Which side to glue the web on. Fiberglass: application in interior decoration and more... Pasting mixture

To save effort during the next repair on leveling the surface of a ceiling or walls with numerous small flaws, you can simply use fiberglass, the use of which is increasingly important when finishing and strengthening internal surfaces.

Painting fiberglass is a modern environmentally friendly material made from mineral and organic resins. This is a continuous non-woven fabric without a pronounced pattern, which has enormous tensile strength. Painting fiberglass has fibers that are not intertwined, like glass wallpaper, but simply glued together randomly, representing a homogeneous fabric of fiberglass threads located randomly.

Fiberglass, the price of which is quite reasonable, is often called fiberglass. And among the people, such a building material acquired the name “cobweb”, thanks to its pleasant and soft texture.

This building material is divided into several classes, according to its density (thickness). Now you can buy fiberglass with a density from 25 to 65 g/m2. Its density directly affects the cost: the thicker the canvas, the more expensive it is. Experts recommend choosing fiberglass for the ceiling with a density of about 25 g/m2 to guarantee a reliable and lightweight coating. But a material with a higher density is able to withstand more severe mechanical loads, inhibiting the appearance of cracks.

It is wrong to assume that cobwebs and glass wallpaper are the same material. Glass wallpaper is a decorative roll covering, made from fiberglass by weaving. And fiberglass is special material For wall covering, created by pressing glass fiber threads. Painting fiberglass canvas has a thinner, smoother surface than glass wallpaper. The web has no pattern, which makes it possible to color it an infinite number of times. Fiberglass, the price of which is at least 2 times less than the cost of glass wallpaper, is a 100% environmentally friendly material.

Among repair and finishing materials, repair interlining, which does not require puttying and can be applied with almost any paint, deserves well-deserved respect.

Fiberglass web: price, properties, advantages

If you buy the building material fiberglass, the repairman is guaranteed to receive an environmentally friendly finishing and reinforcing fabric approved for use in residential premises. Products from such manufacturers as Wellton (Finland), Spectrum (Holland, China), Oscar (Russia), Samtex (Sweden), etc. are very popular.

Ordinary fiberglass for painting, the price of which ranges from 500 rubles. up to 800 rub. for 1 roll (25 m2 or 50 m2), depending on the manufacturing company, most often has a width of 1 m.

  • features increased fire safety
  • has heat, water and acid resistance
  • hypoallergenic, durable
  • Excellent leveling and finishing
  • allows finishing work to be carried out in rooms with high traffic volumes due to high density

Modern oscar fiberglass made in Russia-Sweden is quite wear-resistant strong material. It is almost impossible to damage the glued panel unless you cut it with some sharp object. Fiberglass Oscar comparatively inexpensive material, which can be painted with any type of paint with a consumption much less than when painting only a puttied surface. VVG, Oscar, Velton fiberglass can be re-painted.

Fiberglass painting web has the following advantages:

  • does not burn
  • not subject to corrosion
  • moisture resistant
  • “breathes”, allowing water vapor to pass through
  • does not cause allergic reactions
  • easy to clean
  • prevents mold growth
  • does not accumulate static electricity
  • does not attract dust
  • does not emit substances harmful to human health, etc.

TO important features When using fiberglass, it should be noted that small particles of glassy threads can seriously injure your hands when cutting. It is strictly forbidden to work with painting fiberglass without gloves. It is recommended to use eye and respiratory protection, as well as thick rubberized overalls, to prevent tiny glass “shards” from coming into contact with the skin, which can cause itching.

Fiberglass: use in repairs

Smooth fiberglass painting web is recommended for use in houses plastered or finished with plasterboard, effectively replacing finishing putty. The material is widely used on surfaces that are prone to cracking to prevent the appearance of small cracks and imperfections in the finish.

Fiberglass web additionally reinforces the surface of the wall or ceiling, making the base more durable. It is rational to use fiberglass when leveling slabs ceiling: fiberglass is glued to the ceiling when it is not possible to cover it with plasterboard.

When you don’t want to cover a room with embossed wallpaper, you can buy fiberglass, having previously prepared the surface for painting. In this case, painting fiberglass serves as an additional means for strengthening the ceiling and walls. It is glued with a special ready-made glue, then it must be primed, puttied, and then painted.

Painting fiberglass can not be puttied, but only primed with a liquid glue solution, allowed to dry, and painted. But in this case, you will need not only a lot more paint, but also time, because you will have to paint at least 3 times, but you still won’t be able to paint it evenly with a roller.

Durable fiberglass web allows you to protect walls from the appearance of network-like or single cracks on the painted surface, which can appear from defects that appear on drywall, plaster or putty due to shrinkage or heating of the building. Often cracks appear on the painted base, which only happens if fiberglass is not used, the price of which is much higher. less expenses for a new renovation.

The structural features and elasticity of the fibers of glass painting canvas allow it to withstand destructive changes, preventing their occurrence on the surface of the ceiling or wall. Fiberglass, the use of which depends on its main property – surface reinforcement, is used regardless of gluing “serpyanka” onto the joints of plasterboard sheets. Often, drywall in stores and bases is stored in improper conditions, collecting unnecessary moisture during storage, which after installation begins to evaporate and the structure begins to crack.

Fiberglass: how and with what to glue and paint

The process of gluing the panel to the wall begins with its preparation: the surface is cleaned of dust and dirt, and large cracks are treated. The answer to the question: “How to glue fiberglass?” simple enough. Gluing the “cobweb” is much easier than any wallpaper, because the glue needs to be applied only to the wall, and not to the canvas. Moreover, it is advisable to use special glue for fiberglass, for example, from Wellton.

Most often, the canvases are laid end-to-end and carefully leveled with a spatula. How to glue fiberglass that has received damage to its edges due to improper storage or rough transportation? Such a canvas can be safely glued overlapping, as when working on curved, broken surfaces, where you need to apply the coating in parts.

So, there is fiberglass, how to glue it correctly? The gluing technology or installation of fiberglass is quite simple:

  • rough filling of the surface is carried out using “Start” grade material
  • the ceiling is primed deep impregnation soil type Ceresit, Condor
  • Special glue is applied to the walls (ceiling) with a roller or spatula
  • the first sheet is glued from the corner of the ceiling, it should be less area surface, slightly smoothed along the edge of the “joint” to improve the quality of the reinforcing material
  • glue is applied to the base with a slight approach to the just glued piece
  • the next part of the fiberglass is applied, slightly smoothed with a spatula in the area of ​​“overlapping” of the two canvases
  • a cut is immediately made between two sheets using a regular stationery knife
  • the cut parts of the lower and upper fabric are removed, and both parts are smoothed at the junction with a spatula
  • then the surface is primed with diluted glue (special primer)
  • after completely dry walls (ceilings) are puttied with finishing putties and cleaned abrasive mesh N150, primed with the same primer
  • Now you can decorate the surface at your discretion: paint acrylic paints etc.

When gluing fiberglass, it is important not to miss a single millimeter of area so that the entire canvas is evenly saturated with the adhesive. Using a spatula, remove excess glue. It should be remembered that it is better to apply glue not too much thin layer, most best option about 1 mm.

Important: drafts must be avoided until the material has completely dried.

Properly glued and successfully painted fiberglass painting web creates the appearance of perfectly smooth walls. This material can be used as a base for decorative plaster. If you follow the technology of working with the canvas, the canvas will reliably protect the ceiling or walls from cracks. Remains of glass painting material are disposed of along with construction waste.

Fiberglass: versatility of application

It is interesting to use glass interlining as an intermediate layer to ensure high-quality adhesion of polymer or vulcanized rubber roofing materials with help bitumen mastics to the work surface.

So that such a coating has good adhesion of the waterproofing sheet and building structures, rubber or polymer fabric is duplicated on one side with fiberglass.

Painting fiberglass is also used in the manufacture waterproofing materials, in the production of floor and wall panels from PVC materials. The fabric is used as excellent anti-corrosion protection for pipelines, in the device drainage systems etc.

Multi-faceted fiberglass web ideally solves many problems that arise during home renovation with your own hands, associated with uneven walls and their minor defects. Its use will significantly increase the interval between repairs in the house, which will have a positive effect on the thickness of the wallet. Successful repairs to everyone!

Painting fiberglass, or as it is also called, gossamer, is an excellent material for interior decoration. It is both useful from a technical point of view and a very attractive thing for creating interiors. If you work with it correctly, then surfaces that may crack over time after finishing will no longer have such properties. The use of fiberglass practically eliminates the possibility after completing the entire complex of finishing works. But there are two myths about fiberglass that are actively supported by the manufacturer. In this article we will tell you what painting fiberglass is and how to work with it.

By the way, if you pick up the advertising brochures with descriptions enclosed in a roll of this material, these myths will immediately attract your attention. They will literally catch your eye! The first thing you will see is “ Easy to glue" Second - " Easy to paint».

How to glue fiberglass

Regarding the first one by and large it is so indeed. But experienced painters who know what painting fiberglass is and how to work with it can only smile about this. They are well aware of all the pitfalls of working with the “cobweb”. Gluing is easy in the sense that the glue is applied directly to the wall or ceiling, and then this miracle material is rolled out from a roll over the smeared surface. But if the surface absorbs too much, you will suffer!

The wall needs to be primed with a deep-penetrating primer, and preferably repeatedly. And apply the glue so that there is a strong layer, as if butter were applied to the bread in slices. It will work, but there is one more thing!

How to paint fiberglass

Fiberglass consists of tiny fibers, which are actually the smallest elements of glass. When these small villi begin to rise into the air, you will feel an unimaginable itching throughout your body. And if the ceiling is pasted over, then all this mass will literally spill out onto your head! There was no scabies nearby! And painting this surface is also extremely difficult. Fiberglass interesting material, how to work with it?

Think for yourself, is it easy to paint glass? It's not exactly glass, of course, but something like that. It's hard to put the problem of painting into words. But when you start painting, you will understand that by writing “easy to paint” on the glass wallpaper label they were just making fun of you! Some people prime the finished surface several times. But this partially solves the problem.

Since there are a lot of pores in the surface of the material under discussion, it is extremely difficult to paint over them! After the next layer, the pores into which the paint has not flowed are again visible, and this literally makes appearance the surface is extremely unsightly. In this regard, others came up with the idea of ​​applying another layer of putty on top of the fiberglass, cleaning it and then painting it.

Someone might have a question: “Why then did they actually glue the fiberglass? Isn’t it easier to putty the wall and paint it right away, bypassing the “prickly” work?” Remember that the surface covered with fiberglass will not subsequently crack. That's why it sticks.

No wonder they say: “The need for invention is cunning.” Having suffered a fair amount with fiberglass, some enterprising painters have come up with a lot of ways to avoid difficulties when working with it. For example, . The goal is to avoid cracks after the entire work package has been completed. But where are these cracks possible? Only at the joints of gypsum sheets. Why then cover the entire surface? It is much easier to cut narrow strips of fiberglass and glue them directly to the joints of the sheets.

Someone might think: “What about the appearance? The ribbons will be visible.” They are immediately visible.

How to make painting fiberglass webs easier

What if after gluing? Then everything will level out. And then you can paint it. Moreover, it is much easier to paint a putty surface than fiberglass. This process includes several stages. First, the seams between the sheets are leveled with a gypsum mixture. After it dries, the “cobweb” is glued on. After letting it dry, you need to apply a layer of primer. After it dries, apply a layer of putty along the stripes to hide them. After this layer has dried, we putty the entire surface.

Sanding with sandpaper or silicon mesh, final priming and finally painting. Not an easy matter. To simplify this process, some painters have gone even further. After the seams are already filled with gypsum mixture, they apply a layer of finishing putty to them, and fiberglass is glued onto this fresh strip. They immediately putty on the surface to visually hide the edges of the canvas strips. And after drying, you can already putty the entire surface. The final stage same.

By the way, the same principles apply if you are leveling concrete plates ceilings It is enough to process the seams between them in the same way.

If it seems to you that all this is quite complicated, then try to do it as the manufacturer advises. After a short time after starting work, you will have a desire to start changing something. Perhaps then you will master this method. And then, after everything is over, you will be able to learn one important thing: the effect is the same, and there are much fewer troubles.

Painting fiberglass web - a popular option for repair and finishing materials made of fiberglass. You can recall another similar material, the so-called fiberglass wallpaper - but this is already ready finishing coat and it is suitable for smooth walls. And if the walls need to be leveled and cracks removed, then it’s better faster than plaster Fiberglass web can handle this. This is a thin (25–50 g/sq. m), opaque and pliable canvas, which, thanks to its texture, perfectly strengthens and levels the walls before painting.

How are fiberglass webs made?

Despite the name, fiberglass web is not woven. Fiberglass canvases consist of glass fibers, which, according to technology, are distributed and interconnected by pressing using an organic resin additive. The fabric undergoes crystallization and is easy to roll. In this form, packaged in shrink film, the cobweb is delivered to the consumer.

Why do you need fiberglass web?

Fiberglass web as a new generation material meets modern requirements for wall repairs. In addition to good plastering properties, fiberglass sheeting creates a reinforced, non-destructive layer on which you can paint or wallpaper. And this is done, unlike the series plastering and painting works, quickly - by gluing on the wall.

The finished result is a smooth surface: textureless, rough, resistant to moisture and mechanical damage, environmentally friendly, breathable and fireproof. And, most importantly, durable - it can be repainted again and again if desired.

Where can it be used?

Manufacturers recommend fiberglass web fabric for already plastered walls and ceilings, or lined with plasterboard. Fiberglass can be successfully replaced with finishing putty. Especially on surfaces prone to cracking, the web will prevent cracking and the formation of damage and flaws - that is, all those imperfections that we usually see on walls prepared without fiberglass layers.

The use of cobwebs is relevant when walls need additional reinforcement and strength without increasing the load. And also if it is necessary to hide the joints between slabs, in particular, plasterboard (which, when stored in a warehouse, absorb excess moisture and become deformed when drying).

It is advisable to use cobwebs in new buildings: it prevents defects in walls and ceilings that form after shrinkage, greatly simplifies the maintenance of surfaces and guarantees their long-term use.

Due to its properties, fiberglass is excellent in rooms with high humidity: kitchens, bathrooms, plumbing rooms.

The material can also be used for roofing works, strengthening walls, protecting pipelines, waterproofing and design purposes.

Why do they prefer fiberglass: the advantages

It is worth buying fiberglass from a specific manufacturer if the description of the material contains the advantages described below. For example, fiberglass web "Vitrulan" made in Germany is environmentally friendly and recommended for use in children's and health care institutions. It can be guaranteed to be used for painting - unlike other brands, Vitrulan does not act as a rough surface beyond the paint layer.

The practice of using fiberglass web shows that it has:

  1. Resistant to moisture accumulation - this is evidenced by water-repellent properties.
  2. Resistant to damage - the surface cannot be scratched or punctured.
  3. Fire safety - fiberglass materials do not ignite.
  4. Reinforcing ability - the fibers of the fabric, after gluing it to the surface, do not stretch and create a monolithic layer.
  5. Environmentally friendly - fiberglass web consists of substances that are involved in the manufacture of glass, therefore it does not contain harmful compounds, is not an allergen, does not enter into chemical reactions with the environment.
  6. Air-vapor permeability - the canvas “breathes”, that is, it allows air and steam to pass through, preventing the development of mold and mildew, and waterlogging of the premises.

Fiberglass is easy to transport and work with: the web is sold in rolls meter width and optimal (20 and 50) lengths.

Price for cobweb for repairing walls for painting

Prices for cobwebs per roll 1m x 50m, i.e. for 50 squares from 278 rubles. per roll.

At its low price, fiberglass web creates all the conditions for savings: there is no need for an expensive amount of rough finishing and plastering works. The cost depends on the density of the canvas and its length in the roll.

In any case, this is - perfect option for developers and customers repair work who want to get effective results quickly.

Choosing glue for web

Traditional PVA glue is not suitable for gluing fiberglass materials - marks may appear on the surface of the coating. yellow spots. You need to use special glue recommended by the manufacturer. For example, Virtulan offers customers its special adhesives and other related products.

You need to buy glue with a reserve, counting on higher consumption compared to regular wallpaper. Dilute according to the instructions, taking into account the proportions - not thicker or thinner than recommended, and then there will be no unexpected surprises.

How to use the web: conditions

When gluing, you need to follow the same measures as for any wallpaper. Desirable:

  • prevent drafts during work and until the walls dry;
  • ensure dryness in the room;
  • avoid direct sunlight on the canvas;
  • maintain a constant air temperature.

Preparatory work

Surfaces (walls, ceilings) are prepared in the same way as for wallpaper, but leaving small cracks - fiberglass will reliably cover them and prevent them from enlarging. But if the cracks are deep and it is possible to apply putty with a spatula, then it is better to do this. After drying, sand with abrasive sandpaper.

Thus, a spider web under fiberglass is required relatively Smooth surface, ideally treated with a deep penetration primer.

Cutting and gluing the first canvas

When unfolding rolls, you should pay attention to the manufacturer’s instructions on where the front part is located. It makes a difference even though both parts look the same.

The edge will have to be cut off a little with scissors if the edges of the fabric are curled or damaged.

Apply glue liberally to the prepared surface with a roller or spatula (the width of the roll). When in contact with the canvas, the glue will quickly absorb and there will be no excess that will need to be removed. The glue dries for about 15 minutes, this is enough time to adjust the first canvas.

You can cut the canvas to any length, the main thing is that it is convenient. But if for walls the length can be solid, to the entire height (plus 5 cm), then for the ceiling it is necessary to cut off pieces of one and a half meters. Otherwise, it will be inconvenient to work, and the canvas will not stick well.

You need to work from the corner of the room. Applying it to the coated surface, smooth it with your hands, aligning it with the corner, and spread the glue under the canvas with a spatula, removing air bubbles. The standard technique is from the middle to the edge, as is done with regular wallpaper. It is better to glue sheets on the ceiling along the room from the door to the window.

So, the sheet has stuck securely to the surface. You need to cut off excess centimeters if they have “formed” and coat the top with glue again for better impregnation, spreading it with a spatula. If the canvas darkens evenly from the moisture of the glue, it means that it is well saturated.


The next canvas is glued overlapping - and the glue must be applied, accordingly, while gripping the edge of the previous canvas. You need to work with the next sheet in the same way as with the first: stick it, soak it, press it.

It is important to ensure that the butt seam is invisible. To do this, use the blade of a sharp knife to draw a line - cut through both layers from top to bottom. Once again saturate the seam with glue. The seam cutting line may be uneven, but after finishing it becomes noticeable.

It is better to cut the canvas in the corners and apply patches.

Fiberglass may not hold the gap if the joining of the panels takes place next to assembly seam between sheets of drywall, and even more so along it. It is better if the seams of the wall and fiberglass are located a couple of centimeters from each other.

Safety precautions when working with canvas

Observance of basic safety precautions is required: when working, use gloves, tuck in the sleeves of clothing, wear a hat and a respirator. This precaution protects against the penetration of tiny sharp fibers of material onto the skin and into the respiratory tract.

Further processing can be carried out after the glue has dried - usually within a day. Before painting, the surface is puttied. In one or two layers - it’s up to the master, it depends on whether you need to hide the texture and reduce the amount of paint.

In practice, puttying is often skipped and glue is applied liberally instead. The cobweb is excellent for repairing walls for painting; less paint is consumed, but the result is, so to speak, an amateur: when it dries, the structure of the cobweb appears on the surface, and smoothness cannot be achieved in the subsequent series of paintings.

Cobweb for volumetric ceilings

Canvas made from pressed spider web fibers allow you not just to work, but to create. At least it's possible with the materials German quality. With Vitrulan fiberglass, for example, you can get creative by using it for 3D ceilings.

Once it came into fashion, the volumetric ceiling has only strengthened and developed over the years. design techniques. Today there are more of them thanks to modern materials. Cutting fiberglass into pieces, gluing them onto protruding curved sections plasterboard ceiling, you can make a strong and durable surface in the shade you need.

What if a crack does appear?

If the fiberglass is of high quality, like Vitrulan, then if the requirements for laying the canvas are strictly followed, the surface will not crack.

But even if we admit this possibility, the defect can be eliminated quickly: with a patch made from the same fiberglass. To do this, you need to cut a piece larger than the crack by 4-5 cm and glue it on top of the putty. Using a stationery knife, cut in the same way as the edges were removed at the joints of the sheets. The line will thus be drawn through two layers of canvas and putty. Now you need to remove unnecessary trimmings (putty along with the canvas) and glue the patch into the resulting “bald” area. Then work with putty again - apply in two layers, i.e. level and sand.

If the fiberglass is damaged

It happens that the buyer receives a roll that is damaged due to improper transportation or careless storage. Damage to the edges will not affect performance in any way. The web can be glued even to curved surfaces. Therefore, you can cut the pieces in parts and glue them overlapping.

Decent results saving time and money

Perhaps you think that the drywall will not crack, or you want to straighten the seams reinforced concrete floors. In these cases, some crafty craftsmen suggest using fiberglass, cutting it into strips and gluing the joints between the plates with them. The stripes will not be visible after puttying and stripping. Of course, the seams must first be leveled with a plaster compound, and then the fiberglass web must be glued on.

However, after trying this method, you will understand why strict adherence to the technology is more reliable, i.e., a full-fledged fiberglass sticker.

If you correctly glue and successfully paint the fiberglass web, the walls and ceiling will be protected from the formation of cracks and emerging defects. This perfect solution and for decorative plasters. A minimum of problems during the finishing work and a maximum of time between repairs - this is savings.

Fiberglass is produced as a material for painting. This is a canvas made of glass threads without interlacing. They are given different thicknesses, thanks to this, with very high temperatures they stretch without breaking. The finished threads are arranged randomly and glued together. It turns out non-woven material, which has a soft, but at the same time shape-holding surface. Its thinnest threads look like a cobweb, which is why fiberglass is called so. It is widely used for finishing external and internal walls.

Advantages of fiberglass canvas

The production technology involves a pressing stage, so the canvas turns into extremely thin material, having the following technical properties:

The fabric has good reinforcing properties. Thin fiberglass web is used in finishing works to obtain a high-quality surface for painting. Properties of putty to develop cracks under conditions high humidity or air dryness are neutralized by the use of fiberglass. So even inexpensive repair has ideal quality walls and ceilings. Note decorative properties fiberglass: chaotic combinations of threads make it possible to give walls a surface of extraordinary beauty.

How to use fiberglass correctly?

Before starting work, the walls are treated with a primer. It removes dust from them and ensures high-quality adhesion of materials. The standard canvas is 1 m wide, and the strips are glued end-to-end. For the work, a special glue is used, sold in the form of dry powder in packs or in ready-made liquid form in plastic buckets. It is quite economical: 1 package containing 300 g. dry glue is consumed per 50 m2 of fiberglass. This amount of powder is diluted in 11 liters cold water and mix thoroughly.

During gluing, please follow temperature regime indoors +18ºC + 25ºC. Additionally, it is necessary to ensure that there are no drafts and that the material is not exposed to sunlight. The roll is cut into strips, the length of which is equal to the height of the wall plus 5 cm. The glue is applied only to the wall, the fiberglass is applied to it dry, the excess is cut off with a wallpaper knife.

In exceptional cases, if the side edge is torn and a gap has formed in the canvas, the canvas is glued with an overlap. To do this, glue is applied to the wall and to the edge of the previous strip. The overlap area will have a double layer of material 3-5 cm wide. It will become noticeable after painting: in this place the color will be brighter and the strip will be visible from a distance.

Therefore, the overlap should be cut (preferably in a wavy way) with a wallpaper knife, then the excess layers of both strips should be removed. The result is gluing the panels end-to-end. The surface of each strip is leveled with a wallpaper spatula. He presses it against the wall and distributes the remaining glue evenly.

After the canvas has dried (this will take about 24 hours), it can be painted with any paints: acrylic, water-based, and other interior paints. It is recommended to apply 2 layers of paint, the second after the first has completely dried.

How to achieve a mirror surface?

To obtain a polished surface, fiberglass is puttied. This is done with a rubber spatula and the putty diluted to a more liquid consistency than usual. The solution is applied in a thin layer; it is enough to evenly cover the canvas with it. Processing of hardened putty with fine-grained sandpaper is carried out very carefully to avoid damage to the threads. Puttying is not a mandatory procedure, especially since the thread pattern will be hidden by the solution. But if it is weakly expressed or it is necessary to achieve a perfectly smooth, mirror-like surface, such work is carried out.

The use of fiberglass is justified by many advantages. Low price, ease of gluing, excellent performance properties allow surface repairs to be carried out even by people without experience. This does not require finishing putty and grouting with sandpaper, except in certain cases of plastering the material itself.

Usage building material called fiberglass is one of the best options for a quality and durable finish inner surface walls and ceilings. With its help, you can avoid the appearance of cracks, and the sticker process is quite simple and quick. At the same time, painting fiberglass sometimes causes controversy among repairmen. Some experts believe that there is no need to putty the surface before doing this, while others are convinced that it is necessary to level the canvas before applying paint.

Material advantages

The strength of the “web” is relatively small; careless handling can lead to its damage. However, the answer to the question of whether fiberglass is needed for painting is most often positive - due to the many advantages of using this material:

  • After proper sticking to the surface, the “web” from a weak and fragile sheet turns into a reinforcing mesh that hides small imperfections in the wall or ceiling and prevents new cracks and defects from appearing.
  • The material is practically resistant to exposure to liquids, fire, aggressive substances and abrasion.
  • Fiberglass is not an allergen and does not accumulate static.
  • The “web” is easy to clean and allows water vapor to pass through during operation, providing optimal humidity in room. And it is also quite environmentally friendly material, which does not emit substances harmful to humans into the air.

In fact, the material has all the advantages of glass wallpaper. Although it is not intended for final finishing, but only for surface reinforcement. At the same time, canvas can be painted several times, unlike wallpaper.

Fiberglass sticker

Before deciding whether it is possible to paint fiberglass and putty it before or not, the material needs to be glued to the wall. In this case, the surface to be glued needs to be prepared - leveled using putty, leaving no more than 1 mm thick. You can refuse leveling only in cases where the wall is already quite smooth and strong.

The main nuances that arise during the preparatory work:

  • wide cracks are sealed using a special compound for seams or regular putty, but in several steps;
  • using plasterboard sheets the joints between them must be puttied and reinforced with self-adhesive fiberglass mesh (“serpyanka”); In order for the already pasted wall to be as smooth as possible, it is desirable that the seams between the drywall and the fiberglass sheets do not coincide with each other, otherwise cracks may appear in these places;
  • dried “patches” on the wall need to be leveled using putty and sanded until the surface is almost perfectly flat;
  • Before the fiberglass web for painting is glued to the wall, it should be cleaned of dust and thoroughly primed.

Due to the fact that the fiberglass sticker is overlapped, when determining its area, you should take it as calculated value not only the surface of the walls, but also a small margin (at the level of 5–10%). And as an adhesive, it is advisable to use not ready-made, but dry glue, the characteristics of which are the same, and the price is much lower. During the work, special clothing is used - pants, long-sleeved shirts, gloves, a respirator and a hat. All this will help prevent fiberglass particles from getting on the skin and into the respiratory tract.

Other nuances that are taken into account when labeling include correct styling canvases. Fiberglass sheets have a smoother front side– as a rule, it is located outside the roll. It is she who should look inside the room, while the outside one should be applied to the wall or ceiling. You should also place the canvases so that the pile on them is directed in one direction. Otherwise, the paint applied to the material will have different shades.

The main stages of gluing fiberglass for painting are as follows:

  1. The roll is rolled out and cut into sheets of the required size, which is selected for the walls taking into account a slight overlap. For the ceiling, it is recommended to choose canvases up to 1.5 m long, which are easier to attach to a vertical surface.
  2. Glue (prepared according to instructions or ready-made) is applied in a thick layer to the surface, starting from the corner of the room. The width of the stripe should be slightly larger size the fiberglass itself, that is, about 1 m.
  3. The first sheet of canvas is glued close to the corner of the room, pressed with your hands and smoothed using a wallpaper spatula along the entire length from the middle of the canvas to the edges.
  4. The excess part of the fiberglass is trimmed with a knife along a ruler.
  5. The canvas, already glued to the surface, is coated with glue until the material is completely saturated. You can determine that the canvas has been completely coated by its color, which should become uniform by the end of the procedure.

The remaining sheets are laid in the same way, but with a slight overlap on the previous ones. After gluing and alignment, both panels are trimmed along the joint using a ruler. The cut parts are removed, and the resulting smooth seam is once again smeared with glue and pressed with a wallpaper spatula. When gluing corners, they try to get an even joint before cutting - the corner cloth tears more often than others, and a perfect cut will help avoid tears and cracks.

After the room has been completely covered with fiberglass, it is left closed until the glue dries completely. Usually this period lasts at least a day. At this time, drafts should not be allowed to appear in the room, otherwise air movement will lead to the material falling behind and the need for gluing it or even re-gluing it.

The procedure for gluing fiberglass

Do I need to putty before painting?

One of the main advantages of using fiberglass is the ability to almost immediately stick wallpaper or apply paint on it. This raises the question: is it possible to paint fiberglass without putty or is it still needed? In the first case, you can save time on drying the material leveling the walls, in the second, the quality of the finish improves.

Even professional builders disagree on whether it is necessary to putty fiberglass before painting, but most of them advocate the use of putty for the following reasons:

  • Due to its high absorbency, the material will have to be painted in several layers - usually from 2 to 5 times. In this case, a huge amount of paint will be consumed and much more time will be spent than would be saved by not using putty.
  • The texture of fiberglass is noticeable even under 1-2 layers of paint. As a result, painting fiberglass without putty can ruin the interior of the room. The pores of the material are very difficult to paint over and appear again after applying the next layer of paint. And only putty will help eliminate this drawback.
  • When painting fiberglass, especially those located on the ceiling, a lot of small fibers fall on the person doing the work. And, rising into the air, they can end up inside the respiratory organs. Painting a putty surface is not only easier, but also safer.
  • If after renovation it was decided to replace the paint on the walls with wallpaper, it is almost impossible to do this on an unputtyed surface.

Considering these disadvantages, it can be noted that it is undesirable to paint fiberglass without putty - except in cases where a flat and smooth surface in a room (for example, a household or utility room) is not very necessary. However, using this material, even taking into account additional work, it is still more profitable and convenient than immediately puttingtying ceilings and walls, skipping the stage of working with the canvas. In the future, surfaces protected by it will last longer, and the likelihood of cracks appearing is almost zero.

Painting the surface after puttying

The main reason that painting of fiberglass web is carried out only after puttying work is carried out is the need to smooth out irregularities - fibers and joints between glued sheets. Unfilled joints become especially noticeable after painting. As a result of using putty, the surface will become smoother, and defects will disappear only with very careful work. Moreover, painting walls or ceilings after leveling with putty is much easier and faster.

It is important to take into account that when painting fiberglass without putty, you will need many times more paint, since strong absorption occurs, and you should not hope that the paint will mask the joints.

The main way to paint fiberglass consists of several stages:

  1. After the canvases glued to the walls have dried, a primer is applied to them.
  2. On top of the dried (usually it takes from 1 to 6 hours) primer layer, putty should be applied along each joint. Layer thickness – no more than 1 mm. The result is low material consumption, a fairly smooth surface, and minimal drying time (about half an hour).
  3. When the layer of putty has dried (a finishing compound is used to finish fiberglass), the entire surface of the wall or ceiling is treated.
  4. Having reached the required number of layers and making sure that there are no uneven spots, crevices or cracks left on the puttied area, use sandpaper or silicon mesh for cleaning. Then they carry out the final primer and begin painting the fiberglass on the walls.

The process of painting canvas is no different from painting most other materials. To do this, use acrylic, silicone and latex paints, and as tools - rollers, sprayers and brushes. For getting maximum quality For coating, it is advisable to paint fiberglass in 2-4 layers and additionally brush hard-to-reach areas.