How to get a grant to start a business. Conditions for receiving a grant for small business development. Some important features for success in obtaining a government grant

Start-up capital is a financial instrument for translating an idea into a working business. Every budding entrepreneur would like to receive a certain amount for free use. Recently, certain categories of entrepreneurs can count on such assistance from the state.

The grant is issued for the opening or development entrepreneurial activity. Many aspiring entrepreneurs are wondering how to get a grant to start a business, but not everyone knows that the state is ready to help only officially unemployed citizens - those who are registered with the Employment Center. And businessmen who have been running their business for less than a year, but are ready to hire up to 3 employees, can count on receiving a grant for business development.

How is the grant amount calculated?

The final amount paid by the state to entrepreneurs is calculated based on the number of unemployed people hired. That is minimum size subsidies are provided to a businessman working independently - the amount of such assistance is 58,000 rubles. If the entrepreneur plans to hire employees, then the final grant amount becomes a multiple of the number of employees.

Where to apply

Grant issues are dealt with by 2 executive authorities of the Russian Federation - the Ministry of Health and social development and Ministry economic development. In order to become the owner of a state grant, you must fill out a standard application and attend classes aimed at learning the basics of entrepreneurial activity. However, such courses are only suitable for those who do not have an economic education. By the way, its presence gives a big plus and advantage in receiving a grant.

Drawing up a business plan

The commission that analyzes applicants for government assistance takes the business plan submitted for consideration very seriously and places strict requirements on it. In fact, a competently and clearly drawn up business plan guarantees half the success in approving an application for a subsidy to support small and medium-sized businesses.

It is very important to reflect all financial and economic indicators in the business plan and evaluate them - for clarity financial efficiency project. The absence of such calculations may serve as a refusal to provide government assistance. Meanwhile, it is necessary to clearly state all expense items affecting the use of the grant so that the commission understands what exactly the money is allocated for. But at the same time, you should not emphasize that the potential subsidy is the amount that is fully responsible for the success of the business project. As a rule, commission members immediately reject such applications, since a grant is financial assistance to a beginning entrepreneur, but not an opportunity to create a business for the specified amount. It is desirable that the funds raised by the entrepreneur be at least twice the amount of the subsidy. Read more in this article.

For greater importance, the business plan should reflect as many potential jobs as possible, of course, without compromising the profitability of the enterprise. This is done to convince officials that the project they are considering, and in the future an operating business, will help them implement a program to employ the unemployed. It would also be useful to pay attention to the artistic design of the business plan; it is important that it evokes a feeling of respect for its owner. To do this, it is worth taking it to the printing house for firmware and placing the business plan in a book binding.

Additional package of documents

To apply for a grant, you must attach the following to your business plan:

  • a certificate stating that the candidate is officially unemployed, a similar document is issued by the employment center;
  • photocopy of passport;
  • a diploma of economic or financial education or a certificate of completion of entrepreneurship courses;

Further development of the situation depends on the region of residence, or rather, on the demand for subsidies to support start-up entrepreneurs. In regions with a high number of candidates, after reviewing all documents and analyzing the business plan, as a rule, an additional competition is held among the best applicants. And in those regions where grants are not in demand, everything is much simpler - the state will provide its support to anyone who wants it, if he fully meets all the requirements. After approval of the application, an agreement is concluded with the entrepreneur on the transfer of funds to. You need to think about opening an account even before submitting documents for consideration by the commission, because the details are indicated immediately upon concluding the contract.

Possible problems

Businessmen who have gone through the grant process claim that situations often arise in which a novice entrepreneur is offered the services of specialists who will help eliminate existing problems in the business plan. Officials claim that it will not be possible to eliminate all the shortcomings on their own and that it is necessary to resort to the help of competent organizations, whose services cost 2-3 thousand rubles. The amount is, of course, small, but it’s worth keeping it in mind.

After receiving a subsidy, the entrepreneur is obliged to provide reporting to the administration not only on the intended use of the transferred funds, but also on financial situation companies. The state makes such demands on a businessman within the period specified in the contract; as a rule, it varies from six months to a year.

Another frequently occurring problem is the liquidation of an enterprise if it is economically ineffective. It will not be possible to simply abandon the idea, since the contract clearly states the minimum terms of operation of the enterprise, during which the company is obliged to pay wages employees and transfer contributions for their employees to the pension fund.

It is worth noting that there are areas of business for the opening or development of which the state does not provide the right to receive a grant. First of all, this is the production of tobacco and alcohol products, their rental, as well as leasing industrial equipment, rental of household products and personal items, as well as the creation of public organizations.

All the nuances of providing subsidies to support small businesses are decided at the local level, so before drawing up a business plan, you just need to contact the administration and find out all the details of submitting an application. In addition, business plan requirements vary depending on the region providing the grant. This approach will save time, avoid simple mistakes and understand what you need to increase your chances of receiving government assistance.

The topic of government assistance to beginning businessmen has already been raised on our website (see).

However, this was introductory material, simply talking about existing opportunities, offering different paths along which you can get money.

Here we will look at some of the nuances, knowledge of which significantly increases your chances of winning a grant.

Practice of receiving

First of all, watch this useful video - real story struggle for government assistance.

In general, one form or another of support is a very tempting thing for people who have just started entrepreneurial activity and, accordingly, have neither special experience nor start-up capital.

After all, the conditions for issuing funds are much softer than in credit organization. One of the most painful obstacles is removed - the requirements for the term of running a business (completely beginners usually receive a refusal or are burdened with huge interest rates). And the most important thing is that you don’t have to give away the received capital!

However, we want to caution you against getting too euphoric. In reality, not everything is so rosy. And the point here is not even about corruption and supporting only “our” people with “necessary” projects. This, unfortunately, also happens, although the significance of corruption (at least in this area) is greatly exaggerated. But there are plenty of other problems.

Obstacles and disadvantages

  • There are many formalities when registering a project that applies for a grant.
  • The need to report on the amounts spent (often - only according to the plan; deviations are unacceptable).
  • Typically, more or less large sums are transferred to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs only on a competitive basis. The names of the competitions can be different - from “Fair of Innovative Enterprises” to “Development of Tourism in the Gadyukinsky District”. Each such event may have its own specifics - or may not. The fact that the title of the “elephant giveaway” contains the word “innovation” does not mean that only business plans with know-how will be accepted.
  • In addition to the previous point: very often the issuance of funds is managed by not very competent people. On the contrary, novelty can scare them away. The author of this article was at a couple of competitions, where an excellent IT project took almost the last place, and the lucky winner of 250,000 rubles was an aspiring businessman, whose strategy was to buy 2 sawmills and hire 2 people to service them.
  • Although many events in districts and regions are held regularly, very often their conditions and formal requirements change. In many ways, this is an instrument of “legal corruption.” Hiding necessary nuances deep, deep on the website of a “business incubator” or other organizing structure, you can weed out the lion’s share of applicants. A necessary people Of course, they will be aware. And everything will work out honestly - only their business plans will meet all the criteria.

As you can see, getting money from government agencies for business is not so easy. Often, it takes so much time and effort to prepare to submit documents and present your brainchild that sometimes it is easier to earn the same amount as a grant simply by unloading cars. On the other hand, if you still want to try your luck, then nothing is impossible. We recommend that you carefully study the tips below and try to follow them.

How to properly compete for a grant

First, study the obstacles and dangers outlined above. Arm yourself with a warning.

Secondly, it will be a huge bonus for you if your business plan is somehow related to the interests of any city (municipal) body or enterprise. For example, you can do some of the work for them - for a fee, of course. By first coordinating your idea with your “client” (that same enterprise) and enlisting their at least formal support, you will take a huge step forward. Of course, partnership relationships will need to be reflected in the documentation that will be submitted for consideration.

Third, carefully study all formal criteria. No comments here.

Fourth, do not fall into one of the most insidious traps - “refunds”. Very often, funds are allocated not just for a project, but for an already operating organization (IP). That is, this amount must already be spent - usually half of the expected amount is enough. That is, if you are applying for 300 thousand, please show documents confirming that you have already invested at least 150.

This requirement, of course, is not always made. And its insidiousness is that it can be placed at the “last moment”, simultaneously with the publication of the regulations for the evaluation of competitive works. Somewhere 1 month (or even less) before the start of the commission’s work and the end of accepting applications. How to find out whether such a condition will exist in a particular case? The best way is through a personal conversation with the organizers.

Fifthly, in the justification it is best to focus on liquid assets. That is, if you need funds for office rent, salaries for the director and accountant, you are unlikely to receive them. But if you plan to spend them on liquid equipment, which can then be resold if something happens, then your shares again grow.

Post-grant funding

Fundraising(English) Fundraising) - attraction process Money and other resources primarily by a non-profit organization for the purpose of implementing a certain social project. Funds can come from private individuals, commercial organizations, foundations, government organizations.

Organizing fundraising involves searching for potential sources of funding, justifying the need for funds and linking them with the interests of financial donors, forming, maintaining and developing relationships with financial donors, and forming public opinion in favor of supporting the organization’s activities.

Who can receive a grant? Usually these are non-governmental, non-profit organizations. Some foundations provide support and government agencies and individuals.

To receive a grant You need to find a foundation in your city that funds topics close to your profile. Find out in advance who and what grants this fund has already given out.

On the territory of Russia there is a large number of funds, including national ones. But most of them limit their activities to a specific region or territory. For example, many American foundations finance the activities of American organizations only. Therefore, before applying to such a fund, check this point.

In addition, all funds are divided by topic of activity. For example, funds that only accept environmental projects, such as W. Alton Jones Foundation, Jon Merk Found. Remember, no matter how attractive your project is, you will not receive a grant if its goals go beyond the scope of the foundation’s activities.

More detailed information You can find out about the funds at their representative offices, as well as on the Internet, because each fund has its own website. Here are some fairly popular funds with representative offices in Moscow:

Eurasia Foundation - democratic reforms, media, development of non-governmental organizations;

Ford Foundation - economic and social policy, legal reform, education and international affairs;

Women's Rights Foundation - the role of women in society, feminist organizations;

Soros Foundation (Moscow representative office of the Institute open society) - freedom of speech, ecology, support for social innovation.

The amount of grants depends on the specific fund, its capabilities, and, of course, on the goals of the project. In general, it can vary from $3 thousand to $25 thousand, and if you’re lucky, much more.

Having clarified the main question, namely: does your topic fall within the declared interests of the selected fund, prepare an application in strict accordance with the requirements of the sponsor.

How much to ask?

They won't give you a lot of money the first time. Therefore, make an estimate based on actual needs, keeping in mind that this estimate will still be reduced by a third, or even more.

For a small company, it is reasonable to consider a grant as funds that can be used to purchase necessary equipment, pay salaries to employees, compensate for communication costs, etc.

For example, let's say you have a marketing firm and you need three employees to work with clients. And these are jobs, salaries and other expenses. You come up with a project for popular topic, for which you definitely need technical equipment and people involved. Having received a grant, all you have to do is imitate vigorous activity in the declared direction.

How much to wait?

After you have completed your application, send it to 2-3 funds that are most suitable for your type of activity.

Reasons for refusals: the topic does not correspond to the main activities of the fund, duplicate applications have been submitted, your application is incorrectly formatted, you have asked for too much money, you have asked for too little money (donors do not want to get involved with projects that are too small).

How to report? Reports must be done as written in the instructions. Do not try to deviate from it, even if some requirement contradicts common sense. Remember: no one expects from you real results. You are expected to submit only correctly compiled and timely reports.

You will report for each quarter. In addition, fund employees can visit and check your work and make sure how the grant funds are spent. And organizations that received a grant worth more than $25 thousand will also have to undergo an audit.

Is there a chance to spend at least part of the funds received on yourself?

You need to know 2 things:
Firstly, grants are not allocated entirely, but in parts, in tranches. First, you will receive 5-7 thousand for the first stage of the project, and only after reporting for their use can you count on the next portion.
Secondly, sponsors will demand a detailed accounting of expenses, literally for every dollar.

If you intend to put part of the amount in your pocket, then you need to budget the project accordingly. The real money, that is, cash, is the salary of the project employees. If you are a project manager (company director, head non-profit organization), and this project needs attracted employees, then the usual practice is:

1) do the work with two people, but ask for money for ten; of course, eight dead (and trusted) souls must regularly sign the payroll;
2) project employees receive salaries in a smaller amount than indicated in the estimate.


If you received a grant once and successfully reported on it, it is much easier to do it the second time. They already know you, you have demonstrated financial integrity and reporting skills, why not give more? That is, you have a good grant history - an exact analogue of a credit history.

At the second stage, it is better to ask for money not for new project, and for expansion or continuation of the old one, this is approved faster, the probability of refusal is low. In addition, such an application is much easier to prepare - you simply change the numbers in the previous estimate and slightly edit the project.

And gradually you become a professional requester and recipient. There are organizations that extend the project annually. Not only do they become favorite recipients of the same sponsor, but they can also become part of the expert council that reviews applications.

Many enterprising people strive to open their own business. To do this, initial capital is required. The question immediately arises about where to get money to start your own business. One option is to receive a grant from the state.

For opening or development own business there is an opportunity to get necessary funds from the regional budget as part of the program to support start-up entrepreneurs, which operates in our country. The amount of the amount issued is set independently by regional authorities. A government grant intended for business development can be provided to both legal entities and private entrepreneurs. The main advantage of such grants is that they are issued by the state free of charge and irrevocably. Beginning businessmen simply need to know how to get a grant for a business, since at the stage of development of a still “fragile” business, an increase in cost items is extremely undesirable.

What is required to receive a grant?

To receive a grant you must:

  • at the time of application, the period of state registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur did not exceed one year;
  • The commission was provided with a full package of documents required to receive a government grant.

What documents are needed

The list of documents required to receive a state grant includes:

  • application for participation in a grant competition;
  • a copy of the document about higher education applicant for economic or legal education or training in entrepreneurial activity;
  • a copy of the registration certificate of a private entrepreneur or legal entity(YuL);
  • an extract from the state register, which contains all registered legal entities and individual entrepreneurs;
  • a copy of the certificate confirming the fact of registration with the relevant tax authorities;
  • copies of the agreement, charter and other constituent documents(relevant only for legal entities);
  • a certificate certified by the manager’s signature and stamped containing data on average number employees for the last reporting period (also relevant only for legal entities);
  • certificate from tax authorities, confirming the fact that the taxpayer has fulfilled his obligations to pay fees, insurance premiums, taxes and penalties (if any). Moreover, at the time of provision of this certificate, no more than one month must have passed from the date of its issue, otherwise it will be declared invalid;
  • copies of documents such as contracts, invoices, checks, payment orders and any other papers confirming the fact of payment of expenses incurred using your own funds;
  • a certificate confirming the creation of new jobs or the retention of existing ones during the implementation of the business plan, which must have the signature of the manager and must be certified by the seal of the applicant;
  • directly the business plan itself or its justification, formalized in a technical and economic form.

All documents must be bound and numbered.

Each participant in the competition who seeks to receive a government grant must submit the structure of a business plan indicating the cost of the developed project and indicating the time frame that will be needed for its implementation, as well as the address of the actual location of the future facility.

A collected set of documents is provided to the competition commission, whose task is to verify the accuracy of the information submitted by the competition participants. As soon as the documents from all applicants are verified, the members of the commission make a decision either to refuse or to provide the desired grant.

After receiving the funds, the entrepreneur is required to provide documents indicating that the grant was aimed specifically at business development, according to the presented plan. In addition, you need to be prepared for the fact that during the year a commission may visit the place of business for the purpose of inspection.

Chances of receiving a grant

Now you can take immediate action. Absolutely all applicants have a chance to receive funds from the state, which will be used as start-up capital.

It is important that your project seems promising and quickly pays off to the members of the commission. In this regard, when preparing a business plan, you should describe the project you have developed as carefully and in detail as possible and convince the commission that after a few months the business you have opened will begin to generate stable income.

Of course, today it is quite difficult for many beginning businessmen to cope with the high competition that dominates the consumer market. However, if you can get a grant from the state, which is issued free of charge, it will be much easier for you to stay afloat and reach the level of self-sufficiency without attracting additional investments in the first stages.

You have decided to step into entrepreneurship, and all you have to do is find start-up capital. Or for more? Everyone knows that without investments the business will not get off the ground. Should you seek help from friends or try asking for money from the government? Small businesses in 2017 can count on some types of grants and subsidies.

In any region, a start-up entrepreneur is provided with at least two types of government assistance:

  1. Subsidy under the self-employment program at the employment center. Unemployed citizens will be allocated 58,800 rubles for these purposes.
  2. A grant of 300 thousand rubles from the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.


Each region of our country has certain quotas for the provision of subsidies. You can find out their number at the employment center. If there are few subsidies in your region, consider whether it is worth fighting for - the amount is low. There are regions where, since 2015, such subsidies have been allocated only to residents of single-industry towns or existing entrepreneurs.

It is possible to obtain the approval of the commission - it consists of no more than 6 people. Half of them are employees of the employment center, and the other part are invited guests. You will have about 7 minutes to answer questions from guests. There is no need to talk about the project, because experts get acquainted with it in advance. The main thing for them is that you understand the intricacies of your business.

You will have about 7 minutes to answer questions from guests.

Business ideas that are not eligible for subsidies:

  • stock exchange fraud;
  • network marketing;
  • sale of alcohol;
  • pawnshop.


Having received money from the employment center, you can safely go for a grant. Or you can go there right away - this time the Ministry of Economic Development will help you. The federal program operates throughout the country, but local authorities are responsible for the distribution of funds. This means that you don’t need to go to Moscow - contact local funds to support small and medium-sized businesses.

There are chances

  1. You registered as an entrepreneur for the first time, and less than a year has passed since that moment.
  2. You have completed training in the basics of entrepreneurship. For those who have a legal or economic education, it’s even easier - you don’t need to complete any courses.
  3. You are ready to invest at least 25% of your own funds from the amount of the desired grant. By the way, the percentage is different for each region. You need to check this with your fund.

No chance

  1. The company is at the stage of bankruptcy, reorganization or liquidation.
  2. You have overdue debt on tax and non-tax payments, fees, and insurance premiums.
  3. Your company has wage arrears.
  4. You pay your employees wages below the cost of living.

According to specialists from the Ministry of Economic Development, first of all they pay attention to the social significance of the project and real opportunities payback. The state does not want to give out money left and right. It is important for them that the company does not go bankrupt in a couple of months, but develops and grows. If the company develops, then stable budget replenishment is guaranteed. Each region identifies its own priority areas. Somewhere it is agriculture, in another place it is industry or handicraft production.

Package of documents

If you have decided, then start collecting documents:

  1. Application for a subsidy. The application form is different everywhere - look on the website of the Ministry of Economy of your region.
  2. Business plan.
  3. Costings.
  4. Documents that confirm the availability of production space (if premises are needed for the implementation of the project).
  5. List of creditors and debtors.
  6. Copies of contracts or draft contracts.
  7. Copies of required licenses or permits.
  8. Copies of documents for hiring the manager and chief accountant.
  9. Questionnaire for an individual entrepreneur or head of a legal entity.
  10. Certificate of availability and status of a bank account.
  11. Copies of constituent documents, if any.
  12. Copies of extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or.
  13. Copies of registration certificate of individual entrepreneur or legal entity.
  14. Certificate of absence of tax arrears.
  15. Certificate of completion of training.

Do not forget that collecting documents will take some time. Pay attention to the “expiration date”. For example, a tax certificate is only valid for 10 days. Call the Small and Medium Enterprise Support Fund and find out about the start date of the competition. Applications from participants are accepted for 1 month, so you need to submit documents on time.

What's in a business plan?

Entrepreneurs should remember that they need to not only collect Required documents, but also provide a business plan for your activities. This is a complex document that requires detailed study. It will be easier for those who have an economic education. And for those who have never had to compile one, entrepreneurial training courses will help.

The business plan must include:

  • production features;
  • calculations of investment amounts;
  • presentation of products or services;
  • description of organizational processes at the enterprise, taking into account the calendar plan;
  • forecasting risks and finding ways to minimize them.

Remember that the commission will evaluate each indicator and assign its own points. For example, than more people you will be able to find a job at your company, the higher the score you will get. If you are under 30 years old, this is one more point for your project.

That's what you get points for.

What are they giving for?

There are some statistics on the issuance of grants. Judging by it, among entrepreneurs who received a grant, about 30% are engaged in providing services, 20% have own production, 12% are from the trade sector.

The easiest way is to get money for the purchase of fixed assets, for renting premises and for the necessary raw materials. As a grantee, you will benefit greatly from being willing to invest your own funds in purchasing the equipment. This will convince the commission that you are serious and believe in success.

As a rule, the state more often finances projects in the field of production and Agriculture, science (to a greater extent natural Sciences) and education.

Among the entrepreneurs who received the grant, about 30% are engaged in the provision of services, 20% have their own production, 12% are from the trade sector.

Agricultural Grants

Agricultural grants occupy a special place in the system. As part of the state program for the development of agriculture for 2013-2020, the subprogram “Support for small businesses” was adopted, aimed specifically at helping small businesses.

There are several options here:

1. Grants for beginning farmers.

Available for specific purposes:

  • acquisition of plots of agricultural land;
  • development project documentation for the construction (reconstruction) of industrial and warehouse buildings, premises intended for the production, storage and processing of agricultural products;
  • acquisition, construction, repair and reconstruction of industrial and warehouse buildings, premises, extensions, utility networks, barriers and structures, as well as their registration;
  • construction of roads and access roads to production and warehouse facilities;
  • connection of production and warehouse buildings, premises, extensions and structures to engineering networks: electrical, water, gas and heat networks, road infrastructure;
  • purchase of farm animals;
  • obtaining agricultural machinery and equipment, trucks, equipment for the production and processing of agricultural products;
  • purchasing seeds and planting material for planting perennial plantings;
  • obtaining fertilizers and pesticides.

To receive a grant, you need to contact the regional competition commission for supporting beginning farmers, where grants are distributed on a competitive basis. The Commission annually publishes the terms of the competition before January 15.

To participate in the competition, you must submit an application in the prescribed form. Contacts of regional competition commissions can be obtained from government agencies management of agro-industrial complex in the regions.

This grant can only be received once. At the same time, it must repay no more than 90% of your costs for the acquisition of material resources for the development of the farm.

2. Grant for home improvement.

WITH funds can be used to build housing, purchase furniture and other items for a farmer’s home. However, such a grant does not provide for the purchase of secondary housing. It is assumed that the beginning farmer builds a house himself or buys a new one.

Each region has different terms and conditions of the competition. To participate, you need to track information on the websites of relevant regional departments, as well as regional ministries of agriculture.

3. Grant for a family livestock farm.

The grant can be spent on:

  • development of design documentation for a family livestock farm;
  • construction, reconstruction or modernization of a family livestock farm;
  • construction, reconstruction or modernization of production facilities for processing livestock products;
  • supplying family livestock farms and livestock processing facilities with equipment and machinery, as well as their installation;
  • purchase of farm animals.

The grant amount cannot exceed 60% of your costs. To receive a grant, you must submit an application in the prescribed form for a grant to the commission under the governing body of the agro-industrial complex of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

With the participation of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture, an agricultural consulting system has been created in the country. The system's consultants will assist beginning farmers in applying for grants and resolving other issues.

Rules for "granting"

    1. Money is given to the organization to perform these tasks, and not to the entrepreneur personally.
    2. According to statistics, preference is given to the most realistic or most original projects.
    3. Not all grants are right for you. Spend maximum time studying the information: how much money is allocated, for what exactly. Otherwise, you risk being rejected - most often they are rejected precisely because the application does not correspond to the subject of the grant.
    4. If you really need money, then try to adapt your own tasks to the goals of the grant. But even here, be prepared for refusal: it is unlikely that a fireworks retailer will be given a grant as an organization producing agricultural products.

The purpose and amount of the grant are finalized in the business plan and then do not change.

  1. Money never arrives all at once, but comes gradually - in tranches. Each stage of the project will be financed separately. Moreover, where it is necessary to supply you with equipment, for example, office equipment, they will supply it, and will not give you money to buy it.
  2. Even paying off a bank loan can be delayed, but spending grant funds on other purposes is unacceptable. Any mistake is an indelible stain on your reputation.
  3. Complete all reports correctly and on time. Do everything as described in the instructions and do not violate deadlines.
  4. There is no need to wait for maximum grants for the first time. Ask for the minimum for what you can’t do without. Such an application has a much greater chance of being selected: it will immediately be clear that you will be busy with business, and not with furnishing your own office, for example.
  5. There is no free cheese here either: you will still have to pay income tax on the grant, so be prepared for this.

Remember that problems in the economy are not a reason why you should refuse to start your own business. You can always find optimal solutions. The main thing is to move forward towards your goal, and it’s up to you to decide whether to turn to the state for help or rely on your own strength.

There are people whose power lies in the money they loaned. And there are others whose power lies in the money they borrowed. Auguste Deteuf, economist, writer