Expansion of the opening. Expansion of door and window openings. Tools for work

Let us immediately note that the device opening in the main wall the matter is more than responsible, since the structures of the building, which are load-bearing, are affected. Under no circumstances should this be done without consulting with specialists and without obtaining permission from the Moscow Housing Inspectorate and approval from the authors of the house!

With such a redevelopment of load-bearing walls, it is important to first go through the approval process, and only after its approval, begin the appropriate actions, strictly following the methodology prescribed in the project.

There are 3 types of residential multi-storey buildings, in which one can consider the possibility of constructing an opening in load-bearing wall:

  • old brick (Khrushchev, or aerated concrete block);
  • panel;
  • new monolithic ones.

The method of moving or creating an opening in the main walls is individual for each house.
Such redevelopment of the wall may be necessary in cases of connecting the kitchen and living room, increasing the window opening or increasing the living space due to the apartment located next door, etc.
However, carrying out such work without approval is fraught with adverse consequences:

  • destruction of a house or individual structures;
  • a fine for constructing an opening without permission;
  • repairing the wall and all building structures that were damaged as a result of unauthorized unacceptable actions, to transform them into their previous condition at their own expense.

So, what kind of opening can be made in a load-bearing wall? Clear General requirements, such as the width of the opening, the amount of indentation from the outer (external) wall, etc., exist only for panel houses due to the fact that they were all built in a standard way.

The answer to the question “is it possible to make a doorway in the load-bearing wall of a brick house?” will depend on the results technical inspection house, year of construction and other data. The same applies to modern monolithic houses– there are no general clear instructions here, therefore the maximum width of the openings will vary, based on individual characteristics project of each house.

An important point is the year of construction of the building itself, since any material is subject to wear and tear over time. When constructing a doorway, it is impossible not to take into account the change in loads, therefore, for coordination, a project for strengthening the opening with the corresponding drawings is necessary.

Expanding the opening in a load-bearing wall

The very fact of expanding the opening in a load-bearing wall is a more serious matter than carrying out redevelopment due to the opening. In this case, strengthening the opening is the primary task of the event to ensure your safety. When enlarging a doorway in a load-bearing wall, it is important to remember several important points:

  • strengthening of support is necessary, the installation of a metal structure will help with this, which will prevent the destruction of the building;
  • approval is impossible without a technical report and preparation of a package of design documents, since such redevelopment is not possible in all houses.

If you want to increase the doorway in the load-bearing wall in apartments on top floors, obtaining permission is much easier, due to the lower load on the main walls. The situation is more complicated with the coordination of such work on the lower floors, since the load is much greater and the walls are not designed to carry out such activities.

Moving a doorway in a load-bearing wall

The relocation of a doorway in a load-bearing wall also requires approval, since the main wall of the building is affected, in addition, all changes must be made to the BTI plans.

First of all, it is necessary to obtain a technical opinion on the existence of such a possibility.
Such work must be carried out in strict compliance with the requirements of housing legislation, rules fire safety and SNiP. If you move a doorway in a load-bearing wall without approval and taking into account all the requirements, this will entail a lot of unpleasant consequences, from a fine to the return of the apartment to original appearance at your own expense.

Coordination of the opening in the load-bearing wall

Obtaining permission during the approval process for an opening in the load-bearing wall of a brick house is less problematic than in other houses. The whole point is that brick houses more durable, since the walls in them are less dependent on each other. If you are the owner of an apartment in brick house, for approval you need to contact State Unitary Enterprise Moszhilniiproekt, where, in accordance with current legislation, you will be given a conclusion on the possibility of constructing an opening in the main wall.

The situation is different with obtaining permission when approving an opening in the load-bearing wall of a panel house, because in such houses almost every wall has an impressive load. If you unauthorizedly build an opening in such a wall, this will weaken it and have a detrimental effect on the structural stability and safety of the entire structure, because all the main walls are interconnected. To coordinate such work and obtain a technical opinion on the possibility of this redevelopment in panel house you need to contact State Unitary Enterprise MNIITEP (Moscow Research Institute of Typology).

To coordinate an opening in a load-bearing wall monolithic house you must also contact State Unitary Enterprise Moszhilniproekt or directly to the authors of the house, which will issue a conclusion on the possibility of legitimizing an opening in a load-bearing wall.

The employees of Architectural Design Studio No. 1 will professionally approach the coordination of a doorway in a load-bearing wall. Quality of work, affordable prices and reasonable terms for approval - these are the main principles of the company.


The construction or transfer of an opening in a main wall is more than responsible, since the load-bearing structures of the building are affected! There are 3 types of houses in which the possibility of such redevelopment can be considered:

  • old brick (for approval, contact the State Unitary Enterprise Moszhilniproekt);
  • panel (for approval, contact the State Unitary Enterprise MNIITEP);
  • new monolithic ones (permission can be obtained from the State Unitary Enterprise Moszhilniproekt or from the authors of the house).

The method of moving or creating an opening in the main walls is individual for each house and requires approval from the specified authorities.

Questions and answers:

Question: Tell me, is the installation of an opening or its relocation considered redevelopment or reconstruction of the building?

Answer: Redevelopment and reconstruction are completely different concepts. Reconstruction includes more global changes than redevelopment (for example, changing the number of floors, replacing engineering systems etc.). And redevelopment is a change in the configuration of a room. Accordingly, work on moving or installing openings is redevelopment.

When replacing a door or arranging an opening in the form of an arch, it may need to be widened. If undergoing reconstruction light partition between rooms, drywall or similar material, from which it is made, you can cut and saw as you like. This will not affect the strength of the building. Load-bearing walls are a different matter, damage to which can lead to irreparable consequences. Any reconstruction of them must be carried out in accordance with a separate project containing calculations of load redistribution after changes are made.

Calculation of the dimensions of the arched lintel.

Where to start dismantling?

First, you need to strengthen the openings in the load-bearing walls. IN concrete buildings it can be carried out after the completion of the work, but the brick structure must be taken care of at the very beginning to prevent its destruction. To do this, a metal beam is installed at the top, under which a niche is sawn in the masonry. Its depth is approximately half a brick. All voids above and below the beam are filled with concrete mixture.

In preparatory work and directly to enlarge the opening, they are used following materials and tools:

Scheme of insulation and strengthening of a wooden door.

  • steel channel (beam with a cross section in the shape of the letter “P”);
  • tie bolts 20 mm or metal studs 16 mm in diameter;
  • steel plates (sheet steel);
  • metal corner;
  • cement mortar;
  • electric drill;
  • electric cutter, gas cutter or grinder with a diamond wheel;
  • jacks or other supports for the duration of work;
  • hammer drill (for bricks only).

Holes for tightening bolts, at least 3 pieces, are pre-drilled in the channels. The distance between them should be at least 50 cm. The length of the channel is selected so that it fits 25-35 cm into the brick walls on both sides of the opening. The required cross-section of the beam used, as well as the class of metal from which it should be made, are determined when calculating the load and included in the redevelopment project.

Related article: Living room interior planning

How to strengthen the structure?

Diagram of the door frame arrangement.

Brick buildings require a particularly careful approach. In a pre-sawed niche, even before widening the opening, it is necessary to fix the channel (best on cement mortar). The wall is drilled through through the holes in it.

Then, on the opposite side, a second channel with holes is installed in the same way. The beams are connected to each other using tie bolts or studs with washers and nuts on both sides. Further work can be done only after the solution has completely hardened.

To prevent the brick from collapsing from above, the channels are connected along the lower shelves, for which steel plates 5-6 mm thick are welded to them. Their pitch should be approximately equal to the pitch of the coupling bolts.

If the new width of openings in brick walls exceeds 1.5 m, they should be reinforced with vertical posts. They are also made from steel strips, which are welded to the lower flanges of the channels. The vertical posts, in turn, need to be connected to each other by transverse plates inside the opening.

The most reliable design is considered to be one consisting of two welded frames. Frames can be made from channels. They are placed on both sides of the opening, and then pulled together through the load-bearing walls with studs.

This method of reinforcement is the most expensive, so it is necessary to resort to it only if the opening is expanded to a greater height. It can also be recommended for heavy loads, especially on the lower floors of multi-story buildings.

Features of dismantling concrete and brick walls

Channel diagram for strengthening the opening.

Cuts should be made according to pre-made markings. Both the manual electric cutter and the gas cutter are equipped with a diamond wheel sufficient for a cutting depth of up to 10 cm.

These tools provide constant wetting during operation, minimizing the formation of dust.

Increasing laser cutting passage

Not always The standard layout of the apartment satisfies the wishes of its owners. In this case, there is a need for its redevelopment, and often the doorway needs to be expanded.

Such work is carried out after accurate calculations and the availability of special tools. The article will tell you how to do this.

Augmentation process

Any redevelopment of the apartment requires compliance building codes. When moving or expanding the opening for doors, the load-bearing wall must not be allowed to weaken the structure of the house or cause deformations. Because of this, the redevelopment project must be approved by the state supervision authorities.

Some ways to widen a doorway are presented in the table:

Expansion method Peculiarities

Rough enlargement

To carry out DIY work you can use:
  1. Hammer.
  2. Sledgehammer.
  3. Jackhammer.

In this case, the contours are preliminarily outlined, and then the excess material is knocked down with tools.

The process is quite labor-intensive, and the formation of microcracks that appear due to strong impact loads can lead to a decrease in the strength of the wall structure.

In this case, a grinder is used, with which you can quite easily enlarge the door opening along the intended contour.

The disadvantage of the process is that you need to cut the wall on both sides. Dry cutting produces a lot of dust and rapid wear of the diamond blade.

This method is accompanied by the use of a spray bottle, which irrigates the surface while working with the grinder. It is more rational to use a special construction cutter equipped with a diamond blade large diameter and a water container.

In this case, in one approach you can cut off excess sections of the doorway in the wall the right size with minimal contamination. But the price of such equipment is quite high.

Standards and approvals

Regardless of the purpose of the building, it has an opening for a door to enter the building and for communication with neighboring rooms.

There are several reasons why you need to increase the size:

  • Many people want to visually expand the space, make it light and spacious, without changing the dimensions of the living space, as in the photo.


  • The opening cannot accommodate the purchased modern fashionable door design.
  • Making doors to order.

Advice: Before enlarging the opening in a panel house, you should keep in mind that this is a painstaking and not entirely simple work with existing risks, in compliance with standards and clearance norms.

There are no particular problems in enlarging the door opening in any wall.

But in a load-bearing wall they are quite large:

  • In the absence of a building plan, it is impossible to determine the purpose of the wall, whether it will be load-bearing, which will require additional reinforcement of the structure, or whether it is enough to just reinforce the ceiling with beams.
  • It is necessary to have agreement with the BTI. This will confirm the fact that the load on the wall with an increase in the width of the door will not exceed the impact norm.
  • You must obtain the appropriate permit to carry out work.

When remodeling an apartment, it is necessary to take into account the parameters of the standards specified in SNiP.

The following dimensions are provided for door blocks:

  • The width of the structure is from 55 to 80, which depends on the purpose of the opening.
  • Doors for plumbing units, transitions to the kitchen - 55 centimeters.
  • For living rooms, bedrooms and entrances - at least 80 centimeters.
  • Height can vary from 190 to 210 centimeters.
  • Thickness - 75 millimeters.
  • Manufacturers offer ready-made blocks, the width of the frames ranges from 15 to 70 mm.

Advice: When determining the dimensions, you should adhere to the requirements of SNiP and familiarize yourself with the existing restrictions on its expansion.

How much you can expand is suggested by the instructions, which combine the following rules:

  • The maximum permissible dimensions of the partition for a load-bearing wall can be: width - 2 meters, height - 2.1 meters.
  • As the size increases, the spans between neighboring rooms it is necessary to additionally strengthen the ends with supports.
  • Extended to maximum dimensions and more passages in the main walls, it is recommended to strengthen them with supports in the center.


Important documents when expanding the passage between rooms in an apartment are:

  • Plan of work stages.
  • Architectural plan.
  • Floor plan of the building.
  • Extract from the house register, if available.
  • Certificates from the BTI regarding permission to carry out redevelopment.

Preparation for work

Having decided on which wall the doorway will be expanded, you need to find out about it:

  • Is there hidden wiring inside the wall?
  • Presence of fittings or pipes.
  • Is there a chimney and where is it located?

To obtain this information, you must use a metal detector. If any obstacles are found in the wall, they can be removed:

  • Move the electrical wiring to another location.
  • Retreat at least 300 millimeters from the chimney.
  • By dismantling pipes and moving them to another place - but this will require the help of a specialist.

Extension order

Interior enlarged passage

Increasing the door passage in walls made of any material involves performing sequential actions:

  • Marking the required dimensions of the structure.


  • Dismantling the desired area.

  • Strengthening the opening to ensure its strength and prevent collapse or deformation.

To dismantle the structure, you can use percussion instruments sawing or hole drilling equipment.

Depending on the material from which the wall is built, these may be:

  • Hammer.
  • Jackhammer.
  • Special a circular saw with a diamond wheel.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Electric drill with diamond drill.
  • Hand tools: chisel, hammer, sledgehammer.

Advice: More attention should be paid to working with high-strength concrete walls. It requires very precise work that avoids vibration and damage to surrounding structures.

For work you will need the following materials:

  • Wooden beam.
  • A corner with dimensions of at least 35x35x4 mm.
  • Components for making concrete mortar.
  • Boards.
  • Hardware.

To better imagine the process of increasing the door opening, you should watch the video in this article.

Expanding the passage in a brick wall

The work is performed in the following sequence:

  • Mark along the contour.

  • If necessary, the jumper is moved.
  • The upper masonry is reinforced with a metal channel.
  • Using a grinder, a part of the wall is cut out according to the marks.

  • To clear the perimeter, use a chisel with hammer blows, a drill or a hammer drill.
  • It is better to remove excess elements from the wall by hand, after first removing the mortar from the seams (see).
  • A welded structure is installed around the perimeter.

Advice: After completing the work, you should check the integrity of the wall brickwork. If splits or cracks are found in the seams, they need to be plastered.

Expanding an opening in a concrete wall

Expansion in concrete wall: installation order

To carry out the process correctly, you must first:

  • Prepare the space for work: cover furniture and other objects with construction film, which will protect them from excess dust.
  • Buy special bags for collecting pieces of wall and other debris, which are then quickly and easily taken out and loaded into the car.
  • Use a respirator and special glasses to protect your face and eyes from dust and small fragments during dismantling.

Stages of increasing sizes:

  • The old door structure is dismantled:
  1. A nail puller tears off the trim and trim.
  2. The canvas is removed from the hinges by prying it from below with a crowbar.
  3. Cut with a grinder vertical racks and come off with the same nail puller.
  4. The top jumper is torn off or left in place.

  • A contour for increasing the span is marked along the perimeter of the wall.
  • Holes are made along the contour with an impact drill to simplify further destruction.
  • The panel is cut one at a time on each side.
  • After cutting through the reinforcement, the remains of the wall are removed with blows with a sledgehammer.
  • The opening is strengthened metal corners, slats or pieces of rod.

Order of increase

No matter how the expansion is carried out, it is necessary that the entire process is carried out in accordance with safety requirements.

During repair work in a country house or in an apartment, as well as when redevelopment is being done, owners are often faced with the need to expand the existing doorway. In general, these works do not belong to the category of complex ones, and therefore both the owner and invited specialists can perform them. It is only important to follow certain rules and know some nuances.

We will describe below how to expand a doorway. The procedure itself does not require much time - a maximum of one or two days. In the presence of necessary tools and knowledge, the only problem that you will have to come to terms with is the laboriousness of the process.

Under no circumstances should you forget about the legal side of the issue. In certain situations, such work is regarded as redevelopment, which means that in the existing technical certificate changes will need to be made to the living space. This will not be possible if you carry out all the work without informing the relevant utility services.

It should be understood that the expansion of a doorway located in a load-bearing wall requires mandatory approval from authorized authorities. The changes in question in this case are called “partial breakdown”. All work must be carried out competently, with preliminary calculations, ensuring the preservation of the strength characteristics of the structure. If you are not sure about own strength– It’s better to entrust the task to professionals.

Don't forget, it is an offense to overdo it and you may have to pay a fine and have to restore the wall to its original appearance.

By by and large all work is carried out equally on walls made of the most different materials. The procedure here is as follows:

  • mark with a pencil using the level of the border of the new opening;
  • Drill with a hammer drill along the contour of the hole;
  • we strengthen the structure;
  • we cut out or knock out an unnecessary fragment.

In the process you are allowed to use a variety of tools:

  • perforator;
  • sledgehammer with chisel;
  • Bulgarian

The most accurate opening is obtained if you use the last device. If the work is being done on a wall made of foam concrete or gypsum blocks, then the most ordinary hacksaw for wood will suffice.

WITH concrete structures A special professional circular saw equipped with large-diameter diamond blades helps to cope. Its use allows:

  • avoid excessive noise;
  • reduce vibration that has a destructive effect on surrounding structures;
  • perform cutting with millimeter precision.

Depending on the type of material used in the construction of the wall, the list of works differs. There are also a number of nuances and features.

In particular, the following tools will help to expand the passage in a concrete wall:

  • a hammer drill, a 10 mm drill for it and a blade;
  • grinder with a circle for metal;
  • sledgehammer or heavy hammer;
  • chisel.

The work itself is carried out in the following order:

  • new boundaries of the opening are outlined on the wall;
  • holes are drilled through the perimeter (step – 50 mm);
  • then, using a spatula inserted into a perforator, destroy the integrity of the gaps;
  • the reinforcement inside is cut with a grinder;
  • The fragment separated from the wall is brought down with a hammer.

As is easy to see, the technology itself is very simple. However, the work takes a lot of effort, and the process is accompanied by strong vibration and a lot of dust.

Works in a brick wall

Any wall consisting of masonry materials causes a lot of trouble:

  • aerated concrete blocks;
  • bricks, etc.

First of all you will need:

  • grinder with diamond wheel;
  • hammer;
  • chisel.

If we're talking about about the supporting structure, you should prepare a mortgage - a steel beam or two wide corners. In other cases, a wooden lintel - a block of hardwood - will suffice. These elements will protect the opening from collapse. Their dimensions must exceed the width of the door by at least 20 centimeters.

The work is done like this:

  • a new outline is drawn;
  • the plaster is completely knocked down to the brick;
  • the old mortgage is cut out using a grinder or a circular saw;
  • a new jumper is installed;
  • is fixed as securely as possible;
  • the remaining voids are filled with brick fragments mixed with concrete mortar.

The next stage is carried out no earlier than the cement hardens. When the mortgage is finally fixed, the unnecessary fragment is cut out. If the wall is too thick, then the pre-cut bricks are knocked out with a hammer and chisel. Then proceed to the next row.

When making an opening in brick or concrete, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment:

  • respirator;
  • gloves;
  • “canned” glasses.

It is also recommended to periodically moisten the wall surface with water - you cannot do without dust completely, but its amount in the air will noticeably decrease. Keep in mind that the latter easily spreads throughout the house, so it is important to properly isolate the room in which the work is being carried out.

About probable risks

When work to expand the opening is carried out independently, the risk of cracking the walls and their subsequent destruction due to loss of strength characteristics increases significantly. If possible, try to avoid generating dangerous vibrations.

When using power tools, extreme care must be taken. In particular, do not, under any circumstances, remove the protection from the angle grinder. Of course, this will allow you to establish a larger circle, but with the slightest careless movement it is not difficult to get a serious injury.

When carrying out renovation work, there is often a need to increase the door or window opening. Specialists of the Diam-Service company will carry out work to widen the passage in a panel house and any other building.

Remember that you need to do this work yourself, without involving experienced craftsmen not advisable. Before starting to implement the plan, specialists will evaluate the scope of work and determine whether this wall is load-bearing structure, they will calculate the price for widening the opening in a concrete wall.

How we are working

You leave an online request or order a call back

Our manager advises and clarifies the details of the service

Cost calculation
Visit of a specialist and preliminary estimate of the cost of work

We place an order and conclude an agreement

Execution of work
Prompt execution of work in accordance with the contract

Acceptance of works
Acceptance of work and payment by the Customer for our services

Features of expanding the doorway

Expanding a doorway in a panel structure has its own characteristics. Before you begin the repair, you need to find out which wall is load-bearing. In most cases, those in panel apartments, the outer surfaces protrude, equipped window frames. Changing the width of the passage in a load-bearing wall must be carried out in compliance with the following rules:

* Our specialists record all changes in a special form called “Inspection Report”.

* To make the design more reliable, after removing extra centimeters panel wall, the opening is strengthened by craftsmen with metal beams.

* Any changes in the design are recorded graphically, and dimensions are recorded. After this, the updated data is agreed upon by the BTI.

Having done all the work, including registering updates with the relevant authorities, our managers will calculate the price for the work to expand the opening.

If your house is built from reinforced concrete panels, expand window openings, it is possible to the desired dimensions by carrying out additional reinforcement. In this case, fixing updates in the BTI is not required.

IN brick wall above the windows and doorways There is always a concrete beam that is installed by builders during the construction of the house. To make a new door or window unit was securely installed in the new opening, the top lintel needs to be extended. Our craftsmen lengthen the upper lintels using rolled channels. This ensures the reliability and longevity of the structures.

Methods for expanding an opening in a wall

If you decide to order an extension from us garage doors or door or window openings in a structure for any purpose, familiarize yourself with the methods that Diam Service specialists use in their work:

  • Diamond method of cutting concrete sheets.
  • Impact-dynamic method, which uses a powerful hammer drill.

The first method is characterized by speed of execution. In most cases, our masters resort to it. A diamond wheel mounted on the cutting mechanism allows you to cut the opening exactly according to predetermined parameters. This reduces the time required to complete the task and the amount of dust that inevitably arises during repairs.


Every customer is concerned about the price issue. You can find out how much our work costs on the Diam Service company website. You have the opportunity to calculate the cost using a special calculator on the website. For all questions regarding prices and stages of work carried out by our specialists, please contact the phone number listed on the Diam Service Internet portal.

You can submit a request via online form, and our specialists will contact you to clarify the details within an hour!