Flowers for a flower bed - blooming all summer, low-growing, annuals, perennials - photos with names, diagram. How to arrange a flowerbed of perennials so that it blooms all summer What flowers can be planted in one flowerbed

The florist, like an artist, carefully selects paints and creates paintings, not on canvases, but on flower beds of fresh flowers. Nowadays, people increasingly prefer beautiful flower beds at their dachas, instead of traditional vegetable gardens. In this article we will look at how to choose the right plants to create flower beds in various styles.

Choosing plants for a flower bed

Choosing colors when creating flower beds

If you show your imagination and take into account the effect that various colors on the human psyche, then you can create flower beds that have a different character. And this is not a reservation.

  • Flower beds grown in orange and red tones are exciting, and can even be somewhat annoying if you look at them for a long time.
  • On the contrary, flower beds in blue and blue tones calm down. An orange-yellow flowerbed looks like a joyful bright sun, and even on cloudy days it will seem to illuminate the area.

Usually when creating flower beds they use various combinations colors, sometimes even contrasting, and neutral White color used to smooth them out. For example, the following combinations look very nice:

  • red with yellow and green,
  • purple with yellow,
  • blue with orange.

It all depends on the preferences of the gardener.

The influence of site illumination on the choice of plants

Depending on the lighting, flowers for flower beds of different colors look different.

  • For example, flowers of blue, violet or blue color look faded in partial shade, but in the sun they look impressive.
  • When choosing flowers for a flower bed, you need to remember that they should bloom at the same time if the flower bed is of a regular type. If an irregular flower bed is created, then the flowering of different species should occur sequentially one after another.

The choice of type of flowers largely depends on the location of the flower bed.

  • Well-lit areas also require flowers that love to grow in the sun.

  • Shade-tolerant plants, for example, lilies of the valley, should be planted in a flowerbed located in partial shade. pansies and forget-me-nots.
    • The perennial hosta plant also grows best in partial shade. Its decorative effect lies in the lush green, gray-blue or yellowish-variegated leaves edged with a light border.
    • Unpretentious astilbe does not like bright sun. It has beautiful carved foliage and flowers in fluffy red, pink and white panicles.

  • When choosing flowers, it is necessary to take into account that some of them have different requirements for soil and watering, so it is better to plant flowers that are similar in their requirements in one flowerbed. For example, perennial plants, when fed with nitrogen, begin to “fatten”, that is, there will be a lot of leaves and almost no flowers, while bulbous plants, on the contrary, need nitrogen fertilizing.

Neighborhood of annual and perennial plants

In the same flower bed, many often plant perennials next to annuals and bulbous plants.

  • The earliest flowering ones are bulbous ones, such as daffodils and tulips.
  • Biennials begin to bloom in early June. At the same time, certain types of perennials bloom, for example, peonies and irises.

  • Annuals bloom mainly in July and August.

The most common types of flower beds


A mixborder is a flowerbed of irregular geometric shape.

  • To create them, perennial and annual plants are used together, and in large-area mixborders - even shrubs and trees.
  • Plants are selected so that flowering is continuous throughout the season. Also suitable are species with inconspicuous flowering, but with beautiful decorative leaves.

For example, in the center of a mixborder you can plant trimmed boxwood with wormwood, and behind them, decorative onions, verbena, polygonum and yarrow can be placed in groups. Frame the edge with geranium, mantle and cinquefoil. If the mixborder is located against a wall or fence, then red clematis will look good in the background.


A rockery is a picturesque flowerbed among the stones of large boulders.

  • Fountains and artificial ponds often serve as elements of rock gardens.
  • In such a flower bed you can plant eryngium (Eryngium). This ennobled burdock, reaching a height of up to one meter, has a bluish- grey colour It looks very nice surrounded by stones and pebbles.
  • The lovely flowers of the Carpathian bellflower, a spherical bush that looks like a grassy hummock, will also be beautiful here. This plant is very unpretentious and blooms for a long time.
  • To add to the rockery bright colors, you can use ground cover flowering plants - phlox subulate, thyme, chickweed, violets, primrose, irises.

  • Daffodils and tulips are also suitable for decorating a rocky flower bed. And ferns, heucheras and hostas will give it an elegant look.
  • When purchasing any plants for rock gardens, you should definitely consult with specialists to see if they can grow in the specific conditions of a particular region.

Regular flower beds

Flower beds that have strict geometric shapes are called regular flower beds.

  • Low-growing annual, biennial and bulbous flowers are usually planted on them.
  • A regular flowerbed needs to be looked after all the time, since no deviations from the original shape are allowed here, and growing plants strive to go beyond the outlined boundaries.
  • Large open areas are decorated with regular flower beds. In summer cottages, such flower beds are extremely rare.

Vertical flower beds

Vertical flower beds using climbing plants are very popular among gardeners.

  • The supports for such flower beds can be arbors, walls, special structures made of rods or wire, pergolas, and garden sculptures.
  • Creating a vertical flower bed requires a lot of work and imagination, but its beauty justifies it.
  • They take up a very small area and can be created in small garden plots.
  • Basically, for vertical gardening, annual plants are used that produce long vines and abundant flowering - the well-known nasturtium, begonia, petunia, and many other hanging varieties.
  • Currently, it is very fashionable to use a new hybrid ampelous petunia for vertical gardening - calibrachoa with small flowers, but extremely abundant flowering on 1.5 - 2-meter shoots.

  • Fortunia has gained popularity - it is also a hybrid of petunia, which has larger flowers.
  • For a green background, you can successfully use silver dichondra, which recently appeared on sale. This climbing plant has round, small green and silver leaves, but its flowers are inconspicuous.
  • Nolans are ground cover plants, but they can also be planted in vertical flower beds. The lashes they form are strewn with blue and lilac funnel-shaped flowers. They do not require care, can grow in shaded places, tolerate lack of moisture well, but are afraid of wind. To give the plant the required shape, it is pinched. In combination with bright nasturtiums and marigolds, as well as white petunia flowers or dark blue phacelia, nolans look very impressive.

Edges and borders

Along the garden path, wall or fence, long flower beds - edgings - are laid out.

  • Flower borders can be used to decorate lawns, tree trunk circles trees. -Borders, ridges, and edgings of flower beds are usually decorated with beautiful perennial low-growing plants, for example, saxifrage, primrose, awl-shaped or dwarf phlox, chickweed, edelweiss, dwarf astalbes and many others.
  • On the ridge you can plant primroses, which, with proper care, grow up to 25 cm and are among the first to bloom with red, crimson, pink, and white inflorescences from the end of April. They bloom until June.
  • The flowering of phloxes will replace the primroses on the ridge; they bloom at the end of May and have a wide range of colors in delicate pink, lilac and violet or purple tones.
  • There are many low-growing annuals that are used to decorate borders and borders, for example, asters, begonias, daisies, nasturtiums, forget-me-nots, and lobelias. This is far from full list. However, the use of perennials is preferable, since they do not need to be planted every year, which significantly reduces the amount of garden work in spring period.
  • Low-growing varieties include the exquisite flax of Narbonne, which blooms with blue flowers in July, the large-flowered gazania, with flowers of different colors, reminiscent of daisies, and elecampane with golden flowers.
  • Many gardeners use them as border plants. garden crops spinach and lettuce. A border of curly green and dark purple lettuce looks beautiful. Lettuces of different varieties can fill the gaps between flowers.


Flowerbed formed according to strict geometric shape and forming a harmonious ensemble with a nearby building is called a parterre.

  • The parterres are complemented by arabesques - flower beds made in the shapes of butterflies, flowers or any other. But creating such flower beds is very labor-intensive and expensive, so they are practically never found in dachas.

Group plantings

Many people, when creating landscape design on a site, use group plantings of flowers and other plants.

  • Such flower beds attract with their natural look, since they do not have the correct geometry and are asymmetrical.
  • Used to decorate a sculpture, fountain or house wall.
  • For such a flower garden, they usually use some single flowers, for example, in the spring - tulips, crocuses or primroses. Asters, zinnias, dahlias, lilies, and gladioli are planted in summer groups.
  • You can create group plantings of 4-5 plant species, but you have to select harmonious combinations sizes, colors of flowers and leaves.
  • When creating such a flower garden, you need to strive to achieve a natural appearance, as if it was created by nature and not by man.
  • Examples of group plantings include a combination of delphinium with chamomile and lily, or daylily with hosta, tradescantia and iris. It will look beautiful if you plant tall bells in a group with ferns and foxgloves.

Multi-level flower beds

A popular design solution is to install raised multi-level flower beds, which are visible from any corner of the site.

  • Skilled gardeners can create such stepped flower beds themselves from available materials, for example, from boards, bricks, car tires.
  • You can place roses or phlox in the center, fill the middle level with light flowers of medium height, and plant low dark flowers on the lowest tier. It will be interesting if such a flower bed is made in one color, but with different shades.


The best option for plots small area Round or square monoflowers are considered, on which a specific type of flower is planted, for example, roses, dahlias or asters.

Irregular flower beds

Irregular flower beds are perhaps most widespread among gardeners.

They do not have any strict rules for their design.

  • Both perennial and annual plants flowering at different times are planted on them.
  • The fastest way to do blooming flower bed- this is the use of annual flowers from which colorful compositions are created. Growing them with seedlings, rather than sowing them directly into the ground, significantly speeds up the flowering time.
  • In the middle of the flowerbed, or in the background if the flowerbed is near a wall or fence, taller flowers should be planted, such as lavatera, cosmos, tall decorative sunflowers or bright orange and yellow crocuses.
  • You can also plant perennial plants in the center, for example, delphinium, Turkish cloves, lupine Terry peonies from white and pink to dark burgundy are very beautiful. True, they bloom for a short time, but then the peony bush decorates the flowerbed with beautiful carved foliage until late autumn.
  • Blooming decorative onions, the inflorescences of which look like unusual balls, will make the flowerbed original and visually multi-tiered.

  • All spring, summer and autumn, the inflorescences of decorative yarrow can decorate the flower garden.
  • Universal ornamental plant for the dacha is the host. If it is planted correctly so that there is no stagnation of water, then besides regular watering, practically no care is required. The choice of varieties is very large - from large and tall to low border ones. The decorative element is leaves of various colors of green, yellow, blue and variegated. Hosta can grow in places with different light levels. But partial shade is still better for her. It winters well, so the variety, which has beautiful large leaves, can be safely planted in the center of the flowerbed and not be touched for many years.
  • Bulbous and tuberous tall plants also used to create flower beds - there are a huge variety of lilies, gladioli, and dahlias. But here we must remember that dahlia tubers and gladioli bulbs should be dug up for the winter and stored in a cool basement until spring.
  • The closer to the edges, the lower in height the plants are selected.
  • Annual dahlias are very good in the flowerbed. They bush, have a wide range of colors, bloom profusely almost all summer until frost and are undemanding to care. By the way, their ability to bush strongly should be taken into account when planting seedlings. Otherwise, the plants will become cramped in a month.
  • Breeders have created many varieties of asters, low and tall, with a wide variety of colors, sizes and shapes of flowers. Large needle-shaped asters and abundantly flowering medium-sized spherical asters are very beautiful.
  • Petunia is very popular among annuals due to its abundant flowering and variety of colors.
  • You can complement the gaps between flowers in a well-lit flowerbed with Ageratum Hsuston - a small plant 20 cm high. It blooms profusely with spherical bluish, white and lilac inflorescences almost all summer.
  • When creating a flower bed, it is better not to get carried away with too much variety of species. Designers recommend using one or two flowers that are attractive during the summer, while the rest of the plants gradually replace each other. An example would be a flowerbed with broad-leaved bergenia, daylily or hosta that turns red in autumn.
  • A flower border is planted along the edges of the flower bed, for which low-growing or ground cover plants with inconspicuous small flowers are used. For example, you can plant lungwort, alyssum, sage, mantle, and lavender as a border. The border is also made from awl-shaped phlox, Steller's wormwood or gray sedum. Below is a photo of these plants for the flower bed.

To create a unique landscape design on your site, you can combine different types of flower beds. When planning them, the best effect will be achieved by skillful selection of plants. The main principle of the gardener in this case is the desire for biological and harmonious unity of flowers for flower beds.

Low grades, which, in addition to their aesthetic role, often perform purely practical functions (for example, covering curb slabs). Let's consider which low-growing flowers are best suited for such decoration, and also give the names of the most popular and

Types of low-growing garden flowers

When planning to decorate their area, many people look at their neighbors’ “patches” or listen to the advice of designers. And in the end it turns out that practically the same plants appear on the list of potential “new residents” of the garden. Therefore, it makes sense to take a closer look at them, dividing them into different “age” groups for convenience.

Small annuals for flower beds

An ideal option for those taking their first steps in design. It's simple - in one season you can take a closer look at the planted species and keep the ones you like. In a couple of years of such “selection” you can form a gorgeous flower bed. In this regard, it is more profitable to take annual low-growing flowers for the flowerbed, which are pleasing to the eye and bloom all summer. Among the variety of such varieties, the following stand out:

  • (or tagetes), growing on any and not requiring frequent watering. This unpretentious plant gives color from the first days of June. Until autumn, yellow or red flowers in the form of baskets (4-6 cm in diameter) are visible, which give the area a warm brightness. “Mixed” color is not uncommon. The best option would be to plant thin-leaved or rejected bushes;

Important! Replanting during flowering is highly undesirable.-there is a risk of destroying the plant.

Did you know? The first flower clock was created almost 300 years ago-gardeners from the Swedish city of Uppsala presented their creation in 1720.

Two-year-old flowerbed residents

In most cases, such low-growing plants are used to decorate borders, as you can see by looking at the photo, and the names will seem familiar to many. The “top” biennials are:

  • Neat and low (15 cm) bushes enliven the overall appearance with their yellow or red flowers with a “glamorous” shine. On each of them you can count up to 20 narrow petals, which together form a circle of 4-6 cm. But such beauty requires caution - Adonis are dangerous due to their poison, which is contained on all parts of the plant. If there are children on the site, it is better to refuse planting;

All mentioned species have one thing in common - seedlings bloom only in the second year after seedlings are planted. Most varieties are frost-resistant, and many owners leave them in the ground for the winter. And there are also some economic benefits: for a couple of years you can forget about buying seeds.

Decorating flower beds with low-growing perennials

A separate topic is low-growing perennials and the selection of “long-lasting” varieties for a specific flower bed. Let’s make a reservation right away: there are many of them, and this makes the choice somewhat difficult. If you have never had to deal with them before, pay attention to the following types:

Having learned the names of the most popular ones, take into account the fact that perennial low-growing varieties It is customary to divide into two groups: frost-resistant and requiring removal for subsequent wintering in warmth. , and will calmly wait for spring in the ground, while , and are more sensitive to temperature changes.

Annuals or perennials - selection criteria

Having finally chosen the varieties you like, do not rush into the purchase, but make a preliminary “binding”, having thought about where exactly on your site the desired ones will grow. Here you will have to take into account the nuances that it is advisable for everyone to know about. Let us recall the main ones:

  • Climate, light and temperature conditions. Annuals and biennials are usually planted in sun or partial shade. Perennials are quietly accepted in the spreading shade of trees;
  • Humidity. Damp, shaded lowlands are not suitable for all varieties (as well as dry “patches” with moderate watering);
  • Nature and rate of growth. For plants with wide roots of the “creeping” type, proximity to other varieties will be somewhat problematic - the rhizomes may simply stick together. To form a composition in a flower bed, it is better to use “deep” rooting;
  • Finally, decorative “abilities”. In this regard, annual species are preferable, the short “age” of which is compensated by unusual coloring. Imported hybrid lines stand out especially.

These are the kind of basics that should not be forgotten. But low, long-flowering flowers, depending on their “age,” can have both pros and cons, so garden perennial and annual varieties Even before planting, it’s worth “sorting it out on the shelves.” In favor perennials put forward the following arguments:

  • Less labor intensive (no need to dig every year);
  • Frost resistance;
  • Reproduction by division - to obtain new seedlings, it is enough to “cut” an existing bush (again, saving on seeds);
  • Easy to care for.
Among the shortcomings, we can only highlight the demanding nature of some “exotics” and the overly active growth of roots, which some varieties suffer from. In plants with a growth cycle of 1 or 2 years There are not so many advantages:
  • They are brighter than their “older” neighbors;
  • Seasonal replacement of seedlings allows you to change the appearance of the flowerbed almost every season.
Actually, this is where the advantages of “weather weather” end. The disadvantages are more complicated - there is a high cost of seeds, and high labor costs, coupled with sensitivity to soil conditions and cold weather. Despite this, many people successfully combine flowers with different “life expectancies” in their flower beds.

Basic rules for caring for low-growing flowers

Any garden plants used for decoration need special care, so low-growing annuals and perennial varieties are no exception. Let's remember the most important points growing. Among them:

  • Proper placement of seedlings. The height is selected so that the shoots do not stretch out too much (a too “cramped” planting is also undesirable);
  • Timely watering followed by loosening. The roots should receive air regularly, and not become crusty after moistening. We also have to take into account the “varietal” need for moisture - they try not to fill decorative arrays entirely, but to moisten each bush separately;
  • Cleaning up those that have barely appeared, which are absolutely useless in the flowerbed;

Important! When planting, they try to divide long-flowering species so that about 5-6 buds remain on each seedling.

  • Competent fertilizer with complex compounds. You should not overuse the drugs - they will cause the green mass to grow, and the expected flowering may turn out to be very modest. The same applies to strong “organic matter” such as unrotted manure, which, when applied generously, can burn the rhizome;
  • Spraying with effective, but at the same time soft, compounds. Strong mixtures seem to remove pests, but at the slightest “overdose” they will significantly reduce the decorative effect;
  • Removing dry buds and diseased specimens.

Of course, some procedures look labor-intensive compared to conventional ones, but in return you can get an impressive play of colors and tones, which will be provided by well-groomed plants. To do this, maintain planting dates - bulbous species are placed in the ground throughout October, while similar varieties are planted in the spring. This is how they achieve the effect of constant flowering.

The right combination of colors in flower beds

This is the best “test of the pen” for an amateur landscape designer. After all, it’s not enough to stock up on seedlings; you also need to place them wisely on the site, not forgetting to combine varieties by color. It is also necessary to take into account the location of buildings or trees - the light regime depends on them.

The following combinations look most advantageous:

If you have a private house within the city limits, or your own dacha, you definitely need to arrange a garden, small flower beds near the gates, arrange a cozy courtyard on the site, or even a gorgeous flower garden. Agree, a beautiful organization will delight not only your eyes, just imagine the admiring glances of people passing by, or your guests!

And you probably managed to scroll through our photos of flower beds of unpretentious flowers, making sure of their charm and attractive appearance. Perhaps someone has already guessed that to arrange such splendor, one should use the options of flowering plants. Moreover, both single- and multi-year plants are suitable here. Bright flowers will be a wonderful decoration for any area, and you will feel their subtle aromas throughout the summer! But in this case, it does not mean at all that you need a gardener. Yes, there is a large number of directly unpretentious type of plants that anyone can grow, even if the gardener is an inexperienced gardener. The main task is to adhere to the basic rules when growing flowers.

Annual unpretentious flowers for flower beds

There are a huge variety of such plants. However, among them there are also those that are simply ideal for landscaping street areas, as well as courtyards. They are not at all whimsical; you can buy seedlings at any time, and you do not have to spend a lot of money, effort and time. As a result, grow seedlings on your own.

Such plants exist in numerous variations; there are not only a dozen of them, but several dozen of them! Anyone can buy them at a flower market or in a special store. They are quite strong and begin to bloom quite early. It happens that you can immediately find and buy seedlings that are ten centimeters high, and even have the first flower on it!

  • Even if we compare different varieties of this plant, then they can have a height of 10 cm and can reach as much as one and a half meters! Everything depends directly on the variety.
  • Their sizes, shapes, and shades are also very diverse. The flowers can be very small, the entire bush will be dotted with them, or they can be huge, on which the inflorescences look like they are made of terry.
  • In marigolds you will find absolutely any colors. There are both yellow and red here. Their height may be the same, but some will have dark red flowers, while others will have lemon yellow flowers. In fact, there is a very wide variety in flowerbed design. Much of this depends directly on your fantasies.

This type of plant is very popular among designers who design landscape designs. And all this is due to the fact that the species blooms for a long time, is unpretentious in care, and you can choose a wide variety of shapes and colors. To grow such flowers yourself, you need to take long, needle-shaped seeds and sow them at a shallow depth, directly in pots/under film. The main thing is to wait until April comes. After a couple of weeks, the marigolds will begin to sprout quickly, and accordingly, you will be able to transplant them into the prepared flower garden/bed.

They need to be watered moderately; it is also important to remember that they love the sun. They will bloom in a flowerbed arranged in the shade only if the plant is planted as an adult, with two or more inflorescences. In this case, growth will stop, but this will not affect flowering at all.


Once you plant this flower, you will want to do it again! They have an amazing subtle aroma, the shades come in a wide variety. It's simply impossible not to fall in love with them. But they still have one drawback. They do not like shade at all, and even with slight shading, the inflorescences will decrease very sharply and many times. Their petals are very delicate, have the shape of small gramophones, perfectly tolerate the rays of the sun, they come in different colors. This species grows well in open areas, delighting people's views.

The plant can be found in a variety of varieties, for example bush or ampelous; the flowers are also regular or double, and indeed in any color of the rainbow. Flowerbeds that are decorated with petunias in the same pattern look very impressive. color scheme, for example, sky blue, soft pink, violet, scarlet. Also varieties come in two colors. At the base, the petals are white or in contrast. If you choose an ampel variety, it is important to know that they will put out loops that are long enough, they will be covered with buds everywhere. You can see them in our photo of unpretentious flowers.

  • To grow such a plant on your own, sow microscopic-sized seeds under a piece of glass, but you do not need to sprinkle them with soil.
  • When you notice the shoots, they need to be replanted while still thin, right with a lump, and it is very important that the root is not damaged.
  • When the second leaf appears, you can transplant the petunia into a flowerbed, where, under excellent conditions, it blooms and blooms quite quickly.


It has fleshy lashes, its leaves round shapes, quite wide, and the flowers are the most delicate and fragrant. But, among the advantages of this plant, this is not the only one! They are considered edible, their seeds are similar to capers, and they are eaten pickled. As for the flowers, they decorate cooked dishes. Such blooming unpretentious flowers in the flowerbed will delight you throughout the warm summer. Moreover, even partial shade will not affect them in any way. Your main task in caring for them is to water and feed the plants in a timely manner.

They are very diverse in varieties. There are even those in which the loops are almost three meters tall, while the shoots are completely covered with flowers. You can also choose plants with shorter shoots; they will look very beautiful. And their varieties have bright colors, the flowers are covered with terry, shades can be found in both red and yellow. This plant has rather large seeds that resemble peas. They need to be planted directly into the ground, as they begin to sprout quite quickly. The same goes for flowering.


A long time ago, everyone knows these flowers that resemble the sun orange color. They are not only decorative, because they are also considered medicinal. Calendula grows in small bushes that are literally sprinkled with orange flowers, and in a wide variety of shades. It is advisable to pluck the upper parts in a timely manner so that the growth of the plant is stopped. This type of plant belongs to the asters; the flowers are very reminiscent of chamomile, and of course an aster. Very beautiful, the views covered with terry are simply incredible.

Growing calendula is not at all difficult. You can grow seedlings yourself, or plant seedlings purchased at the market/store in flower beds.

This plant needs sunlight, water in moderation, and the soil must be loose. Under such conditions, the plant will bloom quite early. Flowers that will fade must be carefully trimmed so that the overall appearance of the flower garden is not spoiled. You can also collect calendula seeds if you wish. In this case, you will need to leave literally a few bushes with three or more inflorescences.

Perennial unpretentious flowers for the flower bed

If we compare perennials with annuals, then the former do not have such a wide variety compared to the latter. And besides, they simply do not bloom throughout the summer. However, some of the perennials are still unpretentious, pleasing the eye with their flowering throughout the summer.


A folk flower that has long received a huge reputation among people. Many songs with poems were written about him. This plant is actually great for people who don't have the time or energy to take care of their flower beds. It grows with minimal care. The petals of the plant are sky blue, as well as yellow and white pink. Flowers with terry covering are very popular.

Cornflowers are grown in absolutely any way, from seeds, pieces of rhizomes, and also by dividing bushes. If you plant such a plant once, your flowerbed will be landscaped simply wonderfully, because cornflowers begin to sprout in the spring, and they do not require any special care or care.

Tradescantia garden

Perennial plant. It blooms with small blue flowers, spreading independently throughout the flower garden or flower bed, while completely covering their surfaces. The stems have a bright green color, they have small flowers, as well as long leaves of a longitudinal shape, which looks incredibly beautiful, like one huge, lush carpet! The plants do not require mowing or pruning; the stems reach a length of 20 cm if the area is exposed to sunlight. The stems of Tradescantia are quite strong, they stand perfectly in an upright position, and quite continuous thickets are formed.

These plants need to be watered regularly; they grow very well in the shade, and they bloom, but not too much, although the stems increase in length. Also, if desired, propagate plants; to do this, break off the petiole and stick it into moist soil. IN autumn period Small seeds fall from it, and they begin to sprout beautifully in the spring. In this case, there is absolutely no need to dig up or plow the soil in the flowerbed. Over the course of an entire summer, just one stem can produce a whole square meter of green carpet.


It is also called a doggie. The plant blooms throughout the summer. These flowers are unpretentious for the garden; they have very interesting shapes with bright, charming shades. They can be either tall or short. Inflorescences can also be of different colors. Dogs come in any colors, with the exception of blue and light blue. Small bushes tolerate shade well, but at the same time, it is better to provide a sunny part of the flowerbed for growing them. Yes, and be sure to water the plant regularly. Observing these conditions, flower beds with snapdragons on your personal plot will be simply great.

And it is absolutely not necessary to have extensive experience in gardening in order to grow beautiful flowers. As you noticed from the article, both single- and perennial plants are completely unpretentious in terms of care, which means that such plants are perfect for a “newbie” in this business. After all, caring for them does not require any special effort or spending a lot of time.

But create beautiful flower bed, and subsequently caring for her is always pleasant, but not always easy work. It is the flower beds in which perennial and even unpretentious flowers are planted that will help the gardener reduce conditions. Perennial flowers that bloom throughout the summer are the most perfect option in this case. Of course, you can also choose roses that will require special care. At the same time, you can choose completely unpretentious plants, for example, which were discussed in this article. In any case, perennials will sprout in the same place every year. At the same time, they easily tolerate wintering, and they do not need to be planted every year.

I really want to hope that when choosing beautiful types of flowers, you will not be afraid of the difficulties of caring for them. As a result, you will enjoy gorgeous perennial flowers that bloom throughout the summer. But this is the very best reward for any gardener. We wish you success in this matter and good results!

50 photos of unpretentious flowers for a flower bed

The flower beds we are used to have a significant drawback: they are pleasing to the eye in the spring or in the first half of summer. Then there is a lull, which lasts, as a rule, until September, when the asters bloom. Do you want to know how to make a flowerbed of perennials so that it blooms all summer and begins to please the eye in the spring?

I analyzed the materials, collected diagrams and will share my opinion on how to properly make a flower bed continuous flowering. The article will serve as a guide for me and in a year you will be able to see the results. If after reading there are additions, you are welcome to comment. I will definitely take everything into account.

Rules for designing flower beds of continuous flowering

Where would there be no rules? They are always there. What should you consider before starting work?

  1. Plants should complement each other throughout the warm season.
  2. You need to pick up shrubs. The rule is relevant if you want to make mixborders. When creating ordinary flower beds, it can be ignored.
  3. A large flowering group of plants looks more attractive than scattered islands. Therefore, when creating a flower bed, you need to group plants according to flowering time.
  4. The desired effect can be achieved only with the help of an irregular flower bed. In other words, different plants will bloom in different months, so the color of the flower bed will change.
  5. The size of the plot plays an important role. A beautiful flowerbed of continuous flowering can only be achieved in a large area. But on a plot of 6 acres you will have to make several small flower beds.

It seems like the rules have been sorted out. Now let's look at the diagrams.

Patterns of continuous flowering beds

Scheme No. 1. For beginners

If you have never made flower beds that bloom all summer before, then this scheme is just for you. To be honest, for me too. Look at the image.

How was this composition composed?

  1. Phlox paniculata pink color.
  2. Astilbe pink.
  3. Daylily violet-silver.
  4. Heuchera.
  5. Geranium.

The emphasis of this composition is on tall and medium-sized flowers. Such a flower bed can decorate the corners of a summer cottage. To achieve continuous flowering, combine early, mid and late varieties.

Scheme No. 2. For romantics

This scheme is more complicated. Plants of many species are grouped here, so you will have to try and prepare the right soil for each. See the detailed diagram (decoding under the picture).

The following types of plants are used in this scheme.

  1. Lavender angustifolia.
  2. Turkish cloves.
  3. Veronica spica.
  4. Carpathian bell.
  5. Garden chrysanthemum.
  6. Liatris.
  7. Kniphofia berry.
  8. Hybrid daylily.
  9. Bearded iris.
  10. Peony milky-flowered.
  11. Coreopsis whorled.
  12. Chamomile.
  13. Phlox paniculata.
  14. Delphinium terry.

Please note: this scheme uses group planting of flowers. It is better if they grow not one by one, but in a group.

Scheme No. 3. Work along the paths

If the layout of your dacha or rural estate involves the use of straight paths, then you can decorate them using a flower bed according to this scheme. Rabatka is a flowerbed rectangular shape, resembling an ordinary garden bed. By combining perennials, taking into account the timing of flowering, you can create a composition that will delight the eye all summer. See picture.

The following types of plants are grouped in this flowerbed of continuous flowering.

  1. Delphinium.
  2. Scabiosa Caucasian.
  3. Echinacea purpurea.
  4. Khosta is a patriot.
  5. Oak anemone.
  6. Cushion aster.
  7. Noble liverwort.
  8. Brunera macrophylla.
  9. Peony milky-flowered.
  10. Erngeron.

It is advisable to complement such a composition, located along the paths, with non-flowering plants. Then their green leaves will highlight different inflorescences and it will be possible to create the appearance of natural plant growth. Stones arranged in a picturesque order will also not be out of place.

Scheme No. 4. Compact flower bed

If your plot is small, for example 6 acres, this option is just for you. You can make a beautiful flower bed from perennial plants on small area. The background, which accentuates the attention, is created using a lattice along which clematis climbs.

The scheme involves planting two varieties of clematis: early and late. At the same time, the choice of flower colors is not limited; you can create your own, unique composition.

The following plants were selected for this flowerbed:

  1. Thyme.
  2. Cuff.
  3. Geranium.
  4. Sedum.
  5. Bloodroot.
  6. Yarrow hybrid.
  7. Allium with spherical inflorescences.
  8. Multigrass purple.
  9. Verbena.
  10. Boxwood is cone-shaped.
  11. Artemisia pinnate (silver).
  12. Korean mint.
  13. Echinacea officinalis.
  14. Lavatera.
  15. Clematis

Such a flowerbed of continuous flowering will delight the eye from the first days of July to the beginning of September. In this case, the shades will change as some plants stop flowering and others begin to bloom. The composition is chosen in such a way that even without flowering plants it will look great due to the shades of foliage and plant stems.

Scheme No. 5. Imitation stream

If you have long dreamed of decorating your area with a pond, but do not have such an opportunity, the idea of ​​​​creating a dry stream will suit you. And to make it more natural, a scheme for placing perennial plants will help, which will cover the borders of the pebbles and serve as an additional decoration. As a result, you will create a realistic illusion of a dry river.

In this scheme, plants perform specific roles. However, see for yourself.

  1. Leaf bamboo. The plant is not flowering, but, due to the shape and size of the stems, it creates the effect of the beginning of a stream. In addition, this is a tall plant and therefore attracts attention in the composition.
  2. Bearded iris.
  3. Lobelia.
  4. A tenacious creeping creature.
  5. Poskharsky's bell.
  6. Aubrieta hybrids.
  7. Brunnera macrofolia.
  8. Bryozoan stylifolia.
  9. A tenacious creeping creature.
  10. Again bamboo or another similar plant.

Please note: not all plants in such a flower bed are flowering; most of them serve to imitate the banks of a stream, and only a few dilute the green background with bright inflorescences.

Scheme No. 6. "Quick Flowerbed"

What should the most impatient gardeners do? After all, almost all plants do not bloom in the first year after planting, but you want to quickly enjoy the result of your labor. In this case, you can use the diagram below.

With the help of such a flower bed of continuous flowering, you can easily hide a fence or ugly wall. The following plants are used.

  1. Stock roses. Choose flowers of different shades to create a beautiful background.
  2. Decorative sunflower.
  3. Iceland poppy.
  4. Gaillardia.
  5. Lobelia cardinalis. With its help, a red stripe is created, focusing the viewer’s attention.
  6. Depths of three grades at your discretion.
  7. Poskharsky's bell.
  8. Catananche blue.
  9. Avens.
  10. Heuchera.

The last two types of flowers will provide an elegant look to the flowerbed until the first frost.

All plants used in the scheme are selected taking into account the characteristics of care. You won’t need to rack your brains, leaf through reference books, or create your own growing conditions for each group. Therefore, this option is suitable for beginner gardeners. However, sophisticated lovers of flower beds will also be delighted.

Scheme No. 7. "Bright Arch"

The gate looks beautiful if it is designed in the form of an arch. Is it possible to make it bloom constantly? Can. If you choose the right plants, such a composition will decorate your site all summer and part of the fall. And the following diagram will help you with this.

The creation of such a flower garden is based on the principle of multi-tiering, so the following types of perennial plants are used.

  1. Liatris spikelet
  2. Sedum rock.
  3. Oak sage.
  4. Cushion aster.
  5. Sedum creaks.
  6. Switchgrass millet.
  7. Veronica longifolia.
  8. Yarrow meadowsweet.
  9. Hollyhock.
  10. Annual sunflower (exception in the composition).
  11. Clematis Jacquemand.
  12. Climbing rose.
  13. Buddha of David.
  14. Rudbeckia glossy.
  15. Aster novobelgica.
  16. Yarrow meadowsweet.
  17. Rudbeckia brilliant.
  18. Aster cushion-shaped.
  19. Foxtail pinnately.
  20. Fireman's bell.

This arch goes well with fences and walls made of any materials. Flowers look especially good against the background of brick, stone, or picket fence.

Scheme No. 8. "Penumbra Lover"

If you need to decorate a slightly shaded area, then this principle of placing flowers is best suited. Here we have selected plants that tolerate light shade perfectly.

You will need to plant the following plants.

  1. Host.
  2. Dicentra is magnificent.
  3. Episedium red.
  4. Liriope muscariformes
  5. Geranium.
  6. Tender lungwort.
  7. Spring umbilicalus.
  8. Violet.

The peculiarity of this flower bed is that it will bloom from May to October, gradually changing color and shades. At its core, it is a mixborder, which means it can be placed near walls and fences.

Appeal to readers

There are many options and schemes. I have selected the most interesting, in my opinion, ideas for continuous flowering beds in order to talk about them all - the article is not enough. Schemes of flowerbeds of their perennials that bloom all summer, as well as other options, will be published every Saturday.

How to make a flowerbed of perennials so that it blooms all summer