What does potassium humate give to plants? How to properly use potassium humate for various crops? Instructions for use of potassium humates

One of the main purposes of soil in nature is to provide all the necessary conditions for the growth and development of plants. These humus contents determine the level of fertility, productivity, and according to research, it deteriorates every year on agricultural lands, namely, there is an unsatisfactory degree of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, as well as significant microelements.

In order to change the situation, it is necessary strict control maintaining the balance of all groups of organic and inorganic compounds in the soil. Otherwise, the soil becomes less resistant to tillage tools with auger working bodies, loses properties such as hairiness, structure, moisture capacity (holding water in its vapor), water permeability (the ability to pass water into the lower layers), etc.

The benefits of humic fertilizers

Humates are substances that help stimulate the actions of those microorganisms that are responsible for the mineralization of organic substances. During the decomposition of fertilizer with the help of microorganisms, the soil becomes saturated with organic substances (producing acid properties) and mineral compounds (magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium), carbon dioxide, and also maintains a normal set of microbial cells with the same properties.

The benefits of applied humic fertilizers increase the following indicators soil:

  • Physical (density, porosity, volumetric mass).
  • Physico-chemical (structure, hairiness, water permeability, absorption capacity).

When fertilizing with humic fertilizers, mineral particles are enveloped and connected to each other, which contributes to the formation of a granular, grainy soil structure, which then improves its holding capacity. useful substances, air and water permeability. This complex of processes leads to active growth and productivity. By receiving plenty of useful elements, the amount of vitamins C, E, B, PP, proteins, sugars, nucleic acids, and starch in plants increases.

Application in crop production

The concentrate is obtained by processing peat, as a result of which we obtain extracts of such active substances as nitrogen, K, P, as well as monovalent salts (from humic acids) and microelements. It has a stimulating and antifungal effect and is presented in the form of a solution of high concentration, which must be diluted in a certain ratio before being introduced into the soil.

How to improve productivity?

We are constantly receiving letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year bad harvest potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS on this matter. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we would like to recommend plant growth biostimulants that will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.


The action is directed:

  • To increase the germination rate of all agricultural plants.
  • To improve survival rate after transplanting seedlings.
  • On the process of development of the indigenous system.
  • To increase the yield of the crop grown.
  • To improve soil structure.

The active ingredient of the suspension is potassium salts of humic acids, which are a complex of mineral, organic substances and macroelements.

Application: 0.005–0.01% of active substance in solution. It is prepared according to the proportions for each type of plant being grown. Foliar feeding is recommended, which has a positive effect on reducing the accumulation of poisons and nitrates in finished products.

Potassium humate combines well with other types of fertilizers. Thanks to them, it has an even greater effect on increasing the percentage of yield. It is also combined with various pesticides that are used to treat plants during the period of growth and development.

Application to grain crops

Work with fertilizers is carried out in 3 options:

  1. Pre-sowing treatment of grains only with potassium humate. The recommended dose per ton of seeds is 0.2 kg of concentrate per 9 liters of liquid.
  2. Etching. Ensuring disease resistance with the addition of liquid fertilizer.
  3. Treatment with any adhesive trademark(a film is formed to create a good microclimate) disinfectants, fertilizers.

The preparation of the suspension in the second and third options is carried out already ready-made mixtures for etching and adhesion at the rate of 0.2 kg of active ingredient per 10 liters.

During large-scale processing use special equipment for spraying, for example, Mobitox-Super or Cyclomat.

Under the influence of fertilizer, the following positive changes occur in winter crops:

On a production scale, seedling processing is carried out with special machines, and at home - with a backpack-type device.

Potassium humate on vegetable crops

Biontization of everyone vegetable crops produced with liquid potassium humate 0.01–0.005%, by soaking the seeds in a prepared suspension from 10 to 48 hours a day before planting. The solution is diluted in the ratio: 5 liters of water + 1 teaspoon of concentrate.

For increased productivity, vegetative plants are re-treated with a liquid solution of 0.01–0.005%. During treatment, consumption is determined by the type of plant. For example, radishes, lettuce, greens, and onions require at least three sprays during the development period. And also cucumbers - 3-4 times, cabbage, beets, carrots, zucchini - 4-5 times.

Processing cucumbers: real results

In the case of planting young plants grown in greenhouse conditions, the first treatment with potassium humate is recommended after 2–3 days. Subsequent application - no less than after 2-3 weeks.

If various vegetables are sown, then the first treatment is carried out after the plant has 2–3 leaves, then during the formation of buds, flower initiation, and fruiting.

This humate is perfectly compatible with various pesticides.

Important! After regular and timely treatment of plants mineral fertilizers Not only the yield increases significantly, but also the period of their ripening accelerates.

The best growth stimulator for the root system of vegetable crops

Application to fruit and berry crops and grapes

For uninterrupted plant cultivation, intensive growth, adaptation of grapes and fruit and berry crops also apply potassium humate by soaking the hollow wooden rod before cultivating (a procedure to activate growth and formation of roots), grafting, planting.

Soaking method: immersion of a third of the length of the stems and seedlings in a solution with a concentrate of 0.008%. Aging – 24–72 hours.

After planting and 2 weeks after the last biontization, it is recommended to water with the same solution (10 grams of 8% potassium humate concentrate is diluted in 10 liters of water).

Spraying of fruit-bearing trees and berries is carried out at the rate of 1.2 liters of concentrate 0.008% -0.01% per 1 square meter.

Currant bushes are treated at the root with an interval of no more than 10 days for several months (June-July).

Feeding and protecting plants using the presented fertilizer - reliable way increase productivity, protect against disease and rot, increase resistance during periods of lack of moisture or extreme heat.

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Potassium humates have been used in crop production for more than half a century. organic fertilizers for soil and stimulants for the growth and development of plant crops. The versatility and versatility of this substance make its scope very wide. This includes improving the composition and structure of the soil, accelerating the germination of seed material or rooting of seedlings, and increasing decorative properties plants and their productivity.

Humic substances can be used throughout the entire growing season of plants. It is very economical and effective even in small doses, and is also environmentally friendly. Let's talk about this fertilizer and its use in detail.

Commercially available humates differ in origin, form and composition. What are these differences?


Humates are produced from natural and artificial raw materials.

For reference. The reaction with sodium alkali produces a product with similar properties - sodium humate. But his sphere of influence is not so vast. In addition, he has alkaline reaction, therefore not recommended for application to alkaline soil. Although in general the differences between these drugs are not too great.


Potassium humate is well compatible with many other drugs beneficial to plants, so it is often produced not only in pure form, but also in complex compositions. These include humatized urea or Fitosporin, popular among gardeners.

The quality of the product and the concentration of the active substance in it are of great importance. Some manufacturers sell a solution of ordinary peat under the guise of humic fertilizers. Outwardly, it does not differ from the “correct” product, and it contains humins, but it is clear that it is no different in effectiveness. Therefore, it is better to buy concentrated preparations created by well-known manufacturing companies.


Release form

Potassium humate can be found on sale in different types, and choose the most convenient form for use.

  1. A liquid concentrate that is independently diluted with water in the required proportions. Available in containers of different sizes, which is very convenient for large agricultural producers, summer residents, and hobbyists. indoor plants.

  2. The most economical and convenient for transportation form of release is the paste from which liquid fertilizer for watering and spraying.

  3. In bulk form (granules, powders), potassium humate is convenient to add to the soil when digging it. And also when fertilizing large areas. The drug is scattered on the surface of the ground before plowing or on melting snow. This method is very effective for fertilizing lawns.

  4. The most effective development is considered to be a gel containing active molecules. The liquid preparation prepared from it has increased penetration.

    Ballast-free fully soluble potassium humate - gel

Regardless of the form, all these drugs are equivalent in action. The differences lie only in the method of application, preparation of solutions, and dosage.

Instructions for use

Depending on the composition, release form and manufacturer, potassium humate may have different concentrations of the active substance, therefore each drug has its own instructions developed by the manufacturer.

A solution for watering or foliar feeding of leaves is prepared by diluting any form of the drug with water according to the proportions specified in the instructions. Since there is no danger from an overdose of the drug, for watering it is often diluted without observing strict proportions, simply making the solution similar in color to weak tea.

Note. A solution of powdered or granulated potassium humate may contain insoluble mechanical impurities. If it is prepared for spraying, it is recommended to strain it.

Approximate consumption of the finished solution


8-10 liters per square meter of crops.

10 liters per 50-100 square meters.

Strictly according to instructions

When using bulk fertilizer, its consumption depends on quality composition soil:

  • fertile soils - 100 grams per 100 square meters (one hundred square meters);
  • poor or contaminated soils - 300-500 grams per hundred square meters.

Water temperature for solution, environment and processing time do not matter.

How it works

Scientists still do not fully understand the principle of operation humic substances. But it has been established that they have the ability to bind certain chemical compounds, attracting them to themselves. For example, they block harmful substances contained in the soil, which include heavy metal salts, radionuclides, and pesticides. And from seeds they extract compounds that negatively affect their germination and block the penetration of infections into them.

Another useful property humates – the ability to penetrate the cell membranes of plant crops, improving their nutrition, circulation of nutrients and fluid movement.

Regular use of this substance allows you to achieve the following results:

  • increasing soil fertility and populating it with beneficial microflora, neutralizing the toxins it contains. Potassium humate helps loosen heavy clay soil and make light sandy soil more moisture-absorbing;
  • acceleration of rooting of cuttings, germination of seeds and bulbs, obtaining friendly and healthy shoots;

  • acceleration of fruit ripening, approaching flowering dates ornamental crops;
  • increasing plant resistance to infections and insect pests, as well as resistance to negative factors such as frost or drought;
  • increasing productivity.

Note. The effectiveness of potassium humate is especially obvious when used in regions with harsh climates and poor soil. In chernozem zones, the soil itself contains a lot of useful humus, and the favorable climate does not create problems for growing garden and vegetable crops, so people living in such areas often have doubts about the benefits of the drug.

Video - Potassium humate in the country. Improve the structure of the saline area

Very good results When growing vegetables and ornamental crops, this can be achieved by using potassium humate throughout the season. Moreover, the methods of application can be very different:

  1. You can start with early spring, scattering granules of the drug throughout the planted area of ​​the site, including not only beds and greenhouses, but also the lawn, the ground under garden trees, flower beds. This application of fertilizers on snow is especially effective: they will dissolve and, together with melt water, be absorbed into the soil.

  2. Potassium humate is then used to soak seeds before planting, as well as purchased seedlings and own cuttings to stimulate root formation and accelerate survival in a new location.

  3. Seedlings before picking or planting in open ground It is useful to spray with a solution of the drug or water after these activities.

  4. Watering and spraying are recommended throughout the growing season, especially during periods of cold weather, ovary formation, and fruit ripening.

  5. In the fall, after harvesting, liquid or powder fertilizer is recommended to be applied to areas where pesticides have been used.

  6. Potassium humate accelerates the conversion of organic waste into compost and saturates it with beneficial microorganisms. Therefore it is very useful to shed compost heap a solution of this substance.

If we compare potassium humate with other fertilizers, it has many advantages, including low cost, environmental safety, simplicity and all-season use, unlimited shelf life, and versatility. This is what makes it so attractive to professionals and amateurs.

Gaining increasing popularity among farmers organic farming. Many specialists in agriculture and private gardeners and flower growers are switching to growing natural crops without the use of various chemical additives and fertilizers. A big role in these modern technologies Humates play a role, and in particular potassium humate.

About six decades ago, the famous professor Lydia Khristeva showed in practice the effectiveness of humates. Having isolated humic acids from the soil, which were represented by a solution of sodium salts, she used them to water the plants. This solution contributed to the accelerated growth and development of crops. Nowadays, preparations based on humates are used and manufactured in many countries and are used in great demand in agriculture. This industry is being reborn every year into the production of environmentally friendly and healthy products. Farmers began to massively use humates in their activities.

What are humates?

Humates are a variety of preparations that are made from salts of humic acids, which are easily dissolved and converted with effective solution for use in various industries. Potassium and sodium salts are the basis and concentrate of humus, which directly controls the biochemical processes in the soil. Numerous groups of such drugs are used to restore the debilitated and poor land plots, when drilling land, in environmental practice, in crop production and livestock farming, as well as in construction and medicine.

Benefits of humus

Humus is formed during the decomposition of organic products and their waste. The more organic matter and less oxygen, the more efficient the process of humus accumulation occurs. Useful biochemical processes in soil under the influence of humates occur only with three main components - soil, water and plants.

  • Humates help improve the composition of the soil and fill it with nutrients, stimulate the growth of crops and protect them from toxic products and heavy metals.
  • Humus helps warm the soil, as it turns it dark.
  • Humus is able to maintain the necessary soil moisture, as it can hold water in large quantities.
  • Using humus you can change the composition of the soil. For example, sandy crumbly areas with humus become cohesive, and viscous clay soils in combination with humus they turn into loose ones.
  • When using potassium humate, plants absorb nutrients from soil and water at an accelerated rate.

Impact of potassium humate on various crops

Different crops react to this fertilizer individually, so they can be roughly divided into groups according to effect and degree of impact:

  • A strong reaction occurs in vegetable crops.
  • Corn, alfalfa, wheat and millet have a good reaction.
  • The reaction is weak in legumes.
  • Minimum impact on sunflower and pumpkin.

Potassium humate resembles in appearance ground coffee. It has the same color and similar flowability. It is used as a fertilizer for indoor plants and for flowers in the open ground. This universal fertilizer can change crop volumes by better side, despite various unforeseen situations and unexpected weather conditions.

With correct and timely use of humates good harvest guaranteed. In principle, fertilizer can be applied at various stages of plant development and growth. It is only necessary to take into account the difference in application between annuals and perennials. An annual plant really needs fertilizer in the initial stage of development and before the formation of reproductive organs. Perennial crops need fertilizing after planting or transplanting to a new location to strengthen and maintain the root part of the plants.

Fertilization with humates is carried out in several ways:

  • When soaking seeds before sowing or for processing other planting material.
  • When watering.
  • For foliar treatment (for example, when spraying).

Each type of crop has its own fertilizer application rate, which is indicated in the instructions for the product. Violating these recommendations to a lesser or greater extent is strictly prohibited, as the result will be a negative result. Plant growth and development may slow down, which will subsequently lead to low yields. It is recommended to distribute the preparation so that a small part is used for soaking seeds and spraying, and the larger part is used for watering at the root, that is, to nourish the root part of the plant.

To increase the yield coefficient, humates can be used in combination with other mineral components and microelements. The number of components of each individual complex fertilizer depends on the specific crop and the selected fertilizers. For example, you can use humus in combination with compost, manure and humus. Manure and compost promote the rapid growth of microorganisms if they are treated with a humate solution approximately 2.5-3 months before use. For 10 kg of compost or manure you will need 10 grams of humate. This complex fertilizer is applied to the soil by digging or in liquid form when watering.

The drug consists of 80% of the main substance and is a concentrated dark brown liquid with a growth-stimulating effect. During the processing of natural peat, many useful substances were extracted that are used in the preparation. These are potassium, numerous trace elements, as well as nitrogen and phosphorus. All these active organic matter are excellent plant nutrition and natural protection.

This fertilizer can be used at all stages of plant development and applied in any way. The liquid must be diluted with water according to the attached instructions (for a particular crop) and used for soaking planting material, spraying and applying under the root, soaking seedlings.

Peat potassium humate has an excellent effect as a soil nourishment. It helps increase organic components by plot of land. It must be applied in the form of a concentrated solution, using the manufacturer's recommendations. In combination with organic, chemical and mineral fertilizers, the effectiveness of the drug increases several times. There are no prohibitions on combining humate with potassium and nitrogen, but mixing it with phosphorus preparations is not recommended. Newly formed compounds will not be able to dissolve during such mixing. Preparations containing phosphorus must be applied separately from other fertilizers.

Mixing organic and chemical substances should be carried out carefully if you are not sure of the final result. When mixing small doses various elements you can easily monitor their reaction. If a homogeneous liquid is formed, the fertilizer can be used, but if sediment forms, it cannot be used.

The method of foliar treatment with complex fertilizers (with potassium humate, pesticides and minerals) not only has a beneficial effect on the development of plants, but also significantly reduces the amount of nitrates and toxic substances in their composition.

Use of the drug potassium humate "Prompter"

This universal preparation is distinguished by its composition in that it combines mineral and organic substances. The main advantages of potassium humate “Prompter” among other drugs:

  • Significantly reduces the ripening time of crops.
  • Increases plant immunity and increases resistance to many diseases.
  • The germination energy of seed material increases significantly.
  • It is an excellent conductor of nutrients from the soil to the plant.
  • In a short time it can restore soil fertility and improve its composition.
  • Promotes the formation of a healthy and strong root system.
  • The resistance of plants to climate and weather changes, and to any adverse weather conditions, increases many times over.
  • The quality of the harvested crop increases and its shelf life increases by extending its shelf life.

Most often this fertilizer is used for feeding indoor flowers. Strictly observing the dosages recommended in the instructions, it is recommended to use the fertilizer 2 times a month from March to October and 4 times from November to February.

Application of peat potassium humate (in powder form)

The advantage of the drug is as follows:

  • Helps reduce toxic substances and nitrates by 2 times.
  • Strengthens the immune system and increases resistance to pests and diseases.
  • Promotes rapid growth and maturation.
  • Promotes the formation and strengthening of the root part of plants.
  • The amount of nutrients and vitamins increases significantly.
  • Promotes the formation of high-quality humus due to the rapid development of microflora.
  • Restores soil fertility.
  • Increases plant resistance to drought and cold.

Humates- These are potassium or sodium salts, they are obtained from humic acid. The earth consists of humate and acids, its concentrate is humus, it is obtained after the decomposition of organic matter. And then humus is affected by watering, oxygen and microorganisms, and eventually it is converted into humates. The compositions increase the fertility of the land.

In 1786, Achard Franz obtained pure humate from peat soil. Currently, humates are extracted from soil, black lignite, peat soil, sapropel (this is a deposit that appears at the bottom of reservoirs with fresh water), from lignosulfates. California and earthworms can also create humate.

Potassium humate: description and composition

When using it, crops begin to grow and develop more intensively. Humate reduces soil acidity and improves the impact of soil on crops. Humates accelerate the metabolism in the soil, and the soil itself has a more beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the soil. different cultures Oh.

The drug contains:

  • many humic acids;
  • peptides;
  • substances that stimulate plant growth;
  • antibiotics;
  • waxes;
  • fats;
  • enzymes;
  • amino acids.

Potassium itself helps photosynthesis, the formation of sugars and the movement of carbohydrates from the surface of plants to the inside.

Humate is used to treat seeds, cuttings, seedlings, and even adult bushes. Humate is used in hydroponics by adding it to water.

To fertilize crops - spray them, water them or soak the seeds - take 0.01% potassium humate. To do this, pour 0.1 g of potassium humate into 1 liter of water.

Such an insignificant amount is simply impossible to measure, because of this, a mother solution is first prepared, that is, 1 g of the drug is poured into 1 liter of water, and then 100 ml of the mother solution is poured and another 900 ml is poured in clean water. Then the required solution of 0.01% is formed.

When applying the composition, remember that it acts as a fertilizer. And it should be alkaline and podzolic. Potassium humate cannot be used simultaneously with fertilizers containing phosphorus and calcium nitrate, since this combination forms compounds that are not soluble in water at all.

Humate does not have the desired effect if plants are planted in black soil. First, humates are added to the soil, and after 3-5 days the remaining fertilizers are applied.

Types of fertilizer

  • Liquid. Universal fertilizer in liquid form has a dark brown tint. It is created from peat soil, extracting from it nutrients and various microelements. It is added to chilled water. To do better composition soils are diluted 0.1-0.2% of the total volume liquid humate potassium Attention! Humate can remove nitrates and other toxic chemicals from crops, vegetables and fruits. When used, the liquid preparation is combined with nitrogen or organic fertilizers.
  • Dry. The use of powder improves the immune system of crops, plants grow faster and ripen more intensively. The powder is diluted in water according to the instructions. If you fertilize the soil with potassium humate, the development of microflora in it accelerates, and plants planted in such soil produce larger yields, the fruits ripen earlier. Potassium humate removes heavy metals from the soil. Attention! If you pour 1 kg of powder into the soil, it will replace 1 ton of humus.

Potassium humate "Prompter"

It is created from sapropel. “Prompter” is fertilized twice a month from the beginning of spring to the first month of autumn, then throughout September, and from October until the end of winter it is applied once every 1.5 months.The Prompter solution is prepared before use.

Benefits of using potassium humate

The drug stimulates the growth of crops. Basically, the composition acts on the roots, they grow more actively.

Benefits of potassium humate:

How to dilute potassium humate?

For soaking, add 1/3 teaspoon of the drug to 1 liter of clean water. Crop seeds are poured into the solution and left for 12-48 hours; the same is done with plant bulbs. And the cuttings are placed so that 2/3 of them are in the solution and left for 14 hours.

  • The bushes are sprayed like this: 3 g of potassium humate is poured into a ten-liter bucket of water, and then the plants are sprayed.
  • If you want to water the crops:add 1 tbsp. spoon of the drug into a ten-liter bucket of clean water and water the seedlings, as well as flowering bushes.

Attention! The drug is used after treating plants with pesticides to destroy harmful substances. To do this, 50 g of potassium humate powder is mixed with sand or ash and sprinkled over 10 m² of land.

Instructions for use for various crops

For grain crops

It is recommended to make a solution by pouring 200 g of concentrate into 9 liters of water. And soak the seeds in the composition.

Mobitox-Super or Cyclomat are used for processing grains. These are special devices that are used for treating seeds.

Spraying of wheat, rye, barley, oats is carried out during tillering and flowering. Spraying millet, sorghum - during tillering and the appearance of simple cluster inflorescences. Buckwheat is processed when buds form and after a few weeks. And corn - when the petals are thrown out and when it begins to bloom.

For vegetables and herbs

How to make a solution:

For fruit and berry crops

Fertilizer is applied in early spring before the formation of flower buds, then when the first ovaries appear, and a third time when the fruits ripen.Fertilizer helps fruits accumulate sugar.

How to make a solution:

Fertilize strawberries with this composition 3 times:

  1. first treat the seedlings before planting;
  2. then with active leaf growth;
  3. 3 times - in the fall, to prepare for winter. Pour 10 ml of fertilizer into a ten-liter bucket of water. This amount is enough 5 m² beds. It is recommended to use humate together with ammonium nitrate.

For garden flowers

Such plants are fed with potassium humate in the spring. at the beginning of the growing season, and annuals when all the shoots appear. Then fertilize every 2-3 weeks, 3-6 times in total.

How to make a solution:

For indoor plants

There is no humus in containers with indoor flowers. Therefore, indoor flowers make their growth more active, they form larger number buds, flowers become larger.

From early spring to September, feed the flowers once every two weeks. And from October until the end of winter, fertilize once every 1.5 months. Make the composition by pouring 5-100 ml of fertilizer into 1 liter of water, spray the flowers with this solution. Water with a similar solution.

But it’s better to fertilize with a special composition of Bona Forte, which contains potassium humate.

Potassium humate preparations and manufacturers

  • The composition is produced by NPO "POWER OF LIFE". This is a company in Russia that makes fertilizers. They extract potassium humate from Siberian deposits of leonardite and subbituminous coals.Sold in 0.5 l packaging, price – 199 rub. The company produces fertilizers that can be used on depleted lands, on soils with an imbalance of humus balance, including the company produces sodium humate.
  • The Sakhalin Gumates group of companies creates and sells humate, which is mined on Sakhalin Island at the Solntsevskoye deposit. Potassium humate is sold in a 5 liter package and costs 610 rubles, and 500 ml - 99 rub.
  • There is also a brand called “Green Section”. They sell the product in 500 ml packaging, it costs 69 rub. The same brand also sells hydrogel, potato fertilizers, perlite, and fluff lime.
  • Fertilizer "Krepysh" is also sold, In addition to potassium humate, it also contains many nutrients for plants. Sold in bags of 50 g, price – 45 rub.
  • Flexom LLC was founded in 1998. it produces and sells humic fertilizers. Fertilizer price – 60 rub. for 1 l.

Thus, potassium humate increases the fertility of the land, activates the growth and development of plants, and accelerates harvesting.

Even a novice gardener knows that it is impossible to get a rich harvest without fertilizers. Especially if we're talking about about soil that has been cultivated for a long time, which can no longer survive without constant replenishment of nutrients.

There are many supporters of both organic and either method, but many still agree that natural plant supplements are often healthier. If only because they completely decompose in the soil. One of these fertilizers is potassium humate. In this article we will look at ways to use it.

What is this anyway?

Our gardeners and gardeners have loved humate for a very long time. It is easy to use, and the effect of using this natural supplement is extremely good and noticeable even to the naked eye.

It is obtained from completely natural ingredients. Potassium humate is produced from the remains of vegetation; extracts from peat, manure or even lake silt are also used for this. In some cases, the natural components of humate act as a raw material and have a pronounced stimulating effect. Thus, pre-soaking the seeds sharply increases the degree of their germination. If you treat cuttings with it, the chances of their rooting increase significantly.

Fertilizer is equally useful for flowers and fruit trees And potted plants. Simply put, it is universal. Contains a lot of potassium, phosphorus and other trace elements. But potassium humate is richest in humic acids. It is their action that helps to obtain truly clean products in conditions of ever-increasing environmental pollution.

Is it suitable for all crops?

Experienced gardeners know that there are no truly universal fertilizers. So is this remedy as good as we just talked about it? Let us assure you right away: today there are no crops that would react negatively to humate. Almost always, the effect of its use is closely related to the characteristics of the soil on which your garden stands.

Note that fertilizers of this type are extremely useful on soils that contain very little iron. In addition, fertilizing with potassium humate is useful on alkaline soils (especially on them), saline soils, etc. But pouring a solution of the product onto black soil is pointless, since you still won’t notice any special effect. In addition, agronomists have identified several crops that respond especially strongly to the addition of this substance to the soil:

  • All nightshades respond well (including potatoes and tomatoes), as well as beets (and fodder too).
  • Almost all grains show significant increases in yield.
  • Legumes practically do not change the indicators in any way.
  • Under normal conditions, sunflower and pumpkin do not react to potassium humate; its use is not advisable.

It is no coincidence that we emphasized that the latest plant species do not grow under “normal” conditions. If it's been a bad year or you've planted them in poor quality soil, humic acids can work wonders! In a word, you should experiment for yourself, making sure of the effectiveness (or ineffectiveness) of this product in the conditions of your garden.

Thus, potassium humate is still universal. Its use can be recommended in almost any cases. You can read about when you should not use it at the end of our article.

What is the effect of its use?

Plants acquire a healthier and stronger appearance, the growth and development of their leaves and root system improves. In vegetable and fruit crops, the taste of fruits improves dramatically. In addition, humic acids can significantly reduce the content of nitrites and nitrates in fruits. They significantly revive and contribute to the development of beneficial soil microflora.

How to use it for soaking?

How to use potassium humate correctly? To soak seeds, it should be taken at the rate of 0.5 grams per 1 liter of water. Everything is simple, but how can such an insignificant volume be measured in everyday conditions?

To make your work easier, let’s say right away that approximately three grams of humate fit in a regular teaspoon. Thus, we take a third of a spoon to dilute its contents in two liters of water. The easiest way is to use ordinary plastic bottles to prepare the solution.

Flower bulbs can be kept in it for about eight hours, and it is better to increase the exposure time of seeds to up to a day. If it comes to carrot seeds, then they can be kept for two days. The cuttings are soaked for approximately 12-14 hours, dipping them into the fertilizer solution to 2/3 of their length.

We use humate as a fertilizer

We continue to study potassium humate. The instructions for using it as a “classic” fertilizer will be slightly different. Firstly, you need to take a much lower concentration. Despite its natural origin, you definitely shouldn’t forget about a sense of proportion. Excellent humate is suitable for which is carried out by conventional spraying of garden or garden crops. This method is extremely good, since the fertilizer reaches the “destination” almost instantly through the leaf blades of plants.

Spraying and watering

This method is good because you don’t have to run around with a bucket among the beds, and the solution consumption is reduced. All you need to do is walk around the garden with a sprayer. In this case, no more than three grams of fertilizer are required per ten liters of water. Important! Carefully filter the water, as it may contain many small peat particles, which can immediately clog the spray nozzles of the same “Beetle”.

As for watering, they are carried out three times with an interval of two weeks. The treatment period should coincide with the time of intensive growth. First, there should be at least half a liter of solution per plant, and then the volume is adjusted to a liter (for the third treatment).

For convenience, it is better to water the seedlings immediately after planting them in open ground, then repeat the treatment while setting buds, and water the plants a third time during their flowering. In this case, the concentration should be increased: a tablespoon of the substance is taken per bucket of water (ten liters). Here's how to use potassium humate.

How to dissolve correctly?

It is better to dissolve it in warm liquid. First, it is better to pour some water with a temperature of about 50˚C into a bucket, add the required amount of humate there, and then stir thoroughly. When there are no clearly visible lumps left in the solution, the volume of liquid can be increased to ten liters.

Everything would be fine, but diluting significant amounts of fertilizer in a regular bucket all the time is not very convenient. What if you have a large garden that requires several hundred liters of humate solution? Therefore, it is better to immediately prepare its concentrate. To do this, take a dozen tablespoons of fertilizer, after which it is dissolved in a liter warm water. If you pour the resulting solution into regular plastic bottle, it can be used for a whole month.

As you can easily figure out, 100 ml of such a mixture is equivalent to a tablespoon containing fertilizer. Potassium humate in this form is extremely convenient to use. Half a glass of solution per bucket of water is enough. This is the dose for root feeding. If you want to spray your plantings, then for the same ten liters you will need to measure 50 milliliters. Attention! Don’t forget about filtering: we already wrote above that there may be tiny lumps in the water. During storage, humic acids often precipitate, so the likelihood of clogging the sprayer nozzles increases sharply.

Price issue

By the way, how much does potassium humate cost? The price per liter of liquid product is about 130 rubles (but it is better to prepare it yourself). The cost of dry powder does not exceed 30 rubles for 25-30 g.

Improving the soil structure

If you want to improve the soil characteristics on your site, then by ten square meters simply scatter 50 grams of this wonderful fertilizer. To ensure uniform distribution over the area, the powder should be mixed in advance with regular river sand. Then all this should be thoroughly mixed by going over the area with a rake. If you mix humate with ash, it is better to scatter it in early spring. This way you will not only speed up the snow melting, but also ensure excellent soil fertility before planting.

Composts are our everything

Surely every more or less experienced gardener knows how good organic compost is as a fertilizer. There's just a problem: the hard parts. perennial plants, as well as weed seeds rot for an extremely long time, sometimes “delighting” garden owners even after several years. The peculiarity of humic acids is their ability to destroy the hard cellulose of dead plants. We invite you to take advantage of this property.

In addition, humates sharply increase the activity of saprophytic microflora, which also accelerates the maturation of compost and significantly improves its quality. To obtain high-quality fertilizer, about three months before application to the soil (at the end of spring, for autumn plowing), it is useful to irrigate the humus with a solution of humates, and the dose of fertilizer is calculated based on the need for approximately 10 grams of humic acids to decompose ten kilograms of compost.