Removing and installing a gas meter. Procedure for replacing a gas meter. What to do if the device breaks down

Have you noticed that tasks such as replacing a gas meter are often taken lightly? Advisors post algorithms self-replacement, find dubious options for saving on equipment and materials.

Meanwhile, the replacement rules have legislative framework, are dictated by the service life of the equipment. A person allowed to work must have confirmed qualifications: even changing the battery must be carried out by a gas service employee.

After conducting a thorough research, we found out the requirements for the procedure, found laws regulating the procedure, frequency and reasons obliging owners gas equipment replace the metering device. We also found out what documents need to be provided for replacement gas meter service provider.

Replacing the device battery

The need to change the battery is usually indicated by a blank screen. In some cases, some of the numbers become difficult to distinguish or “disappear.” Sometimes users notice the screen flickering, which may also be evidence of a faulty battery.

In this case, you will also have to turn to the help of the gas service, since opening the device yourself is prohibited. Moreover, most batteries are sealed.

Repair or replacement?

In some situations, replacing equipment may be more profitable than repair work. If the device breaks down, you will have to pay for the dismantling work, examination and, if it is impossible to restore correct operation, a new flow meter and its installation.

Moreover, all the time spent on these manipulations, gas fees will be calculated based on regional standards.

Therefore, many users who suspect a major breakdown of the device prefer to immediately install new counter. The old one is either disposed of or, after successful repair, stored as a spare until the end of its service life.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The meter is replaced when it breaks down and at the end of its service life. The initiator can be the owner himself or a representative of the gas service. When choosing a device, you should listen to the opinion of a professional, since only he can take into account all the technical details.

Installation should also be entrusted to specialists. This is roughly how their installation visit goes:

After completing the work, the gas service employee must draw up two reports: on replacement and on putting the device into operation. After this, all that remains is to put a seal and monitor the condition of the new flow meter.

Should there be a paid or free option for replacing the gas meter in an apartment? This question is perhaps one of the most popular in discussions. Most often, the topic arises when equipment breaks down or is approaching the deadline for verification.

Periodically, the gas meter may require verification. on ensuring verification of metering devices by citizens using devices in an apartment or private building, came into force in 1993 (as amended in 2008).

Therefore, the responsibility for the reliability of the data of the accounting device and the integrity of the device rests entirely on the shoulders of the owner. You, as private owners, incur expenses for maintaining the account. Accordingly, the question: “Is it free or paid to replace the gas meter in an apartment?” is removed from the discussion. Payment for verification, as well as delivery of the unit for verification, is considered the responsibility of the subscriber.

Gas meters are installed free of charge only if the housing belongs to the municipality. It is he who must install this accounting tool.

Is it free or paid to install a gas meter?

Today, gas meters are often installed free of charge; the law makes its own adjustments. For example, it has become mandatory to install gas meters in all types of structures. If the owner did not take care of the installation of the device, representatives of utility services will carry out such work themselves. The payment will be calculated in receipts in installments, but it is better to calculate in advance whether it is profitable to install a gas meter.

  1. In a private house, replacing a gas meter always falls on the owner.
  2. In an apartment, everything is somewhat different: if it is privatized, then you pay, but if it belongs to the state, then the payment falls on it.

The exceptions that do not pay for installation are:

  • WWII veterans;
  • large families;
  • low-income people who have reached retirement age.

Advantages of measuring instruments:

  • structural simplicity;
  • acceptable price;
  • accurate information about the amount of gas burned;
  • lower rates.

Rules for replacing a gas meter in a private house

In order to install a means of measuring gas entering your home, you will have to fill out an application. It is transmitted to the regional gas service. Service representatives will require additional documents with your application. For example, the rules for replacing a gas meter in a private house require the provision of documents that confirm ownership of the property.

The gas meter is installed according to the technical features of the premises. Together with technical capabilities, specialists determine the quality of the gas pipeline. This work is considered projection work. The cost of drawing up a project can vary from 10,000 to 20,000 depending on the region.

The question often arises: who pays for gas meter replacement, what are the rules? , published at the end of 2014, states that residents of the Moscow Railway are not required to install gas consumption meters at all if the gas resources consumed in the house do not exceed two cubic meters.

In fact, experts themselves offer units from certain companies and certain technical features, without taking into account the nuances. If the class of the meter you have chosen does not match, you will be forced to change the device. If the selected and purchased device matches technical indicators gas pipeline, gas workers have no right to demand replacement of the purchased device.

To avoid nuances, write down information about the purchased device in the document submitted to the gas service dispatchers. In your application, please indicate the readings of the metering device that may be present before the installation of the device.

Rules for replacing a gas meter in an apartment

Utilities work according to the deadlines established in the legislative document. For example, the rules for replacing a gas meter in an apartment require consideration of your application within three days. In any case, the specialist usually calls the specified telephone numbers and agrees on a convenient connection time.

If a specialist is absent within three days, you have the right to file a complaint with the state housing inspectorate.

Some suggest that you can install gas meters yourself. Craftsmen just buy more necessary equipment and tools. However, the rules for installing metering equipment provide that work can only be carried out by a person with necessary knowledge, experience and license.

In addition, specialists are required to take precautions. For example, the location of the meter must be accurately measured - at least 80 cm from gas devices. According to regulatory documents and, the device must be at a height of at least 120 cm from the floor.

How much to pay for installing a meter

Any metering devices are usually classified as property of the homeowner. Therefore, it does not matter: a device is installed in a house or apartment. You, as the owner, will pay for the services and installation with your own savings.

However, the cost of the measuring instrument may vary. For example, the cost of the device itself, gas service, installation of metering equipment, as well as the number of actions performed by the employee can be taken into account.

If only applies gas stove, you can install the device for 3000-4000 thousand rubles. If, in addition to the stove, the house also has gas heating, then you will have to pay from 6,000 to 7,000 rubles.

Any measuring equipment has an operational period. The gas meter must be replaced according to established rules. Otherwise, his testimony will be considered invalid, and the person will have to pay according to the accepted average standards, and this is quite expensive. Next, we will talk about all the legal nuances.

Rules for replacing a gas meter

Gas supply lines are high-risk objects. Installation errors can lead to fatal consequences. Therefore, various government acts state that the installation of metering devices should only be carried out by organizations with the appropriate license. If you violate this rule, you can run into hefty fines, because such actions do not comply with safety regulations.

When installing gas meters in a private home, be sure to follow the following rules:

  1. Before installation, the specialist must make sure that the gas equipment is working properly and inspect the area.
  2. Minimum distance from the meter to gas equipment - 1 meter.
  3. The minimum distance from the opposite wall is 5 cm (this measure prevents corrosion).
  4. If the meter is installed outside, it must be placed in a metal cabinet or under a canopy.
  5. In the room where the meter will be installed, there must be natural ventilation.
  6. The minimum distance from the floor is 160 cm. Some models may have their own requirements. In this case, they are guided by factory standards (usually indicated in the device passport).
  7. There should be no devices that generate moisture or heat (radiators, sinks, etc.) within 2 meters.
  8. After installation, the device must be sealed by an employee of the housing organization.

The need for replacement is determined by the serviceability of the device or the operating period (registered in the passport).

At whose expense is it produced?

The gas meter is the property of the owner of the house, so he is considered responsible for its condition.

According to Gosstandart order No. 125, the owner of the house bears full responsibility behind:

  • maintaining the meter in proper condition;
  • verification of the device;
  • the correctness of the device readings and its performance.

In other words, the property owner is obliged to ensure that the meter is in good condition. If necessary, he must carry out verification and subsequent replacement of the device at his own expense. This is stated in Article 158 of the RF Housing Code.

The only exception is municipal buildings - in them, replacement work is carried out at the expense of the state, that is, the local administration. On average across the country, the cost of replacing a meter is in the range of 3-4 thousand rubles.

List of required documents for filing an application

In order to order the installation of a new meter, you must provide the following list of documents:

  • passport of the owner of the house (in its absence, it is permissible to use another identification document);
  • technical passport of the meter;
  • documents confirming the rights to real estate (purchase/sale agreement, house register, etc.);
  • if the applicant rents housing, then a rental agreement is provided;
  • technical plan of the building;
  • application (written in free form is acceptable);
  • approved house gasification project.

Important: the application must indicate all the characteristics of the device (serial number, model, etc.).

After the meter is replaced, to undergo the sealing procedure you will need to provide:

  • technical passport of the new device;
  • completion certificate installation work;
  • a document confirming the commissioning of a new meter.


Having prepared the list of documents, you need to do the following:

  1. Submit an application to a company that installs gas meters and conclude an agreement with it.
  2. After some time (the period depends on the workload of the company), a specialist will arrive to check the equipment and carry out necessary measurements.
  3. After implementation preliminary calculations the employee will announce the cost of the work. The service is usually paid for immediately (since you need to buy a meter).
  4. Then, on the appointed day, a specialist arrives and replaces the metering device. After that you need to take everything from him Required documents(certificate of installation work, contract and certificate of putting the device into operation).
  5. Then you need to contact management company with a statement and necessary papers for sealing the meter. This procedure is carried out within 3 working days. If the Criminal Code has violated the established deadlines, the citizen can file a complaint with the housing inspectorate.

Important! Such procedures should only be carried out by organizations with the appropriate license. Contacting a private specialist is unacceptable.

Video about choosing a gas meter

Like any technical equipment, gas meters have a certain service life. It depends on the type and brand of the device. It is better to take replacement measures in advance to avoid delays. In this article we will tell you how to replace a gas meter, when it is changed, and what documents you will need.

It is prohibited to change the gas meter yourself. This is done by gas specialists who have the right to carry out work to replace measuring instruments.

Replacing the meter yourself is fraught with serious consequences. Is it dangerous!

How to replace a gas meter? The algorithm will be as follows.

Step 1. It is necessary to contact the territorial management company that deals with gas networks. You must write an application and provide the required documents.

Step 2. Gas service specialists evaluate specifications for installation measuring instrument in room. At the same time, attention is also paid to the installation of gas networks in a private house or an apartment.

Step 3. Purchasing a meter in specialized stores. It is better to entrust this to a specialist who knows exactly which meter to buy. There are many nuances that an uninformed person may not know. You need to check the cost of replacing a gas meter with the company that will carry out the installation. Experts will be able to quote the price for replacing a gas meter after studying the technical data of the gas pipeline in your home.

Step 4. After the gas meter is replaced, everything should be checked carefully. If the owner is satisfied with everything, it is necessary to sign a certificate of completion of work.

Step 5. The final stage after replacing the gas meter - sealing. Without this procedure, the measuring device cannot be put into operation.

When dismantling an old gas meter, the owner should record the latest readings in order to subsequently transfer them to the management company.

The gas measuring device is installed in accordance with the established requirements. It can be located at a distance of 80 cm from other gas equipment. The placement height above the floor must be at least 1.2 m.

What documents are needed when replacing a gas meter?

To apply for a replacement gas meter, you will need the following documents:

  • owner's passport and its copy;
  • document confirming ownership and a copy;
  • gas meter passport or certificate with a copy;
  • paper with data on the latest verification of gas equipment;
  • project for installing a gas meter in a residential area with a list of gas consumption points.

In the application sent to the management company for sealing and putting the meter into operation, you must indicate:

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  • owner's passport details;
  • contact details for communication;
  • estimated start date for using the meter;
  • registration number of the measuring device;
  • meter model type;
  • the address where the gas meter needs to be replaced;
  • the name of the gas company that installed the device;
  • meter readings before replacement;
  • date of the next verification.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 dated May 6, 2011 established the Rules for the provision of utilities owners and users of residential premises.

According to this document, the period for replacing a gas meter in a private house and apartment cannot exceed 30 days. During this period the calculation utility payment will occur according to the standard established in your region.

After replacing the gas meter from the moment the application for sealing is submitted, the management company must contact the owner within three days. If this does not happen, you have the right to contact the housing inspectorate and file a complaint.

How much does it cost to replace a gas meter?

According to the decree of the Russian government, replacement of the gas meter is carried out at the expense of the homeowner. This is because all the equipment in your home belongs to you. This means that operating costs fall on your shoulders.

This fact is established not only for owners of private houses. Art. 158 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation clearly indicates that the owner of an apartment in apartment building bears all costs for maintaining the premises.

So you will have to pay:

  • purchasing a gas meter;
  • the work of specialists in removing the gas meter and installing a jumper pipe;
  • cost of services for verification and repair of the device;
  • services for direct gas meter replacement.

The cost of meter replacement services will be determined by specialists on site. The price depends on the complexity of the work, the number of devices, the length of the pipe for the gas meter output, as well as on the region of residence and the tariffs of the organization.

On average, you will have to pay about 15 thousand rubles for the device, and for services to replace the gas meter no more than 7 thousand rubles.

All listed expenses apply to owners of private houses and apartments. If your home belongs to the municipality, then they must bear all the costs of replacing the gas meter.

What is better - verification or replacement of the gas meter?

If the verification period for your meter is coming to an end, you will also pay for the verification work yourself. Owners consider verification inappropriate for the following reasons:

  • you have to pay not only for the verification itself, but also for the dismantling, installation and sealing of the meter;
  • delivery of the gas meter to the laboratory for verification is carried out by the owner independently and at his own expense;
  • if the measuring device does not pass verification, it will have to be replaced, but the cost of verification work will still be paid;
  • The verification period may take up to three weeks - during this time the owner will pay for gas consumption according to the standard.

Therefore, it is believed that at the end of the verification period it is much more profitable and faster to replace the gas meter. The interval between verifications depends on the brand and type of measuring device. It can vary from 5 to 12 years.