Adenium seeds: everything beginners need to know. Adenium mini - a charming dwarf with long flowering Possible difficulties, diseases and pests

Mini-adeniums grow slowly, have short internodes and are compact. They require almost no shaping, they branch beautifully, look well-groomed and complete. Flowering is abundant, almost always in a “cap”. Mini-adeniums are classified according to the color of the flowers - Adenium mini size Red (red flowers), Adenium mini size Pink (pink flowers), Adenium mini size Sunup Star (white flowers with a red edge) and Adenium mini size White (white flowers) are distinguished. Also There are variegated forms of mini-sized adenium and compact growth adenium with double flowers.
Adenium from the seeds of red mini-adeniums have the darkest foliage, and from the seeds of Adenium mini White - light green:

The same company almost 2 years later:

With age, the light green foliage of mini White adenium darkens, but is still lighter than that of mini Red.

It is worth noting that flowering, growth form, and leaf size of mini-adeniums are almost always individual. Everyone is special :)

For example, from the previous photo (in the background), adeniums of the same crop are noticeably different:

However, it is worth noting that the dwarf came from the seeds of Adenium mini size Red, and the giant from Adenium mini size Pink.

Care for adenium Mini Size

Mini-adeniums have a well-branched root system, so watering should be sufficient and the pot should not be cramped. With insufficient watering and a small pot, leaves drop or growth is inhibited. I defined this situation as a “tight pot”:

This situation occurred in July when it was hot and the soil dried out in less than a day. Some minis had their tops burned even in partial shade. And the plants decided to stagnate, shed the excess and rest. After transplantation, they began to actively grow only in September.

Mini Size grows noticeably better when high humidity in partial shade. In direct sun without shading in the heat, like other adeniums, the tender tops can burn and the leaves can get sunburned.

As soil components I use coconut substrate, zeolite, Seramis clay granulate, and agroperlite.

During a routine planned transplant, a healthy mini-adenium can become capricious and shed all its foliage. It takes willpower to wait for signs of growth without digging:

The same one a month later:

But this is an exception rather than a pattern. Mini-adeniums respond well to replanting and tolerate root pruning, which cannot be avoided over time.

Some mini-adeniums branch so much that their formation comes down to removing side shoots where there is simply no room for them to grow further without deformation.

Description Reviews Images

    Adenium, Desert Rose, Impala Lily originally from the arid regions of Africa, appeared on the domestic flower market relatively recently and immediately won the huge sympathy of lovers indoor plants.

    Adeniums are classified as succulents. They store water and nutrients in a large thickening of the trunk at the bottom of the plant. Under natural conditions, adeniums grow up to 10 m in height, and at home their sizes vary between 30-35 cm. good care adenium can bloom starting from 1.5 years and even earlier.

    Mini adeniums ideal for those who have limited space for keeping indoor plants. And in general, they will be a very valuable and incredibly charming piece in your collection. Such adeniums are distinguished by their compact size, neat crown and dark green shiny “curling” leaves. Adenium dwarfism manifests itself already in the first days of life. Remember that mini adenium seeds germinate more slowly than regular ones. Shoots appear from 5 days to 1 month.

    All parts of the plant are poisonous.


    The most important condition for normal development- it is a sunny location. The plant should receive bright light with direct sun. In the warm season, it is recommended to take it out Fresh air(balcony, terrace).

    The optimal temperature for growth is from +25 to +35 C. In winter it can drop to +12+15 C, during which the plant enters a dormant period and can partially or completely shed its foliage. The need for a dormant period is not essential when growing adenium, so in winter you can use heating and artificial lighting.

    In summer, water the plant, drying the substrate between waterings, and in winter, watering should be minimal, depending on the condition of the plant. Once every 2-3 weeks, adenium is fed with fertilizer for cacti or universal fertilizer in half the dose.

    Transplantation is carried out if necessary in spring and summer. Young plants are replanted every year, adults - once every 2-4 years. Use neutral, light soil (universal or peat soil for cacti, coconut briquettes) with the addition of a large (up to 50%) amount of cultivators (perlite, sand, fine expanded clay, brick chips, vermiculite, etc.). To stimulate branching, pruning and pinching is recommended.

    Growing from seeds.

    Seeds begin to germinate within 24 hours, and germination rate, if all conditions are met, ranges from 70 to 100%. They can be pre-soaked for 4 hours (no more!), but this is not a necessary procedure. IN summer time seeds are germinated on a sunny windowsill, in other seasons - with heating.

    For planting use moisture- and breathable, drained neutral soil. Coconut shavings, perlite, charcoal, sand, vermiculite. The seeds are laid out on a moistened substrate; they can be slightly pressed into the soil, but there is no need to completely cover them. Cover with film.

    Important! The air temperature at this time should not fall below +25 degrees and not above +35 (it is better to place a thermometer nearby). Warmth in the cold season is provided by heating from below, for which a mini greenhouse is placed on a heating pad, radiator, or shoe dryer.

    Also, do not forget to open and ventilate. Ventilation is necessary for air access to avoid rotting of seeds and seedlings. When using heating, adjust air humidity by spraying. You should be wary of drafts.

    Caring for seedlings.

Our store has been selling adeniums for five years and often advises customers in choosing seeds. the main problem all newcomers in that they focus on beautiful pictures and are waiting for flowering just like on them. But unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. Let's figure out why.

In this article we will talk about three popular myths about adeniums, you will learn how to choose the right seeds, and also learn everything about nurseries in Asia.

Myth No. 1: Adenium from seeds can bloom exactly according to the variety

Selection in the world of adenium is developing rapidly. Over the past ten years, more than 500 varieties have been developed. And every year their number is growing.

But alas, varietal characteristics of adenium are not fixed and are not inherited through seeds. This means that choosing from a picture makes no sense if you're hoping to get exact copy varieties. As a result, the flowering will be very different from what was declared and will only partially inherit the features of the parents. In rare cases it can be very similar, but this is mostly luck.

Waiting / Chi Lung Ko Kennel

Reality / AdeniumBOOM

In good, time-tested nurseries, there are two types of seeds: varietal seeds and hand-pollinated seeds. Let's talk in more detail about each of them.

Varietal seeds

In catalogs they look like a photograph with the name of the variety. And here is the main trap for a beginner. The picture does not promise that these seeds can produce such flowering. It only reports that seeds were obtained from a plant of a given variety. But few people understand this.

Parents. The mother plant is indicated in the photograph of the variety. And this is all we know about the pedigree of such seeds. In some nurseries, the father is matched with similar flowers. But most often it is a simple, single-row savage of pink color - these are called Pink.

Thai Jasmine

Bloom. Nurseries don't appreciate this planting material. It produces virtually no unique blooms. At best, the flowers will be double. You'll be lucky if you inherit your mother's characteristics, at least partially.

The seeds of the Yellow Chaise plant have ripened and we can buy them / Orient Adenium

And we can get such flowering / Nicole Green

Or this / Nicole Green

An excellent flowering option, but clearly not what we originally wanted / Nicole Green

Price. The average price tag for 2018 on the Russian market is 25–50 rubles per seed. This is relatively low price, makes this flower roulette very popular.

Hand pollinated seeds

They are easy to distinguish in catalogues. In one photo there are two varieties that have been crossed. Mom is usually on the left, dad is on the right. The picture speaks for itself. But beginners usually avoid it, since it is not clear what to ultimately expect from such seeds. And something vague scares them.

Parents. As already mentioned, both parents of these seeds are known. It is believed that the mother plant is responsible for the shape and size of the flower, and the father plant is responsible for the color. This is very conditional, since the genetic mechanisms of transmission of traits are much more complex.

Bloom. Hand pollination is highly valued in nurseries. This is very painstaking work. These seeds are more expensive, but the result of sowing can exceed all expectations. In addition, the percentage of double flowers is much higher. Inexperienced buyers rarely understand their full value. But it is from them that new, unique varieties are obtained, for which collectors from all over the world line up.

This photo doesn't sell well / Orient Adenium

But the result will leave few people indifferent / Nicole Green

Price. For 2018, the average price tag is 60–120 rubles per seed. Another reason for the lack of popularity of these seeds. But the miser pays twice.

Myth No. 2: Adeniums grown from seeds do not bloom

This is the most popular myth among beginners. In fact, on average, adeniums bloom a year and a half after planting. Everything will depend on the conditions and genetic characteristics of the plant itself.

Sometimes there are particularly stubborn specimens that torment their owners for five years. But they need their own approach.

It also happens the other way around, when already at six months the seedling pleases with its first flowering. But this happens extremely rarely.

This seedling is only 5.5 months old, named Iskra / Natasha Sfa

Adenium may never bloom if you keep them on a north window, in the cold. At the same time, do not organize additional lighting with lamps and do not use bottom heating. Bright light And warm ground- these are the basic conditions. Without them, the plant will not only not bloom, but also not grow.

Myth No. 3: Adeniums need to be grafted to bloom.

If you have carefully read the information about the previous two myths, then this one will not cause you doubts. Of course this is not true. But then what is the vaccination for?

We have already figured out what kind of flowering can be obtained from seeds. And we realized that it would not be the same as in the photo of the nursery. But I really want to. This is exactly what grafting is needed for - to copy the adenium variety.

For example, we have a plant with very simple flowering. And our friend’s Adenium blooms so beautifully that everyone around is jealous. We ask her for a small cutting and graft it onto our not entirely successful specimen. And now we can also admire this variety at home.

And also with Asian nurseries. If we want to get a unique plant, we buy seeds. We need a specific variety - we take an adult grafted adenium.

Here is the Pink Panther variety growing in Taiwan / Orient Adenium

The same variety, but in Russia and in the form of a graft / AdeniumBOOM

How to choose good seeds

Now that we know what seeds are on the market, let's learn how to choose them. The task is not easy, because we cannot predict what the flowering will be like. But you can follow some guidelines.

1. Choose a color

The result of flowering is unpredictable, but the offspring should inherit some of the characteristics from their parents. Over the years of selection, some patterns have been identified.

Pink, red and white colors are transmitted in 80–90% of cases. Yellow, orange and striped flowers are inherited up to 70%. Dark red and purple colors only 20% of offspring are passed on.

But all these colors will compete with each other. For example, if you cross a red-white flower and a yellow-striped one, then most likely we will not get yellow offspring, because the red color will be stronger. But this is a fight of genes; nature decides who will be the winner.

Work on crossing two varieties from David Clulow from Venezuela / David Clulow

Result: red and pink colors won, but the stripes won their place on the petals / David Clulow

Sometimes the war of genes leads to completely unexpected results. When on one plant we can see several flowering options. Such adeniums are called chameleons.

Chameleon from the Rosa Chen nursery. On one
plant bouquet of different flowers / Rosa Chen

Seedling from Orient nursery. The first variant of flowering in hot weather
weather / Yang Ming Adenium

The same seedling, when the temperature drops / Yang Ming

This is why knowing the pedigree of seeds is important to understanding what they can produce. To obtain seedlings similar to their parents, the principle of similarity works best.

Another experiment by David Klulov. This time the plants were selected with similar traits / David Clulow

The seedling almost completely inherited the features of its parents / David Clulow

2. Choose a form

Most gardeners prefer double varieties, but, unfortunately, this trait is not transmitted so often. And, here, single-row flowers, also called singles, are much easier to obtain. If you love them, then you are in luck.

For everyone else the best choice These are hand pollinated seeds. Their percentage of getting terry is much higher. There is only 20–30% that the offspring will be single-rowed. That is, if you plant ten seeds of the same pollination, only two or three seedlings will be singles.

It's a completely different story with varietal seeds. Everything here will depend on the father, hidden from view. If it is single-rowed and the mother is double-rowed, then 60% of the offspring will turn out to be singles. That is, six seedlings per ten seeds.

Another example of varietal seeds / Orient Adenium

But in the end, 4 out of 9 seedlings were double, one seed did not germinate. It looks like the father was a single / Nicole Green

3. Choose a seller

The seeds of Russian collectors, which they received in apartment conditions or greenhouses, are especially valuable. Usually they are in very high demand and are booked for several years in advance. But it's worth it, since freshness and quality are guaranteed.

4. Choose a price

The rule of the golden mean will work here.

Very cheap seeds should alert you. No, of course, Pinkies can cost 2.5 rubles per piece. But you certainly won't get it for that kind of money. beautiful bloom, no matter how attractive the picture it is sold under.

The main leaders and gurus of adenium farming are countries such as Vietnam, Thailand and Taiwan. There are breeders with good results and in other countries. But for now, their seeds are just as difficult to get as those grown in Russia.

Although a very high price for a seed is not a guarantee of quality, or rather, beyond quality. Some sellers greatly inflate the price tag, peppering the matter with some enticing inscriptions. For example: elite varieties, exclusive series and other nonsense - sounds good. And the seeds are the same, only more expensive. And it seems that from them there will definitely be results like in the picture. But alas.

5. Choosing a nursery

Let's discuss in more detail what kinds of sellers there are from Asia, and what seeds they sell to us.

All Russian sellers purchase from the same Asian breeders. There are not many of them, but the work and policies of these nurseries are significantly different. This, of course, affects the quality of the seeds.

The main leaders and gurus of adenium farming are countries such as Vietnam, Thailand and Taiwan. There are breeders with good results in other countries. But for now, their seeds are just as difficult to get as those grown in Russia.

The more reliable the nursery, the greater the chance of getting interesting flowering in shape and color.

Reliable nurseries

Mister Chi Lung Ko Kennel (Taiwan)- one of the most famous and oldest manufacturers in the world. And everything seems to be good about it: the range is wide, the price is low, and sometimes you get worthwhile blooms. But something still confuses me. Or endless supplies of seeds of any variety with a static catalogue. Or maybe a low percentage of masterpieces from these seeds. But there are many satisfied people.

  • Range: wide
  • Price: lowest in relation to quality
  • Results: average, few masterpieces

Mister Ko logo. The varieties also bear the name of the author. This variety is called KO-107 / Chi Lung Ko Nursery

Yang Ming Adenium or Orient Adenium (Taiwan)- The first name belongs to the nursery, the second sales agent, which only works in certain markets. Because of this, confusion often arises. In Russia the name Orient is more popular.

This is a very well known and respected nursery. But here the price is higher and the quality is corresponding. The results are often worthwhile. In varietal seeds, the father is selected strictly according to the principle of detail. By the way, they tend to run out of seeds, and the assortment is often updated.

  • Range: wide
  • Price: high
  • Results: good, masterpieces are often obtained

Almost exact hit for varietal seeds / Logan Woods and Orient Adenium

Brahma Garden -LEO BMA (Taiwan)- a young nursery that is still under construction. But the results of his selection are impressive. Now the cost of its seeds is one of the highest. But this is due to small volumes and incredible demand exceeding supply.

This breeder is something like Armani or Chanel in the world of adenium breeders. He does not sell varietal seeds, only hand pollination. He considers trading in pictures to be a scam. His catalog contains many experiments on crossing varieties from different nurseries. But alas, vaccinations are not yet available. In general, if you manage to buy seeds from this nursery, you are the owner of a treasure.

  • Range: small, hand pollinated only
  • Price: very high
  • Results: even the singles turn out to be masterpieces

A nondescript seed cover from Brahma Garden. The name consists of the abbreviated name of the nursery and 4 numbers. The first two digits are the year of creation, the second are the pair number

Siam Adenium (Thailand)- guru in selection. They use not just random breeding of varieties by type - crossed and obtained, but conscious, scientific approach. But due to its high cost, it is not widely used in Russia.

One of the few ways to get something very close to the declared picture from varietal seeds is to buy them from this nursery. Hand pollination is sold extremely rarely here. Apparently, they know the value of their selection.

This seller can be recommended to everyone: beginners and professionals. But the seeds will most likely have to be purchased directly from the nursery. IN last years in Russia only their vaccinations are sold, and they are observed frequent cases re-grades. This casts a shadow on the quality of the nursery’s work and its credibility.

  • Range: Not very wide. Mostly only varietal seeds, rarely hand pollination.
  • Price: very high. If you take 10,000 seeds, then average.
  • Results: probably not bad. In Russia, we have not yet seen seedlings flowering from their seeds.

Mr. Kesorn (Thailand)- just a reliable, stable seller. Does not sell varietal seeds. Follows the same policy as Brahma Garden. But it has a meager assortment. Yes, and it is found on Russian markets no longer often. This is where Russian adenium farming began. But competitors forced it out of our market.

Perhaps small groups still sell its seeds. Their price should attract beginners. But don't expect much from them.

  • Range: modest
  • Price: low
  • Results: modest, you shouldn’t expect masterpieces.

Unreliable nurseries

King Adenium (Thailand)- a relatively well-known manufacturer. But in Russia there are still few results from sowing seeds from this nursery. Mostly all unsuccessful, with simple pink seedlings. On the one hand, the seeds are not cheap. On the other hand, there are creepy, manipulated photographs. But in Russia there are good grafted plants from King Adenium, which bloom according to the variety. So, on this moment, it is difficult to judge unambiguously.

  • Range: not very wide, only varietal seeds
  • Price: high
  • Result: doubtful

Someone threw acid in the eyes / King Adenium

Saigon Adenium (Vietnam)- one of the most unstable suppliers in Asia. I want to scold him and praise him at the same time. But since we are talking about seeds, we will still speak in a negative light.

First, it should be mentioned that the selection of adenium originated in this nursery. The first one was released here terry variety- Doxon. Here, every year, simply cosmic colors and shapes of flowers are created. But all this is negated by the terrible organization of the sales process.

All seeds are numbered. This is done for convenience, since the names are mostly unpronounceable. And everything would be fine, even convenient - it’s easier to write the number. But these numbers are constantly jumping. Either some variety is marked as 16, or it’s already 61. It’s unclear how to order, what they’ll send is also unclear.

If it is hand pollinated bag 11 / Teddy Chau

Then it's unclear what kind of couple they are / Teddy Chau

Although the price tag doesn’t bite, I don’t want to order it. You immediately remember the high percentage of mismatched plants they send in grafted plants. The amount of rot and diseased adeniums is also off scale. All this completely discourages desires. Seeds and plants are, of course, different categories of goods. But the principle of operation of the nursery is the same.

We do not risk working with this nursery and do not advise you to. We'll see the results and maybe change our minds.

  • Range: so wide that the nursery itself gets confused
  • Price: slightly above average
  • Results: Seed sales started only this summer. No results yet.

Nurseries from Aliexpress (China)- no matter how much you tell stories about what comes from this wonderful site, it’s not enough for the thrifty. If you love roulette, then this is the place for you.

This is not exactly a nursery, but they order here with enviable regularity. Although they often get string or burdock instead of adenium. It's really very cheap. Of course, the rare blue varieties declared by the seller will definitely not be able to be grown. But there is a small chance that they will send the seeds of the desired plant.

They still order / Chi Lung Ko

Ideal, I want all four varieties / Anastasia Volkova
  • Range: huge, photoshop would work
  • Price: very low
  • Result: sometimes adeniums grow

A short cheat sheet for beginners

  • Adenium grown from seeds blooms.
  • For adenium to bloom, it is not necessary to graft it.
  • Grafting is needed to completely copy the variety.
  • Adenium seedlings can only partially inherit varietal characteristics.
  • It is easier to obtain a beautiful, unique plant from hand-pollinated seeds.
  • Hand-pollinated seeds provide better terry. And we can guess how they will bloom, since we know their parents.
  • Reliable nurseries value their products. Therefore, good seeds are more expensive.

Oleg Georgievskiy 04/25/2011

Photos by Oleg Kovalev and Vladimir Khegetyan

Adeniums Mini Size relatively new variety adeniums and among the huge variety of adeniums of other varieties, of course, it is quite rare. At first unnoticed among the handsome giants, Mini Size adeniums are now becoming increasingly popular among amateurs.

Adenium Mini Size Sunup Star, age - 3.5 years.

Adenium Mini Size- a real genetic dwarf. There are currently four varieties of Mini Size adenium.

Adenium Mini Size Sunup Star with white pink flowers can be considered the founder of this series. It received its name – “Morning Star” a little later, when other varieties of this dwarf appeared.

Adenium Mini Size Pink- variety with pink flowers.

Adenium Mini Size Red- variety with red flowers.

Adenium Mini Size White– a new variety with white flowers. Currently the rarest of the Mini Size adeniums. According to information from the manufacturer of these adenium varieties, sufficient genetic resistance of this variety has not yet been achieved at seed propagation and therefore the sale of seeds is carried out in very limited quantities.

The germination of seeds of these adenium varieties is quite unpredictable even with fresh seeds, because some of the seeds are not viable immediately after collection (due to their underdevelopment). Therefore, seed germination of 60-70% can be considered good for this variety. According to information from the manufacturer of adeniums, in order to increase germination, Mini Size adeniums are pollinated with pollen from ordinary adeniums, but then the yield of minis is no more than 30%, the rest are ordinary large-size ones. If you pollinate mini on mini, germination will deteriorate. And indeed, when sowing relatively large quantities of Mini adenium seeds, ordinary adeniums and semi-dwarfs can also grow from the seeds. However, I think the seed producer is playing it safe in this case - the repeatability of the variety from seeds is very high.

Perhaps it is precisely because of cross-pollination with other varieties of adeniums that the varietal characteristics of mini adeniums are not entirely stable in color and flower shape, and lovers can get flowers that are quite original and unusual for this variety.

Adenium seedlings Mini Size.

The seeds of adeniums of this variety usually germinate later than the seeds of ordinary adeniums. Moreover, it is quite normal if Mini adenium seeds sprouted 2-3 weeks after sowing (which, in general, is not typical for adenium seeds), although germination is quite possible after 4-5 days.

Adenium Mini Size is a dwarf tree in a pot. Adeniums of this variety grow very slowly. It will take approximately 3-5 years for your adenium to become truly dwarf tree in a pot. By this age, the plant grows to a height of only 12-17 cm and even without flowers looks very decorative.

Mini adeniums, unlike their larger counterparts, begin to branch very early - usually from 3-8 months. Crown formation is not required, except in cases where it is necessary to change the direction of growth of plant branches.

Typically, Mini Size adeniums begin to bloom at the age of 2-3 years. However, it is not uncommon for adeniums of this variety to bloom (or try to bloom by forming buds, but then dropping them) even at the age of one year. The diameter of the flower is 5-7 cm. Depending on the conditions, the flower stays on the plant for 5-12 days.

An adult plant can bloom continuously all year round. Even winter maintenance with limited watering and a lack of light and heat, although it limits flowering, is often not able to stop it completely.

In general, caring for Mini Size adeniums is not particularly different from caring for other varieties of Adenium obese. However, the relatively small caudex and the large total surface of the leaves that evaporate moisture require more balanced watering. I would also not recommend keeping mini adeniums dry in winter with falling leaves and very infrequent watering, especially if this leads to significant softening of the caudex. Lack of watering for 3 weeks in winter led to almost complete loss of foliage and softening of the caudex in my 4-year-old mini adenium. As a result, the plant took a very long and painful time to recover from this state, had difficulty growing new foliage and stopped flowering for almost 8 months.

Growing this variety of adenium from seeds is an interesting and exciting activity for flower lovers, causing a large number of positive emotions. In addition, this plant is ideal for our small window sills.

Mini adeniums are small branching trees with bright green glossy leaves. Due to their compactness, bright flowers decorate window sills and fit harmoniously into any interior of a city apartment or country house. At proper care the trees begin to bloom already in the second year of life. Their flowering is delightful and long lasting.

Plant varieties

True mini adenium is not double, but there are varieties with a compact growth pattern - such plants are grown on narrow, light windowsills.

Mini size plants branch well, grow slowly and bloom profusely. In turn, they are divided into the following subspecies:

  • Mini Size Sunup Star plant blooms with white and pink flowers. As other varieties of dwarf began to appear, it became known as "Morning Star";
  • Mini Size Pink plant blooms pink tint. There are flowers in the middle white. The closer the edge of the petal, the richer and brighter the pink tint appears;
  • Mini Size Red plant blooms with red flowers with a dark border and a white center. Thanks to smooth transition from white to scarlet shade, adenium becomes mysterious and magnificent;
  • Mini Size White plant was recently bred and blooms white beautiful flowers. Its petals are beautiful with an even outline.

Adeniums of the mini-size variety differ from each other not only in the color of the flowers, but also different shapes sheets. Their leaves can be straight and even very curled.

There is also a mini adenium variety called Richie - it has an exotic appearance. The tree is dwarf in size, with four or three leaves on the top of the trunk. If you care for the plant correctly, in early spring it may bloom with delicate pink flowers.

Mini plants can grow up to a maximum of 17 centimeters in height. Adenium reaches its maximum height only at the age of five years.

Features of caring for adenium

In order for an adult mini variety plant to bloom profusely within 12 days, it needs to create the right conditions care Home care for adenium consists of creating proper lighting, temperature regime, in proper watering and fertilizer, as well as timely replanting according to the rules.

The plant needs good lighting. In temperate climates, except solar lighting, it is important for the flower to provide additional lighting. But it is important to protect it from direct sunlight.

Read also: How to propagate and care for bamboo at home

Recommended dwarf varieties Grow adeniums on southern windowsills. In the summer heat, shade slightly so that the plant trunk does not get burned. Since it is this part of the flower that is considered more vulnerable. In order for the plant to grow evenly, the container with it must be rotated from time to time.


In summer, the air temperature should be between 25 - 30 degrees Celsius. It is also recommended to take the flowerpot out into the fresh air, to a place protected from rain.

The plant rests when the temperature drops and the duration of illumination decreases. During this period, mini adenium sheds yellowed foliage. In winter, it is kept in a room with a temperature of at least 10 degrees Celsius, but it is best for it to be between 12 and 15 degrees. To prevent the plant from dying, you should ensure that its roots do not get too cold.

Soil for a flower and transplantation rules

It is recommended to plant the plant in loose, nutritious, well-permeable soil. It should also be well fertilized with fertilizers with a neutral or acidic reaction. It is imperative to make a good drainage layer.

Soil for planting or transplanting mini adeniums can be purchased at the store and add a little perlite or vermouth to it. If possible, you can prepare your own soil mixture by mixing peat with deciduous soil or humus, coarse sand and perlite in a ratio of 5:2:1:2.

The nuances of adenium mini transplant:

  • Since the roots of the flower grow quickly, it needs to be replanted. Otherwise, the rhizomes will be crowded and the flowerpot will disappear;
  • It is recommended to replant young adeniums once a year, and older ones – once every two to three years;
  • adult flowers are transplanted as the pot is filled with roots;
  • transplantation is carried out into a prepared nutritious soil with drainage.

Thanks to the transplantation procedure, the roots will be able to develop better, as a result of which the flower will receive the right amount minerals and trace elements.

Features of watering

Adenium needs to be watered regularly, but not very abundantly. Moderate humidity and comfortable temperature regime will allow the flowerpot to bloom beautifully and abundantly.

In winter, the plant is watered with small portions of water once a week. Drying out the soil or excessive watering leads to root disease. With a lack of moisture, the foliage turns yellow, crumbles, and the adenium itself cannot form buds for flowering.

Growing mini adenium from seeds

The germination of mini adenium seeds is not predictable, even if the seeds are fresh. Since some grains, immediately after harvest, are unviable due to underdevelopment. Therefore, if 60 percent of the sown seeds sprouted, it means that the plant was successfully propagated by seed.

Read also: Features of growing and propagating aglaonema

Experts say that to increase germination, the mini-size variety must be pollinated with pollen from the regular adenium variety. But, in this case, 30 percent will be mini, and the remaining sprouts will be ordinary adeniums. If a mini variety is pollinated with a mini variety, germination will be even worse.

When sowing seeds of the Mini Size Red variety, you can get plants with pink flowers, in which the color intensity decreases closer to the throat of the flower.

The seeds of the mini variety germinate later than the seeds of the regular adenium variety. Seeds can sprout two to three weeks after sowing.

The nuances of growing mini adenium from seeds:

  1. It is necessary to sow the seeds in March - April in a container with prepared soil, to a depth of no more than a centimeter.
  2. It is recommended to sow seeds in a plastic box with a lid. This container will allow you to ventilate the seedlings three times a day.
  3. The seeds are placed in holes made with a match. It is not recommended to cover them with soil.
  4. Since seedlings should never be over-watered, watering must be replaced by spraying.
  5. If the room is 30 degrees Celsius, the first shoots can be seen within a week.
  6. Two months after germination, the sprouts must be planted in separate cups.
  7. It is recommended to feed with special fertilizers for succulents, but not earlier than two months after germination of the sprouts.

From three to eight months, mini variety adeniums begin to branch. There is no need to form a crown. Branches are trimmed only if it is necessary to change the direction of their growth.

Mini variety plants bloom two years after sowing the seeds. Sometimes it happens that plants of the first year of life try to form buds for flowering, but quickly drop them.

Young plants bloom for 12 days, and adults - throughout the year (since after flowering they bloom again). Even if you water the flower limitedly in winter and keep it in insufficient lighting, it is not possible to completely stop flowering.

Growing a plant using grafting

The plant grafting procedure is carried out only with a sharp knife. Make cuts on the rootstock and scion. Combine the selected plants and fasten them with a special means.

For the vaccination to be successful, it is recommended to carry out the procedure at a temperature of at least 30 degrees Celsius, high humidity, and in bright light.

Reproduction by cuttings

In order for the mini adenium cutting procedure to be successful, it is recommended to follow the following recommendations:

  1. To root the plant, take cuttings 10–15 centimeters long and at least one centimeter in diameter.
  2. It is best to root cuttings during the active growing season.
  3. A few days before cutting the cutting, water the flower well.
  4. After cutting the cutting, make a notch in the form of a cross at the cut site, which will allow roots to form in large quantities.
  5. Place the cut cuttings in a fungicide solution for several hours. Then powder it with a special powder that allows it to take root faster. Dry for seven days.
  6. Place in a clean railing, lowering the cutting three centimeters into the product. Be sure to water the perlite sparingly to prevent it from drying out or becoming too wet;
  7. For rooting, the cuttings can be placed in peat mixed with perlite in equal proportions or in coconut fibers with perlite;
  8. After a month, the cuttings will take root. They can be planted in prepared containers.