will be necessary in the future for ease of plant care. The bed is divided into several sections. Crops that take a long time to grow and ripen are planted in the central one. These are peppers, cabbage, tomatoes. When the season comes, they will already occupy a good half of the ridge. Those types of crops that ripen quickly are planted from the edges. Mostly greens, but also strawberries and grapes.

An example of a properly organized garden bed for joint plantings:

Lettuce grows on the edge, carrots or radishes alternate with marjoram in the second row, and onions in the third. The 4th and 5th row correspond to the 1st and 2nd. Cucumbers are planted in the middle.

You can come up with a lot of similar schemes, it all depends on the required plants and on your attentiveness in matters of their combination.

Neighborhood of vegetables in the beds

Good neighbors- radishes, beans, lettuce, mint, dill, spinach. But tomatoes and cucumbers don’t go together at all, because they require different quantities moisture. More tomatoes need a lot fresh air, and cucumbers prefer the greenhouse effect. In general, tomatoes cannot be combined with almost any garden crops. The exceptions are radishes, asparagus, garlic, and parsley.

But basil is almost universal and can benefit any plant.

Cabbage is not recommended to be planted next to beets, carrots, beans, and pumpkin will not be happy with potatoes. It is better to plant it with relatives - zucchini, squash or melons. Otherwise, the harvest will be significantly worse.

Beneficial neighbors of beets are cabbage, zucchini, and legumes.

Peas go well with corn, lettuce and cabbage, but they don’t do well if their neighbors in the garden are zucchini, onions, and beans.

The ideal neighbors of dill are potatoes and parsley, and cucumbers are eggplants, onions, and lettuce.

Potatoes are usually planted separately, away from other crops. But it should be taken into account that horseradish will help protect it from bedbugs, and beans/peas or other legumes will saturate the soil with nitrogen, which will have a positive effect on the quantity and quality of the harvest. They will also repel Colorado potato beetles.

Every Plant Needs Pollinators, Here's Why good decision will plant flowers next to vegetables. In addition to flowers, marjoram, mint, and lemon balm are also attractive to pollinating insects. These herbs are always useful on the farm for use in culinary or medicinal purposes, and at the same time the yield of your vegetable crops will increase significantly. Plus, they decorate wonderfully. country cottage area.

Another important point: presence of earthworms in the soil. They loosen the soil, which increases the amount of oxygen in it. Worms are attracted to crops such as onions, valerian, and chicory.

Spinach - very convenient option for joint plantings, because it releases a lot of saponin into the soil - a substance that promotes root growth and improves access to water and nutrients. They also have the same property different types primrose.

Compatibility table for vegetables in garden beds

More detailed data can be found in the following tables:

Examples of bad neighborhoods not included in the tables

Organizing joint plantings vegetables in the garden, make sure that the gooseberries are kept away from the currants, otherwise the moth, a dangerous pest for berries, will actively multiply.

A pear planted near a cherry tree will often get sick. The same situation is observed when planting any type of currant next to cherries or cherries. And juniper planted under a pear will most likely infect it with fungal infections.

The apple tree also loses from the proximity of cherries, as well as apricots, barberries, and lilacs. In general, cherries react aggressively to any planting under their crown, especially trees.

To prevent a pest called the strawberry-raspberry weevil, do not plant strawberries and raspberries next to each other. But almost any other plants next to raspberries, on the contrary, feel better because they saturate the earth with oxygen.

It is noteworthy that it is not advisable to plant birch in your garden - it has a very strong root system, absorbing huge amounts of water, taking it away from other plants. The same can be said about maple and spruce.

Plants that can repel pests:

Celery and shag resist cabbage fly, onion is an excellent remedy against spider mite. Wormwood and garlic are enemies cruciferous flea beetles, and tomatoes are not to the liking of moths and copperheads. Garlic is also effective in repelling aphids and also helps the soil accumulate sulfur.

Vegetable neighborhood rules for greenhouses

If vegetable compatibility is important to you when planting in a greenhouse, keep the following factors in mind:

in greenhouses, vegetables grow faster, and in general the harvest is better; in order to properly plant vegetables in a garden bed in a greenhouse, you need to adhere to the same principles as in open ground; before planting, you need to carefully develop a layout of the beds; you also need to take into account the cardinal directions - cucumbers and tomatoes grow better on the sunny southern side.

The compatibility of plants in a garden bed in a greenhouse is closely related to the season. There are two types of greenhouse mixed planting. In the first greens are grown in early spring, in the second - different cultures cultivated throughout the season. In other words, greens are planted first, which ripen very quickly, then they are collected and tomatoes or cucumbers are planted in the same place.

In a greenhouse, it is advisable to plant those plants that require similar conditions of humidity and temperature. Cucumbers provide abundant shade, so shade-loving crops can be placed next to them. Tomatoes will do well with white cabbage.

Mixed plantings vegetables will help you get a good harvest even in difficult conditions - poor soil, unsuitable climate. You can combine mixed beds with compacted seeding technology to improve the result. In a word, creating the vegetable garden of your dreams is in your hands, if you correctly use modern developments. Both beginners and experienced gardeners can learn something new from mixed planting technology.

The compatibility of vegetables in the garden is a much more important question than it might seem at first glance. Among plants, as among people, there are friends and enemies. The quality of the harvest and, in general, the vital activity of certain plants may depend on knowledge of these nuances. Let’s take a closer look at what to plant next to what.

Mixed plantings

A special science, allelopathy, deals with the problems of interaction between plants in the garden. Any plant releases a variety of substances into the soil and air that have a positive or negative effect on its “neighbors.” The useful and harmful proximity of vegetables in the beds is presented in the table below. In the meantime, let's look at the advantages of mixed planting technology:

  • saves space in the garden;
  • the soil is less depleted, there is no need for annual crop rotation;
  • less effort is required to treat pests, since some plants themselves repel them;
  • when planting vegetables together in beds, almost no additional fertilizer is required;
  • The quality of the harvest and the taste of the fruits increase (for example, beans can make radishes tastier, and mint can make white cabbage), as well as the amount of vitamins and sugars in them.

Rules to follow when organizing combined plantings of vegetable crops:

  1. The width of each bed should exceed a meter. This will be necessary in the future for ease of plant care.
  2. The bed is divided into several sections. Crops that take a long time to grow and ripen are planted in the central one. These are peppers, cabbage, tomatoes. When the season comes, they will already occupy a good half of the ridge.
  3. Those types of crops that ripen quickly are planted from the edges. Mostly greens, but also strawberries and grapes.

An example of a properly organized garden bed for joint plantings:

Lettuce grows on the edge, carrots or radishes alternate with marjoram in the second row, and onions in the third. The 4th and 5th row correspond to the 1st and 2nd. Cucumbers are planted in the middle.

You can come up with a lot of similar schemes, it all depends on the required plants and on your attentiveness in matters of their combination.

Neighborhood of vegetables in the beds

Good neighbors are radishes, beans, lettuce, mint, dill, spinach. But tomatoes and cucumbers do not go together at all, since they require different amounts of moisture. Tomatoes also need a lot of fresh air, while cucumbers prefer the greenhouse effect. In general, tomatoes cannot be combined with almost any garden crops. The exceptions are radishes, asparagus, garlic, and parsley.

But basil is almost universal and can benefit any plant.

Cabbage is not recommended to be planted next to beets, carrots, beans, and pumpkin will not be happy with potatoes. It is better to plant it with relatives - zucchini, squash or melons. Otherwise, the harvest will be significantly worse.

Beneficial neighbors of beets are cabbage, zucchini, and legumes.

Peas go well with corn, lettuce and cabbage, but they don’t do well if their neighbors in the garden are zucchini, onions, and beans.

The ideal neighbors of dill are potatoes and parsley, and cucumbers are eggplants, onions, and lettuce.

Potatoes are usually planted separately, away from other crops. But it should be taken into account that horseradish will help protect it from bedbugs, and beans/peas or other legumes will saturate the soil with nitrogen, which will have a positive effect on the quantity and quality of the harvest. They will also repel Colorado potato beetles.

Every plant needs pollinators, which is why planting flowers near your vegetables is a good idea. In addition to flowers, marjoram, mint, and lemon balm are also attractive to pollinating insects. These herbs will always be useful on the farm for culinary or medicinal purposes, and at the same time the yield of your vegetable crops will increase significantly. In addition, they wonderfully decorate a summer cottage.

Another important point: the presence of earthworms in the soil. They loosen the soil, which increases the amount of oxygen in it. Worms are attracted to crops such as onions, valerian, and chicory.

Spinach is a very convenient option for joint plantings because it releases a lot of saponin into the soil - a substance that promotes root growth and improves access to water and nutrients. Different types of primrose have the same property.

Compatibility table for vegetables in garden beds

More detailed data can be found in the following tables:

Examples of bad neighborhoods not included in the tables

When organizing joint plantings of vegetables in the garden, make sure that the gooseberries are kept away from the currants, otherwise the moth, a pest dangerous to berries, will actively multiply.

A pear planted near a cherry tree will often get sick. The same situation is observed when planting any type of currant next to cherries or cherries. And juniper planted under a pear will most likely infect it with fungal infections.

The apple tree also loses from the proximity of cherries, as well as apricots, barberries, and lilacs. In general, cherries react aggressively to any planting under their crown, especially trees.

To prevent a pest called the strawberry-raspberry weevil, do not plant strawberries and raspberries next to each other. But almost any other plants next to raspberries, on the contrary, feel better because they saturate the earth with oxygen.

It is noteworthy that it is not advisable to plant birch in your garden - it has a very strong root system that absorbs huge amounts of water, taking it away from other plants. The same can be said about maple and spruce.

Plants that can repel pests:

Celery and shag resist cabbage fly, onion is an excellent remedy against spider mites. Wormwood and garlic are enemies of cruciferous flea beetles, and tomatoes are not to the liking of flea beetles and flea beetles. Garlic is also effective in repelling aphids and also helps the soil accumulate sulfur.

Vegetable neighborhood rules for greenhouses

If vegetable compatibility is important to you when planting in a greenhouse, keep the following factors in mind:

  • in greenhouses, vegetables grow faster, and overall the harvest is better;
  • in order to properly plant vegetables in a garden bed in a greenhouse, you need to adhere to the same principles as in open ground;
  • before planting, you need to carefully develop a layout of the beds;
  • You also need to take into account the cardinal directions - cucumbers and tomatoes grow better on the sunny southern side.

The compatibility of plants in a garden bed in a greenhouse is closely related to the season. There are two types of greenhouse mixed planting. In the first, greens are grown in early spring, in the second, various crops are cultivated throughout the season. In other words, greens are planted first, which ripen very quickly, then they are collected and tomatoes or cucumbers are planted in the same place.

In a greenhouse, it is advisable to plant those plants that require similar conditions of humidity and temperature. Cucumbers provide abundant shade, so shade-loving crops can be placed next to them. Tomatoes will do well with white cabbage.

Mixed plantings of vegetables will help you get a good harvest even in difficult conditions - poor soil, unsuitable climate. You can combine mixed beds with compacted seeding technology to improve the result. In a word, creating the vegetable garden of your dreams is in your hands, if you correctly use modern developments. Both beginners and experienced gardeners can learn something new from mixed planting technology.

Joint plantingsvegetable, berry, green and ornamental crops at the dachas there is a garden bed x is not know-how, not innovation, but technology used over many centuries of traditional cultivation of vegetable crops. Examples of joint planting of vegetables in bedswere known to both the American Indians and the ancient Slavs. Modern agricultural technicians study the interaction different cultures within a particular industry -plant allelopathy. We are talking about beneficial or depressing mutual influence various plants, planted nearby. For small country farms themeco-cultivationof various vegetables and herbs is especially relevant, since the use of this planting method will allow using the available space more economically in terms of quantity and more efficiently in terms of quality.

Why is it important to properly combine vegetables in garden beds?

To get the maximum yield on a minimum area using the technology of combined beds, it is necessary to understand the basics of crop rotation, since even the incorrect rotation of crops planted on the same plot of land in different years, can either improve the result or negate all the efforts of the gardener. Since the gardener is primarily interested in the yield and health of the plantings, the right choice neighbour and in the garden bed allows you to solve both problems.

Understanding the secrets of combined cultivation vegetable x, green and decorative crops You can achieve not only a rich, healthy harvest, but also combine the useful with the beautiful: a garden bed can become a decoration for your garden, turning into a flower bed. When choosing neighboring crops, the following factors must be taken into account: Plants with similar maintenance conditions and care requirements are planted in one bed: lighting, humidity, acidity and soil structure, regime and composition of fertilizing. If the cultures coincide in most parameters, then the nuances can be taken into account by correctly drawing up a diagramjoint landing: more moisture-loving plant plant in the center of the bed, where the soil moisture level is higher than at the edge. The same applies to sizes: the tallest specimens from a set of crops require planting in the center, the shortest ones - in the border, then everyone will have enough sunlight.

Compliance with crop rotation - an indispensable condition. Related crops belonging to the same family should not follow Friend after each other from season to season, as they draw from the soil what these plants need nutrients(which means that the next season the “relative” will already be deprived of soil fertility) and over the course of the season, pathogenic microorganisms accumulate that harm this particular family (which means that the “relative” is initially susceptible to the “family” disease). Plants with a powerful deep root system and short surface roots should be planted side by side in one bed so that these crops are adjacent and alternate: deep-shallow-deep. With such a planting, the roots of neighbors will not compete for underground space, each developing in its own direction.

Joint landingcultivation of different crops is possible not only within a spatial framework, when plants are simultaneously planted and ripen at the same time.

Joint planting within temporary boundaries allows you to harvest some vegetables, freeing up space for later neighbors to emerge and begin to develop.

Good example such a conveyor principlecombined planting in the garden bed, the width of which is 1 m, and the row spacing is 10 cm: Planting: lettuce (leaf) and radishes in one row - alternating every 10 cm; next row: watercress, kohlrabi cabbage alternates in a row with a head of lettuce, spinach is planted in three rows in a row, early variety potatoes, a couple more rows of spinach. Total 9 k ultur. Harvesting: spinach and watercress are harvested first (cut off the leaves and leave the roots); As they ripen, the radishes are pulled out and the lettuce leaves are removed after one; later, after harvesting the head lettuce, kohlrabi and potatoes remain until fully ripened.

Example of vertical combining compatible plants in one bed: The bed is located in an east-west direction. Along the northern border along the entire length there is a trellis support for tying up a climbing crop - beans. Rows: beans, every 0.2 m - low growing tomatoes, after 0.2 m - carrots, after 0.2 m - onions, along the edge - a fragrant spice (for example, basil) or marigolds to protect against insects. Carrots, onions and beans are planted first, and a little later, when the beans catch on the trellis, the tomato seedlings are planted. Harvesting in this combination is almost simultaneous for all vegetable neighbors.

Advantages of mixed plantings

The advantages of planting vegetables, herbs and ornamental crops in common beds, taking into account their compatibility, include not only saving space, although it is this reason that often pushes gardeners to mixed cultivation.

By wisely using the characteristics of certain plants, you can protect your plantings from attacks by insect pests: marigolds, oregano, mint, and herbs drive away insects, protecting their neighbors in the garden. Onions and garlic can also become a reliable barrier. If you plant nasturtium next to vegetables, then aphids will prefer decorative culture without getting to the vegetables. The smell of rosemary will repel bean lovers, and thyme will help the cabbage resist insect attacks. As a result, the summer resident will have a harvest of vegetables and aromatic additives for tea in the fall. Many cultures are not just friendship t, and show a beneficial effect on each other’s development: tall sun-loving sunflowers and corn They are excellent neighbors, since their roots develop at different depths, and create the necessary shade for short plants that prefer light shading: chard, spinach.

Early spinach greens will provide soil moisture and keep weeds at bay while beets and beans, potatoes or tomatoes emerge in the same area. And when the time comes to cut the spinach leaves, roots that are beneficial to the soil will remain in the ground, helping neighbors get food from the soil. These and others examples of joint planting of vegetables in the gardendemonstrate the benefits of growing different crops in a common area, if you know that what and why is it friendly, what can be planted side by side in one common bed . It is equally important to consider which plants do not tolerate each other.

What are they compatible with?


Cabbage crops usually suffer from pests, so onions and garlic are planted to protect against voracious caterpillars, and the aroma of mint, sage, rosemary and Bogorodskaya grass will help against butterflies. Snails do not like borage, and flea beetles avoid planting celery.

In addition to the defenders, cabbage there are simply friendly neighboring vegetables: potatoes, salads, cucumbers, beets.

Neighbors do not recommend carrots to go with cabbage (although with broccoli perhaps), beans, grapes, strawberries, and tomatoes are planted away from cabbage.


It has been noticed that basil is not just best neighbor for tomatoes , it makes vegetables taste richer. Combines harmoniously with garlic, which protects against pests, leafy greens, radishes and radishes, beans, carrots, onions and beets. They are developing well tomatoes next to peppers , even in closed ground conditions - in a greenhouse or greenhouse. Dill and it is better to plant potatoes further away, but nettle - a malicious weed - is very useful for improving the taste of tomatoes.


There is experience when cucumbers are planted with corn, which helps cope with ants, becomes an additional support for tenacious cucumbers, corn leaves cover the neighbor from the hot sun.

Radishes and radishes repel bugs and improve the flavor of the fruit. Can plant next to onions with garlic. Compatibility of related plants - cucumbers and zucchini - not bad example of joint cultivation in one bed. Spinach, beans and beans, dill, celery and even beets - good neighbors in cucumber beds. Compatibility vegetable crops and weedsplants in the gardenmanifests itself in a combination of cucumbers and tansy, agaric, and quinoa. These weeds help the crop resist pests.

Cucumbers and tomatoes do not grow nearby, especially in greenhouses and greenhouses - they are too different conditions content. Potatoes and spices are also planted away from each other.


Some gardeners believe that a pumpkin cannot find a favorable neighborhood. They definitely don’t plant pumpkins next to zucchini - this is fraught with cross-pollination, with potatoes, peppers and eggplants and legumes. Possible joint plantings with radishes and nasturtium - these crops perform a protective function.


The best neighbor for carrots - onions, but perennial onions. The fact is that onions and carrots have a fundamental difference in watering needs: either the onions will rot or the carrots will not grow. Garlic, spinach, radishes, lettuce - the most popularexamples of beds with joint plantings carrots.

Dill with carrot beds they tear them out mercilessly: these plants, competitors for moisture and nutrition, have the same diseases. Carrots and parsley , not the best neighbor and celery.


When planting potatoes, many experienced gardeners a bean is thrown into the hole - the best partner of culture, helping to get more bountiful harvest. Potatoes have many useful garden companions: beans, coriander, marigolds with nasturtium or tansy protect against the main pest - the Colorado potato beetle. Garlic planted between rows helps cope with late blight.

Potatoes' friends include radishes, salads, cabbage, eggplants, horseradish (if its distribution is controlled), calendula, and corn.

But quinoa inhibits the growth of potatoes; for the same reason, beets are not planted next to them. Raspberries and tomatoes can cause late blight. Zucchini, cucumbers, sorrel - examples of crop incompatibility


Having identified as neighbors to beets mint or catnip, the gardener saves himself from fighting aphids and fleas, the main pests of the vegetable. Proven neighbors for root vegetables are cabbage (white cabbage), carrots, onions, celery, carrots, strawberries are also suitable. But for a mutually beneficial neighborhood, all plants need to be provided with a place - the plantings should not be thickened.

Beet antagonists are potatoes, beans. Not recommended nearby plant mustard.

bell pepper

Basil is not just a neighbor. This is an active assistant for Bulgarian peppers , it promotes better growth and development of the plant. Onions are good for peppers, and beets are just a good neighbor. Not grown next to the peppers are carrots, peas, beans.


Perennial onions and carrots are an almost perfect examplecompatibility of plants in the garden. And onions grown for the sake of the bulb are incompatible with carrots, since moisture-loving carrots will ruin the neighbor or the onion harvest will leave the gardener without carrots, because they have different requirements for substrate moisture.

Onions are comfortable in the same bed with tomatoes, green crops, beets, and strawberries. But not with sage, radishes, beans, legumes, grapes, gladioli.


Garlic is valued by gardeners for its beneficial nutritional qualities and for the vegetable’s contribution to pest control: it protects plantings from insects, caterpillars, slugs and even moles if a large area is planted with garlic. Garlic is friendly with radishes, salads, celery, strawberries, carrots. It protects potato plantings from late blight, and decorative plants - gladioli and roses - from aphids.

Among the enemies of garlic, we note leguminous plants.


Eggplant with beans - an ideal combination in the fight against the Colorado potato beetle. Creeping thyme protects eggplants from flea beetles. Included in one diagram planting with eggplants, onions, peppers, herbs. Incompatible with cucumbers and cabbage.

Other vegetables

Radish It is good to grow next to carrots, cabbage, turnips, beans, salads, tomatoes, and beans. But onions, cucumbers, and beets are not suitable for general landing with radish.

Turnip can grow with peas, but does not develop surrounded by asparagus, next to mustard.

Salads are used in various combined beds. And spinach is recommended for mandatory planting: agricultural technicians note it compatible with any plants in the gardenand benefit in enriching the dacha land.

Unfavorable neighborhood

The list of plants that do not get along in the close company of other crops is small. The leader of this list is fennel, which requires individual planting.

More often, incompatibility is explained by related ties between crops (dill, coriander, parsley, the Apiaceae family, they compete and suffer from the same diseases).

When planning a general planting scheme, consider the size of an adult plant, the characteristics of the root system, the need free space on a piece of land. If we neglect these factors, then even a neighborhood that is favorable in theory will only bring problems in practice.

By studying the influence of plants on each other, a gardener increases the efficiency of his work. Every year, a summer resident transforms the appearance of his plot, because knowledge of the basics of allelopathy of vegetable and garden crops allows him to create unique flower beds that produce a rich harvest and give beauty and joy.

Experienced gardeners and gardeners have noticed that some vegetables grow well together, while some, on the contrary, interfere with each other's growth. Vegetables, herbs, and flowers help each other grow by improving the soil or keeping pests away from each other. Smart planting will provide you with a larger harvest...

Choice of garden neighbors.

Choosing garden neighbors is the true art of garden planning. Each vegetable is planted in the garden not alone, but in the vicinity of another companion plant. This tactic helps to minimize harmful effects insects and diseases.

Garden neighbor rules. When choosing garden neighbors, pay attention to the families of vegetables. Vegetables from the cabbage family, for example, do well planted next to beets and green leafy crops. Some herbs will help repel pests from cabbage. Planted in the same bed as cabbage, mint will improve its taste.

Vegetables can experience not only sympathy, but also antipathy towards each other: some vegetables retard growth and reduce each other's yield.

What vegetables grow well in one bed?

In addition to the neighborhood of one vegetable crop with another, it is good to consider other possible neighborhoods - vegetables and flowers, vegetables and herbs. Such combinations in garden beds are not only beautiful, but also useful.

Flowers next to vegetables.

Good advice: Plant a few marigolds in the tomato bed to repel pests. You can even decorate the entire perimeter of the garden with marigolds - this will help keep pests at a distance.

Marigolds in the garden

Some flowers act as pest traps, luring insects to them. Nasturtiums, for example, are very popular with aphids. These pests will prefer to feast on nasturtium and will not pay attention to nearby vegetables.

Vegetables and herbs.

Planting herbs nearby will give your vegetables a more refined taste. They also repel harmful insects. Rosemary repels beetles that attack beans. Thyme repels cabbage pests. Onions and garlic repel aphids. Oregano, like marigolds, is a good all-purpose barrier against most insect pests.

When deciding which vegetables to plant nearby in the garden, you need to be guided not only by scientific data, but also common sense. Lettuce, radishes and other fast-growing plants can be planted between melons or pumpkins. Lettuce and radishes will ripen before the pumpkin grows. Loving shadow green leafy vegetables, such as spinach and chard, are grown in the shade of corn. Sunflowers also grow well next to corn because their roots occupy different levels in the soil and do not compete for water and nutrients.

Well, let's move from the particular to the whole, and consider the successful and unsuccessful neighbors for each vegetable.


Neighbors for carrots.

The optimal neighborhood for carrots will be:



And here is a negative neighborhood for carrots:


Pepper grows well next to:





Do not plant peppers near beans.

Potatoes will bring a good harvest if planted next to:







You can’t plant potatoes if they grow nearby:









Do not place tomato beds and any types of cabbage, potatoes and corn next to each other.

Neighbors for asparagus.

An excellent neighborhood for asparagus would be:



What should you not plant asparagus with?

Fortunately, there are no plants that negatively affect the growth of asparagus.

Optimal neighborhood for beans:









Undesirable neighborhood for beans:


Beets will give a greater yield next to:



Undesirable neighbors in the beet bed:

Broccoli and neighbors in the garden.



Unwanted neighbors for broccoli:


green beans;


Brussels sprouts bed neighbors:

Brussels sprouts have one unwanted neighbor - tomatoes.

Neighbors for cabbage.

What can I plant cabbage next to?



Undesirable neighbors in the cabbage bed:





cauliflower and the neighborhood in the garden

Cauliflower and her neighbors:


Bad neighbors for cauliflower:




celery's neighbors in the garden

Celery grows best with:











Cucumbers should not be planted next to herbs, melons and potatoes.

Corn and its neighborhood.

Optimal neighbors:



But you can’t plant corn next to tomato beds!

They feel great next to:




What should I plant onions next to?

The best neighborhood for onions will be:





Peas and their neighbors in the garden.

Peas feel great next to:








Do not plant peas near beds with onions and garlic.

Beneficial weeds in the garden.

Sometimes plants can only be beneficial to each other at a certain stage of growth. This is true for some weeds as well. How can weeds in the garden be useful? Some weeds pull nutrients from deeper layers of soil and bring them to the surface. As weeds die and decompose, nutrients become available at the soil surface for shallow-rooted vegetables. This is why some vegetables grow very well next to nettles.

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