Apartment interior in Baroque style. Luxurious baroque style in the interior. Video: Baroque in apartment interior design

A post about the most luxurious interior style

Two works by Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini. On the left is the Church of Sant'Andrea al Quirinale, opened in 1670 in Rome. On the right is the Chair of St. Peter in St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican, opened in 1666.

The emergence of the Baroque style

We even have a separate one on this topic. At the beginning of the 17th century, religion in Rome played a huge role in the lives of ordinary citizens. In response to the Protestant Reformation Catholic Church sought to establish emotional contact with the Italians - and if in the Renaissance the art of architecture positioned itself as elitist and “not for everyone,” then the Baroque was intended to make even the uneducated masses believe in the power and grandeur of the church.

View from under the canopy in St. Peter's Basilica.

The popes hired the best architects, artists, and interior designers to build countless churches and palaces, which changed the appearance of the city and made Rome visually richer and more luxurious. This style was quickly picked up throughout Europe.

Following the exterior, the interior decoration of wealthy citizens also changed. The great artists of their time were developing a new style of furniture and decor, trying to outdo each other and themselves. Let's see what they came up with.

Basic principles of Baroque

In Baroque it is customary to exaggerate expressions and gestures, to create drama, tension, and grandeur. Baroque style is a symbol of strength. Large and detailed pieces of furniture, frames and walls decorated with gold, carved ceilings- the style of palaces and huge residences.

In the modern world, it is very difficult to recreate the atmosphere of the correct Baroque due to the scale of the style. But a neat mix modern lines and the basic elements of traditional baroque can fit perfectly even into urban housing.

Try adding to your interior:

Furniture decorated with exquisite carvings, plated with gold or bronze;

Rich decoration: moldings on the walls and ceiling, tapestries, stucco;

Sculptures and graceful statues, often depicting children, musicians and beautiful women;

Luxurious bed linen (brocade, silk, velvet).

See how you can add individual style elements to modern design. The details remain the same - stucco, gilded decorations, high windows and doors, but a few weightless pieces of furniture completely change the space.

Baroque color scheme

Basic color accent Baroque - gold, which is often used to decorate mirrors, decorative items, furniture and accessories. To highlight metal, choose light colors neutral shades or, conversely, dark and rich: burgundy, rich blue or deep green.

Baroque wall decoration

The main rule is that the walls must be embossed. The Baroque style involves dynamics: a huge number of inserts, borders, moldings, tapestries, stucco moldings, niches, columns, and even pilasters. Renaissance paintings on the walls are welcome.

They are also used to add volume. textile wallpaper, plaster, painted wood panels. Feel free to mix decor with each other - stucco, gilding, frescoes - in this style there is no such thing as “too luxurious”.

The walls and ceiling are inseparable from each other in the decor; this solution is possible thanks to dynamics and richness.

Ceiling decoration in Baroque style

The rules are the same as for walls: ceilings cannot be uniform. They are often painted and framed with stucco decorations.

In classical baroque, the ceiling is a continuation of the wall, which should complement, but not contrast. The decor in the form of gilding also remains appropriate. The ideal solution if you want to convey the spirit of the era is a ceiling decorated with frescoes.

Baroque floor decoration

The color of the floor must be combined with color scheme space. Materials – most often wood; artificial parquet similar to expensive wood would be appropriate. It is possible to use stone. Carpet is a frequent guest in the interior, but let’s pay attention to this Special attention– carpets should not occupy the entire surface of the floor.

Baroque furniture

The main feature of Baroque style furniture is its complex ornamentation. All furniture is decorated with many details, with abundant, very often exaggerated decoration. At the same time, the compositions are distinguished by a delicate balance and harmonious integration of all elements. The furniture parts are symmetrical, all details are repeated equally on both sides.

Furniture of that time was often made from exotic materials - mahogany and ebony, Ivory, imported metals. Marble countertops were common, and gilding was especially popular.

Such furniture must be presentable and luxurious. Furniture is often decorated with:

Fabric upholstery;

Varnishes and gilding;

Curved graceful legs;

Complex carving.

Textiles in the Baroque

Textiles are essential here to maintain a sense of wealth and luxury. This effect is achieved with the help of lush draperies, pendants and tassels, and gold inserts.

Curtains are of great importance. As a rule, curtains are made of velvet fabric, gold brocade, satin or silk, they are embroidered with gold thread or lurex. Fabrics that imitate are popular in modern interiors. natural materials, such as onyx, marble, malachite, etc. The presence of a luxurious lambrequin, additionally decorated with embroidery, is very important. The use of contrasting colors is allowed.


In Baroque style rooms are required big windows giving more daylight. IN large quantities Wide mirrors are also used to add light and visually enlarge the space.

Artificial lighting is represented by massive crystal chandeliers with lamps imitating candles. Wall lamps and spectacular floor lamps with carved legs are also used.

Baroque style today

Of course, repeating the palace style of the canonical Baroque today is not very easy: you have to think about how to save square meters and not throw a feast for the whole world. And yet, you can and should be inspired by the elegance of the 17th century: add some stucco on the walls, put a couple of chairs with graceful legs, or at least hang a golden mirror on the wall.

Decor of the Church of Santa Croce (La Chiesa di Santa Croce 1353-1549) Lecce is an example of the Baroque style.

Architectural ornaments have decorated buildings since ancient times. Most often, the façade ornament contained forms with symbolic meaning. Gradually, previously functional details of the building’s structure also became decorative elements. For example, in Baroque, they became decorative elements of the style, losing their load-bearing function. Architectural decor was also determined by elements of religious rituals and symbolism. For example, the Greeks decorated buildings with garlands of leaves and the heads of sacrificial animals. Residents of Northern Europe decorated their houses with images of animals representing certain human qualities. In Romanesque religious art, ropes made of knots woven together meant the expulsion of demons. War trophies were included in the decor of Roman architecture as symbols of victories. Baroque decorations are varied and expressive, they unite different traditions and eras, they contain motifs of Greek and Roman decorative elements, fantastic figures of half-humans, half-animals, floral ornaments. In Baroque, patterns and decor include voluminous garlands of flowers, fruits, and shells; acanthuses, axes, arrows and other military paraphernalia.

The Naples Gate (Arc de Triomphe, 1548) is decorated with military paraphernalia. Lecce. Apulia. Italy.

Trellis - a diamond-shaped mesh with small rosettes.
Mascarons (mascherone) are stone images in the shape of a human or animal head from the front. Mascarons could have a comic, dramatic or romantic appearance. In the Baroque era, mascarons were most often grotesque in nature

In addition, the Baroque ornament contains volutes, cartouches, dragons, and vases; trellises; mascarons, ribbons, curved plant stems. Baroque pattern is based on three-dimensional forms. Plastic decorative elements intertwine with each other, create the impression of clutter, and often overload the facades of buildings.

Mascaron - Neptune. Baroque style.

In Baroque, the decor is distinguished by splendor, exaltation, contrast and dynamism. In the philosophy of style - religious dogmas about human consciousness, capable of perceiving the Divine only through insights, which, according to the architects and sculptors of that time, could descend only if a person was amazed by the scale and majesty of the temples. Baroque decor consists of plots and compositions of a religious and allegorical nature. Late Baroque ornaments contain architectural elements: columns, pediments, consoles, balustrades of reduced size. During this period, Baroque jewelry had especially large dimensions and seemed heavy, hanging over the viewer. They were sometimes used as decoration in the Baroque natural materials For example, churches could be decorated with human bones.

A church whose decor is made of human bones - Ossuary (Kostnice v Sedlci), Cemetery Church of All Saints on the outskirts of the city of Kutna Hora in the Czech Republic. The bones of 40,000 people were used to decorate the church. The church was built next to the monastery cemetery, which grew rapidly, and during the plague it had to be cleared of old bones in order to bury the dead. The old bones were kept in the ossuary at the Sedlec Monastery. In the 16th century, one of the monks bleached the bones and piled them into pyramids; after his death, the church was closed for 350 years. Only in the 18th century did Prince Schwarzenberg, the owner of the monastery land, commission the woodcarver Frantisek Rint to create the design of the church from human remains. The carver soaked the bones in bleach and then used them to create decorations. The prince's coat of arms is also made from bones. The outside of the church has retained its Gothic appearance, but inside its decoration can be described as Baroque.

In the 18th century, bone decor was created in the Kostnica Church in the Czech Republic. Author František Rint.

In Baroque, decor is present in the form of voluminous stucco elements, often covered with paint or gilding. Baroque ornamentation was formed depending on the national traditions of each country, symbols, and mythologies. However, regardless of stylistic trends, he always retained his characteristic scale and plasticity.

The main trend of today's design is simplicity and functionality. These are wonderful properties, but sometimes you want to experience the atmosphere of luxury and glamor. If funds allow, and there is enough free space in the apartment/house, you can decorate the interior in the Baroque style.

Origins and distinctive features of the Baroque

The appearance and spread of the style occurred in the late Renaissance - the second half of the 17th - early 18th centuries, although the name appeared later. The word means “pretentious” in Italian. Pretentiousness and pomp are the main characteristics of Baroque. The most famous work in Europe is the Palace of Versailles, in Russia - Peterhof. Each nation contributed its own national flavor to the formation of the style - for example, there is the term “Russian Baroque”. But in its main features the style remains recognizable everywhere.

Initially, the artists followed the ancient canon: strict symmetry, Greek architectural forms - colonnades, arches. Subsequently, strictness began to be neglected for the sake of luxury. The gradual transition from large forms to more complex details led to the emergence of a later branch of the style - Rococo (translated as “shell”).

Main features of Baroque:

  • large spaces, high ceilings. In a small house or apartment, only individual elements of the style can be reproduced;
  • columns, arches, porticos, statues;
  • rich bright colors, a lot of gilding;
  • stucco, forging, mirrors;
  • bulky ornate furniture;
  • many expensive accessories;
  • all materials are natural and expensive;
  • a lot of lush textiles;
  • monumental painting.

Color spectrum

The base color in the design is white. Light pastel shades can be used together with it or instead of it: cream, milky, beige, ivory, peach. A mandatory element is gilding: it is used to decorate ornaments, stucco patterns, furniture, and accessories.

Rich colors are used in large quantities - blue, burgundy, terracotta, brown. Very spacious rooms deep colors– chocolate, burgundy, velvet blue – can also be used as base colors. Revive dark room white furniture and bright textiles - gold brocade, etc.

Advice: Color contrasts within the style are mandatory, primarily due to the combination of large arrays of light and dark. In a room with light walls and light furniture, the contrast can be created by a burgundy-brown palace floor.


Walls in this style are never empty and smooth. And uniform over the entire area too. Characterized by a rhythmic alternation of areas with different finishes. For example, wallpaper - area painted wall with moldings – wallpaper again – large mirror etc. Wall decor:

  • wallpaper – textile, silk-screen printing, embossed, with ornaments and monograms;
  • smooth plaster with gilded stucco, lighting fixture with decorative rosette;
  • mirrors, monumental paintings;
  • Venetian marbled plaster;
  • frescoes;
  • moldings;
  • tapestries.


A relatively modest option is a light, monochromatic ceiling. But this does not mean that it is empty: stucco cornices and sockets for chandeliers are necessarily present. When enough high altitude the ceilings are decorated with full-color artistic images and frescoes. The plot image can also be sculpted.

Important! The transition between the wall and the ceiling is not sharp: a multi-level cornice or vault. A heavy, expensive central chandelier is required (in a large hall - two or three).


In the old days, palace floors were granite, marble, and polished wood. Today the following coating materials are recommended:

  • piece parquet, parquet board, laminate;
  • marble-effect porcelain tiles or finishing stone, mosaic tiles, floor panels;
  • You can use natural stone, but it is heavy.

The floors are covered with carpets - plain or patterned, depending on the overall design project.


Everything about baroque furniture is chic: material, shape, finishing. Ideally, an array of valuable species (for example, mahogany). Or at least overlays/inserts made of valuable wood. Features:

  • the backs of sofas, beds, armchairs are high, curly;
  • carving and gilding are required;
  • forging elements or inlay are possible - with other wood, ornamental stone;
  • intricately shaped gilded fittings;
  • upholstery materials – silk, satin, velvet;
  • on the living room sofas there are decorative pillows with hand-embroidered gold or printed patterns;
  • figured legs for furniture, including cabinet ones. Sometimes in the form of lion paws or horse hooves;
  • cabinet furniture - with glass and mirrors;
  • mosaic countertops;
  • four-poster beds.

Fireplace portals are stylized as marble or granite, decorated with gilded stucco molding. On the mantelpiece there are lighting fixtures stylized as candlesticks (or real candlesticks with candles).


Baroque fabrics are used in large quantities:

  • curtains;
  • tablecloths;
  • bedspreads;
  • tapestries;
  • floor carpets;
  • cushions for sofas and beds;
  • furniture upholstery;
  • wall decoration;
  • canopies, etc.

The fabrics used are smooth, textured, plain and patterned, satin and matte:

  • velvet;
  • atlas;
  • brocade;
  • jacquard;
  • thin silk.

There is no chintz or cotton here, nor synthetics. Upholstery of items in the same room is done with the same material.

Curtains are in harmony with carpets or wall decoration. They hang down to the floor, sometimes “sweeping the floor.” Are used complete sets: curtains, drapes, figured lambrequin. Decor – tiebacks, tassels, bows, brooches. The baguette cornice smoothly blends into the ceiling finish.

Lighting and accessories

The main decoration of the ceiling is a massive chandelier, forged or with numerous crystal pendants. Since the room is usually large, additional devices are used:

  • floor high in the form of candelabra;
  • tabletop in the form of candlesticks.

All devices are made in the same design: complex shape, gilding, forged or cast bronze.


  • painted porcelain tableware;
  • floor vases;
  • sculptures and figurines – bronze, ceramics, silver;
  • mirrors;
  • antique watches, boxes;
  • paintings. Copies of Renaissance works are suitable.

Pictures and mirrors should be in a carved gilded baguette.

Baroque in a modern house or apartment

All of the above can only be reproduced in a spacious mansion. If we're talking about about a small city apartment, you will have to limit yourself to individual touches that define the style:

  • light embossed wallpaper with gilding;
  • compact crystal chandelier;
  • for zone lighting - stylized sconces;
  • satin curtains on carved baguette cornice;
  • in the bedroom there is a massive bed with high backs. A small baroque chest of drawers can be combined with a dressing table and put a dressing table on it;
  • in the living room - a couple of paintings in carved frames, a fireplace (if it fits);
  • a pair of Renaissance style accessories.

In the living room you can install folding sofa, stylized in baroque style - these are found in furniture showrooms. And it is necessary to provide the opportunity to hide all modern electronics behind carved cabinet doors.

Baroque is a style for large rooms. Columns, porticos, niches, stucco ceilings and the walls are ideal for palaces or mansions. However, even in small apartment you can create a style that reproduces classic interiors baroque.

History of style

The style, which later became known as Baroque, was formed in the 16th-17th centuries in Italy, which at that time was considered the cultural center of Europe. The Italians sought to show the world that they still had the right to a privileged position. To do this, they needed a style that created the illusion of power, wealth and power. And so it appeared a new style. Translated from Italian, barocco means “prone to excess.”

Over the course of several decades, the new style spread throughout Western Europe, gaining particular popularity in France during the time of Louis XIV. IN late XVII century new fashion came to Russia. The Naryshkins and Golitsyns decorated their residences in this style - and to this day terms such as “Golitsyn baroque” can be found.

Historical baroque was organically integrated into the interior and architecture. It is characterized by ovals, squares, circles, and perfect symmetry. The premises were decorated with numerous colonnades, balusters and sculptures.

Classical Baroque did not last long: already in the 18th century the style acquired pomp and femininity and lost symmetry. Harmony gave way to numerous gold and gilded decorations and scrollwork. This is how the Baroque style transformed into Rococo.

Today, refined and sophisticated design is actively used in interior design. This is the style of aristocrats, emphasizing the status of the owner of the house. At the same time, ostentatious luxury, an abundance of stucco and decor are unlikely to appeal to lovers of minimalism and hi-tech.


Like other trends in design, Baroque, regardless of national and other characteristics, has a number of common features:

  1. Space. Large rooms, high ceilings.
  2. Rich colors.
  3. The walls are decorated with smooth plaster, wallpaper with a silk-screen effect, and frescoes.
  4. The high ceiling is a direct continuation of the wall. There are no clear boundaries or transitions here.
  5. A key part of a Baroque interior is furniture. It is decorated with carvings, interesting textiles, and gilding.
  6. Paintings, sculptures and other decorative elements are required.

This style is very recognizable. Smooth lines, expensive materials, mirrors in figured frames, play of light and shadow. Furniture, decoration, decor are parts of a single whole. They should not only fit perfectly with each other, but also form a complete ensemble.

There are many substyles in Baroque. Let's take a closer look at some of them.

Italian style

Italy is the founder of this style. It was here that ideas and features were created, and skills were honed.

Italian Baroque is frescoes, marble, metal. All this adds up to a single composition, tending upward. The painted walls smoothly transition into the ceiling painting. What happens next depends only on the designer.

In Italy, marble is one of the best finishing materials. For several centuries, it has been actively used in the design of Baroque-style premises by nobility, rich people and ordinary citizens. A very popular budget alternative to marble is finto marmo, painted wood.

Italian baroque furniture is characterized by numerous inlays, mosaic inserts, and gilded or painted carvings.

Video: Baroque in apartment interior design


The Portuguese version of Baroque was created at the intersection of European and national elements. Simplicity and restraint of architectural forms, gilded carved interiors.

The design uses contrasting porcelain tiles and azulejos, Portuguese ceramic tile, from which you can create huge panels.

Latin American

Latin American Baroque is a kind of heir to the Portuguese. This style is called "ultra-baroque". Pan-European and local elements are combined with archaic, early Christian art, Romanesque and pre-Romanesque folklore.

Materials used

When decorating interiors, you can use the following materials:

  1. Tree
  2. Gold or gilding
  3. Silver
  4. Marble
  5. Ivory
  6. Copper.

Wooden surfaces are polished or varnished. Countertops and some decorative elements are made of natural stone.

Principles of room decoration

The goal of baroque is to stun the guest and capture his imagination. Every meter of free space is used for this. Let us examine in more detail the principles of finishing the walls, floor and ceiling of a room decorated according to the canons of this style.

Wall decoration

To decorate the wall, several are selected different types of materials and additional decorative inserts. Monochromatic design is not allowed: it will not be baroque.

The free space of the walls is decorated with frescoes and monumental paintings, marble inserts and stucco.

To translate classic baroque into modern conditions, designers use the principle of zoning. Extra monumental partitions are removed, and additional decors, lamps and other accents appear in their place. Each functional area is decorated in its own way.

Here are a couple of examples of wall decoration in the Baroque style.

Ceiling decoration

Distinctive feature Baroque style - very high ceilings covered with paintings. They are straight, spherical, vaulted.

Among characteristic features ceiling design can be noted:

  1. Ornate stucco molding rising from the walls to the ceiling.
  2. Chandelier decorated with molded rosettes.
  3. Frescoes inscribed in gilded ovals and circles.
  4. Monumental painting and fresco created using distant perspective.

Floor decoration

IN traditional interior Baroque, natural marble, varnished boards, and parquet were used as flooring. Paul fit perfectly into the overall ensemble, and at the same time did not draw attention to himself.

In modern interiors, natural materials are used less frequently. Flooring created from laminate, porcelain stoneware slabs imitating marble, parquet board. The main condition remains the same: perfect harmony with the decoration of walls and ceilings, as well as with the entire interior. You can lay a plain carpet on the floor.

In the Baroque style there are no significant restrictions in the choice of primary and additional colors. Light warm shades are very popular - light beige, sand, caramel, white. However, dark colors - chocolate, dark brown, burgundy - will also fit perfectly into the interior.

Accents are placed using contrasting colors. For example, if the general design is made in light colors, some areas can be decorated in velvet blue and muted green.

Furniture and furnishings

In Baroque interiors, furniture performs a key function. Massive, curved, decorated with luxurious carvings. In the classic version, the furniture should be made of solid wood, but its cost is higher than reasonable limits. Therefore, analogues are often used in interiors, where only the facade is made of solid wood.

For furniture in the Baroque style there are several characteristic features.

  1. High backs. Often - curved, decorated with carvings.
  2. Gold plated fittings.
  3. Inlay with valuable wood species or natural stone. If they are absent, you can use imitation.
  4. Gold plated fittings.
  5. Textile upholstery. You cannot upholster a sofa that will be used in baroque interior design with leather. Only textiles. Ideally, smooth velvet or silk.
  6. A bunch of decorative pillows. In the classic version - with hand embroidery, for modern interior You can choose a standard pattern.

One of the optional but desirable elements of the decor is a fireplace. It is not so important which one - working or decorative. You can install a couple of sculptures on the sides.

In the dining room you can place a massive dining table with patterned chairs. The bedroom has a luxurious four-poster bed. If the dimensions of the room allow, it can be raised onto the podium. The set of furniture depends only on the purpose and size of the room.


The Baroque style was created for large and bright rooms. To illuminate them, it is best to use massive bronze chandeliers with multifaceted crystal pendants. Initially, candelabra were built into such lighting fixtures. Today, for lighting it is enough to select several lamps.

When decorating large rooms, lighting is distributed according to height and functional areas. In places for rest and work there are placed desk lamp and floor lamps. Their legs should also be curved and decorated. When the room is high, in addition to the central massive chandelier, several smaller lamps are attached, and crystal sconces are hung on the wall.

To illuminate large rooms in private homes, several twelve-arm chandeliers are selected. Material - bronze or its imitation, gilding. Lighting fixtures are evenly distributed across the ceiling and decorated with stucco molding and rosettes.

Interesting solution characteristic of this style is the use of large mirrors. This creates the effect of greater illumination of the room and visually enlarges the space.

Decoration of premises

The most important role in interior design in the Baroque style is played by decor. The room can be decorated with numerous candelabra, clocks, including floor ones, sculptures and figurines, and gilded boxes.

Mirrors and reproductions of famous paintings are used as decorative elements. More often - Rubens, Caravaggio, late Rembrandt, artists who worked at the dawn of the Baroque era. Standard themes for paintings are palace interiors, genre scenes, urban drawings. An antique globe and a copy of an ancient map would look very natural in the office.

Another constant decorative item is candles in carved candelabra. This is an echo of a time when electric lighting did not yet exist.

Textiles in the Baroque style - plain, patterned. Satin bedspreads, silk curtains, velvet upholstery. Thanks to textiles, individual interior elements are connected to each other, forming a single composition. In most cases, one type of fabric and color are selected for the upholstery of armchairs, chairs, and sofas.

In accordance with the canons of Baroque, the curtain should resemble a theater curtain. When choosing specific products, preference is given to several types:

  1. Multilayer curtains with tiebacks
  2. Austrian models based on theatrical drapery
  3. Lambrequins.

Textiles are decorated with tassels, bows, and gold embroidery. You can lay a carpet with a pattern that suits the style on the floor.

How to arrange a bedroom

The central part of the composition is a huge bed on curved legs. To decorate the headboard, carvings and inlays are used valuable wood and mother-of-pearl, gilding. The bed can be forged, the main thing is the design and size.

On the sides you can put a couple of bedside tables with carved facades. In the corner of the room - decorated dressing table. On the wall is a large mirror in a massive carved frame.

Popular sliding wardrobes do not fit into the overall style, therefore it is undesirable to use them. You need to choose a model with hinged doors.

All furniture should be decorated in the same style: bent legs, gilded handles, ornate decor. The color scheme is restrained. Pastel, chocolate, and beige shades are welcome. Floral motifs are popular.

A chandelier is used for lighting vintage style. If you are planning an antique style, you need to choose the shape of the light bulbs that imitates candles.

The finishing touch is the canopy over the bed. The fabric and colors should be in harmony with other textiles.

Photo gallery: bedroom design ideas

Each room has a large mirror. A massive chandelier should be in every room. The traditional color of the Baroque style is beige. In the center of the room is a massive bed with a carved headboard. All furniture is in burgundy tones. An interesting addition to the interior is a canopy for the bed. A feature of the modern interior is a chair on wheels. carved bedside tables are placed on the sides of the bed

Hallway design

The interior of the hallway should match the decoration of the house. It is this room that is the first thing a visitor sees when opening the door, and the whole impression depends on it.

The furniture set for arranging a hallway is standard: a wardrobe-hanger, a mirror, a small stand for canes and umbrellas, a table. All this comes together into a single package. All products must be massive, carved, decorated with gilding or bronze inserts.

Wood or ceramic tiles are laid on the floor. An interesting solution is to lay out a “checkerboard” tiled pattern.

If the hallway is combined with other rooms, for example, a living room, the zones are demarcated. For this, both contrasting colors and massive colonnades can be used: interior owners strive to emphasize that they do not need to save every centimeter of living space.

The lighting in the hallway is decorated using bronze lamps, stylized as candles. If space allows, you can place several soft chairs or a small sofa in the hallway.

Photo gallery: hallway design options

Hallway in dark colors - perfect solution For modern apartment Zoning is done using contrasting shades A standard prefabricated set in a vintage style The floor in the hallway can be decorated with “checkerboard” tiles A distinctive feature of Baroque is the abundance of wood carvings With an open layout, the transition to another zone can be decorated with columns In a spacious room you can place a sofa and a couple of armchairs

In the design of the living room, combinations of several types of materials are used. At first glance, there is nothing in common between them, but the appropriate scenery works wonders. Among these combinations:

  1. Marble and textiles
  2. Wood and leather
  3. Plaster and bronze and much more.

The flooring is made of parquet and varnished. The walls are lined with plasterboard, finished with stucco and other decorative elements. Window frames- only wooden ones: there is no place for plastic in baroque.

The living room furniture copies the “palace” style. The specific set depends on the dimensions of the room. In most cases, you can limit yourself to a sofa, a few armchairs, and in the center place a round carved table with several soft chairs upholstered in velvet. Additionally, the room can be equipped with:

  1. Small pouf
  2. Dresser
  3. Coffee table.

There is no need to force corners: there should be a “center” in the room.

For decoration, you can take a couple of plaster figurines, a reproduction of a famous artist, or porcelain dishes. A mandatory touch in any room is a large mirror in a massive frame.

Photo gallery: interior solutions for the living room

Mantel - perfect place to accommodate additional decor The size of the sofas may be different, but the design is uniform. Part of the decor can even be antique books A huge mirror in the living room creates the effect of an arched passage. Furniture and decoration should form a single ensemble. A modern baroque living room can be decorated in restrained colors, without deliberate gilding. To decorate the interior, a couple of armchairs, a table and a fireplace portal are enough. Several sets of baroque furniture can be used in the interior.

Children's room interior

It's hard to find for decorating children's rooms best design than baroque: this style allows you to create your own “kingdom” for the child.

The room must have space for a large bed. Visible parts are wooden, polished, decorated with carvings. It is better not to place a wrought iron bed in a children's room.

Also in the nursery there should be desk, a pair of bedside tables, a wardrobe. All items are massive, carved, gilded. Textiles and colors are warm, restrained, light.

The main thing when decorating a nursery is to know what the child thinks about this, and whether he needs another sculpture.

Photo gallery: Baroque in children's design

Floral motifs are welcome in the design. The ceiling can be decorated with frescoes.