Review of which frying pans are better. Good pans for pancakes, according to chefs. Teflon coated frying pan

I like to cook for myself and my friends, and besides, I love good things, so I was puzzled by the choice of a frying pan. I bought new frying pans in the store and read information on various forums. Along the way, I cooked in different frying pans while visiting and on vacation. As a result, for last years, I managed to find out and test in practice more than a dozen different frying pans.

I had to use Teflon-coated frying pans, ceramic-coated frying pans, cast iron frying pans, of stainless steel, aluminum, and even titanium. Which frying pan is better, which one to choose and buy?

In general, is it possible to have 1 frying pan for all occasions, the best one? It all depends on how much you cook and what exactly you cook. If the frying pan is used very rarely, in order to fry sausages or scrambled eggs, you can get by with one frying pan. Which one? In case of rare use, I advise you to buy a Teflon-coated frying pan, 26 centimeters in diameter, of the highest quality. Choose frying pans from the highest price range, you won't have any worries with them. Why this advice?

It's simple, Teflon-coated pans can be harmful. Or rather, in a state of rest on their own, when they are on the shelf, there is no harm from them, but when they are put on fire, the most interesting thing begins. The coating is slowly but surely destroyed, and all the elements contained in the Teflon coating end up in the food. What exactly are the elements? The Teflon coating of frying pans contains many different elements; it is impossible to predict which of them affect how quickly harm will be done to the body. Some people can use cheap Teflon-coated frying pans all their lives and live in good health into old age, while others will be less fortunate.

In addition, according to research, the consequences of cooking in Teflon pans can affect not only you, but also your offspring. The harmful effects of Teflon pans have been proven; this is not a myth, but a confirmed fact.

Why then do I advise buying frying pans with Teflon coating? Please note that I give this advice only to those who cook very rarely. In addition, I advise you to buy the most expensive frying pans. If you cook a couple of times a month and use the most expensive and high-quality frying pan, it will not harm your health. And if your life is not long, it will definitely not be the fault of Teflon. There are so many harmful things in the life of a modern person. For example, it’s funny to hear stories about the dangers of Teflon from people who regularly smoke cigarettes, drink beer and eat processed foods. The same sausages and sausages are much more harmful than a frying pan.

In addition, I would like to note that Teflon pans will last longer and, accordingly, their coating will be more intact if you handle them with care, use special spatulas for cooking and wash them carefully. They cause the greatest harm when cooking at high temperatures; the more you heat the pan, the faster the coating is destroyed and the more elements will evaporate during the cooking process.

True, Teflon frying pans have their advantages. No frying pan can compare with Teflon in ease of cooking and washing. Absolutely nothing sticks or burns to a high-quality Teflon-coated frying pan. It's a pleasure to cook on it; you won't have to scrape off any stuck bits, and your cutlets won't fall apart. And when you start washing the pan, you will need a drop of detergent and literally one minute of time. After this, the pan can be wiped down and put on the shelf, where it will look like new.

Conclusions: you can buy and use Teflon-coated frying pans if you rarely cook. You need to buy the most expensive and high-quality ones, their coating is much stronger and more durable, and therefore there will be less harm. If you use a Teflon frying pan 1-2 times a month, choose the most expensive one; it will last for 15 years, no less.

Cast iron and ceramic coated frying pans

If cooking and using a frying pan is a regular activity, it is better to purchase several frying pans for specific tasks.

They are considered the most environmentally friendly and harmless to health. Ceramics can withstand high temperatures and do not emit any harmful elements. Buying a new frying pan with a ceramic coating will be a real pleasure. Choose the most expensive ones, made of cast aluminum, with thick walls and an even thicker bottom. Stamped frying pans are lighter and cheaper, but they are of worse quality and it is more difficult to cook something tasty with them, and besides, they last less.

The service life of a frying pan with a ceramic coating, its weak point. Regardless of the thickness of the walls and bottom, they are much inferior to Teflon.

Why do they have a short service life? Ceramics are harmless, they are not afraid when stirred with a metal spoon, but they are powerless in the face of any other threat. Temperature changes destroy any ceramics and stone, natural or artificial porcelain tiles, it doesn’t matter. When we put a ceramic-coated frying pan on the fire, it gets hot. Then pieces of cold fish, maybe even from the freezer, are placed in a frying pan, or several eggs that have just been taken from the refrigerator are broken. The temperature difference between the ceramics and the food placed has a destructive effect on the ceramic coating. Carry out an experiment, pour boiling water into a jar, then pour it out and fill it cold water. The jar will almost certainly crack or even fall apart.

The ceramic coating of frying pans is more durable and the frying pan will not fall apart or even crack, but microcracks will appear on its surface after each cooking. As a result, each time it loses its non-stick properties. The food will stick more and more, and it will be more difficult to wash such a frying pan every time.

Using it every day, literally after 2-3 months you will notice a significant deterioration in non-stick properties. The fish will stick and pieces will start to break. I personally was a little offended to observe such changes in the cooking process in a frying pan, bought for almost 2000 rubles.

It's sad, but it's a fact - frying pans with ceramic coating do not please their owners for long. Is it possible to extend their service life?

It is possible, but to do this you will have to follow a number of rules that will not always have a good effect on the quality of the finished dishes. Place the frying pan on the fire and, without allowing it to heat up, immediately load it with food, preferably at room temperature. In this case, the temperature difference will be less, therefore, the ceramics will not suffer as much. For example, when I make an omelet, I first heat the milk in a ladle and then beat the eggs in it. When everything is ready, I put the frying pan on the fire and immediately pour it in. This gentle cooking mode is not always suitable, because in many cases, in order to get the desired result, food must be sent to a hot frying pan.

Conclusions: frying pans with ceramic coating are the most environmentally friendly, but their lifespan is very short. If you cook every day, it won’t even last for a year, and that’s even taking into account the purchase of a frying pan for 2,000 rubles!

In that case, maybe cast iron skillets are the best buy? Let's try to figure out what their advantages and disadvantages are? Cast iron frying pans are the most durable; they do not have a special coating that is destroyed irrevocably. Cast iron frying pans have their own specific coating, which is easily restored. Cast iron is a porous metal, it absorbs oil and fat, due to which an oil film forms on the surface, which protects the pan from burning. Of course, they cannot compare with Teflon ones; in principle, nothing sticks to them, but to cast iron ones they still stick, but are easily separated, without the pieces falling apart. Therefore, fish can be fried in a cast iron frying pan, keeping the pieces intact. True, this result is guaranteed if the frying pan is used correctly.

It turns out that cast iron frying pans are perfect solution? Everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance. You need to cook the cutlets in a large frying pan, because rarely does anyone fry 2-3 cutlets; usually they make a larger number, which means you need a large frying pan. The weight of a large cast-iron frying pan, including the cutlets, will be very noticeable; for many, this weight will discourage any desire to cook. Next, there is another minus - a cast iron frying pan washes well and nothing sticks to it, only in case correct operation. You need to cook it often, preferably every day or every other day. After cooking, let the pan cool. Then she is washed, but not detergents, since they will destroy the protective oil coating, and with a soap solution. After washing, wipe the cast iron frying pan dry and add a couple of tablespoons of oil, or rub it with oil. In this form, she waits for the next cooking.

If you do not follow the above rules, a cast iron frying pan will cause a lot of unpleasant impressions, fish and anything else will start sticking to it, and it will be difficult to wash. If at such a moment you take it and wash it thoroughly, and then do not lubricate it with oil, it will become covered with rust. You don’t have to wait a month for rust to appear; in literally 2-4 days, an unused and uncoated frying pan will begin to rust.

Conclusions: cast iron frying pans are the most durable, they can last for decades, passed down from grandmothers to granddaughters and beyond. But operating a cast iron frying pan requires careful adherence to the rules. Taking into account the fact that it should always be greased inside with oil, or better yet, oil should be poured in the amount of 1-3 tablespoons, it cannot be hidden in a closet, and other frying pans cannot be placed in it one inside the other. A cast iron frying pan will always have to be kept on the stove, washed, dried, filled with oil and covered with a lid. It turns out that such a kitchen assistant is only suitable for a professional chef or a very hardworking housewife. Lazy housewives may not even think about cast iron frying pans.

I also want to note, do not buy cast iron frying pans coated with enamel, these are the most useless items in the kitchen and a waste of money. Regarding the cost, the price range here is very large. Cast iron frying pans from European manufacturers– Sweden, France, Switzerland have a significant cost of 3000-6000 rubles, more expensive options are possible. And Russian and Chinese frying pans cost 500-1200 rubles.

In the production of cast iron frying pans, it is not necessary to use innovative technologies and expensive equipment. Cast iron cheap material, therefore, cast iron frying pans made in Russia and China are in no way inferior to European ones. There is no point in paying for a brand, because in this case you gain nothing, the frying pan will not be different. The Swedish frying pan will not have better quality, the design will not be better. A cast iron frying pan is not a Louis Vuitton bag, which means there is no point in overpaying.

Conclusion - which frying pan should we choose and buy for our kitchen?

For those who cook regularly, carefully monitor their health, and want all products to be environmentally friendly, we make the following choice:

Frying pan 1 for frying fish, cutlets, chops, and other dishes in large quantities, you need to buy a large 28-30 centimeter frying pan with a ceramic coating. When buying, choose the one with the thickest walls and bottom. With proper use it will last for a year, then it needs to be replaced.

Frying pan 2 for frying scrambled eggs and anything that is cooked in small quantities, for 1-2 people. I advise you to buy cast iron 20 centimeters. With this diameter, the weight of the cast iron frying pan is acceptable and you can really wash it yourself. If you follow the above rules, it will last a lifetime and will remain for posterity.

Frying pan 3, in the process of preparing borscht, it is necessary to fry and simmer the sauce from sour products - lightly fried onion, tomato paste or fresh, barrel tomatoes, beets, carrots. This sauce requires a separate frying pan. The large one, with a ceramic coating, is too large, it is better not to touch it for the sake of preparing the sauce, because it is the most difficult to wash, and its service life decreases over time, so we save it for cutlets and fish. A cast iron frying pan is also not suitable, the acid in the tomatoes destroys the oil coating in one cooking, after which everything sticks to it, making it difficult to wash. With such a frying pan, you have to carry out the procedure for restoring the oil coating, and this is a significant waste of time.

This means that for sour sauces and gravies, we use a third pan. Personally, I use Teflon coated ones. If you choose the most expensive one, with thick walls and high-quality Teflon, it will not be harmful. Or rather, its harm will be negligible, less noticeable than the result of passive smoking. We don’t cook sour gravies and sauces every day; in addition, it is better to cook them with the lid closed, therefore, there is a process in which the food is stewed rather than fried. During such cooking, the temperature in the pan is much lower than during the frying process, therefore, Teflon does not collapse or evaporate.

Small teflon frying pan for sour sauces will last more than 10 years. When you notice it on the surface small scratches, replace.

For those who do not trust Teflon at all, we can only recommend a small frying pan with a ceramic coating - you will have to change it every year or more often. Or you can purchase a frying pan made of stainless steel, or in some cases titanium.

I don’t see any point in dwelling in detail on frying pans made of stainless steel and titanium for several reasons. Titanium pans They are a huge rarity, and besides, they are really expensive for most housewives. Stainless steel pans aren't cheap either. We mean those that are made of steel that meets food standards, and not cheap products of unknown origin. If we describe how to distinguish good stainless steel from bad, our article will expand to the size of an entire brochure. Therefore, I advise those who do not believe in Teflon at all to use exclusively ceramic-coated pans. Choose the most expensive ones, and as soon as products begin to stick to them, replace them with new ones. Regular expenses for the purchase of new frying pans are the only disadvantage of ceramic coating; everything else has only advantages. Environmentally friendly, when new, nothing sticks to them, easy to clean. When washed they look beautiful and do not spoil the appearance of the kitchen.

Video on the topic - how to choose and buy a frying pan. (Not everyone wants to voice the fact that frying pans with ceramic coating, in addition to their advantages, have a short service life.)

As you can see, there is no perfect frying pan; they all have their pros and cons. Which one to choose and buy is up to you, based on your preferences and capabilities.

For comfortable work in the kitchen, some items are simply necessary. One of the most important can be safely called a frying pan. Modern manufacturers They offer a whole variety of different models: small and large sizes, with or without a removable handle, with non-stick or regular coating, with or without a lid, etc. Each housewife needs to select a frying pan based on personal preferences. We have compiled a list of characteristics that you should first pay attention to when purchasing:

  1. Coating– the first thing to start from. Manufacturers offer several options: Teflon, ceramics, marble chips, nanocomposite, granite, titanium. Each of them has its own characteristics. For example, Teflon is the lightest in weight, nanocomposite is durable, marble prevents burning, ceramics is the safest, granite is not afraid of scratches from metal objects, and titanium is resistant to any damage.
  2. Case material. The most common are cast iron, aluminum, copper frying pans and, of course, their stainless steel models. The first ones are needed for simmering dishes; they take a long time to heat up, but can withstand high temperatures. The latter have the lowest cost, but can become deformed. Copper models are considered especially durable, heat up and cool quickly, but are expensive. Stainless steel does not affect the taste of food and is dishwasher safe, but food often burns on it.
  3. Non-stickproperties. They are available only with Teflon, marble and titanium coatings. You can cook food on these pans without a drop of oil. This will significantly reduce the calorie content, fat content of dishes and allow you to get the healthiest food.
  4. Diameter. The amount of food that can be prepared at one time depends on this indicator. For a family of three the best option a frying pan with a diameter of 26 cm will become, for one - 24 cm, and for a large family you need to purchase a model measuring 28 cm.
  5. Thickness. The most even distribution of heat will be in pans with a thick bottom and walls, but they will also weigh quite a bit. Experts advise purchasing models with a thickness of at least 5 mm. Although 3 mm is suitable for making pancakes.
  6. Pen. Give preference to the removable option, because... it will allow you to cook dishes in a frying pan not only on the stove, but also in the oven. One handle can be used for several models.

We have compiled the top best frying pans in different categories. The following factors were taken into account during the selection:

  • quality;
  • strength;
  • durability;
  • price;
  • reviews.

The Best Ceramic Coated Pans

The frying pan is made not from the usual ceramics, but from a nanocomposite material. Manufacturers most often call it thermolon or ecolon. Essentially, it's the same thing. For people, this coating is completely harmless. It has good non-stick properties, but cannot yet boast of a long service life. Do not also forget that such pans are not designed for long-term heating and are not suitable for washing in the dishwasher.

4 Kukmara Tradition p266a

Reliable ceramic coating, safety
Country Russia
Average price: 1,290 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

A special place in the top of the best is occupied by the Russian brand Kukmara - one of the most popular on the domestic market. He is valued for high quality products and their durability. The Tradition frying pan is made of cast aluminum and has a durable ceramic coating with Greblon Non-Stick C2+ technology. It doesn't highlight harmful substances when heated to 450 degrees. It can be placed in the oven, because... the handle is removable. Dishwasher approved. The top diameter is 26 cm, which will be optimal for a family of 3 people. The height of the sides is 6 cm. The special coating allows you to use the frying pan for frying food with a minimum amount of oil without the risk of burning.


  • safe ceramic coating;
  • used in the oven;
  • suitable for gas stove;
  • optimal size;
  • several removable handles included;
  • glass cover.


  • not detected.

3 Neva metal cookware 9026

Low price
Country Russia
Average price: 1,500 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Made from cast aluminum, Neva metal cookware 9026 has four layers of non-stick polymer-ceramic coating. Thanks to innovative development St. Petersburg plant, food cooked in this frying pan turns out especially appetizing and tasty. Uniform heating of the product occurs due to the design features of the case and the increased thickness of the walls (4 mm) and bottom (6 mm). The model can be used for any type of slab.


  • increased wear resistance,
  • the coating does not contain PFOA,
  • removable handle,
  • the use of metal spatulas is permitted,
  • cleaning in the dishwasher,
  • price.


  • not identified.

2 Rondell Terrakotte RDA-525

The most practical model
Country: Germany
Average price: RUB 1,918.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The practicality of the Terrakotte RDA-525 model from Rondell distinguishes the presented frying pan from its analogues. High quality materials, special strength and corrosion resistance are the three main components. They guarantee uniform heating and eliminate deformation, which is usually caused by temperature differences. Chemical inertness is responsible for safety: when heated, the ceramic coating does not release compounds that can cause harm to humans and the environment. The product is made of extruded aluminum. The non-stick coating inside is PFOA free. The thickness of the walls and bottom is 3 mm.


  • The outer coating is also non-stick,
  • riveted handle fastening,
  • It is allowed to use metal spatulas.


  • cannot be used on induction hobs,
  • Cleaning in the dishwasher is not recommended.

What is the best non-stick coating for a frying pan? All the pros and cons are displayed in the following table.

Type of material and non-stick coating




Cooking without oil or fat.

Food does not burn.

Short service life.

Do not wash with aggressive cleaning agents.

Keeps warm well.

Durability and strength.

Low price.

Large weight of the product.

Cannot be cleaned in the dishwasher.


Best non-stick properties.

Fast heating.


Subject to mechanical damage.

Coating with minerals

Even heat distribution.

Increased strength.

Long service life.

Lots of fakes.

1 TEFAL Meteor Ceramic

Best bottom thickness (5mm)
Country: France
Average price: 1,790 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The Meteor Ceramic frying pan from the famous company TEFAL is made of stainless steel with a ceramic coating. The model has the best bottom thickness, it is 5 mm. This prevents the product from deforming when exposed to high temperatures. The built-in Termo Spot indicator will warn you when Tefal has warmed up to 180 degrees and the optimal moment for cooking has arrived. The reduced porosity of the coating improves the contact of the surface of the pan with food, resulting in an appetizing crispy crust. This model is also suitable for induction cookers. The manufacturer recommends washing the product by hand using non-aggressive cleaning agents.


  • wall thickness – 3 mm,
  • uniform heating,
  • convenient indicator.


  • fragility of the coating,
  • not suitable for washing in a dishwasher.

The best cast iron pans

Food cooked using a cast iron frying pan will have a special taste. Due to the fact that heating is quite slow, and maintaining the temperature, on the contrary, is long, the entire contents of the dishes languish as if in a Russian oven. In addition, cast iron is one of the strongest and most durable materials. It is not afraid of minor mechanical damage, so you can even stir the food with an iron spatula. The only minor drawbacks are the heaviness of such a product and the inability to wash it in the dishwasher.

3 Staub New classic

Handmade, proven brand
Country: France
Average price: 8,250 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Staub frying pans have found a place in the best restaurants and chefs' kitchens. The brand is one of the top manufacturers of quality cookware all over the world. The New classic cast iron model is made by hand: in a disposable sand mold metal is poured. It cools down and takes on the desired shape. That's why no two New classic frying pans are alike. The inside of the product is covered with enamel, which ensures uniform heating of food. The frying pan is suitable for frying and stewing; the materials can withstand temperatures up to 250 degrees. Safe manufacturing technology prevents acids and lead from entering food.

The New classic frying pan is highly durable; it does not change shape under the influence of temperatures. The material is heated evenly, like in a convection oven. Thanks to this, food retains useful material. The product is suitable for a gas stove. The manufacturer does not recommend the use of metal devices. Food can be fried without oil, it does not stick.

2 Lodge L8SK3

Universal use, particularly robust
Country: USA
Average price: 3,560 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The American brand Lodge presents a super durable frying pan with a top diameter of 26 cm, which is firmly entrenched in the top of the best. It has a cast iron handle, a convenient holder on the opposite side and two spouts for sauce. During cooking, products do not lose their original taste, heat up evenly and become even better after simmering. The frying pan can be used for both gas and induction stoves. It is also allowed to be placed in the oven. The model has an optimal side height of 5 cm. It is resistant to damage from metal objects, does not scratch and is not susceptible to chipping when dropped.


  • high strength;
  • can be used in the oven;
  • positive reviews;
  • wear resistance;
  • good shape with holder and spouts for sauces;
  • convenient size.


  • the handle gets very hot;
  • the cover is missing.

1 Rondell Noble Red RDI-706

Top Quality, Best Induction Pan
Country: Germany
Average price: 6,283 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The German manufacturer Rondell occupies a leading position in the voting of the Quality Mark portal. It is valued by our compatriots for the impeccable quality of its products. All of them meet basic requirements and are particularly durable. Cast iron frying pan Rondell Noble Red RDI-706 is suitable for induction cookers. It has an enamel coating and a thick bottom. External part Made in a beautiful burgundy color. The kit includes an additional handle made of high quality steel. It has an increased size - 28 cm. It is easy to prepare a dish for a large number of people. Reviews indicate excellent wear resistance, resistance to various damages and ease of maintenance.


  • impeccable quality;
  • big size;
  • Beautiful design;
  • easy care;
  • additional handle included;
  • durable material;
  • Suitable for induction cooker.


  • no lid;
  • high price.

The best Teflon coated frying pans

Non-stick frying pans have a Teflon coating. It has a production base of tetrafluoroethylene. Despite many rumors about the harmfulness of this material, companies continue to release new models. And all because German scientists proved in 2011 that such coating is absolutely harmless to human health. Even if its particles enter the stomach, they will be digested and excreted from the body exactly in the form in which they entered there.

4 TVS Basilico 010297

Favorable price, safe materials
Country: Italy
Average price: 863 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The popular Italian brand TVS presents a Basilico frying pan with a diameter of 28 cm. It is made of high-quality aluminum and has an IperTek Teflon coating. The conveniently shaped handle is resistant to high temperatures. The model has a fairly thick bottom and walls, so it is great for frying and stewing various dishes. TVS Basilico is an easy-to-use frying pan that allows you to spend a minimum of time on cooking. It heats up quickly and evenly, ensuring high taste of dishes. Designed for a gas stove. Eco-friendly materials allow the model to be used for preparing food for children.


  • does not contain harmful elements;
  • heats up quickly;
  • comfortable handle;
  • safety;
  • reliable Teflon coating;
  • big size.


  • may become deformed;
  • no cover included.

3 Tefal Extra

The most popular, there is a heating indicator
Country: France
Average price: RUB 1,399.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Tefal frying pans are found in almost every kitchen. They differ from others by the presence of a special indicator in the middle of the bottom, which changes color when the optimal temperature for frying is reached. This model is large in size, with a total diameter of 28 cm. The special Powerglide Teflon coating prevents food from burning. Tefal Extra is an ideal frying pan for a gas stove. It has a handle made of heat-resistant bakelite material. The body is made of extruded aluminum. Reviews indicate the durability of the model; many families have been using it for more than 5 years.


  • large capacity;
  • heating indicator;
  • non-stick coating;
  • strong handle;
  • reliability;
  • Can be washed in the dishwasher;
  • excellent customer reviews.


  • the handle gets very hot;
  • the cover is missing.

2 Floral City with decoration

The optimum ratio of price and quality
Country: Italy
Average price: 540 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Among the most budget-friendly frying pans, the Flonal brand leads in quality. Their products are made of durable aluminum, which heats up quickly and evenly. The products retain their nutrients and are juicy and tasty. Thick walls of 3 mm guarantee heat retention. The product body does not transform under the influence of high temperatures. The non-stick coating allows you to cook dishes without oil. It is not afraid of abrasion and serves the user for a long time.

Thanks to the cheapness and good characteristics The frying pan is on many buyers' best lists. It features a durable body, non-stick coating without harmful substances, and uniform heat distribution. Reinforced walls successfully resist mechanical stress. The bakelite handle does not heat up during cooking. It comes unfastened, allowing you to put the frying pan in the oven. The diameter of the product is 28 cm, allowing you to prepare food for a family of 3 people.

1 Taller TR 4001

Patented two-layer coating
Country Russia
Average price: 1,059 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The Taller TR 4001 20 cm frying pan takes the lead among the best. The product with a non-stick coating withstands high temperatures well. A unique feature is the Whitford material. It allows you to cook food with a minimum amount of oil. The material does not contain PFOA (harmful acid), the frying pan is safe. The 4.5 mm bottom ensures uniform, fast heating. The bakelite handle is treated with silicone, it remains cool. The product is not afraid of a gas stove, but cannot be used in the oven.

Taller TR 4001 20 cm is included in the personal tops of buyers. The comments talk about the lightness of the product, comfortable handle, and fast heating. The diameter of this model is 20 cm, just suitable for one person. The coating tolerates temperature changes from -100 to +200 degrees, although it wears out faster this way. The manufacturer recommends heating the frying pan gradually and not placing hot dishes in cold water.

The Best Mineral Coated Pans

More and more manufacturers began to produce frying pans coated with mineral substances. Marble and granite are very popular. Such products have good non-stick properties. They heat up evenly and quickly and can withstand very high temperatures. Their internal surface is quite slippery, so cooking can be done either without the use of fat at all or with a small amount of it.

5 Gochu Ecoramic

Not afraid of scratches, heats up evenly
Country: South Korea
Average price: 1,800 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The impact-resistant Gochu Ecoramic 28 cm frying pan has a unique non-stick stone coating. It is safe for humans and does not contain the harmful acid PFOA. The product can be heated to high temperatures and is excellent for frying. The material is easy to clean and repels dirt. The design is bright, the reverse side is painted blue. The coating quickly distributes heat over the entire surface and maintains temperature. The frying pan can be used for serving and placed directly on the table.

Gochu Ecoramic 28 cm was appreciated by customers who strive for healthy nutrition. They praise the ability to cook without oil and reduce the amount of harmful fats. The seven-layer coating is suitable for gas stoves. The flame is unable to scorch the blue color, the bottom is resistant to fire. Despite the powerful characteristics of the material, the frying pan remains very light, weighing less than a kilogram. Both advantages and disadvantages include rapid cooling.


The best bottom thickness is 6 mm
Country Russia
Average price: 2,080 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The domestic manufacturer NEVA METAL TABLEWARE has proven itself in the market. The company's frying pans are examples of a combination of high quality, good strength and optimal cost. The Altai model has an important difference - the thickness of the bottom here is as much as 6 mm, and the walls are 3 mm. It is equipped with high sides (7.1 cm), which, together with the diameter (28 cm), ensures comfortable cooking of large quantities of food at the same time. This frying pan will be a great helper for a large family. The non-stick coating with marble chips is suitable for frying without a drop of oil, which preserves the taste and properties of the food. It is light in weight - only 1.3 kg.


  • thick bottom;
  • uniform heating;
  • convenient use;
  • high sides;
  • very light;
  • reliable non-stick coating.


  • no lid;
  • the handle is not removable.

3 Nadoba Mineralica 728416

The safest, 5-layer bottom
Country: Czech Republic
Average price: RUB 2,899.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The Czech-made Nadoba Mineralica frying pan has a 5-layer Pfluon coating, which ensures the most uniform heating and eliminates the risk of food burning. Ideal for frying or stewing any food. Approved for use on induction and gas stoves. The conveniently shaped handle is made of bakelite – a heat-resistant material with an anti-slip effect. Has a stylish design. There are three body colors to choose from: grey, beige, blue. An important difference between the model is that the materials do not contain perfluorooctanoic acid and other harmful substances.


  • safe coating;
  • looks great;
  • thick 5-layer bottom;
  • handle made of durable material;
  • suitable for any type of slab;
  • several colors to choose from;
  • excellent reviews.


  • comes without a lid.

2 Kukmara with marble finish “Tradition”

Best domestic model
Country Russia
Average price: 1,090 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The best domestic non-stick frying pan was the Tradition model from Kukmara. It has a dark marble finish that provides exceptional hardness and strength. The product is not afraid of mechanical damage, it is not afraid of abrasion and will serve you for many years. The increased thickness of the walls and bottom of the body allows you to slowly accumulate heat, correctly distributing it inside the frying pan. And even after turning off the stove, the process of simmering the cooked food does not stop, because the material retains heat well.


  • ease of use,
  • ease of cleaning,
  • suitable for dishwashers,
  • use on any type of slabs.


  • not identified.

1 TVS gran gourmet

Extra durable granite coating
Country: Italy
Average price: 2,080 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The TVS gran gourmet cast aluminum frying pan has a HARD STONE non-stick coating using 100% granite. Strength is enhanced by reinforced mineral particles. Now it’s not scary to use metal accessories, since the inner surface is not afraid of mechanical damage. The increased thickness of the bottom and walls allows for uniform heat distribution during cooking, as well as its long-term preservation. Deformation of the product is excluded even under the influence of significant temperatures. Ergonomic design and high Italian quality make this model desirable for purchase.


  • durability and strength,
  • walls and bottom – 6 mm,
  • easy and quick cleaning,
  • ecologically clean materials.


  • not identified.

The best pans for pancakes

Pancake pans differ in side height and size. As a rule, the optimal top diameter is 22 cm. Low sides are most convenient when turning pancakes. These pans have a special coating that prevents burning. The models have very comfortable thin handles and are light weight. Some manufacturers make special indentations to create a pattern on the pancakes. We have selected the top best models according to consumers.

4 Biol 04241

Removable handle, best price
Country Ukraine
Average price: 1,100 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The Ukrainian-made Biol 04241 frying pan has an increased diameter of 24 cm. It is intended for frying pancakes, pancakes, potato pancakes, etc. main feature models - a removable wooden handle, which is made in stylish design. The frying pan can be used as a baking dish in the oven, which is very convenient. It is made of high-strength cast iron. Pancakes on it turn out especially tasty, because... warm up evenly. The thickness of the bottom is as much as 4 mm. Retains heat for a long time after cooking.


  • low cost;
  • uniform heating;
  • can be baked in the oven;
  • bottom thickness 4 mm;
  • removable beautiful handle;
  • cast iron body.


3 GIPFEL Violoncelo 1336

Durable cast iron model
Country: China
Average price: RUB 2,194.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The GIPFEL Violoncelo 1336 frying pan is included in the rating of the best thanks to its characteristics: a thick induction bottom and cast iron as the main material. This ensures even heating and heat distribution. The model is suitable for a gas stove. It is possible to use metal spatulas; it is quite difficult to scratch the bottom. According to the manufacturer, the material preserves vitamins in food and reduces cooking time. It complies with the environmental standards of the Russian Federation.

In reviews, buyers recommend calcining the product with salt and oil before the first cooking. This activates the non-stick coating functions. GIPFEL Violoncelo 1336 must be kept lubricated on both sides, then the bottom will not rust from the gas. The set includes a convenient spatula for spreading the dough over the surface. Not only pancakes are made in a frying pan, but also sauces. First you need to get used to the product, so that you can prepare the perfect dish every time.

2 Tefal Supreme gusto H1180974

Built-in heating indicator
Country: France
Average price: 1,490 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Tefal Supreme gusto H1180974 with thick walls takes a worthy place in the top. The pan cools down slowly and maintains the temperature for a long time. The feature of the product is the drain spout. Canexperiment withdifferent sauces, remove excess liquid. The brand sought to create the effect of a Russian oven, so the food simmers slowly. This gives the products a unique taste. The basis is cast aluminum, replacing the line of cast iron products. High sides of 6 cm are great for frying and stewing.

The brand invented and implemented Thermo-spot technology: a designation of the ideal temperature for pancakes (180 degrees). When the material is heated to the desired level, the indicator on the surface turns red. Buyers note the ease of use: pancakes come out right the first time and don’t burn. The lightweight frying pan is easy to hold and wash. It takes up little space and does not interfere in the kitchen. In addition, the cost of the product is affordable.

1 Rondell Mocco RDA-136

Highest quality materials
Country: Germany
Average price: 2,650 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The Rondell Mocco pan for frying pancakes has a super durable TriTitan Spectrum non-stick coating, thanks to which it confidently occupies a leading position among the best. The bottom thickness of 4.5 mm ensures uniform cooking of each pancake. The stainless steel handle has an ergonomic shape and a durable fastening. It is equipped with anti-slip silicone elements. The standard diameter is 22 cm. The body itself is made of stamped aluminum. It is easy to cook potato pancakes, omelettes, pancakes, etc. on the frying pan. It can be used on a gas stove, induction surface, etc. The titanium coating is different high efficiency when preparing dishes without using oil. Rondell Mocco is a highly durable model that can last for many years.


  • high German quality;
  • reliable titanium coating;
  • stylish appearance;
  • small convenient dimensions;
  • strong handle fastening.


  • high price.

Tips for choosing a frying pan

Every housewife wants to have reliable helpers for preparing her favorite dishes. Of course, a frying pan is an essential item. You can use it to cook any meat dishes, bake pancakes, grill and much more. Models differ in many factors, but the most important task when purchasing is to choose a reliable and durable option. We found out what other characteristics you should pay attention to:

  1. For an induction cooktop, choose cast iron or stainless steel pans.
  2. Ceramics is considered one of the safest materials. It does not emit harmful substances when heated to 450 degrees. In addition, the ceramic coating is considered non-stick.
  3. The easiest coating to clean is Teflon. It is easy to clean, because... dishes are prepared on it with minimal use of oil.
  4. Modern frying pans with marble chips are among the most durable. They are not afraid of falls, scratches, etc.
  5. The most uniform heating will be provided by models made of nanocomposite or mineral materials. In addition, when cooking on such a coating, you can safely use metal spatulas, etc.
  6. If you choose a ceramic frying pan, then don't skimp. The cheapest models quickly deteriorate.

A frying pan is a must-have kitchen attribute. Housewives especially appreciate frying pans with a non-stick coating - it is more convenient to cook on them, and it is easier to wash such dishes. Let's figure out how to choose a high-quality frying pan with a non-stick coating and what criteria to follow when choosing.

Pros and cons of materials for making frying pans

Modern frying pans are made from various materials:

  • aluminum;
  • cast iron;
  • stainless steel.

Each metal has its own characteristics, disadvantages and advantages.

Aluminum frying pans

Aluminum is considered the most durable material for making cookware. Its durability is hard to dispute. Modern manufacturers prefer stainless steel, but aluminum is still in use.

Pros of aluminum frying pans:

  • if such utensils are made using a stamped method, then they are quite light and easy to use;
  • low cost;
  • a cast frying pan will hold heat for a long time and warms up quickly;


  • burning during cooking;
  • The best option is a gas oven. An electric stove will cause the bottom to deform;
  • Fairly light weight compared to others.

Cast iron frying pans

It is believed that cast iron cookware has long outlived its usefulness and gone out of fashion. But you can find a cast-iron frying pan in the kitchen of a good housewife. This “old fashioned” material has many advantages.


  • cast iron is not harmful to health;
  • versatility: it doesn’t matter which stove you use for frying, cast iron will not deteriorate in any case;
  • durability.


  • the material may rust. But proper care will extend its service life;
  • storing food in such containers is not recommended, as it can not only change the taste, but also take on a dark tint;
  • heavy weight.

Stainless steel pans

Stainless steel is a relatively new material for making cookware.


  • Stainless steel cookware does not rust for a long time and has a longer service life;
  • does not cause harm to health.


  • requires more careful and careful care;
  • it cannot be heated without food.

Aluminum pans and non-stick coating

Aluminum frying pans have their own characteristics. There are several types of coatings:

  • ceramic;
  • titanium;
  • diamond;
  • Teflon;
  • marble.

Modern production methods and materials for coating pans provide them with some features:

  1. The coating makes the pan more heat resistant.
  2. A quality choice will be environmentally friendly.
  3. Alkalis, acids and other chemicals will not spoil the quality and surface, and will not affect the service life high-quality coating cookware with non-stick coating.

When choosing, you need to take into account the thickness of the non-stick layer. If the manufacturer did not skimp on Teflon or titanium, you can be sure of a long service life of the dish. The aluminum frying pan with a titanium-ceramic protective layer is of particular quality.

Cast iron pans with non-stick coating

Cast iron cookware differs not only in weight, but also in quality. The material from which it is made allows food not to burn during cooking. Therefore, the non-stick layer probably does not serve this purpose. Cast iron rusts over time. You can slow down this process, but you will have to wipe the pan immediately after washing. An additional coating will simplify the procedure for caring for dishes and slow down oxidation. The only downside to this choice is the high price.

Properties of a stainless steel non-stick frying pan

Stainless steel itself calls its main advantage: the almost zero risk of corrosion is a big advantage of the material. But when buying and choosing, you don’t need to skimp. The fact is that the non-stick coating is vulnerable. If the wall thickness is decent, it will be possible to save it. This choice will not be cheap. But the purchase will also last a long time due to its properties and quality.

Types of non-stick coatings and their properties


Teflon coating of the pan

The Teflon layer has a more complex name - polytetrafluoroethylene. In fact, only one manufacturer called it “Teflon.” In other countries you can find other names for Teflon.

Most often, aluminum frying pans are treated with Teflon. The coating allows you to use less vegetable or animal fat for frying. Caring for the surface is not difficult.

However, it is worth remembering that caution is paramount when working with Teflon. Sharp objects will shorten its service life by causing scratches.

Do not heat a frying pan with Teflon above 200 degrees, otherwise the material will be hazardous to health. The toxic gases that Teflon is capable of releasing at high temperatures are a significant disadvantage.

Ceramic coating

Ceramic protection

The ceramic coating contains microparticles of sand, and its main part is a nanocomposite polymer.

Ceramic coating will not be environmentally harmful at any temperature. It is also perfect for those who exclude fats from their diet. Adding oil when frying is completely optional, and this will not affect the quality of cooking or the subsequent taste of the dish.

You need to wash such a frying pan exclusively with your hands: a dishwasher can ruin the vulnerable protection. Like Teflon, ceramics will not tolerate scratches or other damage from forks, knives and other utensils.

Marble covering

Adding Marble Chips

This coating consists of Teflon, but has its own differences and advantages. Adding marble chips allows the pan to hold its temperature better and heat up faster. Unlike other non-stick coatings, marble is more resistant to scratches and temperature regime. This means it will last longer.

The pricing policy of the manufacturers will not please you. Of course you can buy inexpensive option. But after a short period of time you will have to overpay when buying a new kitchen accessory. If the coating is thick enough (more than 8 layers), then the price will be justified by its good service life in the kitchen.

With careful care, the frying pan will last about 20-25 years.

Diamond non-stick coating

Adding Diamond Dust

The name of this coating sounds beautiful and is very attractive. Manufacturers have been using diamond dust for quite some time now. In fact, diamond is far from the basis of such a coating for a frying pan. The main part of the covering layer is the same Teflon. The addition of diamond dust is not used for a non-stick effect, but only to increase the strength of such a product.

A diamond-coated frying pan will delight you with its durability for many years. And the manufacturer promises that this new way Making frying pans is more environmentally friendly.

The miracle cookware heats up in a couple of minutes and retains heat for a very long time. Despite the fact that expensive material is used in production, it can easily be washed in a car.

The only negative is the high cost. Obviously, diamond coating is not cheap, but the price is justified by its convenience and durability.

Titanium coating

Titanium coating

Titanium coating has one distinctive feature: cookware has never been coated with pure titanium. It is only an additional element to improve the durability of the layer. You can freely say that a frying pan with a titanium coating is a relative of a cast iron one. However, it costs an order of magnitude more.

Its main advantage is resistance to damage and scratches. Don't be afraid of knives, metal spatulas and forks; they won't ruin this coating.

How to choose a non-stick frying pan

When choosing, you should consider several nuances:

  • type of stove;
  • price level;
  • Possibility of careful use.

If the kitchen is equipped electric stove, any frying pan you like will do, but gas stove may harm some materials. Usually the manufacturer indicates on which stove the frying pan can be used. Not all coatings will remain undamaged after exposure to fire.

The handle and lid are an equally important nuance. Many people do not pay attention to details, but the quality and material of the handle is very important. Now it is possible to purchase a frying pan with a removable handle - this is very convenient. But what is more important is the material and reliability of the handle fastening.

Choosing a frying pan is a case where size matters. If possible, it is better to take several frying pans for different purposes. For example, a thick bottom and high side are not suitable for making pancakes. But a thin bottom can ruin stews or meat. A large frying pan will be very convenient for stewing. But then you should purchase separate thin dishes for pancakes and pancakes.

The most popular brands of non-stick frying pans

European manufacturers have taken the best care of the quality of their products. But the ranking of the best frying pans also includes Russian brands:

  1. Tefal - France;
  2. “Neva-metal utensils” – Russia;
  3. "Biol" - Ukraine;
  4. Rondell - China;
  5. Kukmara – Russia;
  6. TVS – Italy;
  7. Swiss Diamond – Switzerland;
  8. Ballirini - Italy.

Tefal is the most popular on this moment manufacturer of non-stick frying pans. All models from this manufacturer have a non-stick coating. The materials used for production are of very high quality. Despite this, there are budget options. This product has received awards more than once.

The manufacturer provided the buyer with a wide choice: aluminum, cast, stainless steel frying pans.

"Neva-metal" is a product of a St. Petersburg plant that produces cast cookware with a non-stick coating. Buyers have a choice between coatings such as ceramics, titanium, and metal polymers. Domestic products are popular due to their low prices. It is noted that the coating can wear off within a year, but food will not stick to the bottom.

Biol is a Ukrainian company that has received many awards during its short existence. The main advantage of the product is environmentally friendly materials for production. On the counters you can see aluminum and cast iron frying pans.

The company was founded in Germany, but opened production in China, and according to customer reviews, the quality has also decreased. At the same time, a distinctive feature of Rondell frying pans is a guarantee of up to 25 years. Also among the obvious advantages is a triple fused bottom, which improves thermal conductivity. Buyers claim that the price of frying pans from this brand is not justifiably high.

This domestic manufacturer is popular in the CIS countries. Presented to the buyer a wide range of: cast, ceramic, aluminum frying pans with non-stick surface. Safe materials are used in production.

The quality of cookware from this brand is appreciated all over the world. The brand produces a variety of frying pans: with non-stick, ceramic, granite, titanium coating. It is possible to purchase a frying pan with a removable handle.

The Swiss manufacturer boasts of adding diamonds to the coating material. This ensures the durability and environmental safety of the dishes. The high price is fully justified by the quality.

Basically, the Italian company entered the European markets and found its buyer there. Frying pans with titanium and granite inner surfaces are of excellent quality. Buyers noted the reliability and safety of the materials.

There is a frying pan in every home. This is one of the most necessary items in the kitchen, which is used almost daily. Naturally, we want our frying pans to be high quality and safe. We'll tell you how to choose these.

There are frying pans different types: classic, wok, sauté pans, grill, pancake pans, with removable handles, tagines. They are made from different materials, with or without non-stick coating. Let's figure out which one is better to choose for safe cooking.

Teflon/PFOA/PTFE - harmful or not?
Disputes about the safety of Teflon coating are still ongoing. We tried to collect the latest data on this matter. So, Teflon is a popular name polymer coating tetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), patented by DuPont back in 1938.

Another substance used in the production of Teflon coating is perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). Five years ago in the United States, at the request of the Americans, chemical products containing PFOA were sent to independent examination. Based on its results, PFOA was recognized as a toxic poison. Numerous studies indicate that regular use of dishes with PFOA can cause various serious diseases: diabetes, hormonal disorders and immune system disorders, oncology, Alzheimer's disease - the list goes on. According to experts, the most vulnerable are the thyroid and pancreas glands. However, again, in order to feel the negative effect of PFOA, you need to heat Teflon cookware for a very long time.

Today, the production of cookware with PFOA is legal throughout the world. However, in the USA the ban on it comes into force in 2015.

Which pans are best not to use?

Aluminum frying pans

Pros - costs less, heats up quickly. Otherwise, there are only disadvantages: burnt food, easily damaged surface. As for health risks, according to some researchers, aluminum salts formed as a result of the reaction of the metal with water are a possible cause of diseases associated with memory loss. But this effect has not been definitively proven. But what is known for sure is that aluminum gets into food. True, to avoid this, today some manufacturers coat dishes with an oxide film. The main thing in this case is not to scratch the dishes.

Copper pans

They should not be used for cooking at all, even though they heat evenly and distribute heat well. Highly acidic foods cannot be cooked in copper cookware, since then the metal gets into the food especially actively. Researchers say that copper ingestion can cause nausea, dizziness, and vomiting. But you can safely buy frying pans where copper is used for the outer coating - this way the metal does not come into contact with food.

Safe pans

Ceramic frying pans

Perhaps the best option in terms of security. They are durable, resistant to temperature changes and dirt. Another plus is that they keep heat for a long time, so the food can be ready if you remove the pan from the stove 7-10 minutes earlier than usual.

Stainless steel pans

Steel is more stable and less active than aluminum. If you use such a frying pan according to the instructions: heat it slowly, with good oil, it is safe. When choosing a stainless steel frying pan, look for the inscription surgical grade stainless steel and pay attention to the numbers 18/0, 18/8 and 18/10 in the description, indicating the content of chromium and nickel, respectively. The best indicator is 18/0 (without nickel).

Cast iron frying pans

Excellent for those cases when the dish takes a long time to prepare. The pan heats up to very high temperatures - and, unlike Teflon, it is safe. True, cooking in a cast iron frying pan takes some getting used to. And immediately after cooking, you should transfer the food from the frying pan to another container.

Enameled frying pans

Plus, you can store a dish in it for a long time; food in such a frying pan does not oxidize. The downside is high sensitivity to shock.

Pans with granite coating

Another name is marble, stone. The coating is made of fine granite chips, which prevents food from burning. It does not separate at high temperatures and is safe for humans. The frying pans are strong and durable, but they are also sensitive to scratches, so you should handle them carefully: use only a wooden spatula when cooking and a soft sponge when washing dishes.

What to look for when choosing

Here are a few characteristics that you should pay attention to when choosing a frying pan:

1. Weight. The pan should not be too heavy, but too light is also bad. Look for a middle ground.
2. Bottom. Frying pans with a thick bottom (at least 5 mm) are considered to be of higher quality. They heat food evenly. It’s good if the size of the bottom matches the diameter of the burner or extends beyond it by a maximum of 1-2 cm. This way you can avoid heat loss.
3. Handle. It should fit comfortably in the hand, not too thin (if the dishes are heavy, they may break), and not too thick, otherwise there is a risk of not being able to hold the filled pan. The surface of the handle should be smooth. Check that the handle is securely attached to the body of the frying pan by moving it left and right, up and down. The backlash should be minimal.


Pans made of heat-resistant ceramics can withstand temperature differences from –30°C to +900°C, the manufacturer promises. They can be heated over a fire and immediately plunged into cold water - it will not harm them. Suitable for cooking in microwave ovens. The pans can be washed with any sponges and cleaning agents; it is allowed to use metal objects when cooking - the coating will not be scratched or cracked. The cost is about 6,000 rubles.

Traditional stainless steel frying pans, as well as frying pans with a thin but durable ceramic coating and chrome steel. They have a weighted, multi-layered bottom, so the pan heats up evenly and maintains its temperature for a long time. For example, Forza series frying pans, which are made of hammered aluminum coated with Bekadur Ceramica ceramic coating, can withstand temperatures up to +400°C. Contains no heavy metals, PFOA and PTFE. Cost - from 1000 rubles.

Le Creuset(France)
Cast iron frying pans are treated with special enamels on both sides, which protect against scratches, chips and perform a non-stick function. The cost is about 7,000 rubles.

Green Pan(Belgium)
Non-stick pans without PFOA or PTFE are suitable for all types of cookers, including induction. Can be used for cooking in the oven. The frying pan can withstand temperatures up to +450°C and does not release hazardous components when heated strongly. Cost - from 1190 rubles.

Stylish cast iron frying pans heat up quickly and evenly, retain heat for a long time, and food does not stick to them. Cost - from 3000 rubles.

Neva Metal Tableware(Russia)
Frying pans with metal-polymer coating. Stainless steel (18/10) combined with internal non-stick coating on water based without the use of PFOA. Heats evenly and maintains temperature for a long time work surface. The pans are not afraid of scratches and can withstand abrasive influences. There are several series, including those with ceramic coating. Cost - from 1000 rubles.

The quality of culinary masterpieces depends on the condition of kitchen utensils - every good housewife knows this. Having a good frying pan will provide a variety of dishes and excellent frying. If you have a good frying pan, pancakes will appear in the house much more often, and the housewife will delight her family with delicious steaks and quick desserts. But to achieve the desired goal, you need to choose a good frying pan. It should be durable, the surface of the pan should not burn, and the dishes should be washed without much difficulty. To choose high-quality kitchen utensils, you need to familiarize yourself with the main characteristics of frying pans.

How to decide on the size and shape of a frying pan

When we want to buy a frying pan, we certainly go to a dishware store. There are all kinds of frying pan models available. different sizes, shape and diameter. Therefore, first of all, you need to decide what you are buying a frying pan for.

If you're cooking pasta in a skillet and frying cutlets, consider whether you need a large pan. That is, if your family consists of 2-3 people, a medium-sized frying pan will be quite enough. IN large families If you have 5 or more people, you should buy large and deep frying pans. You can also fry some bulky dishes in them, such as chicken. Remember that a small frying pan will heat up faster, but a larger frying pan can fry more food at once. Sometimes one family may have several frying pans. Small for frying, for heating the cutlet. The medium frying pan is for general purpose. Large frying pans are used to cook food for guests. Frying pans of large diameter, but with small sides - for pancakes. Choose cookware according to your needs.

Also be sure to pay attention to the handle of the pan. It can be monolithic, screwed or removable. A screwed handle usually becomes loose over time - it is considered short-lived. The removable handle is much more convenient - the frying pan can be used not only for frying, but also for preparing dishes in the oven. In addition, frying pans with a removable handle are much more convenient to store in the kitchen cabinet. The monolithic handle is the standard of strength and reliability; such pans almost never break. Pan handles can be made of metal, plastic or iron. Wooden and plastic handles do not need to be held with a tack, like metal parts, because this material practically does not heat up. However, with strong frying, the fire can damage the wood and melt the plastic, but nothing will happen to the metal handle. Be sure to pay attention to the thickness of the frying coating. The thicker it is, the stronger and more durable the pan.

What material are frying pans made of?

Depending on the material used, pans can be divided into several groups.

Cast-iron pan

This is a classic that older generations are accustomed to. A good cast iron frying pan will never cause food to stick to the surface of the pan. Cast iron takes a long time to heat up, but much hotter than regular frying pans. Cast iron cookware allows you to fry food at higher temperatures, the material warms up perfectly, not only the bottom, but also the sides. In addition, cast iron also takes a long time to cool down. Even after removing the pan from the heat, the food is steamed for some time and simmered in a hot bowl, which makes the meat even softer and the cutlets juicier. Therefore, cast iron frying pans are especially valued for cooking dishes that require long-term heat treatment - for example, meat, solid cereals, etc.

Before using a cast iron frying pan for the first time, you need to rinse it, grease it with vegetable oil and ignite it over low heat for about half an hour. This will allow you to use cast iron for a long time, this procedure will protect food from sticking.

Cast iron is a combination of iron and carbon; when heated, the material does not react with food products, does not react to acids. But cast iron pans have disadvantages - one of which is that cast iron can rust. To prevent this from happening, after washing the cast iron frying pan should be wiped dry, put on the fire for about 5-7 minutes and only then put away for storage. Another disadvantage of cast iron is its heavy weight. This is especially noticeable if you cook pancakes in such a frying pan - you have to lift the dishes more than once.

Stainless steel
This is environmentally friendly tableware, the material of which does not react with food. These frying pans have a beautiful design and bring the spirit of professional cooking into the kitchen. The stainless steel frying pan heats up quickly and is used for high-speed frying or reheating prepared foods. If the food burns or the frying pan overheats, the steel does not emit any unpleasant odors or harmful substances. Such pans weigh little and do not rust. If you have induction cooker, it is recommended to use steel utensils, as they attract the frying pan with a magnetic field.

However, this frying pan also has its drawbacks. If you hold it on fire without food, green and blue spots and streaks may appear on its surface. If oil is burnt on a frying pan, it is quite difficult to wash it, besides, steel is afraid of abrasive cleaning agents - the coating deteriorates, and as a result, food begins to burn.

An aluminum frying pan can be cast or thin-walled. The advantages of such dishes are low cost and low weight. If used in making a frying pan good coverage, food does not stick to such dishes and does not burn. The metal heats up quickly and quickly distributes heat over the surface of the fryer. But an aluminum frying pan also has disadvantages - it bends easily and even becomes deformed. You don’t have to worry about the surface of the frying pan if you stir food with hard iron spatulas or even a sharp fork - such utensils are not afraid of scratches. Unfortunately, without a special coating, food in such a frying pan will constantly stick to the bottom.

Copper pans
IN modern kitchens Copper pans are becoming increasingly common. They are quite durable, but copper can react with foods (especially acidic ones) and change the taste of cooked dishes. This is why a copper frying pan must have a high-quality coating.

Ceramic frying pans
These are modern models kitchen utensils, which have become widespread. The frying pan can have only a ceramic coating or be made entirely of ceramic. This is an environmentally friendly product; after cooking in such dishes, food does not absorb any foreign tastes, odors or chemical substances. Ceramic allows you to heat food above 400 degrees Celsius. Ceramics have disadvantages - the most important one is that this material is afraid of sudden temperature changes. That is, after cooking, do not rush to put the frying pan under running cold water - it may crack. Also, ceramics should not be soaked in water for a long time. But ceramic products allow you to choose a frying pan to match the interior of your kitchen - they can be presented in any shade.

These are the main types of materials that are used to make a frying pan. But in frying utensils, the main role is given not to the material itself, but to the coating.

It is the coating that determines how heat is distributed over the surface of the pan, and most importantly, whether food will stick to the dishes. Among modern models of fryers, the following types of coatings are distinguished.

  1. Titanium coating. Today, titanium coating is considered the most durable, durable and high-quality. Food does not stick to this coating, the material is not afraid of sharp and hard objects, and it can be cleaned with abrasive agents. Food in a frying pan with this coating does not burn; you can fry in it without oil. The titanium coating is quite light. The only negative is the high price of the products.
  2. Teflon. Manufacturers admit that Teflon coating cannot be called absolutely safe and environmentally friendly. Food in such a frying pan does not stick, but when heated, the Teflon coating can release harmful chemical compounds into the food.
  3. Ceramic. Today, ceramic coating is applied to the same ceramic products, to cast iron or steel pans. Ceramics are quite dense, but with a sharp and sharp impact (if, for example, a mug or knife fell into a frying pan), the ceramics may crack or break off into pieces.
  4. Marble covering. It is also called diamond or stone. This is a very durable coating that perfectly distributes heat over the surface. However, to avoid scratches with such a coating, only wooden and plastic spatulas should be used; such utensils cannot be cleaned with abrasive agents.
  5. Enameled coating. Most often, saucepans or roasting pans are covered with enamel. The coating is not afraid of scratches and abrasions, but a sharp impact may cause it to chip. The enamel coating is not considered non-stick; most likely, it is more designed for the stewing process.

Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of a particular coating, you can easily choose what suits your needs and financial capabilities.

When choosing a frying pan, pay attention to some of its features. In addition to classic dishes of various sizes and diameters, there are special frying pans, for example for pancakes. They are quite light, with low sides, and have an excellent non-stick coating that allows you to flip pancakes even in the air. There is also a grill pan with a ribbed bottom. It will certainly find its place in your kitchen if you often cook meat or fish or bake vegetables. This frying pan allows you to fry food in its own juices, without being soaked in oil; after cooking, the food leaves the dishes well and turns out incredibly appetizing with characteristic stripes, like after cooking a barbecue. In the fight for the versatility of cookware, you can buy a Dutch oven - this is a cast iron frying pan, most often with a lid made of the same material. The roasting pan has a large capacity - you can cook dinner for the whole family. It can be used for baking dishes in the oven; the roasting pan perfectly replaces the roasting pan and baking dish. Food in the fryer is perfectly fried and does not burn. But for some, the Dutch oven may be unsuitable because the handles are too short, which also gets hot.

Some housewives find it more convenient to use multifunctional utensils that can replace a saucepan, a ladle, and a frying pan. If you are one of these ladies, be sure to buy a stewpan. You can fry, boil and stew in it. It is especially convenient to use a saucepan if the dish involves different stages of preparation. For example, pilaf - first the ingredients are fried, then boiled, and finally the rice is steamed. The saucepan comes complete with a lid and an additional extended handle.

Another modern model that can be used as a frying pan is the Wok. In fact, the shape of this frying pan resembles a simple cauldron. This kitchen utensil comes to us from southern Chinese cuisine and resembles a simple bowl. In such a frying pan, frying occurs very quickly, but the food must be constantly stirred so that it does not burn. The advantage of this frying pan is its high cooking speed. Due to short-term heat treatment, products retain their natural taste, are not overcooked, and do not absorb a lot of fat and oil. Stirring food in such a bowl is a pleasure - the high sides prevent it from falling out.

Let's buy a frying pan!

Once you decide on the shape, size, model and coating and manufacturing material, you need to find out about the manufacturers. To ensure that kitchen utensils serve you for many years, try to choose proven brands. Today, the most popular and in demand on the market are frying pans from manufacturers such as Gipfel, Tefal, Risoli, Rondell, Fissler, Vitesse. From domestic producers We can highlight the excellent frying pans of the Neva-metal cookware brand.

The cost of frying pans varies widely and depends on the material used. Cast iron products cost on average about 1,500 rubles. The price for utensils with ceramic, Teflon, diamond and titanium coating can reach up to 12-15 thousand rubles. Modern grill pans, woks and stewpans are quite expensive, simple models can cost 5-7 thousand, the price tag of branded tableware can reach up to 25 thousand for one product.

The right frying pan means not only delicious dishes, but also good mood housewives. What could be tastier than food prepared with pleasure? Therefore, it is better to spend money once on high-quality cookware that will serve you for decades.

Video: how to choose the right frying pan