How to plant and grow hydrangea in the garden at the dacha. How to plant hydrangea correctly in the fall so that the plant takes root well. Which hydrangea to plant?

Decorating a personal plot is not an easy task. After all, a novice landscape designer needs to fill the usual land plot various plants, almost blooming all year round and having a stunning appearance. One of these street shrubs is hydrangea - a heat-loving flower plant originally from Asia.

Gardeners do not consider Hydrángea to be fussy compared to other flower families of flowerbed representatives. However, hydrangea bestows a riot of inflorescences only if special rules for caring for it are observed.

Basic nuances of caring for hydrangea

Like other plants, the magnificent shrub is demanding:


The soil for hydrangea is a storehouse of nutrients. An interesting fact is that not only the development of shoots and stems of the plant, but also the color of the buds depends on their concentration. In ordinary infertile, dense soil, a hydrangea bush can grow, but it will not be able to reveal all its potential, much less bloom. Hydrángea takes root on acidic soils, the ideal indicator for flower shrubs is 5 pH.

Before planting, it is advisable to find out what kind of soil is in your garden plot, because the choice of place to plant hydrangea depends on its quality. This can be done using a special device for determining soil pH. If you don’t have such a device in your home, you can use the traditional method of determining acidity using baking soda. A teaspoon of soda is added to a cup of earthen slurry. A positive soda reaction indicates that the soil is acidic.

If the soil is neutral, before planting the shrub it is enriched with pine litter, peat and rotted sawdust.

To improve the fertility of the soil where Hydrángea will grow, leaf soil, humus and river sand are added to it in a ratio of 2/2/1.

You should know that lime and ash should not be added to the holes where hydrangea seedlings are planted. They reduce soil pH, which adversely affects the development of ornamental shrubs.

Lighting and temperature

All varieties of Hydrángea are very light-loving, but excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation negatively affects the formation of buds. Therefore, for hydrangea it is better to choose moderately lit areas of the garden or flower bed. In partial shade, the soil retains moisture longer, which the plant constantly needs.
Of course, it can also be planted in open areas of the lawn. But in this case, regular abundant watering of the bushes is necessary.

Hydrángea is very sensitive to temperature changes.

The most favorable indicator for its growth and flowering is +20°C. Therefore, for planting it, it is appropriate to choose areas that are well illuminated by sunlight in the morning and evening, and are hidden in partial shade at lunchtime.

Watering, fertilizing and pruning

Humidity is a special requirement of hydrangea. Without water she dies. It should be watered once a week with warm, settled water. Water consumption for one adult bush is one and a half buckets.
If the hydrangea bush grows in an open sunny area, the regularity of watering is increased to twice a week. At the same time, organize daily refreshing spraying of the foliage of the bush with water.

If hydrangea bushes are planted in fertile soil, then they do not need additional feeding for several years. If the soil turns out to be neutral, then in order to provide the plant with favorable conditions for development and flowering, it must be regularly fertilized with potassium sulfide, superphosphate, and urea.

The first feeding is carried out in early spring, subsequent until the buds bloom and in mid-autumn.

Excessive fertilization can also negatively affect the growth of hydrangea, so you should strictly adhere to the recommendations indicated on the packages of nutritional formulations.

During the active growth phase, hydrangea is watered with mullein infusion, which is rich in nitrogen, which the plant needs to form new shoots and strong inflorescences. The procedure is performed once a month. When applying, you should always follow the norm, since excessive fertilization with nitrogen can lead to the formation of too large buds, which can provoke breakage of shrub branches.

With the help of fertilizers you can adjust the shade of the buds.

Adding potassium permanganate to the soil gives pink tint, and iron and aluminum are blue, cyan or violet. The higher the acidity of the soil, the brighter the flowers; the lower, the paler.

Hydrángea is a voluminous shrub, so many gardeners resort to it seasonal pruning. This procedure allows you to get rid of weak, old, damaged, diseased, frozen shoots in the spring, as well as dried inflorescences in the fall. When pruning, the rule is followed - the weaker the shoot, the shorter its cutting.

Where to plant hydrangea

Choose a place to plant hydrangeas based on its needs.

Plant shrubs in areas that are comfortable for them, namely:

  • in partial shade or on sunny plots of the estate (the location is determined depending on the requirements of the variety);
  • on the eastern or southern side of the estate, if you choose north or southwest, you should evaluate the intensity of the sun's rays hitting the site; often the north side is always in the shade;
  • in an area with an acidic and moderately humid environment;
  • on areas closed from drafts with good moisture permeability;
  • on fertilized soils;
  • away from garden trees with a large crown, taking moisture from the soil and forming shade, since hydrangea dies in the shade and without a humid environment;
  • not close to other flowerbed plants, because Hydrángea is a spreading shrub that grows very quickly and displaces flowers planted next to it with the shadow of its stems and inflorescences;
  • on spacious garden segments - if there is an open area in the garden no more than two meters in diameter, then it is better to plant only hydrangea within it, because its crown can expand by three meters;
  • away from moisture-loving plants;
  • on hills and hills at high standing groundwater on a personal plot;
  • in windless areas near buildings and outbuildings, but taking into account a distance of several meters from roofs in order to prevent snow and frost from falling on the bushes in winter;
  • along the perimeter garden paths at a distance of several meters from them.

When to land

When choosing where to plant your gorgeous hydrangea, it is also important to consider the timing of planting.
It is better to plant young seedlings in the ground in mid-spring, after spring frosts. During the active growth phase, they have time to acclimatize and take root.
But it is recommended to replant adult perennial bushes in early autumn. A fully formed plant with a developed root system is more resistant to wintering.

How to plant a flower bush correctly

When planting hydrangea on a site, it is important not only to take into account favorable conditions for the plant, but also follow all the rules for planting it.

The sequence of work is as follows:

  • determining the planting site, future location of hydrangea bushes, checking the soil for pH;
  • digging holes for planting sizes 40cm*40cm*40cm for young seedlings, 50cm*50cm*50cm for perennial shrubs maintaining a distance between them of about one and a half meters;
  • filling planting holes with enriched soil mixed with mineral fertilizers;
  • formation of hilly hills from soil in depressions;
  • pruning elongated roots of young seedlings;
  • pruning shoots and dried inflorescences from old bushes if planting is done in the fall;
  • location of seedlings on hills, straightening of roots;
  • filling the depressions with the remaining soil, while last layer should not cover the root collar of the bush;
  • abundant watering;
  • soil compaction;
  • mulching with tree bark and sawdust.

If seedlings are planted in the fall, then after a month you should take care of feeding them and covering them for the winter. The ground around the seedling is covered with spruce branches, peat, and dry leaves. In order to protect the shoots from frost, the bush itself is covered with greenhouse film, which is secured with greenhouse thread. If the branches of the bush are long, for convenience of shelter from the cold they are carefully tucked and tied.

Which types to give preference to?

There are cases when the place for planting hydrangea is chosen correctly, and all recommendations for planting hydrangea in the ground are followed, but the bush does not take root on the estate. This may be due both to Hydrangea diseases and to the characteristics of species that are more demanding of natural and climatic conditions. When purchasing seedlings, you should give preference to cold-resistant varieties of hydrangea.

The following species have taken root well in the natural and climatic conditions of Russia:

  • large-leaved hydrangea - characterized by large spherical inflorescences and ovoid foliage, reaches a height of 2 meters, is resistant to temperatures of -10°C;
  • petiolate - a vine with twenty-five meter shoots, has large inflorescences (20-25cm), grows in partial shade, is cold-resistant;
  • Bretschneidera is a 3-meter-high shrub with large umbrella-shaped inflorescences, resistant to both drought and low temperatures;
  • Sargenta is a shrub 4 meters high, attractive with interesting two-color inflorescences and velvety dark green foliage;
  • tree-like - different lush flowering, oval large foliage, prefers windless places for growth;
  • paniculata - a shrub 5 meters high, has large pyramidal inflorescences (25 cm), the most frost-resistant species;
  • oakleaf - attracts attention with foliage similar in appearance to the shape of oak leaves, has cone-shaped inflorescences, forms a cascading crown;
  • serrated - a shrub one and a half meters high, has dense inflorescences, narrow leaves of an oblong shape.

Many professional flower growers, before deciding where it is best to plant Hydrángea, recommend deciding on its type and variety.

So, the most popular are the following varieties of garden hydrangea:

  • paniculata "Grandiflora", "Pink Diamond", "Limelight", "Phantom", "Pinky-Winky", "Vanilla Fraze", "Diamond Rouge";
  • treelike "Sterilis", "White House", "Burgundy", "Annabelle", "Grandiflora", "Heyes Starburst";
  • large-leaf “Espression”, “Endles Samer”, “Red Centation”, “Ever Peppermint”.

Proper planting of hydrangeas in the fall will make personal plot or the courtyard of a private house is beautiful. This flower is very easy to care for, but loves warmth and frequent watering. The plant is fast-growing, emits a bright aroma when flowering, and grows actively even in shaded areas.

Plant in open ground It is permissible both in spring and autumn in the regions of the South and the middle zone; in the northern regions the flower takes root better when planted in early May.

Benefits of autumn planting

Planting hydrangeas in open ground in the fall has several advantages:

  1. From the end of August, the plant enters a dormant phase, preparing for the upcoming cold weather. The rapid growth of shoots and flowering stops; the bush requires very little nutrients. After the last petals fall off, the transplanted hydrangea quickly takes root and practically does not need feeding until the first frost.
  2. Although this flower is heat-loving, it does not tolerate direct sunlight. In autumn, the sun does not shine so intensely, so replanting during this period of time will help ensure that young bushes do not burn out.
  3. Planting in autumn is recommended only in the middle zone and southern regions. In winter, there is a little snow here, the weather is not too windy, so the seedlings can easily withstand sub-zero temperatures.

Climate is very important for growing hydrangeas. In case of abnormally low temperatures in warm climates, planting must be postponed until spring.

If winter promises to be warm in the northern parts of the country, you can safely grow hydrangea in the fall, so that already in next year active flowering has begun.

Optimal timing

When to plant hydrangea - in autumn or spring - is determined by climatic conditions. Frost-resistant plant varieties take root well in northern climates (in Siberia) with cold winters and windy weather, but planting in this case is carried out only in spring time, usually in the first ten days of May. Middle lane and the southern regions of Russia are better suited for hydrangea; here the snow cover is moderate, windy weather is rare, and the average temperature does not drop below -15 degrees. Flowers growing, for example, in the Moscow region, require less care and take root better.

The most heat-loving variety is large-leaved hydrangea. With delicate buds, leaves and branches, this flower is most susceptible to low temperatures and heavy snow cover. It is better to plant it before the beginning of summer to prevent possible early frosts.

Petiolate, garden, prickly, serrated and oak-leaved species are the most frost-resistant varieties. For them, planting dates vary: late May - early June or the second half of September - early October.

When planting in autumn, the number of sunny days decreases. However, if the weather is warm, the bush may require shading - natural or artificial. It is optimal to plant hydrangea in places where there are trees that will create diffused light on a sunny day.

Preparatory stage

Preparation for replanting plants will not take much time, but compliance with all the nuances determines whether the hydrangea will bloom next year and whether it will be able to take root before the first frost, if the procedure is performed in the fall.

Site selection and soil preparation

The flower comes from Asia, but does not like direct rays of the sun, strong winds and dry soil. IN natural conditions the bush grows in the undergrowth, that is, it receives diffused light. Accordingly, planting should be carried out in such places that the delicate foliage and flowers are not burned by the sun's rays and are exposed to light only in the first half of the day. This lighting option increases the flowering phase and decorativeness of the plant.

You should also take into account the parameters of the bush. The stems of some varieties reach 3 m, the circumference of the crown is up to one and a half meters. When planting, make indentations from nearby growing plants, garden crops, trees. Avoid soils with high water tables. Hydrangea is considered a moisture-loving plant.

When planting, choose light soil rich in organic components. Before starting work, it is necessary to increase the humidity and breathability of the soil. High level lime, which is observed on alkaline soils, must be reduced to a minimum. Peat or sand mixture, enriched with leaf soil and humus. Loams with an acidic environment are suitable.

A suitable acidity level can be created by adding wood to the soil coniferous trees, coniferous litter, leaf humus, high-moor peat.

How to prepare planting material

New seedlings can be purchased in specialized stores or obtained vegetatively (dividing a bush, cuttings, obtaining layering from buds). Before planting, you need to check the plants:

  • In order for flowering to begin next year, seedlings must be older than 5 years;
  • It is better to purchase seedlings in specialized centers or nurseries, and not from hand;
  • the roots must be completely in the ground, the soil must be moistened - this guarantees that the plant will not dry out immediately after planting;
  • carry out varietal selection, taking into account the climate of your garden;
  • study planting material for pests, fungal infections, damage.

In general, the seedling should look healthy, young, have flexible shoots, and the leaves should be green without yellowing, dried edges or other damage.

How to plant hydrangea in the fall

If you live in a climate with moderate winters and low average annual temperatures, then the optimal planting time for hydrangea will be autumn (from the last days of August to mid-September).

Planting pits

Flowers are planted at a certain distance from each other, based on the characteristics of the variety:

  • paniculate – from 150 to 240 cm;
  • large-leaved – 1.3–1.6 m.

These are the varieties with the largest crowns and stem height. It is also necessary to maintain a minimum distance of 2.5 m from the nearest trees and large shrubs. Some gardeners place seedlings in a row, forming a hedge. In this case, planting in trenches is possible, the width of which should not exceed 1 m.

For earlier flowering, already in the next season, planting holes are dug at a distance of 70-80 cm from each other. As the flower grows, the bushes are thinned out - after 2-3 years as necessary.

Landing technology

Before planting, it is necessary to prepare planting material. Immediately after purchase, it is important to place the seedlings in a humid environment. Make sure that the roots do not remain dry, but are in the soil shell. Before planting, carefully remove the old soil.

Then follow the diagram:

  1. Planting holes are dug at least two weeks before planting.
  2. Each of them must be filled with soil mixture. It is prepared on the basis of peat, leaf soil and humus in equal parts, add 2 parts of sand. Can be used additionally nutrients– urea, potassium sulfate, superphosphate. Highly acidic soil, which can be found under pine and spruce trees, works well. Hydrangea is grown in it even without additional feeding.
  3. Place the seedling on a cone made from ready-made soil mixture. Gently straighten the roots, fill the hole with soil and compact it with your hands.
  4. Provide quality watering. Up to 12 liters of water must be poured under one plant, depending on the initial humidity. Then mulching is carried out - the bush at the roots is sprinkled with sawdust, peat or bark up to 8 cm in thickness and up to 20 cm in diameter.
  5. Immediately after planting, protect the hydrangea from sunlight and possible wind by covering it.

The plant may immediately be slightly inclined, but after the soil shrinks it levels out and takes on the optimal position. To do this, when planting, make sure that the root collar is visible at least 3 cm above the surface of the planting hole.

Features of care after planting

Autumn care, which is especially important after the hydrangea has already been planted, consists of next stages:

  1. In the first two years, cut off all the inflorescences when they are still in the unopened bud phase. This will allow the root system and above-ground parts to develop better.
  2. Fertilizing is carried out at planting, and is not carried out in the next two years. Potassium or ammonium sulfate is used as a fertilizer (until mid-summer), and then superphosphate and bone meal. It is not recommended to use wood ash: it is necessary to monitor the concentration of nitrogen, which reduces the frost resistance of the plant.
  3. Regular watering is required. At high temperature Apply 20 liters of water every week. If there is heavy rain at least twice a month, watering is done once every two weeks with 25 liters of water. In rainy weather, 4 waterings over the entire season will be sufficient.
  4. In the fall, before the onset of cold weather, and in the spring, plants that have reached four years of age are pruned for the purpose of rejuvenation and good wintering.
  5. Paniculate and large-leaved varieties need shelter for the winter, especially in the northern regions.

To get a healthy and strong bush after transplanting, select good planting material adapted to weather conditions, follow the planting pattern so that each plant has enough space to grow.

Apply fertilizing carefully - excess aluminum, nitrogen and other substances can lead to rotting and eventual death of the hydrangea, a decrease in the flowering phase, and often leads to chlorosis.

Hydrangea is a beautiful garden flower with fluffy colorful caps. They are represented by several types: shrubs up to 3 m high, small trees and vines that can entwine a tree up to 30 m in height. Hydrangea will bloom from spring to frost, delighting with its spherical inflorescences. However, there are species for which this time is shorter. - everything about her is in the article!

Rules for planting hydrangeas

You can plant hydrangea in early spring or autumn. In this case, the first option will be preferable. For hydrangea, you need to choose the right planting location. She prefers acidic soil with good moisture. As for illumination, these flowers can feel comfortable both in the sun and in partial shade.

The entire planting process can be divided into several stages:

After planting a hydrangea bush, it is better to cover it from sunlight for several days. This will allow the plant to take root faster. Hydrangea can be planted either singly or in groups. In this case, the distance between the bushes should be about 1 meter.

Basic rules for caring for hydrangea

Caring for hydrangea comes down primarily to proper watering, timely feeding, pruning and loosening. If you do everything correctly, the bushes will be lush and the inflorescences will be large and bright.


Hydrangea is moisture-loving plant which requires frequent watering. It should be plentiful, 15 - 20 liters for each adult bush. In hot weather, this should be done once a week. In hot and dry summers, you can increase it to twice a week. In this case, you need to focus on the condition of the soil, taking into account how quickly it absorbs moisture and dries out.

For irrigation, it is best to use settled soft water at room temperature. From time to time you need to add a little potassium permanganate to it, which will prevent the appearance of rot. Hydrangea should be watered in the morning or evening, when it is not too hot.

Top dressing

For good development and lush flowering, hydrangea needs to be fed. Both organic and mineral fertilizers are suitable for this. Their use is especially important during periods of intensive growth. Can be purchased ready-made fertilizers which are rich in magnesium and iron. Good composition feeding is provided in the form of a solution of bird droppings with water in a ratio of 1:10 in combination with a mineral composition of 20 g, 10 g of saltpeter and 10 g. You can use any slurry as a fertilizer, just be careful, otherwise the buds will be too large, which can cause fragile branches to break.

Hydrangea needs to be fertilized not only during planting, but periodically as it grows. The first such feeding should be carried out at the end of May. After two weeks it should be repeated. You can fertilize flowers throughout the summer, but in August it is advisable to stop fertilizing so that the shoots can become lignified by winter.


Thanks to mulching the tree trunk circle, the hydrangea roots will be protected from overheating and the rapid growth of weeds. You must first make organic mulch consisting of wood chips or. It should be scattered in an even layer around the bush. This will help make the soil more acidic, which is what hydrangeas need. This mulch will gradually become part of the soil.

It is best to apply mulch under bushes late spring when the soil is well warmed up. It is also possible to mulch in late autumn, when the negative temperatures. Periodically, shrubs need to be loosened so that the soil is more permeable to moisture.


Pruning is done on plants that have reached the age of 3–4 years. This should be done in early spring - before sap flow and buds begin to bloom. If the procedure is carried out too early, the cut cuttings will be unsuitable for further rooting, and if it is too late, the plant may die. This is why it is important to prune when the buds just begin to swell.

When pruning adult plants, cut off 3/4 of the height of each shoot with pruning shears. In this case, there should be 2–3 pairs of buds left on them. Old bushes can be renewed at the root. Everything will depend on the condition of the bush or tree. You also need to cut off old or frozen shoots. During pruning, you can form a beautiful small tree with a certain form. In the first year of hydrangea growth, its flowers should be removed, because... this will promote more abundant flowering next year.

Preparing hydrangea for winter

Hydrangea is a heat-loving plant, so it should be protected in winter time of the year. Young shoots need special protection and are not enough winter-hardy varieties. If the bush is very young, you can simply cover it on top with earth, fallen leaves or sawdust. Older plants must be bent to the ground and covered with roofing material or lutrasil. To prevent the wind from blowing it away, you need to press down the covering material with bricks.

Mature bushes require more careful shelter. You have to try not to break them. The bush should be tied and then covered with spunbond or lutrasil, after which a frame can be built around it from metal mesh or other available materials. It should be at a distance of about 20-25 cm from the bush. Free space need to be filled with dry leaves. Such an insulated frame will protect the hydrangea well even in severe frosts. You can remove it in the spring, when there is a stable above-zero temperature.

Hydrangea propagation

Hydrangea is propagated in several ways:

Popular types of hydrangea

Before planting hydrangea, you need to decide on the choice of the appropriate species. Each of them has its own growing characteristics, which must be taken into account when planting and caring for. The most popular among gardeners are: large-leaved hydrangea, paniculata hydrangea, petiolate hydrangea, tree hydrangea.

Large leaf hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla)

Will delight with flowering in July-August. This hydrangea has bright, dense foliage. Escapes current year They look herbaceous, which is why the plant has low cold resistance. The flowers have an umbrella shape. They can have different colors depending on the variety, the intensity of which depends on the acidity of the soil. The more acidic it is, the brighter the hydrangea will be. The height of the bush reaches up to 2 m.

Hydrangea paniculata

It blooms from mid-summer until the onset of cold weather. Inflorescences of this type have a pyramidal shape. They can reach a length of up to 30 cm. Paniculata hydrangea grows in the form of a shrub, which can reach a height of 5 m or in the form of a small tree up to 10 m. This species is considered more frost-resistant and unpretentious.

Hydrangea petiolaris

It is a shrubby vine. It will require additional support, to which it will be attached with air suction cups. It grows up to 25 m in length. This suitable look for planting near arches and arbors. The inflorescences have a corymbose shape and are up to 25 cm in size.

Tree hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens)

It grows up to 3 meters in height. The flowers are predominantly white or cream in color. There are several varieties of this species, differing in different colors. In winter, the plant may freeze, so it must be carefully wrapped. In April, the bushes need to be heavily pruned. The flowers grow in large fluffy inflorescences.

Ground cover hydrangea (Hydrangea heteromalla)

It is also called Bretschneider hydrangea. This species is considered frost-resistant and unpretentious. The bush reaches 2 - 3 m in height. The inflorescences here are corymbose. First they have White color, and at the end of flowering they turn pink. This hydrangea blooms in mid-summer.

Recommendations for planting and caring for hydrangea in the garden - video

20.09.2018 200 564

Hydrangea, planting and care - a beautiful shrub in the garden in 4 steps

Hydrangea, planting and care are of no small importance when growing, since an unsuccessfully chosen location and soil composition of the soil can lead to disease and poor development, in some cases, death. In addition, you need to properly care for the shrub after planting in order to achieve lush flowering and healthy growth...

Site selection and soil preparation

When to plant hydrangea? Best time to plant– spring, the moment when the earth thaws, the buds have not yet bloomed, and autumn – in the month of September. When choosing a place for an ornamental foliage plant, keep in mind that it is better to plant hydrangea in the shade or partial shade, since bright sun causes slow growth, as a result of which the inflorescences become smaller.

Some types of hydrangea can be grown in open, sunny areas, but require plenty of watering. It is advisable to protect young shrubs from bright sun And big winds. It is not recommended to place under trees that absorb water heavily.

The soil for hydrangea should be well-drained and moist, consist of a balanced mixture of humus, leaf soil, peat chips, river sand(2:2:1:1). Regardless of the type and variety of hydrangea, remember that lime in the soil negatively affects development. The soil must be level Ph approximately 5,0 .

Planting hydrangeas in open ground

In the northern regions of the country, it is preferable to plant hydrangea in open ground in the spring; in the southern regions, including Kuban, the procedure is carried out in the fall. It is recommended to arrange a landing hole for beautiful bush, the dimensions of which are 0.4 m in diameter and 0.4-0.5 m in depth. When planting, be guided by the size of the root system; if it is too large, increase the volume of the hole. It is worth noting that the roots of hydrangea are quite branched.

choosing a location and planting hydrangeas with a closed root system - in the photo

It is necessary to add the prepared soil mixture into the hole and make a small mound, on which the seedling is then carefully placed and the roots are straightened, backfilled without deepening the root collar, which should be flush with the soil. A slight deepening is acceptable, but not more than 20-30 mm; too deep a planting can subsequently lead to rotting of the neck.

The soil in the tree trunk area must be compacted well. Watering hydrangeas after planting is mandatory; it is necessary that the water penetrates well to a root depth of 30-40 cm. It is better to water in a hole next to the plant.

Fertilizing and mulching as the basis of care

To retain moisture after planting permanent place, hydrangea is mulched in tree trunk circle. Mulch also inhibits the growth of weeds and protects the roots from overheating. Peat chips, wood chips or bark are used as mulching material, placing a uniform layer of 8-10 cm.

The mulch will decompose over time and become part of the soil, slightly acidifying it. It is best to lay mulch in late spring, at a time when the ground has already warmed up well, but is still moist.

watering hydrangeas - pictured

So that the bush grows well and pleases abundant flowering, garden hydrangea is fertilized when planting, then in the spring in the third decade of May or in early summer - early June. Use a solution of mullein or chicken manure diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. Don't forget to fertilize with the complex mineral fertilizers or add at least the most basic components - 20 grams of superphosphate, 10 grams of potassium nitrate and urea. Subsequent feeding of hydrangea is carried out at intervals of 17-20 days and ends at the end of July, so that the young shoots have time to become lignified by the winter period.

For strong and flexible shoots ornamental shrub watered with a solution of weak potassium permanganate Pink colour. In addition, garden stores sell special fertilizers for hydrangea, which contain magnesium and iron, which the plant needs.

mulching hydrangea with wood chips - pictured

Paniculate hydrangea, large-leaved and ground cover mostly have pinkish, cream colors, which can be changed if desired. The color of hydrangea is directly determined by the acidity of the soil. If the soil has a slightly alkaline reaction, the flowering will be pink and crimson; on acidic soils, hydrangea blooms with blue flowers.

To obtain blue flowers in alkaline soil, the bush is watered with solutions of iron salts. To get a more intense blue color under the hydrangea, you should bury rusty metal cans.

Pruning hydrangea - continue to care

Do I need to prune hydrangeas and how to do it? In order for the care to be correct, it is necessary to remember that pruning of large-leaved, serrated, prickly, Sargent, liana-shaped, oak-leaved hydrangeas is carried out taking into account the fact that flowers appear on the shoots of the second year, which means that you need to cut off old branches and weak ones to strong buds.

Pruning paniculata and tree hydrangea involves removing old and faded shoots, which are also weak. Wherein, experienced gardeners not recommended to delete a large number of shoots at the same time, it is better to extend the procedure over a year or two so that the plant does not lose strength and does not die from excessive cutting operations. As a rule, the main branches are not touched; only those that are bad and grow inside the bush are cut off.

autumn pruning of hydrangea - in the photo

Hydrangea can be trimmed in spring and autumn, but it is preferable to autumn period, since sap flow slows down, and cutting will promote lush flowering in the spring. During the spring months, improper pruning can slow down growth and delay flowering. In addition, in the spring, processes in the bush begin to actively start; juice is released when pruned, so be careful not to harm the plant. In spring, pruning is best done as early as possible, before the buds swell and constant warmth sets in.

For the winter, it is carried out as usual, with only one difference - it is better not to touch young shrubs and let them overwinter without surgical intervention, otherwise you risk ruining the plant. Hydrangea, planting and caring for which is not at all difficult, will certainly delight you with its lush flowering if you suddenly decide to grow unpretentious plant in your garden.

Gotensias: photos on the topic