How to treat leaves of houseplants turning yellow. Yellow leaves on indoor plants. Natural aging of plants

The repairs cannot be completed. It can only be suspended.

Lifehacker told you about. Remember Christian Schallert's transformable apartment with an area of ​​24 square meters. m.? And the apartments, similar to the monastery cell, are only 15 square meters in size. m.?

If you also have a small apartment, this article is for you. We will tell you about some tricks that you can use to make your home visually larger.


Interior designers are magicians who can create optical illusions using color and light. We'll talk about light later, but for now there are three golden rules for working with color in small spaces:

  1. Can not use dark colors(black, brown, dark blue, etc.) - they “eat up” up to 40% of the space. How brighter room, the bigger it seems.
  2. You should avoid bright contrasts: blue + orange, purple + yellow, etc. Such combinations enliven the interior, but make it visually smaller.
  3. Pure white is also bad. It is better to use cream ones, pastel shades(light green, sky blue, etc.). Cool colors give more space than warm ones.

You can also use photo wallpaper on one wall, carefully selecting the design. Great solutions- a spacious lawn, a road going into the distance, sunset on the sea.

As for texture, a good play of light is created by embossed wallpaper, as well as wallpaper with glitter.

In addition, the visual illusion of space is created by zoning the room using a combination various materials or wallpaper prints. Thanks to zoning, you can turn one room into several. For example, separate the bedroom and work area. The main thing is to maintain the color scheme. The colors should be close to each other and harmoniously combined with each other.


The floor, like the walls, should be light. It is recommended to lay parquet and laminate flooring diagonally or in a herringbone pattern - this will not only visually expand the space, but also hide the irregular geometry of the walls.

As for carpet and linoleum: it is better if they are plain or at least without large patterns. Same with carpets. Nothing fancy or colorful. If you want to lay a carpet, then let it be light (to match the walls), plain or striped.


Needless to say, the ceilings in a small apartment should also be light? Ideally, snow-white. But, if you don’t like pure white ceilings, remember the rule: the ceiling is 1-2 shades lighter than the walls.

Many separate the walls and ceiling with fillets and panels. But you shouldn’t do this if you want to visually raise the ceiling. It is better when the walls and ceiling are the same color and are not separated from each other.

In addition, shiny glossy ceilings add volume. A good option - hanging structures. But remember: their installation will require several centimeters from the height of the room. If the ceiling is so low that you cannot sacrifice even a centimeter, then it is better to abandon suspended ceilings.

Doors and windows

Hinged doors “eat up” a lot of space. The furnishings of the room depend on their location (you can’t put anything special next to the door). Interior designers in small apartments recommend installing sliding doors.

By the way, even such a small thing as door furniture, may play a role in visual magnification rooms. Shiny handles and hinges reflect light and open up the space.

The visual perception of the size of the apartment also depends on the windows. Big windows They visually enlarge the space, while small ones compress it. The more natural light, the more spacious the house seems. Therefore, you should not install window frames with doors and windows. The frame color should be light.

Curtains, especially massive ones, from thick fabric, with lambrequins, create a cramped effect. If you are going to hang curtains, then light, transparent (tulle, organza, etc.), slightly gathered.

There is another trick with curtains. Nail the curtain and hang the curtains not directly above the window, but from the ceiling. In this case, the curtains should be long - to the floor. This will create the illusion that the room is higher than it actually is.


As already mentioned, optical illusions in interior design are created using color and light. To visually expand the space, there should be a lot of light.

But this does not mean that you need to buy a huge chandelier with 16 lights and hang it in the center of the room. On the contrary, bulky lamps should be abandoned. Instead, it is better to use small LED bulbs around the entire perimeter of the room.

Don’t forget about the walls: sconces add volume, and tall floor lamps emphasize vertical lines.


The more objects there are in a room, the smaller it looks. Therefore, in the selection of furniture for a small apartment main principle- minimalism.

3 key tips:

  1. Do an audit and throw away everything you don't need. Leave only truly necessary pieces of furniture.
  2. Use multifunctional furniture(transformable bed, sofa with drawers etc.).
  3. Buy light-colored furniture. Preferably to match the walls.

An excellent solution is glass furniture (tables, cabinets with transparent inserts, etc.). It transmits light, which means it “creates” additional space.

Upholstered furniture and it is better to choose cabinets with legs - they seem lighter and smaller.

Another life hack: if you want to visually raise the ceiling, arrange a tall, but not wide, cabinet or rack along one of the walls - from the floor to the very top.

Wardrobe - floor to ceiling

As for the arrangement of furniture, there is also a trick here. Placing furniture along the walls is not always justified. Try to place large furniture in the background and small furniture closer to the exit.

Mirrors and decor

Mirrors also cleverly deceive our eyes. A room with a mirror appears brighter and more spacious. Therefore, designers strongly recommend - more mirrors and more mirrors!

A large rectangular mirror or a mirrored cabinet surface looks good. In the first case, you should avoid massive frames and remember that a rectangular mirror hung horizontally expands the room, and vertically it lengthens it.

As for others decorative elements, then here, as with furniture, you should adhere to minimalism. Fewer items - more space.

You should not hang large paintings in solid frames on the walls - family photos(no larger than A4) look much better in a small room. You shouldn't buy big figurines, floor vases and antiques. And remember: no arches, columns or stucco moldings!

As you can see, even a modest-sized apartment can be turned into a “mansion” if you know how to trick visual perception.

There cannot be living spaces without windows. At least that’s what the current SNIPs tell us, however real life makes adjustments, and its name is redevelopment. We try so hard to squeeze out as much useful space as possible from the apartment, to create an individual space for each family member, that sometimes we deliberately leave some room without a window. The situation is aggravated by the fact that, as a rule, this space is also quite small in area. Exist there without sunlight and fresh air It’s difficult, but if you use a few tricks, you’ll be surprised at how much the previously gloomy and uncomfortable room has changed. Experts have accumulated whole line techniques for designing a room without a window and are happy to share their experience.

Before we move on to tips and examples, let’s figure out where rooms without a natural light source come from, because such spaces cannot be built. If you can’t build it, then you can legalize it. The main thing is to tell the BTI that from now on there will be a room without a window, or - non-residential premises, where the absence of windows is acceptable. Then enterprising owners arrange a bedroom, living room or even a children's room in a separate space - it all depends on the needs. By the way, in modern housing, where the rooms are made quite spacious, the idea of ​​such a redevelopment looks very attractive, because as a result you can get two rooms with sufficient space. The main thing is to think carefully about the interior and not forget about ventilation.

No. 1. Proper lighting is the basis

Ideally, artificial lighting in a windowless room should be as close to natural as possible so that those in the room do not experience discomfort. From your favorite light bulbs warm light will have to refuse the benefits of lamps daylight . the main taskcreate uniform lighting of all areas of the room, since dark corners will once again remind you of main problem premises. To accomplish this task, designers recommend using the following techniques:

  • multi-zone lighting. To illuminate a room without windows, it is necessary to use both, and wall, and table, and. Only in this case will it be possible to illuminate every corner and cope with the lack of light;
  • besides it is better to use point system ceiling lamps , which will evenly illuminate the entire room. Some experts advise making spot lighting as inconspicuous as possible in order to create the feeling of sunlight entering the room;
  • , paintings, furniture facades, and - everything that can be additionally illuminated should be equipped with a light source;
  • sconce, and table lamps will also be appropriate. Don’t be afraid that the room will be too bright - you are unlikely to turn on all the light sources together, but you will provide yourself several comfortable lighting scenarios.

It is very important that those in a windowless room do not have the feeling of an enclosed space. To make such a room more comfortable and level out its peculiarity, you can use any tricks. Light up kitchen fronts or bed base, creating the impression of penetration of sunlight. Illuminating cabinet furniture, especially if there is a lot of it in the room, will make the room brighter and lighter. Sometimes additional sources The lights are installed near the floor - it looks impressive and airy.

Sometimes ideas are born when you least expect them. For example, instead of regular cabinet doors, you can use shutters (a frame structure with multiple horizontal panels and a small gap between them), and thanks to LED strip, which is hidden behind the doors, it seems that sunlight is falling into the room through a window with shutters. The effect is so strong that even your brain, which knows the secret of the room, will perceive the stream of artificial light as natural rays.

No. 2. False windows - a spectacular optical illusion

So that the interior of the room is not completely boring, it can be supplemented with several bright accessories. Natural shades are preferred. Two or three will be enough bright colors– otherwise you can overload the room.

No. 12. Sliding panels instead of walls

Replacing blank walls with mobile partitions would seem to be the simplest and least expensive solution, but, unfortunately, not always possible. A sliding partition is well suited for separating the bedroom from the living room, or. When privacy is needed, the doors close, creating two separate, isolated spaces. Slightly open and fully open doors will allow light and fresh air to enter a windowless room.

No. 13. Green room decoration

A windowless room is a room with limited fresh air. In this case, it will be difficult to do without a normal ventilation system, but a few plants in the room still won’t hurt. They will decorate the room They will bring life into it and give it some oxygen.

From the widest range of house plants you can choose any one to suit your taste, but for the special conditions of a windowless room, these are best suited ficus, which can purify, humidify the air and even remove toxins from it. Also great chlorophytum, begonia, aloe and Kalanchoe.

No. 14. Ventilation in a room without windows

Anyone who has a windowless room in an apartment knows that it is difficult to breathe in it, the air is constantly stale, and ventilation does not always help. There is no way to do without it, but you can arrange it in one of the following ways:

In the presence of sliding partition, transoms or windows in next room the issue of ventilation may not be so acute.

Finally, we note that to illuminate a room without windows, for obvious reasons, it is better to use only, and then most of the disadvantages of this room can be leveled out, making it cozy, comfortable, bright and economical.

Armed with these techniques, you can easily create a spacious and voluminous interior in your room.

1. The very first thing is color. When selecting materials, choose light ones pastel shades without bright and dark elements.

2. If you need to lengthen the room, then the opposite wall should be decorated with a cooler and lighter shade. If you have some kind of print on your wallpaper, then you need to remember that large drawing brings it closer, and the small one lengthens it.

3. If the room is long and narrow, then it can be expanded using wallpaper with horizontal stripe, as well as visually bringing the opposite wall closer using wallpaper or paint of a dark, warm shade.

4. Wallpaper with a small floral print will visually enlarge the room, and if you combine and paste the same wallpaper only with large flower, then it will also be possible to expand the room.

5. Low ceilings can be leveled using light, or preferably white, glossy ceiling or more extreme - “mirrors”. If the height allows, then you can “play” with different levels plasterboard ceiling. The ceiling and floor should be light, like the rest of the walls in the room. A light floor with longitudinal lines will also help to increase the space. Light glossy tiles will also help with this.

6. It is necessary to work very carefully with borders in a small room, there is a risk of reducing it even more.

7. Good tool, with the help of which it is always possible to enlarge or expand the space - mirrors. But the main thing here is not to overdo it.

8. Light and light textiles on the windows will also visually enlarge the space and make the room more airy and bright.

9. Choose simple furniture, preferably with straight lines and functional. It is desirable that it does not differ in color from the general color range rooms. Avoid large furniture. It's better to put medium sofa and one small chair than a full-fledged soft corner.

10. By placing some bright decorative item in the farthest corner of the room, you will create the effect of great perspective, and the person entering will perceive the room as spacious.

11. Make the room brighter with additional lighting. In addition to sunlight and central lighting, use interior lighting and additional light sources. Sometimes, only through the right lighting, you can create stunning visual effects. If you are not confident in your abilities, contact professional designers.

12. In a small room, many small decorative items (trinkets, candlesticks, figurines, etc.) will look awkward and visually clutter the space even more. Therefore, try to remove everything unnecessary.

13. Do not take up space in the center of the room; place furniture along the walls and in the corners.

14. Choose “transparent” furniture with glass surfaces.

15. Use mirrors. With their help you will create depth in the room. Mirrors also make a room appear lighter and brighter by reflecting natural and artificial light.

16. If you need to divide a room by highlighting a certain zone, use “shelves” and glass partitions.

17. Instead regular doors You can also put a glass partition in the room.

18. When selecting household appliances give preference narrow options. Fortunately, today is very wide choose flat wall-mounted TVs and narrow monitors.

19. By making a niche with circular lighting in the wall, you will visually move the wall further, which will increase the volume of the room.

20. And finally, if you have the opportunity to combine rooms by removing partitions, use this method, but here you will have to work hard and run through all sorts of authorities to coordinate the redevelopment of the apartment.

You may have just logged in adolescence or want to change up your room a little. If you consider the bedroom as one of the places to express your individuality, then why not decorate your room according to your new style and ideas of comfort?


Part 1

Preparation and planning

    Get permission from your parents or guardians. Many parents and carers won't mind a simple rearrangement of bedroom furniture, but larger changes may raise eyebrows (or resentment). Ask permission to change your room before starting any work. Share your plans and find out how possible it is. This approach will be especially appropriate when it comes time to buy new jewelry!

    • If you refuse, there is no need to be upset or angry. Just ask for the reason. There are many aspects that can influence a parent's decision, from financial situation to the specifics of your wishes. If you know the exact reasons, then it will be easier for you to reach a compromise.
    • It is usually much easier to persuade your parents to buy small, portable pieces of furniture than to convince them that you need a new wardrobe and sofa, and even more so to prove that your room needs a complete renovation. Small items are easy to bring and carry into the bedroom. Plus, they won't cost too much.
  1. Consider your interests and ideas about comfort. To a large extent, the appearance of the future room depends on your ideas about “comfort,” so it is important to think about it. What's on your Can the look be called cozy? Remember that you are the one to live in this room, so you have the right to decorate it according to your ideas. It is important to take into account your interests and definition of “comfort” to create your own style.

    • Your ideas of cozy can include anything, but "dark" themes (black or burgundy colors, "gothic" or "emo" style with dark symbols like a skull and crossbones) usually have nothing to do with cozy. Cozy room should radiate joy and innocent purity, and not a depressive and cynical outlook on life.
    • Pleasant and cozy are often considered light shades colors (blue, pink, yellow and purple) or pastel colors, Stuffed Toys, fluffy things (pillows, carpets, rugs), artificial flowers and other restrained versions of “girly” themes.
  2. Decide if you need a central theme. There are many thematic options for decorating a room, from personal hobbies to different cultures world, fictional worlds and characters. A topic like this could be a good starting point.

    • Don't overdo it - it's fine to put a few sports trophies on the shelf and add two or three posters to the walls, but don't overload the room with just sports-themed items without any variety. Everything should be in moderation.
  3. Look for inspiration on the Internet. There are many people whose ideas you can use to decorate your bedroom. Some people prefer to find inspiration in in social networks, to create certain style(like "Tumblr-style rooms"), while others use individual designs or make their own decorations. A Google search for “bedroom decorating ideas” will yield plenty of examples and sources of inspiration.

    Draw the room of your dreams. When you decide on the desired design, you can draw your room with furniture and decorations. This will help you visualize your room in detail and think about missing aspects.

    Compose budget . Surely you are planning to buy new things for your room. However, it is not always possible to buy everything you want. You may find yourself in exactly this situation. It's best to determine the maximum amount you can spend on redecorating your interior, and then evaluate each individual aspect. It may turn out that you don't have much money, but it's better than frivolous spending.

    • Also plan your time wisely. If you are not on vacation, then you will not have the opportunity to devote all your time to repairing and updating the interior (the same applies to parents). Additionally, if you plan to paint the walls or hang wallpaper, keep in mind that the glue and paint can take a day to dry, and the smell will take even longer to dissipate. You don’t need to think that you can do it in a couple of hours.
  4. Make your own decorations. If you like to make things rather than buy ready-made things, you can plan several projects. There are plenty of tips or ideas online (including wikiHow) that can help you come up with interesting ideas for decorating your room. Every guest in your bedroom will immediately notice that you like to make things yourself rather than buy ready-made ones.

    • Homemade items can require a lot of time and money (needed to buy materials to implement your idea). In some cases, it is easier and cheaper to buy ready-made jewelry to save money and your time.
  5. Find alternative options. There is no need to be upset if you can’t buy the right things for a certain style - there is always the opportunity to make the room even better, even if you initially planned something different. Don't be afraid to consider alternative options. It is quite possible that new idea you will like it even more! Think creatively and consider all options - search for ideas online or discuss with friends or family to make the room beautiful and cozy.

    • If it is not possible to change the color of the walls, then buy a new bedspread suitable color. You can also use decorations that cover large area walls like posters or cork boards.
    • Update your current furniture. Try decorating your desk with stickers, covering your chair with a blanket, and upgrading your picture or photo frames.
    • If you like to make things, you can change the homemade things you already have. If you have all the necessary supplies, the work will not be expensive.

    Part 2

    Purchasing furniture and accessories
    1. Consider your available budget. Expenses accumulate like a snowball. When buying things for your room, it is important not to overspend. Write down your available budget on a piece of paper or on your smartphone, and then write down the cost of each item you need to buy. If some items are beyond your budget, then refuse the purchase or cross out other items to keep it within the available amount.

      • It is important to remember that in some stores prices may be indicated without the delivery amount.
      • Evaluate the necessity of purchasing each item. If an item seems cute and suitable to you, then it is important to understand how much you need it. In some cases (like buying pillows for a sofa), it is important to take into account the price factor - you don’t need to buy the most expensive product if you can find pillows of the same quality, but cheaper.
      • It is better to give preference to cheaper accessories, but beware of things Bad quality- no need to buy a cheap frameless chair that will tear immediately after the first use!
    2. Go shopping. It may be more convenient for you to buy accessories for your room on the Internet, but it is better to touch the things with your own hands. This is especially true for bedding or chairs - it is important to carefully examine their appearance not on a computer screen and check for durability so that you can return them if you are not happy with something. In addition, you can go shopping with friends. Make choosing things fun!

      • Often things in small stores turn out to be no worse than products from famous brands. You don't have to go to a big mall to buy bedroom accessories (unless you want to spend a lot of time shopping around).
    3. Buy the necessary things first. A pillow from a store might be perfect for your bedroom, but if you need to replace a broken office chair, look first at office chairs. The functionality of the room is more important appearance, so buy everything you need and only then move on to additional wishes. If your room doesn't serve its purpose (for example, there is no bed in the bedroom), then who cares what it looks like!

      Choose light and practical furniture. Nice furniture does not have to be heavy and bulky - lightweight decorative items furniture can also fulfill its function, but at the same time they are easier to rearrange. Plus, they will often cost you less. There are many examples of easy furniture that is suitable for a “cozy” themed bedroom. Search and you will definitely come across something interesting.

      • Frameless and spring chairs easy to rearrange and still look great.
      • Pillows and fluffy blankets will decorate any room, in addition, they can always be put away in a closet or pushed into a corner.
      • Small desk lamp will provide local lighting anywhere in the room. Lava lamp Can look great in a themed bedroom.
      • Rugs are easy to roll up and put away, but still allow you to divide the floor into colored zones.
      • Small folding boxes are convenient for storing things, and canvas baskets come in different colors and patterns.
    4. Use wall decorations. There is no need to leave your walls to just wallpaper or paint. Framed pictures, inspirational quotes and other decorations are available at various stores and can be easily mounted on walls. You can also use posters and cork boards- they take up more space, but this is not always a bad thing.

      • A cheap alternative is to print quotes and pictures on plain paper.
    5. Choose accessories for your desk and bedside table. Do you need a desk lamp to help you do your homework in the evening? Want to set an alarm clock next to your bed to make it easier for you to get up in the morning? If you find the right pieces that look good on your desk or nightstand and fit your budget, then it's a double win!

      Buy bedding. These are not the most necessary things for beautiful bedroom, but they will certainly come in handy. You can find duvet covers and sheets with unusual patterns that match the theme of the bedroom, and pillows are not only for sleep but also for comfort. Soft fluffy blankets can be thrown over chairs or placed on top of the bed.

    6. Don't forget storage supplies. Even if you're not into collecting, you're still learning, right? Baskets, pen and pencil holders, and small drawers or boxes make great storage accessories that can be easily rearranged anywhere. They are often a "blank slate" that can be decorated with your own hands or used as decoration.

      • Small trash cans aren't exactly called storage accessories, but they can be placed in a corner or under a table, which can be handy if you have a small bedroom. They are the most different types and designs.

    Part 3

    Cleaning, repair and arrangement
    1. Clean up the bedroom . No need to complain, just get busy cleaning. This will make your room look ten times better and give you more room to maneuver, which is always helpful. Find a time when you are not busy with other things to clean your room.

      • Take four boxes and label them “Trash,” “Recycle,” “Donate,” and “Keep.” All things should be distributed into four baskets (it is not recommended to put them in piles and hope that you don’t get confused - in addition to the fact that things can get mixed up, without boxes it will be more difficult for you to remove them from the room).
      • First, sort out things and papers in visible places. Often they are the easiest to find and make decisions about the future fate of things. It's unlikely you'll have any use for your homework from three years ago or old pizza boxes.
      • Look in the closet. Consider items that you no longer wear or that have become too big for you - they can be donated to charity or thrown away if they are in too bad a condition. Don't convince yourself that you will still need them!
      • Inspect places that are usually deprived of your attention - look under the bed and under the table, check the bottom drawers of the dresser. If you haven't cleaned them for a long time, now is the time.
    2. Examine the room after cleaning. Think about what changes you planned and how they will look. Determine your first steps and share your plans with your assistants. So you will do the most important work and you won’t spend all your time constantly rearranging for the sake of trying to choose best option by trial and error!

      • If you are going to paint the walls or re-wallpaper, you will need to remove all the furniture from the room. It's better to do it right away. At this stage, you cannot do without the help of adults.

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It often seems that without large financial investments and expensive designer help it is impossible to create a decent interior. This is wrong. Just worth knowing about basic solutions, which will make the design of your apartment more stylish, without requiring you to spend a lot of money.

We are in website collected for you useful ideas, proving that even with a limited budget you can make your apartment truly luxurious.

Add art objects to your interior

Objects of art will make the interior more visually interesting: as bright accent they will distract attention from the modest renovation. There is no need to buy several paintings or sculptures at once for one room - one painting is enough, but it is of high quality and of impressive size. As an option, place a plaster head in a prominent place, which can be bought at any art store. We subconsciously perceive sculptures as an attribute of luxury.

Buy fresh flowers

A bouquet of fresh flowers, matched to the interior, can become the best decoration your living room. No need to spend a lot of money buying flowers: large bouquet field daisies or carnations will look more worthy than expensive roses. Sometimes it is useful to create a mood in a boring environment.

Find some vintage items

Take a stroll through flea markets or rummage through boxes on the mezzanine: you can find wonderful antiques that will enliven your interior. Vintage items that have already lost their practical functions give the interior an atmosphere of uniqueness. Many of them are easy to give new life: an antique chest can be used as coffee table, and the table is from sewing machine- as a console in the hallway.

Buy a screen

An almost forgotten piece of furniture that will bring an atmosphere of luxury to your home. Screens are associated with oriental charm and expensive interiors Japanese emperors. A hand-made screen will give the apartment a special uniqueness. In addition to the aesthetic function, do not forget about the practical purpose of the screen: it will elegantly separate working space from the living room or will help zone the dressing room in the bedroom.

Add light to the interior

When choosing curtains and drapes, it is better to give preference ceiling cornices: this will make the ceiling appear higher and the window opening larger. Usually in luxury houses high ceilings and huge windows, so it is necessary to create a similar impression. Open the windows as much as possible so that there is as much light in the room as possible, do not store unnecessary and ugly things on the windowsills, and do not cover the windows with heavy curtains.

Set the table

Sometimes luxury lies in ritual. We try to save time by not setting the table, but we lose the aesthetics of the moment and lose the pleasure of what is happening. Try to get out of the closet that very expensive service that is waiting in the wings - for no reason, just to decorate your everyday life. Beautiful table creates a festive atmosphere, improves appetite and lifts your spirits.

Get rid of excess

Clean up your apartment and empty the shelves and bookcases from unnecessary things. Half-empty shelves create a feeling of volume and spaciousness. It is better to use the freed up space for truly beloved and beautiful things or art objects that can be changed according to your mood.

Arrange furniture symmetrically