What to do if you have no money: recommendations, interesting ideas and reviews. How to live if there is no money

A huge number of people today live practically without money according to the scheme: borrowed from Vanya, re-borrowed from Petya to pay off Vanya, etc. For some time, of course, you can hold out by borrowing from friends, getting loans from banks, joining Crimean hippies or good reliable Hare Krishnas. However, this cannot continue for the rest of your life. If you constantly have little or even no money, you need to do something about it.

First of all, let’s be clear: what does “no money at all” mean? You don’t have enough to pay for food and utilities or you can’t afford more expensive car like your neighbor? In the first case, you need to contact social organizations who deal with the issues of disabled people, elderly people, low-income families, etc. The state is obliged to provide low-income citizens with a minimum allowance, free places in educational institutions and recreation areas, provide benefits for housing costs. In order to collect all the certificates required when applying for benefits, you will have to run through the authorities. However, you will no longer be able to say that you have no money at all.

It’s another matter when you only have enough money for food and rent. In this case, the question of what to do if there is no money will also arise. The most obvious answer is to find extra work.

How to make money online if you have no money?

If you are reading this material, then you have access to the Internet. This means there is access to money. Because where else can you find extra work if not online? Of course, you can go and get a job as a loader or watchman night work, but this option will not suit everyone. You can earn money on the Internet while at home, and you will have more money.

Earning money online is possible even for schoolchildren who do not have special knowledge and skills. They receive money, although not particularly large, but they can already answer the question of what to do when there is not enough money. Today you can sell products of your creativity on the Internet (there are a lot of popular free platforms) - crafts made of wood, clay, rag toys, knitted or hand-sewn things, etc. You can do creative work - write stories or articles to order, create website designs, perform layout, translations, etc. All this work is in networks are in great demand.

What else can you do?

For many decades, Russian people have been fed by vegetable gardens and summer cottages. This traditional way save on food purchases, which was not neglected by our parents, as well as the older generation. Potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables grown on the plot will help you save a lot on food all winter.

A more radical option for what to do if you have no money is to rent out an apartment. A corner, a room or an entire home. IN summer time You can happily live in a tent on a wild beach in Crimea or on the shore of a reservoir. If you have a dacha with a house, you can go there for a while while your main home is being rented out. Temporary residents will not only pay you a monthly amount and pay public utilities, but also act as guards. After all, in the summer the number of burglaries increases.

Another option that you can do if you run out of money is to play in a casino. Today you will not find gambling establishments on the streets of the city; they have all migrated to the Internet space. Virtual roulettes, card games and slot machines give you a chance to get real winnings. True, to pick it up, you will need a virtual wallet - Yandex-Money, WebMoney or any other, as well as bank card to withdraw funds.

As in real life, and in virtuality, gambling only partially solves the problem of “what to do if there is no money.” Roulette and other games can help in solving financial issues, and deprive the latter. Don't forget about this.

Thus, to the problem “what to do if there is no money?” you need to approach with your head held high and look for additional ways to earn money. There are many of them around.

Every person in life has faced the problem of lack of money. In this case, someone tries to borrow money from friends in order to survive for a while, while others apply for a loan from a bank. But this cannot go on for long. The problem of lack of funds needs to be solved radically. Let's figure out what to do if there is no money?

What to do when you have no money to live on and no work

When you don’t have enough money to live on, you need to start saving, remember all your debtors and at the same time look for a part-time job.

Live in savings

Learn to spend money meaningfully. Main cost items: food and utilities. If you used to eat in a restaurant, now you need to reconsider your habits. You will have to prepare food at home, and according to the principle “you need to eat to survive, and not live to eat.” You will also have to use utilities sparingly: turn off the water while brushing your teeth, turn off electrical devices for the night. Even if you have a car, you will have to give it up for a while and move around the city by public transport. In general, costs should correspond to a person's earnings.

Avoid making expensive unnecessary purchases

During the period of financial difficulties, you will have to forget about expensive and unnecessary purchases. It is better to buy products at the market according to a pre-prepared list. If you are shopping at a supermarket, take a basket instead of a cart at the entrance and pay only in cash. As for clothes, review your wardrobe and sell all unnecessary items online. Perhaps your leopard print blouse will cause a real sensation in the village of Orekhovo. The same goes for unnecessary equipment and furniture. It is better to get rid of such goodness.

Take advantage of promotions and sales

At sales and promotions you can purchase the goods you need at competitive prices. The main rule is to buy a promotional promotional pack only if you need more than 50% of the goods from it. You should not buy a set of “shampoo + conditioner + mask” if you only need a hair mask. Grocery stores hold sales for their regular customers, providing bonuses for regular purchases. To participate in the program, purchase a bonus card and use it with every payment. The accumulated points can later be exchanged for goods or a good discount.

Cooking at home from available ingredients

You can eat right even on a modest budget. Follow a few rules:
    Replace sausages and sausages with chicken. Such meat is cheaper and you can get enough of it faster. In winter, prices for fruits and vegetables increase several times. To avoid overpaying on groceries, prepare frozen vegetable mixtures in the summer. Prepare food at home. Avoid processed foods. Not only are they unhealthy, but they are also expensive considering the portion size. For example, popular porridges instant cooking Sweet yogurts contain a lot of sugar and artificial flavors. Replace bagged tea with loose leaf tea.Cream soup- This is not only a healthy, but also an economical dish. Finding a recipe with your favorite ingredients is not difficult.

Spend leisure time at no cost

Leisure is an integral part of life. You can actively spend time without significant financial expenses. You can organize a tea party at home, which will be accompanied by board games, karaoke, chatting or watching TV. Have you recently gone on a tour of your hometown? You can organize a short walk around the center, visit exhibitions, lie on the sofas in IKEA, etc. If you live away from the metropolis, take an outing to a forest park or relax on the banks of a river with badminton. IN winter period organize skiing competitions, go to the park, go sledding down the hills. Don't forget to take your camera with you to capture the constructed snow fortress. In spring and autumn you can go rollerblading or cycling in the park.On World Day cultural heritage(18.04) and on museum day (18.05) admission to cultural institutions is free. Some establishments even organize a “Night at the Museum.” Summer holidays can be spent in a search or labor party. A lot of impressions, new meetings and the opportunity to earn a small amount of money await you.

Get a temporary job or part-time job

Temporary part-time jobs allow you to earn more than just money. If you decide to change your field of activity, then temporary work in a new position will help you finally decide on your choice. You may realize that you don't like doing things that you previously found interesting. Even a couple of months of work will bring new experience and connections. In addition, some temporary vacancies are paid higher than permanent ones. For example, urgent work for a system administrator, designer or PR manager will cost more than a full-time employee. The temporary position will serve as a basis for further career growth, provided that you acquire the necessary experience and skills. Even without money, you can update your wardrobe, and if you want, become a fashionista. However, in this case you will have to sacrifice your time and labor.

Remake an old wardrobe

First of all, shake up your wardrobe. Get rid of worn, old-fashioned and shabby items immediately. According to Feng Shui, if you get rid of something unnecessary, then something useful will definitely appear in its place. Perhaps in the excavations of the closet you will find things that you completely forgot about. Next, clean and wash the old things. Perhaps you don't wear your favorite sweater because of an ingrained stain. The final stage is to put together ready-made sets of clothes and add them with accessories and shoes. You can look for tips on combining clothes from fashion bloggers.

Savings, stocks, sales

Even in small town You can find stocks, second-hand stores, sales and social stores. They have a very wide assortment, often high-quality items that can be purchased at a good price. To do this, you need to find out the delivery schedule and visit stores on the second or third day after updating the assortment. At this point, prices have already been reduced and there is still plenty to choose from. A bonus card is provided for regular customers. Accumulated points can be exchanged for discounts.

Exchange your unwanted clothes on websites on the Internet

Unneeded items can be exchanged for new ones or given away altogether. Through profile groups on Facebook and VKontakte, you should find an exchange point in your city. Showrooms popular in the West have recently appeared in Russia. If you wish, you can rent a shelf on the site and display your goods on it. Undress is a closed group on Facebook, which any member of the social network can join. More than 90% of the items on display are for women, you can find classic men's clothing and very rarely - household goods. The administration clearly monitors the distribution of items into thematic groups. There are a variety of brands: Monki bracelets for 600 rubles, Louboutin shoes for 19 thousand. Also available are COS bags, Outfitters T-shirts and other brands. Shoes are more often displayed as completely new by girls who once missed the mark with their size.

Sewing things with your own hands

If you know how to sew, then you can update your wardrobe using a pattern from a magazine, threads and auxiliary accessories. For 1000 rub. you can buy 2 meters of fine wool and cut it into a skirt suit. Or become the owner of a low-quality sweater on the Vietnamese market. The decision is yours.On sewing machine you can do anything: shorten a coat, turn an old jacket into a vest with spikes, make holes in jeans, etc. It all depends on the imagination and fashion of the current season. The most important thing is that such a modification will be cheap.

Learn how to combine one outfit in different ways

A cumulative attitude towards clothing is common to all women. If you approach the matter correctly, you can choose harmonious outfits from a bunch of unnecessary things. A pleasant image can be created from different types clothes. First, you should divide clothes into simple and complex. The first category includes all things in neutral tones (white, black, beige) and simple cut, and the second category includes everything else. Combination options:
    Simple clothes + complex accessories. An outfit in neutral tones serves as a background, and a bright bag, gloves, and coat complete the look. One complex item + several simple ones. You need to take one piece of clothing original design, color or texture and complement it with ordinary details of similar shades. For example, combine black leggings and a jacket with a red sweater. A complex thing + a complex accessory + everything else. A variation of the previous version, which is complemented unusual accessory in the form of a handbag. Two complex things + everything else. This approach requires a sense of style and self-confidence. It is better to choose clothes that are similar in color, design and texture. For example, black trousers and a bag ( simple details) + red fur coat and T-shirt with a red pattern (intricate details).

What to do if there is no money on your phone

Very often a situation arises when you need to make an urgent call, but your balance is empty and there is no way to top it up. Today, operators offer customers several options for solving this problem. Borrow from a mobile operator MTS clients can use the “Promised payment” service if the account balance does not exceed 30 rubles. With its help you can get up to 800 rubles for three days. to the account (the more you spend, the more the operator is willing to lend):
    at monthly expenses up to 300 rub. - receive 200 rubles; with monthly expenses from 301 to 500 rubles. - receive 400 rubles; more than 500 rubles. - 800 rub.
The service is provided on a paid basis. For credit money you will have to pay from 7 to 50 rubles. To activate you need:
    dial on your phone: ✶111✶123#. call 111 and follow the operator’s instructions.
Ask your family to top up your account If relatives live far away, then this can be done using the “Pay for me” service from Megafon, sending a text to a subscriber of any operator with a request to top up the account. The service is activated free of charge. To activate it, you need to send a request from your mobile phone: * 143 * Subscriber number (in any format) #The main advantage of the service is that you can send a message while in national or international roaming. Send a free SMS or call at the subscriber's expense MTS clients can use the “Call Me Back” service by asking another subscriber to dial their number. You can send 20 requests per day. The recipient will receive a message with the text “Call back, please,” which will indicate the phone number and the date the request was sent. The message can be sent to all networks of mobile operators in Russia. To activate the service, you need to send the command: *110* subscriber number (10 digits) #. Block or unblock the ability to receive SMS using the commands *110*0# and *110*1#, respectively .An alternative way is to make a free call via the Internet. For example, through the “Calls.Online” service. This is a free service. Required:
    have a PC connected to the Internet with a microphone and speakers; go to the “Calls Online” website; enter special window telephone number in international format.
You can also make free calls through instant messengers Skype, Viber, WhatsApp. Audio and video messages between subscribers of the same network (messenger) are free, but such calls consume a lot of Internet traffic. Therefore, it is best to do them via WIFi. Free WIFi hotspots are available in all shopping centers, as well as in some public areas. Whoever needs you will call you himself You don't have to replenish your account at all. Today there are a lot of messengers for communicating via the Internet. Even if the MB packages on your phone have run out, you should install the PC version of the messenger and continue communicating with friends. Do not forget that calls to mobile phone between subscribers of the same operator are free, even if the account balance is negative. Those who want to resolve an urgent issue can call themselves.

In our country, you will hardly surprise anyone with the statement that your pocket is empty. But by this, people emphasize the lack of money rather than its complete absence. Whatever one may say, there are some savings for groceries, for travel, and even for an evening at a bar. But what to do when there is no money at all? Not a single wooden one. Not in your pocket, not in your piggy bank, not on your card.

People without a fixed place of residence are not bothered by such problems (although few people know that many of these beggars have more per day than the average factory worker). But, how to live without money to a normal person? In order to answer this question, we first define the nature of lack of money:

  • There is no money because it is despised, just like employers, work and the whole way of life in general
  • Temporarily not available Money due to certain circumstances (wasted money, robbed, lost, etc.)

In the first case, a person is unlikely to live in a populated area. The only way out for him will be to go into the forest. There, he will be able to get food and clothing by hunting, fish, collect berries and root crops, and build a hut.

The second case should be considered in more detail. Knowing some tricks, you can last a whole week.

By the way, one cannot discount such an option as the mudra of wealth. And you can read about it in the article Surely at least once in your life you have thought about why money passes you by. In this case, you can use the wisdom of wealth. The mudra itself is a special arrangement of the fingers and is capable of attracting wealth. It directly affects the human energy field.

Any person can live with money, but only a select few can survive a week (or even more) without money.

1. Ask for an advance

There is nothing shameful, during a period of lack of money, to come to your boss and ask (and if you have certain services to the company, then demand) an advance. It doesn’t hurt to explain the reason for such an unexpected request, and emphasize the seriousness of the situation with every word. If the boss is not a callous cracker, then you will achieve what you want.

2. Borrow

If the management is heartless, it is worth moving on to another method that has a greater degree of effectiveness - borrowing money. It's best to ask family or friends. But if they themselves are “broke,” then there is nothing left to do but turn to credit organizations. Fortunately, the financial crisis created a mass of institutions willing to give you a loan.

As an option, you can consider a regular bank, but you should immediately take into account that this financial institution issues only large amounts, and long terms. Is it worth getting involved in Kabbalah?

The second option is MFOs that issue small amounts to their clients. One such loan, if spent correctly, should last for a week or two. But there is a minus - the terms of this loan will not exceed one month. By the way, keep in mind that the interest rates in such a company are close to the “space” level.

The third option if you are short of money is to go to a pawnshop. Surely you have jewel or gadget. By pawning your item for a month (or more), you receive money, which you undertake to return with interest. Otherwise, the deposit goes to the pawnshop. If you pick up a good option, then you can find a very profitable offer with low interest rates.

All of the above methods are often practiced today. But how can someone who has neither a job nor property live without money? Let's look below.

3. Donate blood

Almost every city in our long-suffering country has a blood collection point. You may not have money in your pocket, but there is an abundance of this fluid in your body.

You can donate blood no more than once a month. But if you live in a big city, then there should be several donor points, but as practice shows, they do not have a common database. In other words, you can donate blood at two (if your condition allows, at three) points in one day.

Unfortunately, not everyone can become a blood donor. Due to some previous illnesses, the blood may not be suitable.

How can someone who has neither a job, nor property, nor healthy blood live without money? Read on.

4. Working on the Internet

Fortunately, the Internet has a lot of options on which you can make money. Creative people can simultaneously combine business and pleasure by registering on a freelance exchange. This could be writing texts for which you will be paid, or making money by posting photographs.

Many sufferers financial difficulties people today earn their living by reposting, leaving comments, liking, etc. Naturally, big money It won’t bring you any money, but you can feed yourself until you get paid.

There are many web resources where people offer their services. It could be walking the dog, renovation work, going to the store, caring for the elderly and much more.

How to live without money for those who have no job, no property, no healthy blood, no Internet? Below!

5. Find a temporary job

If you are not a resident of a remote village, then it will not be difficult for you to open a newspaper that has a special column where vacancies are located. There are always advertisements for temporary employment.

People are always needed to unload wagons and trucks. In addition, every day there is a recruitment of leaflet posters. There is no easier way to make money by distributing leaflets and business cards. main feature For a part-time job of this nature, the pay is good.

If you have a car, then you can go “bombing” without any problems in your free time from your main job. Many organizations are constantly in need of couriers, which will again be to your advantage.

Finding money to feed yourself today is more than realistic. The main thing is not to wait for manna from heaven to fall, but to independently look for ways to normalize your financial situation.

As soon as you have a small amount of money, do not rush to spend it right away. Buy only necessary products. Do not visit fast food establishments, but cook yourself. Travel by public transport (or better yet, on your own two feet).

Don't spend money on entertainment, and, for a while, give up your weaknesses (sweets, alcohol, etc.).

And, remember that it is important not only to earn money, but also to manage it wisely, save and increase it. And it will help you with this

Always look for new income opportunities. This way you will quickly get out of poverty. Good luck!

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Michael Glauser, entrepreneur and business consultant, gives advice on how you can build your business if you don't have the funds.

“I want to open my own business, but I don’t have money.” I hear these words all the time when I work with aspiring entrepreneurs. Many of them have great ideas, but first they need a long business plan and a huge amount of money. In fact, most successful entrepreneurs end up running their own business. If you love what you do, you will always find a way to make things work even with limited resources. Here are five tips to follow if you want to build a thriving company.

Nicole Debum was a professional triathlete for 11 years. She was knowledgeable about women's sportswear, but knew little about the market. As a result, she decided to find a group of consultants who could teach her everything she needed and help her acquire useful contacts.

“When I started the business, I started making appointments with experts ten times a week,” Nicole said. “I recruited a smart team.”

Here's how the story ended: Nicole found the resources she needed, opened her own company, and sold over $25 million worth of skirt shorts.

2. Find an interested business angel

A team of experts will help you find potential partners who want to work with your company. Take, for example, the story of Jeff Wester. Jeff wanted to open a real classic blacksmith shop in Sisters, Oregon. He found a wealthy mentor who had been involved in a similar business for a long time. He allocated Jeff a piece of land and gave him money to open a new forge. Then the mentor gave Jeff a promissory note, according to which he must gradually return the money invested. This option was very convenient for Jeff.

3. Use rented or used equipment to get started.

Justin Gold made the world's best nut butter using his homemade food processor and sold it at farmers markets. When he decided to expand his business, he approached some of the major peanut butter manufacturers. They said they couldn't add honey, maple syrup, or some other ingredients to their syrup because they might spoil it. industrial equipment. Justin wondered why such products could be used in the kitchen, but not in multimillion-dollar factories. Later, he managed to find old factory equipment for processing food and purchased it for almost nothing. Justin recently sold his business to Hormel for $286 million.

4. Sell something to get in the game

Allen Lim spent his early years in the cycling industry. He created several natural refreshing drinks that appealed to his country's top cyclists. Allen wanted to turn his passion into a business, but he didn't have the money. So he found an old street food cart and turned it into a mobile burrito kitchen. Allen sold burritos at races and bike races across the country. With the money he raised, he was able to promote his products. Taking into account the income from burrito sales, he needed $800 to launch the products. Now his company Skratch Labs is the main supplier healthy products for professional athletes and amateurs.

5. Sell the product before you create it.

The key is to get customers to buy your products, and you can often start selling them very early. I sold half a million dollars worth of frozen treats before I started my own brand. David Kann made a million dollars even before the Double Robots brand appeared. And the founders of Power Practical raised $1.5 million before they even started producing their energy devices. - great way test the product before you start spending a lot of time and money on your business.

In general, you can always find a way to get things done even with limited resources. Find a group of mentors who can give you free advice, meet potential business angels, use used equipment to get started, sell something for startup capital and start marketing your product before you even create it. And most importantly: act now. Don't let a lack of money stop you from creating the company of your dreams.

Search more money work or part-time work, opening your own business or making a profit from your favorite hobby - our article will reveal the secrets of fighting total lack of money.

Lack of money is a good reason for a new or only permanent one. Such a search should be organized in several directions:

  1. View vacancies in printed publications (newspapers: Work for You, Profession, Vacancy, From Hand to Hand, etc.).
  2. Selection of vacancies on popular Internet resources ( HeadHunter, Rabota.ru, Job.ru, SuperJob.ru) and posting a detailed summary on websites in the public domain.
  3. Visiting labor exchanges and job fairs.
  4. Sending a resume or visiting the HR departments of large enterprises that are promising as an employer.

Opening a business without investment or with minimal costs

Organize small holidays that do not require spending money - walks and bike rides, trips out of town, visits or watching life-affirming films in the comfort of your home.