Do I need to water a cut down Christmas tree? Some tips on how to keep a live Christmas tree at home longer. If the needles turn yellow in April-May

It rarely happens that the summer resident is not at fault in this case - as a rule, the owner of the plot himself made mistakes for which the plants pay.

Why do conifers turn yellow in spring?

Take a look at the list of these erroneous activities and check the boxes that correspond to your actions:

  1. When planting it was added to the planting hole a large number of(more than 30-50 g) of mineral fertilizers, and the roots were in contact with granules in the soil.

  2. After planting, regular watering of the plants was not provided during the season (“planted, watered and forgot”).

  3. The winter season, which is vital for coniferous plants, was not carried out water-recharging irrigation(before the onset of frost), which would provide good turgor (moisture filling) of the needles.

  4. Sufficient shading of the needles for the winter was not carried out. The fact is that in February or early spring the sun causes the needles to evaporate moisture, and the roots located in the frozen ground are not able to provide this moisture. Plants simply “burn”, unable to protect themselves from bright rays.

  5. Plants were not treated against diseases and pests of pine needles last season and in spring.

What to do if the plants have already turned yellow

If we're talking about about small inclusions yellow needles at the end of February and beginning of March, it is still quite possible to protect the trees with shade materials.

Under no circumstances should you completely cover plants with lutrasil (spunbond). The material itself weakly retains the sun, while the needles continue to actively evaporate moisture, and the “cocoon” creates a greenhouse effect inside, leading to damping off, burning out and, ultimately, yellowing of the needles. Often, under lutrasil, the plant turns more yellow than when not covered.

To effectively protect individual plants from the sun, use burlap and special shade nets that allow the needles to avoid bright rays and allow them to ventilate.

By the way, you should not completely exclude the use of lutrasil. It can be used to make excellent screens that slightly shade plants but do not accumulate moisture.

The simplest option is to throw fabric over the tree only from the south side and secure it in this position with twine or ordinary office staples directly along the branches. The result is that the plant is shaded, but well ventilated.

If the needles turn yellow in April-May

Well, most often this phenomenon is completely reversible and fixable. Do not immediately cut off branches with yellowed needles. Some plants may regrow shoots with young needles (for example, thuja).

Only in cases where the knots have clearly dried out and easily break off with a dry cut, you need to carefully cut them off with a hacksaw or trim them with pruning shears.

So, how can we help the affected conifers?

1. Treat the plants with a mixture of insecticide and fungicide for prevention, because It is difficult for a non-specialist to determine the presence of signs of diseases or pests on a plant.

To do this, add 4 ml of Topaz and 20 ml of Actellik to 10 liters of water (if you don’t find Actellik on sale, you can replace it with Actara or Fufanon). Be sure to add an ampoule of the Zircon drug to the same tank mixture; this is an excellent stimulant that will help plants recover.

2. Water your plants deeply, especially if you think you may have overwatered them. mineral fertilizers upon landing. After washing the soil, water the conifers again, adding 1 ampoule of Zircon to the water. In this case, it is used as a root stimulant.

3. Do not apply any fertilizers either to the roots or to the needles until new shoots appear.

4. In the morning, evening or on cloudy days, spray the crown with plain water.

5. A week after the first treatment, spray the plants with a solution of Epin-Extra preparations (2 ml per 10 liters of water). This is an excellent anti-stress drug that will help the needles recover.

If you have very alkaline water (produces a lot of scale), then add 1 tsp to a bucket of water before diluting Epin. vinegar (the drug Epin is destroyed when alkaline environment). Spray in cloudy weather or in the morning and evening 2 times a month until full recovery plants.

6. Instead of Epin, you can use another adaptogen - the drug HB-101, this solution is sprayed and watered at the root once a week. Use 2 times a month until the tree is completely restored.

7. As soon as the plant has perked up and new shoots have appeared, in May you can feed it using special fertilizers for conifers. In this case, it is better to give preference to liquid and granular preparations with a long duration of action (POKON, AVA).

8. Regularly water and spray conifers, especially young specimens, and do not make mistakes in the future before preparing them for wintering.

Thuja – evergreen, belongs to the cypress order. This ornamental plant, which is used for landscaping gardens and personal plots. To have a beautiful, healthy tree on your site, you need to plant it correctly and provide proper care for the thuja.


Thuja seedlings are grown in nurseries, from where they are sold to specialized gardening stores. The seedling is sold in a pot, and when purchasing, you should, if possible, inspect its root, White color which indicates that the seedlings are healthy. Yellow areas of the root indicate that the thuja has been in the pot for more than a year. You should refuse to buy such a seedling.

Thuja loves moist, light soils well saturated with oxygen. This means that the soil into which the seedling will be transplanted must be moist and loose. It is recommended to dig a hole four to five days before planting the tree.

Sawflies in the photo

Sawflies often eat the needles of pine and spruce trees. The most common are the common and red sawflies.

Common spruce sawfly in the photo

Common spruce sawfly in the southern region it develops in two generations. In April - May, the larvae often completely eat the needles. At the end of June, the pests finished feeding coniferous trees They make dense cocoons on spruce branches in which they pupate. After 2-3 weeks, second generation sawflies appear and destroy young needles. They overwinter in the soil or in coniferous litter.

Red sawfly pine develops in one generation. It causes damage from the beginning of May, feeding on pine needles and sometimes the bark of young shoots. In August, it lays eggs inside the needles of young pine shoots, where it overwinters.

Green sawfly larvae (false caterpillars), harmful, have 3 dark stripes on the body and a brown head. They damage needles and shoots, eating away internal tissues.

Eating pine needles by larvae reduces the growth of pine trees; weakened trees are colonized by other pests (bark beetles and borers), specialized species that feed on various coniferous species.

Spider mite. This pest on coniferous plants is clearly visible in the morning dew. A thin cobweb covers young shoots in groups. The smallest mites (0.3-0.5 mm) move along this web. The sap is sucked out and the needles turn brown. The pest is especially dangerous in dry, hot summers, when it can produce up to 8 generations.

These pests of coniferous plants can also cause premature needle drop.

Adult insects overwinter under bark scales and at the base of needles growing in bunches.

If the needles at the top of the shoots of junipers are enlarged, then this is a sign of damage by the juniper needle mite. Conifers should be treated for pests when the first signs of damage appear.

Pine bug
Pine bug

Pine bug. Bugs found on trees are yellowish or reddish-brown, similar in color to pine bark. Their size is from 3 to 5 mm. Bugs and their larvae overwinter in the litter and under the peeling bark at the base of the trunk. In the spring they crawl out of their wintering places and suck the juice from the trunk and shoots.

Pests disrupt the conducting system of plants, which causes yellowing of the needles, decreased growth and general weakening of the tree. When severe damage occurs on young pines, dry tops, bent trunks, and sometimes the death of the tree are formed.

Aphid. For spruce trees, infestation with this pest is very dangerous. This sucking insect, only 1-2 mm in size, is green in color, so it is difficult to see on the needles. Aphids cause yellowing and falling of needles, often massively.

It is important to detect the pest on twigs and needles as early as possible and carry out a series of insecticide sprayings at intervals of one and a half to two weeks until the aphids are completely destroyed.

You can detect the pest by shaking the twigs over a white sheet of paper. The development of aphids is noted already in May with the appearance of young needles.

Juniper aphids are found on young juniper shoots. During mass reproduction, young plants can be severely damaged by this pest: growth is delayed, shoots become bent and twisted. Spraying is carried out in the spring, as soon as the pest appears.

Pine aphid- grayish in color, heavily hairy, oblong in shape. Its rows are easy to notice on the needles of Scots or mountain pine. Spraying with insecticides is carried out in April - May.

Mealybug(hermes). This small (up to 4 mm) sucking insect, similar to an aphid, poses a certain danger to. The body of the pest is oval-shaped, yellowish, densely covered with white waxy secretions. In summer, sticky white patches of “cotton wool” form on the needles and young shoots.

This white fluffy coating on the needles of trees and shrubs indicates the presence of Hermes aphids. As a result of feeding on scale insects, the needles turn yellow and fall off. With severe damage, the death of young trees is possible.

Winged individuals of spruce-fir hermes cause curvature of needles in places where aphids feed and their yellowing. At the buds, adult females appear on the bark, and brown or yellowish-green larvae appear on the needles. Spraying with insecticides is carried out in the spring when signs of pest infestation appear.

Adult larvae of scales overwinter on the bark of branches and trunks under scales and in cracks. Several generations are produced per year.

During the winter, many mealybugs die, and therefore there are few of them in the spring. The number of the pest gradually increases over the summer period.

The most dangerous is the juniper mealybug, as well as the mealybug that develops on.

Pine scale insects cause harm in a similar way. Scale insects are hidden under the needles, and therefore are difficult to destroy.

False shield is also very dangerous for. It colonizes twigs and needles. This pest is sprayed with Fufanon or Iskra Double Effect. Spraying of conifers against scale insects and false scale insects is carried out in the spring before the buds open.

Treatments are repeated in the first half of June with an interval of 8-10 days, alternating these drugs with “Zubr” or “Alatar”.

Caterpillars of juniper shoot moth eat the insides of the shoots, severely damage various shapes common juniper. When these coniferous pests are detected, spider nests are collected and sprayed with pesticides to combat them.

pine shoot
pine shoot

pine shoot- small butterfly; Caterpillars harm by gnawing buds, as a result, panicles of needles with resin are formed at the ends of the shoots.

Resin shooter
Resin shooter

Resin shooter- small butterfly; Caterpillars cause damage by gnawing into the bark and forming resinous galls that increase in size. Shoots above the galls become bent and dry out.

Pine silkworm
Pine silkworm

Pine silkworm is a butterfly with a wingspan of up to 7 cm. Its caterpillars pose a danger to coniferous plants. They are brown-gray and reach 7 cm in length. Caterpillars begin to emerge from eggs before bud break and continue to hatch until mid-June; within two months they eat needles and pupate. Butterflies fly out in August and lay eggs (200-600 eggs each). The pest overwinters in the egg stage.

Less often, needles are damaged by moth caterpillars, and cones suffer from tar and moth. When growing pine seedlings, plant death can be caused by May beetles. Both beetles cause damage by eating the needles, and larvae damage the roots.

Protecting conifers from pests: how to treat plants

For successful cultivation conifers on garden plot maximum compliance with the conditions required by the nature of plants is necessary: ​​sunny place, fertilized soil, watering and mulching tree trunk circles peat or pine sawdust. You should not dig up the soil under the plants and rake out fallen pine needles.

When pests appear in the evening, to treat conifers against pests, spray with one of the insecticides (“Iskra Double Effect”, “Iskra Zolotaya” or “Senpai”, “Alatar”). Against spider mite use Fufanon or Iskra-M. The treatment must be carried out in the spring during the period of bud break, repeated at intervals of 10-12 days. Then carry out constant monitoring for possible resumption of pest development.

In the first half of summer conifers fed with special complex mineral fertilizers. Plants respond well to fertilizers containing magnesium (“Kalimagnesia”, “Magnesium sulfate”, “Magbor”, etc.).

In the hottest months of summer (July - August), to protect conifers from pests, it is advisable to wash the needles with water from a hose in the evenings. Removing dust makes plants healthier.

Coniferous trees should be placed on the site so that their crowns do not shade deciduous ones. fruit trees so that the ground under them is not trampled, and the wax coating on the needles is not subject to mechanical damage.

Lovers of the living, not the artificial, ask this question. Only a real Christmas tree will create the aroma of the New Year holiday.

First of all, peel 10 cm from the bottom of the trunk. Now prepare a bucket of water with dissolved aspirin, a pinch of salt and a spoon of sugar. Aspirin prevents putrefactive bacteria from developing, and sugar and salt will provide the spruce with nutrition.

Then the solution is mixed with purified sand and the tree is placed so that the grenade launcher is rotated 20 cm. 1000 ml of water must be poured into a container with sand. You can even add gelatin.

When the sand dries, moisten it with liquid so that it is not dry, because the Christmas tree drinks enough. TO river sand you can add a few crystals of potassium permanganate. This microfertilizer will preserve the tree for a very long time.

There is a chance that the tree will grow and take root. Liquid must be added to keep the container full. It should turn out dark red.

It is not recommended to place the Christmas tree next to heating devices. To preserve the freshness of coniferous branches, the spruce is sprayed with fresh water.

Choose the right tree! When choosing a Christmas tree, look at its trunk. It should have needles and not thin ones. Make sure the branches grow abundantly.

The fact that the Christmas tree is in good condition is indicated by its elasticity, degree of pricklyness and the emerald shade of the needles.

Pay attention to whether the branches bend. If, when purchasing, you notice that they bend and crack, this means that the spruce is dry and the needles will quickly fall off. After all, it also happens that fresh wood is delivered dry.

The youth of a tree is determined by its special forest smell. You can rub the needles in your palms, after which you will understand and feel the true aroma of pine needles.

It is important that branch limbs and tops are preserved. Be careful when transporting the tree, pressing against the trunk and securing the branches with twine.

Do not keep the tree in a warm room for a long time before decorating. If you bought it in advance, store it wrapped and in a cool place. If there is no such place, then carefully tie the tree on the street side behind the window.

To decorate it, remove the lower branches so that the trunk is exposed by 20 cm. Now place the tree in water separated from bleach for two hours.

Dissolve 40g sweetened syrup, 10g fertilizer and 10g bleach in 1000 grams of liquid. Pour in two spoons of triple cologne (or Nithilon) and a spoonful of glycerin. After 7 days, replace the solution with another one.

If the spruce was on the balcony, after bringing it into the room, do not immediately open it, but warm it so that it gains the warmth of the room. If you don’t do this, the spruce may fall off. The bottom cut must be made even.

The polyethylene Christmas tree must be vacuumed before installation. It is forbidden to wash it, otherwise the base of the branches and the grenade launcher will rust.

Buy a stand, lower the peeled trunk into it so that it is in the water. Add 4 tablespoons of glycerin there, and make sure that the liquid is above the cut peel.

After placing the Christmas tree in the stand, cover the liquid with corrugated paper or any similar material.

Periodically spray the spruce with a spray bottle, which will keep the tree fresh for a long time.. Add to 3 liters of liquid citric acid and gelatin (5 g each) and 15 g of crushed chalk.

In addition, you can dissolve 10 g of urea (garden fertilizer) in the liquid. A day later, make an incision in the grenade launcher, where you then insert worsted fabric.

When buying spruce trees, do not look at those wrapped in green mesh. Sellers hide damaged copies in this way. When it is not possible to remove it, pay attention to another spruce. There should not be a single yellow tint on the Christmas tree.

If it is present, it means the spruce was cut down a long time ago or it grew on a poor sandy soil and will not be able to stand for long. The cut should be fresh and smell like resin. Store the tree in a room where the temperature is no more than 18 C.

The room must be ventilated and moistened. The longest-living tree is pine, the most fragrant is fir, but the most beautiful is spruce (if the crown is properly processed).

Also tap the trunk on the ground, and if the needles fall off, then don’t pick it up. When everything is fine, then carefully look at the trunk so that there is no mold or fungus on it.

After purchase, you need to saw off or plan the butt so that the pores of the wood open. Then take it to a cold place and put it in water for two days. She can drink up to 3 liters of liquid per day.

Therefore, watch it and add liquid. Add sugar and copper wires from the wires to the stand with water.
Gradually preparing it for warm temperatures will help preserve the Christmas tree. The tree can also remain in ordinary liquid.

Some wrap the trunk in multiple layers of gauze. It also needs to be wetted.

This option is also very effective: take 20 g of ammonium nitrate, 10 g of superphosphate and 5 g of potassium nitrate per bucket of liquid. Add a spoonful of solution to the liquid daily.

You can only add aspirin to the water. To do this, add two crushed aspirin tablets per liter. To destroy microflora, you can throw copper coins. First, the tree will drink a liter of liquid.

The simplest option is to moisten a cloth with liquid and wrap it around the barrel, then wet it when it dries.

When a Christmas tree suddenly grows in your garden, do not cut it, but rather wait until it grows. Then, taking it into the house a couple of days before the New Year, transplant it into a spacious bucket and moisten the roots with liquid.

Wrap in synthetic film and sprinkle with moss or peat mixture. First, place it in a bright and not warm room, and the day before the New Year in a warm one. This way you will avoid sudden temperature changes.

Every day you will need 4 liters of liquid to water the moss. After the holidays are over, make sure that the Christmas tree is preserved until the next holiday. Take the bucket with the tree out into the yard and place it where there is no wind.

When warm weather arrives, immediately transplant the Christmas tree into the ground. When the weather is cold, it is better to wait for the coming of spring and bury the tree with a tub in the garden. For shelter you can use peat, film or snow.

Became popular exotic plants from the Araucaria family. They grow for a very long time, have various shapes and look like a Christmas tree.

They also have elastic branches and hard leaves, like needles. The tree will grow like your baby and will remain green forever.

Having bought a cut down Christmas tree at the market, each of us wants it to look fresh and attractive throughout the holidays. We offer several simple tips that will help preserve live Christmas tree at home longer. This does not require any special means, just a grain of knowledge on choosing, installing and caring for a Christmas tree.

From the article you will learn:

  • 1 How to save christmas tree so that it doesn't crumble?
    • 1.1 Choosing a quality tree
  • 2 Correct installation live Christmas tree
    • 2.1 Installation of the Christmas tree
    • 2.2 Several recipes nutrient solution to extend the life of the tree
  • 3 The Christmas tree is installed. What to do next
    • 3.1 We also recommend reading:

How to preserve a Christmas tree so that it does not fall off?

Choosing a quality tree

Let's start by choosing a Christmas tree. If you buy a tree that has been sitting for a month from the seller, believe me, no matter what you do with it later, trying to preserve it. appearance, the beautiful Christmas tree will not stand for long. The needles will fall off simply from time to time.

choosing a Christmas tree

When buying spruce or pine before the New Year, check with the seller about the time of felling, asking for documents for the goods.

If they are not there, first of all pay attention to the color of the needles. Yellow tint will indicate that the tree is far from young and will soon begin to crumble. Experts also advise running your palm forcefully along the branch: if needles remain in your hand, the tree was cut down a long time ago and it is better not to pick it up. When running your hand along the branch, the needles should be flexible and remain on the tree.

To preserve your Christmas tree for as long as possible, pay attention to the trunk and branches of the tree. The branches should be elastic and unbreakable. The surface of the trunk should be covered with needles; there should be no wide dark border on the cut.

The freshness of the Christmas tree is evidenced by the elasticity of its branches and the bright, rich green color of the needles. If you rub several needles in your fingers, a strong spruce smell should appear, and the surface of the skin will become oily.

Proper installation of a live Christmas tree

If you decide to keep a live Christmas tree at home longer, do not rush to install it indoors immediately after purchase. Allow the tree to acclimate slightly. A sharp change in temperature can cause the tree to lose all its needles. For successful acclemation, place the tree in a cold garage or balcony.

installation of a live Christmas tree

While the Christmas tree gets used to the change in temperature, we will prepare a place for its installation. First, the wood should be kept away from open flames or heat sources that can dry it out prematurely. Secondly, place the tree out of the reach of pets.

If you plan to use garlands to decorate your tree, place the tree close to an outlet. If this is not possible, you will need to use an extension cord. Make sure that the extension cord runs along the wall and does not come into contact with moisture and does not pose a fire hazard to the wiring.

If you want to keep your live tree fresh for a long time, forget about metal and plastic cross stands in which the tree is secured with nails or screws. Buy a special stand into which you can pour water or select a deep container where you can pour water, pour wet sand or put pebbles. It should be deep enough so that the tree does not fall or tilt to one side.

Keep in mind that you will need some form of water to keep the wood fresh. So that she doesn't harm you floor covering and furniture, cover the area where the Christmas tree will be installed with cloth or light paper. You can also cover the container in which the Christmas tree is installed with something. With the help of tinsel, rain and other New Year's decorations, everything can be organized as an excellent Christmas tree decoration.

Christmas tree installation

When installing the Christmas tree, remove the lower branches (they are perfect for a New Year's wreath or bouquet to decorate the holiday table). Clean the trunk by 10–20 cm. Be sure to renew the cut area. This is necessary so that the trunk can absorb moisture.

Note! On some sites you can find a recommendation to drill several holes in the barrel before installing it in water. It is assumed that this way the tree will absorb moisture better. However, experts do not recommend doing this - no particular benefit has been noticed from this, but such experiments can damage the stability of the tree.

Place the tree in the container

Place the tree in a container filled with wet sand or water. Instead of sand, you can collect small pebbles, install a Christmas tree in them and fill them with water. You can also wrap the cleaned part of the trunk with any loose cloth and regularly moisten it with water or a specially prepared solution.

In any case, no matter which way you choose to keep a living Christmas tree at home longer - in water, among pebbles or in sand, make sure that the tree stands stable. Stores sell special stands that contain a container for water. If there is no such stand, take an ordinary bucket, only make sure that the tree rests against the edges with its lower branches or secure it with rope guys. They are easy to hide under New Year's decor.

Several recipes for a nutrient solution to extend the life of a Christmas tree

To extend the life of a New Year's tree, make its water more nutritious and take measures to prevent the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. Here are a few simple recipes that will help you with this:

  • The simplest option is hot water and acetic acid. Boiling water will open the pores of the wood, and vinegar will protect against pests that live under the bark. In addition, the essence will act as a preservative, prolonging the life of the tree.
  • The second option is a solution of water and 2-3 tablespoons of liquid glycerin. This solution will protect the trunk from rotting.
  • The third method is a solution of cold water, sugar (2 tablespoons) and aspirin (2 pcs.). Sugar will feed the tree, and asperin will act as a preservative for the water. It won’t bloom, it won’t smell bad, and the tree will last longer.

Note: as folk remedy To replenish the Christmas tree, you can find advice to add cola or lemonade to the water. This product of the chemical and food industry, according to folk chemists, should extend the life of the Christmas tree. I don’t know how effective this is, but if you decide to try this remedy, be careful not to overfill sweet water Christmas tree, furniture and floors. In addition, you should not use this product if you have a small dog or other sweet-loving animals in the house. They will definitely want to know what smells so delicious there and you will be tired of driving them away from the tree.

The Christmas tree is installed. What to do next

So, you have taken all the necessary measures to keep your living Christmas tree at home longer. Now all you have to do is monitor the water level in the container with the tree, if it is installed in water, or the humidity of the sand, if the tree is installed in a container with sand. To do this, look into the container and add water. The sand should be moist and the water level should not fall below the base of the tree.

In addition to feeding the tree from the trunk, it is advisable to spray the branches of the tree from a spray bottle from time to time. This should be done a few hours before turning on the electric Christmas decorations.

Important! When choosing garlands for the New Year tree, buy those equipped with new LED bulbs. They will not dry out the tree much during operation and it will last longer.

The most long-awaited holiday is coming - New Year! What does it smell like? Frost and tangerines, fresh pastries and spices, candles and incense. And, of course, a Christmas tree - the most important attribute of the New Year's celebration! What would a holiday be without the aroma of fresh pine needles in the house, so familiar to us since childhood and so beneficial for health.

Living spruce, according to legend, contains an inexhaustible source vital energy, and the spirits living in it protect the home from various evil influences.

If you have chosen a living tree, then you really want to preserve the freshness of the tree and its bright aroma throughout the holidays. How to extend the life of a forest beauty? Here are some tips.

This method is the most effective. Just buy not a felled tree, but a Christmas tree growing in a special tub, where the roots continue their vital activity. The main condition for its preservation in its original form is to protect the forest beauty from heat shock when moving from frost to warm house. This must be done gradually, first by keeping the plant for several days on a glassed-in balcony or veranda. You can replace the Christmas tree with more heat-loving trees like cypress or araucaria.

It is very important to choose the right freshly cut tree.

  • To do this, you need to pay attention to the barrel. It’s good if its surface is covered with needles and the cut does not have a wide dark border.
  • The freshness of the Christmas tree is evidenced by the elasticity of its branches and the bright, rich green color of the needles. If you rub several needles in your fingers, a strong spruce smell should appear, and the surface of the skin will become oily.
  • Try hitting the base of the trunk hard on the ground. If the needles fall off, it means that the tree is no longer fresh and should not be taken.
  • It is very good if the crown and tips of the branches remain unharmed during transportation.

Try not to bring the Christmas tree into a warm room immediately after purchasing, but keep it for several days on a glassed-in veranda or balcony, wrapped in paper. There she will pass required acclimatization period.

In a warm room, do not immediately unwrap the forest guest, but allow it to slowly warm up to ambient temperature.

When installing the tree, remove the lower branches (they are perfect for a New Year's wreath or bouquet), clean the trunk by 10–20 cm, be sure to renew the cut area and place the plant in settled water for a couple of days, constantly adding liquid. Then place the tree in a stand with a container filled with wet sand or water. You can also wrap the cleaned part of the trunk with any loose cloth and regularly moisten it with water or a specially prepared solution.

To extend the life of a forest beauty, make its water more nutritious, and also take measures to prevent the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. Here are some recipes:

  • The most famous option is to add a few cubes of refined sugar, an aspirin tablet and a handful of salt to the water. Pour the solution into a prepared container with water or sand.
  • Dissolve half a tablespoon of pre-crushed chalk and 5 grams of gelatin and citric acid in 3 liters of water.
  • A tree standing in water with several dissolved crystals of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) retains its freshness well. The color of the liquid should be bright pink. This composition acts as a microfertilizer, and your Christmas tree can even take root.
  • Yours will feel great Christmas decoration, if you add any specialized fertilizer for conifers to the water in a dosage according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • The nutritional composition can be obtained by mixing a teaspoon of superphosphate, a tablespoon of ammonium nitrate and half a teaspoon of potassium nitrate into water. This fertilizer needs to be added daily, 1 tablespoon.
  • If immediately after cleaning the trunk, you dip the tree in a hot solution of acetic acid, the heat will help to further open the pores of the tree, and the essence will protect against pests and preserve the plant.
  • You can also put copper coins from Soviet times into the water (maybe someone else still has them) or just copper wire. In this case, it would not be amiss to add a few pieces of sugar along with an aspirin tablet.

The liquid must be added as it evaporates so that the cleaned lower part of the barrel is constantly under water. The same solutions can be used to regularly moisten sand or fabric.