Simplicity and lightness: Scandinavian interior. Modern Scandinavian minimalism in the interior Basic decorative elements

When you first think about Scandinavia, an image of invincible Vikings, dressed in bearskins and horned helmets, is born. A proudly sailing boat across the northern sea carries the proud conquerors to new adventures. How did they live? What was used in everyday life? Wooden huts, black fireplace and lamps with seal oil? The four modern Scandinavian countries, led by successful Sweden, have long shattered the stereotypes about the brutality of their ancestors, giving preference to everything functional and laconic. Now the Scandinavian style in the interior is copied everywhere, however, before starting to implement it, it is worth understanding all its subtleties.

Where does this popularity come from? The whole secret is in exquisite brevity, the play of natural light and a sense of vast space. studio apartment, hostel or family estate. Throughout the year, the climate of Denmark, Norway, Finland and Sweden remains unapproachably harsh, so the Scandinavians decided to revive the solar warmth in the interior of their homes. And although the canons of style are not so diverse, they create amazing harmony and simplicity in everyday life.

The secret is in exquisite brevity and a sense of vast space.

Color palette

Scandinavian style in the interior it is, first of all, maximum light. Peace and comfort reign here. The walls and ceiling, like fluffy snow-white clouds, are reflected in the gray waters of the Baltic. There may be fog and the naturalness of rocky shores. All colors are natural and contain maximum light. Sometimes white monochrome jumps into sand and summer motifs, plunging those who witness the interior into a warm environment that is scarce. With such a monochromatic fill from floor to ceiling, a feeling of solidity is created without a single seam.

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 6 minutes

Scandinavian style apartment in Lately has become a design dream for many of our compatriots. With all its originality, simplicity and sophisticated beauty, it looks appropriate in luxury apartments and one-room apartment, while leaving wide scope for creativity and self-realization.

Origin of the direction

This interior style owes its appearance to the ruling early XVIII century to King Gustav III, during whose reign science, art and culture received a powerful impetus. Thanks to the royal will, the Empire style, widespread in Europe, took root in this northern country. Over time, due to cultural and geographical features, it acquired some characteristic national features, turning into the so-called “Swedish Empire”.

The priorities of the residents of these harsh regions were comfort, safety, reliability and warmth. Gradually, these qualities replaced unnecessary decorative excesses, pomp and luxury, putting modest aesthetics, functionality and simplicity at the forefront of priorities.

Since the middle of the last century, Scandinavian interior design began to find increasing recognition among the general public, and it has not faded away to this day.

Style motifs from Scandinavia

To better understand the philosophy of this design direction, we suggest learning the features of the Scandinavian style in the interior.


Having started a Scandinavian-style renovation, be prepared to be surrounded by an abundance of white surfaces that lighten the surrounding space and give its owners a feeling of delightful serenity.

In addition to boiling white, the Scandinavian style prefers calm, natural colors - light shades of green, yellow, gray, beige and blue.

Several bright accents will add originality and originality to the interior.

Favorite materials

Scandinavian interiors prefer naturalness not only in colors, but also in the materials used. Therefore, forget about plastic and chipboard, you should now be surrounded by wood, stone, fur, leather. If you cannot do without man-made materials, try to select those that will skillfully imitate their natural counterparts.


A room in a Scandinavian style should be furnished exclusively with furniture from natural wood. The upholstery is chosen in pastel colors; it is permissible to combine materials for it.


Daylight - important element design, therefore in Scandinavian style key feature is the presence large windows With wooden frames allowing you to fill your home with sunlight. This feature makes thick, heavy drapes and curtains inappropriate, choose light fabric that transmit light well, or discard them altogether.

But the absence of huge windows covering half the wall is not yet a reason to refuse to embody the Scandinavian style in the interior. Well-designed artificial lighting will help fill the gap daylight. Equip your apartment with a variety of lighting fixtures: chandeliers, floor lamps, sconces, lamps and even candles. They can be completely different in shape and color, but at the same time they will not stand out from the general style of the interior.


Walls and floors in Scandinavian style should be decorated with natural shades. For walls, it is preferable to use light, pastel colors. Often there is white or beige plaster, as well as cladding of one wall or part of it. wood panels. A Scandinavian-style toilet often boasts light blue or white tiles.

The ceiling can only be snow-white. Wooden floors can be decorated with plain rugs or stylized patchwork runners, making the environment more homely, family-friendly and cozy.


The whole world has heard about Scandinavian minimalism Therefore, when decorating interiors, only the most necessary accessories are selected in very limited quantities. Give preference natural materials, glass, ceramics. The peoples inhabiting these lands have always been close to the sea, so such a theme will always be appropriate. For example, the interiors of apartments can be decorated with paintings or photographs depicting sea spaces.


The abundance of white may evoke associations with a hospital, so design move to revitalize the Scandinavian style in the interior of the apartment - arrangement of bright color accents. Any small item, made in contrasting colors, will be that sip Have a good mood and vigor. This could be a green pillow on a white sofa, a blue shade on a lamp, painted in different colors photo frames The main thing is to stop in time and not overdo it.

Decorating an apartment in the spirit of the northern peoples

Apartment renovation in the Scandinavian style is one of the most rational decisions that a modern city dweller can accept. Thanks to its brevity, democracy and unpretentiousness, Scandinavian design will help save significant money and time for its implementation.

  • , will become the heart of any home, a gathering place for the whole family. Therefore, the surrounding space should be designed as comfortable and cozy as possible. The durability, comfort and attractiveness of the interior will pay for all the costs of natural materials. You can diversify your boring environment by simply changing a few sofa cushions or a picture on the wall. Living room interior design in Scandinavian style - a snow-white ceiling, light walls and flooring in natural wood tones.
  • . The design of an apartment in the Scandinavian style suggests that this room will, first of all, be as functional as possible. In terms of color scheme, the most common contrast here is white finishing and dark ceramic apron, coming in tandem with natural wood furnishings.

IN modern reality An apartment with a Scandinavian-style studio kitchen, divided into work and dining areas, would fit in perfectly.

  • , more than other rooms, minimalism in the interior is inherent. The main features of such a room are simple finishing, minimum furniture and decor.
  • A Scandinavian-style office in modern urban conditions is rarely an isolated room. A more realistic option is to allocate a comfortable, functional space in the living room or bedroom, in which it is pleasant to be and work.

The Scandinavian-style workplace is a compact desk or a console attached to the wall with open shelves for storing necessary stationery and books.

  • A bathroom decorated in Scandinavian style is spacious, bright, with maximum functionality of the space. It is also characterized by combinations of light wall decoration and dark floors. A Scandinavian-style toilet is usually distinguished by its laconic forms, environmentally friendly texture and maximum possible use natural materials.
  • Auxiliary rooms, such as a corridor, pantry or balcony in the Scandinavian style, are characterized by maximum moderation in the setting and simplicity of form. They are not filled with rubbish and unnecessary garbage. Everything you need is placed in convenient and concise storage systems.

Design of small apartments

Not everyone is lucky with large apartments, but the Scandinavian style in the interior of small apartments looks extremely organic, allowing you to make the most of the available space, even if you only have a modest one-room apartment.

On the Internet you can find many examples of how to introduce Scandinavian style into the interior of small apartments; the photos will give you many ideas. To implement them, use our tips.

  1. A small apartment decorated in Scandinavian style should delight with white wall decoration, which can visually lighten and expand the space.
  2. in Scandinavian style will transform even the most modest property into a modern, stylish space. Don't be afraid of redevelopment.
  3. Do not interfere with natural light to fill the rooms; the Scandinavian style in a city apartment involves minimal decor and drapery of window openings.
  4. Bright accents, large or small spots of color are also inherent in the Scandinavian style; many photos on the Internet will tell you interesting solutions.

Why is minimalism today increasingly beginning to be liked to one degree or another? modern women? Personally, when I start cleaning and dusting, I dream of simple furniture and a minimum of any decorations. The simpler things are and the less unnecessary, the easier it is to clean up and simply create conditions of order for your family. For working women or mothers of many children, this approach would save a lot of time. Therefore, when my husband and I began to little by little dream and plan renovations, I immediately talked about my desire to do renovations in this particular style. It may seem that the interior is Scandinavian character cold and uncomfortable. But I have always believed and will continue to believe that a lot of light and simple things in the house only helps to find the right accessories and decorate the rooms without cluttering them up.

Where do legs come from?

I won’t surprise anyone if I note two main trends in the style in general: everything is light, simple, and at the same time warm and cozy. Surprisingly, it was precisely this tandem of completely opposite directions that made the Scandinavian style so original and unlike anything else.

Officially, this style appeared in the second half of the 19th century. But, in fact, it gradually took shape for about three centuries, step by step. At first, French design rules were methodically imposed on the Scandinavians; gradually, english furniture. But the peoples of the north abandoned this foreign body in their harmonious and simple style, which is why elaborate lines did not take root there, and luxurious fabrics became a thing of the past.

All that we now call the Scandinavian style was finally formed only in the 19th century. All its main elements fully reflect the typical behavior and worldview of the inhabitants of these countries. Everything is laconic, calm and understandable, but not without pleasant colorful moments. Therefore, it is difficult to say whether this approach is truly cold. Here, who looks at it differently: who sees warm natural materials and natural colors, and who sees too much white and gray hurt their eyes. And many things are simply alien to our people, from the white floor to the lack of carpets or other decor on the walls.

What do Scandinavians breathe?

And they breathe deeply and full breasts clean and bright filling of your home. Have you noticed how spacious and light a room becomes when there is no extra items and too much color load? For you and me, lovers of decorating more with a characteristic breadth of soul, such stingy decor may seem to be a consequence of a lack of colors and greenery. Indeed, there is not enough warmth and sun in the homeland of the style, and just a lot of light colors and multi-level light make it possible to make up for this lack.

As for the decor itself, it’s very much there, but it’s not pretentious and seems to be part of the working content of the room. Color will definitely appear, but not in an abundance of paintings or figurines, but in the form of bedspreads or dishes, cozy colored window frames and flowerpots. In a word, I do not agree with the opinion that the room will become cold and empty, but rather spacious and light.

So, when we want to create a Scandinavian atmosphere at home, we use the following techniques in decorating and decorating the premises:

We avoid anything obviously modern and technical (all materials used are natural, such as wood and stone or simple ceramic tile), the simpler the better;

Complex lines for furniture are not used here; all sofas or armchairs, and other furniture, are usually low and very laconic (most often the furniture is not polished, but covered with a layer of transparent varnish, sometimes white or a similar shade of paint);

As a rule, monochrome is used for the interior color scheme, and the color spots are made from textiles, which in turn are also natural (linen and cotton, wool or very thin transparent fabrics);

As for the decoration, all frames and window frames, including those, are straight and simple, there is a lot of glass (even the windows are not covered with curtains and curtains; instead, almost Transparent fabric, light and airy);

And of course there is a lot of lighting, from ceiling to tabletop - as light as possible and the light is not warm yellow, but with a cool tint.

The room can be yellow, blue, green - but all this is in a natural palette and without fanaticism. In a word, everything is concise and not overloaded.

A sip of hot coffee, cool Fresh air and drops of dew around... Dawn. Space and lightness. Great morning. Apartment design in Scandinavian style awakens just such feelings of novelty and creative inspiration. The creation of this style was significantly influenced by the nature of Norway and Sweden.

D design project for an apartment in Scandinavian style has some characteristic features:

Color spectrum Scandinavian interior

Light colors are predominantly used: beige, milky, coffee and other warm tones. Still, white is used more often, and the rest of the shades support the whole play of colors. They dilute this whiteness with flashy colors: red, bright yellow, acid green, cherry and so on. They draw attention to themselves and enliven the room.

Furnishing the room

The main task of furniture is versatility and simplicity. No unnecessary decor. Furniture is made from wood, which is then painted or varnished. Chairs and tables, beds and cabinets, racks and shelves from Scandinavia are sold without any finishing.

Light, more light

In the north there is a constant shortage of sun, so the lighting is Scandinavian design interior plays an important role. The windows are as open and wide as possible. Instead of thick curtains, use thin or translucent curtains light shades. Additional lighting items are used: various lamps, floor lamps, pendant lamps. The more light in the room, the better.


Curtains, tablecloths, etc. are made from cotton and linen. Traditionally, in order to create in Scandinavian style, choose a checkered or striped white and red color or patterns of herringbones, snowflakes and zigzags. Such furniture upholstery or carpet will look original in the interior.


Discreet plain walls decorated with paintings or photographs in wooden frames.

Mirror and glass objects interiors are perfect for Scandinavian style. Objects are used instead of souvenirs self made for decorating tables, chests of drawers and shelves.

Scandinavian interior more often used in small apartments where there is not enough light. It is also chosen by lovers of simplicity and restraint. Designers have developed two directions of this style:

  • traditional, which personifies the interior of previous eras, strict and not pretentious;
  • modern, which embodies softness and grace. Instead of ancient furniture and large mirrors, they leave an open layout full of light and freshness.

The main thing in this direction is simplicity and versatility. It’s not difficult to make such an interior design yourself, but many questions will arise during implementation. You will have to tinker with the lighting system. It's better to contact a professional. Interior design studio DiKing will fully reflect the spirit of the Scandinavian countries in the house.

A Scandinavian-style living room is now found even in homes located far beyond Scandinavia. This circumstance is connected both with the general popularity of Scandinavian culture and with some features of this style of interior design. It has taken root especially well in Russia, since here, as in Norway or Finland, there is a lack of sunlight on long winter evenings. In addition, the inherent spirit of minimalism in this style allows this design to be completed with minimal financial costs, which naturally increases its popularity among homeowners.

The main advantage and feature of the Scandinavian style is the abundance natural light

Despite the fact that the described direction of interior design provides a certain scope for creativity, there are some canons that must be followed if you decide to recreate a small corner of Scandinavia in your apartment or house. For example, such canons include the following characteristic features:

  1. Use white as the main color. They decorate both the ceilings, walls and floors of the Scandinavian living room. In addition, all its shades and tones are welcome.
  2. Widely used as a finishing material of wood. At the same time, it must have light color to give the room a feeling of living and warmth. Not only the furniture in the living room is made of wood, but also the floor and, in some cases, the walls.
  3. Availability large quantity accessories made of wrought iron. This material can be used to make furniture, as well as in interior details such as a photo frame or candlestick.

The Scandinavian style living room is dominated by White color, especially for walls, ceilings and floors

In a Scandinavian-style living room, it is customary to use natural materials; light wooden furniture will perfectly complement the style.

Wrought iron elements contrast perfectly with the light Scandinavian interior

Separately, it is necessary to talk about two points. Firstly, in living rooms of this type there is simply a huge amount of light. So, if a Scandinavian-style living room with a photo is posted on the Internet, it usually shows a room without curtains. Sometimes blinds are used instead, but usually they try to remove all obstacles that prevent light from entering the room. In addition, in the style described, artificial lighting is widely used, using sconces, floor lamps and various auxiliary light sources.

Traditionally, in the Scandinavian style, all curtains are removed to let in more light.

In the Scandinavian style, in addition to natural lighting, there are many artificial light sources

Secondly, the entire room, decorated in Scandinavian style, should simply be imbued with the spirit of minimalism. So, only straight lines should be present here, and the space in the room should be free of unnecessary furniture. Some of its shortcomings are replaced here by high practicality and functionality, so a properly executed Scandinavian living room is not only spacious, but also practical to use.

The Scandinavian interior is dominated by minimalism, which creates spaciousness in the room.

Scandinavian style living room design is based on simplicity. It is he who is responsible for the finishing of both the room itself and the furniture located in it. The walls here are usually simply plastered white, having previously been perfectly leveled. In this case, the shades can be very different, with the addition of blue, beige or pink.

The walls in a Scandinavian-style living room are most often simply plastered and painted white.

In the Scandinavian style there are simple accessories and furniture

The Scandinavian-style living room in the photo usually has a harmonious and complete interior. This effect is achieved through coloring doorways, doors and windows in one color. The result is a uniform, harmonious background for both accessories and furniture.

Wooden windows and walls can be painted to match the color of the walls

In the Scandinavian style, only a few shades are used that are in harmony with each other.

As for the floor, the Scandinavian living room requires that it be made of wood, while the color is kept either natural and natural, or the floor is painted white. Since wooden floors are quite expensive, an option with ordinary laminate is also allowed. It will not spoil the appearance of the room at all, preserving its Scandinavian spirit.

A plank floor will look good in a Scandinavian interior

Wooden floors in Scandinavian style can be painted in a predominant white color

By the way, the Scandinavian style in the interior welcomes the presence of a carpet on the floor. It must be made from natural materials and have long pile. It is also perfectly acceptable to use animal skins instead of carpet. They can give the room an atmosphere of naturalness and simplicity, while at the same time insulating the floor.

The Scandinavian-style floor carpet can be matched with northern patterns

Skins are often present on the floor in Nordic Scandinavian interiors.

Since Scandinavia is characterized by a respectful attitude towards nature, the interior of local houses is made strictly from natural materials, so plastic and synthetics are prohibited here. Concerning household appliances and electronics, then it should not be displayed either. If you can’t do without it, you will need to choose it so that in your own way appearance and the color matched the overall decor of the room.

The equipment in the living room in a Scandinavian interior should match the design, for example, a TV can be chosen with a white surface

A fireplace in the interior of a Scandinavian style living room is key element, this is worth remembering when planning work on design living room. A room with a fireplace looks cozier and more substantial. In addition, this type of heating allows you to get an additional source of heat on cold winter evenings. A fireplace in a Scandinavian style interior can be either natural or electric. The last option is the only one that can be used in a standard city apartment; in a house outside the city, it is quite possible to make a real fireplace with a grate and a shelf for accessories.

The fireplace is an integral attribute of northern interiors, including Scandinavian ones.

Danish scandinavian fireplace usually small round in shape

If it is not possible to install a real fireplace or stove, then you can use an electric one.

Living room furniture in Scandinavian style

The Scandinavian interior of the living room assumes the presence of a small amount of furniture. The fact is that in its spirit it is very close to minimalism, which prefers free spaces, not cluttered with furniture. In addition, usually the homes of the Nordic countries are furnished quite simply, so if you look at the design of a Scandinavian-style living room in the photo, you will notice the rather modest furnishings of the homes of Finns or Norwegians.

Scandinavians have a simple but original furniture in the interior

As for the immediate furnishings of the room being described, the furniture for it should consist of the most necessary items. So, it is mandatory to install leather upholstered furniture in the living room. a big sofa. In addition to leather, its upholstery can be made of fur, suede or linen.

A leather sofa is often found in Scandinavian interiors

On such a sofa they receive guests or relax during the day. You can also watch TV on it. In addition to the sofa, armchairs or ottomans are usually installed. As for chairs and stools, in the Scandinavian style they are usually not used in the living room, but are used in the kitchen or hallway.

Scandinavian cabinets can be either open or closed, and they must be made only of natural wood. Very welcome homemade furniture, it is worth noting that various embellishments and excessive decoration are not welcome here. This applies to carving and painting. It is best to simply paint the furniture in a strict light color without additional decor.

Help to complement your living room in a Scandinavian interior bookshelves that can be painted with white paint

In addition to the closet, the living room may also need small racks or shelves. They are perfect for placing books or decorative items on them. Such furniture can create an atmosphere of simplicity and naturalness in the room as opposed to large and massive walls. Racks with trophies of a fisherman or hunter, which are very popular in Scandinavia, will look especially stylish.

Wooden book racks in a Scandinavian interior for furniture and other elements

Despite the spirit of minimalism that permeates the described interior design style, an ordinary mirror would look very appropriate in a living room designed in accordance with its canons. Its task is to reflect and scatter light. As a result, the room will receive additional lighting without the use of electrical appliances.

Mirrors in a Scandinavian interior are of the usual simple shape, but large, reflecting a lot of light

Worth mentioning separately! In the Scandinavian style, despite the priority of wood, the use of materials such as glass and metal is quite acceptable.

It is acceptable to use glass surfaces in a Scandinavian interior

At the same time, all products made from them must be correctly integrated into the interior of the room. For example, the use of a large amount of furniture with chrome elements is not recommended, and combination with plastic is also undesirable.

Basic decorative elements

Scandinavian interior welcomes use additional sources lighting, despite the presence of large windows without curtains. In this regard, sconces, floor lamps and lamps are considered one of the popular decorative elements of this room. Moreover, the more different lighting fixtures in one room, the better. For example, large chandelier can be supplemented with a floor lamp or candelabra placed on the mantelpiece.

A variety of sconces, chandeliers and floor lamps at the same time perfectly complement the Scandinavian style

A room decorated in Scandinavian style should combine elegance with restraint, so the living room should not be cluttered with trinkets that have no practical value. In addition, it is not customary to display live plants and flowers in such a room. Instead, you can put household items or some utilitarian items, such as dishes.

Green plants and useful little things perfectly complement the Scandinavian interior

Handmade items are also perfect for a Scandinavian living room. It can be sofa cushions, blankets and other textiles. Experienced designers it is recommended to use products Brown or its shades. Wood crafts can also be used in limited quantities.

Large knitted blankets and various pillows will perfectly complement the Scandinavian interior

As for wall decoration, it should be discreet. Since the main color in the described design style is white, the walls should be the same, but it is prohibited to introduce any elements unusual for the style, such as stucco molding or columns. The Scandinavians developed their own original style the interior of the premises, so they do not tolerate borrowed elements in it. In extreme cases, it would be appropriate to place it on a perfectly flat white wall paintings or posters with scenes on nature.

White walls in a Scandinavian interior can be complemented with paintings in white frames

Separately worth mentioning is the place modern technology and electronics. Rooms decorated in Scandinavian style, in principle, welcome the use of household appliances and electronics, but at the same time they should fit into the interior of the room as much as possible. A situation in which the TV becomes the center of the room is not allowed, since this place should be occupied by a fireplace. Therefore, all equipment should be hidden from the eyes of guests.

Appliances usually fit well into Scandinavian interiors

In any case, it is worth decorating several rooms at once in the Scandinavian style. In this case, the maximum effect will be achieved. If this is not possible due to the small size of the apartment, then you can decorate the hallway, kitchen or living room in this way. They are best suited for decoration in the style described; in addition, special luxury is not required there.

It is better to decorate several rooms at once in the Scandinavian style

Living room dining room in Scandinavian style

The Scandinavian living room is often combined with a room such as a dining room. The fact is that modern apartments Dont Have large area to locate these premises in different rooms, so their owners have to combine the dining room and living room. The result is very interesting solution, which is quite widely used in the Scandinavian school of interior design.

Advice! In any case, when a decision is made to combine the living room and dining room, both functional areas should be designed in the same style.

You can separate them using some techniques that allow you to visually differentiate the dining room and living room. Thus, furniture for entertaining guests, such as a sofa, can be installed in such a way that, together with armchairs and ottomans, it forms a separate corner. In this case, some of the guests can be at the table, and some can talk with each other as part of a separate group.

Scandinavian style is a great option for combining a kitchen and living room

The combination of a kitchen and a living room in a Scandinavian style is well suited for small rooms, since white color visually increases space

In addition, the floors of the room can be finished in different ways. So, for example, the space under the table is decorated with laminate, and the rest of the room with parquet. You can also make the flooring in the dining area lighter, and in the living room darker. It won't cause additional costs and will not take up useful space, but will allow you to clearly distinguish where exactly the dining room is and where the living room is.

Zoning the kitchen - living room due to flooring, furniture and ceiling

Another zoning option could be the use additional devices lighting. So, for example, there may be more light in the place where food is eaten. To do this, floor lamps are installed there, pendant lamps are placed, as well as sconces. The reception area, on the contrary, should be equipped with a small number of appliances and have dim lighting.

As for furniture, the options for its installation can be very diverse. So, instead of a table, you can install a bar counter in the dining-living room. It will not take up much space and is ideal for buffet. In addition, a small buffet or hanging cabinets for storing tea utensils. If there is no way to place them, then racks are quite suitable for this purpose.

You can zone the kitchen-living room using a counter table

It is also worth considering one technical nuance! The fact is that food can emit persistent odors that can linger in the room for a long time. This is an unacceptable situation for a living room. In connection with this circumstance, it makes sense to install a more powerful ventilation system in the combined room. In this case, it will be necessary to try to disguise it so that it does not stand out from the general interior living-dining room.

Scandinavian style in small living rooms

Since the Scandinavian style does not require large premises, it is ideal for decorating rooms in standard small-sized apartments. At the same time, some nuances of their architecture and design are quite suitable for being used to decorate a living room in the described style. For example, these include elements brickwork or fragments concrete slab, painted white.

A bright Scandinavian interior is perfect for small living rooms.

The dominant color in the Scandinavian style of interior design is white. It visually expands the room and increases the space available in it. usable area, as a result, even a small apartment can look large. In order for the effect to intensify even more, it is necessary to use only straight, strict lines in the design of the room. The decor should be insignificant or completely absent.

As for furniture, Scandinavian-style living rooms can be equipped with multifunctional options. For example, it is good to use transforming cabinets that can be used as chairs or ottomans. An interesting way out of the situation in the absence of additional usable space could be to arrange a tabletop on the windowsill. It can be used as coffee table or bar.

With help folding bed you can quickly turn the living room into a bedroom

Using mirrors can also add visual space to a room. But what you should give up is furniture and finishing materials dark color. Dark color not only visually “steals” useful space, but also creates a mood that is not very conducive have a good rest in friends company. Therefore, such tones should be used in doses, allocating them a strictly defined place, for example, in the corners of a room or in dividing functional areas.

Living room in small room can also be equipped with such an integral attribute of a Scandinavian home as a fireplace. This may be an electric version or an imitation. In any case, the fireplace in the room will need to be designated. This will make the room original and create a center of attraction in it.

A small living room in a Scandinavian style is best decorated in the spirit of minimalism

Here's what you should never do in small apartment, is to clutter it with furniture. The fact is that the Scandinavian style loves space, and a living room filled with furniture is not only functionally inconvenient, but also simply looks ugly. Try to avoid this incident, and if this is not possible, reschedule extra furniture to other rooms.

Often in a small apartment the kitchen and living room are combined

In the event that you are unable to independently decorate a room in the described interior design style, it makes sense to contact a specialist in this field. The fact is that the Scandinavian style does not tolerate mixing, so it is quite difficult to decorate a room in this style without spoiling it with high-tech elements. Professional designer is able to take into account all the nuances and will decorate the room in accordance with both your wishes and the canons of style.

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