What does board of trustees mean? What is a board of trustees

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1. General Provisions

1.1. These Regulations on the Board of Trustees [indicate the name of the educational organization higher education] (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) was developed on the basis of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in Russian Federation", letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "On the Board of Trustees of the University" dated March 24, 2000 N 15-13in/15-11 and other regulatory legal acts.

1.2. This Regulation establishes the procedure for the formation of the board of trustees, its term of office, competence and procedure for activities in [indicate the name of the educational organization of higher education] (hereinafter referred to as the Educational Organization).

1.3. The main goal The Board of Trustees under these Regulations is to assist in solving pressing problems of the development of an educational organization and forming it as a center for training highly qualified specialists capable of solving problems of a fundamental and applied nature at the level of modern requirements, expert and consulting activities, the introduction of the latest information and pedagogical technologies, ensuring competitiveness in the domestic and international markets educational services.

1.4. According to these Regulations, the board of trustees acts on a voluntary basis and is not a legal entity.

1.5. The Board of Trustees promotes financial assistance to the educational organization in the implementation of its statutory activities, preservation and development of the material and technical base.

2.1. The composition of the board of trustees is initially approved by the academic council of the educational organization.

After approval of the initial composition of the board of trustees, other members of the board of trustees are co-opted into the composition of the board of trustees by the board of trustees itself.

2.2. The composition of the board of trustees under these Regulations includes employees of the educational organization and students therein, representatives of the founder of the educational organization, representatives of employers, executive authorities [indicate the name of the subject of the Russian Federation], authorities local government and in accordance with the Charter of the educational organization [indicate representatives of other organizations].

2.3. The decision to become a member of the board of trustees is made by the board of trustees by a simple majority of votes.

2.4. According to these Regulations, the board of trustees includes no more than [meaning] people.

2.5. The Board of Trustees elects a chairman and co-chairman of the board of trustees from among its members.

2.6. The chairman and co-chairman of the board of trustees are elected for the entire term of the trustee term and may be relieved from fulfilling these duties by written application or if there are compelling reasons by decision of [value] the total number of its members.

2.7. According to these Regulations, the Board of Trustees forms a permanent committee (hereinafter referred to as the Committee), consisting of [fill in the required one].

2.8. The term of office of the board of trustees is set at [insert period].

In the event of the early retirement of one of the members of the board of trustees, its composition may be replenished by electing a new member.

The powers of new members of the board of trustees are limited by the term of activity of the board of trustees of this composition.

2.9. Membership in the board of trustees is terminated in the following cases:

2.9.1. When sending a written statement of resignation to the chairman of the board of trustees and the rector of the educational organization.

A member of the board of trustees is considered to have resigned from the board of trustees upon expiration of [meaning] days after sending such an application to the above persons.

2.9.2. Upon termination of membership in the board of trustees by decision of the board of trustees.

3.1. The work of the board of trustees is organized by its chairman and co-chairman.

3.2. The highest governing body of the board of trustees is the general meeting.

3.3. The General Meeting has the authority to make decisions on all issues of its activities.

3.4. General meetings of the board of trustees are held [indicate the frequency of the general meeting]. The date of the general meeting of the board of trustees and the convocation of an extraordinary meeting are determined by the decision of its committee.

3.5. Decisions are considered valid if at least [value] members of the board of trustees take part in the general meeting.

Decisions are made by a simple majority of those present at the general meeting of the board of trustees.

3.6. For the period between meetings, the board of trustees delegates to the committee its powers to implement current control activities of the educational organization, providing it with urgent support and organizing the work of the board of trustees.

3.7. According to these Regulations, the general meeting:

3.7.1. Elects the committee, chairman and co-chairman of the board of trustees.

3.7.2. Determines the main areas of activity of the board of trustees.

3.7.3. Determines the personal composition of the committee of the board of trustees.

3.7.4. Approves reports on the work of the chairman, co-chairman and committee.

3.7.5. Resolves issues regarding the reorganization and liquidation of the board of trustees.

3.8. According to these Regulations, the committee:

3.8.1. Determines the priority of projects and programs of the board of trustees.

3.8.2. Determines the size of entrance and membership fees.

3.8.3. Establishes the procedure for the distribution of income, types, amounts and directions of use of funds and property of the board of trustees.

3.8.4. Approves project and program managers for the board of trustees and appoints specialists.

3.8.5. Approves funding for the current activities of the board of trustees.

3.8.6. Approves annual reports, balance sheets, cost estimates structural divisions board of trustees.

3.9. According to these Regulations, the chairman and co-chairman of the board of trustees:

3.9.1. Resolve issues related to the conclusion of agreements, contracts with various organizations and individuals.

3.9.3. Represent the board of trustees before authorities and management, as well as in relations with legal entities and individuals.

3.9.4. Delegate their powers to committee members.

3.10. According to these Regulations, members of the board of trustees:

3.10.1. Make proposals on the agenda, on the order of holding the general meeting of the board of trustees.

3.10.2. Organize the preparation of reports based on the results of evaluation of program implementation.

3.10.3. Carry out other activities in accordance with these Regulations.

3.11. The general meeting of the board of trustees is chaired by the chairman of the board of trustees, and in his absence - by the co-chairman or one of the members by decision of the board of trustees.

3.12. Notification of the general meeting is sent to members of the board of trustees no later than [value] days before the date of such meeting by fax, e-mail or in any other way determined by the decision of the board of trustees.

3.13. The rector of an educational organization participates in meetings of the board of trustees with the right of an advisory vote.

3.14. Decisions of the board of trustees on issues outside its exclusive competence are of a recommendatory and advisory nature.

4.1. According to these Regulations, the board of trustees represents its interests, the interests of individual organizations, whose representatives are members of the board, in federal and local executive authorities, public and international organizations, the media, as well as in relations with other educational organizations and individual citizens.

4.2. The Board of Trustees carries out its functions within the competence defined by these Regulations and is guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as the Charter of the educational organization.

4.3. Representatives of the board of trustees may be members of the admissions and state certification commissions.

4.4. The Board of Trustees acts on the basis of equality of rights of its members, transparency, in close contact with the rector and academic council of the educational organization.

4.5. Members of the board of trustees carry out their activities on a public basis, without interruption from their main activities.

4.6. The board of trustees has no right to interfere in the current operational and administrative activities of the administration of an educational organization.

5.1. According to these Regulations, the board of trustees of an educational organization performs the following functions:

5.1.1. Conducting an assessment of the research, educational and implementation activities of an educational organization and the compliance of its results with the set goals and objectives of projects and programs.

5.1.2. Drawing up a conclusion based on the results of the inspection.

5.1.3. Sending conclusions on the results of the inspection to the head of the educational organization.

5.1.4. Approval of projects and programs implemented by an educational organization.

5.1.5. Consideration of complaints and applications from students and other persons regarding the actions (inaction) of teaching and administrative personnel of an educational organization.

5.1.6. Facilitating outreach budget funds to ensure the activities and development of the educational organization.

5.1.7. Performs other functions within its competence.

5.2. The main objectives of the activities of the board of trustees of an educational organization under these Regulations include:

5.2.1. Assistance in financing and implementation of promising initiatives and innovations, new information technologies, contributing to updating the content of educational programs.

5.2.2. Promoting the development of a system of continuous economic, spiritual and moral education of students, the development of their business and professional qualities.

5.2.3. Support for research activities, formation and development of scientific schools of educational organizations.

5.2.4. Promoting the establishment and development of international scientific, technical and cultural cooperation.

5.2.5. Assistance in the construction of educational, scientific and social facilities of an educational organization, acquisition of equipment, materials, computer and organizational equipment necessary for the educational process of conducting scientific research.

5.2.6. Social protection students, graduate students, listeners and employees, including faculty.

5.2.7. Promoting the results of scientific, practical and other socially useful activities, promoting and taking into account the needs of the national economy.

5.3. The Board of Trustees may exercise other rights in its activities in accordance with current legislation.

6.1. The property and funds of the board of trustees are formed from entrance and membership fees, special-purpose contributions (equity contributions) for the implementation of projects and programs implemented by the educational organization.

6.2. Accumulation Money, in the form of annual membership fees, is carried out on the accounts of [fill in what is required].

6.3. The funds of the board of trustees are spent in accordance with the goals and objectives (according to the estimate).

6.4. Members of the board of trustees inform all investors about the use of funds.

Liquidation and reorganization of the board of trustees of an educational organization is carried out by decision of the general meeting of the board of trustees.

Head of structural unit


[initials, surname]

[day month Year]


[job title]


[initials, surname]

[day month Year]

Head of the legal department


[initials, surname]

[day month Year]

I APPROVED ADOPTED by order of the educational decision of the general meeting of the institution of the parent committee "__" _______ 200_ "__" ________ 200__ Director: __________ Chairman _________

1. General Provisions

1.1. The board of trustees of an educational institution is a self-government body educational institution(hereinafter - the Institution) and is created to assist in organizing the statutory activities of an educational institution, its functioning and development, exercising public supervision over the financial and economic activities of the Institution and strengthening its material and technical base.

1.2. The Board of Trustees is not a legal entity.

1.3. The Board of Trustees acts on the basis of the Regulations on the Board of Trustees, approved by order of the director of the educational institution.

1.4. The procedure for the formation, powers and organization of activities of the Board of Trustees are determined by the Charter of the Institution and the Regulations on the Board of Trustees. The Regulations on the Board of Trustees define the tasks, functions and rights of the Board of Trustees.

1.5. These Regulations and the activities of the Board of Trustees cannot contradict the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the charter of the educational institution.

1.6. The Board of Trustees closely interacts with the Council of the educational institution and its founders, but does not have the right to interfere in the current operational and administrative activities of the Institution. The decisions of the Board of Trustees are of a recommendatory and advisory nature.

2. Goals and objectives of the Board of Trustees

2.1. The main goal of the Board of Trustees is to promote the functioning and development of the educational institution.

2.2. In its activities, the Board of Trustees solves the following tasks:

Promotes the unification of efforts of organizations and citizens in providing financial, material and other types of support to an educational institution;

Promotes the formation of a financial fund of an educational institution;

Promotes the improvement of the material and technical base of the educational institution, the improvement of its premises and territory;

Promotes the attraction of extra-budgetary funds to ensure the activities and development of the educational institution;

Participates in the formation of orders for the types and levels of educational services offered to students;

Provides educational institutions with various types of non-material assistance (intellectual, legal, cultural, informational, etc.);

Promotes the organization and improvement of working conditions for teaching and other employees of an educational institution;

Promotes the organization of competitions, competitions and other mass extracurricular events of the educational institution;

Establishes scholarships for certain categories of students and pupils;

Promotes the provision of financial assistance to socially vulnerable categories of children in receiving paid additional educational services, additional subsidies for food, purchase of educational literature, school supplies and other types of necessary assistance;

Promotes development international relations educational institution, interaction with organizations operating in the field of educational and information technologies, and also provides assistance in the field of children's tourism and the allocation of funds for international cultural exchange, including professional;

Considers other issues within the competence of the Board of Trustees by the Charter of the educational institution.

3. Competence of the Board of Trustees

3.1. To implement the goals and objectives assigned to it, the Board of Trustees has the right to:

Independently form a composition on the basis of a voluntary association of representatives of organizations, associations, citizens to solve the assigned tasks;

Attract sponsorship materials, as well as services and assistance of a different nature in order to facilitate the functioning and development of the educational institution;

Make proposals to organizations and individuals, parents of students to provide all possible assistance to the educational institution;

Make decisions on the direction of raised funds for purposes educational process and approve the corresponding cost estimate;

To promote the appropriate expenditure of budget funds allocated for the maintenance of the Institution, as well as funds transferred to the Institution by citizens and legal entities as voluntary donations and gifts. In case of their inappropriate use and expenditure, inform the authorities exercising control over the activities of the Institution about this;

Periodically hear reports from the management of the educational institution on the implementation of decisions made by the Board of Trustees;

Get acquainted with the development prospects of the educational institution, hear reports on the implementation of development programs of the Institution at this stage, propose appropriate adjustments;

Hear proposals from other governing bodies of the Institution for the improvement and development of the educational institution;

Make proposals to the Council of an educational institution on issues of improving its activities in the field of education, culture, services to the population, strengthening the personnel of the Institution and developing its material and technical base;

Take part in conferences, meetings, seminars, as well as speak in the media on the provision of educational services by the Institution;

Participate in auditing the activities of the Institution.

3.2. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees informs the self-government body of the educational institution, which is responsible for the adoption of local acts of the educational institution, and state bodies that monitor the activities of the Institution about the identified shortcomings in the work of the Institution, and also makes proposals for their elimination.

3.3. At the annual meeting following the results of the year, the Board of Trustees of the educational institution presents a report on the work done. The meeting is held on the basis of transparency with the participation of representatives of the Council of the educational institution, the parent committee, the pedagogical council, as well as other organizations and individuals interested in improving the activities and development of the educational institution.

3.4. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees establishes contact with the media about the activities of the Board.

4. Organization and procedure for the activities of the Board of Trustees

4.1. The Board of Trustees is created for the entire period of activity of the Institution or for a period determined by the Charter of the educational institution.

4.2. Members of the Board of Trustees perform their duties free of charge and without interruption from their main activities.

4.3. The Board of Trustees operates on the basis of transparency and equality of rights of its members.

4.4. The composition of the Board of Trustees is formed on a voluntary basis from parents (legal representatives) of pupils and students, representatives of organizations, associations, citizens who provide the Institution with constant financial, material, legal, organizational, information and other assistance.

The Board of Trustees may include founders, representatives of government bodies of the Russian Federation and St. Petersburg, local government bodies, the media and legal entities regardless of the form of ownership, as well as citizens who have expressed a desire to work on the Board of Trustees and are capable, by their business and moral qualities, of fulfilling the tasks facing it.

4.5. Members of the Board of Trustees may be adult citizens of the Russian Federation and other states.

4.6. The first composition of the Board of Trustees is approved by a decision of the self-government body of the educational institution, whose competence is the adoption of local acts of the educational institution. The Board of Trustees includes at least 5 (five) members. The director of an educational institution is required to be a member of the Board of Trustees.

4.7. The Board of Trustees is headed by a chairman who has organizational and coordination powers. The Chairman and Deputy Chairman are elected annually at the first meeting of the Board of Trustees by a majority vote in open voting in agreement with the Council of the educational institution.

4.8. The operational management and organization of the activities of the Council are carried out by the chairman, and in his absence - by the deputy.

4.9. The Chairman of the Council organizes the work of the Council, conducts meetings of the Council, submits proposals on plans for its work and the time of meetings for consideration by the Council. The Deputy Chairman of the Council, in the absence of the Chairman of the Council, performs his functions.

4.10. At the first annual meeting of the Board of Trustees, a secretary is appointed. The responsibilities of the Secretary include organizing meetings of the Council in accordance with these Regulations, carrying out direct work on preparing and conducting current documentation Council, registration and distribution of Council decisions, preparation of reports on the Council’s work for the year and proposals for the plan and schedule of the Council’s work for the next year.

4.11. A meeting of the Board of Trustees is considered valid if a majority of its members are present. Decisions of the Board of Trustees are made by open voting by a majority vote of the members of the Board of Trustees present at the meeting. In case of equality of votes "for" and "against", the vote of the presiding officer is decisive.

4.12. The decisions of the Board of Trustees are documented in minutes, which are signed by the chairman and the secretary who keeps the minutes of the meeting.

4.13. The Board of Educational Institution provides the Board of Trustees with a place to store established documentation.

4.14. New representatives can be admitted to the Board of Trustees only if more than half of the members of the Board of Trustees present at the meeting vote for their candidacies. The issue of expelling its members from the Board of Trustees is decided at meetings of the Board in the manner prescribed by these Regulations. The board of an educational institution may contact the chairman with a recommendation to exclude him from the Board of Trustees.

4.15. Decisions of the Board of Trustees are made at its meetings held quarterly according to the work plan. Extraordinary meetings may be convened by its chairman as necessary at the request of members of the Board of Trustees. During the period between meetings, the leadership of the Board of Trustees is carried out by the Chairman.

4.16. Invited representatives of educational institutions, various organizations, societies, movements, cultural figures and scientists can take part in the work of the Board of Trustees with the right of an advisory vote.

5. Responsibility of the Board of Trustees

5.1. The board of trustees bears responsibility in accordance with current legislation and the charter of the educational institution.

6. Final provisions

6.1. Changes and additions to these Regulations are adopted by a decision of the Council of the educational institution.

6.2. Making a decision to terminate the activities of the Board of Trustees falls within the competence of the self-government body of the educational institution, which is competent to adopt local acts of the educational institution.

6.3. The activities of the Board of Trustees may also be terminated by decision of the Board of Trustees through an open vote of 2/3 votes of all members of the Board of Trustees.

Nowadays, public and state management of the education system is encouraged in Russia. Governing and trustee boards are being created. This system helps solve many financial and economic problems of educational budgetary institutions.

This is a legally competent and effective tool for attracting extra-budgetary funds and the most convenient way to provide financial support to an educational institution. He is able to take into account the interests of students and their parents. Several decades ago, the concept of a “board of trustees” did not exist in our national education system. The public learned what it was only with the arrival of new trends in the country.

As Article 35 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” states, this is a self-government body of an educational institution that exercises control over the receipts and expenditures of charitable donations to the institution. This applies to proceeds from legal entities and individuals interested in helping a school or kindergarten. The Council establishes the procedure for using funds and manages contributions to charity.

Main goals

The Regulations on the Board of Trustees considers its main functions to be assistance in organizing the educational process, the activities of students and teachers of the institution, and improving their working conditions. Assistance in carrying out sports, cultural and excursion events, improvement of premises and territory. Raising funds (in addition to budget funds) for the development of the institution and increasing the efficiency of the educational process. Monitoring the safety of students and staff

Thus, we see that to the question: “Board of Trustees - what is it?” You can’t answer in a few words. Its functions are quite wide and varied. Moreover, they are not at all limited to managing finances.

The regulation on the board of trustees implies that all participants in the educational process have the right to be members of it. These include parents of students (or legal representatives) and other individuals. For example, representatives of local authorities and organizations of any form of ownership who are interested in the effective development of an educational institution and have public authority in its staff. The school can even have a children's board of trustees!

Proposals for the composition of participants can be made by the administration of the institution or authorized representatives of the public. Its personal composition is approved once a year at a council meeting by simple vote. The council is headed by a chairman, who is elected at the same annual meeting.

First of all, he is the main manager of received charitable contributions. This is a self-government body that controls their intended use. It is this kind of collective control that is most effective for the optimal distribution of funds according to the needs of the institution. And there are many of them - strengthening the material base, attracting new young personnel, supporting talented students. Even sometimes providing security for the building.

How exactly does the activity of this structure benefit an individual family? Thanks to it, the level of the educational institution as a whole increases, and, consequently, the quality of each individual child’s stay in it. Boards of trustees in kindergartens and schools not only increase the level of safety and comfort, but also improve the effectiveness of the educational process. Thanks to the support of the trustees, new talented employees are attracted, successful teachers do not leave the school for financial reasons, and do not waste time on odd jobs. The use of charitable funds by the board expands the financial capabilities of the institution in accordance with parental wishes.

What exactly are his powers?

Distributes received donations. Interacts with a charitable foundation, to which it provides letters to provide support to an educational institution, indicating the required expense items. The chairman signs it all Required documents and carries full responsibility for decisions made regarding their use. At the end of the reporting period, the council is obliged to provide parents and employees of the educational institution with information about the receipt and expenditure of funds.

The Board of Trustees has the right to receive information necessary for its work from the head of the institution or his deputies, make proposals to the administration to improve the conditions of education and upbringing, strengthen the health of students and organize nutrition, cooperate with charities and any other organizations involved in collecting donations, conduct public control for the targeted expenditure of donations from individuals (as well as legal entities) for the needs of the institution.

What is important for founders to know

It is necessary to determine the legal status that the board of trustees will have. What it is? By law, all funds earned by the school must be included in budget income and transferred to the disposal of the treasury. Subsequently, the educational institution has the right to return them (minus the amount of taxes withheld). And then the board of trustees has the right to dispose of them if it has the appropriate powers. But the main ones are still the representatives of the state.

A well-chosen status allows the council to build a more successful scheme. Why should it be created at the school as an independent non-profit organization with the status of a legal entity?

What's in this case? The financial income of a school or kindergarten is divided into two different “streams”. Budget funds are still managed by the Treasury. And money collected by parents or other persons goes to the disposal of the council, has no relation to the treasury and is not subject to taxation.

To create such a board of trustees, you first need to decide on its organizational and legal form. There are several types of non-profit organizations - foundation, autonomous organization,Everyone has its own advantages and disadvantages. For the school board of trustees optimal choice- non-commercial partnership. Precisely because it has the legal right to accept membership fees and dispose of them.

How it works

Parents of students become members of the partnership. They pay monthly contributions, the amount of which is set by the board. At the same time, the board of trustees has the right to target financing of the expenses of the educational institution approved by it, for example, paying additional remuneration to its employees.

Here you need to take into account that the board of trustees of an educational institution finances certain courses or educational programs By own choice. But not for each individual student, but for a class, group or educational parallel. In this case, we are not talking about paid educational services, and there is no need to separately conclude an agreement with each parent.

What other subtleties are there?

To save on remuneration for teachers, you can apply for financial assistance. As is known, the unified social tax is paid by the employer in the event of concluding an employment contract or a work contract and does not apply to the provision of financial assistance and other payments of a non-commercial nature.

This system is extremely suitable for institutions. It is important for them to develop and implement a unified education program that includes both state standards and the latest developments of the institution’s choosing. The “normative” part is financed from the budget, the innovative part is financed from additional funds managed by the school’s board of trustees.

Creation of a non-profit partnership

So what should you do about this? You need to know that both legal entities and individuals have the right to become the founder and members of such a partnership. Typically, the work of the board of trustees is structured according to the following scheme: the head teacher becomes the director of the board, and the parents of students become members. An accountant will be required to manage finances. It is convenient if this position is shared by a representative of the school accounting department. We should not forget that the school itself, as such, is not legally authorized to create third-party organizations, since it is and can be accused of misappropriation of funds.

The first and main document required is the council charter. It should contain in more detail Everything is written down - the tasks and goals of the organization, the procedure for admitting and leaving its members, the rules for collecting and accounting for contributions.

Another important document is the minutes of the board of trustees, more precisely, the general meeting of its members, at which they appoint a director, list the founders, and indicate who is entrusted with registering the partnership. The protocol must include, in addition to the date and list of those present, a list of reports indicating the content of each of them.

These documents are then submitted to the territorial registration authority along with an application for state registration in Form No. 212 (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation) - this is a special form for non-profit organizations.

What does the form contain?

It contains information about the name of the organization and its legal form, legal address. The basis for assigning a legal address at the location of the school can be a letter from the director. He formally has the right to head a non-profit partnership as an individual, but in practice this rarely happens. Although the law does not prohibit anything here, it is not easy for the head of an institution in this case to avoid various speculations and public censure.

Individuals (founders) have the right to create authorized capital by investing a certain amount. You will need to pay a state fee for registration.

Having collected all the necessary package, it is handed over to the registration authority; it is most convenient to immediately submit an application for switching to the “simplified” system. How is this beneficial? With absence entrepreneurial activity the tax will be zero, since with “simplification” membership fees received by non-profit organizations do not apply to the tax office. Only the formal submission of a quarterly report to the tax office will be required.

What else is needed?

You will need to register with the Pension Fund, apply for social insurance, and open a bank account where charitable donations will be transferred.

Theoretically, the board of trustees of a school can organize an LLC and register it as In this case, its activity will be the provision of educational services or student production. Then you will have to pay all taxes required by law and maintain appropriate reporting. In practice, this path is much longer and more troublesome, so it is much less common.

Elvira Chainikova
Board of Trustees in a preschool educational organization

Board of Trustees in a preschool educational organization

Chainikova Elvira Maratovna – deputy. head according to VMR

Proskurnina Natalya Mikhailovna - head

Admaeva Svetlana Vitalievna - deputy. head according to VMR

Nowadays, in the conditions of the emergence of a market economy, the question arises about the need to involve education various social institutions, mainly way, businesses and families. Managers and boards of trustees. This system helps solve many financial and economic problems educational budgetary institution.

Just a few decades ago, in our domestic system education this concept did not exist. The public learned what it was only with the arrival of new trends in the country. As Article 35 of the Russian Federation Law states "About education» , This organ self-government institution education, exercising control over the receipts and expenditures of charitable donations to the institution. This applies to proceeds from legal entities and individuals interested in helping a school or kindergarten. Advice establishes the procedure for using funds and manages contributions to charity.

What's happened Board of Trustees? Board of Trustees- one of the forms of public participation in management education, this is a non-state, non-governmental, public, non-profit organization, uniting on a voluntary basis all those interested in the development education and specific educational institution. Board of Trustees is able to take into account the interests of students and their parents, it is an addition to existing self-government bodies of preschool educational institutions: general meeting of a preschool educational institution, pedagogical council, etc..

The purpose of the activity The Board of Trustees are:

full, comprehensive, all possible support for the educational institution, including financial and material;

assistance, stimulation, information and promotion of its activities;

legal support, protection and support of the rights and interests of the educational institution, its students and employees.

Functions Board of Trustees wide enough and varied. Moreover, they are not at all limited to managing finances. Its main functions are considered:

help in organization of the educational process, the activities of students and teachers of the institution, improving their working conditions;

assistance in holding sports and cultural events, improvement of premises and territory;

raising funds (in addition to budget ones) to develop the institution and increase efficiency educational process;

monitoring the safety of students and staff.

Who can be a member council? Part board of trustees All participants have the right to enter educational process, these include parents (legal representatives) students and other individuals (representatives of local authorities and organizations any form of ownership interested in effective development educational institutions and having public authority in its collective). Its personal composition is approved once a year at a meeting council by simple vote. Headed by council chairman, who is elected at the same annual meeting. Chairman board of trustees signs all necessary documents and bears full responsibility for decisions made regarding their use. Based on the results of the reporting period advice is obliged to provide parents and employees of the educational institution with a report on the receipt and expenditure of funds.

To date, a fairly extensive regulatory and legal framework has been formed boards of trustees of educational institutions.

1. Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 52, part 1, ch. 4, paragraph 5.

2. Law of the Russian Federation "About education» :

Art. 2. “Principles of state policy in the field education": "State policy in the field education It is based on principles: democratic state-public nature of management education. Autonomy educational institutions»;

Art. 13. "Charter educational institution» , P. 4 : “Local acts educational institutions cannot contradict its Charter”;

Art. 35. “Management of state and municipal educational institutions", P. 2 : “Management of state and municipal educational institutions are built on the principles of unity of command and self-government. Forms of self-government educational institutions are... Board of Trustees...etc. forms. Election procedure self-government bodies of educational institutions and their competence are determined by the Charter educational institution»;

Art. 41. "Financing educational institutions» , P. 8 : « Educational institutions have the right to attract additional financial resources in accordance with the procedure established by the Law of the Russian Federation through voluntary donations, targeted contributions from individuals and legal entities.”

3. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated August 31, 1999 No. 1134 “On additional support measures”: “For the purpose of further development state-public forms of management in the field education and additional attraction of extrabudgetary financial resources to ensure activities educational institutions I DECIDE:“Consider it necessary to create in state and municipal educational institutions Boards of Trustees, bearing in mind the establishment of public control over the use of targeted contributions and voluntary donations from legal entities and individuals for the needs of educational institutions».

4. Order Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation from 10.09.99 No. 275 “On additional measures to support educational institutions in the Russian Federation": "In pursuance of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated August 31, 1999 No. 1134 "On additional measures to support educational institutions in the Russian Federation».

5. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 10, 1999 No. 1379 “On approval of the Model Regulations on Board of Trustees of a general education institution».

Mention of board of trustees as a form of self-government preschool educational institutions are also in the Model Regulations on preschool educational institution, approved by the Ministry education and science of the Russian Federation October 27, 2011 No. 2562. At the same time, the Model Regulations stipulate that the election procedure organs self-government and their competence are determined by the charter of the preschool educational institution.

Due to board of trustees is engaged in charitable activities, it is necessary to take into account the norms of the Federal Law of August 11, 1995 No. 135-FZ “On charitable activities and charitable organizations».

In case of creation Board of Trustees Preschool educational institution in the form of public organizations its activities are also regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation “On public associations” dated 19.05.95 No. 82-FZ with amendments and additions.

The totality of the above documents forms legal basis for activities boards of trustees. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the norms of tax legislation and know the rules of conducting accounting in non-profit organizations, which are not budgetary.

Why is it still needed? board of trustees in kindergarten ? This self-government body, controlling the intended use of charitable contributions. It is this kind of collective control that is most effective for the optimal distribution of funds according to the needs of the institution. Thanks to the board of trustees, the level of the educational institution as a whole is growing, and, consequently, the quality of each individual child’s stay there. Boards of Trustees in kindergartens not only increase the level of safety and comfort, but also improve the effectiveness of the educational process. Use of charitable funds advice expands the financial capabilities of the institution according to parental wishes.

Board of Trustees has the right to receive from the head of the institution or his deputies the information necessary for his work, to make proposals for improving the conditions of training and education, strengthening the health of students and catering, conduct public control over the targeted expenditure of incoming funds from individuals (as well as legal ones) persons for the needs of the institution.

So way, studying materials about the structure Boards of Trustees, about the goals and objectives that their founders set for themselves, we can come to the conclusion that in modern civil society the creation of such non-profit organizations, whose activities are aimed at developing educational institutions, simply necessary. Trustees can become a very influential force in education, Board of Trustees not intended to replace the leader educational organization- it must constructively complement their functions in terms of strategic management preschool.

Positionabout the board of trustees
high school No. 2 Soligorsk

General provisions:

  1. The school's Board of Trustees is a self-government body intended to assist in ensuring its activities and development.
  2. The procedure for creating and the competence of the board of trustees are determined by the school’s Charter.
  3. The decision to create a board of trustees is made by the school’s teaching council.
  4. The Board of Trustees organizes its work on the basis of the School Charter and the Regulations on the School Board of Trustees.
  5. The board of trustees develops, adopts and organizes the implementation of plans for its activities in the interests of the school, as well as in the interests of organizations whose representatives are on the board of trustees.
  6. The Board of Trustees interacts with other school self-government bodies on issues of the functioning and development of the school. A representative of the board of trustees may participate in the work of other self-government bodies of the school with a casting vote in accordance with his powers when considering issues within the competence of the board of trustees.
  7. Decisions of the board of trustees outside its exclusive competence are of an advisory and recommendatory nature.
  8. Members of the board of trustees perform their functions exclusively free of charge.

Goals and subject of activities of the board of trustees

  1. The main purpose of the activities of the board of trustees is to assist the school in the implementation of its statutory functions, uniting the efforts of state and public organizations, labor collectives, individual citizens aimed at strengthening the educational and material base, protecting health, developing abilities and talents educated and studying at school, creating favorable conditions for the upbringing, study, work and recreation of children, students, teaching staff and other workers.
  2. Board of Trustees:
  • Helps ensure a combination of state and public principles in the management of an educational institution.
  • Develops and implements plans for its activities in the interests of the school and in accordance with the direction of work.
  • Promotes the attraction of extra-budgetary funds to support the activities and development of the school.
  • Contributes to strengthening and improving the material and technical base of the school, improvement of its premises and territory.
  • Promotes the organization and improvement of working conditions for teaching and other school employees, protection and implementation legal rights members of the school staff and board of trustees.
  • Determines the directions, forms, amounts and procedure for using funds of the board of trustees, including for the development of educational and material base, for providing assistance to children from low-income families, orphans, for supporting and stimulating gifted children, as well as to monitor their intended use
  • Promotes the organization and conduct of social and cultural events: educational conferences, concerts, recreational evenings, exhibitions, sales shows, sports and other events
  1. The Board of Trustees operates on the basis of the following principles:
  • equality of rights of members of the board of trustees;
  • collegiality of management;
  • transparency of decisions made.

Membership in the board of trustees

  1. Citizens of the Republic of Belarus may be members of the board of trustees, Foreign citizens who have reached the age of 18 and comply with the requirements of this Regulation
  2. The board of trustees may include representatives of state bodies, local governments, organizations various forms property, business and scientific circles, the media, public associations and associations, including foreign ones, teaching staff, students, their parents, and other persons interested in improving the activities and development of the school.
  3. Members of the board of trustees may be legal entities that act through their representatives.

    Representatives of a legal entity take part in the work of the board of trustees on the basis of their official authority or power of attorney.

  4. The decision to admit a member of the board of trustees is made by a majority vote of its members and approved by a decision of the school’s pedagogical council
  5. A member of the board of trustees has the right:
  • Nominate, elect and be elected to the governing bodies of the board of trustees
  • Discuss, make proposals, defend your point of view at meetings, meetings of the board of trustees, in the press, in all areas of activity of the board of trustees.
  • Receive information available to the board of trustees and exercise control in the prescribed manner.
  1. A member of the board of trustees is obliged to:
  • Recognize and comply with the requirements of this provision.
  • Take all possible participation in the activities of the board of trustees provided for by these Regulations.
  • Carry out decisions of the board of trustees, orders and instructions of the school.
  • Respect the rights of school employees and students
  1. If you leave or are expelled from the board of trustees, voluntary contributions and donations are not returned.

Organizational structure, governing bodies, financial resources of the board of trustees

  1. The highest governing body of the board of trustees is the general meeting.

    General meetings are held as necessary, but at least once every six months. At the initiative of the board of trustees or at the request of one third of its members, an extraordinary general meeting may be convened.

  2. The general meeting is competent to make decisions if more than half of the members of the board of trustees participate in it. decisions are made by a simple majority of the present members of the board of trustees. decisions on issues falling within the exclusive competence of the general meeting are made by a majority - at least two-thirds - of the votes of the present members of the board of trustees.

    The decisions of the general meeting of the board of trustees are brought to the attention of all interested parties.

  3. The exclusive competence of the general meeting of the board of trustees includes:
  • Election of members of the board of trustees and adoption of a decision on early termination of powers of members of the board of trustees.
  • Election of the chairman of the board of trustees and adoption of a decision on the early termination of his powers.
  • Determining the priorities of the activities of the board of trustees and making decisions on improving them, changing the structure and abolishing the board of trustees.
  • Determining the principles for the formation and use of financial resources and other property at the disposal of the board of trustees.
  1. The competence of the general meeting also includes:
  • Review and approval of the annual report of the board
  • board of trustees on the activities and use of property, including funds.
  • Preparation of proposals for improving school activities
  1. A board of directors is elected to manage the current activities of the board of trustees. It is accountable to the general meeting. The term of office of members of the board, its quantitative composition, the rate of representation of each member of the board of trustees (representatives of legal entities, individuals, teaching and other employees) are determined by the general meeting of the board of trustees. Meetings of the board are held as necessary and are considered valid if at least half of the board members are present. Each board member has the right to one vote. In case of equality of the number of votes, the vote of the chairman of the board is decisive.
  2. The competence of the board of trustees includes:
  • Development, adoption and organization of implementation of long-term and current plans for the activities of the board of trustees in accordance with these Regulations.
  • Organizing the implementation of decisions of the general meeting of the board of trustees, monitoring the implementation of proposals and critical comments of members of the board of trustees.
  • Agenda setting and preparation necessary materials for consideration and adoption of decisions on them at the next general meeting of the board of trustees, an annual report on the results of the activities of the board of trustees
  • Keeping records of the receipt and expenditure of funds of the board of trustees and preparing reports on their use in accordance with the decision of the general meeting.
  1. The Board of Trustees is headed by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, elected for a term of 3 years.
  2. The Chairman of the Board, in accordance with his competence:
  • Organizes the work and manages the activities of the board, chairs board meetings and general meetings of the board of trustees.
  • Ensures the implementation of decisions of the general meeting, meetings of the board of trustees.
  1. Secretary of the Board:
  • Organizes board meetings and general meetings of the board of trustees
  • Organizes the maintenance and storage of minutes of board meetings and general meetings of the board of trustees.
  1. The financial resources of the board of trustees are formed from voluntary contributions from individuals and legal entities, and other income not prohibited by law.

    They are credited to the school’s accounts and used for their intended purpose in accordance with the decision of the board of trustees

Termination of the activities of the board of trustees

  1. The activities of the board of trustees may be terminated:
  • On the initiative of the school's pedagogical council

What is a board of trustees? And why is it needed in Moscow?

According to the current Russian legislation, only non-profit organizations created in the form of a foundation should create a Board of Trustees (Civil Code of the Russian Federation - paragraph 4 of Article 118 and the Law “On Non-Profit Organizations” - paragraph 3 of Article 7). Other NPOs are free to choose: to have or not to have their own Board of Trustees.
The legislative and regulatory framework for Boards of Trustees, to put it mildly, is not enough.
In addition to the above articles, there is also the Law “On Education” - Article 35 and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 10, 1999 No. 1379 “On additional measures to support educational institutions in the Russian Federation”, where the Board of Trustees is considered as a form of self-government of an educational organization. The main task of the Board of Trustees is to take measures to attract financial and other resources necessary to ensure the activities and development of the educational institution, determine priority areas for their expenditure, and control over their rational and targeted use.
However, according to the deputy head of the regional educational policy department of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Batsyn, no presidential decrees or government regulations will force the community to invest money in schools. “These documents are only sufficient to awaken enthusiasm. And community participation in educational affairs is materialized precisely in the form of a board of trustees as one of the most suitable. The board of trustees is a personal initiative, and if it is taken under state control, it automatically turns into a state order. But boards of trustees cannot be like that, since this is a sincere, internal movement of a private person. Boards of trustees are one of the most effective democratic ways of influencing educational policy on the part of society; it is a connection between society and the state, transmitting a social order in the education system that is different from the state.”

In this case, such a definition can become universal and the phrase “educational policy” can be replaced with “cultural policy”, “social policy”, depending on what area of ​​activity we are talking about.

Speaking about Boards of Trustees in relation to the cultural sector, first of all, it is necessary to separate cultural organizations according to legal status and accordingly by type of leadership.
So for example, if we're talking about about a non-profit, non-governmental cultural organization created in the form of a Foundation (Cultural Capital Foundation, Cultural Development Foundation, etc.), then in this case the Board of Trustees must be created in order to oversee the activities of the Foundation, the adoption of decisions by other bodies of the Foundation and ensuring their execution, the use of the Fund’s funds (including making decisions on the appropriateness of using the Fund’s funds), and the Fund’s compliance with legislation.
If we are talking about non-profit, non-governmental cultural organizations created in the form of an institution, public organization or another form in accordance with the law on Non-profit organizations and public associations, then the question of creating a Board of Trustees depends on the desire of the organizations themselves and the understanding of the need for its creation. The same applies to state and municipal cultural institutions.
In trying to classify something that has an infinite number various options(and the Board of Trustees is such a case), there is always some degree of risk. Each Board of Trustees is unique and no one operates exactly the same as another because the people who comprise them are different. But there are some common features, which are inherent in the Board of Trustees of any organization in any field of activity. Participants in seminars and trainings conducted by the Delovaya Volga Training Center in Togliatti tried to identify them, Nizhny Novgorod, Saratov. Seminars on the topic of concern to many: “How to create a Board of Trustees and how to work with it.”
To a greater extent, the general features describing the Board of Trustees serve as an answer to the question of why it is needed and characterize it by type of activity.
Attracting funds to the organization
Creating a positive image of the organization (PR)
Lobbying the interests of the organization on various levels
Control over the financial activities of the organization
Monitoring the implementation of the organization's mission
Bringing a “fresh” view from the outside, new ideas
Development of organizational partnerships and more.
Any organization that has a Board of Trustees can continue this list...

Board of Trustees – social form

management of an educational institution.



1. Board of Trustees (BS). PS functions……………………………..3

2. Regulatory framework of the PS……………………………………………………….4

2.1. PS without legal entity status……………………………………5

2.2. PS with the status of a legal entity…………………………………….6

3. Preparation of constituent documents…………………………………..9



Appendix 1…………………………………………………………………………………12

Appendix 2…………………………………………………………………………………


The basis for an optimistic view of the possibilities of guardianship in education can be the facts of the history of Russia. The attempts being made today to revive trusteeship reflect the need recognized by society and the state to create mechanisms to support schools.

The field of activity of boards of trustees is: development of a strategy for the development of an educational institution, carried out jointly with the school administration; control over the implementation of education programs and control over the use of budget funds; implementation of public relations. Experience shows that in the competition that began to take shape in the process of ten years of development of market relations and in the market of educational services, those organizations that have formed structures around themselves that ensure openness win educational system- constant external assessment, “an outside view,” and actively participating in the development and resolution of school problems.

Such structures include boards of trustees and other public organizations supporting the activities of an educational institution.

1. The board of trustees is a public form of management of an educational institution.

The Board of Trustees is one of the forms of public participation in the management of education; it is a non-state, non-governmental, public, non-profit organization that unites on a voluntary basis everyone who is interested in the development of education and a specific educational institution. There are two possible legal statuses: with the formation of a legal entity or without its formation.

The Board of Trustees is not just support and funding, but a dialogue with the authorities on behalf of the school and a dialogue with the school on behalf of civil society.

Functions of the Board of Trustees

1) Social – Representatives of different social and professional groups of the population are involved in the activities of the Board of Trustees. This circumstance to a certain extent predetermines the nature of differentiation of educational needs social groups. People increasingly understand that the quality of education they receive will determine their future social status citizen.

2) Economic – Without the implementation of multi-channel schemes of extra-budgetary, shared financing of an educational institution, not only its development, but also its functioning is impossible. The presence of the financial, legal and property base of the Board of Trustees determines the competitive advantages of the staff of the educational institution in the labor market and educational services.

The property base of the Board of Trustees is the amount of financial, material and intellectual resources generated from contributions from trustees or founders, as well as received by the Board of Trustees in other legal ways for the purpose of providing assistance and support to the school.

3) Political – The municipal community, represented by the legislative and executive authorities, as well as other social partners, uses the Board of Trustees to implement certain educational policies.

The dominant one is economic function Board of Trustees, which is determined by the following factors:

· Boards of trustees are considered as one of the channels for attracting additional sources of extra-budgetary funding for the school;

· financial resources of the Board of Trustees partially compensate for the lack of funds from the budget to support the educational process;

· voluntary investors of the Board of Trustees are, first of all, parents and students;

· the educational institution becomes the real owner of the financial resources of the Board of Trustees, and its manager is its administration.

2. Legal framework of the Board of Trustees

With the accession of the Russian Federation to the Council of Europe in 1997, its international legal acts are mandatory for application on the territory of all European countries, including Russia. The principle applies to us international law, which is reflected in the following legislative acts:

a) Convention on the Rights of the Child (came into force in 1959);

b) European Social Charter (came into force in 1965);

c) International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (entered into force in 1976);

d) UNESCO Convention on Technical and Vocational Education (came into force in 1989).

The federal regulatory framework sufficient for the creation, operation and development of boards of trustees is represented by the following federal laws:

— Articles 118-121, paragraph 5, chapter 4, part 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (dated 01/26/96);

— paragraph 6 of article 2; Article 32, 35, 36 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (dated January 13, 1996);

— Articles 10, 15, 24, 26 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Non-Profit Organizations” (dated 01/12/96);

— Articles 8, 12, 17, 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Public Associations” (dated 05/19/95).

2.1. Board of Trustees without legal entity status

The principles of state policy, in line with which the activities of educational institutions should be built, are defined in paragraph 6 of Art. 2 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. They establish the democratic, state nature of management and the autonomy of educational institutions. Article 32 of the law defines the competence and responsibility of the educational institution and authorizes the administration to independently involve additional sources financial and material resources, but in relation to public self-government bodies, administrations are left only coordination functions their activities (clause 21 of article 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”).

Article 35 establishes that the management of a state and municipal educational institution is based on the principles of unity of command, i.e. carried out by the school director (clause 3 of article 35) or by a self-government body. One of the possible forms of self-government is the Board of Trustees (clause 2 of article 35)

The activities of the Board of Trustees, created without the formation of a legal entity, does not require separate licensing, because in this case the license of the educational institution is valid.

The areas of activity established by the charter and license of the institution are also permitted for the activities of its Board of Trustees.

The board of trustees, which does not have the status of a legal entity, cannot independently own property, but may have a separate personal account in an educational institution, serviced by one of the accounting employees.

2.2. Board of Trustees with legal entity status

The Board of Trustees acquires the rights of a legal entity only from the moment of state registration. You can register a board of trustees yourself or use the services of special companies.

The founders of the Board of Trustees as a public organization or public initiative body must be at least three legally capable individuals. The founders of the Board of Trustees as an autonomous non-profit organization may be individuals and legal entities (Article 15 of the Law “On Non-Profit Organizations”). The board of trustees, as a legal entity, must have its own charter.

The following documents are provided for state registration:

- a statement signed by members of the Presidium (board) of the Board of Trustees indicating the place of residence of each;

— charter of the Board of Trustees in two copies;

— an extract from the minutes of the founding meeting, including information about the creation of the Board of Trustees, the approval of its charter and the formation of its governing bodies and the audit commission;

— information about the founders;

— document confirming payment of the registration fee;

- document about legal address Board of Trustees.

At the same time, the name of the council is registered. Documents for state registration are submitted no later than three months from the date of the constituent meeting. The activities of the Board of Trustees do not require separate licensing if its founder (an educational institution or its administration) has a state license and an agreement has been concluded between them. The same situation arises if several institutions are co-founders of the Board of Trustees. Licensing is mandatory if the Board of Trustees conducts independent activities.

The council may be created in one of the following organizational and legal forms of a non-profit organization provided for by law:

- public organization;

— a public initiative body;

is an autonomous non-profit organization.

To choose the form of the Board of Trustees that is optimal for a particular educational institution, we offer their legislative definitions.

Article 8 of the Law “On Public Associations” states that a public organization is a membership-based public association that acts to protect common interests and achieve the statutory goals of united citizens.

Members of a public organization can be both public associations and legal entities. The supreme body is the general meeting of members of the organization, and the permanent body is an elected collegial body accountable to the general meeting.

1. The highest governing body of the Foundation is the Board of Trustees of the Foundation.

2. The Foundation’s Board of Trustees consists of fifteen members, including the General Director of the Foundation, who is an ex-officio member of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees.

3. Members of the Foundation's board of trustees are appointed by the President of the Russian Federation for a period of no more than five years.

4. The Chairman of the Foundation's Board of Trustees is appointed by the President of the Russian Federation simultaneously with the appointment of members of the Foundation's Board of Trustees.

5. The powers of the chairman and other members of the Fund’s board of trustees may be terminated early based on a decision of the President of the Russian Federation.

6. Members of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees, with the exception of the General Director of the Foundation, carry out their activities on a voluntary basis and cannot be members of labor relations with the Foundation.

7. Members of the Foundation’s board of trustees cannot simultaneously serve on the Foundation’s expert councils.

8. Members of the Foundation's Board of Trustees, with the exception of the General Director of the Foundation, have the right to combine their membership in the Foundation's Board of Trustees with holding a government position in the Russian Federation or a position in the state civil service of the Russian Federation.

9. The Foundation’s Board of Trustees exercises the following powers:

1) determines the priority areas of the Fund’s activities;

2) approves the Fund’s activity program for a three-year period, annually introducing clarifications to it;

3) approves the procedure and criteria for the competitive selection of programs and projects, as well as the procedure for conducting the examination of programs and projects submitted to the competition;

4) approves the procedure for monitoring the implementation of the Fund’s activity program for a three-year period and the implementation of programs and projects financed by the Fund;

5) approves the procedure for the Fund’s participation in the formation and replenishment of the target capital of scientific organizations and educational organizations higher education;

6) approves financial plan income and expenses (budget) of the Fund for a three-year period, annually introduces clarifications into such a plan;

7) approves the annual report of the Fund and sends it to the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation;

8) presents to the President of the Russian Federation a candidacy for appointment to the position of General Director of the Fund;

9) concludes, changes and terminates employment contract With general director Fonda;

10) approves the regulations on the Board of the Foundation, makes decisions on the appointment and dismissal of members of the Board of the Foundation, approves the amount of remuneration of members of the Board of the Foundation and (or) compensation for expenses incurred by them;

11) approves the regulations on the audit commission of the Fund, makes decisions on the appointment of the chairman and members of the audit commission of the Fund, on the termination of their powers, including the early termination of their powers;

12) approves the regulations on the Foundation’s expert councils;

13) approves the list, composition of the Foundation’s expert councils and their chairmen;

14) exercises control over the activities of other management bodies of the Fund, their adoption of decisions and ensuring the implementation of these decisions, the use of funds and other property of the Fund;

15) approves the regulations on the branch of the Fund and on the representative office of the Fund, appoints their managers;

16) makes decisions on the transfer of part of the Fund’s property to the state treasury of the Russian Federation;

17) determines the maximum volume of invested temporarily free funds of the Fund;

18) approves an audit organization that has been selected on a competitive basis to conduct a mandatory audit of the annual accounting (financial) statements of the Fund and the amount of remuneration of this organization for the services it provides;

19) makes decisions:

a) on the Foundation’s entry into associations and unions;

b) on the Foundation’s creation of legal entities and (or) participation in them;

c) on the creation of branches of the Fund and on the opening of representative offices of the Fund;

20) approves the following approved by the General Director of the Fund:

A) organizational structure And staffing table Fund, as well as changes made to them;

b) the amount and form of remuneration for the Fund’s employees;

c) the amount of remuneration for experts who are members of the Foundation’s expert councils;

d) the amount of remuneration for specialists in the field of science and technology who are not members of the Foundation’s expert councils, but are additionally invited to participate in the work of these councils (hereinafter referred to as specialists in the field of science and technology);

21) makes decisions on other issues referred by the legislation of the Russian Federation to the powers of the highest management bodies of non-profit organizations.

10. The powers of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees cannot be transferred to other management bodies of the Foundation.

11. Meetings of the Foundation's board of trustees are convened by its chairman or another member of the Foundation's board of trustees authorized by the chairman of the Foundation's board of trustees at least once every six months. A meeting of the Fund’s Board of Trustees may also be convened on the initiative of the Fund’s audit commission or on the initiative of an audit organization conducting mandatory audit annual accounting (financial) statements of the Fund.

12. Meetings of the Foundation's board of trustees are held by its chairman, and in his absence by another member of the Foundation's board of trustees authorized by the chairman of the Foundation's board of trustees.

13. The Foundation’s Board of Trustees is competent to make decisions if at least half of the members of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees are present at its meeting. Decisions of the Foundation's Board of Trustees are made by a simple majority of votes from the total number of members of the Foundation's Board of Trustees present at the meeting. If the number of votes is equal, the vote of the person presiding at the meeting of the Foundation's Board of Trustees is decisive.

14. The minutes of the meeting of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees are signed by the person presiding at the meeting of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees. The opinions of members of the Foundation's Board of Trustees who remained in the minority during voting are recorded in the minutes at their request.

15. The Foundation’s Board of Trustees has the right to make decisions without convening a meeting of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees by conducting absentee voting in the manner established by the Foundation’s Board of Trustees.

16. The Secretary of the Foundation's Board of Trustees, appointed by the Foundation's Board of Trustees from among the Foundation's employees, ensures the preparation and conduct of meetings, absentee voting, maintaining documentation, and organizes the storage of minutes of meetings of the Foundation's Board of Trustees.


Director of Podborovskaya Secondary

municipal general education

______________ /Koshelnikova L.V./


on the board of trustees in a general education institution

at Podborovskaya secondary municipal secondary school

I. General provisions.

A board of trustees can be created at an educational institution that has all the rights of a legal entity.

The Board of Trustees interacts with the board of the educational institution; a representative of the board of trustees may participate in the work of the pedagogical council of an educational institution with a casting vote.

II. Composition of the board of trustees.

The board of trustees includes responsible persons of the founders, the head of the municipal administration or his deputy, responsible persons of organizations or institutions that permanently sponsor this educational institution.

The board of trustees may include, as an honorary member, a responsible person from an organization that has provided a large charitable contribution to the foundation of an educational institution, or a representative of science or art who has high authority in the field of education.

III. Tasks of the Board of Trustees:

Formation of an order for the types and levels of educational services offered


Carrying out independent examination level and quality of graduates’ training

(progress tracking state standards etc.);

Formation of a sustainable financial fund of an educational institution;

Financing overhaul fixed assets of educational

institutions; allocation necessary funds for the reconstruction of premises,

determined by educational and methodological goals; financing

improving the material and technical base of the institution by large

Organization of competitions, competitions and other mass extracurricular activities

events with a prize fund;

Establishment of scholarship amounts for students (pupils) in accordance with

regulations on scholarship holders;

Resolving issues regarding exemption from payment for the introduction of additional

courses beyond basic education for individual students;

Allocation of funds for international cultural exchange, including


IV. The Board of Trustees has the right:

Control the financial and economic activities of the educational institution


Get acquainted with the prospects for the development of an educational institution; bring in

appropriate adjustments; hear reports on program implementation

development of an educational institution at this stage.

The regulations on the board of trustees of an educational institution are approved by the founder (founders).

The validity period of this provision is not established.